Minutes 11/13/2014 (unsigned as submited) PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION AD HOC COMMERCIAL MEMBER COMMITTEE MEETING November 13, 2014 The Ad-Hoc Commercial Member Committee met on Thursday, November 13 at 2:00 p.m., 2014, at Pelican Bay Services Division, SunTrust Bank Building, Suite 302, 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Naples, Florida. APPEARANCES: Michael Levy, Chairman Tom Cravens Joe Chicurel Dave Trecker ALSO PRESENT: Mary McCaughtry Lisa Resnick ROLL CALL/APPROVAL OF AGENDA All members were noted as being present. There being no changes or additions to the Agenda, on a MOTION by Mr. Cravens and a second by Dr.Trecker, the Agenda was unanimously approved by the Committee. AUDIENCE COMMENTS There were no comments from the audience. REVIEW COMMERCIAL MEMBERS ERUs/BRAINSTORM WAYS TO RECRUIT AND RETAIN NEW COMMERCIAL MEMBERS The Committee noted the amount of the assessments paid by the several different commercial members, and it was suggested that Jim Burke, the Fire Commissioner, be approached to serve. After a brief discussion, it was decided not to approach him as he is a resident of Pelican Bay. Non-attendance at meetings has been an issue with the commercial members in the past, and Mrs. McCaughtry briefly discussed past commercial members, indicating those who did not appear to have an interest in serving. As the different hotels have the greatest interest in the appearance and management of Pelican Bay, it was felt that commercial members may come from them. Mr. Cravens felt that the BCC should be approached and asked to strike the requirement for commercial members on the Board and reduce the Board members to nine. The commercial Ad Hoc Commercial Member Meeting—Minutes November 13, 2014 Page 2 members do not appear to have an interest in serving, as they do not attend meetings which could in certain cases affect quorum requirements. The suggested wording for that change could be that a quorum be based on nine residential members plus the actual number of commercial members currently serving on the Board, (zero minimum to two maximum). It was suggested that the largest assessment payers would be approached again for participation, and the results documented, along with their history of non interest in serving to bring before the BCC. It was further suggested that before the BCC is approached, a letter be sent to top ten commercial entities as it relates to their assessment, with a request for participation on the Board. If there is no response, the Board of County Commissioners will be approached with Mr. Cravens' suggested changes with documentation on the actions the Board has taken in an effort to get commercial members to become involved. A MOTION was then made by Mr. Cravens that the Ad Hoc committee recommend to the full Board that a letter be sent to the top ten commercial organizations in Pelican Bay, based upon their assessment levels, indicating to them that there are two vacancies on the PBSD Board, and asking of they have any interest in having a representative from their organization serve on the Board. If no responses are received to the letter,the history of the previous two years of commercial members on the PBSD Board will be documented as well as the efforts made to recruit those representatives, and a request will be made that the BCC revise the ordinance to eliminate the two commercial members due to their lack of participation and interest in the PBSD. A second was made by Dr. Chicurel and unanimously approved. On a MOTION by Mr. Cravens and a second by Dr. Chicurel, the Meeting was then adjourned at 2:40 p.m. Michael Levy, Chairman 2/2/2015 11:06:45 AM