Forest Lakes MSTU Agenda 06/02/2015 FOREST ROADWAY and DRAINAGE M.S.T.U. ADVISORY COMMITTEE LAKES 3299 East Tamiami Trail-Suite 103,Naples,FL 34112 JUNE 2,2015 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II. ATTENDANCE III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—MAY 5, 2015 V. PROJECT MANAGER HARRY SELLS A. MONTHLY BUDGET REPORT B. PROJECT MANAGER'S REPORT • QUOTE FOR INVESTIGATION OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM • FENCE REPAIR AT POLE #27 VI. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS VIII. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS X. ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING: JULY 7,2015 10:00 AM Forest Lakes Condo Association Clubhouse 1058 Forest Lakes Drive, Naples, FL 3410 FOREST ROADWAY and DRAINAGE M.S.T.U. ADVISORY COMMITTEE LAKES 3299 East Tamiami Trail-Suite 103,Naples,FL 34112 MAY 5, 2015 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman George Fogg called the meeting to order at 10:05 A.M. A quorum was established; five voting members were present. II. ATTENDANCE Members: George Fogg—Chairman Marianne Fanning-Vice Chairman Barbara Bell Richard Barry John Goody County: Harry Sells—MSTU Project Manager Michelle Arnold—Director PTNE Others: JuriSolutions—Sue Flynn III. Welcome New Member John Goody was welcomed to the Committee. IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Marianne Fanning moved to approve the Agenda as presented. Second by Barbara Bell. Carried 5-0. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—April 5,2015 Dick Barry moved to approve the Minutes of the April 5, 2015, Meeting as presented. Second by Vice Chair Fanning. Carried 5-0. VI. PROJECT MANAGER A. LETTER OF APPRECIATION FOR KEVIN MCKYTON AND DARRYL RICHARD Letters were present to the Committee to sign. B. MONTHLY BUDGET REPORT Harry Sells distributed and reviewed the Forest Lakes MSTU Monthly Budget Fund 159. (See attached) Discussion was made on putting together a"Need to Do" list and prioritized it. It was noted Darryl Richard had put a list together for the MSTU. Staff will research the list to be used as a basic list. Chairman Fogg suggested Staff take the Members be given a tour of the MSTU responsibilities on golf carts to discussed projects and make it an official meeting. This could be arranged to make it a regular session. April 7,2015 Chairman Fogg moved to direct Staff to set up training session to make members aware of MSTU responsibilities for. Second by Dick Barry. Carried; 5-0. C. PROJECT MANAGER REPORT - Quote for Investigation of Drainage System Harry Sells asked for a quote to investigate the entire drainage system . Chairman Fogg moved to authorize staff to expend up to $5,000 on the underground drainage system inspection and flushing. Second by Vice Chair Fanning. Carried; 5-0. - Street Lights Inspection and Maintenance Harry Sells explained how the Lely MSTU is handling the street light inspection and maintenance. The Committee formed a consensus that we don't need to have an electrician to clear cobwebs. The cobwebs will be handled by the landscaping people. - Fence Repair at Pole #27 Someone has been climbing the fence and has damaged 4-5 ft of fence. Harry Sells asked for a quote. He recommended a motion to authorized up to $500 to repair the fence. Chairman Fogg moved to direct Staff to fix fence at pole 27 not to exceed $500. Second by John Goody. Carried; 5-0. - Tree Down at Pole#113 Tree was blown over at Light Pole#113. The landscape contractor replanted and staked the tree. Harry will check the root ball for the potential of being pot bound for a possible warranty claim.. The Advisory Committee previously approved a motion to retain ABB Engineers for$1000. Staff recommendation was to not to keep motion. Chairman Fogg made a motion to hold a previous motion on keeping an open purchase order for Agnoli Barber and Brundage Inc. in abeyance. Second by Barbara Bell. Carried; 5-0. VII. OLD BUSINESS A. TRAFFIC FLOW INTO THE COMMUNITY (BOTH ENTRANCES) Michelle Arnold gave Traffic Ops pictures showing it is County property. She stated Traffic Ops will come out to inspect. The request needs to be clarified. VIII. NEW BUSINESS Staff provided a quote from Windham Studios for a six month interim maintenance consulting on a monthly basis in the amount of$4,550. (See attached) Chairman Fogg recommended not needing Scott Windham at every meeting. He felt the Monthly report was adequate. Michelle Arnold recommended that Scott Windham be at the monthly meetings to address questions and suggested the Committee eliminate Task 2. Chairman Fogg moved to approve setting up a contract for 6 months with Scott Windham not to exceed $4550. Second by Dick Barry. Carried; 5-0. 2 April 7,2015 IX. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS-None Vice Chair Fanning reported an issue with retaining pond at hole 2, erosion of dirt on the south end. It needs to be filled in. Harry Sells will review. Barbara Bell asked for a status on street signs. Michelle Arnold stated they were going to do an inventory on signs first. Barbara Bell cannot make the next meeting. X. PUBLIC COMMENTS NEXT MEETING: JUNE 2,2015 AT 10:00 A.M. FOREST LAKES CONDO ASSOCIATION CLUBHOUSE 1058 FOREST LAKE DRIVE,NAPLES,FL 34105 There being no further business for the good of the County, the Meeting was adjourned by order of the Chairman at 11:28 A.M. FOREST LAKES ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE George Fogg, Chairman The Minutes were approved by the Committee Chair on , 2015 "as submitted" [ 1, OR"as amended" [ 1. 3