BCC Minutes 06/08/1990 W;.:. Naples, Florida, June 8, 1990 " LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning )eals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in BUDGET WORF~SHOP SESSION in ldlng "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the :~°llowing members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Neil Dorrtll, County ~.?.~'ManaGer; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Tom Olltff, Assistant the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Sheriff Don Hunter; Deputy Mike Koors, Gall Addison and Crystal Blankenship, Sheriff's Office; Mfke McNees, Budget Director; Mike Smykowski, Budget ,st; and Tracey Kondzich, Budget Technician Page $ BUD~ ~-T AGE~DA OVERVIEW OF SHERIFF'S BUDGET June 8, 1990 ~>~ Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Su_~e 4, i990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, Budget Workshop was held to review the 1990-91 Tentative Budget for the Sheriff. County Manager Dorrill stated that Staff has provided a fund over- view as it relates to County-wide ad valorem based funds. He reported the Commission had previously expressed the desire as part of the et Policy to review ad valorem funds and conduct those workshops ~rior to the summer recess and then the County Manager's Tentative Budget and all the other budgets will be reviewed upon return from the recess. He indicated that it is not easy to hold the budget to a 4.5~ ~.' increase, and noted that there are morale problems in the managerial level of the County Manager's Agency as a result of the type of cuts :~ that are made. He explained even though everyone is interested in efficiency and productivity, it is his desire that the Commission will '".be consistent as the process is reviewed. Budget Director McNees explained that the ~nformat~on ~hat has ~ been p~esented ls the fund summaries for the General Fund and the ~'/'County-wlde MSTD based on the budgets that have been submitted fo~ cons~de~ation to date and other estimates. He ~elated that ~f a Given .level of ad valorem ~s collected as requested to date, an estimate has ~-been made as to what would be t~ansfe~red to the Tax 0ollecto~ if tha~ valorem tax is ~o be collected, but this does not approximate h~s ;'~;bud~e t. Sheriff Don Hunter advised that h~s budget reflects a 28~ , but the actual increase Is approximately 8.5% or 9~ of the ~'Controllable costs. He noted that last year Co~ssioner Volpe ~.requ,~sted ~=eater detail since the population was not ~ncreastn~ at '2'2~ or 28% per annum, and questioned how the budget ~ncrease of 22~ Page 2 June 8, 1990 year related to the reported increase of need from the Sheriff's for Expanded Services. : Sheriff Hunter remarked that the population in Collier Gounty ks ~ected to increase at about 4~, and law enforcement is responsible i-for patrolling neighborhoods, homes, and commerciai establlshments; ~<'traffic enforcement; civil process; and warrant service. He stated housing starts will be an additional 336,000, anticipated visi- :.tots w~ll be 71,600, commercial sp~ce approved by the Co~t~sion ts 33 ;~<:J~illion square feet, and calls for service are projected ~o be 171,400. He indicated that out of state vehicle registr~tions and '~[additton81 vehicle registrations, plus 28.6~ more people on the high- >ways will result In additional traffic responsibilitles. He noted ?~"that last year Collier County experienced the highest fatality rate it is much less this year. He reported that there will be an · additional 20,000 acres of citrus groves this year and an increase of ~ 50% during the next four years; seasonal population is estimated at 187,839, and a seasonal increase in the agricultural population ts projected to be 26,397 and those migrant workers become the respon- albility of the Sheriff's Office when they live in Collier County. Sheriff Hunter referred to a transparency and noted that the graph [~llustrates that there appears to be no end point or moderation to the ~populatlon Increases in Collier County. He noted that the last time he checked on visitor traffic, the Bureau of Tourism stated that there were 1.9 million visitor days. He related that the trend for murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft and auto vehicle ~.~theft are up, and in order to be effective, he needs people to provide services. Sheriff Hunter spoke to the calls for service. He stated that projections for 1990 are 171,400 which is greater than 1:1 ratio of people to calls for service. He affirmed that it is expensive to operate the Sheriff's Office or other public service agencies. He explained that his budget is equated to 24 hours per day, 365 days per year which equals $4,429/hour to operate his agency. He reported that Page 3 per annum. ~tember 30, 1990 has a budget of $30 million. He indicated that on L'.vOctober 1, 1990, hls budget w~ll be $5.6 million more expensive because of the things he described and are not within his control. He .remarked that full year phase in positions from last year will be 2.35~ of the automatic increase of 18.4g which will be experienced on October 1, 1990. He noted that recommended pay adjustments are 5~, ~.Sg pay grade adjustments, Increased retirements rates will be ~ increased health insurance coverage will be .43~, increased workers~ compensation will be .59g, phased tn four year holiday plan will be 1.Sg, purchase payments 1.91g for existing equipment, new lease purchases, new vehicles and radios for expanded staff will be .?4g, ': and Inflation costs of operating costs assocSated with inmates medt- ?!:cal, dental ltghtfng, fuel otl etc. will be 2.03~. Sheriff Hunter advised that his agency la responsible for the Investigation of traffic accidents and Indicated that the her County Sheriff's Office does not investigate traffic accfdents since they are ['the responsfblllty of the Highway Patrol. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter reported that he currently has 705 employees in his agency. Sheriff Hunter explained that In order to dtsassocfate the man- · i~i:dated costs of the current budget from the additional items that are ~equlred due to growth, i.e. additional population, new housing 'starts, additional vehicles on the roads, additional commercial space, additJ, onal vessels in the waterways, pot plants grown on park lands iar, d within personal curtilage, he believes he needs an additional 5.3% d© the Job in expanded positions which would equal $1.6 mlllton. He stated that rather than taking those posltlons today, he requested :ithat the Commission review the budget document along w~th the ~ustifi- ion, and he will respond. He related that using the same manpower allocation formulas that were used last year, road deputy manpower Page 4 June 8, 1990 will'be under manned in all districts if the calls for service and [me incidents continue to increase as predicted for the ensuing ,ear. He noted that communication dispatchers will be necessary due the increased work load. He indicated that 5 additional deputy will take the work load off the road deputies, noting that also perform security surveys, and act as school crossing guards. Sheriff Hunter explained that if more work is generated, there is additional need for typing, recording and filing of such infor- mation, which Justifies the need for an additional office assistant. He indicated that the the request for a Warrants Deputy would give him person teams to serve warrants, and noted that the auxiliary is inc)rporated which makes a total of 6-two person teams. He :ated that a Records Clerk is needed to compensate for the additional work load relating to the cal]s for service, a Fiscal Clerk for bonds and fines is needed, in addition to the various other positions. :: Sheriff Hunter %poke to vehicle purchase and advised that he is attempting to convert to a "pay as you go" basis. He noted that the can be leased at $225,000 for a three year period with interest ~aid, or they can be purchased outright for their 5-7 year existence $?25,500. Commissioner Shanahan stated that he constantly receives complaints relative to deputy vehicles at home that are assigned to a ~articular deputy. Sheriff Hunter replied that a small minority of ople do not believe in the one man, one car program, however, he 'noted that the benefits to the County are dramatic. He indicated that excess of an additional 20,000 man hours are provided in enfor- Cement activity per annum on the streets of Collier County by virtue 'Of the fact that those green and white road patrol units travel to and i!~from the duty post. He reported that they make on the average, 30 i:~additional complaints, traffic stops, alarm calls, and back ups per mo~th, per district, with those take home vehicles. He explained that feels that this is a very important program since it helps to re,[uce the need for additional manpower. June 8, 1990 In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter stated that he is .~recommending the outright purchase of the replacement vehicles since ?this wtll be cheaper over a 3 or 5 year period. Sheriff Hunter referred to the next transparency relating to detoxificatton and treatment. He advised that 2,000+ residents and visitors are currently being picked up off the streets in Collier ~ C0unty, under the Meyers Act. He explained that they are the targets for muggings, robberies, death, and vehicle accidents. He noted that because these individuals are unable to care for themselves, they are picked up and detained for not more than 72 hours. He indicated that this is a very expensive commodity at $54,000 per annum, first year cost. He noted that each time a deputy picks up an inebriated person, ~i'one hour out of their patrol plan is spent at one of the other facili- ties. He related that many of these 2,000+ incidents are the same cycling through the revolving door. He stated that he believes that with the appropriate treatment program and vocational/technical ~tratntng, many of these repeated violators could be rehabilitated. He ~ilstated that this is a program that he feels will be % long term bene- S.fit to the County since it will prevent the reoccurring chronic alco- ~hol abuser and drug dependent person from being reintroduced to the y. He stated thai: this will be a long term cost savings to the County and requested that the Commission consider funding for thte year or in the future. He explained that this needs to be brought to 'the attention of the public, and it must be realized that this is a problem for the Sheriff's Office and for the taxpayers of Collier County. He advised that the amount of funding required is $289,000, [or 1% of the total increase. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter explained that 'these people are those that are seen on a regular basis, generally on the weekends, and consume large proportions of the man hours in Immokalee, Naples Manor, and those types of areas. He remarked that the program would be for the entire County, but located in Immokalee a portion of the 3ail center could be converted Into a detoxifl- Page 6 Sune 8, 1990 cation treatment center to house those people and they can grow pro- duce at the facility. Sheriff Hunter reported that there are some voluntary commitment rams available, but they typically receive services outside of iCollter County. He stated that he is proposing to provide services to people in Collfer County with no waiting list, and Involuntary commitment. ;~ Commissioner Hasse asked whether these people could be turned over to the David Lawrence Center. Sheriff Hunter replied that the David 'Lawrence Center is not permitted to hold these people involuntarily. He noted that after a chronic person presents himself for the third time, he will request that the Judge involuntarily comautt that person him for a period of months and he will see to it he receives set- :ifil. Commissioner Saunders stated that he understands the importance of ?'this function but is uncertain as to whether this is an appropriate ~.'fUnctton for the Sheriff's Office to be performing. Sheriff Hunter ..[explained that he ts already dealing with this today, and there ts no ~tagency ~tthln the County to have an Involuntary commitment made to that agency, private sector to hold a person. He indicated that he people everyday against their w~ll, involuntarily, under lawful ion. Commissioner Saunders questioned whether this program would be through a special taxing district to provide medical services social services? Sherlff Hunter said that he would encourage the n to pursue whatever means of revenue generation Is deemed ~rudent. He noted that Palm Beach County received a legislative appropriation this past year since they have been recognized as a t program by the Governor and Legislature and they want to exp,.nd Into a work farm concept similar to what he ts proposing. Commissioner Volpe related that he feels that this is a function should be handled by agencies similar to HRS, and this ts getting into another area that is certainly not law enforcement. Sheriff Page 7 June 8, 1990 !.i~.H%%ntQr affirmed that many of the things that his agency does are not enforcement, i.e. disabled vehicles, traffic direction, noise )latnts, social Issues, zoning, and health concerns. He Indicated %hat his intention ts not to continue to expand his budget with i'!iPr°grams that are unnecessary, but these people are constantly being picked up every weekend and they are consuming the Jail cells, and /nothing ts being done. " In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter stated that he has brought this subject up for discussion so a decision may be made as to i.¢-what the Commission desires to have done with these people, noting that he ts not proposing to change the program, except to Introduce ~.treatment providers into the existing system. He advised that he has ' i. attempted to get other agencies to accept this responsibility, but has been unsuccessful tn so doing. Commissioner Goodntght indicated that the Sheriff is not going to ";'court with these people, but rather picking them up and taking them to ~atl to sleep off their drunk, and then they are released. She explained that tn Immokalee, when these folks are released, they walk back to 'town, buy or steal another bottle, and they are back on the She stated that she does not see how HRS can be Involved these types of situations. She remarked that she feels that the 's proposal will help relieve the nuisances that these people creating. Commissioner Volpe stated that tn his view, these people suffer from some type of mental illness, and whether this is a one or two week program, they will be back later since they have chronic problems. He noted that he would like to see a profile for a person who has been through this type of program. ~ommlsstoner Goodnight suggested that the Sheriff establish acom- mittee which she would be willing to serve on, and that figures be provided to determine whether this program would have some long term !ects on these folks. PaOe 8 June 8, 1990 Sheriff Hunter advised that there is a committee comprised of HRS, ~les Community Hospital, Tom Traxinger of Court Services, David :~Lawrence Mental Health personnel, a Jail administrator, and himself. He invited Commissioner Goodnlght to meet with them. Commissioner Volpe suggested that an appropriate member of CURE be ~invited to assist the committee. Sheriff Hunter replied that he ~welcomes any input that the communities involved wish to make. He that he is attempting to do things that will take some of the i. budget increases for the long term good of the County. Sheriff Hunter called attention to the work release program, and Lnoted one of the ways to solve the drug problem is to get the second and third time felony drug violators off the street, and give them a .sanction which could include a work release program. He noted that .:today, the first or second time drug violator does not go to prison, ?,but they receive probation, a fine, and possibly community service ours. He indicated that if he is allowed to move into Building "A", ead of renting space elsewhere, he will be able to move some ele- ~i:~ments out of the Jail administrative portion of the Jail building and Convert that space into work release space to house 50 inmates who will be permitted to work during the day to support their families and not be dependent upon society to provlde aid to the families. He explained that these inmates will return to the facility in the ,]evening, receive drug treatment and counseling for a period to be ~:::~!determlned by a Judge. Commissioner Hasse questioned why these inmates could not be housed at the stockade? Sheriff Hunter stated that the stockade will .be used for detoxification, and noted that most of the people who i'~ work, do so in Naples. He reported that the cost to transport these 'inmates from the Immokalee to Naples to work and then back to i:~ImmGkalee at night is estimated to be $35,000 per annum. ~cl In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter advised that these inmates would be responsible for contributing $77 per week to the agency operat ton. Page g June 8, 1990 In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Sheriff Hunter stated that Dade Oo%mty ts unhappy with the private vendor that is running their Jail .:;~because of the escapes and the inability to obtain information as to the escapes occurred, food service costs have gone up, etc. He reported that there are private 3afl facilities in Brooksfield and ~Key West. ~ . Commissioner Shanahan noted that it is important to understand the benefits and/or deficiencies in prtvatization in any or all ~ail unctions, and suggested that Sheriff Hunter provide information to Commission. Sheriff Hunter affirmed that he will hold a workshop this Issue. Commissioner Volpe stated that he would like to see how privattza- ~tion of a work release program would work, and noted that he sees ana- ~-logies between this and the concept of St. Matthew's house. Sheriff :Hunter advised that these people are convicted felons for drug !~?:possession who have been given a sentence and they will be placed in a i~"" facility at night, and noted that these are not bums in the woods that visit St. Matthew's house for their meals. Sheriff Hunter called attention to the next transparency relative to the career criminal program. He indicated that 140 career cr~mi- ~nals have been identified in Collier County. He related that burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle theft is 85% of the crime problem in Collier County, Lee County, Charlotte County, Lake County, Seminole ilCounty and Orlando. He remarked that if he could do something about iputting the career criminal in 3ail on a pro active basis, focusing the resources, limiting the expenditures and trying to be as efficient . as possible, there will be a down turn tn burglary, larceny and motor ~ehicle theft since an example will be created. He advised that he is /proposing to have two career criminal investigators who will coor- dinate investigative staff, keep a close watch on these people, target them, and put them in jail. ~.ii~; With regard to victim advocate assistance, Sheriff Hunter stated that by State Statute, he is required to provide certain services to Page 10 June 8, 1990 'victims. He indicated that there are two other victim services groups ~,that are voluntary in Collier County. He indicated that he is :ecl~,,esting one additional Victim Advocate Assistant to assist with ~se services. There being no further business for the Good of the County, the !,~Q'orkshop was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 11:05 A.M. Page il