Art League of Marco IslandMEMORANDUM
Suc Filson, Administrative Assistant
Board of County Commissioners
Michael Dowling ~
Real Property Specialist
Real Property Management Deparlmcnt
November 5, 1998
Execution of a Limited Usc License Agreement
Thc Art League or' Marco Island, Inc.
For cxccution by tile Chaim'mn of thc Board of County Commissioners, please find attached the
re fcrenccd Agreement.
The "Blanket" Resolution authorizing tile Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to
execute the attached Agreeme,lt was approved by thc Board of County Commissioners on
January 13, 1998, item 16 D (1), as Resolution ti 98-6.
Please forward the document to Ellie tloffman. Recording Secretary_. for attestation bY the
Clerk to the Board. Ms. ltoffman will then call me at extension 8991 for documen!
air. k:a .
Thank you.
Attachment as stated
I.I.~II'I'F:I) ['SI-: I,I('ENSE ,.\(;REE,~IENT
I.I.~II'I'EI) t'~E I.I('EN,SE A(;REE~,II':NT IH*:'I'\V E EN Tile I~()..\ RI) ()F
('()3]311.',;,',;I()NER~, ('()I.I.IER ('()t'N'I'Y, ..\ P()I,I'I'I('..\I, ~UBDIVI~I()N ()F TIlE ,STATE ()F
I"I.()Rll).,\ A,N'I) TIlE ART I,EA(;t'E ()F .~IAR¢*() I~I.ANI), IN(:'., .,\ N¢)N-I~I~,()i-'IT I*'I.()I~tlI)A
C()I,tP()R..\TI()N, ..\PPI~()VIN(; TIlE t',SE ()l: ('()t:NTY-()WNEI) I,..\NI) I*'()R *I'IIE I't'RP()~E ()l"
II()I.DIN¢; .,\N ()L?I'I)O()R ART
P.:'9,X bv and I'.:tv, ccn Iht I'loard of ('oum', (.'omm~ss~oucrs, ('ollier ('mmL','. I:lorid;~. ~',l~o~c m;Ulm.~ address ~s
\VI II!RI!A.$, II~c requests ~llc usc ol'('otmtv-owncd hlml I~r tl~c purpo~c of holdin~ urls and critics sh~ s
,lanuur)' ZZ, 1~)9~): .hmuurv Z3, I~)~)~]', Fcl~ru;u'v [,, I')q~) (parkin~ alkm'~'d uflcr Sllll~cl), I:chru',u'v 12. lU,~u:
l:chrmu'v 1S & 14, I')')'): ;md khu'ch 12, I'~')R ami Xlarch I~ & 14, 19mL m ~hich Iht proceeds ~cncr;~lcd ~ ill
cnh;illCC Ibc l.c;~S~c's ;~hJlil)' Io provide cuhur;d ;icl~vitJcs Io Iht co111111uilil)'; ;Hld
\VI II!Pti!AS. Iht Ihx~l'd is/x illiu,,.z' to ;ipprox c thc usc ol'('ottnl,,.,,~vncd I;md for such
N'()\~,. 'il i!!RI'.F¢ )RI'i, I'1 Il! P.,\ R I'II.i.S ,.\¢ iRI!I! ..\S I:( )l,I,( )\\',$:
T. 'l'hc I:hxtrd hereby ;q~pro~cs thc usc of ('oum~-o~kncd property idcntilicd ;is Illc p;u-kin~ lot of thc ()Id
>,l:u'co Isi',md I.ibrar~ It~cililv Ioc~llcd ;il 1(~41 \\'imcrl~crr~ I)rivc, Murco Ishmd, t:Iorida, hcrcim, I'~cr roiL'trod to
~s "lh'opcrl.x ". for Iht imrpos¢ ol'cxhilmin,,.z, HI'I ;llld crul'ts ~.It Ih¢ ;lllrltl;ll slloxx Oll thc dales spccil'~cd below.
3. Thc shull nlorfih'~r, conlrol and aSSlUl~C rcsponsihilily Ibr all ucli~ilics VCl~dors, licensees,
inVilccS ;~ssocialcd ~hh holtlins ol' such un cvcm, such responsibility i~ot bcin~ limited
clcal~-Ul~ of'Ibc lh'opcrt>'. I~o;ird shall m~t hc ohlisalcd or required to improve, rep;fir, or m',Ulmfiu thc Ih'opcrt>' or
;lIly [¥,IFI lhcrcol' ill ;lily lllHllI1Cl'
4. 'l'h¢ [.cu~uc slmll ;.icquirc ;my aru. l ;ill pcru'uts ro. ltlircd hv ('oJlJ,..'r (.'.t'd. lllty aud
cntitv Io conduct such ;iii cvcnl ;md rcl;Jlcd ;iclixilics on tile Ih'opcrly. Thc [.cuSuc sh;lll posl ;i l.'our I lumhcd
;llld ,~o Il)Il I)olhu's (S4(11).()(1) c;.IsJl bond ~ith Ibc t'~cal Ih'opcrl)' ?,l;m:iScmcm I)cpartmcnt hv No~cmbcr
Io insure mlcqu;uc cie;m-up o1' Thc properly ut thc lCrlllJtl;ltio~l of this I.imitcd t;sc l.iccnsc ,,X~rcc,ucm. It
umlcrslood ',md u~rccd 1hal 1his I~oml is nol imcmlcd lo replace I,c;~uc's idolization
Iht comptcmm of ils aclivilics ureter dfis I imilcd I;sc l.iccnsc A~rcclllClll. Thc Rc;~l Ih'opcrly
Dcparlmcnl shull rcmrn such b, md lo I.c:~suc il' said Properly is clcuncd up in a limch' ',md proper m;mncr as
required herein.
5. Prior t,, makin~ ~ll~,,' ch;m~cs. ;ihcr;tlions. ;iddilions or itllprovcmcllts to thc I;ropcrty. thc will
[)llOVidc I0 l{o',:rd, in XXl'ilil1~, ',:II l)llOl)OS;IlS ',Uld pi;ms Ibr ;illcraliOllS, inll:rovclllClllS, clmn~cs or additions lo thc
I~ropcrly. Thc J.C~l~tlC L'oVCll;JillS ;lltd ;l~l'ccs II1 COIIIICL'TJOll With HI1)' l]lLHillCll;lIlCC, rcpmr work, crcction.
conslruclion, in~l~rovcmcnl. ;~ddition or ahcr;~tiOl~ ol'anv ;nzthorizcd modiliculions, addilious or iml~rovcmcnts
IItc Ih'opcrly. Io observe ami comply ~ith ;dl prcscm ;md I~Iurc laws. ordinances, rules,
rcquirculcnls ol' lilt [ ~nilcd ~l;llcs o1' AlllCl'iC;i. ~l;ttc ~I' I.'lorid',~. ('OUIlIV of ('oilier, ;md :my ;md ull ~ovcrIllllCllI;I]
u~cncics. All ahcr:tlions, improvcmcms. ;md atld~lions to Iht Ih'opcrly shall, m once, ~llcn m;tdc or instullcd, hc
dccmcd as utmchcd to Iht I'rcchold ami to h;~vc become :he properly ol' ('otlicr ('ounly ami shall rcm;fin I~r Iht
bcncl~t ol' Iht ('OtlllIV ;il Ibc end ol' Ibc Icrm scl I~rlh in this ;l~rCClllClll ill its ~OOd Ol'dCf illld condition as Ihcy
~vcrc installed, rc;~son;~hlc ~kcar and Ic;u' cxccpIcd: provided, Imwcvcr, if Ihxu'd so directs, Ibc shah
promplly remove Iht mldilions, improvements, ahcr;dions. Iixlurcs mid inslullutions which wcrc pktccd
or upon thc Properly hv thc, ;md rep:re' ;my damage c;mscd m linc Ih'opcrly hy such removal.
6. Thc t,ca~u¢ shall provide aml maimain general liahilily insurance policy(i~s), approved hv
County Risk Manager. Ibr i~ot less lhalt Three I lumlrcd Thousand and No/l)ollars (S3fl()J)()o.()()) coml~incd
sin~lu limits durin~ ~l~u tom nl'll~is AFrccmunl. Nuch insurance policy(its} shall lis~ ('oilier ('ounly as an
'additional insured lhcrcon. Evidcucc of such insurance shall bc providud m Iht ('oilier ('ounlv Risk Nlanagur,
33~I East Tamiami TraiI, Adminislration Buihling, Naples. Florida. 34112, Ibrapproval prior
199& and shall ir~cludc ;I provision rcquirin~ ten (111) days prior wrhtmi notice lo ('oilier ('ountv c'o ('ounlv
Risk NlamLgcr in thc event ol'canccllalinn,
7. This I.imitcd [Jsc l.iccnsc /\grccnlcul shall hc adnfinistcrcd on bchall' of thc P,c, ard by and through
Collier ('oulHv Real Property Management Dcp:trllHcrfl.
S. Thc I.caguc agro:s w, hcdd harmless and defend ('oilier ('ounly, linc Board of ('ounly ('ommissioncrs of
('oilier ('ounly. Florida and Ihmr agcllls aild cmph~yccs, t?om any claims, assertion or catlsc oI' acliOrl I~)r any
loss. injury or damage Io persons or properly arising fi'om or associated xvilh thc l.caguc's aclivilics or usc o1' I}lc
Property. Thc fiirthcr agrees to mdcmnilV Collier ('ounlv and thc Board of ('rarely ('ommJssioncrs o1'
('ollicr ('OHIltV Ibr ;my costs, expenses or l~'cs, including ;ttlorncys' l~'cs, arising from ;my claims or cause o1'
action lbr loss. injury or danmgc Io persons or properly arising from or associated with Ibc I.caguc's activities or
USC or' thc Ih'opcrty.
I~'). Thc Board rcscp, cs thc righl lo c;inccl ami or rcschcdulc any or all o1' thc above-described
scheduled Ibr any or all of thc ahovolislcd days, upo;1 lifted;1 (15) days notice lo Iht I.caguc o1' Board's intent
rcschcdulc alld 'tll' C;IllCCI.
I I. '['hc Board and 1,ca~uc sp,2cJlicaJJy ;t~r'cc that IJtis :\gr'ccmm*ll rqm.'Smtls a license lbr Iht I.cagu¢'s usc of
fi*lc Property Hlld docs IiOl COll\'Cv ;liD,' CSI;IIC H1 lilt J)roJlcrty or L'I'C;HC HID,' ilIlCFL'S! whatsoever.
12. '['hc l.caguc represents ;Uld xv;u'rants to thc 1½oard Ihal no ha/afdc, us matcriafs ,,,,'ill bc discllargcd lc, thc air.
~I'OLllldS, sc\\CF. Or Io H Sk.TglC svsJClll oll Jilt J)l'O['~crly.
13, Thc l.caguc shall hc responsible Ibr paying all sales taxes, if al'q'~licahlc, and ;ill other taxes and charges
;.tssocialcd v, ilh tlr rcsulling from lite hoJdhlg of this
14. TI*lc sale ol'alcoholic hcvcriigcs shall hc prohibilcd c,n Iht Properly during this event.
15. This .,\grccnlcnt shall hcconlc cFl'cclivc upon cxcculion by both tile I~oar'd and Iht l.caguc.
16. This ,,\grccnlcnl is govcrnctl aZld conslrucd m accord;moo wilh Iht laws ol'fl~c .~l;llc of I"lorida.
1N WI'I'NF. SS ",VI IIiRli()F, tlw pm'tics hereto have made and cxcculcd this [,imitcd Usc I.iccusc
.'\gr¢ClllCHI ;is ol'lhc ttav ;llltJ vciir tSl'SJ ;lbO\k: ~.,, rJHcll.
..\S TO TI IlL I.F..,\(iL TI!:
I)ATI!I): ' '
Fill[/\lC[' I.I';A(iL!I( ()F M,,\R('() ISI..,\NI). IN('.
;I l"h)rhla ,x,'on-pr(flil ('(~rlmr;llion
NI,,'xl),T'~' S'FRAMGI'.'I~,. President
( prln! nanlc)
AS T() Till.: B().,\RI):
DWI(il IT I!. t~R()('K, ('lcrk
ll()..\Rl) OF COUNTY ('()~IMISSIONliRS
('()I.I.II!R ('O!.IN'I'Y, I:I,()RII)A
B,.\RBAI~A B, I~I!RI~Y. ('hairman ' ~