Addendum #1
RH) A090T9C
rhi... Kenl [...talc Pllrdl~I~C
"Clll1tr<"U,:I"l, hd\\l'l.:1l
\Jd~lHhlllll",\ddcl1c1l1m") i~ III he Ill.lel\..' par1l,L cUll! ill\.'(lfpnrah:J into. thl~ Real Lq;ltc Pun.:h.l"iC rOnlr;l~[ Hilt:
FANNIE MAE ("Sdkr") ami
I "Pun.:h~hl'r" l j~lr the propl..'rt) and
imprll\CI1l\,:nh IOl'alcd al thl.' tll1Jowillt! address: 295149TH ST SW, NAPlE~J~l34116
I "Pwpcrty"l.
\"i used in lhi" \dJ...'lJdul1l, lhl..' C"Jlltrai.:t, ,\ddemlulIl alld an) rid\.'rs th...'n:lo "hall be l'l>lkdivdy rcl~rrL'(llll as Ih!.? ":\~rL'I..'IllL'llI"
rhl' ';;cHer anJ the Pun::ha-;l'r agree as lilllm\s
1. ~~IJ~T
(:II \fkJI5lli,lcd~l;'mCnl..Q!Jj!!!lkh;:nt()jTl'r~ rhe Purchaser 1m" olTacJ to pun:ha'ic lhe rf(lrCl1~ fill''' pur-.:hasl' pri\.'c in lhe
;llllourlt nfS $93,060 in !ircordallcc \\ith the lcnn...,,\"'( f0l1h inl!lc'\l!rccl11ent ("()llerH!. 'fhe Sl.'lh,:r has rcvic\\l'd thl.:
on!:f <l1Il1 dct'llIt:llil In>lh:rially sulliL.:icnt (In JANUARY 29 . 2010 r'\..:l-.n~l\\.h:dgcr1H.:nt [)atl.:").
(hI ,:...\~'f.~VJill1s:~.\~U21I~c ~Il!\\ilhstanding Scllcr'~ ;jdnowh::Jg~lll('rlllh<lllho: (Hh,'r i.. -;uflkk'flt li)r ~lcr\.'"p!ancc. {he Pun.:ha~('r
agrc(;.'s thai Ihe Agrccl11t:11I rcmain~ 'ilJl~ie('l 10 Jl.:cl.'plall(e b} the '-'dh:r ,lnd llIust be ;"1~IIl.:J h) ,ill partie;.. 1/1 linkr h) he
binding. !he :\g,rL'crnclll ,>11.111 hI: cflc.:t;vc as "fllle dati.: ilfexcullinn hy <-idler ,"'-JI\:L.:Iivc f),ttl.:"l. I he PlJn;-hasd~ cames!
I1hl/IL'~' dCJlIl'>it (jl) 0.00 IS In h\.' plm:.:d in a tru..t a((llUIII aCCl'pl~lble to Ih\.' \clkr \\illun (\\1i
(2\ eakndar da~s rotlo\\lng till' I-lli:l:livl,;' Dillt:, I I1c\;m:cll1cI1L ..igllcd h~ the Plln:ha'>lT and t"l,'lk'ctinl.11hl' terms as
,1l:J..Il\l\\kd!.!l'd h;. the Selk'f, 11111'>.1 he rl'cci\l'd by the Sdler \\ ithill li\l' () I "';llcndar da:... (1/' Ihl".'\dll\l\\ kdgt'lIlcm I)al\:, If
till' ",dh::r dll~;" I](ll rl.'\.'ei\'t' thl. Sigll1.,'d .\greel1leI11 hy ,SUdl ~Li\l.:. !he 1'11n;-h.hl'r'~ (lrkr "h:lIllx' .k1.'nh:d l1ull and \nid h
llsl.'d illthi" paragraph. the tl.'rrn "re\\cd b~ the Sdkr" 11Ii..:ans ,h.'WaII'L.....\.'lpl oflht.'\g.rl'\.'Il1Cllt by the Sdkr'<; listing agl'nt.
I hI.' 1'1Ircl1asI.:r "hidl pn.:Sl'llt pronL ...ali,lill.:llll) III lhe 'L'III.:r. \11' Ill(' Pun:h;1......,r'... rllnd~ (lr prcqu;dilil..'alioll Illr a Illung<lge luan in
JIl Wllount alld IIndl'r l('fIllS slInil,:il'nl Illr lhl' Pllfcha..,('r 1\1 perlimll its \\hli~;lIiol1s under thl"'\1!r":~IIh.'111. I he prt.'qualilkalinn
"hall indudc hill is not Iilllik'J 10, a ~crtifi....ati.lIl 'll' Pfl'l\u.t1ilkatil'/l lIr;l llIor1gagl.' l\Jan ~\lml11iII1lCnl from J mortgagt.' lender. a
s<\tisl;u;tory \.'n.:dil r<:pllrt <\Ild.or proof uf hmds sul"li;,;il.'llt t\' n\(:1..:1 Ihl. Ptll\:has...'r's 'lbli.~ali\lll:-' UIll.II.:r Ih<:\g.reCllll.'111. rhl.:'
l''.. 'ubmi..slun or prnuf oj' prequ.llilkaliol1 b a l,:mHlitiun Pfl.'l..-l;dt'l1t In the \cller'" ;ll'''''t.'pl;l11CC_ The "il'lkr rna~ require
the Purcha:'i\.:r In dhtain, ill no t:,hl to the PUI\:ha',l.:r, hlim prclju;tlilicatlllll fn'lll i1 "idll.:r appr{l\t.:d third party I~ndcr.
'...."I\\ith:>tanJing illl) Seller n:lIuirl'd pn.'{jualilil.'aliull, thl.: Purdla'>l:r ilcJ..rlll\\kdgc....!haIIJurd\:N'r i" Ir'cl.: lu (lhl,l\nlillill1rin~ 11'\1111
,Ill) '>oun:c,
I illll: i... (llthl.' I'_',l'lh':~; ";l,;'ltkml'llt nat~'.
(al It i.. ;:tgn.:eJ Ihal lime i:> pI" 111l' l..'SSl'llt\: \\llh r""'>Pl'..:! Itl .III dall;:' ,"'Pl'l.."llinl in lilt. .\.!!n..'l.:l1lcnl. Ihls l1ll.,lll... thai ,III
dl.'adlitll':s an: illh:mh:d I(l be "Iri..:! arid ilh"olllll.:
(hJ J lie.: ck1<.;ing. -;hall raJ..e pIa!,'..: on a date ("Sl'lIk' Dull:.') (Ill (If bdl.lre MARCH 26 . 2lJlO
("l:>,piralion Dille"), link'"" \.'\ll'rHkd in \\rililll,! ,>i,~l1",'J h~ the Sl,.Jk'r anJ tht.: Pllr(ha~l..'r ,lr ....xt;.:lldcd D.\ 11ll' S('lIcr
rlll': kTIll.. (lflhe\greel1ll'llt 'ht.: \"'k)sing. ...hall hl.'Ill.'ld al ,I pla\.'\ V) dl.....ii!nal....d ,111l! ilrpr('\cd b\ thl' Pun.:hasa, I hI.'
1'11rcllil~.:r has Iht.: right h) 11mI-...: an IIHkp<:mkllt :-t:k'l'tlOIl ,If lhl'ir 1l\\..11 aIlOnle). "ctlk1l1~l1t C(lIl1P~I~I.'. t.:"lTO\\ "'PIllIMn~,
l\lk ,:\llllpal1;. ,Hldol" tille ill"lUillll..'1' Clllllpilll~ in l..'\'lllll.:'cIIOI1 \,ilh Illc dl..ill~, Iht: ddl.... the ..I(l..illg 1,IJ..C:' pIal:": "ball he
rcli.:rn:J II' a" tlte ~cltkm\"'111 1);lIC hlr pllrp\'"l''' \If th.... .\:.:n:l'ml..'l1t. I (Ih\., ,;I\J:-.Hl~ (Il,\.." 11111 (lCnll" h;. 1111,: I. :-.pil;lli,1I1 ])d!C.
Pt in :111\ l'\II.:IISh1l1, !hl' \l'l'n:llll.'n! i<., ;111("1I1all,:all~ ll'rlllillilll.'J and tht' \t'ller IIlil~ ruain :\11\ ..'~1r1l1'''1 111(l1l\.'~ (k'PIl"il :b
liqlliJ,lled ,Ll1ll"!~I,.'~
1'1 t<III\',tl"I"","'1
;11 I I H iI'lL!;,li'i
, Fjtl.:J.Hi;.1l1g: 'I hi" :\grcl'JI\ent (dlCd onel: ( ) i~. to<) is not. \,;ontingel1t \.llllh~ Pun.:hascr obt<lining tinandng flJr the pun.:hasc of
lh~ Property. Irthi" "\~rccrn..:nl i~ ~ontillgcnll.llllimlllciJ\g, the l;orr.: "flinaIlCill!; -;h,,1I be Iht.: 1()llu\\il1~ (~hc(.'\.; olle):
I'annic ~Iac IlllnlcPalh \.ll)r!gagl' l:ilHuh.:ing thlm a partkipating Icnder
I'ann!\.' [\.tac 111)l11cPath RCI1t)\;lIiOIl I:inanl,.'ing frolll a parti\.'ip.lling l\.'lldl..'r
\ I
\11 Fillal1\.'ing. (This paragraph arrlil"'i 10 alllinaIH.:inj!., "hdhcr or IlI't ill" Fannie \lae H01l1d);llh (Ir olher Iillandng,l
If Ihis :\g.rccmellt is conlingr.:rlf (In linancing, the Purdl<t<;er ~haJl appl) 1i.1I' a InUll in the ilmoUlll 01
S \\ ilh a h:rrn or ycar<" at pre\ ailing rate'). h:f!ll~ and l.:\llldlljUllS. lhl"
Plln:hasef .,hall I.:mnplch: and SIl~fllilltl a mortgage lcnJcr, Ilflhe Purl'ha~'r"" I.:h\lke. an appliuHioll u m(Hi~age loan
,:lHlIaif1illg lhl.: ICf1l1S "..:t IIlrth in thh. paragraph wilhin li\ I..' (~) cail..'llllar lid}S (If the ,h:kno\\h.:dgelll..:nt D:lh.', ;llld shall
Ll~e Jiligcfll dh)rl..; il.l nhlain a tlll1rtgagl' loan I,.:Ollll1l111ll1.'1l1 h) , ~O . If. d..:srilc
the Pun.:ha'\ef'" dili!!cnt dl\lr!'i. the Purdwscr I,.:,U1I101 oht"ill a lllor!gag~ hlan I.'olllmilllh:nt b) thl..' spl.'l.:i1ied dale. lhclI
\:ilher ihl' l.un.:l1,l"\.'r \lr the ~dk'l' mal t....rmilwh: the :\g:n..'Cilll.:1H h) gi\ing writh.:n llolicl' l(l thl..' other pany. rh\.'
Pllrdlilser', {hlticl.' llHJ:.1 ill\.:luJ\..' a I.'OP} 1.11 the luan appliLation, pwor nf Ihe nppli\..'atk'l1 datI..'. and a "":{lPY \lr till' denial
k:Uer lrl.llll the pnhpeeti\l: h:ndcr. III the nelll of a proper lennill<lliIJI1 or thl' .\gn:I.:H1l.:nt under thit. paragraph, the
I.'ilnte'it monel dcp(\sit shall be rctuml'd 10 Ihl' Pur....:haser. I he PurchilSer <Igrt..'cs 10 cooperalc and t.:\llllply \..ith all
n:qucsts nIl' d~l{:unll:nts and inhmnHlill1l fro1111he PUrdH.lSI.:r'\ dO:.i..'n h:ndl'r during the loan applil..'iltioll process. Failure
of the Pun.:haser tn wrnpl) \\'ith "ul.'h rl'qUl'SIS from the IC'ndcr Ihal results in the- dl.'nial nf Ihl' Illpr1gage Juan \\ ill he a
hreadl oflhe :\gre~ll1ent and the Sc.:llc.:r :'Jh~1I be I.:ntitled II) rewin allY earnest nlllllC~ d"'fK,sitl.'d hy Ihe Purl.'
(a) \11)" dwngc as to the tefms nf the PUfdmscr's lin:ulI.:ing. induding but nol lilllitt:d 1(1 all~ ..:hange in Ih\..''"
Il.'ndcf, alkr nq;llliiltion" Ilan' lx:t'n l:o/1lpldl'd may, at s..'II..:r"s dislTI.'tiuIl. I',,'quirl' fl'ncgotiati\ln llr all 11'fIlh ~lf the
\grecrncnt. St..'lkr !.oohall hl.1\f..' Ihi..' ri,l:tht III k'nniJ1illl' Ihl.: '\grccfHcnt in the e\l'nt ll\l"re is a dHHlgC in Purl'haser'"
limlllt:ing l)r dwii:c of kndcr,
(hI 111... Pun.:haser shalll,tNlrc Ihallhc h:mlcr "1'1l'l.:ll'd h) till:" I'urch;lsl,.'r 1'1 linatKl: Iht..' '.<llI: ...hall !"und Ihl:" "elllctllcnt agl'lH
as d the Settkrnel1L Pate, rile PUl\:ha"'l"f ..hall further cnSlln: that the ...dcctl'lllcmh:r shall Plw..idc all knder prepared
..:Iusing dU!.:UI1lCIlWtioll to lhe sdtlcmcllt agent no Lilt'f than 4:i huurs prior In the:.: Sl.'ttkllll..'1l1 I).ltl'. \r1) delays in as a result \lfthl.' PurdHlser's :'l,:Ic....:led lender ~hall be the r....:splln..ihility oflhe I)urdla:.ef.
.1. L~"!Lg[1:~fi.'D,!,:I1l: Ih\: PurdJaser It:hcck ollel: (__I dOl'S, ()(~~J tloes not, Illl\.'ml to USl.' and Ol:CUp)' the Propcl1)' as PurdJa..'icr',
primar~ n:sidclIcc.
5. hbncdioJ!~:
(a) Oil Ill' hdi)fC' tt:n (10) calendar days frnm !he :\dI1O\~lcdg\:llle:.:nt Date, the Pllr.:hascr Sllilll inspci:l th~ Property \)r oblain !()r
its 0\1,11 tbe. ht.:ndit dnd reliance, illspcdions ,llldor reports Olllhe (;lIflJitlllll of the Prupl.:rt), or he dce:.:l1ll.'d In have wai\cd
SIKh inspccti()fl anJ any ohjl..'dions to the I..'onditillll ufthe Prop,.'rty and to h,ne aL'l'cpwd thl..' Prop\,,'rly. Ihc Pun:hascr shall
\.;i.:Cp Ihe Property frcl..' and dear of liens and indl.'tlInil) and hold the SelicI' hanllk'~s from allliahilil) daillls. ur.:lll<lnds.
damages, ;uHII.:()~h rel:Jkd 111 the I'urdlaser's in~I'I\:Clilln and thl.' Plln:h""cr shall rcpair all damages arising frnm or cau':>I.'d
h~ Ill\.' ilhpcdinlh. llle Pur..:hasl..'r ,Iwll IHII djll'(ll~ ,Ir Indirl..'l.:tI~ ~'alJ'iC :lll)' il1\l)l'Cti\llh III Ill' lllad~ hy all~ ~o\emml,.'nt
building. (Ir /lmillg inspl.(;tor\ llr gon:f1l11l1:1lI cmpln) Cl'S \\ Itl1;lut th....: prt.lf nfi1tl'!l Cilll."I.'lll Ill' thl' Sl.'lkr. ullkss rl'ljuirl..J b)
Lm. in \\hi\..'11 ,-';.l"L', th.... PLJn:h~ISl'r shall prll\ ide n:;L)pnahk tlul".:.... ill th... 'il'lIcf prim III :H1>,u-.:h ill"'pl.~lll'n. Iflb.... Scller ha..
\\inll'ri/I.'J this Pr(lr~:r1)' and th... Purdl:l:.l.1' d.......irl..s tll 11:\\,-, Ih.." PnlpL'r1) insr.....dl.d. till' ~'-.Ikr"s li"tin!; .lgl.'nl \\i11 haH: Illc
Pn\rl.'l1~ dl.'winll'ri/....d prillf hl in""l\.'clil.lll ;lIld fl.'\\illlcfI/cd alkr inSpCI.:(hlll.
Within Ii\e (~l ;.:alcndal' Ja}s llf ["I.'l.'cipt III' all) ilhpl'l:til-,n /I..'Il(lr! pn~pan:d hy \If Ill! th.... Purdm,,,er, but !lol lah:r Il1allll.'l1 (101
':<11<..:11\1.11' da~s frollllhL' :\I.:J..tlll\\lcdgllll'l\t Date, \\hil,:hl;'\\:r lir.,t \ICetH'S, thl..' l' \\ill pl'O\idl' \Hitten Ill'1ke hllhl' Sdlcr
ill' aJl\ dis;lpprml.'J, Ihe I'tm.:h;l...el'.... sileth.:L' ,~h.lll h\.. d":l'llll,:d as ; III the cumtilioll 01 1111: I)ropl'rt~" Ihe
l'urdl<l.,cr "hall pl'm idl' 10 thL' SdlL'r. at no CIlSt. UpUII rl'qUI'"t b) lite Sdk'r. C01l1p1elt: ,-'npil'" pI all ill...p\.'t.'liull fl'l)!'lrt..; upon
\\hidl thl.' Purrha~l'(s disappfO\al urlhe c.1tldilillll "ftlll' propcrt\ b ha-,I.'d. In no Ch'nt ~I\illllh~ S\.."!lcr b.... obli~all..'d III Ill;l!..\..'
any I"l'pairs lll' I'l'plac\.."llll..'tllS 111,11 lllil) h.... illdicalCd ill Ihe I'lln.:h:h~r-... ill~pcdil)n rt:ports I he Sdkr llli\~. in lIs ~~\Ie dis....rdilltl.
! 'I 1<\ t 1\..1 Kit I~:t .Ii ,,)
';] I i If< 1111,11,11-)
rnakc sw.:h':> to the Propt:rty under Ihl.' terms described ill ScC'tion6 of this :\ddcndum.
II' the Sdkr dcd~ nnt 10 n:pair the Property, the Pun:h;l<;cr mllY ..:an\:d this'\grcctlH..'nt and rc":CI\l: ;111 l.',1Il1cst mOIlC)
tkpositeu. I r the Seller I.'kcb hl makc .1Il) 'iw.:h repairs III the I'mpert)'. the Seller ...hall nOlify the PlJn..:ha..;er alter I.'ornplction
of the n:l'llir... and tIll: Plln:ha'icr shall han: liv\,' (5) caklld:lf days frollllhc dah: ofnolin', In in",pl'l.:II!l\,' rerilir~ ,\Ild notil) the
Seller of an) itl.'ll1s dis.tpprovcd. If "ltcr insfh.'dioll the Plln:ha.'il'r i" 11('1 "alislicd \\ illt n..'pair'i 1)1" trt:atrnclIb, Purdla:,cr ]Ila~
terminate the ..\gn,'clllclIl at JII) timc prior to dO'iing,
111 siHwti\lIls Ihut an: .IPplir.:ahlc, a slrultLJraL cb,:lrir.:aL lllcdlallir.:al. I."llvirl)lUllclItalllr tCrl1uk inspl'..:til.lfl n:port ma: ha\1: tx:cn
prl~rarcd !(lr the henl'litll( th\.' ~dler. l 'pon rL'qlll:SI. lhl.: I'llfdla~er \\ill he ,llkmcJ III n,'\ 11.''' the n:p(lrt to obt<tin the "amc
inl(lnllati~lJ1 <Inti kr1\l\\k'dg.e till' Sdkr Il<ls ahtmt Ille \:\lIlJition nf thl' Profll.:r1y hut the PlJr..:hil'\cr .h.:klh)\\kdgl's that the
insfX.Ltinn n:porls \\LTC prL.p,u....d lilf tilL ...llk II'iL' ;lnd hCllclil (If the "'dkr. flu: Purch;\scf Hill 1\l1I rdy 1Ij)l1l1 al1~ ,u..:h
il1spl:l.:tioll r,,-'p(Ht'i \lblainl'd hy thl.: Sl'lkr illlllJl...illg a de',:lSio" to run.:hasl.." thL' PropL'n~
(h) If the Propert) i" it l.."nndOllliniwlI nr pJ,llllh:d unit dl'\'L'luplllCflt ~)r >:lh)p...Tativc, unk"is othcr'\'.,jsl' rl'quircd h)' law, the
Pun.:hawr. at Ihe Pufchaser.... uwn expense. IS rC\pI.\/hihlc ti'f ~)hltlllling and n:\i....,,'jng thl.' cO'....lliulls. l::onJiti'lrh allll
r....stli<.:tiDlls ,tilt! hylaws Or the ...nlldl)fl1iniurll, or rimmed unit development or ((IOIKrali\l' ("(i~l\l'ming j)e',:ullll'nt""1 within
1":1\ ( HI) clkndar day'i Ill' the LfTcdiloC Date. I Ill.' Sl.'lIcr agree'> to 1I":'~.' h:as~lllahk: eflill"K ,l'i dl.'t\,'nJlim:d in the Sdler'" s(llL'
di'icrl.'tion. to assist Ihe I)un.:hascl' in obl~tinln~ ,ll'OP) orlhe (io\'l.'rnlng l)(lt.:lInli..'nts. Ih: Purdn,~r Will he deern..:J tll !la\/:
,Ic(cptl'd tIll..' (j{1\\"'rning. l>OL:lllllL'nts if tilL' Pllrcha~cr dnes nut pmvidc Ibe Sdkr flUtl...\: in \Hitjllg, nithln iitt,;:cll (15)
t.:at.;:ndar Ja~~ \If Ihl.' Ln~di\"1.' Dat~. elf the Ptlfl:h;hl.'r.... di...appru\,d (II I Ill.' (ill\l..'rning 1)I)l'lJllll.:nls. tllthe l'\~.'nt Pllr.:h:t..;\"~r
disappnl....\,..j of the tiu\cl1ling l),l\:Wncllh. Pun.:ha'iCf has Ih.... ri~llI tll h:nl1indlC thL' .\~r;:\"'nH:nl pnl\ldnllhc l'urd1<b..'r
nntilics Sclkr in wfiting. of Pun:lmscr'.. disarpnl\al \\ilhlll liltrl."ll (1:'1 ~'<lh:nJar days nf the Lfti..:di...<: 1);lh:,
6, !{~I)illr~: All rcp,lirs and tn:alnwnts \\illlw "-'(Jt1lpld\'d h~ a h'lHlor appn'...ed hy the S".IIl'r. ;l!ld \\ill hI.' _"uhjel.'tlo th..: Sclkr's
'iUII...fa..'tlon l,lIll~, I r lhl~ '\...lh:r has agn,:,,'d t\) pay l~)r 11'\"',111111.'111 Ill' "Hlod inkstitl'S urg.':lI1i"iIllS, Ihe Selkr "hallln.:al only Ul.:tih'
il1tl.'-,talilln. 'eitht'r the Purchaser, IInr ih rt'pn'senlathl's, ..hall ('nler lIpon the Prupert~ tn fltake allY repain JlIlltJor
treatments prillr to dusill~ The Pun"lutser shllll in..pel't Ihe n'lluin and/or tl'"elltnu."t.. liS Slot forlh in pUl'"lt~raph 5(:1) UI'"
is dccml'd to haH w"ind such inspl.'ctioll llnd ,111)' uhje....liuns In thl' rcpah'S IInd/Hr tn.'lUments, lhc Pur~l1aser
(leknO\",'kdgl.'s thai all repairs and Irl.'alnH:nl... an: d(l/Il' li)r lhe hencHI (If till' S....11c1' ~lild 1101 1(lf the Ik'rll.'lit of thl.: Pl1rr.:hilscf and
Ih;itlhl..' Purr.:haser has illSp\.'\:tt-d \H' !la... b....l.ll gi\en Ih(' npl:l4.)rtullity 10 i/lSpeL't n~pairs and Irc:almcnK :\/1) fL'pairs or trl'atlll...'rlt:-.
Imule Dr C<.lllSl'd In he made b) Ihe Sl:llcr "hall hl.' completed prilll" tll dU'iil1~, l :ndn no -:iICUI11SI<lIH.:es 'ilmll the "idkr he
rell"liCd II) ma"'l' an~ repair... \II" Irci'llrneflts ~lIicl [he SL'uklllcnl nail.', Tht' l.urdulser ,1l,'kno\o\-ledJ:es Ihat closing on this
tnmsa("ion shall he deemed the Ilul'rhaser's reaffirmation lhat the Pun'hascr is ....atis(j('{1 with the l"onditioll of tht'
Propert) lUHI "ilh aU repairs ~nd (realmcnls 10 the Prnpertl and wahes 1111 claim.. n'htfed to sUl'h condition l,nd to
the quuliI~' or Ihe rel)~irs or frelllmenls 10 Hit.' ..roperly, ;\11)' repairs llr treatml.'lIts ..hall he pcrfol'ln..:d for functi\Hlal
purpose... \\Illy dllli c'~h;1 rcslOrati(\f1 ()f ,ll'pl.:arant'e (lr ':l':,>mdi..: item... 1';.:1110\\ illg an) fL'pairs m In:atlllel1ls :.;hall nm ht.' rL'qulfl'd.
I he Sclkr ..;hall nol he 1.lbligatcd III ~\htain of pr(1\ idi.' 10 the Pllr('h:l~cr ;Ill) rt'l.'cipb 1;11 repair:.;, Ilr treatm....nh. \\ritll'fl
..ta!i.'ments Indi....ating, \bln ur t~pcs of r....p~tir"i :lnd' ,II' In:~t1Jlll:f1h \.If ,,-'upies nf \ll\.'11 l'Ci,.'l'IPb ,lr stakrn,'l1t~ Ill)r all~ (\tlll:r
dn(:IIItH.:n1alinn ft:gardillg an: rcp:lirs III' lrl'atmt:n1S tll the Propert;. TilE SEU,ER nOES "0'1' W'\\:\T OR
1;1 \R,\YIT!: ,"V \\ORK" IU:P\lRS OR rIU:.\T\lE'\TS TO TIIf' I'ROPERn, 1111. 1'( WIt.ISIR .\(;RI.FS 1'0
1.\11'1 It. l'\ll [lI.IIIIR [0 lIiI '1.111 R\ I CIOS[S(; ""'II. \l1I.'S SPill' FOR\I. II .11\ III & IUIL\S!.
" (U'\I>ITlON OF I'ROI'ERn: litE 1'1 III II \SER (,\I>ERST.\")S l'fLIT llIf. S!:IIER \C()IIREI> TilE
TilE CO'\I>IIIO" OF TIll: pROI'ERn. \S \ .\t\n:!IL\L p.\RT OF 1111: CO"SIIlER.\TlON TO liE
RITEIVEIl 11\ TilE SELLER INIlER TillS ,\CREDIE"T .\S '\I':l;OTl.\TEIl \."0 .\GRHI> ro 11\ TilE
1'1 Rl II.\SEIl \'\Il I'm: SEU.EIl. TilE 1'\ Illll.\SEIl .\IKNO\\LElll;t:S\'\Il\I.RI:f:S TO\l(I.I'1 1m:
pllOI'ERn I" "\S IS" I o '\I1I1I0 " \1' TilE 11\11: OE lLOSI"G. I'\ll.l'IlI.".. \\ITlIOl r U\IIT\rIO",
\'\\ I>HElTS Oil E'\VfRO'\\I!:'\T\!. l U'\llIno"s .\EFElTI'\(; TilE 1'llOpEIl n, \HIE IIIEIl "'\0\\" Oil
I '\""0\\.'\, \\ 111:"1 m,1l SI ClIllEEElTS Oil CO'\I>I rIO'\S \\ ERE I>ISlO\TR.\Il1.I:IIIIlOII;III'\SpU Tl0'<
Oil '\01'"'1 m: pIIlUL\SEII\C"'\OW!.EIlI.ESIII\T Tilt: SFI.LI:Il" ITS '\I,E'\ IS\'\IJ 1IE1'IIESE'\ I \l'1\ES
I1\\E '\OT \l\IJE\"1l 1111: 'ELU.II SpFClF/C\L1.\ '\U;\I!S \'\Il IJISU..\I.\lS \'\\
IlFPIII:SI:'\T \110"" \\ .\IlIl\'\TIIS, 1'1l0\1I'''', ( 0\ 1:'\ \'\1 S,\CRI: I:\lE" I S Oil (; I \R \'\ II:ES, I\II'L1 EI)
Oil 1:X1'IU:SS, Oll\!. Oil \\ III rn'\ \\ 1IIIIU:spElT 10 TIll: H)!.1.0\\I'\l;:
1'1 Rt 11\'<1 !~ {IIIIIJ.lh)
,III j 1{,llll\l.dq
S'rRI en R \1. I'\n:(;RIT\ OR TilE QI ,\l.In OR ClI.\R\CTFR OF \1.\TtRI.\LS I SEI) 1'\
CONSTRI:cno'\ OF A.'\\' I,\IPROVE\1t:NTS (F:.G. DR\ \\.\1.1., ASBFsros, I.L\ll I' \I'\T. IRE>\
FOR\1.\LI)EII\ IlF: FO\\IINSIIXllmo" .\\.\1\.\111\.1 n A'\1l Q\.\.'\Tln OK QI\l.n \ Ill'
SIFHClENCY OF' I)R.\IN \(;E" \\ \1 ER U:\"S, \\ \ IER 1l,\,\I\(,E. \10\.1) OK\N\ OTlIt:R
\IATTEIC .\HF:(TING nit: ST\BII,ITY. 1'\'1 U;RI n. OR CONIlITIO'\ OF rllt I'KopFRn OR
(II) nlE: CO'\FOR,\IIT\ OF Tilt: pRopERn. OK TIlE I\II'RO\E,\IEN rs. TO ANY I.O.\I'\G. 1.\'\1) I SF:
OR REG!]L\ nONS OF .\NY FHlER.\L, ST.\n: OR 1.0(' \1. (;on:R'\.\lFSL\L Al nlORln, OK Tilt:
S'J RI en RE, A.'\\ l\lpRO\nIENTS\;'\Jl!OIC\NY RF:\lOm:LlN(; OF lilt: STlU ell RE; .\'\D
It) Tilt: 1I.\81T \llIl.rn. \IE1((,IIANT\81L1 n. \I.\RKI: L\llII.rn" pKOHL\BII.rn OR HT'\ESS FOR
\ 1'\1(1 ICl \.\R PI RpOSE (WIIIt: I'ROpERT\ OR "II'RO\ nlt::'ll S I'\CLlI)I'\(, REI)III1lITOR\
\ ICtS \'\1) DEfECTS. .\1'1' \RE'\ r. '\ON .\pl'.\RENT OIC 1..\ n.'\T, \\ IIIClI '\em EXIST OR" IIICII
\lA\ IIEIU \HER EXIST .\NI) \\lIICII" IF "NO\\N ro nu: l'IICClnstR, 1\011.[) CAISt rilE
\lold. milde\o\. "i'Klre'i .."d/nr other mi,'rus('op;c {)~.tI1isms lind/or .tUergens (eollectiH'ly reftrrrd to in Ihis Agreement as
.'\told") are cmironmental ('onllition~ that are commun in rf'l'Iidenlial propi:rti~ Rnd Rill)' affect the Proper.)'. .\lold. in
some forms. hlts he('" r('ported to be to\jr and to ("lIUSe ~t'rious physh.'al injuries. inl'ludin/;!. hut not limited to, aller~k
and/or respinltor)' reactions or other problems. particularl)" in IH~nons "ilh immune ~~;~Iem problems. ,\'oun2 rhildrcn
IIlHlIur eldcrlll1ersun~_ ,'Iold hits also heen n'lwrled to l'!lUSt' l'\Ccn"ii\'t~ d~tm:lge Iu I)ersunlll :Jnd real pruperty. \Iuld lUll)'
have been remoHd nr l"U\crcd in Ihl' cOline of ,HI) d(,llflill~ Of rl.'pairing of the Propert). The I)un:haser ;tt'knu"letlgc!\
Ihat_ if Sl'Ilcr, Ill' any uf St'lh.'r', cmplu)l't's. l'untrulors, or II~C(lfs d\.-unf'd or repaired the I'rol)cl'l~ Of f'emcdillll-d :\told
('onlamimHiul1, lhat Sellt~r dot's nut in ,111~' \uy \\'lIrnHlt rhl" d..-aning_ n'(lairo fir rr(lJt'tlillfinn. Purdlltst'r iH'l't'pts full
I'l'!\pnnsibilil~' fnr all halards thai may result frum the prt'scfU't' uf \tnld in tlr around tht' l)ropCI1~, Tht' PUl'chaser is
s;ttisficd wilh tht' cundiliun of fhe Property nuh\ithstanding lhe PH!\t or prewllt l',istcul't: uf .\-Iold in ur around lhe
Propt'r1) and 'Jun:hilsl'r hit, nul, ill an~ \\oll~. relit'll UPUII an~ re'lln-scnlations of Sl'Ilt'r, Sdler's t..mplo)'c....s. ufficer".
diret.'lurs, cOlltnlt'lurs, ur .Igents t.'llnn.'rnillg the pll~t or pn'\clIl c\i"ilt.'IICc of :\101<1 in ur lIround the "ropt'r1y.
If al any limt' the Propl'l1y I::(lnditions result in \ lolatitlns of huikling I::ode ~)r lither la\\'s or rl'gulallolls. t:ilhcr part) "hall hllv\.' IIII.'
ri~hl 10 lerrnillalC lhe Agrcl'mcl1l al any lillll' prior 10 r:1l1~ing. If lllt:rl' i.. an l'nti.)rl7l'IllCfll rn'c~('dil1~ arising frolll alk'galion" of
\lh;h violali\)l1s hd(lre an cn!(m:c11lCI11 board, :-pl,t.:iallllllswr. (durt or similar l'nli.)(l':('Il1I.'l\t ht,dy. and nl'ithl'r lhe Pun.:ha~l.'r nor
Ihe Seller lermin.lle Ihis :\grcctllcnt, the PUfI.:ltascr ilg.recs (ill to accept Ihe Pn1perty subject In the vi,lblion:-.. lb) to be
n:spollsible Ii.u cl.\lnpliance wilh thl.' applil.:able !"'odc and with orders issued in any code cnfi.lrL'1.'mcnl pnl\,:c1.'ding and (cl to
f'I.'slll\'c Ihe ddiciencies as "'(l01l as possihlt: alter Ihl.' dO'iing, The I'un.:hasl.:r ;Ign..~... to 1.'\1.''';lItl.' all! awJ alllllu';11J11l.:11ts n\.'c1.'ssar~
or rt.'lfuircd li.'r dosing hy any agl.:llc) \\ilh jurbdil'tion over the Pr\)pl'rt), 1 he Plln.:hwief further agrec,-; 10 illd....mnil~ 111.... Sl'Ilt.:r
from all)' ;md nil claims or liahilil) ari"ing from Ihe Plln:husl.r.... hn:a..:h of Ihi'll ~txtion 7oflhis\dd\.'ndum.
nit: dn~in~ of this Mill' '1h.lll (,Ollslilllte adi.l1u\\ Ictlgt.'rncnt hy the Purdutser Ihat Pun'haser hltd the oppurtunil)' to n:tain
an indl'pendelll. Ilualifit'd pl'ufc'isiol1l1llo inspct'1 lht., IJrnp..~rl~ :lIId Ihat Ihc ('olldilioll uf lhe Pm!,\....I,\-' is m.t.'t.'ptilhle 10 lhe
l)lIrt.'hli"er.1 he I'un'h:lsl'r :t~n't''i th'lt lht. St'lIl'r "ih:11! It.nt' fill linhilit) for ""~' daim, Itr Ill'\Sl'S: tht.' Purdm'it'r ur lht,
Purdl:tst'I""i -.:lIl'l'('S"(H'S or :ls~ign~ fIlll'y ill~'lIr ll-.: It n':-ull or t.'ollslnu'liun or lItht'r deft.'{'I'i \\hit-h mill 110\\ or ht'r(':lft(.f' e\i"if
"ilh l'elrilH.~('1 to the I)rupl'l't~.
,( ~}~~\Ilmll";\ St.lIUS 1)j-Pnl(Wrt,: IIII.' P\II\,hOl~Cr ad"nll\\ I..:dg..:... Ih;11 Ih.:ilhcf lhl~ Sdk'r. 11\11 lIs Il:pr~'~\,:lllalj\~~, ag\,.tlls ur ds..,ig:lh. h;\'.;
madl: all) \\oarmllti!,..s ~)r rl.'prL'~crltatillns. illlpli\..J pr ""'\pr\,',,sI.'U, IL'lating II) tIlt': l',iS!l'IlL'r.: of any kllanb "f D!"'I.':\lpanb at tht.:
Pn1p\.'r1y 111l1L',,~ ulhr.:rwjs<.' ll\lfl:d in Sr.:(li\ll1~K \,r llti'> ..\dlknJwll. Sdlcr reprcs\.'llls lhat [h.... Pmp\.'r1} 'Ila~ 11<1\1,.' h:nanls
(\!""l'lljl) in!!, s;HllL' ullder :m ;11..'11\1.' k';b\.: hill ....'pres"l) di",-'laim... ,Ill} n;UT:llltil'" ['!"'!!.mling IIII..' \ ;llidjl~, !"'nlim':!"',lhility, rr.:rlixlll,lI\!,.'L'
IltHh:f Uf \'"olltinU,tlion ,_.f ~<ljd k'asr.:. 1'1lr.: 1'llfdl,I"r.:1 ;,o.,;~n(\\\ ledges that ..'J()sing on this Ir,m,al,;lioll sh,t11 h.,; dl.'l.tH\.'d tht.
I'urdlas\,'r"" rl.'aflinnalioll rhat ll..:itl1L'r 11ll.' Sdkr. 11\)r ih a;.:..:nts pf .ISS!!,!.ll", hil'l nlau\,' ;In) \\,llllllltiL'... l)r'Il... illlplinl or r.:'Plt:""r.:,L n:l.llinJ! III tll.... ..:\isl":lI!,.'\,' .)1' .tl\) kn,UIIS \lr thXllpanh at th... I'l\lpl'r!) unli.'''is Illhcr\,js<.'
I'i 1(l'1l \SI [( ,!nlll.lh)
noh.:d in ~c(,:ti(ln 3X (lj" this ,\ddl.:l1dlllll_ I hI.': 'idler. its rcprescnLati\es. agcnts or assigns. shall not bl.: r~~r(\nsiblc l\)r I.:'\i<..:ling "'r
n:h;:ating an)' Ic.'nallh. uCl.:upants Ilr pasonal pmpl'rty ,II thl' Propl.'rt) prillI' III Of subsl.:4Ul'nllo dosing unk.,,, olht:f\\isc [lott:d in
SCdj{\1l '18 (If thi., .\dUL'lHlulll. ,\11 leus,,'s "Iwll hl.' lit'l'med :ls-;i~lwd III PUrdWSl.'f upon d{lSlng to thc ex lent !K'nnitted under
appl iClhle 1<1\\ s,
rhe Purchaser funher acknl1wledgcs that, to the hest of Ihe Pun;hascrs knowledge, the Sl'lkr is not ll\llding any security
dc.'pt)\its from li.)mlCr or current I('multo;; and has no infi.mnalj()Il as 10 such SCl'urily deposits as Illay 11<1\1.:' been paid by th~ Ii.mllcr
llr (:uITCnl t('!HUltS In anyone and agrees that no ::,ums reprc..cnting <.,u..:h tenant security (h.'posit,> shall he Iran.,femxl to the
Purchaser itS r,m of this Inmsadiol1. Ihe Purcha~er further agrces to a..,,,unu: all rc~ptm~ihilil) <lnd liahility for the refund \11' "liCit
se~llrity dl.:pusits I~l the tcnanl'i pursual1t to the prnvisil)l1s {)f dpplicahll' law... :lnd rq;ulntions \11 rt.:llls dllt" and payahle and
~ullcc.'h:J Irom tellant... ror Ihe month in "hiL'h ~1\ISing n..:curs will he prorated <!,,'corJing wth... prll\i:-;ii1ns nfScctinn 10 (II this
rhl' Pllr..:haser ,li,.:I-.llln...k'Jgcs Ihitt Ihi:; Pn)p~r1y Ill") hI.: _suhjl.:..:t tu the prmisi'lllS uf hl~al I"l.:nt (,)J)!fI11 ordillanCC\ .\IId
n:glllali\.llls. lhc Pmchascr il~rel.'S that upon the ..:Io'iing, all cvidinn !H\ll'L'l'dillgS alld (It her dlltil.:s and responsihilities Ill' a
prupcrty l)\'vllcr ;llld lilmllunJ induding hilt !lut limitnl III till"'''' procl'cdine:s required !\)f c\.lmpliwKc with 'ilu.:h local rent
ctlnlrul llrd inan,,:l,.'s alld regu Inli(1I1:~, v. ill hc [hl' PUI'~h;hl'l. s .,Ilk n':"'PlHl'iihilit) .
t) Pl'rSllllnl Iln1Pert\; Ill:!1l" \ If pcr..onal pn1per1y. ille ludillg bUIll( JI I illl itr.:d to \\ illt!!)\\ .:o\crin:;s. applialll:l's, III<.lnufat,;tun..'d 11\1I11\:S.
Illohile IWllles, H'hit,;!r.:s, ~pas. alltenrl~ls. satdli!e tH:-.IH:S and garage dllOf Opl'lll'rs. now or hefl:;ilh:r locall'd nil the Property are
not indlldl:d in Ihis ..;ale or thl' PUn;h,l\t: Prl\.'c \lllleSS the personal property is spedlkally d('..~:rih('d and rclcrl'n..:t:d In Srction ,1R
uf this Addendul1l. ;\n) pcr~lI1,11 pr\.lpcr't') at or un Ihe Properly may he subjecl to dCiims hy third parties and. thcrct~)re. may he
n:lTlll\l:d trom lhe Prnperty prior 10 or after the 1:1i.1sing, Ihe Seller I1wkcs Ill) fI:presentatlon or warnUlty il", to Ihe /,;ondition ur
all)' personal rrllpc::rt). title Ibt'rc::lo. (If \~hC::lhL'r <Ill) PC"'llll;11 propl:r1y i~ 1.'lll:lJlllbCll.'d hy any lil'lls. nil: 'idh:r assUrlll.'S no
rl'~pollsihilit) for any pt.'r""lllal properl} rl.'lllaining un the Pnlrt'l1y at the time (lfd(,~ing.
10. ('klsinc ('osts and .'\"iliJl~tmeJl!~:
(al I he PLlreha,cl <.llld thl' SL'lkr agTl,'\.' to prllrah.' thl' ti>ll~mjng l:XpL'nSl.'S ,IS lIf Ihe Sl'llkrncnt Dale: rl'al cslate ta\cs and
asscssl11l:11b, ".\ltlll1l\11I ~Irt'a ..:hargv.., ":1111lhllllllliLllll ,)r planlll'd lIlIit dc\doplllCnllH "imilar (~)Il\Ill11f1ily ,ISSl.'SSIll('rlts, ~l)-
1.lperati\L' ICe" r1milltL'llanu: fel..'s and renh. if any. III dl..'lt'l'IlIining prorations, the Scllkrm:nt Uitlc ~hall hL' ,,!ll.Icalnlln
the Purchaser PH) 1ll('nt III "p\'("wl ;:h"t'SSIlll..'1I1 distril't hunds alld aSW"',IllL'nts, and pay I11l'll1 nl hPrllL'II\\'ller'_" ,IS';III.:HUilHI
()r spt:t:ial ;l..~t:SSIl1(;I1tS shall be p<lid (urrenl ,mu prorated hct\\'l.'cl1 thc Purchast.'r and the Sellcr a... of Scttlt:l1H:nt Da(L'
with pa)lllcnts ll~ll >et due and (ming tn he ;\ssul1l....d hy Ihe PUI'l.:hasl..'r ,\ilhout (redit 100\i1l'(J Purd1a~c PriLl.'. 'rhe
Proper!) ta>;eS ,hull be prorated oa!>cd {11l an eslilllah: ,)r ;It,;llhll ta\cS from lhl' pfe\illU' year Illl the Property. :\11
prorJtion~ shall he hascd upon il~O-day month and <ill such prnrali<ltls shall he tinal. Ih.: Seller shall nllt ht.' re<;poll'iihle
tilr any amounts duc, p:lid nr t(1 h\.. paid atkr (losing. including ow not limil\.'d fl'. an)- 1:1\.l'''. penaftil'''; ~)r l1\1\.'rC'it
as:>cs'>l:d llf dlle as a rt'sult uf r-l'!r\l,tcti\ l', !1\)'itpolll.'d l)f :Jddilional taxes n,'sldling liHlll an} chall~l' in U'i~' of. PI"
....(lnstruction on. \'r irnprovl'lllcnt 10 the Prnper1y, ill" <1n adjustment in tilt: ilpprai'it'd \'illul: llflh~ Prollcrt), In lhc eVent
tht: Seller has paid allY t<L\CS, 'iJX:l, ,LSSt'SSlllclllS (If (l11l!..'r fi.:l'S and there is a rdllllJ of an)' SlKh taws. assessml:nts or
1\:I:S aller dusing. J/I(I the Purdlll~cr as ....urrenl tl\\llcr of the Pro pert) n.:cd\cs lilt, paymcnt. lhe Purr..:hasl'r will
irnmcdiately sllhrnillhc rdillld to the ~cller.
(hi Llllnie \fae IS a L'ongre"Sjt1llall) ..:hanl''1l'd L"l)rpllI'allllll and is l:\('lIlpt I"rnlll rL'alt)'r t;1'.....s pursuant 10 r ~ l.~.(..
I 7~1;;1(....)(2J,
(..: I rhl' Sclkr "hall pa) the real estltt: ...'()Il\lni~Sldll pl:r till' listinh! ;lgrt'Cment hl:t\\i..'cn till' ~1.'!lcr and lhe ~dk:r's listing
(d) Purd\a~t'f shall rl.'ka'ic I\clkr 11-11111 an) .\IId all 1'laim:-. ari.,illg from thl' ;ldjll...trncllh ,II' prmalilllls (Ir ....rrors in
L'all.'ulating Ih\.' adjustlllcllt lIr prmal;('I1s lhal arc or Illa)- I'll: dise()\t'n~d itlkr do..illt!. /'lIt PI R( 'II:\SLR ;\(jREFS
ro F\I.CL II. -"IJ 1J1_IIITK 10 1111- SI.lII RI I <1.0SI,\(; I. 1'\'\11 \111-, '\I'IJ< 1.0R\1 , IT,,, Prwallo"
, I [)eli.cry oll.lI"ds; R"gardlc" oll"cal <LI'h'''t "''1llIl0I'""'', or practice"_ "I"" del;'"" ,,( rhe d'cd h, <h,- 'dkr I" Ihc I'ur"hase,-
the Pun.:hascr sh<tlllkli,..:r" or ....atlsc to be Jdi\l'n.:d. all hlllds dlll.' the Seller from Ihe sak ill the 1i.\fIn ilfc:tsh. hank (hed... \..I.:nitit.:d
dll'~Iv \..ll" \\-in: trallsi'l-r, \n <lttIIIllC) 's lru'il fLlIld .:hcclv -;halll1(ll ht.: "'llllit:icllt tll satisl~ this pnn isinn Ilnle...:-. !ht..' b,lIIk twldill::; Ith.'
:'lRClL\'-f K Iltlllld~"')
-"t 1.11 k dl1lll;I'~1
.I\:llllml 011 \\lIkJlthl.: Iru..,l fund du:~k is dr::mn ..:crtitk.., thl.' (rtl\t hmd died...
12. tenilil:alcof(knl.ll.illLU: Irllle PrllPl'rty i...llh.:ah:d ill ;ljuri....dil.,tilln that r~quit"l:..\ a (l.:rtiti~alc (lfo((up<Ull':y, "lllol<.t: dctcdor
ccnilil:aliotl. "cplic L'crtilicatil1ll Of any similar ccrtilll'alion Uf permit (..( 'i.:rtilkale (If {)c(upancy"i llf any furm ()f imprmcment
l)r r.:pair hI thl.: Pn)f'l'rty to {,hlain ..,u\:h CL~nifi..;ate lit" th:L'UP.UKY m.ce......ary 1'Dr thl' Property In he t)(cupil'(1. the Purdlilst:r
ullllt:rSI;tllds thaltht, Sdkr rCl.luircs the ("crtifkah: pf l lu.:UP:Uh:Y III he d'llailll:d by Ihl' Ilun.:hasl.:r at thl.' Pun.:haser's' expense.
Ih: Purdlilser "lialllTlal<.e ilppll\,:alil.Hl f~1I all (\:nirl.:ah:s uf (kl..'upam:y \\ ilhin IL'1l (10) <..:ah:mL..II' lhl)s ,If lhl: .\d,110\\ Il'dgemcnt
Date. lhe "ihall nntlHI\C the right to delay the l.:k,...illg dlll.: In thc Pun.:hasl.:r"... failure ,lr imlhilil)' 10 ohtain all~ rCljuircd
(\:11i!iultc pI' (h.:\'-'lIralll.:~. r:.ulurL' lIf fhe Purd1a........r 10 '.lbt<lin ,Illd fllrnish Ihe (',.:rtilit.:ak pI' {k....up,ull.:y ...hall hI.' 1II1lilh..'ri;11 hn..'a.:h
oflhl..' /\grCl..'1l1l'llt.
I J. Ddi\Cf\ of Possession (I(Pn)V~fIY: Ihe S....ller shall ddi\t.:r IJ\lS~ession oflh..: Property 10 th.... I'un.:haser al dosing, Thl: ddi\....ry
llf pO"'~I.'"sinl1 ...hall be ..,:uhjL-ct hI till.' rights df all) lenants (II' parti....<; 111 pv".....~.."illll per Sl.'l.'lioll 8 01 thi...\lid...'ndulll. If the
PUrd1<ISL'r alfl'!'s Ihe Property or (a uses the Propcrty to he altered 111 an)' wa~ and,'()r I)\.:l'upies thl' PropL'rt) or allo\\s other
pl'rsollll1 Ui.;L'lIP;. lhe Prllpl..'rt~ pnur 10 dosing will1\llltlhl' priur \'dllh:n i.;onsL'nl of the Sdk'r, slll.'h eH~nt ...hall.:on"lituh.' a hrcao..:h
h;. IhL: Pun:has..'r llmkr the ,\!,(rL'L'IIH.'l1t and the "dler nM)' tl'nninalL' the :\gn:clllcnl and the Pun:hascr shall be liahle III thL' Sl.:llcr
jilT d:un~i!!l'''' ....alJsl..'d hy ;ln~ ...lli.'h alkl'atipll or lH..:cupatillll \If thl' Propl'rly prior til do..,:ing <JIH..! waivcs all) and all claim... I\)r
damagl.:s tlr .:ompcn....lli\\llS fur alll.:r:lIioll'o made h) lhl.: PIlI'....h,htT In 111(' Pn'pl.'rt) induding, hut nut limited to, ,Hl) claim... Inr
lllljU...l clll"idll11cnl.
II, Deed: Rcgardl~ss uf hll..:al pr<ll:liL'l'. Ihe dl'c:d hl he dcli\ercd hy Sl'lh:r al ~hall he II dCI.:d that ':(l\erlaI11S Ihal grantor gntnlS
only thaI title \\,hich granhw may have and thai graTl!\\r \\illllllly dt:li.'nd litk ,lgainsl pl.:r...llllS ....laillling h), through. (II' tinder the
grnntor. hul not olhe","'isl.'. All) rdcrcn\:c to the h:nn "Ill-cd" Ill" "Sf."k.~cjal \\ arrant) Deed" herein shall he cOI1...trucd IIJ rdi.'r 10
SUdl t\)ml of de.:cJ. I :nda Ih) cin;lIl1lstances shall Sdkr be reqllirl.:J 10 deli\\T ;111) 1~)fIlll)f (ked \,hidl granh a gena,,1 \\arrant)
(chcd.. ifllpplicabll'j Selkr'" dL"Cd "hall H1Chuk tllc '''JIlI)\\ illg deed rt'''Irictiorl'
GRI'\TLI. III.RII'\ SII.\L1. IlE I'ROIIII.11111J mOil (( ,,,-, IYI'\(; (' .11' 1I0"UJ I'ROI'I.R I Y J<)R A S..IUS I'RICI.
OF URLlliR IiL\'" , lOR .1 I'LRIOIl ot \1O"-III(SI !'RO\1 IIIE IJIII. 01- III1S
LJI.EIJ (iR.I"IIT SII,\l1. ,IISO Ill' I'R()Il1llltHI IRO\1 I"CI\1llf.RI'J(i SIIlJl'CI I'ROI'I'.RTY l\Tnl A
\IO"TII(S) IRO\I 1111: IJATI Of Ii liS IJLlIJ. IIIISI: RISIRlCrlONS SII.\1.1. RL" WIlli 1111 LI"IJ.\"D
.IRI. ",) II'I.RSONAI. 1(' "R.\"ll:!'.
rI liS RISI RIC 110'" SII,III ITR\lI",1 I F I\lMEDE\ 1"11 Y I PO'" CO, "I.\" .IVT .1 r .I"Y FORITI.OSI 'RI' SIl.L
REI. \ liD ro I \IORl<i\(iE OR DEED OF I RI'S I.
IS. Do..:kl.:t::i inl'itlc: IfIll..: !)un.:hasl.:r rai~t;:.; ,Ill ubjel'tillJI to the Sdlt:,.s, titk lllthc Pnlpt'nj, which, ir\alid. \H)uld make title tl)
Ihe Propl.:rty unif1SUI~lhll', the Sclkr shall !la\\.' Ihl..' righl tlnilall'rally III lcrminatc thc \~rl..'Cl1l...'nl by gi\ in!! \Hilli.:n nOlice nf
Ihe.: terminatioll 10 th..., Purdl,"'~r. Ihl\\c\'cr, if the Sellcr i... abh: III t:orr('L'l Ihe pTllhknl Ihn,lllgh rl',lSUlI<lhlL' dTorh. as Ihe.:
Sl'IIl'r dl'tl.:nnincs. ill its ~llk .md ab:jollllt' dis...:reti\llI. prillI' 10 the 1.'pir;tli~\I1 11<111':, inl'ludillg an) \\ritll..'fl \.'xtt'llsiun", or iflitle
inSlll'afh:t.' i..,: availahh.' from a n:putahk' IiI Ie Insurance ..:ompall) al rC~lJlar raIl'S l'ontaining aflinllati\l;~ Ul\Cragc fur thc title
objel..'1ions. th....n thc\gn:l'lllclH shall I'CIl\l1l1l ill hdl t~lf\.'l' alH.lll1l..' Pur..:hil"l.'f ...hall Jll'l'fnnn purSll<lllt III the 11.'l"lllS ..,cl in till'
\ gr..'l..'IllCll I. I he S!.:Ill-r is 11<'1 ubllgalcd [0 rClIhl\C ~1I1) C\I.'l'pli\1l1 or 10 brill!,:, ,Ill;' adiull Ill" I'l"Ilt:l'nling \11' hcar .111) l'\jlCI1~'" in
Dfllt'lI\1 l.:1l11\1.';. ,ilk to till.: PhlIK'II} (1110 lllakL' thl' lilk ll1ar\..C\;lhk alld'llr ill'>lIfabk hut .ll1y atlt.'lllpl 11) the.: Seller to n'II1(I\'l'
~lli.;h Illk l',\t:l.'plioll'i "h;lIlnol il1lpdSl':tn ohligatil1IlupoI111l..., ~i;'lll'r to rt'mon' tlll)S\,.' l'\Cl'pt1tlll". I he PtIlchasl'r adllll\\h:d~cs
thai the ~elh:r''i lilk III 11ll' l'rilpcrt.\' 111i1) he subjl:l."l III ....1l1lJ"l ;ippl'Oval of fim,:r1t1"Url' 'II' III 1l\llrt~,,"gur'.., ri~hl (If r('dCfl)pli(lll~ In
Ihe C\1.:1lI th.... ~dlcr IS nol ahk: III til) mak..... lhl' tilk' irhllrahk \If i..;\ll'red all) prllokm '\1' 0'1) ontain titJc in"LlnlllL'l' fl\lm a
reputabk tith.: in'lUfalh':c ....olllpall). all a" [ll'llvit!l:d I1l"l'ill, lhl' f'iIltl1:hl.'T may ll'lIlllllOlll'lhi" .'\~rl'l'll1c111 ,1Ill! all) L'anll.''\lltll\lH':)
dl'pj,lSit \\ ill hl' rL'lurl1l,d 10 Ihe Purcha~tT a~ lilt' Pun..has...T'... ...(dl' l"l'rnt'Jy ~lt law l'r l'l.luil). I r Iht;: PmL'h.\sl.:r del:ts to la[.;.... tille
:'iuojt'..:t to Ih\..' lille nhjcclions. lhl.: Purdla~er shall "'0 1I111il~ Ih(' Sl'lkr. Ihl' Purdlil'\Cr'.., ...ill'lll:e ,IS III <Ill) lilll.: Obll..'.:IIIII1', shall
bl.' dt'cmnl "'i al'L'L'platlL'C
/l 1\\ II \''; I I~ dlllll,d
...1 I I ) I~ 111'111<,:1- ~
16 Rcon:~(.:ntaliol15 and \\amultic<,:
rhe Purdmser ]"i.'pr~scnls and \\:.J.rranh In lhe ~...'Hel' Ihe f~lllo\, ill!.!:
l a) !'he Pun.:h.l':>cr is pur.:ha<;ing the Proper!) 'il1Ir:l) in reliance till its lmll investigation and ino.;pcl.:tion of the Property
,IIHI nol nn any lIlforllliltion, n.'prcSClll<ltinn llf '..arrant) prmidd ,11" hI be 1'1\1\ ideJ h)- the Sellef, its sl..'r,kers,
rl..'pr\'Sl'l1tati\cs, hrllkcrs. L'llIpln) ('l'S. agl'lll'. iiI" assign..:
(h) \;l'ither the S...:lIcr. Ill)]" ilS 'il.:r\'il:l.:l's, employ!:cs. n:pn:sl.:nt<lti\es. hn'kefs, ag!:nts!.lr a:;si~n,;. has IIlJJi.' all) rcpn:,:>cntathllls
or '....n-antics. ImpliL'd or c\prcsS1...J. n:lming h) thl' clll1ditillO (lflhl' Propcrt) or the ClHltl'nh thcrenL C\eCpl as l'xpr{'~sl)
~"tli)fth in Section.18 of this '\Jdl'lltlum:
(c) Ihe Purchaser has m)1 rclio;,'J (111 any n:pn..'S~'nhltilln nr \\<lmllll) from the Sl'llcr rl'gal"din~ the nature. qualit) or
\<,hiflllf any I"epairs rmuk hy' tht: "idlc/':
Id) Ihe Purchaser will 1l(1{ OI.:CUP) \11" .....;tU~C ur 1)l'n11it lIthCN to OCCUP) thc Pnlpcrl)' prillI' to l'l\.lsing and. llnkss and until ;1Il)
IIl:~cssal') ('crtificale of fkeupanC) ha.. hc..:n nhtainnl frolll thc ,.\ppropriatc g.O\l'rnnll'1l1al \.'nlity, \\ ill not (lCl'UP) or
C<lil\e \'f pcmlit others IllIlI.:I.:UP) the Pfupert) allel" I.:losing:
(\') 1111,,; lIn{kr<;i~ncd, if nCl'lJ!ing. thl' .\g.rccllll,,;nl nn hchalf (Jf lhe Pnr..:llascr Ihal is a l.'\lrpofalioll. par1l1crship. tnlSI,l!' lither
entity, n:pn.:scnts and warrants thai hC'shc is authllril.l..'d h) th.u I..'lltit) III coteI' into the \g.rcl'Illl.'nt and hind the l.'ntil) \()
perlimn all duties and ohti!;atilln~ staled in thc\gn.:I..'llh..'nt: antl
{n rhl..' Pttrdwscr (.:hcd\ \1111..'); XXX h,,~. __,____~ ha~ nut pn..'\itlll'.d) PUI'Chil'>;cd a LlIlllic \tae lmlll...d pmpcrt)'.
AS .1 .11\TEllIAI. I'.IRT I)t' TilE c(1,'SIIlER,\TIO' TO liE Rt:CE/V Ell "'I liE SI:I.U:R 1"'WER IIIIS
AGRI:nHSI IS ....EGOTI\/'I:IlI....IlIGREI.n IU 11\ IIIE 1'1 RClIISERI....11 Tilt: SEI.I,ER, TilE
PI RCII.ISt:R WAII'I"S Tilt: 1"01,1.0\\':'1;:
(II ILl. RII;IITS TO FlU: .1'1l VI\I'I"\I' I' ICIIO'Il;.\ISST lilt: St:I.I.ER I"OR SPI:CIFlC
I"'\"O"ED, WOlU) I'Rt:VE'" r Tilt: St:I.LI.R HIO\I 10....\ t:\ 1....1. rill: PROPF.RT\ TO A IIIIRII
Ivn:R C1,OSI....G;
RI:L\I E III TilE PI RI....ISE OF 1111". PROPt:lU\ OR 1::\1 I:RI"'I. "HI OR n.t:lTTlO' OF OR
CI.OSI'\I; l 'DER lilts II.Rl:nIE'I;
(f) 1'\\ IlnlU)\ OF .\'11\ "1"'1l. I'\CI.I UI'\G III I' "lOT 1.1 VII n:D ro IU.SlISSlO' OF IIIIS
II;RH\II:r-. r" OTIII.R 1'11.\'\ IS D.I'RI.SSL' I'RO\IUI:D 1'\ SUllO.' 19 OF TillS .1l1llt:NUl \I"
1'0 W IIll1l I'm: PIRClIISI:R \1I1;11T OIllt:RWISt: liE I:'TITLUI .IT L\I\ OR I:QIITV
WIII:TIIER 1I.\St:D 0'\ \HIIII. \IISTI"I: OF [.IIT OR LI W Oil 01'11 I: R\\ ISI:;
(I;) IIU.\1. 11\ ,II R\, I:XCEPT .\S I'ROIIIIIITEU 11\ LAW. 1'\ 1'\\ 1.1 IIG.ITIO'" ARISI'\G FRO\l OR
CO"U n:D W 1111 OR Rt:L\ rH) TO II liS 1(; Rt:I:,\II:' I:
'I Rl"JI\:-'[ I{ Ilnlll,ll"
',I 1.1 1!(ilnltl.';,1
111)\1'1\ CL\I\lS OR LOSSES TIlE 1'!RClL\SER MW l'in R .\S\ RES!LT OF CO'iSTRICnO'i ON,
REPAIR TO, OR TRL\TME'iT CW I'm: PROI'ERT\" OR OTIII:R Ilt:Ft:crs, WIlIClI \1.\\ 'iOW cm
il) \\\ CUI,\lS OR LosSt:S REL\ I Ell TO E"\ IRO'i\ltSL\L C O'iIlITIO'iS .\FfHTI'iG I'm:
I'ROI'ERT\ I'iCI.\III'G, III I' 'lOT l.\\lIH.ll TO,\lOUl, IIRHULL, LUll 1'\1'1', FIE!. OIL,
ALLERGE'iS, OR TO'\W SillSI' \NC FS OF \" h.1'i1l:
(.I)'" RIGII I' TO A'OIll TillS SALE 011 RI':1ll n: Tilt: l'lun: Oil 1101.\) TIlE SELLER RESI'O:\SIBU:
A'1l HT'ESS" OR IU:l11I1II1 relRY VICES \'iIlIlUB "1 S, .\1'1' \RENT, "O."\I'P\RE'iT OR L\ IE' I,
(h.) A'i' CL\I\' \RISING I'RO\l F'iCRO\C11\It:' IS, L\SD1E'iTS, SIIORT.\C.ES l'i AREA OR .\'i'
H~tcn:n':i.:...l{) Iht.' ""*,-,111.."" in thi!-. Sc~lion 17 ,'If thi~ :\ddclldulTl "IHIIl indudc the Sdl,,"r ,mJ the Sdh:r'-.; .;('("icers. n:prc'icntatin:-s.
ag.ents. nrpJ.;cr,-;. crnr1n)Cl..'<;. andm a..."ign..
In thL" C\'~'nt [hid the Pun:hascr hn:acht.:s illl) of the terms d*,-'...~,:rihcJ or conlcmpl,ttt.:d untiL'r lhi~ '\cdioJl 17 ~)rthis :\ddl.'lldum. the
Pun:hascr "hall pay all n:a:-.onahk alli.1rllt.:) kc.. and C,l..,ts illl-\JIT~'d by !he S\,..lll.:r in ddclIding .,lH.:h adi~)ll. ami thl' Purchitscr shall
pay Fivc 'lhollS.IIlJ Dollar; (S~.OOOI Wi liquiJah.'d da/11agl:~ I~lr hn.:m.:h \If this '-l.:ctillll 17 or ihe ,\dlh.:nuum. \\hidl dll10unt .,duall
b\.' ill aJditill1l ((I ;\fl) liquiJatcd damages held or \,;(1\ c-red hy thl' 'lelkr plIr"uant t..1 "l.:t.:Iilln I') ur this \dlkndllllL
18. LI'JL<titions In the Scller's Per!(lfm,IIICl': I'he Sdkr ~hall haH' the right. al the Seller's soh:: discretion, 10 C'\tcnu the l':xpiration
Date or to h:rminate this :\grcC'l1lcnt if:
(al full p;t)lllcnt \If any mortgage insur:.uH:C ..:I3im n:lalcJ to the loan prc~iousl) ",cl..:ur~d h) the Pmpcrty I.. nol ctll1linncd
prior to thc dusing or th.: mortgage insurnm:c I.:ompan)' r.'\en:isc~ its right 10 al.:llllirc title t(llhc Property:
tb) the 'dlcr dl'lI.:nnim.'s that it is llnabk to CllIl\'e..... title III Ihe Property insurable oy ,\ rl.:pulablc tilk inSlII1UH:C company at
n.:gular rail's:
(e) Ihc Sl.'llcr al all) tirnc has rCllUCSII.'d 11mt the s.:r\i\:illg lender, llf an)' olher part),. rL'pllfchasl'lhc l(lUIl prc\inusly wcurcJ.
hy the Prl'pert)' and,of ;.,u.:h IClHlI.'r (If o!hcr par1)' has elected to rl.'purcha..c the proPi:rt;.':
(d) :1 third part) \\ith righb rt.-'Ialt.'d In Ill.: .....ill' (,fthe propert) dlll'S llilt approH' the ....alt h:rlllS;
(l'l rull paylllent (ll.tI\) prnpl'rl), fire or hal<lru ill'\lJr.:tnce daim is nnl conlirmcd prillr tn 11ll;.' -.:ll)sing :
I n ,III) third pan), whl'lhcr tenant IHlIlll'n\\tlCr's a~so..;iation. or Illhl'fWise. L'\:crCISl'S rights L1nd",r <l ri:lht \II' lir"t 1\:lu.;al tu
purchase the ')f\lpl'rty:
(gJ the Pun.:hasC'r is Ihl.' lcml1l'r mortgagor l1f thl..' PI\lpl'rt). \If is r..:latl.'d 10 \ir ,dlilialcd ill :1Il) \\a) I,\ilh the fUfrlh:r
IIh'rtg.agor. and the PurChaSl'l' hll~ not disdoso,:J Ihis lad In the Sdkr prior hl the Sdkl'.... a\:\.'('ptJIKl:' [llthis ,"\grcCllll'nL
Such Clilurc ll'l Jis...:losl.: shall \."llllstitute dd;udt undcr thi" ,'\grl'clllclIl. I,'nlilling th.: Sdkr III I.'\L'n.:isl..' all) ur il'; rights
:U1d rl'lw.:dil.:s. Induding. \\ithoullimitat;lirl, retaining tile i..'aflll':-.t 11111111.') ...kpll~ic
(h) lhe Selkr. at thl..' Scller'" slllc di"..:rdil.)/], ,kkrrl1im-" Ih,lt thl.' "':11" (If Ihe Prl'l)(.'11j 10 Ill{.' Pur(:Il;\'il'f or an) rl..'I;lted
tralls;ldil)nS ,\fl' lfl all) \'a~ ;tSS\I\.'I,111.'d \\ith illc~!al :1\."1i\ it~ uLII1) killd,
(11 the ,\gn:1,.'Il\(:l\1 \\-as at..:(cptl..'d <lnd l'\\:cutcd hj S~lkr in n\)lh;nmplian,,;(' \\ilh I'almll: \I;ll: pnll;:l'dun:s III guidclil1l,:S;
Ijl "dh:r tkkrrnllll''' in it>. ...llk dis(:l"I.:ti\lll thallhc "sait.-' Illlhr.' Prepc!'!) \\'111 ....ubjl'd ~(;Ikf II' liahilJt) ,mdl)r 11<1\1.: all impacI
lHl pending. thrC;I!erH:d or pl)!l'ntiallifigatiol1: Ill'
"\RClI \"1 H ilfIIll,Ihj
(k) matcrialmbrcprest'lI(atinn OJ th~ PUn..:hilSl.:r.
III the e\ent the Sclh:r I.:lcl.:ts tll tl.:rminalc lhi" \1:.rI.:ClllI:111 as a fI..'"lIlt of (a), l h). let (d). td, (n, Ii) ,Ir Ij J ahovl.:. Ihe S.:lkr shall
return the Pun.:has.:r'", eamC'st fllUllC) deposit.
; 9. ~~.m~~L~~ t~U: P.~t;lLllt:
(,1/ In th~ 1:'-'C'l1t of tilt.' Purchasl..'r's dd:lUIL material hrcadl \Ir matcri.1f lIli'ireprcscnt,llioll !'If ,my ilKt under the h:rms of this
'\gn:cl1lcnt. Iht: Sdler. at it'> (lptil.lfl, may n:ti.lin the \:amest money J1:[X\sit :IIlJ any other fUllds then paid b) the
Pun;:h,t'o,cr as liquiduH:d dalllll~L-s and()r ill\Hke all) (lthl.'r rl'lllcdy availahle to ScllL'r at law amJ.ior L'quity and the Selkr
is .IlJtonl<llically n.:h:asL'd fmlll [II...: 'lhlig:llion 1(1 Sl'll the Prnp('11y III Iht: Plin.:h,hl'r and Ih:jlher Ihe "lelh:r n()r it:-;
reprr.:Sl..'lltalin:", agent:.;, ;tUlmle)'i.~lh:e"""'''l)l"S, !"r ,L~.;igll" "hall tX' liabk tn the Pun:hasl.'r t(Jr an~ d:llllag~s (Iran) !';ind as
a rl'sllll nllhe Sclkr\ t:lilurc tu ....ell alld ,:1)11\ ~'~ thl: PrUrl.'fl}.
I hJ In Ihe c\ ....nt of the Sdkr',\ d('hwlt llr material hrt:adllll1dcr the tcrms or the '\gn:clIll:111 or if the SelicI' tcrllllnah:., the
'\greelllcnt as providl'd unJ(.'r rhe provisillllS of Paragraph 18 (a). (h), (t:). (d), (c). (fI, (i) or (i) 1)1' thi", Addendum, the
Purt:hascr ..hall he cnlilkd 10 Ih~ relurn of the carne....t IHunt:) dep~I"lt ,L'i'.., sule and I.'\du..ivc- rt:l1lcdy at
law <lnd;or equity, IiiI.,' \vain:s ;lny rights h.l iiI..: .md ll1aintain 3n al.'Il(111 againsl the Sdkr fi.)r spcl:iJk
{lc-rh1rmancc .I/Id Ihe Plln,.:ha:>cr <lcl\llll\\h:dgcs lh;ll iJ fl:hll11 of its C;lfllc:;,{ mnnc) d\.'l)!,)..,it (ilU ad....qu<lldy dlld hlirly
~(lmpCllsilh: the Pun:llascr, I pUll rdurn \,1' the L'anH:st money dqmsJ\ Lo the Pur(h;lscr, Ihis ,\gn:cnlcnt Sh.ll! be
tcrminall."d. and the Pun.:hascr and Ihe Seller ...hall ha\e no ftlrthl.:'r liability Ill' llhli!!alioll, cal'h 10 tile \ltller in
l'Ollllcctioll with Ihi~ :\gn:l.,'Illl'Ilr.
(e) rhe I)un.:h,t:.t'r agree..; Ihal Ihe ~dkr shall I1tlt be lIahle In the Pur\,.ha....c:r Ii.~r all) :.pcci..i1. ((lll~cqucntial or punitivc
damages \\hat~()C\l.,'r. \\hCLhcr in ';lllllr..H.:t, lort (in....ILldill!:,: Ilq;:li~l.;/lI.:c o.lJHJ :.uict liahiliiy lur all) \Itber legal or c4uiruble
prin....iplc. llK:luding hUI lllll Illllik'd 1\1 all) (llSI Ill' l'\pelts\.' Illcun....d h~ the Pllrdlils\.'r ill sdllllg (Ir surn.'lldt.:ring a kasc
dl1 a pn(lr r....'iilklH.:l,. ublaining ()lhLT living ilCelllll!llml;ILi'lU.;. Ino\ in!,!., ~tt1ragl' nf r....l,xatill1ll'\IX'llS........ llr all~ nlhl.:r ~u(h
~'\pcnsl.: ur I.,'\ht ,lrising fl"om or rdaled I{) thi..; ,\!!re"rnent (Ir a hrl'ad\ Ill' Ihi.. "\1!rl'crncnt.
(t! I .\11) <,;;\)llsellt by all) p.u1) Il), nr \\;livl.'r ot;1 bfl'adl h~, the (llher, whl..'thcr l'\pr('y.; \11' implied, shalllHJI l.,'llllstitutc 1.,'01l5t'III
10, \\ai\L'r ur. or C\I.'use lill' all)' dilkrcnl or 'lUb~\,'qLll.'nllm..'a(h.
(I.') In till.' l.'vt.:nt cilht'r party ek't:l.'i In l'\lTdst:' ih r('mcdie~ as dcs....ribl,d ill Ihi" Sl.'l'tioll ]I) ,)f this Addendum and this
,\grcl'l1ll'nt is terminaled. Lhl.' pmties shull have no ltlrther obligalion under this Agr....l'lllClll t'Xl,;cpt as to any provision
that slIni\L's the tl'nllin;UI~)n (lfthi.. Agrl'l'l1l\.'nt pursuant 10 S\"'~li\)n 2.$ (,flhis :\dJ~lld\ll11,
10. lmh;!n!,!,ili~u!i~t!r lhe Plll\..ha..s~r <lgrces Iu llldl'll1t1it)- :md hilly rmt~d. dc.:fl'IUJ. ;uld hold Ih.... Sl'lkr. Its ,Miccr:!, dircdors.
l.'lllplll)Ct''l, ~hareh(lIJcrs, sl.'rvi"':l'r,>. rl'prc~"lllilli\c..., agerlls, atl{)f1h:)S, tl.'11;IOts, hn,J.;crs, "'lll'~:C""llPi ,)r as....igns harrnlcs,> ('n\lll and
<lgainsl ..In} and nil claims, C{ht~, Ik'ns. loss, damag.cs, attorney\ Ii.'l's alld L'\pCllSI,':,\ (If e'-t.:f) kind and nature that mu) be
....uslailU:d h) (II' mad.... against Ihl' Seller, ih IJnkl'rs.. din:<::l(lrs. ....llIplll}l'cs. sharchnldcrs, cicr\kl.'rs, n.:prcscl1tati\cs. agents,
attoflll')S, tenallts, brokers, '\lll'l'l'SS\11' or <ls...igns, resulting rnUlll.)r arising ~)ut ot:
(al insp~cti\ms t)r repairs madL' b) thl' Plln:hascr \'f ih agenh,l.'llIpl\l)l'l'S. l.'oIHractms.. SIlI.'CeSSllr:. ur <I'isigns:
~ h) claims, liabilities. tilll.'" Ill' penalties n.:slllting fnlLlIlhc Pur...:ha'll.'r'.; 1:lilLlrc 10 riml:l~ uhlaill an) ('cI1ilk'ah: 01'( kCllpancy
ur Ill":Ol11ply ,.,ilh cqLlivaIL'lltla\\'\ and rl'gulatitllls:
il') ...:laims !()r anlOLll1(!, due ;lnd O\\l.'J hy the '\l'lkl' Ii.Jr tl.\Cll, h{ll1l~O'~ller .1S'j~ll"ialiol1 dll\.'~ ('r ,1:-.,,\.'ssl1ll.'1l1 Ilr ,m) lither items
pruraled lindeI' Sl,:cli\lll 10 ,If thi~ ..\ddl'lldwlI, induding .Irly pl.'llalty ,lr 11lklL'sl ,llltl olh\,'r dl,lrl::t'S, arising fmlll the
prt1raliutl (If ,>ueh alHOllllh lor \\ lliL'h lht: Pun.:hawr n:cd\ l'll a L'll'dil all'losillg lllldl.T \I.:l,tion I (J or Ihis :\ddl:lllJUIll: ;Jlld
(d) thl.' !)urdm.;er'., (lr the Purdl.bcr'.; h:nanl~. ;!~"11t.s (If rl'pll':,>"ntali., t.''> USC dlld ('1' ll...\.:Up:ll1....~ \lIthe Pr()pl'l1y prior hI
~'In.,in!! .1l1d,-'or i~:)U.llh.:...' \II' f\.'quil'"d 1..'1.'11ilkJll'o, ()fnc....llpallL").
~ I lti~L,il,Ltly\". In th.... nl.'nl !If Iii", de...tllldlo'll ur 1,)111,,1' C;hll;Sll~ IlhS II! Ih.... PrlJpLTI) alkr thl' ")1.:lk'f'.., ,lI.'el.'pl<H1c,; lJ!" thi.;
\e, dlld prillI' to ...:lllsing. thl' Sdll.'r IlIa). al it." .;Ilk di.,,,::c<.'li{ll1. r....pair (lr l"1.."tpl"e the PIUp....r!y. Ill' Ih.: "'elkr m:l) terminalI.'
Ihl.:' ,\gnXI11l'llt. IfIllI.' "dkr \:keh I(l repair \1f I'l'.,lor.... the I 'rupl'rt) , thell th... Sclkr ma~, at ih "III.; di'iCfetiol1. 1i111itthl.' amount In
,'( I{(,II\SI R II"i{d~1
',I LlIR ilnill,d"
hc 1,."'lk'lIdcd Whcthl.'r ur nut St.;lk:r 1.:I1:.;h to r..:pair or r,,:s[\lrC Ihl,.' Propt.:rly, ilK Pun.:hil.'Scr's solc <lud cxdllsivt:: n:llll-'dy shall be
..:ither to ;h.:quin: thc Prorcn) in ih thell (omlili(11l at 1111: Pun:ha'il' Prkc \\ ith no rl,.'l!uditlll lhcn.:of h) reason of such Inss or
lo:nnillalc this ,\weclllcnt and f",.l;civc a r...:limo dfan) \..'arncst llll1n....y dcpl.hit
n ,,""mincnl Domain: III the en.'llt tllalll1e Sdlcr"., illkrcsl in the Pmpcrt). \lr :111,) part 111(:rcl.)( shall ha\'c hl'cn takcn by emincnt
domain llr shall be in the pwcess \.lf hl.'illg taken nil or hdim.: Ihl.: dl,l.,ing, elthcr part) Illa) h:nninalt: thc-\greclllcnt and fhc
(:ame'it tntlllC)i deposit shall he n:lllrncd to the !)IIfI"'ha.,l'r and 11~ithcr part) "hall h;l\c an) lIu1her ri!-dlls or liahilitie., h..:rl,.'llndcr
cxt:\..'pt as pr{)\" ido:d in Sl.(,:tion 24 ot'thi., :\ddcnuuITI.
2-"1, Ke\s: 1 he Pun:haSl.r lHHh:r.,tands that th..: Sdh:r lllay 11Ilt hl' in p.,lsst.:S,,,i\l!l \11 key.,. induding bul not lilllill'tt II), mailhln: keys.
rcncathm arca ~L'Y". galc ~anj..;, \If aulol11atit.: garage n.:I1It1t~ ':\lllIWls. allll <lflY I,.:oq of 1)l"ttaining. thl' ...amc will he the
fl'spl.H1sibilil) (,f the Pun;ha~cr. 1 he PUf\ ,I Iso 11lldl'p.CllHb lhat dlh\..' PrdpcI1y inl'ludes an ;danll s)<.,tCI1I, Ihe Sdlcr
.:alllHlt pnlvlJ..: tl1l..' ;t..:L'c....l;odc itnd (.( ,,"C) ,md thatllll' 1'1I1\:h...,cr i.., fl""jK'rhlbli..'lllr any ;..'(I..tS a.~""\i..'iatc,:d \\i[h thi.' alanll <lndor
..:han~illt! thl' a~....css ,,"Ide ,)f <lhlall1l11g kl')s. Illhe.: I'n)pl.:r1~ I., pn'scl1tly ull ,I \la~II,.T Key "iy...tcIlL [l1e Sl'llcr will n:-"L') thl.:
c'tt:rior dUOf" to Ih..: ProPl'rl)- prior to ~.J\ISIJlg: a[ tht.: PUfdlaSI,.'[\ 1.:\Pl'fhC. rhl' Pllr..:ha~l'I' auth\lri/\..'s and illstruch ..:.,...row
holder In "Ilar.!!c lht' a....I,..\)[tn\ \If thl' Purdlascf ;11 d'hlng lllr [he rl'kc~
~4, ),uni,al: Ikli\\.:r~ uf till: d<.'cd 10 Ihl-' Propcl1y tn the Purdlilsl'r by Ihe ,",cllcr shall hI.: dt:L'IT1I.:J tn he rull pcrt(1rman....c and
di'il.:harge of all of tllc Sdler.., obligations under Ibis :\grcelllL'nt 'iolwilhslanding anJthill~ to the ~~olltrar~ ill th~ :\grct:.'nlCl1l.
,111) pnl\isil1tl nhich contemplale" perfllf'l11anl,;c or ob.,cr\ iIIh,:C ,>uhseqUl..'lll [0 allY tcrminiltion lIr c'pimtil)fl of the .\g.r~cl1ll..'nl.
\11.111 ~urvi\l: 1 Ill: d(l~illg Oll1d..llr terlllin;llilHlllf lhe Agrc~Illl.'1l1 hy an: p:U1) and t'llOtilllll: in full force and dk....1
25. u!rlbcr ,\sSI!!~; 'he Pun:l1asL'r agrl.'l's III cxccute anti Jdivl.'r III the Seller a1 t.:lu~illg, ,If 1)!hCnVISC as n:qui:sh:d by tl1(: Sdh:r,
dOL'lllncllts induding f'anni..: \'Ia...'." '\PI)(' 1.11rm -I (Wlti\l'r and RL'leasl'). \;PllC hlflll 5 (T<I.\ Proratioll :\gn....cJI1i:III) or
dO~:llrnclHs [hat .II'C substanlially Ihe: .,;unl', ;llld [n tak.... ",uL'h !JlbL'r ,Idioll a.. J"ca.,olHlhly ma:;. h\..' n....L.c......ary III hlrthcr till.' puqxl"e \\1
this _\i-:r........ll1L'IlL (.orl....s of rdt:ro:nt:cd dn,,:ulncnh arl' availahle from the Sdk'r'_~ li~ting agl'lll 1I11ll11 rL'llut.:"t h~ the Purdl,!:'>cr.
:(1. SJ;.ll"r,lhdL\l Ih: hick of cntllrceahilit) of iUl) prO\isiull ot [hi",'\grcelllclll ..hall not ,t!lt;'l'l thl' L'nf(m:cilhilit) nl" an, 'lther
pl"llVisll1n l)fthis ,\,[!fl"Cllll'lll. alll>l\\hidl "'Mil n..'rnain in hdl !l,rl'l' and df~d,
27, \S~;~1H11l;'llt tlf ,\~rCl-'ll1l'nt: I'h\..' PlJn.:ha~L'r shall not a.,sign lhi.. \grecn1l-'nl \\ithllll[ the cxpress \\flth.'1l L'lln...<.:l1lnf the Sella
Ihe Seller may assign Ihis ,\greclncnt al its .,nk di-"'....rL~ti\)n v"ithpul prior m~liL:c tn. ()f (OI1Si:/lt ilL the PurL:l1,lScr.
2M. OF .\I>IIF.:-'Ur\l: TIIIS\llIIENIJI.\I" \IE:-'IJS\.SIl SI PI'I.K\lE:-'1 S lifE CO:-'IR\( T .\:-'0. IF
\1'P1.1C\IlU:. ESCI{OW "'<STRrCTlONS. ..'< nu: EVEST TIIERE IS ,,:-.\ COSH,I( T IlETWU:S TillS
.\rrAClU:U A!\iO \I..\In: .\ P,\RT OF TilE A(;REDIF:ST. TIlE TER\lS OF TillS \UI>ENIll\l T"KE
I'RECU1ENn: "!\ill SII.\1.1, I'REV.\II. EX( 'EI'T AS OTlIER\\ ISE PROVlIlEI> Il\ 1..\\\,
29, Llltirc :\t.!n.'clIlcl]l: I hc :\gn:ellleflt constilutes th..: ..:nlirc agrCl"llll"llt hCl\\l"cllthc Pun.:h.bcr and Ihl,.. "idler (llllCcrnillg th..: :-..ubjl.:l.'[
II1dllcr hL'n:uJ' ,HId 'dlp\..'rsl'dl.s all prc\il\tl'i cOfTImUnkalll)t)s, lHHk,...,t;lIldings. rl.'pfl.'~l'nlalll.lfIs. warralltil''', Cllvcnants nr
:1g.n:l-'ll1l-'llh. l.'ilhcr \\ritrl'!l or (Iral and lhl-'rc arc Ill! I)ml or Illher \\ rillcll il!lrl,.'l"IIlCnh ht.:l\\ct.:n lh..: PUrdlas.t.'r and the "i~lIcr, ,\11
Ill,.'g(lIiatillll" are Illcr.;.!.\..'d ill[(1 the .\~n':":JlIent, ! Ill' S....llcr is l1"t lihlj~ah:l' h} ,Hl~ lllh..:r wrilh:n \lr ,1r..11 _"tal..:l1Icnb 11\;IUL' h~ the
S..:lk.r, Ihl.' Sdkr\ n.:prl'"clllati\L's, ur <lll) Il"al L....ta[t' lit.:\..'IISlT
:;0. 'hl~lilil,.';ltipn: "\\1 pro\'i"lIllI. tl'f!1l pr ".Iall"..... \If till" ,\grl-'t:I1l1.:nt ~1I~t11 hI..' rniSl'(1. ll1oditiL'd, :1I11.....lldcd \)1' \\aiv.....d \.'.\";l'pl by an
inSlrt1l111.'1I1 in \\riting si~lIt.:d b~ thl" PurL'l1a~cr ,Uld tht: SL'IJ...-r
;1 Rldl!1Ul.LO.!h~'I~ lhi.. .\.~rcL'rnCl1t doc\ JllIt .,;rl'atl: allY ri~'.IH..." ..:hims. (1)" Ol'llclih inUring tl) an) pCl"'>lln Ill" cntllY, ()thl'r IItan
"idkr'o:, "iKCC.,.".r., ;lIHh'\r .t.;,signs. tllat is IHlt a rart~ tlllhl' \W..."CIIll'Ill, lIilr dOL'" il crl'ate 11r C.,l;lhlis!l all) IhirJ party henctidal")
III [hi.. A!!rct,;'lllcnt
l~~I.!!!}h'Jr,mY lhi.:, \~~rl'\'llh.'l1! (11;1) or L'Xl'l'Ull'd in ;lIly IllllnbL'r of .....OlHlh.'rpalh and ,:a.::11 .iu.....h C\\Ullt.:rpart shall be dl:t;'llh':U III
Ot: 'lllllt;g.inal. hu[ ,ill or \\h idl, whl'lIlak..:n logctlit:r. "hall i..'OllstiIUll.' onc .1~.rt'L"mcllt
.~.l. lh_':l~jjl)g"~ Illl' [it II,.'", IU thl' "cl,titlns :lIld hcadings lif \ :lril)(IS paragraph.. (If lhjs\gn.:~"llll'1I1 itrl: phli..'..:d Illr ....llfl\l..'nil.'l1..:l' (11
rd't:rt:l1n~ unl) alld in ";;IS\..' \If \'(In 11 1....1. Ih.... t....'1 \)f thi., \!:r":clllcllt. r:llhl'r rhan'tli..'h tilles llr h'''::h.Jill~s ~hall cUlIll'ul.
"IIH 11\;0.1 I~ ("'.li,d'l
.'-t. l.h:ctronic Siunaturc: .\n ..:h:ctnmk signature h) the Sdh..'r or its Attorney in Fact shall he given the same dlCi:t as a written
3~. 'ilrs:~_\bkJI_f!;: F\L't.:pt as prmi(kd in Sl..'i..'lioll 2110 this :\ddcndulll. no pm1y ..;hall he fl..'sponsihlc f(lr delay" (lr t:lilurc of
pL'rtlml1ancc- resulting fn.ll11 al'to;, t'd' (;,l{.L rioh. ,1L'h of , anJ tL'rrorism. t'pidl.'rnil..'s, p'.\\\l.'r failurc", 1.:<lrtIH.luakc..; or other
Ji...aSIl..'fS, prO\ idil1!l ...ut.:-h dt:la) tlr lailur\' nf pl..'rf\lnnan....c (:\)uld not tunc hl..'t.:ll pn:vclltcd h) l'L'a...onahlc prcl,:<lulinns and \.'annot
li.:<l!o.onahl) ht' \.'lr\.'UIll\l..'llkJ b)- \lh.:h part) thrl1llgh use oLdlt'rnate ~":lljf(,t."\, \\orl-.Jwulld plan~ \'1' \lther means.
.~6, :\It(lfl\~\ Rcvil.'\~' IlH.' Pun:ha"'t.'f adllm..k'dg..:... that Pun:hasel' has haJ thc opportunit) to l'onsult with its legall.'otln\c\
r.:.garding th~ Agreement ilnd that according.l~ the lams of the Agrecml..'nt art' not 10 hI..' i.."llllstnll:d againsl any pany h~cause
that party limned the .\g:recment or ,:oll<;trueo in favor of an~ Part! bCt."i\use tl1<1t Party faikd to understand the kgal effcct of
the provisions I.lrlhe .\grcclTlcnL
j7 ~fu:~T Any [w{it.:cs rcquireJ 10 hI.' givl.'n lllHkr the ,\grcem...'nt !o.hall he dccmcd to ha\ c heell deli\cred whcn actually
rClci\t,'O ill the l:asc ofhantl orml'rnight Jeli\l:r), or five (:;) ~all.:nJar Jays aner mailing by lirst l'!aS" mail. post<lgc paid. (II'
hy 1;1\. \\ith l.."llnfirmatinn nf trun...mis..ion h) the llumh\.'rs bclo\\. :\11 noti(\.'s hi the Selkr \\ill hI.: dl,.'cll1l,.'d sent Ill' deli\ered t(l
th~ Sdkr \vlll..'1I :->cnl or ddi\-t.Tl'd 10 Sl'lIcr"s listing" Ill' agl.:llt Ill' SI.'lkr".. attorney. at (Ilt.: allurcs\ ()f 1;1'\ lllllllhc:..'r shmln
helm\. .\11 noti...'es In tho..' flur.:!Hher ::.hall b.... dl'cmt:d ...'-'lll \)r ddiwrl..'d \\hen sent or ddi\crcd III tll.: Pun.:ha~.:r \Ir Ihe
Pun:h:hlT'" altotncy (II' ag.:nl :It tilt.' :.Iddl'l.'''s or fax llumher ...hUWll hl'lo\-\-.
,g. .\dditi<.ll1aIJ..::CI'Os \.'lfJ"~!r.ldillnns:
,'I Rl'H.\SII< Ilnlll;JI\1
'Ill I l(llll,ll.d...J
1:.11 WIT:'IIESS WIIEREOF, thc Purchascr and thc Scllcr han clllcrl-d illlo this Addcndum as of thc datc
first set forth ahu\c.
,liS -\tturney in I'ad
ror Fllllnit' 'IlIt'
Print '\,llllC:
I.,\"i,",": \I.\E :IS \flurne) in Fact
r dcphollc:
Prinl \.amc:
t'ltt( HASER"S AGE""':
SE!.I.ER'S .\GEN r:
Ilrokcra!11: !-'inn: AMERtVEST REALTY
Br\4.".:ragc hrm: AMERIVEST REAL TV
Pun.:h.hcr'" ,\gl..'111 'Jam\..' DEBRA MONTEROSSO
"lclkr....\gl'1l1 '\aml.:: DEBRA MONTEROSSO
\tkln.:~,,: 10001 TAMIAMI TRAIL N., NAPLES, FL 34108
\ddrc:.'o: 10001 TAMIAMI TRAIL N., NAPLES, Fl34108
r~'lcrthll1l' 239/597-2319
I L'lcplll'IlC: 239/597-2319
I,,\: 239/597-2378
I'mail \ddn.')'o' DEBJIMM@YAHOO.COM
I tHail \'",,,,: DEBJIMM@YAHOO.COM
"I I{{ jl.\;;i R 11:111,,1I,!
'.11 I 11<llr'IT'ak,
Property Address: 2951 49th Street SW, Naples, FI 34116
Folio Number: 36448960006
Date property acquisition approved by BCC:
October 27, 2009, Item 1608
DATED Rb\'l.l:lr~ '5) 2010
BY . "/U,J... Lv. C;1~Q,
Fred W. Coyle, Chairman .J
Approved as to form and legal sufficiency:
Jennifer B. rte, Assistant County Attorney
\ddn.:ss: 9700 S. DIXIE HWY STE#610
MIAMI, FL 33156
I ~h:phl.lIll':
l't.:lcphnnc: 305/670-4886
L,,, 305/670-2282
Email :\dJrcss:
1'1 Hl'JL\'d J~ !1:11l1;'!' I
~I I J I l{ i 11111",1,)