BCC Minutes 06/13/1990 W;~ ' Naples, Florida, June 13, 1990
.IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
..the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
~and aa the governing board(s) of such special districts as
created according to law and having conducted business
on this date at 1:00 P.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in
~"F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
members present:
Max A. Hasse, Jr.
Michael J. Volpe
Richard S. Shanahan
Burr L. Saunders
Anne Goodnight
Sherry Keaton, Recording Secretary; Ellis Hoffman,
Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Jennifer Pike, Assistant
i.~County Manager; Mike McNees, Budget Director; Jean Gansel,
=Schmidt, and Edward Finn, Budget Analysts; Dr. Jane Polkowski,
.~¢-Health Unit Director; Jay Reardon, Emergency Services
Peter Bolton, EMS Helicopter Pilot; Martha Skinner,
Ices Director; Janie Butts, Veterans Services Officer;
!Don~e]l, Public Services Administrator; Bill Griffin,
Services Administration Manager; and Vince Doerr, Ochopee
June 13, 1990
ice having been published in the Naples Daily News on
~;1990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the
Workshop was held to review the 1990-91 Tentative
:s;'for Public Services, Contract Agencies, Emergency Services and
Director McNees requested direction from the Commission
ire'to the Sheriff's Budget which was reviewed on June 8, 1990.
:ed that staff can proceed and produce the tentative budget and
;ative millage rate which will be released in July with the
~iff's budget as it has been presented, or if there are to be
in that budget, a wrap up session should be scheduled with the
[flwtthtn the next couple of weeks.
Co~]~lsstoner Saunders suggested that the Sheriff's budget be
~tised as proposed, and then any changes could be made during the
get hearings.
NcNees advised that in the past, the Commission has had exten-
ps with each of the responsible agencies between the time
tentative mtllages were released and before that final
He indicated that this year, the workshops are being held at
and there will not be another workshop with the Sheriff
~.i~t° the final budget hearings in the evening.
.eeloner Shanahan noted that advertising the Sheriff's budget
is not final in any sense, but if it Implies that there
· finality to this budget, he is not in favor of this. He
"~d,-that he believes that considerable reductions need to be
if possible, the Sheriff should have the opportunity for
;discussions with the Commission prior to the final budget
~:answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. McNees advised that the
'will formally set the tentative millage at the first
~'fter summer recess, and the tentative budget must be released
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June 13, 1990
:McNeeae stated that a wrap up session with the Sheriff could
iitohed prior to the summer recess or in August. Commiss~oner
~ind~cated that he feels that this should be done after summer
,asioner Saunders remarked that if the tentative millage is
lsed with the 29.§% increase that the Sheriff is requesting, the
he&r~ngs will need to be held at Lely High School. He related
if the Sheriff's budget is trimmed down to 20% the public
,on will be the same. He noted that from a practical standpoint
:"doss not believe it will make much difference to advertise the ten-
mil/age and then hold the hearings, or to arrange another
!:and reduce the budget since public reaction will be the same.
~-'re/ated that he feels that the Sheriff's budget should be adver-
se the maximum, and reductions can be made after the recess.
~,~MI'; McNeese explained that there is no problem in advertising the
[t~tive-millage, including everything as requested to date, and
one could be made later.
'Manager Dorrill noted that the Sheriff will be in a dilemma
.h~ will want to know the direction that he is to take. He
:~ that if the Commission to see options in conjunction with the
ali~polic¥ that has been set, the Sheriff should be given that
.~e now, in order for him to make preparations durlng the summer
and the Board will have the ability to pick and choose those
~tions when his budget is reviewed again.
Comm~ssioner Hasse indicated that he is prepared to let the
know that he has to reduce his budget.
msioner Shanahan related that he is not prepared to accept
~'2'9~ increase in the Sheriff's budget, and noted that he is not
that the Sheriff needs the expanded services or the mandated
Ices a~ountlng to $5.6 million.
~sioner Saunders stated that a budget workshop can be sche-
with the Sheriff after the tentative millage is advertised.
[ssioner Hasse remarked that he will be looking at a possible
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but he is not prep&red to go &long with the 29~ incre&me'
Sheriff is requesting.
CoBlssioner Shanahan stated that he will accept the 10~, but no
Manager Dorrtll reported that the Commission had expressed
~fiscal policy that all budgets be held to a 4~ cost of living
we and 6~ attributable to growth. He advised that if the
on desires to see a budget consistent with the fiscal policy,
isherlff should be put on notice relative to same. He explained
~belteves that the budget should be advertised as currently
with the public expression that the Commission does not
to leave it at that.
~i~ner Saunters ~oved, seconded by CoBtsston~r
/O (Co~lsmioner Volpe not present) to adverti~ the ten-
~ presented, ~t t~t the Coutsston ts l~kl~ for the
~ly with l~ Mget ~1t~ as direct~ to
With regard to the budgets from the County Manager's agency that
.be presented, Mr. McNeese affirmed that there is a line Item tn
'iDdtvidual budget detailing pay for performance costs. He tndt-
%:that the average merit increase for employees is 7.6% and when
:tming of these raises are annualized, since they fall at dif-
:~imes during the year, this is an actual 5% over 1990 salary
McNeese stated that based on the direction of the Commission
ali increases over $90 were to be presented, there are slightly
ifferent definitions of current and expanded services this year. He
the "Current Service" column represents what it will cost
next year to continue all existing programs as they exist
iand this includes all programs that were a part of the 1990
'~'~'iall programs that were phased in as part of the 1990 budget,
~l:;programs that have been approved mid year. He explained that
items that will be seen in the "Expanded Service" column are
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June 13, 1990
new services or new positions.
!:.~*t-y Manager Dorrill stated that revisions and current service
will be prioritized before expanded services are requested.
that if the Commission feels that the current service pro-
~;&re not satisfactory, he suggested that these be "flagged"
picking and choosing process begins with his budgets.
Analyst Schmidt reported that the total appropriations for
i~get's general fund has increased 3.3%, and non general funds
;~lcreaaed 21.6%.
#tth~regard to Public Services Administration, Ms. Schmidt advised
'.[:"total appropriations have decreased by -2% and there are no asso-
revenues, therefore the total cost to general fund has
~;{J~$chmidt related that Animal Control General Fund
:ions have increased 6.5% but there is also an increase in
or animal licensing and impound fees of 40.9%, therefore, the
cost to general fund is a decrease of -3.8%.
Sch~idt stated that Page 3 reflects Animal Control Neutering
As a trust fund and total appropriations in revenue have
,ncrSased by 32.4%
· ~'~, Schmidt called attention to Page 4, Veteran Services General
and noted that total appropriations have increased 4.4%, there-
mre, the total cost to general fund has also Increased 4.4%, and
no expanded services.
M~',~Schmidt advised that Page 5, Museum General Fund, indicates
re ts a forecast but no current service due to pending appro-
'~tha Tourist Development Tax. She reported that current service
.at/one have been moved into Special Revenue Fund 155 as noted
.sstoner Saunders questton~d why this is tied into the Tourist
Tax. County Manager Dorrill advised that this is one of
amounts that is eligible to be used from a portion of
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June 13, 1990
'st or second cent of the tourist development tax and the ad
money can be reduced that supports the museum and supplanted
st Development Taxes. He indicated that if the Tourist
Tax fails, Staff will come back with a supplemental budget
':and this will go back to the general fund.
~er Saunders noted that there have never been discussions
Tourist Development Taxes being used for anything other
,ch renourishment, the summer festival, advertising and the one
~fO~.the baseball facility. County Manager Dorrill affirmed that
lance that was prepared by the County Attorney's office two
{,ago authorizes use of the money to support museums, cultural
:~ities and nature preserves.
~'MSl .Schmidt stated that Page 7, Fund 198 Museum Gift Shop is a
i~Pporting fund and ~s used to purchase products for the gift
~>,,~She indicated that the increase of 70% ts due to an increase in
~'.f~Sc~idt Indicated that Page 8, A~riculture General ~nd Budget
~ropriationa have increased .4~, and there are no associated
;~ ~herefore, the total cost to general fund has increased
re~rked that there are no expanded services.
Co~issioner Goodni~ht noted that the number of employees have
:educed from 15 to 14, and questioned who that person is and what
,~Fson does? Ms. Schmidt stated that this is one of the per-
:part time extension agents.
Public Services Administrator O'Donnell advised that this is a
.m~mnent part time position for 9 months of the year, and that person
a leave of absence during the summer since many of the programs
,red are associated with the school programs.
,Oo~missioner Goodnight stated that this employee has brought many
to Collier County during the past 4 years from NAC0, the State,
~eceived national recognition. She explained that she
cutting the budget, but this lady was in 14 of the 16 ale-
schools and had 1,500 third graders in a program called "On
Page 6
::~:i'? June 13, 1990
Itch Is a latch key program. She noted that one of the
:'problems that Collier County has today is parents working and
Children being left home alone. She remarked that she does not
.why this position was cut, since it only involves 9 months
Manager Dorrtll reminded the Commission that there are $9
1~n ~n current and expanded service requests. He indicated that
ton to his Agency, he is attempting to balance the $3 million
~':'exPanded services with some current service reductions. He related
~tf,there is a particular concern with this position it should be
ed" and he will attempt to provide alternatives later.
Schmtdt called attention to Page 9, Library General Fund
and noted that total appropriations have increased 11.1~, and
ts an increase tn revenue of 7.6%. She reported that the total
~tO general fund will increase 11.8%, and there is one expanded
which is the reclassification of a Library Clerk I to
erenoe Librarian. She advised that this reclasstficatlon is to be
~'through~ State Aid to Libraries. She stated that there is an
the Adopted Budget 89/90 Column, relative to permanent posi-
:~onS which reads 44, but it should be 45.
Gom~issioner Goodntght remarked that there is not a professional
~&rtan in Immokalee or Everglades City. Mr. O'Donnell stated that
lsional librarian has been added in Golden Gate, and a pro-
librarian has been hired for the new East Naples Branch
He advised that when the expansion of the Immokalee Branch
'~takes place, he anticipates that a professional librarian will
~.be considered.
Schmidt stated that Library Grants Fund is reflected on Page
~e reported that this was the Library Services and Gonstruction
Fram Grant and it is not anticipated that this will be received
1ext fiscal year, and therefore, there is no current budget.
8chmtdt indicated that Page 11, Library Trust Grant Fund total
[~tions under current services should read $190,000 instead of
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' L
June 13, 1990
600. She noted that the Expanded Service column should read -0-
$14,000; and the next column for the 90/91 total budget
say $190,600 which increases total appropriations 6.7% rather
-Schmidt stated that Page 12, Collier County Services for
· Fund 123, consists of 3 grants which do not coincide with the
~ fiscal year, therefore, there is no appropriation budget on
:;l~&ge but will be done through a budget amendment as each grant is
She noted that 2 of the 3 grants require a match from the
r. She related that the total transfer from general fund into
will be in the amount of $105,900, and there is the reduction
3:l)er~anent poeitions since these services are now contracted out.
Nm* Schmidt explained that Page 13, Social Services General Fund
tot&l appropriations have increased 13.3~, no increase in revenues and
total increase in cost to the General Fund is ~3.3~. She noted
~ha~. there are no expanded services.
~Nr. O'Donnell related that there is one line item in the budget
is $475,000 reflecting medicaid hospital bills. He indicated
since the State has broadened the eligibility criteria for this,
Conn~F is paying more. He noted that the State mandated
~/C?unt¥ Sheriff program is 65~ State and 35~ County. He related
the HCRA program is designed on a $4 per capita basis to cover
health care for County patients that are in out of County
)itale and 8125,000 was initially budgeted. He divulged that there
a lot of activity in that account presently, and the maximum
y for the County is $§37,000.
Zn answer to Commissioner Goodnight, Mr. O'Donnell reported that
5 positions consist of the Director, 3 Social Workers and a
for the department. Commissioner Goodnlght asked why the
position is not needed. Mr. O'Donnell replied that in
comply with the Commission's adopted budget policy, he
tTot to pursue that position.
$¢hmidt explained that Page 15, Golden Gate Community Center
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June 13, 1990
indicates that total appropriations have decreased -1.1~ and
taxes required associated with this have decreased
~.whlch is actually a -6.6~ decrease from roll back.
.':Schmidt referred to Page 16, Parks and Recreation General
reported that there has been a total increase in
lions of 4.0~; revenues have increased 45.6~, therefore, the
COSt to the General Fund has actually decreased -3.8%. She
that there are 4 expanded services: Recreation and Athletic
for $34,000 and revenues to match in the amount of $34,500;
'of the TECH contract in the amount of $28,600; maintenance for
Beach restroom facilities for $8,900; and maintenance of the
Community Park in the amount of $5,000.
.In answer to Commissioner Hesse, Mr. O'Donnell reported that this
will have a net reduction in personnel. He noted that 6
staff positions will be reduced. He related that the Parks
~reatlon Advisory Board advised that they are opposed to the
~Kim Kobza, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Chairman,
that he understands that the current reduction of 6 persons is
to the County Manager's direction to cut 5% staff across
'board. He remarked that there is ! Recreation Supervisor and 5
:ant Pal'k Supervisors who are critical to the County's programs.
~oted that these people are responsible for coordinating the Snow
~eet~-~the Kids Day program and the Summer programs wh%ch are held at
¥ Parks. He noted that millions of dollars are spent on
facilities and dramatic cuts are being made on the service end
th~e, ' He mentioned that the Assistant Park Supervisors perform
in addition to the actual programs, i.e. security for those
Lities. He noted that he strongly opposes the reduction of these
L~ons and suggested that there are probably other places in the
and trade-offs that can be made that will allow these services
~t in place. He asked that consideration be given in this
June 13, 1990
'O'Donnell stated that currently there is a park program super-
',:,~ an assistant and they work 40 hours per week. He noted
'the proposed reductions will reduce a person in the park by 40
;;ibut registration at the various park sites would still be
and there would be a greater reliance on contractual employees
i~'°Vide the service program. He affirmed that there are currently
· programs and reviews would be made to scale these back somewhat.
led that the recreation supervisor is the person that the park
supervisors report to and she reports to a superintendent. He
,that the duties would be split between the superintendent and
;rogram supervisors.
:County Manager Dorrill stated that his Agency is making its single
related push next year on quality Improvement to create 10
i~provement teams of line level employees to find ways of
[~ii~oFe with less. He affirmed that rather than equating money and
[e~with "X" number of programs he would like to think that there
m[better ways to do things.
~')Sch~idt reported that Page 18, Parks and Recreation Fund
.the Xmmokalee and Everglades areas. She noted that this is a
fund and total appropriations have decreased -1.2%, revenues
~de'creased -13%, and therefore, the net savings is l~.
Schmidt mentioned that Parks and Recreation Grant Fund 119 is
S~mmer Food Service Grant in the amount of $60,000.
,lmaloner Ooodnlght stated that out of all of the County's
, Public Services has the most personal contact with people,
budget is being reduced more than other budgets. County
Dorrlll related that the number of budget reductions in the
Fund, whether they are community development, water, sewer
waste, had tougher reductions than the ad valorem funds.
BUdget Analyst Gansel affirmed that she will be addressing the
=elative to Public Health. She called attention to Page 21,
that Staff is recommending that the next costs to the
for the Public Health Unit remain the same as it was last
Page 10
8he reported that contributions have slightly decreased since
the operating expenses have increased during the past year.
sed that Dr. Polkowskt has written a memo to County Manager
.l'i':;~dlntif¥1ng some of the Increases.
,-Jane Polkowskt, Public Health Unit Director, advised that the
Unit is awaiting the move to the new facility which will occur
fall. She indicated that the purpose of moving to the new faci-
t~ to improve the ability to meet the increasing need of public
':~alth services for the growing population in Collier County. She
~lained that tn order to maintain current service levels, funding to
~er the increased utility cost associated with the move into the new
[aCtltg ts $78,000 and there ts a $4,000 relocation cost of the
rlple wide ~obtle office unit from Naples to Immokalee and a $47,000
living Increase ts needed. She noted that these cannot be
by the current budget without negative Impacts on the service
~. She stated that not only le there a bi-modal increase in
:group, but also in income.
iPolkowekt called attsntton to Page 2 of her memo which focuse$
.Aids; She stated that she is requesting the maintenance of service
and yet there is the need for money for expansion, which she
lng. She divulged that in January, 1988, there were 30
r~ed Aids cases in Collier County, and as of May 12, 1990, there
L08'caeeu. She remarked that this is only the tip of the iceberg
i. HI~ ~nfectton because the bulk of this are those individuals who
no s~r~ptoms and are not classified as Aids. She related that the
period is 8-10 years, and many more cases will be coming
' ; i:$he- advised that the additional case load cannot be handled
there are not sufficient funds. She related that currently, 200
people that have been tested through the Health Unit have been
and this does not include those that have been tested
'0Ugh the private sector.
Commissioner Volp~ arrived at this tt~
f'Polkowskt stated that it ts estimated that there are presently
Page 1 1
,~, ;.: June 13, 1990
000 infected people in Collier County. She explained that
im the medication for AIDS, is now being recommended for
liv~duals who do not even have the symptoms, and it was previously
tO those who were sick. She reported that it has been found
~this medication delays the onset of the illness, and this
the patient load.
~/9~wsr to Commissioner Volpe, Dr. Polkowski advised that many
~nfected people do not know that they are positive.
Oommissioner Saunders stated that Dr. Polkowski is not asking for
creased funds for the AIDS program, but she is asking for suf-
to maintain the same level of service in 1990-91 as she
1.1989-90. He noted that she needs $129,000 additional due to
costs, but she is not requesting expanded services. He
that he is ready to approve the requested $129,000 since it
g~ves Dr. Polkowski the same level of service for next year the
!mslthis year.
y~O'Donnell advl~:d that the request for the $936,000 is not the
the Health Unit submitted, noting that this is his
He affirmed that he indicated to the Health Unit that he
not support any increase for the general cost of operations, in
to stay within budget policy.
Co~issioner Saunders ~ndicated that Staff has done exactly what
ssion asked them to do, and now it is up to the Board as to
the policy should be refined to reflect entry into a new
~lkowski explained that the effect of budget reduction for
program could be the further inability to provide the growing
services in the program and there will be increased costs
with hospitalization. She expressed that the emphasis is an
~t to get these people into out patient care.
Polkowski reported that another problem is the amount of time
~atient must wait for an appointment at the Child Health Clinic
weeks. She indicated that this results in delays of check
June 13, 1990
izattons, increases the pool of susceptible children and
of disease outbreaks. She noted that there are
confirmed cases of whooping cough, and more probable. She
~d.that there are 3.5 school nurses for 20,000 students in 38
and 3,000 children in 59 day care centers. She affirmed that
of the young families that are migrating from areas where
m support system into Collier County where there is not a
system, they are dysfunctional and have young children with
~le problems.
Dl~,'.Polkowski stated that the Health Unit needs to respond as a
~:o suspect and confirmed disease outbreaks, and an institute
.&ppropriate preventive measures to protect the public's health.
~ivulged that because measles is occurring in persons who have
~reviously immunized, the recommendation is now that people have
doses, but this cannot be ~tven to the children in the clinic
~here is not sufficient vaccine because there is not enough
a~propriated for that second dose except in outbreaks. She
..... ~ha~ measles is a deadly disease with 507 confirmed and probable
~s,.'~d one 20 year old has died. She expressed that the disease
~e deadly in young adults and in young children. She stated that
effect of the budget reductions results in further delays tn
chilf~ren into the clinics for the needed i~unfzations, check
.~d further impacts on the pro,rams because of the need to divert
· for disease control.
~D~. Polkowski referred to a graph indicating the proportion of
[gen~ deliveries. She stated that tn 1985, 35% of all deliveries
er County were to medically indigent, and in 1989, the fibre
Shanahan ~ndicated that he ~s opposed to cons~dering
~eioner Goodnight stated that her concern is that I person is
from Agriculture with a latch key program, and § persons
cut from Parks and Recreation, and the same level of service
Page ! 3
be ma,tnt&lned in those
.ssioner Saunders stated that there is a difference between
Parks and Recreation programs and programs that deal with public
?olkowski related that another graph represents the number of
~ies for indigent women from the Greater Naples, and this figure
'more than doubled in the past 5 years. She reported that /ow
weight babies went from 6.9~ to 9.2~, and noted that last year
:was a waiting time of 6 weeks for prenatal patients to get into
Clinic. She explained that in 1989, additional resources were
~eAved.in the later part of the year, and there was a decrease in
[~irth weights.
~!{;2In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Dr. Polkowski advised that in
~eF~. °f a State Bill and actual allocation to Health Units relative
Birth ~ate Babies, she will not be able to obtain any infor-
"until July.
i[~r. Polkowskl indicated tha~ during a 16 month period, 85~ of all
abuse babies tn Collier County were from the Greater Naples
Which represented 17~ of all IPOP deliveries during that period.
:,loted that the number of reported substance abuse babies increased
fFO~' §6 to 59 in the second half of that period. She indicated that
number of babies who were positive for drugs at delivery dropped
and the number of women with substance abuse babies who had no
:al care dropped by 75%, and the number of low birth weight
~ong substance abuse dropped by 75%. She related that it took
';lot of hard work with more resources to do this, and it was with the
~ources of the Board of County Commissioners that these reductions
possible. She advised that the positive effects are due to
:ln~ women into early and regular prenatal care, health screening
ins risk for premature delivery, health education, and active
which is manpower intensive and requires resources.
Dr. Polkowskt stated that by reducing the number of substance
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June 13, 1990
, the number of low birth rate babies are also si~nifi-
d. She indicated that 40~ of women with no prenatal care
-been taking drugs have low birth weight babies. She
ted~.~that 54~ of the IPOP referrals to outside intensive care cen-
·ere low birth weight. She explained that last year the imme-
'.costs for intensive care for one baby that was transferred from
:County was 836,000, and the long range cost if the child needs
,nalization is $50,000 per year, and up to $400,000+ lifetime
~.for chronic conditions. She indicated that additional funds are
"Just to maintain the same level of public health services to
.,?i;Ancreaeing Collier County population. She related that the same
service actually means decreasing because the number of
,leis increasing and the need for service is increasing. She
by not receiving the increase, her budget will need to be
comtssioner Volpe remarked that he does not understand why many
,theSe people are not medicaid eligible. He noted that he does not
~tng for the service once, but he does not like paying for it
seloner Saunders stated that he would like to see if there is
~oettion of the Commission relative to the $129,000, and noted
~at he le supportive of the increase.
· Coi~aiseioner Goodnight affirmed that she is willing to red flag
tsi~'budget, but that is as far as she is is willing to go.
£ssioners Shanahan, Volpe and Hasse concurred with Commissioner
Gansel called attention to Page 25, Mental Health. She
that Staff is recommending a O~ increase and that the alloca-
~atn the same as it was last year.
Dave Schtmmel, Executive Director, David Lawrence Mental
alth}center, stated that in the 90-91 total budget, under contrtbu-
did request a 4.5~ Increase. He advised that by the end of
year, the Center will have seen 40~ more new clients than
."e~seen last year.
June 1~, 1990
He remarked that business is booming, unfor-
, with alcohol, drug abuse and mental health. He indicated
ly, the Commission will consider "red flagging" his
and that consideration will be given to the 4.6%.
Cow~issioner Volpe questioned whether the Center receives monies
!rom~.the United Way, and Mr. Schimmel replied that the Center does not
:sAve ~onies from that agency.
answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Schimmel indicated that if
can be obtained during the present Legislative Session, a
~tox-center will be operating by the end of next year. He noted that
~'ie'working very closely with the Sheriff's Off,ce relative to a
~ ~or a program which w~11 be ~n cooperation w~th the Coll~er
Ja~l and Naples Co~untty Hospital.
~ In ~er to Co~sstoner Volpe, Mr. Scht~el explained that his
increase for the next year ts 18% over last year's budget. He
that 80% of the people that he sees have a combJned family
of less than $15,000 per year. He related that 50% of his
-is subsidized by revenue from the State of Florida. He indi-
the amount of money that he receives from the County repre-
of his budget.
.~Co~missioner Saunders questioned the percentage of patients who
~itreated at the Center and reside In the City of Naples, and if
received from the Naples City Council? Mr. Schimmel
.t~that he believes that 15~-18% of the patients serviced are
."om the City of Naples, and noted that he has not approached the City
:il for funding since this is not part of the statutory require-
but he is willing to approach anyone in the community that has
,i~'Mr. O'Donnell advised that the City of Naples has a policy
they will not fund any Non-City sponsored operations.
e~$ ~e 3:00 P.M. - Rmconvenad 3:10 P.M. .e,
Gansel called attention to Page 36 and noted that this is a
ail Contract Agencies.
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June :13, 1990
[*..O~Donnell advised that all the Contract Agencies that have
requests have been funded at their requested level, and they
a~l held the line at last year's funding level with the exception
the TECH Training Program. He explained that they had a $5,000
llocatton last year and they are doing a separate distinct program
f~ild .that is the reason for the requested $14,000.
Mr. O'Donnell stated that this current fiscal year, all Contract
[es were given notice that commencing with 1990, there will be a
~e year grant cycle and funding may be considered if an agency was
by the County for three years but the funding would cease for
fourth year and they would be without County funding for that year
~they could reapply. He explained that the reason for this is that
the past 2 years, this program has become more popular as word
program is getting out. He recalled that last year, he had
~egl~ts in excess of $200,000 over the allocation he received, and he
l~eves that the three year grant program would allow these agencies
~[~o some planning, and give other eligible agencies the opportunity
[to &ppl¥ for funding. He indicated that this would not be applicable
the Health Unit, David Lawrence Center, County Forrester, or the
Water and Conservation District.
M~. Sharon Lewis, Executive Director, St. Matthew's House, pre-
ted a budget request and noted that the Goals were put into prac-
ice on December 11, 1989. She advised that during a 6 month Deriod,
[29 ~n were served, 22,197 meals were served, and pantry distribution
4,045 meals. She advised that 100 of the residents were referred
services; 59 residents and ll families were placed into more
M~;-:Lewis related that staff has been increased and noted that the
indicates why these numbers are increasing. She indicated
the proposed budget demonstrates a 20% increase.
I~ answer to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Lewis advised that the resi-
of St. Matthew's House have one opportunity to return, provided
'<mfs.willing to make a definite change. She indicated that 10~ of
Page 17
June 13, 1990
Die housed have emotional problems, and 70~ are alcohol and
r~lated. She reported that 48 persons were placed in the detox
.r/in Ft. Myers. She indicated that over 500 people were assisted
I<this 6 month period.
~-~is stated that during the month of May, 12 families came to
s for asstst~ce, and tn June, there have been X2 futltes
,~[Wheeler Conkltng, Trustee, St. Matthew's House, reported that
Lewim has done a remarkable Job with regard to the rules, ferule-
strict management, and insisting that the residents behave.
~Ns. Lewis explained that her staff is exceptional and noted that
~er'svening manager provides security. She related that there have
no problems with the neighbors. She indicated that a large group
~d~icated people have made St. Matthew's House a success.
,[~[~Ms. Lewis expressed that the final report by the Collier County Ad
CO~l~$ttee For The Homeless, feels that a unified partnership with
private and public sector is critical to any successful approach
dealing with the homeless and there are two vital resources needed
,~°lve any problem: funding and manpower. She related that the
ittee also believes that the government should act to facilitate
aide efforts and insure the public safety. She indicated
works very closely with other agencies and services are not
Lewis requested SX§,O00, and noted that she does not receive
,i~ifu~din~ from government agencies.
~rm moved, that St. ~atthew'm ~ouse be funded
o~ $1B,000 from the 1~ dtmcrettonary fund.
Mr. O'Donnell explained that $15,000 does not exist within the 1~
,l~oc&t~on. He indicated that he anticipates obligating $8,700 from
,gered $22,200 in fiscal 90-91 which would leave an unobligated
Of $13,500. He stated that St. Matthew's did not meet the
for applying for these funds.
,Me~ .Lewis advised that when she met with County Manager Dorrill
Page 18
June 13, 1990
M~;~O'Donne/1 she was informed that she would be given the oppor-
apply for funding;, and she asked Mr. O'Donnell to advise
.~ehe was to apply for the funds. She noted that after several
she was told that the money was not available since It had come
She said that Mr. O'Donnell exp]alned that there was public
in the newspaper, but she understands that the other agencies
applied for funding received their forms in the mall, but St.
I~e did not.
· Comieeloner Volpe asked what the requested $15,000 represents?
!~wte explained that the Forecast 89/90 and the Planned 90/91
(i& drastic increase, and noted that part of the money can be
b~ multiplying the number of women and families that are
in motels by 30 nights, and part of the salary of the counselor
~lected in this amount, in addition to part of the food budget.
~iC0miee~oner Goodnight explained that when St. Matthew's House was
discussed, she stated that the Friendship House in
· ~okalee could do the Job of taking care of the homeless, and no one
'know that they were there and there would be no problem with the
,. She noted that she suggested that the staff of St.
· contact the Friendship House and work with them. She indi-
that since the Commission is funding the Friendship House in
with $15,000, and the same should be done for St. Matthew's
help the homeless situation. She stated that as long as the mana-
-ie~operating in the manner they have displayed, she believes
Commission should support them.
lOo~iseioner Shanahan stated that he concurs with Commissioner
e remarks.
~(;0~iesioner Volpe indicated that a policy should be addressed
to the amount that the Commission will allocate for contract
He stated that he wants to help St. Matthew's House within
i~ ...! ~
~Oli~ that is established.
!C~xl~%~ Manager Dorrill explained that currently there is $13,500
~able~outside of the discretionary amounts. Commissioner Volpe
Page ! 9
June 13, 1990
that he is in favor of some portion of that going to St.
· eisner Saunders stated that every budget year the Commission
"the policy and if a 1~ cap or 1.2~ cap is set, that becomes
li~cy, and this can be changed at the discretion of the Board.
Bsioner Hasse noted that the Soccer Team received $300
and other organizations are seeking help in one way or
irj-.: He said that he feels that this is a good program, but he
:feel that all the money should be given to one agency.
Volpe m~d, ~econded b~ Co,,-tasioner Hawse to Tund
· ~ for $10,000.
Comatssioner Saunders stated that if there Is a majority tn favor
;$15,O00, he will m~e a motion relative to tha~ ~ount, if
~toner Volpe's motion fails.
for the ~ti~, the ~tton failed 2/S (Co~Aset~
and Good~tght opposed).
Saunters ~=ved, seconded b~ CoHimstoner Shanahan
(~4tlllt#ionlr Ha~# opposed), that St. Platthl.'· Hoult bi
*~l mt of $15,000.
Collissioner Goodnight suggested that $100 be allocated for each
~chool in the County for Project Graduation.
P.M. Re, convened 4:10 P.M.
Analyst Finn provided a copy of the budget detail for Fire
~rol Forestry which was inadvertently omitted from the package
not provided to the Clerk's Off,ce). He stated that this budget
~&i.-1.1~ decrease in funding.
Hr'L Finn ca~led attention to Page ~?, Emergency Services
,n~stration budget and indicated that there is an increase of
::apPropriations. He stated that the significant increase is due to
~·nta! payments at the new offices on Terrace Avenue, but there
<exPanded services.
Services Administrator Reardon explained that he had
Page 20.
June 13, 1990
a radio control up grade for fire and EMS services to add
;1itel and relocate the transmitter site since there were very
radio transmission areas, and the Commission granted seed money
~aXecute a purchase order to buy and install the equipment. He
~ed that the various public safety agencies in the County contrt-
ibtlted and paid their fair share. He noted that the bulk of those
were received to offset the appropriations to upgrade the
but the balance of $8,000 has not been received.
Mr. Finn referred to Page 38, Emergency Management and reported
khatl;there is a 14.2% increase in operating expenses and there is one
request for $2,700 for costs associated with the conversion
the office automation system. He related that they are currently
· an IBM system.
:!.Mr,-Finn stated that Page 40 is the budget detail for Helicopter
.ations and explained that there is a 21.8~ increase in
~riations which is made up of repair and maintenance of aircraft,
& large increase in fuel useage which is in conjunction with the
:tO/Pared flight hours.
*Mr, Finn reported that Page 41 reflects the budget for the Medical
'inet. He noted that there is a §.9~ overall increase in operating
and a 28~ reduction is shown in revenues due to the Local
ns1 Justice Trust Fund which is no longer being shown in this
'et since it is paid directly 1nrc the General Fund.
~Mr. Reardon explained that in the past the budget sheets reflected
,re rata share of criminal Justice revenues coming into the
[¢al Examiner's budget, but it is now rearranged so that the total
are funneled as a revenue to the General Fund.
Mr. Fi~.n remarked that Page 42 relates to the Immokalee Interim
Assistance Program. He pointed out that the Commission has
funding for this program through October 1, 1990, and for
reason, fundlng has not been shown in the Manager's fiscal year
He disclosed that if the Board elects to fund this
Page 21
June 13, 1990
year 91, the cost will be $273,300 as illustrated in -
at the bottom of the page.
~Unty Manager Dorrill revealed that this has created some concern
the community, but noted that he was responding to previous
)ard~direction that indicated that the program was to be funded
-the close of business in September and the program would be
ed at that time. He remarked that this will be a policy call
'part of the Commission, and if the program is to be continued,
~ilemental budget request will be required and it will be funded
.Nr.~ Reardon reported that Staff is in the process of pursing
but it appears that this would be better served and accessed
~ther institutions, l.e. direct medical institutions. He indicated
hat atteapts are being made to finalize the contract with CHSI.
tslioner Ooodnight stated that she understood that the program
~be continued for the 18 month period, but it was to be reeva-
at the end of September to determine whether the transportation
needed, and to ascertain the amount of money that had been raised
rOm contributions. She related that she does not understand why CHSI
)1ding out.
~Reardon explained that he believes that there is some &ppre-
BA°~.from CHSI since they do not understand the County's budget
'system but if the Commission is willing to move forward with
program, that be the nudge for CHSI to provide the contract.
The consensus of the Commission was concurrence with Commissioner
light's understanding of the program.
.'Mr. Finn related that Page 44 demonstrates the budget for the Isle
.Capri Fire Control District, with a 44.6% increase in operating
He disclosed that the s~gnificant portions of this request are
~ txnder Expanded Requests: $2,200 Flrefighting certification
$26,200 lease payment for fire station expansion.
'Reardon revealed that during the last budget year, the millage
~eaeed from .3 to .5 in order to develop a capitml replacement
~-.Page~ 22 ." -
.~for thi facility.
[ittiri from the Isle of Capri Civic Association, supporting
IffOrt and they desire to maintain the .5 mill and move forward
the station expansion.
3une 13, 1990 'f' :~;:*
He noted that earlier this week, he dtstrl- ' .'..,'
called attention to Page 45, Ochopee Fire Control
~trict'-budget, which reflects a 15.9~ Increase in operating costs,
lcated that this ts a self supporting District.
t'~!M~;' Reardon affirmed that the Ochopee Fire Control Advisory Board
.:the budget as presented.
.Finn reported that Page 47 reveals the Collier County Fire
~trol District budget. He remarked that there Is an 11.3~ increase
ttance and appropriations and this District levies 2 mills
i.the figures are based upon.
Reardon indicated that this Is the service agreement for the
ride of the various fire district boundaries consisting of
square miles that is subcontracted for Golden Gate, Immokalee,
Hast,Naples, Big Corkscrew and Ochopee.
Nr. Finn called attention to the budget for Emergency Medical
Services as demonstrated on Page 49. He stated that this budget has
3,6~ Increase tn total operating costs, and this small increase
combined 18~ Increase tn ambulance fee revenues has reduced
~the'tranafer from General Fund by 21~ In the amount of $364,000.
Col~teeloner Shanahan requested clarification of the 8224,100 for
of paramedics for the South Tamtami Trail EMS Substation.
,Reardon e~latned that the budget as presented without the 6 para-
[c':~sttions will result in a decrease tn service levels tn the
~d estates areas tn response time measurements. He reminded the
~o~atseton that during last year's budget hearings, he presented a
for slx additional paramedics, a station and an ambulance, but
~eratlona got rather tight and he was directed to come back with
options that could be considered. He noted that he suggested
the Co,mission move forward with station and the ambulance which
'owth management required and he would see if he could hold
the~fiscal year. He related that the average call load is
g 8~ per year and the station will be constructed midway
next fiscal year, and the ambulance will be a part off the
~Within the next 3 months, but there will be no staff to staff
licle. He advised that the station is on the East Trail and
.~e service to the biggest and busiest ambulance zone within the
~Ount¥, and noted that the East Naples zone will be responding to
&b°~t 4,000 calls next year, and most of the other units in the system
about 2,000 calls annually. She remarked that the work load
the ~rowth factor in the East Naples area indicates that this is a
[on that must come before the Commission very shortly.
June 13, 1990
th the hiring of the additional 6 paramedics for the remainde
· Coi~iesioner Shanahan questioned whether there is any way that
~ds can be moved around to accommodate the need for the additional
.cs? County Manager Dorrill replied that he and Mr. Reardon
diec~ssed this possibility, and once there ts a better grasp on
~whe~ the station will be physically in place, the additional crew
,.n~ed to be considered next year and an adjustment could be made to
~:~0mltssioner Shanahun affirmed that he is very concerned about
[ei~esUe and does not want to loose eight of it.
Co~m~aeloner Saunders asked if construction has begun on the sta-
~nd Mr. Rea=don advised that construction has not started, but
~n the planning stage with the East Naples Fire District, and
11 then come back to the Commission.
Co~iseloner Saunders questioned whether it would be prudent for
Board to indicate at least a portion of the funding? Mr. Reardon
that 6 month start up costs will be approximately $1~7,000.
alioner Saunders explained that he would rather recognize the
of those positions now for a 6 month period, as opposed to
taken out of the Contingency Fund tn March.
.'~ ..... ~%'F Clerk Hoff~an replmced Recording Sec~r~ ~mt~
~,~Mr. Reardon explained that the East Naples Facility is Growth
related and a Capital Improvement Element, but the North
1,~. - Page 24
· .. June 13, 1990
i'~it&tton Is not proposed tn the Capital Improvement Plan because
dollar cap and the amount that ts involved cost wise and the
}rtties that are set for all County departments. He stated that if
station fe built, it wi1! not require the h/ring of ad~,tttonal
~people. He noted that the plan is to take the current unit in North
}les and relocate it to the new station in East Naples so that there
be'better north/south access.
~Mr~'..,McNcesa advised that if the additional people are phased in,
~Twtll be an additional increase of 4%, or a total of 7.6~ for
~sioner Shanahan indicated that he feels that the Commission
move in that direction, unless there is a strong feeling
it. Commissioners Volpe and Saunders noted that they also
this plan, and it was the consensus to to include the addi-
:Mr. Finn called attention to Page 50° Emergency Medical Service
Fund and reported that the on1¥ current expenditure is a capital
Lture in the amount of $9,400 for radio communication enhan-
County Manager Dorrtll advised that this money comes from a
ge on moving violations and traffic fines but does not Involve
Analyst Oansel stated that overall, the Courts and Related
have increased their appropriations 7~. She noted that Judge
l, who was assigned to Lee and Collier County, has now been
Jmt~ned to Collier County full time. She recalled that Judge Ellis
~ .the newly appointed ~udge to the County Court Court, and there are
:tonal operating costs associated with the new courthouse. She
rked that during Fiscal 90, five additional positions were added.
She advised that two programs are not being recommended for funding
year: Youth Guidance and the Naples Leadership School. She
'ted that the contract for security personnel has been eliminated
the budget due to the increase in the number of bailiffs.
Page 25
June 13, 1990
~Oanael called attention to Page 51, and declared that the
Reporter budget is increasing 2~.
~.N~. Ganeel pointed out that the Court Counseling budget on Page
.ects total appropriations increasing 3.?~, and there is one
service in the amount of $1,100 for a table-top copier.
~s~'~Gansel indicated that Witness Management Victim Assistance
~ eho~s an increase of 22.4~ in appropriations, and there is
~O~in Expanded Services for five all-in-one passwords, and $5,400
,/da~a processing equipment to access that.
!~..~ Co~uaiseloner Volpe stated that it appears that many of the agen-
cies are dealing with the same types of issues relative to alcohol and
:ance abuse and the efficiency of the operation is important.
'J~u~e Hugh Hayes explained that there are two people in Court
g positions that have been in place for about 10 years. He
""ted that these people deal with DUI's, but those that are
~eeted under the Myers Act normally would go directly to the hospi-
or through the David Lawrence Center.
C~/s~ioner Volpe left
Ms. Gansel referred to Page 54, Circuit Court Judges which indica-
es.an increase of 1.7%, but noted that this is misleading. She
~t&te~ that when everyone moves to the new courthouse the utility
will be in the Court Administration budget as opposed to the
Judges budget. She related that the operating expenses
are shown, represents a 5% increase and the there ts a 1/2 time
,tional Judge which accounts for some of that increase. She
ed that it is recommended that the Judicial Assistants be in the
system so that they can communicate with the Clerk's
f~'=efor.greater efficiency.
;~,~ansel pointed out that Parole & Probation as detailed on Page
~;'-i,~dicatee that appropriations are increasing 25.7% as a result of
l~a~tttonal positions which were approved last month by the
m. She related that Expanded Requests include $23,200 for
computer equipment tn the Immokalee office.
Page :26 .,'
June 13, 1990
,ctor of Probation Drobinski stated that it is important that
.¢at~on is maintained with Immokalee. He advised that a line
I,tO be added in addition to making the system compatible.
=~'~"~M~.' Gansel related that probation fees are anticipated to increase
L&~ this ~o and will help to offset some of the additional expenses.
lanes! stated that Page §? details Courtroom Operation &
noting that this budget reflects a 67~ increase. She
~lained that two additional positions were approved during this
fiscal year: Court Interpreter and the Secretary for
L~ton. She indicated that the Guardian Ad Litem position was made
~i:'~l~e'whlch also accounts for some of the additional costs. She
[.out that the utility costs for all the Judges are shown in
particular budget and this accounts for a large portion of the
,ncrease, plus the additional costs of operating the new courthouse,
~74,000 for electricity for the new building.
i~"~. Ganeel remarked that ~ew equipment has been i~cluded in this
, noting that some of the equipment in the existing courtrooms
ib~llt in and cannot be relocated to the new courtrooms. She noted
.there is also $7,000 for renovating the Immokalee courtroom.
Ms.- Gansel called attention to Page 58, County Court Judges which
48~ ].ncrease, and noted that the County Court Judges has
from 2 to 3. She reported that Expanded Costs in the amount
15~400 will tie the 3 Judicial assistants into the all-in-one
GAnsel indicated that Page 59 details the budget for Economic
~tehabtlitation Program, and there Is a small decrease. She
that this is a self supporting program and generally about
generated above the cost.
Oansel noted that Page 60 is the budget for Alcohol
~ation Classes and this is a small program, cost-wise. She
that some monies are generated from this program since people
~aired to pay for these classes as part of their sentence.
iMs=..Gansel stated that the Naples Leadership School budget as
te~And Related Agencies for next year.
~Udge Hayes addressed this budget by informing the Commission that
'irJ'discussions with Judge Brousseau who is the family law division
[e,.he requested that this program not be administered through the
Udtciary. He reported that Judge Brousseau does not believe that it
!elappropriate for a family law Judge since there is the potential for
lflfcts of Interest. He noted that the Youth Guidance Program has
eliminated and it is requested that the Naples Leadership School
also be eliminated under Judge Brousseau's administration. He
that none of the other Judges feel it is appropriate for them
a program that is not within their division of work. He
~latned that he feels that this program does have some value, and
other Judges have requested that he direct correspondence to
Manager Dorrill to request that this program be placed under
~/Bhertff's budget since his office is the most appropriate super-
June 13, 1990
on Page 61, is not being recommended for funding through the } ' ~:~'
agency. He related that Sheriff Hunter is willing to par-
ate tn this program, but it is adding another pound on to his
~Ms. Gansel revealed that Page 62 details the budget for the State
"s Office, noting that staff is not recommending an increase
this budget, but advised that Mr. Brock has requested some addi-
.°nal requests.
~:,=Mr. Bill Miller, of the State Attorney's Office, stated that the
~oprtattons as requested, are not totally reflected on the budget
&ilas provided. He indicated that he understands that there was
!~iadv1~ory made to Ms. Gansel that some of the dollars that were
requested for appropriation, not be considered, and he respectfully
Ired that the Commission grant a continuance relative to his
so that a review can be made of the total figures that had ort-
lly been submitted and that to which Staff is basing their recom-
.-mnswer to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Miller advised that an
Page 28
$46,000 has been requested, but is not shown.
[Co~iseloner Saunders stated that the tentative millage will be
~OnlJul¥ 15, and there probably will be enough money in the fund
h~ been set aside for the Sheriff's increase to move to some
.toff~¢ee, if necessary. He indicated that if action is not taken
the $46,000 will have to moved from another budget, but noted
.-he has no problem with reviewing the budget at a later date.
Gansel related that the requests that were made, in addition
what'ie shown, is $18,000 for ten all-in-one users and $28,600 for
co~unicat ions equipment.
Manager Dorrill advised that the State Attorney's budget
.lbs rescheduled for another day, and the Commission will be
[Sed of same.
Gansel stated that Page 63 reflects the budget detaL1 for the
.... Defender'8 Office in the amount of $23,500 which represents a
~e~e'of 16~.
MS.-~Gansel explained that Page 64, County/Circuit Court Costs are
at a S~ increase. She indicated that Finance Director Yonkoek~/
that she inform the Commission that although the money
. in this budget and if State funds do not become available for
through the Public Defender's office, it is possible that this
would need to be funded by the County in a substantial amount
<~ne¥. '
~.In. answer to Commissioner Hasse, Ms. Gansel related that the
would be approximately $100,000.
COunty Manager Dorrill stated that these are the Article 5 costs
' '~.defend people who are declared indigent.
.There being no further business for the Good of the County, the
· was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: ~:20 P.M.
Page 29