FPL Purchase AgreementMEMORANDUM '¥O: Sure I:ilson. ~,\dn~inistrnti','c Assistant BOAI~D Ot: ('OUN'I'¥ ('OMMISSIONERS FROM: Wiln~a lvcrso~ Senior Property Spccialist t~cal l>roDert5' Management Det~artmcnt RIZ: I,ivi~gston l~oad DA'I'Ii: May 11. 1998 Witll regard to lilt al~ox'c rclUrcnccd project ai~d Parcel, attached tbs' thc (']~ait'tala~, Ms. t3arbara i3. Berry's rcx'ickv illld execution is tx~'o (2) Pt~rchasc Agrecmcnts. Ki~dly sign and date botl~ Agrccmc~ts ;t~cl have Dxvight I]. t3rock, allest Io the ('hnirman's signature. The Board oF C'otmt>' C'onamissioncrs ot' (7ollicr ('otmty. Florida approvcd the conx'eyancc i~ Resolution 96-457 prcscntcd October 8, 1996 Agc~tla [lena 8 B 3. Please rclurn a copy of the Agreement nnd olde (1 original /Xgrccmcnl to the I~cal Property Managcmct~t [)cpartl~cilt Ii>r closing. Thank you in ~tclval~cc li~' your prompt nttcntion to this reclUCSt. Sl~oulct )'Otl ]lave il~5' cluestio~s. please t~cl t5'cc lo co)~tact I~to nt/48991. PURCIIASE AGREEMENT TI lis PURCt t..\SF...\GRF. F.N IF. NT (hereinafter referred to as ttle "Agreement") is made and entered into this _ ?__5]_ day of_5.'?3,,' . 1998, b;' and between FLORIDA PO\VER & I.IGI IT ('ONII).,\NY, a I:lorida corp()r~tkm. {hereinafter re(erred Io ils tile "Owner") and COLI.IER ('Ot.iNTY. a political suMivision ol*the State ol' Florida (hereinnfler referred lo as lhe "Purchaser"). WI tF.R[!,,\S, the Purchaser requires cerlain lands described in l']xhibit "A". which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement (her,:inafter referred to as the "Property") for road. utility, drninnge, sidewalk, and maintenance pt, rposes, \VI IliR[.b\S. the Purchaser requires 0~ ncr to subordinate its interest in certain lands to the interest held bv Purchaser. as described in Exhibit "B", which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement fhureinaftcr referred to as the "Subordination"): \VI I[:.RI-L,\S. the Owner desires to convev the Property and the Subordination lo tile Purchaser t'~r tile slated purposes, under the terms and condilions set t'orlh herein: and \\'IIi'-]RE.,\S, the Purchaser has agreed to compensate the Owner for cmwcvance of tile Property and tile above-referenced Subordination NOW Tt tFA'~[-~F()R['~, in consideration of these premises, tile sum o£Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby mutually ackno~lcdgcd, it is agreed by and between lhe parties as follows: O~ncr shall convey the Property and Subordination to Purchaser. via a Special Warranty l)ccd and a Subordination of Encumbrance in the tbrm of Exhibits "C"and "D" attached hereto and made a part of this AgrecmenL in exchange tbr lhe suni of One t lundrcd Thirteen Thotisand Eight I Itmdred 'l'~cnty-Eigl~t l)ollars and No Cents (S 113,828.00) as tull payment tbr the Prope~y interests taken inck~ding l.andscape and Irrigation, if any, and [bt all other damages resulting to the remainder and all other damages in connection with said Property. l'urcbaser shall pay Owner for the Property and Subordination b;' County check 3. Both Owner and l'urchaser agree that time is of the essence in regard to the ctosinu and thal. thereIbre, said closing shall occur within sixty (60) days of the execution of this Aureemet~ by l'urchaser (the "Eflbctive Date"), if no release of mortgage is required. In the event a ~elease of mortgage is applicable, Owner will obtain a release of the Property from lt~e mortgage within ninety (O0) days ot'the [~ll~ctive Date. Failure to do so shall cntille l'urchaser to rescind this transaction i~ x~h;ch' ' ~ case' ' this .,kgreement shall, be null and vo~ghooe~ obliuation~ by either party to the other. At' closing, Purchaser shall dehver the County ~ ro Owner and Owner sha~l deliver a Spccia['~', Warranty Deed and Subordinatkm of Encumbrance lo Purchaser. Any and all property, goods and chattels which are k)cated on thc Property to be removed by Owner will be removed as provided pursuant to a rdocation agreement entered into betxveen the panics dated 4 Owner sJla][ pay ils pro-rata share of taxes, assessments, or olber term expenses of the Property through tile (lay before closing 5. Owner shall convey a marketable title free of any liens, encumbrances, exceplions, or clualifications Marketable title shall be determined accordinu to applicable title standards adopted by the FIorida bar and in accordancc w ith law. Thc Owner~'ill. it'titleislbundunmarketable, use diligent ctlbn to correct del'ecl(s) in the lille within the time provided therefor but in no event shall be required to expend more than $500.00 or bring suit to clear title. Any and all documents to clear title to, the l'roperty shall be provided lo Purchaser on or bctbre tile daie of closing. 6. ('onveyance of the Property and Subordination, or any interest in Ihe Property or Subordination, by the ()wrier is contingent U[}Otl IlO other provisions, conditions, or premises other than those so stated above and this written a~reernent, including all exhibits attached hereto, shall constitute the entir~ a?zement and understanding oFthc parlies and there are no other prior or contemporaneous wriltetl or ora] agreements, undertakings, promises, warranties, or covenants not contained herein 7. Owner is aware and tmderstands that the "off'er" to purchase represented bv this Agreement is subject lo acceptance and approval by Itm Board of County Commissioners of (:oilier County. Florida and Owner's Executive Mana~ement and/or Board of Directors Approval bv the Board of ('ountv Commissioners of Collier County shall be obtained on or before 1998 In thc cVcnl Commission approval is not obtained this Agreement shall be null and void with no obligation by citijet party to tt~c other. Owner's Executive Management and/or Board of Directors final aplwovalcannot bcobtained until, on/or about .1OOg Purchaser fi~nher understands and asrccs ii,at upt~tl notitication by Owner that tiffs Agreement has riot been approved by O~xncr's I]xccutivc Management anG"or Board of Directors (which notification, if required. Ox~ ncr a~rccs to ~bm'ard via regular United States mail to Purchaser not later than ~7~ 199g). this A~rccmcnt shall be deemed immediately canceled and or'no fi~rther lbr~c and xkifl~out Owner's bcin~ t~bli~ated Ibr any loss or damage to Purchaser whatsoever Without limitinu ti~e ~cncrality of thc lbre~oin~. Purchaser expressly understands and aurccs that this Aerccmcnt be disapproved by Executive Management and canceled as provided ~bove without fl~is Aerceme~t buin~ submitted to ()~ncr's Board ol'Directors. For purposes of this clause, thc term "l~xccutive Management" shal[ mcan thc Vice President or other officer of Owner who is directly responsible to fl~c President of Owner tbr thc management of()wner's real estate assets. g. The Purchaser shall pay lbr all costs of recording the deed and subordination Documentary stamp tax on thc [-)ced and recording costs [br any curative instruments shall be borne and paid by Owner 9 If thc Owner holds the Property in tile lbrm of a partnership, limited panncrship. corporation, li~ist, or anv Ii,rill or representative capacity whatsoever Ibr other, ()xvncr shall make a written public disclosure, accordin~ to Chaplcr 2g6. Florida Statutes. under oath, ol'the name and address of crcD' person havin~ a beneficial interest in the Property bctbrc tl~e Property held in such capacity is conveyed to Collier County. (il'the corporation is registered with the Federal Securities Excinmge Commission or registered pursuant to Chapter 517, Florida Statutes, whose stock is lbr sale to the general public, it is hereby exempt I?om the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida Statutes ) I0. Florida This ..\greemcnl is ?vcrned and c,anstn.~ed m accordance with the laws of the State IN WITNF. SS \VI IERI~OF. the pa~lics hereto have executed this Purchase ,'\greement on tile dilv and year first abt)ve wrille~ Daled Project/Acquisition ,.\pprovcd by l:l('C: ()rd. 96-457. 10/8ff;6 (8 B 3) .,\S TO PURCII,.XSER Dated' .:5"..- , Dwight E. Brock. Clerk Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ('()I_I.IF.R COIJNTY. FI.OP, IDA (Executions continued on tile next page). Page 2 of 3 ,,\S TO OWNI:.R: Witness ---Donna, Avl_ P. o6ebaugh___ (PrintName) \Vimess / Sail,,' .~ (Print Name) FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY a Florida [ctrporatioln ,, ' By: ,/"' Title?: ~rector, Ca~rale Real Estate .~/ Assistant Secrcta~ Page 3 of 3 33Oi OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAM1AMt TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (9'1-1) 774-8192 LEGAL Di:$CP, IPTIOI'I (blOT /% SURVEY) I,,o simple title ('r P. IMI':.:f'I'; A I' 'I III:. CI!N'I I{IU.INI! INTF. tISF. CTIUN OF I.;OI.I)EN (JA'I'I'; I'AI~,K~,,','AY AND TIlE IL,\g I' I.INi! ~)1: H{("I'I(IN 2k'I'()\VNStIII' 4') SOUTiI, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER f'L I:,';'I 'f. F {~ ~. )A 'I'ItthNCF. NOItTII I1 II)EfilIE'ES 21 MhNUTF. S 13 SECONDS \¥FST, A I)IS li'A!';Cl; (~F 44114~ FEET TO 'I'IIE EAST QUAR'II~P, CORNM~, OF 5AID SEr, ZI'ION 25; TI lli{:'.:('E SOUTII ,'4,) DEGREES 4l~ MINLFI'ES 53 SECONDS \iF. ST, A DISTMN'CE OF lqq f)t} FEET 'I'~) TIIE WEST RIGIIIT OF WAY LINF. OF LIVINGSTON ROAD AND TIlE l\ )IN"I' (}I: flEe;INNING; 'I'IIENCE $Ot;l'll o DEGREES 22 MINUTES I] SECONDS EAST, ,\ I)IS'I',\Nf'I-; ()F ?)2 13 FF. IYI' TO TIlE I~,JlN'I' OF INTERSECTION OF TIlE WEST p. lr ;I I'1 ¢ )t: \VAY I.INI! ()F I.IVIN(.iST()N ltl)Al) AND TI IF. NOR'Ill lOC.il IT OF WAT LINE (~F (;()I.l)li!N (iA'ITl PAItKWAY. TIIENCE ALONG SAID NORTtt RIGIIT OF WAY II. INE g( I :l If ,~'; I)[(c;I~,t:.ES 1l MINIJTF. S 114 SF. CCINI)S WEST, A DISTANCE OF g27.1111 Fl!El, '1 Ill!NC'l! I.EAVINfl SAID Nf)R'I'll RI(JIlT (.IF WAY LINE NORTII 0 DEGREES 29 MINU'I'I(S 42 SECONDS WEST, A DIS'I'ANCIZ OF 40 rio FEE. Ti TIIENCE NORTII g9 l )I:(ilH!ttS ~,!~ M hNU'I'I..'S I g SI~C()NI)S EAST, A I)ISTANCE OF 767.119 FEET; '1 I IENCE N()I~.ltl 47 I)[!(iItF. ES 55 MINU'II;S .t5 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 6~127 FF. ET; TIIE,','CII! Nf)lt'l'tl fl DL:GRII_:ES 22 MINU'IIES t3 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCI,] OF ~17 17 li:l!l'!T, TIII:.NCE N()RTIII ~1 I)EGI~,EL:S 16 blINUTES 01 SECOND WEST, A DIN I',,\NCI~ {)F 5144 6t I,'F.I;T; TI IIiN('E NORTII I~,) DEGIItEES 27 MINUTES 24 SECONDS I!AN I. A I)I%'t AN(?F. ()F l ~ t){~ Fl!l'Tl"If')'IIIE WEST ltIGIIT OF WAY LINE OF I.IVIN(iS l'f)N RI)Al) 'li'lll'TNCt'.' AI.()NG SAIL) WEST RIGIrF Oi': WAY LINE SOUTtl 0 l.)t!(iRli.q~S 1(, MIP;U'III:'S Ill Sl:'(;(.INl) EAST, A DISTANCI5 OF 5144 69 FEETTOTIIE I'( )lNq ('IF Ill(GINNING, SAIl) I)I!SCIIUII!F.I) 'li*ItAC'T CON'I'AININ(j 4g,u34 SQUARI': FF. ET ~l I~ ,,\('lq~SI, MORE ¢)R l.FSS tb\SlS {)1: I II,AId. IN(iS IS I liE N~ 21~,'I'11 RIGIIT OF WAY LINF. ()F GOLDEN (iATE IL.\R~WA'f lll!l!.;(J SOI.'I'I1 ~'1 I)E(JIU!I!S .Ill ,MINI/I'ES IR SF£'()NDS WIlT. ST. OFFICE OF CAPIfAL PROJECTS COt_LIER COUt4W GOVERHMEHf COMPLEX 3301 [.: J^MIAMI ~RAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 33962 i/,/ IEXHIBI1L~I, 7~ ()I;'I;'ICE OF' CAPI'I'AL PI~.O3ECTS ".'.'~i f.',:~l I,,',.MI&M! IIU',II. hAt'L!'%, FLORID,& 34112 (9,11) 77,i-8192 N.00'29'42'w . 40.00' %K!~ICI-I 0!: DESCf~,IPtlON H.Bg'2 1'24'E. 15.00' 767.09' ~ ~,i "~1 ~-Eost line of Section "'~ "') '~ / 25. T~p. 49 S.. ~ b~ .~'/ Rye. 25 E. H, 4 7'[:.~' J,~'E. G0.27' , o o " ,/ PARCEL 146 I S.89'30'I 8'w. B27.O0' " GOLOEH CATE PARKWAY " im,iir'q ~o~ Pr~i~t oF ~clinrfl~C~ indicates rJis tnt r-p% (~r-e in Fee L and decimals cF ]pa~-ings is the Nomth right oF woW line (~oide,', GaLe Pa~l<way being S.Og'30'lO'W. t111% I% O';l.f A St<[ICtl St - ~EET 2 OF 2 SKETCH J E XHIBIT _J '.[~ , ,o01 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMtAMt TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA (941) 774-8192 54112 PROJEC'I NO. PROJEC¥ PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL NO. OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION The East 120 f~ct of thc South 250 f'eel of the South Hal£oFIhe Northeast Quarter oFthe Southeast Quarter oFSection 13. Township 49 South, Range 25 East and; The West filteen ( 15'} oFthe East 120 feet oFthe Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, and; The West Fifteen (15') Feet of the East 120 Feet of'Section 24, and; The ",Vest Fifteen [ 15') Feet ofthe East 120 feet of'the North East Quarter of Section 25, [.ess the South 584 60 feet all in Township .lO gotlt]l Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida I' , D ~. II C~LC [ 5C~,LL: gAIL. 6~'~:)7,(~i~ R. RICHMOND .' -' PR'OFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR t~2406 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS COLLIER COUNTY GOVERHMENT COMPLEX 3301 F. Tt, t,IIAMI TRAIL NAPleS, FLORIDA ,34112 OI:'I?IC1/,' 0I;' CA?IT'AL ?ROJI!,'CTS ~'/,"~ 17d,,IIAMi 'I'fO'qL NAPLES t'-LORIDA 3411 o (9,1t) -174 -8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPHON 2652 69' ~ ou';,'?'~ 3 4'w 584.63' n 89'bU'U2 2'£ I --i;"t i-- /Secticn Line ,\ t, ~_~. Q ' ,- Suu'{)!i'51~]"E. I ~ I'*'- i- -~ - J ...... ~ASEMF.~i i ~- 5.00'13'36 I'[ ', 2662.86' I I I , mJ~:~ ~o' ,' 11 II ! - "~ s ooq 6'00.9'E. ] : 2262.56' ', I u 584.69' ,I ~ ~ ~1~ ,~ Section Line // / s.~.~sh'~:,,J,~,.--' -t'~[- l~'-- Cornmencem,,~ t GOLDEII GAlE PARKWAY 000' R/W) P[].C b,cJiCO Les Point Pti.i! i,'w.ticnl, e,5 [)r)inL c) f' J~[) ~, ~tiir_ 0 ~. r.,% I ~)~,~,,l,i r,C: '.,:;[ ci .,.'leSS Sfgr~e¢t Or, d Set~leci ~.,Ith tho' cmbosse(J S.~..~, r-I~' t'lC~ pt'ul'essionu. I Lar~d THIS IS ONLY A SKE'ICH L tit]l 1[] qCAI F' SHEET 2 OF 2 J~reparcd C. Caren £'~lcman. Florida Power & l.i~ht Company l'.(). Box Miami. FI. EXItlBIT "C" TO I'UI~.CIIASE AGREEMENT SPECIAl. V(ARbtANTY DEED TI lis .SI'lit/IAI, WAI,tP, ANTY l)lilil) made the __ day o1' . 1997. by and between FI .()RII )A I'()WER & I.I(H IT CON.Il'ANY, a Florida curporation, having it mailing address ILO. Box 14(/00. Jura) Beach. I:l(~rida 33408-0420. hereinafter rclgrrcd ('()I.I.IER C()IJN'I'Y. a political subdivision ,)1' thc glatt of Florida. wlmsc mailing address . Florida hereinafter rclkrrcd lu as ("Grantee"). WITNESSETIh (;rantor. in considcrati(mofTcn I)ollars and No Cents (S I 0.00) and other ?od and valuable ctmsidcratitm, to it paid by (irantcc. thc receipt whcrcol' is hereby acknmvlcdgcd, hereby grants. sells, and conveys to (;rantcc. ils successors m~d assigns Ibrcvcr all of thal certain land situated and located in ('oilier County. I:h~rida and nlorc parlicularly described as Ibllows: Sec I(xhibit ",,V' ;macllcd hereto and by lhis reference nmdc a part hereof Ihr tile description of tile land c{mvcyed hereby. Subjccl m taxes and special assessments t't)r the )'car and all subsequent years, lo zoning restrictions and other requirements inlposcd by governmental authority, and tt~ casclncnts. conditions, reservations, rcslrictions and Ihnitations of record, bul lhis roiL'ronco shall ilot operate to rcilnpose sallie. Thc (ir:mt~r hereby binds itself and its st,cccssors to warr:mt Iht lille as against ail acts of thc (in, ntor herein and no other, subject only to thc matter set forth above. IN WI'I'NIL%S WI II:.I;,I~OI:. (iranmr has caused this instrument mbc signed by its duly authorized ol'liccr tm tile dale firsl above written. ~,\:itncsscs: FI.()RII)A I'()WI:.R & l.l(il I'I' C()MPANY Signature Name (l'rinl): .gikznalurc NilillC (Print): .................. 1½v: John M. Chism l)irccmr ol'Ct)rptlratc Real l'2stalc and Assistan! Secretary F'.O. Box 140{)0 Juno 1½c:~ch, FI. 334{)8 (Acknowledgment continued on thc next page.) ACKNOWI~EI)(;~IENT .% I'..VI'I'~ ()1: FI.()RII)A ) ) C()UNTY OF PAl.N1 I?,EACil ) ()n this __ day of . 19__b¢lbre mc. the undersigned notary public. personally appc;~rcd John M, Chism. I)irector ol'Corporate Real I'~stat¢ and Assisl;.ml Sccrclary of Florida Power & [.ight Company. a Florida corporation, personally known to mc to be person x~ho subscribed to the tbrcgoing instrument or who has produced as identilication, and acknowledged lhat he executed Ibc same on bchalf of said corporation and that hc was dul~ authorized so It) do. IN \VI'I'NI:S.$ WI IIf?.li()F. I hereunto scl ~11)' hand and ofllcial seal. NOTAR. Y I'UBI.IC. STA'I'I! OF I:I.ORII),,\ Nl.x' (..'ommissitm Expires: Name [Print): C'ommission No: c,,,,~., c,.,.,> ,,,,, s.,i,. Pnge 2 of 2 7 %':' EH '-"- ::. ?' "-E.--.T-C T:~ :2.~,ST ~.U;,.R,~R C©R',~P. 'DF SAID 5ECT1ON , ,, u 0-' L'"-qX:G.STO'4 ROAD A%'D ..... -- ,.. ~" '_:'.'~- 7: L".-'-~,':,-C'- :%,'.D -\',~ THR '.OPT:H .KiG~T OF WAY ~C'.'7'z ~.; DE?:'.EES }' '.!:'.-. ,'Tz'> ','~ SE'iC'.'DS ~.-~%' :. D't.T:t;CE OF ~2'~ C0 -:r. '.C:T'H :- 3ES=EES -~-~ h,",'.%'TES 5' SEC.'..'.'DS EAST ~. D:ST-x,";CE OF 60 2';' FEET, ----'.E~:'7. E ' m~--.~ ?, Dz~,Ru~S 71 '.f7':'i'~_~ } SECC, NUS '.;.=.ST A D:STA.N'CE OF E ~.S- :,, Ui_~T '--&CE OF ' ~ 9~ FEET TO THE '.:.= ~-- R,,.;.~ , CF '.k AY L:NE OF ".-' f'~TO'~ ROAD ,-'iWENCE ALO'.G %A',D'&~S' '~'--CF DEGu.EE$ ~0'.%?~.~5 31 SECO';DEAST A D:STA,N'CE OF .~4 59 FE_~TTO ,TH~ :2 :- _: :. 7 "' ;! E: F.;', 7 ~ :~ '7¥.E ' ?7' ~-~ 7: 'L RT' "5: '.k ,'..':' l '::L CF GCLDEN C.A.~ :.'-:. ,..,:'. DE" Z ','Z','~:~$ 7E:7::HE5" '.' ~,',-'Z~. ~ 5ETC'-'U$ 25. :-o ~,9 5, n,~e. 25 £ PROJECT: 60061 (Livingston Rd.) PARCEL: 161 ,! SUBORDINATION OF UTILITY INTERESTS Public Body THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this __ day of ,19__, by and between COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Flodda, its successors and assigns, whose mailing address is 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Flodda 34112, hereinafter caIled "County", and FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Florida corporatlon, by its undersigned officers who have been duly authorized by the corporation to execute this Subordination, whose mailing address is P. O. Box 029100, Miami, Florida 33102, hereinafter called "Utility." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Utility presently has an interest in certain lands that have been determined necessary for road right-of-way, sidewalk, utilities, drainage, slope, and maintenance purposes; and WHEREAS, the proposed use of these lands for road right-of-way, sidewalk, utilities, drainage, slope, and maintenance purposes will require subordination of the interest claimed in such lands by Utility to the County, and at the request of the County, the Utility has agreed, subject to the following conditions, to relocate its facilities from the Utility's easement lands onto public right-of-way, or has agreed to leave its facilities on the subordinated lands (hereinafter jointly referred to as "Lands" and depicted In Exhibit A attached hereto); and WHEREAS, the County is willing to pay to have the Utility's facilities relocated if necessary to prevent conflict between the facilities so that the benefits of each may be retained; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises of the parties hereto, Utility and County agree as follows: Utility subordinates any and all of its interest in the Lands described as follows: (SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF) to the interest of the County, its successors or assigns, for the purpose of constructing, improving, maintaining and operating road right-of-way, sidewalk, utilities, drainage, slope, and maintenance purposes, over, through, upon and/or across such Lands, including but not limited to the claim of interest based on the following: Nature of From or Encumbrance Date Against In Favor Of Right-of-Way 12/4/74 H. Reznor and Florida Power & Agreement G.W. Reznor Light Company Right-of-Way 11/15/74 Lynton, Herren, Florida Power & Easement Hendry, et ux Light Company Recorded Book-Page 614/1196 640~232 Subordination of Utility Interests Page 2 of 3 PROVIDED that the following rights are granted to Utility: 1. The Utility shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain, improve, add to, upgrade, remove, and relocate facilities on, within, and upon all Lands In accordance with the County's current minimum standards for such facilities. Any construction or relocation of facilities within the Lands will be subject to prior approval by the County. Should the County require the Utility to alter, adjust, or relocate its facilities from or within said Lands, the County hereby agrees to pay the cost of such alteration, adjustment, or relocation, including, but not limited to the cost of acquiring appropriate easements. 2. The Utility shall have a reasonable right to enter upon the Lands for the purposes outlined in paragraph 1 above, including the right to trim such trees, brush, and grow'th which might endanger or interfere with such facilities, provided that such rights do not interfere with the operation and safety of the County's facilities. 3. The Utility agrees to repair any damage to the County's facilities and to indemnify the County against any loss or damage resulting from the Utility's exercise of its dghts as outlined in paragraphs 1 and 2 above. 4. These terms and conditions shall be attached as an addendum to the permit, if any, required by the County for relocation of the Utility's facilities within the said Lands. 5. This Agreement is not assignable except to the State of Florida for the use and benefit of the County in connection with the Utility's installation and maintenance described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA , Deputy Clerk BY: Barbara B. Berry, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney Subordination of Utility Interests Page 3 of 3 Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence as witnesses: FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Florida corporation By:__ WITNESS (Signature) Name: (Pdnt or Type) WITNESS (Signature) Name: (Print or Type) , PresidentNice President Attest: __(Seal) , Secretary STATE OF: COUNTY OF: The foregoing Subordination of Utility Interests was acknowledged before me this ~ day of __, 19 ~, by __, Assistant Secretary, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification. (Notarial Seal) Notary Public (Print Name) Serial No. My Commission Expires: 3301 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA (941) 774-8192 34112 PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL NO., SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) LEGAL DESCRIPTION The East 120 feet ofthe South 250 feet of the South Halfofthe Norlheast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 49 South, Range 25 East and; The West fifteen (15') of the East 120 feet of the Southeast Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, and; The West Fifteen (15') Feet ofthe East 120 feet of Section 24, and; The West Fifteen (15') feet of the East 120 feet ofthe Norlh East Quarter of Section 25, Less the South 584.69 feet all in Township 49 South Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. // -- ,'~'.';',U."' : '. GEOR2;if~ R. RICHMOND . .' .,, ';, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR N2406 ' v . .. OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX ,;. 5..301 E TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES~ FLORIDA ,34112 .,, OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 5501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 54112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION N,B9'50'02,2"E. ~20' i-q-T- -- I-- ~25'-- H.OO'Og'57.8'W.~ 1472.0.5' ! 1~5°- [---t-t-- EASEMEU f%" 265288' I 1 I I N.OO'0g'38, 4' ¥,/. ~ 2652.$g' [--t--4- N.OOn6'O, 2062.6Y I I- -t --k - N.O0'22'~S.~'W.-~ I I I I I '"'- I I ~250' Line 1222.0.5' ~ S.OO'13'36 1" 2652.86' i 120' Line GENERAL NDTES 1) P.D.C. Indicates Point oF Commencement 8) P.(],]3. Indlca-I;es Point oF Beginning 3) Sec. Indicates Sec'tlon 4) Twp. ]ndlcates Township 5) Rge. Indicates Range 6) R/W Indicates Right-oF-way 7) Att distances a~e In Feet; and deEImats ther'eoF 8) Basis oF Bear'lngs Is the Eas-t tine oF the Sout;hec~st Quarter oF Section 85 being N.00'28'I3.4'W. 9> Not vatld untess signed and seated wi'th 1;he embossed seat oF 'the pr'oFesslonat rand surveyor' THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY 000' 0^1[: J ~'l~r NO.: 0e-05-geJ LIVF-I SHEET 2 OF 2