Section FF Section F Interlocal Agreement Goodland MSTU and City of Marco Island rNsrR 4713774 0R 4813 DI{IG}IT E. BROCK' CLERK REC $44,OO "",",i?':0;+-zm-r#E.l':li-*,[tfiH^' o INTERLOCAL AG REEMENT FOR fIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES This Agleement, made and entered i 2012 by and between the Board'of county Commissioners of collier cou d lo as the 'COUNTY")' and the Gty ofMaico lsland, Florida, (hereinafter 'clTY")- WHEREAS, it is the desire of the COUNTY to provide fire protection.to Goodland in Collier County' iforiO", ., ,nor" tp"cifically identifiedin the Service Area map attached hereto as Exhibit "A;" and WHEREAS, the COUNTY desires to provide said fire protection to a portion of unincorporated Collier County by aBreement with the CITY, andi WHEREAS, the above referenced portion of the COUNrY shall hereinafter be referrelll,t::T,.::J.':: ffii??Jffi;"ii".iJ'"" ii"i",,i" o-,", ,.p attllr:d a t'lolt--1'-,n sharr be within the followint boundarieS: The unincorporated known as Goodland. NOWTHEREFORE, ln consideration of the mutual agree as follows: 1. TERM OF 1, 2011 and will continue for a period of three (3); this agreement maY be renewed for three (3)terms and conditions, unless either Party desires to the event either Party desires to terminate or renegotiate of its intention to the other party not less than ninety (90) reasonable petiod of time to willcontinue such servl'ce for a fire and rescue Plotection. The maximum len8th of such reasonable after the termination ofthe Contract by the clTY. Payment for services beyond the expiration date will be based on the monthly prorated amount of the ffi H;.*=nffi l,Lr'#ffi ,il;;';ii.* ii" ne'""" "! -o lllil-ll-1, *,:"::1i :iil ::L:'J:"il#'#rT;;;;;; is siven, or unrit the contrdst s renesotiated on terms mutuallv agreed upon by the Parties. 2. TERMS OF PAYMENT: The CoUNTY agrees contalned within Section 3 "service Level," in tw agreement is in effect. The county will remit the fir 3oth, and the second payment during the month of September 30s. The payment amount shall be tha rate for the Goodland Fire District, as iei uy ttre corfier county Board of county commissioners, minus ,"v .i.i"i.,*i* r""r, .nd n"t of.oit, required to be paid to the property appraiser, tax collector as *"1r ", .nv ott'"r. ".ro.i.t"o t"". ,nJiost' ihe millage rate set by the Board ot counw commissiones each year is subjea to the ordained millage cap for the Difirict- Each year of the A8reement, CoUNTY will norify the CIIY of the adopted annual millage rate in July; $rith notice of the adopted "nn,"r .ifric" rai" in " fo"n consistent with Exhibit "8" which states the FY12 adoPted millage rate' Interloeal Firc/Resa/g Ciry oflhrco #*\ Page 1 of 5 oR 4813 PG 2220 3. SERVICE LEITEL: The CITY agrees to Provid area by the City of Marco lsland Fire/Rescue emergencY call. All decisions on manpower an or in his absence, by one of his assinanB' perform the provided to include all including all between the CITY and COUNTY' 4. CoMMAND AT FIRE SCENE; The Marco lsland Fire chief' or in his absence' one of his assistants' shall assume controt and ,"rponriuriti oi-.rr-rirli, otr,"l. appri.able emergencies in the service Area where the CITY has responded' eouioment and personnel necessary to vice area. fhe ClTy shall be responsible EOUIPMENT AND PERSoNNEL: The provide adequate fire proteclion and for properly traininB allofsaid 6. RECoRDS: The CITY necessary- and provide statistics as 7. BREACH OF Agreement bY either Party shall constitute a material notice of anY bleach to ln the event the breach period, a reasonable aBreed may declare the contract cannot be cured within such terminated, and shall so notify an adjustment in the contract payment shatl be made based uPon a ihe annual contract PaYment' 8,ttn=-ir"orue,""r*,,1,:L::.':Y-:,,:"i:'"""""JT.,'ii:: :."",:::::T..Tli,::lfi'"1;:;,ir*,,1i ";i;.,,ions within the service area of corrier Page 2 of5 lnte ocdt FielRescue City oJ llarco days after receipt of written rde within the seven (7) daY [oun,V *itttort,t " *ritten consent ofthe coUNTY' 9. INDEMNIrV AND INSURANCEI nor shall the same be consrued to constitute agre ;;; ,]u."i;;";;;.tV;neslisent, willful or int"ntional acts or omissions- B- tlABlLlTY lNsuMNcE' The CITY covenants -to-keep in,force durin8 the period of this "gr"".""rt "a"qiiG-prot'tt ntoitity i*urance and property damage insurance' oR 4813 PG 2221 lN WIINESS WHEREOF, the Parties executed this lnterlocal Agreement for ThG City of Florida L*, 10. NoN'APPROPRIAIONS CLAUSE: lf for any reason the clTY or COUNIY5 Eoveming body does not approve the funds to imple;l;ttni' tonti"t'ii '"v given fiscal year' the contract shall be null andvoid. ll.NoTlcEs:Anynoticespermittedorrequiredbythis.ASreementshallbeinwritintand submitted by certifiea ,"ir, ,"t" reflii;'t;;;;l;";" 'ithe fotiowine adaresses' as approPriate a) Notices from the CITY to the COUNTY shall be sent to: Leo E' Ochs' Jr'' County Manager' 3299 E- Tamiami Trail' Building F' suite 202 Naples' Flotida 34112- b) Notices from tt" co'*it tiil li"' shall be sent to:-Dr' lames Riviere' citv Manager' Ciry Hall, 50 Batd Eagle Drive' Marco lsland' Florida 34145' duly authorized representatives' have commissioners W. Iur!, City Attorn€Y Page 3 of 5 laterlocol FirclRescue Cily oI Llorco oR 48i3 PG 2222 i PaSe 4 of 4 Interlocal Fire/Rescte City of Morco Best Available rmage Page 4 of5 Bhtblt A - F+ -- ?--l-i ::_:-ti !i4tu6 _.! G€ragdo-E:'6fffi,1 .J I I 'L F ?' '***'Oi 4813 pc 2223 *i* cffi*ctowa,,y & Page 5 of 5 Interlual FireJRescue City of llarco