The Pelican Bay Services Division Board met on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. at
the Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive,Naples, Florida.
Pelican Bay Services Division Board
Dave Trecker, Chairman Ken Dawson
Susan O'Brien, Vice Chairman John laizzo
Henry Bachman Michael Levy
Joe Chicurel Scott Streckenbein
Tom Cravens
Pelican Bay Services Division Staff
W. Neil Dorrill, Administrator Mary McCaughtry Operations Analyst
Marion Bolick, Operations Manager Lisa Jacob, Recording Secretary
Also Present
Tim Hall, Turrell, Hall & Associates, Inc.
Kathy Worley, Conservancy of SW Florida
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll call
3. Agenda approval
4. Approval of meeting minutes
5. Audience comments
6. Status of Clam Bay NRPA Management Plan revision
7. Status of timeline for dredging permit application
8. Administrator's report
a. North berm restoration
b. Pelican Bay Blvd. repaving
c. County reading on beach bench
d. Oak Lake Sanctuary Lake Bank Erosion (add-on)
e. Summary of Sunshine Laws for new Board members
f. Consideration of expanded field management services
g. Monthly financial report
9. Chairman's report
10. Committee Reports
a. Landscape & Water Management
Additional lake pilot trials *
b. Clam Bay
Additional berm sampling sites *
c. Safety Committee
PBSD landscape maintenance resources *
11. Old business
12. New business—Receipt of background materials prior to meetings
13. Adjourn
All members of the Board were in attendance.
A MOTION was made by Tom Cravens and seconded by Henry Bachman to approve the
Item added as Oak Lake Sanctuary lake bank erosion.
The agenda was then unanimously approved as amended.
No meeting minutes were submitted for approval.
Dr. Joseph Doyle spoke to Pelican Bay as being a fiscally conservative district, and questioned
the amount of money spent on consultants, and the appropriate amount of operating and capital
Bob Naegle thanked those present for their voting support in the latest election.
The Chairman gave a brief review of where the Management Plan stood at that point,noting that
the County Commission at their October 14 meeting had sent the Plan back to the Board with
some very specific instructions. Dr. Trecker read these instructions into the record, noting that
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November 5, 2014
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the changes the Commission had requested were minor, and comprised tying the plan, the
dredging permit applications, expanding the section on freshwater discharges and insuring that
ecological considerations were included in the dredging criteria. The changes were made by Tim
Hall, Kathy Worley and Mary Johnson and will be reviewed by the Clam Bay Committee and
forwarded to the Board, which will meet in a special session on the 14th of November.
The Clam Bay Committee and stakeholders were commended for their work on this
Management Plan.
Dr. Trecker indicated that once the Plan is approved by the BCC, no further approval is needed,
and the dredging permit process can go forward.
Mr. Hall brought the Board up to date on what has been accomplished towards the 10 year
permit application, and the plans are now being reviewed by the Foundation. Mr. Hall's office
has been working on the biological data to go along with the application as well. Once all of this
information is brought together it will then be submitted to the Board for their approval, ideally
at the December meeting.
Mr. Hall felt that once the BCC approval has taken place, and other agency approvals have been
obtained, the entire process will take close to a year to accomplish. If the Pass was to close in
an emergency situation, with the permit in hand, dredging could begin immediately. Mr. Hall
added that he had met with Congressman Clawson's aides to discuss a triage system for
approvals, with less complicated and more straightforward issues taking less time for approval.
This approach would help Collier County move these approvals through much more quickly.
A. North berm restoration
This project is at substantial completion, in advance of schedule, with no change orders.
A presentation by Mr. Cravens was made to the Board of the two segments of work, with images
of the restored area. Wood storks are back in the area, as well as other birds, alligators and
smaller animals. Some of the work will be checked to make sure that it was built to the
B. Pelican Bay Boulevard repaving
Mr. Dorrill expressed his appreciation of the excellent work that was done by the contractor, as
well as the engineering and supervision by the County staff. The temporary latex strip was put
down, and will remain in place until the road has cured, or hardened, up to 90 days. Mr. Dorrill
suggested a gesture of appreciation should be made to the County staff to thank them for the
excellent job they did.
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November 5, 2014
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C. Beach bench
Some residents have expressed an interest in having a bench on the beach for reading and
enjoying the area as well as a resting point on a beach walk. The location will have to be
coordinated with the Foundation if it is on their property.
After a brief discussion regarding the issues of precedence, nesting turtles and maintenance, on a
MOTION by Tom Cravens and a second by Scott Streckenbein, the Board respectfully and
unanimously declined the offer of a beach bench, citing the many issues of the dynamics of
the beach, including nesting turtles.
D. Summary of Sunshine Laws for new Board members
Mr. Dorrill gave the new members a brief concise explanation of the Florida Sunshine Laws as
they relate to their position on the Board of the PBSD. This information can be found on the
Attorney General's website. Mr. Dorrill also pointed out the most recent update to the Sunshine
Laws, related to the public's right to speak.
E. Consideration of Oak Lake Sanctuary lake bank erosion
This lake receives water from numerous areas and can fluctuate four to five feet. The erosion is
now at a critical point.
This problem was brought to the Foundation originally in 2011 and twice to the PBSD, and has
not yet been addressed. This is the header lake in that section of the community, and it has been
evaluated by the civil engineer. Mr. Dorrill indicated that lake bank erosion is systemic in the
community, and the PBSD has an annual budget of$75,000 for it. The use of a product called
Geotube, which is less expensive and very effective, was discussed, and staff will determine the
best product for this problem with extreme erosion and estimates will be obtained. The Board
agreed that the problem will be addressed by the Water Management Committee.
F. Consideration of Expanded Field Management Services
Mr. Dorrill prepared some general information regarding expanding some of these services as
opposed to using the services of a civil engineer, which may result in some savings. Mr. Dorrill
also suggested that Lisa Resnick, who is in graduate school for another year, should be
considered. The budget implications would be looked at for a 40 hour a week County employee,
and three days a week for expanded field management work. This proposal will be sent to the
Budget Committee for consideration along with other information related to staffing needs.
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G. Monthly Financial Report
As the Board members had not yet received the Financial Report, this item was tabled until the
financials are provided to them.
Chairman Trecker assigned Mr. Henry Bachman to the Budget Committee and the Landscape
and Water Management Committee. Ken Dawson was assigned to the Clam Bay Committee and
the Safety Committee. The landscape responsibility was transferred to the Safety Committee as
many safety items pertain to landscaping. The fertilization and irrigation of landscaping will
remain with Water Management.
The terms of Dr. Trecker, Mr. Levy and Mr. Iaizzo will end in March, and advertising for these
positions will begin in Dec. The Chairman appointed a one month ad hoc committee to bring
recommendations to the Board to remedy the unfilled commercial Board seats. Mr. Levy, Mr.
Cravens and Mr. Chicurel will serve on this committee, with Mr. Levy as Chair.
A. Landscape and Water Management
Mr. Cravens reported on the tilapia experiment in the adjacent lake. In a month's time since the
tilapia were put in the lake, the heavy algae is completely gone, and the lake remains free of it.
The Clam Bay Committee has recommended the insertion of tilapia into two additional lakes in
the District at a cost of approximately $600.
A MOTION was then made by Tom Cravens and seconded by Henry Bachman to
recommend staff to proceed with stocking the two lakes, 1-8 and 5-2 with 100 ten to twelve
inch Blue Tilapia at a cost not to exceed $1,200.
The Board discussed the possibility of other adverse effects on the water system using these fish,
and the option of waiting for a period of time to see what those effects may be. After discussing
the pros and cons, the Motion passed 8 to 1,with Ms. O'Brien voting against it.
The Board also discussed the merits and drawbacks of Peroxide-2 as an algaecide, and Tom
Cravens made a MOTION to do a pilot program with peroxide in Lakes 3-3 and 4-4, in
amounts not to exceed a total cost of$1,500. The Motion was seconded by Dr. Trecker.
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After further discussion,Mr. Cravens withdrew his Motion, and Dr. Trecker withdrew his
second. Some specific information will be obtained on the co-chemical that must be used with
peroxide for it to be effective and the costs involved.
Dr. Trecker summarized the methods tried over the past several years to control algae, many of
which have worked quite well. The issue is a complicated one, given the irrigation and
fertilization best use practices and the expectations of the residents.
The ongoing problems with algae and copper in the lakes and ponds in the District will continue
to be addressed, and further discussion will be held at the next PBSD meeting.
B. Clam Bay
A MOTION was made by Susan O'Brien that the Clam Bay Committee recommends to the
full Board that two water sampling sites be added along the berm, and as noted in the
packet, at an estimated cost of$2,000 to $4,000. The Motion was seconded by Mike Levy.
There being no discussion on the Motion, the Board approved it unanimously.
C. Safety Committee
Dr. Chicurel gave a brief report on the Committee's 10/30 meeting, which included a
presentation on Neighborhood Watch, a new, condensed version of a handout for residents, and
new methods to address the speeding bicyclists who come into the community. Addressing the
overgrowth of vegetation was addressed.
A MOTION was made by Joe Chicurel that the PBSD Board direct staff to do a manpower
analysis to determine whether additional manpower is needed for field operations to
maintain Pelican Bay landscaping on pathway and roadway areas in such a manner as to
keep Pelican Bay's paths and roads clear of vegetation intrusion. The Motion was
seconded by Tom Cravens. A brief discussion was then held regarding manpower and budget
shortages in this area. The Motion then passed unanimously.
It was noted as well that an outside service was hired to do a preliminary cutback of vegetation.
A resident of Oakmont emailed regarding her fall and injuries due to the unsafe conditions on the
path around the Oakmont Lake. It was determined that this was Foundation property, and a letter
will be sent to the Pelican Bay Foundation Board regarding ownership and responsibility of the
Oakmont pathway.
A biking forum is scheduled for 2/24 on road rules for bicyclists including an outdoor clinic.
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November 5, 2014
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There was no old business brought before the Board.
Ms. O'Brien's request for background material receipt prior to meetings will be discussed at a
later date due to time restraints.
The Chairman indicated that Mr. Streckenbein was inadvertently left off the Budget Committee,
and should be noted as a member.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:08 p.m. on a MOTION and a second.
Dave T c er, Chairman
Minutes approved [ ] as presented OR [_] as amended ON [ C/ C7°/5 ] date