03/16/2015 Minutes MINUTES OF NS MEETING 11 , Lgn HERITAGE GREE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIS 'I T ap1J The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of th= en'tagg -;a s Co ity DDY Development District was held on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 6:00 p. . , = __ G - ns Community Center,2215 Heritage Greens Drive,Naples,Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: George Coombs Chairman Jim Marshall Vice Chairman Marsha Coghlan Assistant Secretary Ronald Parrott Assistant Secretary Henry Michaelson Assistant Secretary Also present were: Calvin Teague District Manager Residents The following is a summary of the minutes and actions taken at the March 16, 2015 Heritage Greens CDD Board of Supervisors meeting FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Coombs called the meeting to order and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Agenda There being no questions or comments, On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Mr.Parrott with all in favor the agenda was approved. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the February 16,2015 Meeting Mr. Teague stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the February 16, 2015 meeting and requested any corrections,additions or deletions. There not being any, On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Ms. Coghlan with all in favor the minutes of the February 16,2015 meeting were approved. March 16,2015 Heritage Greens C.D.D. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments There not being any,the next item followed. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Old Business A. Resident Data Base Update o Mr. Teague noted we are taking the data base and comparing it with the call box to ensure it is updated. o Mr. Marshall noted the guard's computer system has all residents listed; however, it does not take into account renters. o Staff will develop a form to allow the HGCA to identify renters and new owners. o It would be the responsibility of each homeowner association president to fill out a form and submit to the CDD or the guards when a renter enters the community. The CDD should be informed when someone moves. The clicker should be collected when a person moves out. o Staff will work on this. B. Guardhouse Cleaning o The HGCA will not discuss guardhouse cleaning until their meeting is held on Thursday, but they will give the CDD at least 30 days' notice so the Board has until the next meeting to make a decision if they are not going to clean the guardhouse. o Staff will rebid guardhouse cleaning. C. Tree Trimming and Sidewalk Cleaning Agreement with the HGCA o The Board reviewed a draft letter from Mr. Coombs, to be sent to the HGCA Board of Directors, offering to hire the IIGCA as its "vendor" to pressure wash all sidewalks and driveways and trim the trees away from the outdoor lighting for the sum of$10 per year. This would eliminate any potential liability concerns. o The Board discussed wording in the draft letter. Should the word "contractor" be used instead of"vendor"; instead of the word"hire"use the word"allow"and other words. o Mr. Teague will make the changes as the Supervisors requested and then the letter to the HGCA will be sent. 2 March 16,2015 Heritage Greens C.D.D. D. Curb Markings for Parking Restrictions in Front of Fire Hydrants o The Fire District stated the curbs do not have to be painted to allow tickets to be written for parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. o The CDD only has to have blue hydrant markers. The Sheriffs Department will be notified of this. E. Immokalee Road Lighting Project o Mr. Marshall installed temporary lighting for the Board to observe and decide whether to expand the current five light system along the Immokalee Road wall going west. On MOTION by Mr. Marshall seconded by Mr. Coombs with all in favor the Board decided not to expand the current five light system along the Immokalee Road wall going west. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS New Business A. School Wall Repair Bids o Mr. Teague distributed a packet of information on bids received for power washing and repair of the wall area behind Laurel Oaks Elementary School. • Bids were received from Hein Brothers, Copeland Southern Enterprises, Fenton Davis Painting and Ryan Hammond. D All bids were for repair of one side of the wall except for Hein Brothers. D Can this work be performed while school is closed for Spring Break? D Gaps may have been caused by Hurricane Wilma. D Staff will obtain quotes to repair both sides of the wall and to fill in wall gaps. D It was suggested the gaps be filled with landscaping. D Ms. Coghlan suggested sending the school a letter informing them the CDD is looking into alternatives for the wall so they will not think we have forgotten them. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Manager's Report A. Motion to Assign Fund Balance as of September 2014 o Mr.Teague reviewed the fund balance assignment. On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Ms. Coghlan with all in favor the fund balance assignment as of September 30,2014 was approved. 3 March 16,2015 Heritage Greens C.D.D. B. Watch Reports o The Board discussed the February Watch Reports. Special Detail Reports will be removed from future agendas because it is the same as Watch Reports. o Ms. Coghlan asked why the CDD does special detail. Security in the community is not CDD responsibility other than parking on the roads. o Mr. Coombs noted it is CDD responsibility as part of the 2009 agreement with the HOA. o Mr. Teague noted you are asking why we have the Sheriff's Department patrolling. The Board decided on that after the budget was adopted. The Board budgeted$3,000 and has now spent$4,300. o There was a lot of pressure and questionable activity going on in the community and it was felt by the Board there should be a stronger presence. o Previously, the Board budgeted for patrolling two days a month and then decided on every weekend. o Mr. Coombs suggested going back to twice per month. o Mr. Teague noted previously the directive was traffic control; speeders, running stop signs, and more. This time the directive was for late at night and the target was around unruly teenagers,drag racing, and more. o Mr. Teague noted the CDD is over budget by an estimated $1,000 and going forward it will probably be over$5,000. o The patrol hours can be reduced by half the current time requested. On MOTION by Ms. Coghlan seconded by Mr. Coombs with Ms. Coghlan,Mr. Coombs,Mr. Marshall and Mr. Michaelson voting aye and Mr. Parrott voting nay, patrol time will be reduced by half of the current time requested. o In the future, if the hours need to be increased, there would be no problem for the Board increasing the hours. C. Follow-Up Items—Parking Violations o One car was towed. 4 March 16,2015 Heritage Greens C.D.D. D. Financial Statements There being no questions or comments, On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Mr. Parrott with all in favor the financial statements were accepted. o Mr.Teague will present the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2016 at the next meeting. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Attorney's Report There being no report,the next item followed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Engineer's Report There being no report, the next item followed. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors' Requests and/or Comments o Mr. Marshall reported due to D.S.T.changes,there were gate and timing issues. o Mr. Marshall reported a quote was received to repair the soffit light at a cost of over$500. He investigated and discovered one light was not screwed in all the way and two lights were burned out. He fixed the soffit lights for$18. o He asked about liability insurance because when he removed the still camera today, there was a swarm of yellow jackets inside and they attacked him. o Staff will contact the pest control company. o Mr. Michaelson commented on the new flag at the entranceway. He was informed by the Chairman it was removed because it needed new clamps and a new rope. o When PJM is tree trimming,they can use the bucket truck to investigate. o Leaf pickup is needed to ensure they do not clog the drains. o Staff will obtain quotes for leaf pickup and street cleaning. This item will be on the next agenda. o Mr.Parrott asked when the two CDD trees on Crestview will be trimmed. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments 5 March 16.2015 Heritage Greens C.D.D. o Ms. Debbie Lerra asked for reimbursement from the CDD for trimming a CDD tree. Mr. Faircloth will look into this and determine if it is a CDD tree. o Mr. John Jordan felt the CDD should not be contracting with the Sheriff Department for patrols. He felt it is not the CDD's responsibility. It is the HOA's responsibility. o Mr. Woody Blackwell commented on security noting when the CDD was established, there were items required by Chapter 190: water, sewage, drainage, roads. A second ordinance was adopted with two options: security and recreational facilities. The CDD has no responsibility to provide security. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment There being no further business, On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Mr. Parrott with all in favor the meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m. � I I Calvin Wr G=•rge .ombs Secretary Chairman 6