VB MSTU Minutes 05/07/2015 V aMd a,tliSt 1caca MAYA. Advisory Cofsittco 3299 East Tamiami Trail Suite 103 iwr Naples, FL 34112 MINUTES MAY 7,2015 CALL TO ORDER: by Chairman Arthur called the meeting at 1:58 PM. II. ATTENDANCE Advisory Committee Charles Arthur-Chairman William Sjostrom—Vice Chair, Mark Weber, Bruce Forman Michael Price Staff Harry Sells, Project Manager Others Raymond Benza—Hole Montes, Senior Construction Field Representative Robert Kindelan—Commercial Land Management Sue Flynn—JuriSolutions-Transcriptionist A quorum was established; five voting members were present. III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Add:: IX. A. FPL Network Bid Vice Chair Sjostrom moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Second by Mr. Weber. Carried 5-0. Mr. Price announced that will be moving out of the MSTU Boundary Lines in June, 2015. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES-APRIL 2,2015: Mr. Price moved to approve the Minutes of the April 2, 2015, meeting as presented. Second by Vice Chair Sjostrom, Carried 5-0. V. LANDSCAPE REPORT Robert Kindelan reported the crews have been trimming, and noted Comcast and FPL trucks are parking on ROW. He stated there were two places need to clear sidewalks,. VI. CONSTRUCTION REPORT Ray Benza gave a brief update on the project. The finger streets have been completed and were three weeks ahead of scheduled. He had no complaints on contractor.. They plan to do Bluebill prior to finishing Vanderbilt Beach Road. Harry Sells reported a permit was modified for casing for conduit. Boring underwater in July. Irrigation line will posed issues causing sidewalk to be removed to ROW line.. 30-40%of Sidewalks to be replaced. VII, PROJECT MANAGER'S REPORT A. BUDGET REPORT FOR 4/2/2015—Addressed after B. GENERAL STATUS OF BURIAL PROJECT-Previously addressed. Harry Sells reported FPL bids have come back. If the bid is approve and get a contract approve to start pulling cable in September and start setting transformers. C. Move Comcast on Vanderbilt Beach Road to Accommodate FPL Vaults Two waterline down on Vanderbilt Beach Road and an asbestos cement line underneath the parking spaces will be removed. They will remove the asbestos cement line. When the waterlines are completed,we will set vaults and complete the area. D. New Requirements for Easements Harry Sells reported the Ritz Carlton does not want to be hooked up FPL loop. He reported the County does not want to be in the loop County garage and County Bathrooms. VIII. OLD BUSINESS- Addressed after IX. A. GENERAL RULES FOR MAINTAINING LANDSCAPE ON VANDERBILT DRIVE Chairman Arthur suggested Homeowners receive General Rules in writing. Harry Sells recommended 5' height for hedges,unless a homeowner wants to maintain the hedge themselves. He indicated if hedge is not kept up, County cut down to 5', Harry Sells will create a flyer with a list of rules for Robert Kindelan to distribute. Discussion was ensued on replacement placements. Harry Sells will request 2 or 3 concepts options for replacements for landscape replacements from Slabaugh,. Mr Price moved to direct Staff to generate a memo as Harry just describe. Second by Vice Chair Sjostrom. Carried; 5-0. Harry Sells will word flyer to maintain what is. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. FPL NETWORK BID Staff provided a Bid Tabulation for FPL utility conversation at Vanderbilt Beach Road, (See attached) Harry Sells reported four FPL network bids came back. He reviewed all 4 bids, He will provide updated project cost at the next regular meeting.. to 4 1'K,0 C . M;-F an moved to approve expenditures up to $800,000 for FPL Utility Conversation at Vanderbilt Beach Road. Second by Mr. Forjman. Carried; 5-0. VIII. OLD BUSINESS NONE X. MEMBER COMMENT -None 2 XI. PUBLIC COMMENT-None Mr. Forftnen moved to adjourn meeting. Second by Vice Chair Sjostrom. Carried; 5-0. Meeting Adjourned at 3:17 P.M. NEXT MEETING DATE: JUNE 4,2015 AT 3:00 P.M. "CLAUSSEN FAMILY CENTER"AT ST.JOHN'S CHURCH 625 111TH AVENUE,NAPLES,FLORIDA VANDERBILT BEACH MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE Utleg-t CHARLES ARTHUR,C IRMAN The minutes approved by the Board/Committee on 44 , 2015, "as submitted" I- 1 OR "as amended" [(1. 3