Minutes 05/16/2014 (unsigned as submitted) PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION
MAY 16, 2014
The Safety Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Friday, May 16, 2014, at 3:00
P.M. the Pelican Bay Services Division Office, 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 302, Naples, Florida,
APPEARANCES: Joe Chicurel, Chairman
Tom Cravens
John Domenie
John laizzo
Scott Streckenbein
Dave Trecker (ex-officio)
ALSO PRESENT: Neil Dorrill, Dorrill Management, Administrator
Susan O'Brien, PBSD Board Member
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Chicurel, and a MOTION was made and seconded to
approve the Agenda.
Item 7b was moved to Item 4, and will be rolled into the Administrative Report.
Item 9B was added as Line of Sight issues.
With those additions,the Agenda was unanimously approved.
There were no audience comments received.
Mr. Dorrill gave a brief report on the pathway project that ran from the Commons to the north
tram station which was ultimately abandoned. There was some resident disapproval regarding
the removal of the tree canopy and the fear that widening the pathways would encourage
more bicyclists to use it.
Mr. Dorrill suggested that a separate evaluation be done to explore where a widened, multi-use
pathway could be put in, and he provided the Board with the set of drawings that were done
for this project for future reference.
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May 16, 2014
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Mr. Streckenbein reported on the Pelican Bay pathways, noting that there was a small amount
of root lift in some areas and few spots where pieces of paving have broken away, but generally
the paths are in fairly good shape. A small sinkhole near Valencia was noted and repaired. A
bigger problem was the overgrowth, which in some areas narrowed the path significantly and
caused line of sight issues.
Dave Cook is sending a letter to the community presidents asking them to address the areas
that are their responsibility, and it was suggested that this overgrowth is a violation of the
Foundation covenants and all the communities should be aware of that as well.
Mr. Dorrill indicated that Lisa is doing an assessment of the annual and seasonal work plan and
general equipment condition, as some changes and upgrades need to be made.
It was agreed that the Committee would work with the Foundation on the pathway issues and
that the landscaping staff will handle those areas that are the responsibility of the PBSD.
The change from stop signs to yield signs previously voted on by the Board must be
accompanied by a change in the road striping, and no waiver on this issue will be granted. Mr.
Dorrill is confirming that the repaving of Pelican Bay Boulevard is scheduled for the first quarter
of the new fiscal year, and this item will be readdressed once Mr. Dorrill hears from the County.
A. Investigation of Limited Use of Safety Signs vs. Reliance on Outreach
Every contact method available will be utilized to educate residents and guests to their
obligations regarding safety when using the pathways. The Foundation's template will be
obtained and a pamphlet created for distribution to guests on this issue, and the use of bike
bells will be encouraged.
B. Discussion of Previously Vetted Widening of Pathway on west side of Pelican Bay Boulevard
This item was covered under the Administrator's report.
The Committee discussed the pros and cons of installing paths on the roadway for bicycles, as
apparently in Collier County bike riders can use the pedestrian pathways even if there is a
Safety Committee—Minutes
May 16, 2014
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designated bike path for them on the roadways. The recommended standard of safety from
the FDOT is a 14 foot curb driving lane if a bike lane is to be included, and the opportunity to
include a bike path would be when the road was resurfaced early in the next County fiscal year.
The Board agreed that the focus should be on safety, as there continues to be issues with bikers
and pedestrians sharing the pathways and berms.
A MOTION was made and seconded to bring the recommendation to the PBSD Board that
two ten foot lanes and a four foot bike lane be put in on Pelican Bay Boulevard when it is
After brief public comment, the Motion carried four to two.
The Board members agreed that this was a contentious issue within the Community, while
some felt that residents should be advised well ahead of time in order to voice their opinions.
These items were previously covered in the meeting.
A. Oakmont Path
It was determined that the Oakmont path problems are the Foundation's responsibility, and
they will be taking care of them.
B. Pilot Program/Line of Sight Issues
It was agreed that the previously discussed option of two pilot program communities to address
line of sight issues was a viable one, and Mr. Dorrill suggested that it can be handled as a
nuisance issue, which is addressed in the Covenants, if there is any question about setbacks.
C. Compliments to Staff
Lisa was thanked for her willingness to handle unexpected issues that arise in the community,
both inside and out.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:13 p.m. on a MOTION and a second.