Haldeman Creek MSTU Minutes 05/05/2015 734.0014, Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU HALDEMAN CREEK DREDGING MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE MAY 5, 2015 MEETING The meeting of the Haldeman Creek Dredge MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by Chairman Wilson at 4:00 p.m. at the MSTU Office at 3570 Bayshore Drive. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Committee Members: Roy Wilson, Steve Main, and Joe Adams. Jim King was absent. MSTU Staff Present: Jean Jourdan, CRA Operations Manager, and Ekna Hue, Operations Coordinator. II. Adoption of Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda. Motion: Joe Adams Second: Steve Main Approved: 3-0. III. Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the February 3, 2015 minutes. Motion: Steve Main Second: Roy Wilson Approved: 3-0. IV. Project Manager Report: A. Haldeman Creek MSTU Update 1. Haldeman's Landing boat dock extension: This is moving forward, it is currently being reviewed by staff. It will be going before the Planning Commission sometime in June, no date has been set. 2. Thomasson Drive construction project: RWA is preparing to submit 30% completion design plans to county staff for review. Timing may be interrupted as there is a bit of controversy due to a member of the MSTU Beautification having a problem with the plans as they currently are. 3. CRA owned 5.29 acre Gateway Triangle site: The Developer has closed on the 2 key sites at the apex of the triangle. Their due diligence has been completed and a non-refundable $152,000 is being held in escrow. A 60 day closing extension was approved the County and closing is scheduled for July 11`h. B. Beautification MSTU Update: During the 5pm MSTU meeting. C. CRA Update: Will be discussed at the CRA meeting at 6pm. V. Old Business: None VI. New Business: A. FY16 Budget: The proposed budget will be reviewed by the BCC on June 25th&26th. The initial budget is being estimated with a 7.5% property value Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU increase. The breakdown increase for the MSTU budget increase will be by $4,000. Roy mentioned that at the rate the MSTU is set as of now will require 52 years before we can save enough for a re-dredge keeping in focus an expense of $3million, this not including any inflation or the upkeep of markets. Once we include the Haldeman's Landing revenue the time will be shorten to 34 years. After review of the possibility of a mileage increase mileage by 1mil this shortens time to 34yrs. He also shared that there will be a report to support their increase. Joe suggested maybe we can start by looking for grants once the new employee starts with us. Steve suggested we can keep the mileage rate as neutral and keep this issue on our radar by moving forward step by step with grants or studies needed to build a base for the dredging. Motion to have staff request the mileage rate to 1 mil, in the event the Budget Office denies this request they would like to stay mileage neutral, made by: Roy Wilson 2"d: Steve Main Approved: 3-0. B. Goals and Objectives: This document was provided to the members for their review and suggested amendments in our next meeting. VII. Next Meeting Date: June 2, 2015 VIII. Public Comments: IX. Advisory Committee General Communications: Joe asked about the RaceTrac and whether the MSTU can hold a position on the project. Staff explained we can only recommend that we are not in agreement of the project. Staff has not received a submittal as of yet as there are new LCD regulations that are being proposed are going before the Planning Commission this Thursday. Joe mentioned his neighbor witnessed a manatee giving birth on their dock. X. Adjournment: 5pm /4 ( _�i Approved and forwarded by Roy Wilson, MSTU Advisory Committee Chairman.