Minutes 03/31/2014 (unsigned as submitted) PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 31, 2014 The Budget Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Monday, March 31, 2014, at 1:00 p.m. at the Pelican Bay Services Division located at 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 302, Naples, Florida. APPEARANCES: Michael Levy, Chairman John Domenie John laizzo Susan O'Brien Scott Streckenbein ALSO PRESENT: Neil Dorrill, Administrator Kyle Lukasz, Operations Manager Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst ROLL CALL/AGENDA APPROVAL All Committee members were in attendance at the meeting. Mr. Levy added that after Item 6 a date should be set for the next budget meeting. Mr. Domenie motioned, Mr. Levy seconded to approve the agenda as amended, to include that addition, and unanimously approved. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr. Domenie asked how salaries were allocated among the different divisions, and what percentage went to each. He was advised that it was divided almost evenly among the three main divisions. INITIAL REVIEW OF PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET The Committee reviewed line items, and Ms. McCaughtry indicated that she was still waiting on some additional figures. The County's operations charges and what they are contributing to the Clam Pass project was discussed. Reserve amounts were discussed and the Committee decided to continue with the 2&1/2 month reserve for the FY 2015 budget. The significant budget changes were noted, and those related to Clam Pass testing and permitting and the need for increases were discussed. Ms. O'Brien provided information on what the Clam Bay Committee will be doing, and what the costs would be. Budget Committee Meeting—Minutes March 31, 2014 Page 2 Mr. Dorrill indicated that the 111 transfer in the coming year should be increased to $150,000, which is roughly$118,000 more than they are now receiving, and this will offset some of the Clam Bay activity. Mr. Levy agreed, indicating that it would cover the shortfall and enable the assessment to remain under$400, with money left for capital projects. Mr. Dorrill suggested that the budget be prepared assuming that this money will be obtained. The Committee went through the budget fund by fund, and Mr. Lukasz explained costs and procedures when needed for clarification. The Committee briefly discussed formalizing the agreement with the Foundation as it relates the landscaping and operations of Pelican Bay and the pros and cons that this would present, and it was suggested that it should be brought up at a full Board meeting for discussion. REVIEW OF CAPITAL PLANNING THROUGH FY 2020 Ms. McCaughtry was instrumental in putting this together, and the Committee discussed what funds were needed going forward for the capital projects that are planned. The berm project is expected to be much more expensive than anticipated, and at the Committee's request, the numbers were explained by Ms. McCaughtry. ESTABLISH A PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR FY 2015 AND TAX RATE - BEFORE AND INCLUDING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Mr. Levy suggested that the final number, which includes the capital improvement program, be held to what it was the previous year at $398.12. The Committee members agreed, and also decided to leave the tax rate at its present rate of.0857. SET MEETING DATE The Committee agreed to hold its next meeting on April 28 at 1:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Domenie motioned, Mr. laizzo seconded, to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.