BCC Minutes 09/12/1990 S ~ap]ea~ Florida, ~eptember 12, a~ for the County of Co]liar, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and aa the governing board(a) of such specia! districts as have been created according to la~ and having conducted business herein. ~et on this date at 7:00 P.M. Jn SP~CZAL BUDGET SESSION ~lldl~ "P" of the ~erneent Co.lex, East Naples, Florida, with the i follmelng menbers present: CHAIRMAN: V~CE-CEA~EMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. Michael $. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saundars Anne Goodnlght ALSO PRZ$~-RT: ellis Hoffs~n and Annette Guevln, Deputy Clerks; ~ll Dorrlll, County Manger; Ron McLe~re, Assistant County Manager; ~n ~ler, C~nty Atto~; Mike McNees, Budget Director, Mike ' ~ekI, Ed Finn, and Ellen Schmldt, Budget Analysts; Frank Brutt, C~lty ~velop~nt Adsinlstrator; george Archibald, Transportation ~lcee Adsinistrator: ~llltas Lorenz, Environsental Services ~lnletrator; Jay Reardon. ~rgen~ Se~lces Adeinistrator; Walter Carter, Road a~ Bridge Director; K~in O~nnell, Public Services ~lnietrator; R~ C~k, Utilities Finance Dlrector~ Sheriff Don N~terl C~stal Blankenship, S~rlff's Fiance Oirector~ gall Addison. ~ ~ty Byron T~llnson, S~rlff~e Office; a~ Sue F/leon ~lnlitrative Assistant to the Board. I 000,,- Oi Page September 12, 1990 Legs! notice havlflg been rabllshad ]n the Naples OalI¥ News on ,,.~.Bepte~ber 10, 1990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed w]th the Clark, public hearing was opened to consider the Fists! Year 2990-91 Tentative Budget. County )tanager Dorrlll stated that the items to be discussed at this public hearing include Staff ts presentation with respect to the history of the budget and changes to date and tax rate Implications; the tu lu~rted ~dgetl ~hich include the enterprise and ot~er ape- CJa~ fu~ ~dgete, and capJta~ and debt service. He noted that aa a re. It of the 2a~t ~dget ~tk~hop, Staff Je providing a balanced ~et~ reflecting a 14~ t~ increase. He indicated that the ~dget ti ~anced ~ith the SherJff~l increase at 14~, and al3 other budgets ~ ~. Budget Director Mc#ess advised that the purpose of this public i. bearing is to provide the opportunity for public coaent relating to the Fiscal Tear 90-91 Tentative Budget, to a~end and adopt the tenta- tive budget and the tentative eil~ago rate~. Hr. )(c~ees called attention to the agenda packet and noted that Pages I and 2 include the appropriation and revenue sumatarJea reflecting the changes that have bees lulde in the budget workshops to date. Ne stated that the bottol line figure ia no~ 1310 million ~hlch Mr. Mc~eas indicated that Page 3 ia a graphic representation of ~the lumry of Appropriations and Revenuaa~ Page 4 Includes a summary Of a~ County employ~ent; and Pages 5 and 6 are Appropriation and ~ilRevenue Sus~larJes for the General Fund. .... Hr. Mc~ees explained that each property tax dollar of a Non-City · eeidetlt represents the following: 54¢ supports the School Board; 33¢ ii, FI)arts Coll~er County aggregate govermeent; 3¢ supports ~osquito ~ Co~trol~ 3¢ supports the Nater J~nage~nt District; and 8¢ supports :~t~b~' war~oue Fire Districts. He advised that tonight's discussion ~ill to 32~ of the average tax dollar. Page September ~2, 1990 Hr. Dorm]d Pr]ce, rorer P]or]4e Stete Troopor, stated that on August 27, 1990, he presented a position pal~.r outlining suggested budget cuts for the Sheriff's Budget. He read his position Into the record, citing opposition to 890,000 In legal advice when services of the County Attorney's or State Attorney's Office could be utilized. it Ne q~eetioned whether 23 Court ILal]ffs are necessary. He noted that I11 alterr~tive to the suggested Indianapolis Plan would be motor pooling of patrol vehicles with one car being assigned to two officers on separate shifts, resulting in a savings of taxpayer dollars In the refuge of $5OO~O00. He reported that a savings of $154,000 could be realized If the County's Hus~n Resources Oepartment provided the screening for adsinistratlve and related support personnel; could be saved by utilizing the County,s Purchasing Department; the utilization of a County progras already In place rather than on-line Interfacing ~lth the Clerk of Courts Finance Progra~ could save · $~95,0001 ar~ expanding the County,s fleet contract to Include the Sheriff's office could save $~04,996 in salaries and benefits. He suggested the return of zero b~sed budgeting as opposed to st&cklng budget practices and a thorough revle~ of the Sheriff's operational and &dmlnistr&tive aandate by an ad hoc cossittee formally approved by the Board of County Co~issioners to verify the legitimacy and pr&ct]c&llty of the line ]tees proposed In the Sheriff*s 1990-91 budget. He advised that there could be & savings of $1,241,000. He Indicated that the Sheriff,s Office has requested $76,000, excluding · oftw&re packages, in computer equipment0 and he believes that other equlj~ent sl~ould be researched for additional savings. Hr. ~c~ees stated that the A~mnded Tentative Budget as of today, reflects a County-~ide millage rate of 4.4490 which Is 13.5~ above the rollback sillage rate. He advised that the aggregate ~111age rate frol the T~t&tive B~tdget is 5.0144 which represents an 11 5~ increase over the rollback millage rate. Hr. Jack Stockwell0 ~aples resident, raported that he belongs to the group of taxpayers that support Sheriff Hunter and his budget. He September ]2, ~990 indicated that he h~l obeerved the antiquated type of e~uJpment that ~e beSng uaad daily, to effectively oper&te t~e total Cm~nty la~ enforces~nt &pparmtus and admires the Sheriff and his staff for being able to do this work under such conditions. He noted that the Sheriff ~e thankful for the old desks and ch&lrs which were cast off by those tizlt descended Building "A" to love into their new offices tn the new "J" m~ visits the C~nty ~g~r~ Off,ce, he fee~s as though "he ha~ died ~ gone to hemven'. Ne relmted that under the exlstlng ~o~ ~et of t~ Sheriff's Office, it 11 ~ Itruggle each day to procure the ne~ed parts and su~lJel to contJnve the o~rat]on and function of ~ 3~ enforce~nt agency. He itated that the Sheriff 3s merely ~elt]~ the ability to ieee the c~tJzens of Collier County ]n the ca~1ty for ~hlch ~ ~ elected. t~t the conditions ~re very diffi~lt, not~ng that the~ a~e no ~e~ cio~ets In Building '~- s~nce th~ h~ve ~en converted to cee. S~ explained t~t this ~ enfo~ce~nt ~gency Is dedicated to ~e ~ p~otect t~ ~op]e of Co]lle~ C~nty ~t the l~ck of support of the Sheriff,s ~dg4t ~ the Count~ Commission le Injuring that Co~l.~lo~r asunder. ~e-tlo~d whether Sheriff Hunter ~. r~lting ~2.9 million in Capita3 ~t~ay. Sheriff's Office ~dge~ JncJ~el ~he exlltJng 3emsel on the veh~cJe~, colpu~e~ t~t ~1 ~rc~i~ ~d ~t~nt fo~ the de. ties tn excess of $500. ~ ~e~rted t~t ex]lt]ng le4~e p4y~nts mrs ~500,000 on the prior ~leol~r Sau~r~ etat~ t~t there should b~ some creative ~y t~t t~ Sheriff 4~ County Staff could work together to find a :.~ to raJ~ or ~ve $1.2 lJ]]~ ~Jth~t ~ttJng into the Page 4 September 12, 1990 needl or personnel needs of the Sheriff's agency. He noted that there ~ ~n~orce~ent I~pac~ ~ee~. He explained that concern~ h~v~ b~n ~e~ ~th ~eg~rd to the ~lit~ of ]~ enforcement ~n the ~ity. fie re~rted that he hal ~ked A~slstant County ~anager ~re a~ C~nt~ AttoFney Cuyle~ to ~come more creative ~n their th~nkJng ~n terms to determine ~f there ~e ~itern~tive financin~ tec~]~e~, l.e. Cert$f]catea of Pa~t~cipat]on or other revenue ~our- tel that c~]d ~ ~mp]e~nted ~n ~990-9% ~o that the quality ot ~ i~to~ce~nt w~]] not ~ red~cffd. Re Indicated that perhap~ the budget can ~ ~]anced with~t ~educ~ng that ]eveI o( eerv~ce. C~]m~J~er O~n~ght retailed t~t when the Sherle( presented h]l ~get ~o %~ka]ee ~, ~uoe, lhe o~te~ed to I~p~rt a Law ~o~ce~nt %l~ct ~e, a~ p]edged that abe would ha~e the other C~llslonerl lu~rt the ~u~l~ for prlvat~ cospanies I · lawn le~rity tnMtes that c~ld ~ used for so~ of the services to the ~nty. Co~lillo~r SauCers state~ t~t the focus has been on ho~ cuts ~n ~ ~de to the Sheriff's ~dgit, noting that he would like to shift t~t focus to ~et~r t~re ere othe~ alternatives to cutting t~ ~ge t. C~nty ~ger ~rrill related that Staff has already done lOSe ~reatlve things to ~lance the ~dget noting that there 1~ nothing t~ creative a~t ~rrai~ ~y or lease purchasing vehicles and ~lx~ capita/ lieu. He listed tat this ~llcy lies had not been C~llilOner SauMerl Indicated that the Coulsslon lay be ~llllng to co~iar Ihort terl and long term financing at thil ~uncture al l~ u It ~el ~t result In an increale In the budget. ~lleloar Vol~ Itatg t~t ~ feels It ~ould ~ ve~ ~nefi- CIe1 for t~ S~ritt's sta~t and County staff to ~ork together In this September 12, 1990 effort without placing the citizens of Collier County at risk. Sheriff Don Runter advlled that the citizenry of Collier County ia definitely being placed at risk. He indicated that he has used leah p~rchase agreeNnta to the best of his ability to acquire capi- tal for his agent. Ee ~ted that he Is looking [orward to the day w~a l~ct fees are a~pted ~ the Commission, an those fees could be a~d for capital pr~ra~. ~e l~lcated tht Capital Yund 301 has ~en ~t from $3.8 mlllt~ to $3 million. ft~l ~dget hearing, that Staff determine whether there are financing technl~es ~hlch could ~ used, for capital equipment, i.e. Certificates of Particl~tion, In order for the budget to be balanced ~lt~t ~tting the Sheriff,s ~dget any further than the level that ~ has ~eed to. ~rlff Runter explained that there Ii a 41~ Increase tn expen- ditures for the ~ard o~ C~nty Co~iseloners and related offlce~, and t~re Ia a 14~ Increase In ex~ndltures for the Sheriff's O~flce. He ~ted t~t hie r~uest tot the 14~ Increase le not unreasonable since t~re ii a ~lation ~se ~lch r~irel that ty~ of response trna 1~ entorcmnt. C~nty ~nager ~rrlll l~lcated t~t the 41~ Increase la not a realistic nus~r. Ne explal~d that part of the large increase In the ~ete ~xt year are to build the Pine Ridge Industrial Park, Naples Pr~uction Park, S2S alllton In road projects, the opening of two new s~r plants, a~ ~ginning o~ conet~ctlon on one n~ water plant. He re~rted t~t it ia not valid to say that the expenditures are going up 41~ as an o~ratio~l numar. He affirmed that the average ~reue ~xt year for all other County govern~nt, Including the ot~r ~stitutio~l Officers ~ 8.8X. S~rlff Runter stated that the 414 is an accurate and valid figure ~ th~ Commission Is responding to the gr~th that is occurring In ~lller ~ty ~ ~vl~ t~ ~ceseary facilities In place for the .';' ~le t~t are cosl~ into t~ area. He indicated that the problem September 12. 1990 that he ta facing with regard to the 14~ or 2a~ increase Is being able to do hie Job a~d provide hie responsibilities which can be compared favorably to the Coulsston'e 4I~ Increase. la anmeer to Co~Je~Joner Vo]~, Sheriff Hunter rep]ted that the ~rceptl~ that the Co~Ja~Jon ha~ ~a that his agency Is a one year ~rat~. Re noted that he ~re~ented a d~g treatment program, ~ork relea~ ~r~ram, a~ c~reer criminal pr~ram which are 4, 5 and I0 year p~'ograu and c~]d save the County dollars in the long term, but the~e were rejected, because of the 28~ Increase. Mrs. ~ Paterson 1o~ ti~ activist in Collier County for drug t~t for t~ sake of the Sheriff's Office, she urges the Commission to carefully consist the Sheriff's r~eet, She noted that she has con- ce~ t~t ~ of the pr~tlon prorate as ~nttoned by Sheriff Hunter will ~ dro~d, She J~lcated that the other County depart- N~te ~ ~t have a 14~ Increase, ~t they do not have the problems d~gl iht the Sheriff's Office enc~nters at 411 times. She r~eeted that nothing ~re ~ taken froe the Sheriff's ~dget. ~ty Rosa ~er~ez, C~rdl~tor, Sherlff'~ Office Victim's ~lch ~a~ cre~ted ~ an a~nt to the FJorlda ~ e~Jal~ t~t Chapter 960 ~.~, r~Jres fair treat.~nt of vic- tJl'l of witnell in t~ crlml~l Juitice tyaten. She noted that all ~ enfofceMnt agencies ~uit pr~lde victim's aaaiNtance. She · e~ated t~t this undated rei~nelbllJty lays not only on the l~3~rl of the Sheriff ~t also the County Co~isaton. She related t~t ~ to t~ previous year'l ~dget cuts, the Sheriff could not J~l~t thte pr~u, ~t ~ai forced to take the resistibility ~uggl$~ hil ~dget to find funds for office ~pace, manp~er and ~~. S~ ~vised that I~e ~s applied for a Victis. of Crl~ Act Or.t, ~ a c~l ~111 ~terelne the ~st programs within the State, ~ed on pro~sals t~t pr~lde quality and comprehensive Page 7 · ~eptember 12. ~990 direct services to victims of crism. She reported that her proposal rlqllest was In the as~ount of $44,460 to fund two Victim Advocate posi- tions: (me for Ismokalee and one for Naples. She noted that the full -~' amount of the grant has been awarded from the State. Delmty Hernandez Indicated that the Sheriff's Office has done ;.-' itm best to find other sources to fund so~m of the programs within !! tblm agent/. ::, Deputy Nernand~z re~rted t~t since her program has ~en tn I~tect, 69 vlctlls of violent crime have ~en assisted, 162 calls for ee~ice a~ referrals ~ve ~en received, and 62 victims have been ll~lsted relating to crl~l compensation. She noted that the objec- tive of this pr~ras la to increase the services by providing assistance to 350 vlctl, ot crl~ ~ ~.ne, lggl. She advised that Ii ~tlcl~ted that there ~ill ~ 10 additional volunteers by October, 1991, t~re~ eliminating any additional Iraqi to o~rate this .. ~ ~nced t~t t~ ~ly ~ay this can ~ accomplished, ia by the : CMlt~nt ot t~ C~liiI~ tO t~ citizens o( Collier County In pro- vlgI~ nth semites. She states t~t there are currently t~o Victim ~v~ates, tu~ed ~ t~ grant, ~t there ii no facility, vehicles or :~, ~l~t to ~ fully tunctlo~l. She re~este~ that the Commission tl~ I It~ ~or t~ie vlctl~ of crl~ since they ~lll ~ a~tected t~ ~clslon to ~t the pr~ram. ~he advised that more than 50~ of the citizens of Collier County ~Ill ~co~ victims o~ cries. ese ~ Clerk ~ln r~l~ ~W Clerk ~tt~ at this tl~ ~ foll~l~ ~ople e~ke in favor o~ the Sheriff's Budget t~ rea~ns listed ~1~: child the Sheriff's ~taff be reduced, :~ll~le o~tlcers are ~i~ di~tc~ to ~tenttally lethal situations wlt~t ~ck-up; calls ~lng received already outstrip the service ~: ~allablel ~to~ ~ertlu is r~lred eve~ ~nth; the safety 09 September 12, 1990 children In the comarunlt¥; q~alit¥ of ]Jr* for the clttzen~ of Collier C~ty; ~rale of Sheriff*~ Off/ce eaployee~ ~ 1o~ due to the dlla- off~era a~ the ability to deal proactiveJy -ith thcs: ~b OItck Hayne Hook ~ard ~rton ~ug Nickel ~r~ra Bras~res Ro~rt Marvin Jim Sanders Terry Ramberg ~lllt~r Vol~ asked if the cost benefit of the alternative to t~ l~Ja~Jll Plan ~ ~n Investigated? Ns. Gall Addi~n of the Sheriff's Office replied the Shnriff'g Office foll~s ~ ~lfied I~la~lls Pl~. She advised a true I~la~lls Plan aisles a car to the de~ty rot 24 hours per day and II]~ the de~ty to utilize the vehicle for personal errands She · ~Id the ~ifled lMla~lls Plsn ~]]~s th~ de~ty to only use c~r to ~ Ir. ~rk ~nd c~rt. Sh~ re~rt~d 1~ th~ deputy does not ~e his ~ vehicle, ~ ~st w~it In th~ su~t~tion for his c~r to be retum~ ~ the ~r.on u~lng it on th~ prevl~s shift. ~he said that ~r~n ~y ~ Involved in, for exa~le, an accident scen~ wh~r~ h~ c~t leave to return the car to the substation, 9h~ added that ~ltem ~s ~en used In the past, a~ v~hicles ~re not as well main- tai~d a~ ~d to ~ replaced ~re o~ten. Sh~ stated cars wer~ being r~l~ed ~e~ 18 ~nthm, m~ u~er the ~lfied Indianapolis Plan are ~i~ replaced every five or six years. S~riff Hunter coa~nlcated that virtually every la~ enforca~ent ~ la t~ ~tion Ms lsple~nted various take-hoe~ car programs. rely 20,~0 a~ltlo~l ~n h~rs on the street ~ould be lost If he ~Isc~tinued t~ I~la~lis Plan, ~hich ~uld be a ve~ grave disN~Jce to the ~blJc. fie stated this Is one o~ the cost contain- ~t pr~r~ ~eded ~ca~ his de~rt~nt Is not funded at its pre- vl~ l~el. He c~cluded this pr~ra~ helps do the ~ob ~tter a~ less c~tly. ~et Director Nc~ees clarified the original request fro~ the P~ge 9 September 12, 1990 $~erJff for the Zmeokalee Substation was for $I00,000 for remodeling and the Initial request for the Everglades Sub-tat/on was for $150,000 for ree~deling. He said the Board has approved the original requests Intact. Sheriff's Office Finance Director Blankenship commented the origi- ns! capital proposal submitted was over $11 m~/lton that Included com- ~]cat]~ and heat for existing ~J~dJngl. She stated of that orJg/~J re. eat, all ~t ~725,000 ~a~ cut ~ the County Manager ': ~fote ~J~ bright to the ~ard. ~' ~ergladea Su~tatime aa ~~d ~ the Sheriff's Office remain in ~[(~-~ the ~et. He re~rted the ~11 million that was cut from the :~'-~'~ , ~rlff'e ~et ~al hie I~rt of I total of nearly ~50 million cut County-wide. · *** lk~P~tT Clerk Boff~an replaced Deput~ Clerk ~n at this tl~ ~r. George ~el]er, President, Collier C~nty Civic Federation, ~ stated t~t Sheriff Hunter Je ~lng a g~d Job. He related that the citizens of Collier County delire la.ice ~t th~ do not want to pay ~:? ~ti~ t~t 22~ Jl ~caule pro~rty values Increased, but this does ~t re. ire any a~Jtional le~icel. Hfl re~rked that he feels that / t~re I~ld ~ve ~en a 10~ Jncreale Jn the gross budget over year. ~ exprelled t~t ~tl l~]d ~ done n~ so that enemy ~'~ ~t ~ve to ~ ~rrMd at t~ e~ o~ the year. Hr. Fred ~s. m~r of the Sheriff,s Citizen's '~2~"~' C~~ Staff ~ the Sheriff'. Og~lce ~o~ ~orktng together, noting that ~ ~rt. t~ Sheriff's budget. Commissioner Saunders stated when dealing with the reduction tn Jm~ enforce~k~nt there la a negative impact on the quality of life in the collttnlt¥. He exprea~d that he would like the Colullssion to Jltdlcate that they are tough on crime, and committed to keeping the ~ . ·mafeo He luggemted that Staff co~e up with innovative ways to fJ~ th~ ~1.3 lillion for the iherJfffa Office, and that one of the Page 10 September 12, 1990 Commission ~sbera work with the Iherlt~ in future budget years so t~t there 1~ ~re first ~r~ o~ratlon detailing ~hat the Sheriff's CmimmJoner ~a~han relat~ t~t he shares the vt~ of ~orktng ~lth the Sheriff and Staff, ~t he feels that it t~ unfair, tt~, to ask t~ C~nty ~ger to find SI 3 mil]ton. · He noted that be ~rte the ~ggest]on fo~ Staff to find additional ~onie~ and ~rk ~lth t~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~tff ~rk t~t~r to ft~ ~. to Co~lsslone~ G~night ltated that she ~ants the Sheriff to ~ook p~let Ire ~r~ently ~rfo~mlng, i.e. ~ch ~lntenance, pa~k c]eanup, rOM c]e~p, etc. In response to Coamimsioner Volpe, Sl~riff }fuhrer advised that there will be 26,000 algrant laborers coslng to Collier County this year, 27,000 additional part ti~e residents, and 71,000 tourists. Co~mlssioner Saunders suggested that the ~otion b. amended to provide that the )Mnagsr and hie Staff ~ork with the County Attorney tO look at l.pact fees and ho~ luch ~n~ can be generated trom marne, usl~ l~te lair whenever ~llJble, a~ other financing alternatives for varies C~nty projects, to determine whether $1.3 m/Ilion can be f~, al op~sed to telling the Sheriff that he has to cut the ~1.3 County Han~ger Dorrill Indicated that he will work with the ~lwrlff tO find ways to raise revenue, and hopefully, the Sheriff will look for ways to economize. Budget Director )(cNeea stated that aa of today the Sheriff agreed ~.to l~ve with a 14~ increase in his operating budget, independent of tbs costs be identified ae rent, utilities, etc., in the amount of $1o1 mJ311on, but this number is actually $800,000 He questioned * Page I I September 12. lggO vdlether the Sheriff le agreeing to the i4X cap on the current operating revenue, p].l thole utilities colt, or If the ce~ltng is 14~, plus the ~l.I million. C~nty ~naper ~rrlll explained that the intent is to ~oc~s on t~ real ~n~ of ~800,000 which s~ld ~ part of th~ motion. S~riff Runter replied that h~ does not understand precisely what Is ~lng stated at the ~nt, and therefore, cannot co.it to any ~rtl~lar numar. H~ re. Fred that he ~111 ~ happy to work wl~h Mr. ~ees or C~nty ~nager ~rrlll to deteralne ~hat Is ~lng said. C~nty ~nager ~rrlll advised that a fibre t~ requtred as an ~;~ up~t In order to advertise for the final ~bllc hearing. ~gested t~t the ~Clon indicate that he and th~ Sheriff ~tll meet ~ agree exictl~ ~t t~t ~r is, noting tha~ It will be between $1.3 nllllon and ~800,000, and then advertis~ for the final ~eetlng, ~t It ~111 not ~ffect the millage rite recalled earlier dlscu.~lons reflecting a figure of ~eei~ ~ ~ his ~tl~ to l~l~e t~t t~ ~,~ ~ ~1,146,1~. C~l~el~r Vol~ lccepted t~ m~nt. ~ ~11 for tM ~stl~, tM ~tl~ carried Budget Director HcNeee called attention to Pag~ 8 of the blue bk, ~tch lists all t~ c~nges that have ~en made to the Tentative ~et to this ~lnt He explained t~t there Is one Item that has ~t ~n rcvl~ed ~der S~ of Budget Changes. He Advised that the T~ ~llector ~dgeted 8650,000 Kre in turn back ~hlch is his retu~ of the exce8~ to the ~rd of County Commissioners. He thlt thJl ~nt ~s ~en ~dded a~ r~enue to the General Fund. NT. ~ee8 stited t~t Plge 9 lists the options ~lth regard ~o the 4650,~O ~ t~ ~ts that hue ~en ~de to ~te In exce~s of the Illl~e cap In tb~ =unt of ~3OO,OOO. He indicated tha~ the ~tl~ ~e 18 hight the the Policy requires, therefore, Page 22 September I2, 1990 thJl ~ay be epent u~e it to decreale ad va/orel taxee, or place it Jn Collector say that thai Jl not rea[ ~oney and it should not be al~l~op~Jated. Re stated that the reco~ndatJon Js that th1. mo~ey be Co~mimeioner Vo]pe aff{~d that he agreee with that recommen- dation and questioned whether the additional Reserves would indicate Hr. ~ ~vised t~t the Re~]ut~on fo~ the Tentative Budget JacJadel the ~ney Jn Rele~el, noting that the Resolution on Page 10 a~tl al] c~ee that ~ve ~ ~de to date to the va~ous (a~dl, ~lth one exception relating to th~ Pe3Jc~n Bay Improvement DJitrJcC Budgets. Re re~eited that the Relo2utlon be adopted, ~Jth a ~rate Re~oJutJon for the PB~D. ~r, ~C~eel an~flced that t~ Tentative Budget which ham be~n ~tid ~ ~eeolutJon 3eidl to a C~nty-Mlde ml33age rata o~ 4.4490 ~Jch il a 13.5~ increaoe ~er the ro3lback rate and in aggregate ~ty~J~ mlJlmge rate o~ ~.0344 Mhlch lo 11.S~ over the ro3Jback ~. ~eee advised t~t the fJ~l ~blic hearing ~i11 be held on ~ ~t~r 26, 1990, at 1:00 · ~, ~ffeee ~Jtted for t~ record, a letter from Ra~nd Bra, r~etJng that taxes ~ kept d~. Page 13 Se~tembe~ ~, ~990 being ~o further business for the Good of the County, the w&s adjourned by Order of the Chair - TI~: 11:00 P.M. BOARD Or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD Or ZONING APPEALS/EX OI~ICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S} OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL minutes approved by the lqoard on ;~reeented ._.._~.~or es corrected