BCC Minutes 10/09/1990 S:~and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
: Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
have been created according to l~w and having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 5:45 P,M. In SPECIAL SgSSION in Bu~ldinn
~'"P" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
Naples, Florida, October 9, 1990
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners tn
fo/lowing members present:
CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr.
'~ VICE-CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe
Richard S. Shanahan
Butt L. Saunders
Anne Goodnight
ALSO PRESENT: Annette Guevin, Deputy Clerk; Ron McLemore,
Assistant County Manager; Jennifer Pike, Assistant to the County
Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Mar3orie Student Assistant
County Attorney; Robert Fahey, So]id Waste Director; William Laverty,
Growth Management Planner; Bob Blanchard, Growth Planning Director;
Russell Shreeve, Housing & Urban Improvement Director; Frank Brutt,
Community Development Services Administrator; Ken Ptneau, Emergency
Services Director; Eric Young, Planner; Sue Filson, Admlnlstrattve
Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office.
October 9, 1990
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on
9/19/90, 9/25/90 and 10/3/90, as evidenced by Affidavits of
Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to
consider/adopt an ordinance to be known as the Collier County
Affordable Housing Density Bonus Ordinance.
Planner Bill Laverty explained this is the second advertised
public hearing regarding the Collier County Affordable Housing Density
~;.~Bonus Ordinance. He stated this ordinance has been before the CCPC
twice and before this Board on one occasion. He advised that the
author of the ordinance, Bill Merrill with Icard, Merrill, Cullis,
T/mm, Furen & Ginsburg, P.A., is not present at this meeting due to an
~llness, but Staff is present to answer any questions the Board may
Co~issioner Shanahan questioned how the CCPC voted on this issue7
Mr. Laverty replied the CCPC voted unanimously by a vote of 5/0,
to forward this ordinance to the Board for approval with the changes
provided in the Executive Summary.
~ Commissioner Shanahan asked if the ordinance applies to the entire
County, including the coastal high hazard areas7 Mr. Laverty
responded it applies to all unincorporated areas of the County.
Commissioner Shanahan commented there has been considerable con-
~,~ .cern expressed regarding density in the high hazard areas in relation
to evacuation problems.
Mr. Laverty agreed, stating those issues will be faced once again,
when the Growth Management Plan amendments are returned from the
Department of Community Affairs (DCA).
?!i, Commissioner Volpe referred to a potential for abuse within the
a~' 'density bonus rating system. He suggested the following example: if
he has a 25 acre parcel with a density of four units per acre as
allowed under the Growth Management Plan, he would be allowed to build
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i!. October g, 1990
100 units on the 25 acre parcel. He said if he decided to build 10~
~of that project as Category 3 affordable housing units, that will give
him a density bonus credit of three units, per acre. He indicated that
since the bonus applies to the entire 25 acres, he will receive 25
.md4Ational units in return for providing only 10 affordable housing
T;tmAts. He said if that is the case, he will never rent those 10
~,~ affordable housing units.
· Russell Shreeve, Director of Housing & Urban Improvement,
explained that the monitoring built into the ordinance certifies that
~ the developer will rent those units.
In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Shreeve stated the intent of
this ordinance is for it to apply to the entire project and not only
; the percentage to be built as affordable housing. He said that, with
the high cost of land and development, ~f a substantial subsidy is not
given to this program, it will not be economically feasible to pursue.
Commissioner Shanahan asked Mr. Laverty to elaborate on possible
problems the DCA may have relative to the high hazard areas, hurricane
~evacuation and shelters, etc.
Mr. Laverty informed the Board that preliminary comments have been
received from the Regional Planning Council conc()rning the Growth
"Management Plan amendments. He said one particular issue addressed
affordable housing in the urban coastal fringe area which the Regional
Planning Council has mentioned in its report to the DCA. He indicated
· they have concerns with hurricane evacuation times, provision of ade-
quate hurricane shelters and the economic feasibility for any develop-
ment that would occur in that area. He reported it is difficult to
ii!ii~ determine what will transpire, but he expects an objection to be
received to that proposed amendment based on hurr]cane evacuation and
shelter. He added, unless Staff can determine a solution that will
adequately address those concerns, those will be grounds to be found
~iin non-compliance. He commented an alternative solution would be not
to adopt that amendment.
Commissioner Shanahan asked if the DCA will object to this pro-
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October 9, 1990
~.: posed density bonus ordinance in the high hazard area?
Bob Blanchard, Growth Planning Director, clarified that the affor-
dable housing density bonus will apply to all unincorporated areas of
the County, however, the density /imitation of four units per acre
.iatill applies south of U.S. 41. He explained that, except for the 600
units previously considered by the Board as part of the amendment pro-
cess, if a developer in that traffic congestion area south of U.S. 41
' chose to use the affordable housing density bonus as a way to gain
!~'additional density, the cap of four units per acre would apply. He
ilexplained that physical area stretches east from the City of Naples,
to the urban area and south.
In answer to Commissioner Shanahan Mr. Blanchard further
:~.>~ clarified that the maximum of four units per acre will apply on Marco · I,~la~d no matter what density bonus system the developer chooses to
Com~mtssioner Volpe asked if the waiver of impact fees will be
limited to the number of units that are actually affordable housing
units, to which Mr. Shreeve answered in the affirmative.
Commissioner Volpe commented if the ordinance applies to an entire
pro~ect and is not limited to the affordable housing units being pro-
~i~ ~ vided, that seems to be adequate incentive without waiving Impact
Mr. Shreeve responded that when looking at low income housing, the
ordinance is beneficial, but it may not be adequate to provide for
very /ow income housing. He stated in that case, a developer will be
' provid~ng housing for people earning less than 60~6 of moderate income
~!'~ at a cost of 30% of their earnings. In order to that, he said, the
i]~i'developer cannot generate enough income to make the project feasible
without additional incentives.
~' ' Ken Plneau, Emergency Services Director, advised the Board that
both tropical depressions in the Atlantic Ocean have dissipated and
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October 9, 1990
'the National Hurricane Center is no longer following them. He added
.that a deve]oping low pressure system has formed in the last six hours
between Havana and Key West which may develop into a tropical
~ression as it moves overnight into the Gulf of Mexico. He stated
that. his concern tonight is due to the astronomical high tides with
!"the full moon, which may cause the Everglades City area to have local
ii;~. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Ptneau reported that by this
time tomorrow, the current system may develop into a tropical storm in
Gulf, but he believes Tampa will be the area of concern. He also
mentioned he will be updating Everglades City Mayor Butler regarding
the situation.
C~ntinuation of Affordable Housing Density Bonus Ordinance Discussion
Alan Reynolds urged the Board to adopt this ordinance as soon as
possible because of the many delays already experienced regarding this
issue. He stated that if adopted at this meeting, it will take an
additional 12 to 18 months to have any affordable housing units in
place. He added if the Board follows the recommendation of the CCPC
in reducing the bonuses in the table of the ordinance, there will be
very few projects able to proceed. He reported that he recommended to
the CCPC that the table should be removed from the ordinance and used
as a guideline In evaluating projects on a case-by-case basis. He
stated there is a vast difference between how affordable housing can
be creat-.d in Immokalee vs creating employment housing in the coastal
area of Collier County. He said there is a need for both, but the
same ordinance and tables do not fit both situations. He mentioned
that land values and development costs differ tremendously and a regi-
mented approach should not be adopted as a mandate in this ordinance,
it should be used as a guideline. He suggested that the Board adopt
an ordinance and direct Staff to investigate further to establish
guidelines for densities in any given situation, and not leave them
¥ applied across the County.
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October 9, 1990
Commissioner Volpe asked if by doing that the potential for abuse
will be avoided?
Mr. Reynolds indicated he believes that it would, because removing
the table from the ordinance will give the Board the flexibility to
review each project individually.
Commissioner Volpe commented that the Board will not be achieving
~'the intended goal by allowing a developer who commits to 10% affor-
,dable housing units to increase his density by 75 units.
~:"~ Mr. Reynolds replied that the reason that conclusion can be
reached ts because this ordinance ts proposing to create a bonus
.g system that is objective and not subjective to any discre-
tionary process.
Commissioner Volpe suggested the ordinance be applied only to
the number of affordable housing units in each pro3ect.
Mr. Reynolds disagreed, stating the affordable housing portion of
any project looses money and is subsidized Jn a bonus process by
allowing additional market rate units to make up the difference. He
said the bonus must apply to the entire project or there will be no
incentive to create affordable housing.
Commissioner Volpe asserted that more work needs to be done on
this ordinance. He stated the bonus within this system will create a
windfall for developers and not create the affordable housing units
!~needed tn the community.
Commissioner Saunders commented that there does need to be flexi-
bility built into the ordinance so that each site can be evaluated and
so that a density bonus can be awarded based on the site specific. He
stated that, on the other hand, the Board needs guidelines so that
property owners can have some indication of what they may expect. He
Sl~ggested that the tables within the ordinance be used as a guideline,
allowing the Board to evaluate each project based on the criteria con-
tained In the ordinance, the financing available and the site specific
criteria. He commented, in that way, the Board will have the density
rating ~ystem as a guideline with the flexibility to go above or below
000. 07
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October 9, 1990
if necessary, up to a certain maximum.
Mr. Reynolds stated his agreement, and strongly urged the Board to
adopt the table as originally proposed and not the version modified by
the CCPC.
% Mr. Shreeve pointed out that changes already made to the ordinance
.state that Tables "A" and "B" will be reviewed and updated if
necessary by the Board or its designee on an annual basis. He also
mentioned that each time a developer requests an affordable housing
~i19[~ density bonus, he must enter into an agreement with the Board. He
said since these agreements are reviewed by the Board on a case-by-
case basis, that affords the flexibility being discussed.
Commissioner Goodnight asked Mr. Reynolds if his clients who are
t:~Jnterested Jn cresting affordable 5ous~nD are looking for waiver of
bl/lldtng permit fees and impact fees?
Mr. Reynolds replied that his clients are looking for every possi-
bility to make the projects work, including waiver of impact fees.
Commissioner Goodnight stated that although the density bonus is
~for the entire project, the waiver of impact fees is only for the
affordable units portion. She added that the waiver of bui]dlng per-
mits is only for projects which are completely funded by federal,
state or county dollars. She indicated that she does not support the
!~i~iwaiver of building permits for affordable housing, and each project
should be looked at individually regarding waiver of impact fees.
Commissioner Saunders suggested adding the following language to
Section ? of the ordinance: "The density bonus rating system con-
rained herein is a quideline only Each pro3ect will be evaluated by
the Board of County Commissioners with the appropriate density bonus
to be determined by the Board of County Commissioners at the
,ublic hearing on the zoning."
Assistant County Attorney Student asked if Commissioner Saunders'
isuggsstion is to use the formula contained within the ord~.~ance as the
:~u~deline, to which Commissioner Saunders replied in the affirmative.
Frank Brutt Community Development Services Administrator, advised
Page 7
October g, lggo
the Board on affordable housing activities in other communities. He
mentioned the State of California simply states they will grant up to
· 25~ density bonus in the particular zoning density in which the pro-
·Ject is located, or a decrease of up to 25% of the assigned costs of
doing the project, i.e., impact fees, etc. He recommended for the
Board's consideration, that a subcommittee be established comprised of
· for example, two members of the CCPC, two members of the Board,
Staff, economists, a banker and the County Attorney. He said the
~?devsloper would then propose a project to Staff who would assemble the
~- information, including the economics of the project, for the subcom-
.!mittee,s review and evaluation. He stated it is important to remember
that at the end of 15 years, the affordable housing units revert back
to ~arket rate rentals. He reported an Affordable Housing
Subcommittee will give the Board the advantage of a/lowing experts to
i i~ ~ook at the projects and provide their recommendations
'~' In answer to Comm~ssioner Hasse, Mr. Brutt suggested that the
~.'i Board adopt the ordinance and consider the subcommittee in the future.
He said that committee will be a way of relieving the Board in the
~ of the need to consider projects at length without having the
various factors resolved in advance.
Commissioner Volpe indicated his belief that the ordinance as
'drafted provides too great an incentive to the developer and many
County Attorney Cuyler, using Commissioner Volpe's exaaple of 25
acres with a base density of four units per acre, stated the 10% of
affordable housing units would be applied against the total density;
therefore, that project would be required to have 17.5 units of
affordable housing.
Commissioner Volpe stated that is still too much of an increase in
density for the amount of units that will be affordable housing.
Commissioner Saunders again mentioned that additional language to
.7~ ~ the ordinance may resolve that problem. He asked the County Attorney
his views on adding the fo/lowing to Section 7:
"The density bonus
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October 9, 1990
g system contained herein is a guideline. Each project will be
evaluated by the Board of County Commissioners with the appropriate
density bonus rating system to be determined by the Board of County
Co~isstoners at a public hearing at which time the zoning is
ii approved."
County Attorney Cuyler recommended against adding that language
He pointed out that the bonus within the ordinance establishes a fixed
maximum so that the Board will not have to negotiate with every deve-
loper on every project as to whether he should go above what would
otherwise be a maximum. He said nothing precludes the Board, based on
compatibility or appropriate zoning considerations, from lowering that
He suggested the Board direct Staff to meet with Mr. Merrill
to review the ordinance for possible changes.
' Commissioner Volpe asked that the suggestion made by Mr. Brutt
regarding the subcommittee be reviewed for possible inclusion into the
Comm~setoner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and
cmx~i~imoual¥, to continue this public hearing until 11/13/90 at
Planner Eric Young asked the Board to consider ZO-90-1b, an ordi-
nance amending Ordinance 82-2, The Comprehensive Zoning Regulations
for the Unincorporated Area of Collier County, by amending Section 20,
Definitions, by deleting the definitions of recycling center and by
definitions of transfer station, resource recovery facility and
He stated this amendment ts Intended to better define the activi-
ties associated with the concept of recycling and to bring the
's zoning regulations up to date with national and state stan-
for waste management. He said this amendment will, at the same
create the flexibility needed in the zoning ordinance to address
Page 9
October 9, 1990
meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair -
rapid advancements in the technology and processes associated with
'the recycling Industry. He reported these goals will be accomplished
deleting the definition of recycling center and adding the three
definitions of transfer station, resource recovery facility and
recycling. He concluded the CCPC has forwarded ZO-90-16 to the Board
with a recommendation of approval.
~iutone~ Saunders moved, seconded by Couteetoner Shanahan and
c~.-x'ied u~mnimouely, to close the public hearing.
Oo~m[isstoner Saundere moved, seconded by Co--~teetoner Shanahan and
carried unantmly, to tentatively approve the amendment to Ordinance
82-2 with ftnml m~rptton b~tng on October 23, 1990.
There being no further business for the Good of the County, the
as presented
Time: 6:50 P.M.
,~'minute~'approved by the Board on
or as corrected
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