Agenda 02/19/2002 W02/15/2002 lB: 54 9~1177~1~010 COUNTY MANAGFR PAGE 02 COLUER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA February 19, 2002 School Board Work.hop ~:00 A.M. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE COUNTY MANAGER R~ TO THE PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 99-22 REQUIRES THAT ALL LOBBYIST8 SHALL, BEFORE ENGAGING IN ANY LOBBYING ACTIVITIES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT UMITED TO, ADDRESSING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS), REGISTER WITH THE CLERK TO THE BOARD AT THE BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS DEPARTMENT. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO FIVE (5) MINUTES UNLESS PERMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME IS GRANTED BY THE CHAIRMAN. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY WHO NEEDS ANY ACCOMMODATION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING, YOU ARE ENTITLED, AT NO COST TO YOU, TO THE PROVISION OF CERTAIN ASSISTANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE COLUER COUNTY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT LOCATED AT 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL, NAPLES, FLORIDA, 34112, (941) 774- 8380; ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. ~2/15/2002 iB:54 ~417744010 C~UNTY MANAGER PAGE 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2, AGENDA A. School Nursing Program B. Impact Fee Update C. Capital Projects 1. New Schools and County Utility Planning and Construction 2. New Schools and County Road Plsnnlng and Construction 3. Government Accm Television Signal to Imrnokalee 3. ADJOURN INGUIFIIES CONCERNING CHAN~-q TO 1~,~ ~.~tARD,S AGENDA MADE T~ THE.COUNTy MANAGF. H~ O~t. IGE~'~ 77~ ~ 8HOUkD B,~ 02/15/~002 16:5~ 941774~010 COUNTY MANAGER PAGE 84 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS School Board Workshop February 19, 2002 #2C3 .GOVERNMENT ACCESS TELEVISION SIGNAL TO/MMOK~.LEi- To explore the possibility of jointly pursuing a wireless telecommunication link to Immolca~ee for the purpose of broadcasting live, the County's government access television programming and the School Board's education access television programming. School Board's Education Access Television Presence in Immokal~ Joe Landon, District information Officer Collier County School Board C_ourtt~'s Goy~rrlme~t~Ac~_e¢~i Television Presence in Imm0kai:r- lean Merrttt, Director of Public I~formation Collier County Board of County Commissioners County's CurrentEx~loratio~ into Broadcasting_ Live to Immokal:£ ]o-Anne Varcoe-Leamer, Administrative Services Administrator Collier County Board of County Commissioners Joint. Ye_ ntu_re Op_p~us? ]o,Anne Varcoe-Leamer, Administrative Services Administrator Collier County. Board of County. Commissioners ATTACHMENTS: County's Executive Summary for Board of County Commissioners Diagram - Current Direction Diagram - New Direction Ja/nt k'e~7~'~re ~2/t5/2002 15:54 9417744010 COUNTY MANAGER PAGE 05 EXECUTZVE _SUMMARY iiP__RO_V_E A _BUDGET AMENDMENT ZN THE AMOUNT OF $75~OOO TO FUND THE bi OF rRANSMITTZNG THE CHANNEL 54 (COLLZER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CESS TELEVZSZON:) SZGNAL TO XMMOKA[_FF, -~ Approve a budget amendment in the amount of $75,000 to cover the cost of transmitting Channel 54 (Collier County's government access television) to lmmokalee so that the residents of [mmokalee have the same access to local government information as other County citizens. CONSZDERATIONS: At this time, the residents of the Immokalee communKy do not receive Channel 54 "live" broadcasts. Although the Collier County School Board has a replay system in [mmokaiee that is programmed once a week, Collier County only has six hours of programming time available to broadcast the, Commissioners' Board meetings. This is less than satisfactory. Government access television in Collier County has proven to be a viable way for citizens to get information about their government, and all citizens should have access. During the past three years, Channel 5,t has grown, both in programming and popularity within the communlty. Although Time Warner carries Channel 54 in the Naples area, it does not carry the channel in ]mmokalee because that system stands Mone with its own headend which does not connect to the Naples headend. If Collier County can get its signal to Immokalee, Time Warner has agreed to dedicate a channel for government access television. There are several ways to accomplish this. They vary in cost, time to accomplish, complexity and quality of signal. The various alternatives are summarized below. Loase rSp~nt? Fiber Optic Cable Microwave / Wirele~ Video Streaming $i1',615 $500,000 $75,000 $60,000 A~,~u,M $6~000 $42,000 $6,000 $18,000 A~na~d $78,300 $ Yem' $0 $42,000 Implement 3-4 months of .~jnal Excellent 10-12 Imonths S0 $710,000 Excellent $105,000 3-6 months--Good $360,000 t3-6 months Poor LEASE CAPACZTY (SPRINT) The Channe} 54 video signal would be sent to Time Wamer's [mmokalee headend over a leased dedicated l~igh-~eed telephone line. This opUon could be accomplished with ease and speed, but it is very expensive given the monthly re-occurring cost. The quality of the signal is dependent on Sprints reliability which has been questionable In the past. 02/!5!2007 !6: 5~ 9~!7744810 CC~_~TY ~AN~:~2R P~-~ ~b Execu~ve Summa,tV ~_con't.) FZBER OPTIC CABLE The Channel 54 video signal wot~td be transmitted over County constructed cable {fiber optic wou~d be the choice) ;;~tch would go from the clovernment center to Time Warner's Immokatee headend. This option produces tY~ best (~ualitv and would facilitate the transmission of data as well as video. However, the time 'and expense associated with acquiring right-of-ways? as well as the initial costs are prohibitive at the present time. This option should continue to be pursued as a longer term solution, but should be pursued as a cooperative effort with the cable companies; the Schoo~ Board; the Immokalee community; and grant agencies. FIICROWAVE/WZRELESS The Channel 54 signal would be sent from the government center to Immokalee headend via microwave. This technology may require one intermediary, amplifier between the government center and the ]mmokalee headend in order to achieve a line of sight signal that would not be obstructed by buildings. The initial investment is Iow and the annual reoccurring costs for maintenance are minimal. Tf tower space has to be leased to meet the line of sight requirements, the annual reoccurring costs may increase. This will not be known until the system is engineered and the final configuration is determined. VIDEO STREAMING The Channel 54 video signal would be converted to an audio-video connection. This technology has not been perfected yet. Streamed video is poor quality; the image is small and subject to many delays. Large networks have found it unusable at the present time. Streamed video requires constituents to have access to a computer and the internet versus a television which may limit participation. In addition this technology is still new to the market so the costs have not yet come down and are high given the quality of the signal. Based on a cost-benefit analysis of the options listed above, staff recommends that a microwave system be constructed to deliver the County's government access television channel to [mmokalee. It is the most cost effective means of delivering a quality product to the community of ]mmokalee. I~SCAL :I:MPACT~ Funds in the amount of $75,000 for the initial investment (purchase of equipment, engineering and installation) are available from cable franchise fees in MSTD Genera~ Fund Reserves. These funds will be transferred to and appropriated in the General Fund. Annual maintenance costs of $6,000 will be budgeted next fiscal year (FY 03) in the General Fund and every year thereafter. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT~ No growth management impact is associated with this request. RECOHMENDATZON;_ That the Board of County Commissioners approve the necessary budget amendments to appropriate $75,000 for the construction of a microwave system to transmit Channel 5q (Collier County's government access television) to ]mmokalee. 82/15/2882 16:54 g417744018 COUNTY ~ANAGER PAGE 88 FEB l ~ ;~0~2