Ochopee FCD Advisory Board Minutes 06/08/2015 OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING ON JUNE 8, 2015 CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to Order by the Chairman Anthony Davis at 4:05PM. Roll Call of Attendees Alan McLaughlin, Fire Chief, Anthony Davis, Chairman of the Advisory Committee, Port of the Islands Ron Gilbert,Advisory Committee Member, Port of the Islands James Morris,Advisory Committee Member, Port of the Islands Robert Craig,Advisory Committee Member, Port of the Islands Jean Kungle,Guest, Port of the Islands Additions and Deletions to Agenda No additions or deletions to the Agenda. Approval of Agenda A motion was made to approve the Agenda as written it was seconded and passed. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 11,2015 A motion was made to approve the minutes of May 11, 2015 it was seconded and passed. REPORTS: Chief's Report Budget Chief McLaughlin — This is the third quarter of the 2015 budget July 1, 2015 will be the beginning of the fourth quarter. The budget is still on track although there have been a lot of expenditures. At the end of the fourth quarter he will attach a list of all of the accomplishments completed within fiscal year 2015. We are still on track with payroll, however,there will be an increase in payroll expenses retroactive to 45 days for Linda Swisher's job classification change. She will receive a 10%pay increase. Chief McLaughlin -So far there have been 38 line of duty Firefighter deaths in the US for 2015 and there have been 9 for the month of May 2015. Awards, Recognitions&Certifications None Page 1 OPERATIONS REPORT: There were a total of 69 incidents for the month of May 2015. In March and April we had 114% increase in call volume this current number represents a 48%increase over last year's figures. Last year's figures were: From _January of 2014 to when we opened the station on 1-75 we ran 125 calls. Since we opened the 1-75 station on 11-3-15 to today we have responded to 166 calls. That is 291 calls just for station 63. We have had a tremendous increase in calls on 1-75 in 2007 we had almost the same amount of calls on 1-75 and were covering them from the Everglades City Station so we were putting a lot of millage on the vehicles. Sometimes we were going out there three or four times a day putting over 300 miles a day on our vehicles. Chief McLaughlin - There were two mutual aid calls outside of the District one to Broward County it was a Vehicle Fire at the 50 Mile Marker on 1-75 and one Brush Fire to Greater Naples Fire District at 52nd and Miller Road. There were no boat rescues for the month of May, 2015. There were 33 incidents on 1-75; 14 Vehicle Accidents, 2 Vehicle Fires, 6 Emergency Medical Calls, 1 Grass Fire, 6 Brush Fires, 1 Public Assist, and 3 Smoke Investigations. There were 5 Fire Inspections conducted by Greater Naples Fire in our District and no Fire Investigations. There was a question from one of the Advisory Committee Members regarding a patient transported on Cays Drive and asked if that information was incorporated in the incident figures given. Chief McLaughlin — He suggested that maybe in the future the call report could be broken into zones. Ochopee Fire Control District is divided into four response zones. Zone 61 is covered by Station 61 and runs from Collier Seminole State Park back passed the Miccosukee village. Zone 60 runs from Chokoloskee Island to 1-75 north to Turner River Road on the East. Zone 66 runs from Turner River Road to the Dade County Line. Zone 63 runs from the intersection around I- 75 from the 83 mile marker to the 51 mile marker. He can attach a report that shows the calls in each zone. OLD BUSINESS: 90% of the LED Light replacement has been completed Chief McLaughlin—One of our cost saving projects was to replace all our florescent lamps in the station with LED lamps 90% of this task has been completed. The only areas where the lamps have not been replaced yet are in the Attack Truck bay, the GYM and a couple in the apparatus bay which are not used most of the time. He feels we are averaging a savings of$225 a month which is 18% to 20% of the electric bill for the Everglades City Fire Station. He is talking about replacing the LED lights at Station 61 in the living areas. He is also considering changing out the spot lights to LED. Page 2 FEMA Grant for Smoke Removal Station 60 Chief McLaughlin—We are still waiting to hear if we have been approved for the FEMA Grant regarding Smoke Removal for Station 60. Ochopee Fire Control District Request for Services Proposal Chief McLaughlin—The Advisory Committee is familiar with the proposal and saw the workshop meeting. Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant for Foam Chief McLaughlin —We were approved for the Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant now we are in the process of obtaining quotes to make our purchase. FDOT 15/16 Budget Chief McLaughlin—The FDOT 15/16 budget has been completed and is on the Board of County Commissioners Agenda tomorrow for approval. Anthony Davis — He welcomed the new Advisory Committee Member Robert Craig. He went over the Fire Service Request in order to bring Robert Craig up to date. Last fall the Board of County Commissioners asked for proposals to operate the Isles of Capri Fire Station, Ochopee Fire Control District and Goodland. Goodland was tossed out of the proposal. Last Tuesday there was a workshop for the two entities to give their proposal which were Greater Naples Fire District and Ochopee Fire Control District and there will be a vote tomorrow regarding the proposal. NEW BUSINESS: Update regarding the water system at the 1-75 Station Chief McLaughlin—He spoke to Dave Morgan on Tuesday the State has procured the funding to install a larger RO system at the 1-75 Fire Station so hopefully in the next week or two they will start working on the water system. The State of Florida is going to develop the north side of the highway as well and will install a million dollar RO system once that takes place to run the whole site. Working on 1-75 Station Internet Chief McLaughlin — At this time Century Link is looking into another option in regards to providing internet at the 1-75 Fire Station. We have Internet for our computers but our Dispatching is primarily done by IP addressing and secondary by radio, then VHF and 800 MHZ paging. Wireless does not work with this system it has to be on a hard wire internet provider. Page 3 Flag Pole at Station 60 Chief McLaughlin -The flag pole at Station 60 has to be replaced the pole is rusted trough. The funding will determine whether this repair will take place this budget year 2015 or the next in 2016. New Base Radio for Station 61 Chief McLaughlin —A new base radio was purchased for the Port of the Islands Fire Station 61 out of the building fund budget. Acquired Vent Saw from Big Cypress Preserve Chief McLaughlin—Big Cypress National Preserve purchased the wrong saw they couldn't use it so it was given to Ochopee Fire Control District. Big Cypress National Preserve needed brush pants for their personnel so the Chief donated six pairs to them. This was old brush gear that our Department no longer uses. Ochopee Fire Control District has a MOU with Big Cypress National Preserve and works closely with them. 2 New MDTs for Engine 60 and 61 Chief McLaughlin-We purchased two MDTs (Mobile Data Systems)for Engines 60 and 61 this is part of the new Dispatch System. The Tough Book computers were refurbished with a one year warrantee at a purchase price of$1400 each which was a large savings this type of computer new would be $3200 each. These computers were purchased to be used with the new software that will be installed in the fall the old equipment is not compatible. Renewed Big Cypress MOU Chief McLaughlin - The Big Cypress National Preserve MOU was renewed within the five year agreement there is a yearly renewal which was just completed. Reduced Verizon expense by removing 6 accounts Chief McLaughlin — We made a significant reduction on our Verizon bill of $220 a month by removing 6 accounts. We have streamlined the account by removing items that are no longer being used. Yearly Apparatus Testing Chief McLaughlin—The yearly apparatus testing should be completed within a month. We are a month behind on these tests. The yearly hydrant checks have been completed. Page 4 Anthony Davis—Does the District paint the fire hydrants? Chief McLaughlin—Who ever owns the hydrant is responsible for painting and maintaining the hydrant we inspect them. We painted the hydrants in Everglades City a couple of years ago because the City couldn't afford to and they were the wrong color. The hydrants in Port of the Islands are a different color because of the recycled water. Chief McLaughlin — Still working on Assistant Chief's Office at the Everglades Fire Station hopefully by the end of July his new office will be completed and his old office remodeled into a bunk room. PUBLIC COMMENT Jean Kungle thanked the Chief and the personnel for all their hard work and wished him luck in regards to the BCC decision tomorrow. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made to adjourn the meeting it was seconded and passed the meeting ended at 4:45PM. 7 c .F fir, nthon D vis, hairman hop Fire Control District Advisory Committee Page 5