A&SDS Ad Hoc Minutes 08/25/2015 August 25, 2015
Naples, Florida, August 25, 2015
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Architectural and Site Design
Standards Ad Hoc Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted
business herein, met on this date at 2:00 PM in a REGULAR SESSION at the Growth
Management Division Building, Room 609/610 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL
with the following persons present:
Rocco Costa, AIA
James Boughton, AIA
Kathy Curatolo, Collier Building Industry Association
Dalas Disney, MA
Bradley Schiffer, MA
Dominick Amico, P.E.
ALSO PRESENT: Caroline Cilek, LDC Manager
Jeremy Frantz, Planner
Matt McLean, Principal Project Manager
Madelin Bunster, Architect
Richard Henderlong, Principal Planner
August 25, 2015
Any person in need of a verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the audio recording from
the Collier County Growth Management Department, Division of Planning and Zoning.
1. Call to Order
Mr. Costas called the meeting to order at 2:05pm and a quorum was established.
2. Approve Agenda
Mr. Disney moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr.Amico. Carried unanimously 4—0.
3. Approval August 3,2015 meeting minutes
Mr. Disney moved to approve the minutes of the August 3, 2015 meeting as presented. Second by
Mr.Amico. Carried unanimously 4—0.
4. Public Comments
Mr. Schiffer arrived at 2:11 pm
5. Old Business
a. Continue site design standards discussion 5.05.08 F
Mr. Frantz submitted the report "Review of Site Standards in LDC Section 5.05.08: Landscaping
or Engineering Requirements" for information purposes. The report was a result of the
Committee's direction to Staff to identify the areas of Section 5.05.08 that house site design
standards and any proposed references of those standards to other Sections of the LDC. He noted
the activity was to assist the Committee in determining if the site design standards should be cross-
referenced to other sections of the Land Development Code, revised or eliminated from the
proposed standards in their entirety. Discussion centered around the requirements of Section
5.05.08 F.1.a
Mr. Amico reiterated his recommendation to eliminate the site design standards provisions from
the architectural standards.
Jeff Curl,Davidson Engineering Landscape Architect expressed concern when site designers
prepare the initial design, they tend to rely on the landscaping requirements as found in Section
4.06.00 (buffer requirements, general landscape requirements, etc.) unaware of the requirements in
Section 5.05.08. Later in the process, during the building design phase the requirements of Section
5.05.08 come to light leading to the potential for site re-designs in order for the applicant to be
granted approval of the project.
Staff noted:
• The requirements in Section 5.05.08 are not strictly landscape elements, they are integral
components of the building's aesthetics.
• To aid in improving communication between consultants, cross-references will be cited
throughout the LDC to increase an applicant's/designer's awareness of the design elements
required for project approval.
• Over the past year,there haven't been any applications processed under Section 5.05.08 that
have not been able to meet the site design elements including those addressing landscaping.
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The Committee noted:
• The items in Section 5.05.08 F.1.a. are not mandated, rather a menu of choices where any two
may be selected. It may be beneficial to increase the number of selections available for use.
• Consideration could be given to removing the landscape elements out of 5.05.08 and relocate
them to the landscape section of the LDC.
• Should some of these elements only be required for larger square footage buildings?
Ms. Curatolo arrived at 2:35pm
Mr. McLean stated the Committee needs to decide if the site design elements should be retained
in the proposed standards.
Mr. Schiffer recommended the site design elements remain in the proposed standards. Designers
should be aware of the requirements throughout the LDC and communicate with all consultants
early in the process to ensure the site design is compatible with Collier County Codes.
Mr. Disney noted if the design elements are to be retained, it is critical to ensure all cross
references are incorporated as necessary throughout the LDC.
Mr.Amico withdrew his request for the Committee to consider removing the site design
elements from the proposed standards.
Jeff Curl and Ryan White of Davidson Engineering were present and participated in the remaining
Section 5.05.08 F.l.a
Discussion occurred on the language "Decorative landscape planters or planting areas, a
minimum of five feet wide, and areas for shaded seating consisting of a minimum of 100 square
feet. " Discussion occurred on the term "shading" and the means to quantify it. The following
was noted:
• Shading is hard to quantify, i.e. will the vegetation (if used)be allowed to mature before
providing"shading,"how long a time frame is required for the shading during a daily
period, what times of day is shading required, does a percentage of the area need to be
shaded or the entire area, etc.?
• Are structures allowed to be utilized to meet the criteria?
• Should the seating element be required, but allow the applicant to provide shading at his or
her discretion?
Mr. Schiffer moved to amend Section 5.05.08 F.1.a, to read"Decorative landscape planters or
planting areas, a minimum of five feet wide, and areas for seating consisting of a minimum of
100 square feet;" Second by Ms. Curatolo. Motion carried 5 "yes"—1 "no." Mr. Costas voted
Mr. Costas stated his no vote is predicated on the rationale shading is beneficial for an outdoor
seating element in the southwest Florida environment.
The Committee reported the justification for removing the shading requirement is that it is
difficult to quantify the term "shaded"as noted in the discussions.
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Staff to check for any references or a definition of"shading"in other Sections of the LDC and
report back to the Committee for information purposes.
6. New Business
a. Staff research
i. Architectural review summary
Staff provided the document"Architectural Review Summary— October 2011 to July 2015"
for information purposes. The document is intended to show the percentage of applications
that would have been exempted from the proposed standards if they were in affect during this
time frame. As indicated in the document, approximately 20—40 percent of the applications
(depending on the applicability)would not have been reviewed if the proposed standards were
in affect. The following was noted under Committee discussions:
• The document is useful as it demonstrates the Committee is meeting its goal of
reducing those applications subject to architectural standards, especially façade
renovations for smaller shopping centers.
• It would be beneficial to identify the number of applications for buildings that did not
conform to the existing standards.
• Staff should review the statistics in the "Alterations"portion of the document to ensure
they are identified correctly. It appears those in the "Less than or equal to 4,000 sf'
column should be all be listed in the row labelled "Projects that will no longer be
subject to review. "
The Committee recommended the document subsections for "Alterations"and "Facades"be
titled "Existing Alterations"and "Existing Facades."
ii. Applicability
Staff provided the document"Applicability Summary" for information purposes. The
document is intended to be an easily readable chart to compare proposed projects that are
subject to the existing standards vs. the proposed standards based on building size. Staff
provided an overview of the document with the Committee noting again the document is a
useful tool as it demonstrates the Committee's goal of eliminating the necessity of a review
under the proposed standards for certain projects. The following was noted by Staff:
1. The definition of square footage is as defined in the Land Development Code.
2. The square footage threshold is measured per building, with multiple buildings being
defined as "one building" if they are connected by a covered roof element.
The Committee recommended Staff prepare a similar chart for industrial uses.
iii. Pathway/sidewalk requirements
Staff provided the document"Pathway/Sidewalk Requirements in the LDC" for information
purposes. The document was generated at the direction of the Committee following an action
which made Section 5.05.08 F.3.h.i only applicable to "required pathways." It identifies
locations in other Sections of the LDC where sidewalks or pathways are referenced. Staff
noted there are not areas that specifically"require" pathways.
The Committee and Staff noted:
• Designers are required to provide pathways from the building to parking areas.
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• The Americans with Disability's Act does "require pathways" in specific instances.
• Any pathway located in an approved PUD could be considered a"required pathway"
even if the applicant views it as an"optional pathway."
• Any pathway shown on an approved site plan could be considered a"required
pathway" even if the applicant views it as an"optional pathway."
iv. Discuss glazing on overhead doors for specific uses
Staff noted that, following Committee discussion at the previous meeting they have been
considering the use of overhead glass doors for certain uses only (fire stations, restaurants, auto
repair shops, etc.). Staff suggested that the types of uses suggested at the last meeting for
prohibiting glass doors (grocery store receiving areas, loading docks, storage areas, etc.) are all
examples of receiving areas or loading docks. Rather than specifying uses where glass doors
are not allowed, staff suggested overhead glass doors should not be allowed for receiving areas
or loading docks in any use.
Committee discussion occurred regarding overhead glass doors in the following instances:
restaurants, auto repair shops, car washes, fire stations, and at shipping and receiving delivery
areas. The Committee agreed with the Staff proposal.
Section 5.05.08 E.2.c
The Committee discussed the Section which states "Window standards. Windows must not be
false or applied. If the window openings are into the storage area, translucent material must
be used "
They noted there are instances where glazing on self-storage buildings has been allowed where
corridors lead to individual storage units,providing a view of storage unit doors from the
street. This section has been interpreted to only apply to the storage unit doors themselves but
this was not the intent of the existing standards or the proposed standards.
Staff reported they will work with Committee members to develop appropriate language to
address the issue.
b. Continue amendment review
Staff reported, based on input from the Committee at the last meeting, all the track changes in the
narrative Section were "accepted" and a new version has been formatted for review. Upon review
of the new formatted version, a few changes were proposed by Staff which the Committee should
review. The Committee reviewed the updated narrative and addressed the following Sections:
Page 4—Proposed Section 5.05.08 B.2c
Staff reviewed the measurements as requested by the Committee at the last meeting. They
determined the projects property lines were 160 feet+7- and 188 feet+7- from the road right of
way line depending on the locations viewed. They requested that the Committee should propose an
appropriate distance requirement based on the measurements at Piper Blvd.
The Committee discussed the requirement with some members noting a distance of 150 feet
should be sufficient to meet the goals of the proposed standards. Most of those uses are outside
the limit of 150 feet would be subject to review by triggering other applicability standards such as
August 25, 2015
proximity to residential uses. Others noted that it may be prudent to develop a threshold which
addresses uses already in existence.
Mr. Schiffer moved for the distance measurement in Section 5.05.08 B.2.c to be amended to
"...within 200 feet of the boundary of a residentially zoned district." Second by Mr. Boughton.
Motion carried 4 "yes"—2 "no." Mr.Amico and Mr. Disney voted "no."
Mr. Disney noted a 150 feet threshold should suffice to address any issues as discussed above and
the measurement would be consistent with other threshold distances set forth in the proposed
Mr. Schiffer moved to reconsider the previous motion. Second by Mr. Boughton. Carried
unanimously 6—0.
Mr. Schiffer moved for the distance measurement in Section 5.05.08 B.2.c to be amended to
"...within 150 feet of the boundary of a residentially zoned district." Second by Mr. Disney.
Carried unanimously 6—0.
Staff requested clarification on the rationale for changing the threshold of this Section from 300
feet to 150 feet.
The Committee provided to the following examples:
The football and track area of St. John Neumann High School - The concession building/PE fitness
building is located 300 feet away from residential property and was required to meet the
requirements for a primary façade and a landscape buffer to shield an overhead door. The
architectural features required in this case were not effective.
The First Baptist Academy field house - It was required to meet architectural standards because it
was within 300 feet of residential property. The building's entrance faced an internal parking lot
and the rear of the building was separated from residential property by a track and field area. The
building was required to meet primary façade requirements, but not required to incorporate any
treatments to the side of the building facing the residential area.
Section 5.05.08 D.6.a
Discussion occurred on the Section noting it would be beneficial to remove the word "minimum"
from the language which reads: "False or applied windows are allowed but shall not be included
in the minimum glazing required for primary facades".
Mr. Schiffer moved for Section 5.05.08 D.6.a to read "False or applied windows are allowed but
shall not be included in the glazing required for primary façades." Second by Mr. Disney.
Carried unanimously 6—0.
Staff outlined the remaining format changes and the Committee accepted the additional track
changes as proposed by Staff
c. Discuss remaining tasks for completion of Committee review
Staff noted:
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• The document will be reformatted and reviewed by the County Attorney's Office for legal
• They intend to present the proposed amendment to the Development Services Advisory
Committee for review at their October or November meeting.
The Committee recommended if there are no substantial changes warranting their
consideration following the review by the County Attorney's Office, the proposed standards be
distributed to the public/design consultants and organizations such as the Naples Area Board of
Realtors, local AIA chapters, CBIA, etc.for comment.
7. Next Meeting
Staff reported they will send out a Doodle Poll and notify the Committee on the date and time of the
next meeting.
8. Adjournment
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45pm
Collier County Architectural and Site Design
Sta dards Ad Hoc Committee
These minutes aved by the Board/Committee/Chairman/Vice Chairman on , 2015
as presented or as amended