CLB Backup 09/16/2015 CONTRACTORS LICENSING BOARD Backup September 16 , 2015 1 F BEFORE THE COLLIER COUNTY CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD Petitioner Case Number: 2015-03 v. License Number: LOUIS BRUNO CAC1817131/201200002211 LOUIS BRUNO, LLC (DBA) BRUNO AIR CONDITIONING OF SWFL Respondent 0/1' / STIPULATED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND AGREED ORDER LOUIS BRUNO and BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD (hereafter BOARD) hereby stipulate and agree: 1. Respondent admits the allegations in Administrative Complaint for the purposes of this stipulation and settlement of this matter. 2. Respondent and the BOARD agree that the Respondent shall be placed on probation for a period of six (6) months. During this probationary period, Respondent shall have no duties to report or to undertake any other activities other than to comply with the laws and ordinances governing contractors both within the State of Florida and Collier County. In the event of any alleged violation which occurs subsequent to the date of this order the Respondent shall be notified of said violation and validated by Collier County Contractors' Licensing Supervisor, and if warranted shall be an immediate suspension of Respondent's permit pulling privileges under License No. CAC 1817131 pending a full hearing before the Contractors' Licensing Board. 3. Respondent reserves the right to make emergency repairs "where equipment replacement and repairs must be performed in an emergency situation, the permit application shall be submitted within the next working business day to the building official". 4. Respondent shall voluntarily be responsible for paying investigative and operational costs for this Case No. in the amount of$1,500.00. These costs shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the date of this Stipulated Settlement Agreement and Agreed Order. 5. This stipulation and order shall be forwarded to the State Construction Industry Licensing Board with a recommendation of no further action. Executed this /6 day of September 2015. V Louis Bruno ssorio Respondent Contractors' Licensing Supervisor ORDER ADOPTING STIPULATED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THE BOARD BEING FULLY ADVISED on the Stipulated Settlement Agreement, it is hereby: ADJUDGED that the foregoing Stipulated Settlement Agreement is adopted in its entirety, and the parties are ordered to comply therewith. DONE AND ORDERED at there ularly set Cpn ractors' Li -nsin Board hearing at Naples, Collier County, Florida on this 11) day of C • ,11J41 , 1,Q , 2015. Patrick bite Chairman Contractors' Licensing Board 886 1106 Ave. N.Suite#6, Naples, FL 34108 Phone:239.777.1028 Fax: 877.275.3593 www.LicensesEtc.com PERSONAL CREDIT REPCRT(Compiled From National Records) <FOR> <SUB NAME> <MKT SUB> <INFILE> <DATE> <TIME> (I) P NP7771028 LICENSES ETC 16 NP 2/04 09/15/15 10:26CT <SUBJECT> <SSN> <BIRTH DATE> RAMIREZ, JANET 591-48-2625 1/86 <CURRENT ADDRESS> <DATE RPTD> 2951 SW. 47TH TE. , NAPLES FL. 34116 4/08 <FORMER ADDRESS> 11346 PO BOX 11346, NAPLES FL. 34101 6/08 241 NE. 10TH ST. , NAPLES FL. 34120 <POSITION> <CURRENT EMPLOYER AND ADDRESS> <VERF> <RPTD> ALDO SALES NAPLES FL. 4/08 4/08 S P E C I A L M E S S A G E S ***ID MISMATCH ALERT: CURRENT INPUT ADDRESS DOES NOT MATCH FILE ADDRESSES) M O D E L P R O F I L E * * * A L E R T * * * 4t1t:itrZtO ca,, SC OR--AARRTi sct?R 3'+818 : SERIOUS DELINQUENCY, AND PUBLIC ***RECORD OR COLLECTION FILED; TOO FEW ACCOUNTS CURRENTLY PAID AS AGREED; ***PROPORTION OF BALANCES TO CREDIT LIMITS IS TOO HIGH ON BANK REVOLVING OR ***OTHER REVOLVING ACCOUNTS; LENGTH OF TIME SINCE DEROGATORY PUBLIC RECORD ***OR COLLECTION IS TOO SHORT *** IN ADDITION TO THE FACTORS LISTED ABOVE, ***THE NUMBER OF INQUIRIES ON THE CONSUMER' S CREDIT FILE HAS ADVERSELY ***AFFECTED THE CREDIT SCORE. C R E D I T S U M M A R Y * * * T O T A L F I L E H I S T O R Y RAM RECORDS#f{AVE eattsgmaiED,AT THE'COUNTY STATE AND FEDERAL LEVELS PR=0 COL=7 NEG=4 HSTNEG=0 TRD=17 RVL=15 INST=2 MTG=0 OPN=0 INQ=4 HIGH CRED CRED LIM BALANCE PAST DUE MNTHLY PAY AVAILABLE REVOLVING: $1103 $1800 $0 $0 100% INSTALLMENT: $10.8K $ $6122 $0 $337 CLOSED W/BAL: $10.OK $10. 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