Barbara Ann Vickery nteroffice ernorendurn TO: FROM: Date: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners Lois Nichols, Real Property Specialist :/Z]::. / ~.... \,~, Real Property Management Departmentx..,,,~!' '\ ti-Feb-98 'x Transportation ProJect 60061 (Livingston Rd.) Easement Agreement/Parcel 101,501,601 According to Resolution 96-457, Agenda Item 8.B.3, October 8, 1996, the Board of County Commissioners approved the purchase of land interests for the captioned roadway project. The attached Easement Agreement has been executed by the property owner of the subject parcel of land. This document has been reviewed by County Attorney staff. Please complete the document(s) as necessary and return them to my attention. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at -8991. Thank you. Attachment: Easement Agreement (Vickery) PROJECT: 60061 (Livingston Rd.) PARCEL: 101,501,601 (Vickery) FOLIO: 27130040007 EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is made and entered by and between BARBARA ANN VlCKERY, a married woman, as Grantor (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner"), and COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, its successors and assigns (hereinafter referred to as the "Purchaser"); WHEREAS, the Purchaser requires Easements over, under, upon and across the lands described in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as the "Property") for road right-of-way, sidewalk, drainage, utility, slope, and maintenance purposes; and WHEREAS, the Owner desires to convey the Easements to the Purchaser for the stated purposes, on the terms and conditions set fodh herein; and WHEREAS, the Purchaser has agreed to compensate the Owner for the granting of the Easements over, under, upon, and across the Properly. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby mutually acknowledged, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: 1. Owner shall grant Purchaser Easements on the Property in exchange for the sum of $26,550.00 (Twenty Six Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars) as full paymenl for the Property interests taken and for any damages resulting to the remainder, if less than the entire property was taken, and for all other damages in connection with said Property. 2. The County shall relocate the existing project entrance sign on the Property in a manner that will accommodate both the sign and the roadway improvements. Upon completion of the relocation, the County shall restore the sign to a condition which closely approximates its original condition before relocation. 3. Purchaser shall pay Owner for the Easements by County Warrant. 4. Both Owner and Purchaser agree that closing shall occur within sixty (60) days of the execution of the Agreement by Purchaser. However, Owner agrees that closing may be extended until such time as any and all liens, encumbrances, exceptions, or qualifications in and to the Property are properly executed and delivered to the Purchaser. At closing, Purchaser shall deliver the County Warrant to Owner and Owner shall deliver easements to Purchaser in forms acceptable to Purchaser. 5. Prior to the closing, Owner shall obtain from the holders of any and all liens, encumbrances, exceptions, or qualifications in and to the Property, the execution of such instruments that will, upon their recording in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, clear any and all encumbrances from the Property. Such instruments shall be provided to Purchaser on or before the date of closing. 6. Conveyance of the Easements. or any interest in the Property, by the Owner is contingent upon no other provisions, conditions, or premises other than those so stated above; and the written agreement, including all exhibits attached hereto, shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the padies, and there are no other prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements, undedakings, promises, warranties, or covenants not contained herein. 7. Owner is aware and understands that the "offer" to purchase represented by this Agreement is subject to acceptance and approval by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. 8. Owner represents that the Property and all uses of the Properly have been and presently are in compliance with all Federal, State and Local environmental laws; that no hazardous substances have been generated, stored, treated or transferred on the Property except as specifically disclosed to the County; that the Owner has no knowledge of any spill or environmental law violation on any property contiguous to or in the vicinity of the Properly to be sold to the County, that the seller has not received notice and otherwise has no knowledge of a) any spill on the Properly, b) any existing or threatened environmental lien against the Property or c) any lawsuit, proceeding or investigation regarding the generation, storage, treatment, spill or transfer of hazardous substances on the Properly. This provision shall survive closing and is not deemed satisfied by conveyance of title. 9. Owner hereby agrees that it shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the County against and from, and to reimburse the County with respect to, any and all damages, claims, liabilities, laws, costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable paralegal and attorney fees and expenses whether in coud, out of court, in bankruptcy or administrative proceedings or on appeal), penalties or fines incurred by or asserted against the County by reason or arising out of the breach of owner's representation under Section 7. This provision shall survive closing and is not deemed satisfied by conveyance of title. 10. The Purchaser shall pay for all costs of recording the easements. All other costs associated with this transaction including but not limited to transfer, documentary and intangible taxes, and costs for any curative instruments shall be borne and paid by Owner. 11. This agreement is governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, theparties hereto have executed this Easement Agreement on this/?.~r.., day of...~../~ ..~.~ , 19 Dated Project/Acquisition Approved by BCC: Ord. 96-457, 10/8/96 (8.B,3) AS TO PURCHASER: .~,,i,il h,:; ,, DATE D :--.~~/Z · V ATTEST: " DWIGHT E. BROCK; Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Barbara']~L. Berry. C~hairr~3n AS TO OWNER: .,~/ESSES: (Signature) /.cA/ .¢. . (Printed-Name) . (Signature) / (Printed Name/) Barbara Ann Vickery ~ 1225 26'" Avenue N, Naples, FL 34103 .3501 OI;'£ICE' Ol~' CAPITAL ?I'~OJE'C'I'S EAST TAMIAMI 'fl?AIL NAPLI--S, FLORIDA 34.1 12 (9,tl) 77'1-8192 PROJEC[ HO.~ PROJECI' PARCEL 1'10.~ TAX PARCEL HO. - A DESCIRF}TION NOT A ~ road right-of-way, side~alk, utilil:y, drainage, £'OI~IMI'.'N(/IN(; AT TI I1': S¢)UI'I IWEST CORNIH( OF I.OT I, ¢)1: TI I1'.' PI.AT TI IERI{OF, COI.I.II~R COUNTY I'I(OI)UCTION PARK I'IIASE I-A, AS RI[COl(DEl) IN PI.AT BOOK I] PAGES 55 AND 56 OF 'I'IIE I'UIH.IC RI[COItlJS OF COLLIER COIJNTY, FI.ORIDA SAIl) I'OINT Ol~ C()MMI~NCI{MI~NT Al.SO IHqNG TI IE POINT OF IN'I'I~I~gI~CTION ()F TI IE NOl('l'll I(IGIIT OF ~VAY I.INE OF RAI)IO ROAI) fC.IL~58) AND '1'111~ EAST RIGI IT Ol; WAY I.INI~ OF COMMEI~CIAI. IK)UI.EVAIU) ;'1'11ENCE N()R'I'II II I)I~(iI(EES I0 MINU'I'ES 2~ SECONDS EAST AI.ONG SAIl) I~AS'I' RI(ii IT OF WAY I.INE OF COMMERCIAl. I]OUI.I~VARI), A I)IS'I'ANCE OF l J.oo FEI~T TO TI IE POINT f)F III[GINNING; TI II~NCE CONTINUING NORTII AI.ONG SAIl) I.IHE, A I)IS'I'AHCE OF 5ti I)l~ Fl~l~'r; TI IENCE SOU'HI 4~ I)EGIU~I~S 1') MINU'I'ES I I SECONDS I~AS'I', A I)IS'I'ANCI~ OF 711. I1~ FEET; TI IENCE SOUTII ~') I)EGIU~ES I I MINU'I'I~S Itl SECONDS WI[S'I', A I)IS'rANCE OF 5o.0(~ I:1~1['1' TO '1'111~ POINT OF I]I~GINNIHG; SAIl) I)I~SCIUIIEI) 'I'RAcr CONTAINING 0.029 ACI(E (I,25(I SQ[]ARI~ 1:1[15'I'), NIOI([~ OR I.ESS. BASIS OF III~Ar~iIq(;S 1S TIlE EAST IU(;IIT OF WAY I.INE ~)1: (~OMMI~I~CIAI. I]OUI.I~VAI(I) liEING NORTII oo IJEGI(I~ES lu MINU'II~S 2~ SECONDS EAST. ' I'AI~CEI. PROFESSIONAL LAr, JO SURVEY~ ~/2406' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS.., COLLIER COUN]Y GOVERNMENT COMPLEX 3301 F TAMIAMI 'IRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3501 EAST -FAMIAlvtl TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 5,1l 12 (941) 774-8192 SKL-TCH OF DESCRIPTION LOT 2 30' DRAINAGE EASEMENT-'~1~1 LOT 1 /-H.89'11'10"E. ' 101 / 179-42>PARCEL 501 / _7~~E L 601 /.~10.00' s.o ' tt~ S.89'11'IO"W. 214.40' 70.10' 50.( P.O 1 P.O.C. (S.W. FOR. LOT 1) RADIO ROAD CR-858 GENER^L NDTES 1) P,[].C. Indicates Point oF Commencement 2) P.D,]], Indicates Point oF [leglnnlno 3) Sec, Indicates Section 4) Twp. Indicates Township 5) Rcje. Indicates Range G) R/W Indicates RIc.)ht-oF-way 7) All distances are In Feet and declr~a(s ther'eoF U) Basis oF F;eor'lng Is the Nor'th Right oF Way line oF Radio Road beln0 §.09'11'10'W. 9) blot vatld untess sloned and seated ~lLh the embossed seal oF the p~oFesslonal land su~veyo~ PARCEL NO. 101 TlfllS IS ONLY A SKETCH SCA/E: [DAI[: ]lrllitNO.: Nt3T§c^L£TD I 11-14-97 PRUlOi, ORAwN L,H,R. SHEET 2 OF 2 3301 OI;~£ICl!,' 01~ CA?ITAL i~i~OJ£C'i'S EAST TAMIAldl TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (9,11) 774-8192 LEGAL DESCRIpTIOI,I (I'!OT A SURVEY} . Pl~oJccr uo... PROJEEf PARCEL NO. ~O I 'lAX PARCEL I.IO. slo[)l~ illld Ill[lilltelIilllCt~ eilSelllelit COI~II~II'.'I',!CING AT TIlE SOU'I'III!^ST COI~,NF. II OF I.OT I OF TIIF. PI.AT 'I'III~IU:.OF, COl.l.ll:'l~. COUNTY PI~.OI)I./CTIOI, I I'^I(K I'll^SE I-^, AS I,IFCOIU)I.'.D IN PI.^T [lOOK I'AGF.$ 55 AND 56 OF TI IE I'UBI.IC RI!CORDS OF COI.LIF. R COUNTY, FI.ORII)A · TIII~N('F. NORTll 0 I)F-GRI:.ES 13 i",IINI]'I Eft lis SECONDS EAST AI.ONG TIlE ['.'AS'T [.INI:' (')lr SAIl) I.OT 1, A I)IS'['A N(]l! O1: 2[} oD l:l:.liT TI)TI IE l'OIN'l' OF TIII!NCI:..SI)fYI'Il 89 I)L"(;I(I'~L:S I I MINU'I'IiS Ill SIiCONI)S WEST AI.ON(; A LINF. I.YIi',iG 20 I:I'.'I~T NI)I/'I'II, /kS MI.:A$1.11II~.I) I,I.:Iii)i!I.d)iCi,iI.Ai(TO,SAIl) SOITI'II I.II'll! OF SAIl) I.()T I. A DIS'I'A?~CI.: OF 11,9 42 FI:.If'I'; 'llllffqCE l'lOll,'l Il ,15 I)I:.GIII{[:.$ 19 I~.IlNII'I'I[S II SI':('()NI)S WI':S'I', A I)IST^NCI~ f)F I.I Ol FI!liT, 'l'llliN('l..' NOR'I'll 1¢9 I}I:.(;III!I!S II /xlINI;TI:'S III SECONDS I"AST ^I.ON(; ^ I.INI:' I.YING :'10 FF.I'.'T NOICI'II, AS I'F. IU'I"-NI)ICUI.^I~. TO, SAIl) SOU'I'II I.II'-W. OF I.OT 1, A I)I,";'I'^I'ICI] OF 17')..12 TI II]NCI.: SOl/'Ill II I)EGtU:.I:.S I] MII'IU'I I!S 115 SF. COI'II)S WI!ST. A I)I,";'I'^NCI,.' OF FF.F.T T() TI IL: I'OINT OF IIEGINNINGi SA[Il DEfClIIIlI~I) 'I'IIACT CONfAINING (I I1,1~1 ACLU:. (1%14 SOIJAP, F. FI:.ET, MOIIF. DP, BASIS OF IIEAIIINGS I$ Till.: EAST I.IHI! OF I.OT I IIEIN¢; NOICI'II I)EGI(I:'I~S I] MINU'I'I.:$ I1~ SF. CI')NI)S I!^S'1', I'A IICI,.'l. ~Ol ,,y. -~'~ L. '~./_.~' ~./' ~ '" /,/ (;r-~j:l~'E'=ll. RiCill:,i~i.flJ ' . :~:" ::" ~'~'[:ss~o~ .. : - ' OFFICE OF CAPIIAL COLLIER COUI,IIY OOVERNMENT.COMI)J.EX 3~01 E TAMIAMI 'IRAIL NA~g~S, 'FLORIDA 3,1112 i' E X HJ. B ) T~I~'~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3,301 EAST TAMIAbll TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA .34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIP'FION 3o.___2_'I I LOT 2 \ /--16' SIDEWALK &, .~. ,k/UTILITY EASEMENT ,,,,~ ~ LOT1 ~ PARCEL 501- "~ .... N.89'1 I'10"£. 7 169 4~ o.oo. ,s oo. '1 so 'o~o ., '. , ,./ / I-L-- ' -'~,l ' ' 214.41' J ~ 15' _PRJ~Y/O_]J~LY DF-~Jg_A. TEO S.89'11'10"W. 214.40' RADIO ROAD CR-858 /10.00' -'~-P.O.B. "'-5.00' x- P.O.C. GENERAL NL]TES 1) P.F].C, indlc~'Le5 Point of' Comr~er~r:ement ;2) P.U.B. Indicates Point oF BeginninO 3) Sec. Indicates SecUon 4) Twp. Jndlcotes Township 5) ROe, Indicates R~nge G) R/W Indicates RlghL-oC-woy 7) ~tt cttsLonces ore In Feet (~cl duclmots thereof 8) llosls oF Bearing Is Lhe North I~lgh't oF Way Hoe o¢ Radio Ro~d being 9) Not votld untess signed and seated with the e~bossed seat oF the professional land surveyor PARCEL NO. 101 THIS IS ONLY A SI(ETCH .5501 IEXHIBITA I ~ O£i~'ICE Ol,~ CAPITAL PROJf,'CT,S' EAST TAMIAMI 'fRAIL NAF~LES, FLORIDA 34112 (9,11) 774-8192 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NoT A SURVEY) PROJEC'r NO. PROJECI' PARCEL TAX PARCEL 1tO. and mainLenallce oa~emenL COMMF. NCING AT 'I'1 II! SOUTI lEAST COliNI'TR OF I.OT I OF '1'11E PI.AT TI COI.LII.:IL COUNTY I'I~OI)UC'I'ION PARK PI IASE I-A AS I(ECOIU)F.D IN PI.AT Df)OK I'AGI!S 55 AND 56 OF TIlE PUllI.IC I{I'~CORI)S OF COLI.II'.'I~ COUNTY ,FLOIUDA', TI IF. NCF. NORTll 0 I)F. GItI!ES 13 I~IINU'I'I:.S 05 SECONDS EAST AI.ONG TI IE EAST I.INE OF SAIl) LOT I, A DISTANCE QF 15 o~) FEF. T'I'O TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING; TIIENCE SOtJ'l'll 89 DEGREES 11 MINUTES I0 SECONDS WEST AI.ONG A I.INE I.YING 15 FEF. T NoR'ri I, AS MEASUIU;.I) I'ERI'I!NDICULAR TO, TIlE SOUTII LINE OF SAIl) I.OT I, A DISTANCE OF 16~.41 FEET; TIIENCE NORTI145 DEGREES 19 MINUTES I I SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 7.Ol FF.I:'T; TIIENCE NORTII ~') DEGREES I 1 MINUTES I0 SECONDS EAST ALONG A LINE LYING 20 FF.F.T NORTII,AS MEASURED PERI'ENDICULAI~, TO, SAIl) SOU'I'II LINE OF I.OT I, A DISTANCE OF 169.42 FEF. T; TIIENCE SOI~FII 00 DEGREES 1~ MINLrI'ES O~ SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCF. OF 5 FEET TO TI IE POIgF OF BEGINNING; SAIl) DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING ACRE (834 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR I.['.'SS 13ASIS OF lJEAP, INGS IS TIlE EAST LINE OF LOT I BEING NOR'I'll O0 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 05 SECONI)S EAST. I'A P, CI!I. 6(Il GEO~GEFU RICIIMOHD ,,. ' '' ' PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR;'//24~G ' ' ': OFFICE OF CAPI[AL PROJECTS ' COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX. 3301 E 1AMIAMI 1RAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA.'34112 5501 [ EXH,.,T.4 i ' OI;'FICI',-' OF CAPITAL ?ROJIi,'C'i'S EAST '[AIvlIAMI TI?AIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 54.112 (941) '/74.-8192 A -SCRI TION NOT A SURVE_.~_~ PROJECr HO.~ PROJECI' PARCEL I,lO.~ o.~~ TAX PARCEL HO COMMI:'NCI NG AT TI I1'; SOUTIIEAST CORNI.:IL OF LO1' I OF '1'11E PI.AT 1'1 IERI~OI:, COI.LIEIL COUNTY PILODUC'I'ION PARK PI IASE I-A AS ILECORDED IN PI. AT BOOK 13 PAGES .55 AND $6 OF TI IE PUI]LIC It, ECORI)S OF COLLIF. IL COUNTY ,FLORIDA; TIIENCE NOP. TIt 0 DEGI),[:'ES 13 MINUTF. S 05 SECONI)S EAST AI.ONG TIlE EAST I.INE OF SAIl) LOT I, A DIS'I'ANCF. OF 1.5 lid FF.I!T TO TIlE POINT OF IlL:GINNING; TIIENCE SOUTII 89 DEGILEES 11 MINUTES IU SECONI)S WEST AI.ONG A LINE I.YING 15 FEET NORTI I, AS MEASUIU:.I) I'EIU'I:.NDICUI.AR TO, TI IE SOU'I'II lANE OF SAIl) LOT 1. A DISTANCE OF 1,54.41 FEET; 'FIIENCI'; NOIUFII 4.5 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 11 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF '7.01 FEET; TI IENCE NOP, TII 8') [)EGP, EES 11 MINUTES I(! SECONDS EAST ALONG A LINE LYING 21) FI';ET NOILTI I,AS MEASUItEI) PEIU'ENDICULAR. 'FO, SAIl) SOUTII I.INE OF LOr I, A DISTANCF. OF 169.42 FEE'r; TI IENCE 5OU'FII oo DEGREF~S 13 MINUTES 05 SF. COND$ WEST, A I)ISTANCE OF FEET TO TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAIl) DESCRIBED TItAC~F CONTAINING 0.o 19 ACRE (834 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS TIlE EAST LINE OF LOT I BEING NOl¥1'lt I)O DF. GR~.L~S 13 MINUTES 05 SECONDS EAST. PAI(CF.I. ,'." ,~.~, ' [Iy.L L' ..?DA1 E: ~..~.~ 7 2 ~E6 , ' PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR~'#2~I~6 ' ' '" OFFICE OF CAPI[AL PROJECTS~ '-" ~' :"" COLLIER COUNYf GOVERNMEHr COMPLEX 3301 C 'r^hqM,fl 1RAIl_ HAPI. C$, FI_ORI0/~ 34117_ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS (,941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ~ LOT 2 30' 't N.89'13'38"E. 249.58' \ ~-16' SIDEWALK & VUTILITY EASEMENT . ~ LOI 1 5000' ~~14.01' / /~PARCEL 601 I . ~ ~/~.o~' / // l 15.00'~ 50.00' ~ ~ -- ~ I ~ ~/ PARCEL NO. 101 GENERAL NOTES 1) P.0.C. Indicates Point oF Commencement 2) P.O.B. Indicates Point oF Beginning 3) Sec. Indicates Section 4) Twp. Indicates Township 5) Rge. Indicates Range G) R/~/ Indicates Right-oF-way 7) All distances are In Feet and dectmats thereof 0) Dosls oF De,ring Is the North Right oF ~oy tine oF R~dlo Ro~d being S.89'~Y10'~. 9) Not vaUd untess signed ~nd seated with the embossed sea~ oF the professional (~nd surveyor THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH NOT TO L,H.R. SCALE DAli: / flU?. HO.: 11-14-97 PR-GOt SHEET 2 OF'