Minutes 11/17/1993 R Parks & Recreation
Advisory Board
November 17, i993
Naples, Florida
November 17, 1993
PRESENT: Mr. Timothy Blackford, Chairman
Ms. Geneva Till, Vice Chairman
Mr. Vin DePasquale
ABSENT: Mr. Joseph Zaks
Ms. Darlene Koontz
ALSO PRESENT: Ms. Margaret Bowles, Planner II, Long Range Planning/
Growth Management Department
Mr. Max A. Hasse, Jr.
Mr. Steve Brinkman, Parks & Recreation Director
Mr. Murdo Smith, Parks and Recreation Operations Manager
Ms. Barbara Johnson, Secretary
I. Call to Order - 2:10 pm
II. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
III. Minutes of October 27, 1993 meeting approved. Motion by Ms. Till and
seconded by Mr. DePasquale.
IV. Requests for Discussion - None
A. Growth Management - Margaret Bowles, Planner II from the Growth
Management section of the Long Range Planning Department, gave a
brief history of the Parks and Recreation segment of the Growth
Management Plan. The original Plan was adopted by the State in
1985 and requires that the County monitor the Plan and guarantee
adequate public facilities to support all new growth. If this is
not done due to lack of revenue etc. , in any segment of the Plan,
the State can temporarily stop new building until a solution is
found. This refers to the entire plan, not just one segment.
The local government has latitude regarding the standards, but once
adopted by the State an annual analysis and inventory are required.
We are required to put into the Capital Plan every year the projects
that must be initiated to maintain the Level of Standards. The
State requires there must be a revenue source for these projects. A
project can be put into the Capital Plan with the revenue source;
one can decide not to put the project in the Capital Plan and direct
staff to amend the Plan to lower the Level of Service; or declare a
temporary moratorium. Our source of funding these capital projects
is impact fees.
The Level of Service Standard for Recreation facilities was
determined as follows: The original population projected in five
years divided by the value per unit of basic facilities equals the
value per capita. The existing figure is one the original committee
adopted as minimum standard. Parks and Recreation, and approved by
the BCC for transmittal to DCA, is proposing to change this value
per capita from $122 to $168, and to include a Construction Cost
Index adjustment factor for determining the current value of capital
facilities. The value figures have been adjusted to reflect more
accurately the current construction costs. This revalued basic
inventory divided by the census figure changed the minimum standard
of $122 per capita to $168 per capita. If old figures were used,
the dollar inventory figure' would have been greatly reduced and
would not justify the impact fee.
Parks and Recreation has a total of 22 Goals and Objective Policies
which must be met or be amended. Amending would require completing
the formal amendment process - approval by the DCA, etc. Some of
these goals are critical and a determination should be made if you
wish to do them or is there something you do not deem necessary. If
a goal is deemed not necessary it is important to move to the
amendment process. Some of these goals have definite dates. The
State makes it possible for citizens to challenge the local
government if these dates are not met.
Referring to handout:
Page RO-II-1 — Background information
RO-11-12 = Material used to establish standards
52 — New standards, column 3 includes existing facilities
55 — Land done separately
57 — Current inventory (private and other governmental
column should be revised)
Beaches are included in the Regional Park inventory. Facilities maintained by
Parks and Recreation on property owned by School Board or other entities are
also included in the inventory. i.e. athletic fields, etc.
The Plan should be completely re-evaluated before next April for inventory and
the five year plan. The process is - plan for the next five years, update it
getting guidelines from BCC, prepare new CI Plan which is approved by BCC, and
then send to Tallahassee for approval. The process then starts all over again.
Currently if the Plan is not in compliance with the State, the local government
cannot operate under a planned amendment until DCA issues a final order.
Previously one could adopt an amendment, send it for approval and begin to
operate immediately. The public facilities have to be in place or under contract
at the time new development impact occurs.
Page 32 shows the projects that are going to be built.
Mr. Brinkman stated the next challenge is to review the Plan before April. A
number of things are not listed in the existing Plan; hence the money is not
coming from impact fees. The Department is going to try to simplify some things
- lump all community park facilities into community park, and not list each
facility individually. The Department would also like to consider some sort of
sports complex facility in the next five years. With the amount of impact fees
now being collected, there would be no money available. A Standard needs to be
set that would assure that money would be available to pay for it.
Traditionally a facility is built on the real population base but we cannot wait
until 150,000 new people come in - it would take 15 years for enough impact fees
to be accumulated. Probably 50 acres of regional park land would amount to
$8,000,000. If there were 50,000 new people in 5 years, it would take $304 per
dwelling unit above and beyond what is currently being collected to meet this
goal. If the project were built now it would be cheaper dollar wise, and would
probably be done in phases - land, facilities, etc.
Mrs. Bowles thanked PARAB for having hex and offered to come back again before
New community parks will be built to new, higher standards, then the existing
community parks could be brought up to this standard. It is necessary to make
sure the existing facilities are meeting the needs of people. Here at GGCP and
Veterans there is room to expand two additional tennis courts which are needed, .
but there is no money budgeted in our project sheets to upgrade existing parks.
If standards are established for new community parks and the existing parks do
not meet this standard then impact fees would be collected to upgrade these
If community parks and centers were combined, it would eliminate a number of
types of facilities; then a typical community park could be established which
would become a standard for all community parks. Ballfields, courts,
playgrounds, etc. would all be included in the community park.
Impact fees cannot be used for operation or renovating existing fields.
1. Golden Gate Community Center Expansion - It will cost 1.5 million dollars to
expand the existing community center. Money is to be reallocated from
existing projects. We can now use impact fee money with certain
stipulations. The expansion will add 15,000 square feet to the building
with additional parking located on the west side of the existing building.
2. RFP 93-2117 - Tigertail Beach and Water Recreation Concession - Two bids
were received with Recreation Facilities of America, the current
concessionaire, being selected as number one.
3. Extension of Beach Concession at Caxambas - No responses were received for
this RFP. Until this item has been rebid, the Department is seeking
approval of the extension of the current concession agreement with Marco
River Marina, Inc. at Caxambas . Marco River Marina had some concerns
regarding the expense of improving the fuel system and wishes the County to
commit to building a structure to replace the two existing trailers. The
building would probably be similar to the one at Cocohatchee.
Motion by Mrs Till: Move approval of the three Executive Summaries. Seconded
by Mr. DePasquale.
When the Impact Fees were increased two years ago the Marco Community Park
Impact Fees were not collected as it was felt this area did not need additional
development. We are now getting some interest in having additional facilities,
i.e. expanding the existing tennis center where there is room to add some
additional courts, enclosing the basketball courts at FMCP, additional
playgrounds. This indicates there may be some interest in seeing impact fees
established in this area.
B. Immokalee Recreation Center - The existing gym is to be remodeled, there are
plans for a 25 meter by 25 yard pool wi,th a slide and additional parking.
The architect is still working on the building plans. A public hearing for
Conditional Use will be required in the SDP review. The equipment building will
be same as at GGCP Aquatic Facility. The total project will cost 2.2 million
dollars. The original figure was 2.7 million, but the activity pool and slide
were bid as alternates. Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek are the engineering firm
and Barney Schmitt Weaver the architectural firm. The pool itself will be going .
out for bid, probably in January. The Department will negotiate with the School
Board for the use of their parking lot to meet the required number of spaces.
This project should be completed some time next year. The BCC will decide on
the schedule for the pool and to what extent the operation and maintenance will
be funded - i.e. yearly, 6 months, 3 months, etc.
Ms. Till spoke about the School Boards zero tolerance for drugs and would like
to see the program instituted in our parks and facilities.
C. Golden Gate Estates Park - Real Property has purchased the necessary
property for this project and Agnoli Barber & Brundage has signed the
contract for design. Hopefully this Agreement will be going before BCC for
approval of design of the facility and public meetings will be held after
D. Boat Ramps - Five areas have been investigated for fresh water boat
1. There are two existing landings on Golden Gate Parkway which belong to
South Florida Water Management Board.
2. 20 acres on 951, Front Road and 39th Street S.W. . There is currently no
ramp in this area.
3. 7th Street S.W. - The Utilities Division owns approximately 7 acres of
land at this location which we would not have to purchase. A public
meeting was held with residents deciding they did not want a landing
located in this area.
4. 5th Street S.W. - 650 acres owned by APAC where rock mining is being
conducted. Real Property is contacting APAC to see if they would be
willing to donate, lease, or sell 3 to 5 acres of this site for boat
ramps and parking.
5. The "T" by the Port of Isles - there is a canal going south, east and
west. The County owns two five acre tracts here; however, the State is
going to be purchasing all this land to turn it back to wet lands. If
this occurs there would be no guaranteed access to the canal. We may
have to do something politically to try and press this issue. There
would possibly be two paved ramps with a parking lot area, not
necessarily paved, and no restroom facility. It would be similar to the
ramp on 951. The Office of Capital Projects Management has discovered
that the canals are actually drainage easements and the County may have
liability in the canal.
The purchase price for the long on the Golden Gate Parkway would be
approximately $400,000.
D. Vineyards Community Public Park - The final plan of the park was shown. The
bids are going out next Tuesday, pre-bid on December 2 and the opening at
2:30 on December 15. Next PARAB meeting is 12/15 and we would like to bring
this bid to you at some point. OCPM wants to have work started in January
so we may need a special meeting after the 15th.
Plans for Vanderbilt Bath House were also shown.
E. Pelican Bay Public Community Park - The playground equipment,which is all
handicap accessible, has been ordered for this park. Authority to spend
$250,000 for lighting and playground equipment at this site was received
from the BCC. The permits are in the process of being obtained. The
restroom building is similar to the one at Cocohatchee. A contractor may be
obtained to run and maintain the 8 clay tennis courts which will have an
underground irrigation system.
F. Snowfest - V.I.P. passes were distributed for the event to be held Saturday,
December 4, 3:00 - 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Till - possibly Mr. Blackford and Mr.
DePasquale - will be judging the ice carvings. A tour of the pool for the
public will also be held during Snowfest.
G. School Board Transportation Agreement - this item will be presented to BCC
on 11/23. The cost of utilizing school buses is one half that of public
Motion to adjourn at 4:50 by Mr. DePasquale, seconded by Mrs. Till.
Next meeting to be held at Golden Gate Community Park, Administration Building.