02/16/2015 Minutes / 0 MU/ FT@
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Heritage Greens Community
Development District was held on Monday, February 16, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Heritage
Greens Community Center,2215 Heritage Greens Drive,Naples,Florida.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
George Coombs Chairman
Marsha Coghlan Assistant Secretary
Jim Marshall Assistant Secretary
Ronald Parrott Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
Calvin Teague District Manager
The following is a summary of the minutes and actions taken at the February 16, 2015
Heritage Greens CDD Board of Supervisors meeting.
Mr. Coombs called the meeting to order and called the roll.
There being no comments,the next item followed.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters
A. Declaring Vacant Seat
o Mr. Teague noted the first item of business is declaring the vacant seat for Seat 4. The
candidate who won the General Election for Seat 4, Barbara Pitts, sent a letter of
resignation via email.
o After discussing with Mr. Greg Urbancic, District Attorney, he advised the Board declare
the seat vacant and then Seat 4 can be filled. The term of office expires in November
On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Mr. Parrott with
all in favor Seat 4 was declared vacant.
February 16,2015 Heritage Greens C.D.D.
B. Filling Vacancy on the Board
o Information was posted on the website for those interested in filling the vacant seat. The
deadline for submitting letters of interest was February 9, 2015 for consideration at
today's meeting.
o Letters were received from Mr. John Shelton, Mr. Henry Michaelson and Ms. Dorothy
Thompson. The Board selected Mr. Henry Michaelson to fill the vacant seat.
o Mr. Coombs distributed copies of the results he found on the Collier County Board of
Elections web site from the November elections.
On MOTION by Mr. Marshall seconded by Ms. Coghlan
with all in favor the Board appointed Mr. Henry
Michaelson to fill the vacant seat, Seat 4, for the remainder
of the term which expires in November of 2018.
o Mr. Teague administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Michaelson, who will submit his
paperwork with a$10 check for the commission fee to the Division of Elections.
C. Consideration of Resolution 2015-03 Election of Officers
On MOTION by Mr. Parrott seconded by Ms. Coghlan with
all in favor Mr. Coombs was nominated and designated as
On MOTION by Mr. Michaelson seconded by Ms. Coghlan
with all in favor Mr. Marshall was nominated and
designated as Vice Chairman.
On MOTION by Mr. Marshall seconded by Ms. Coghlan
with all in favor Resolution 2015-03 designating Mr.
George Coombs as Chairman, Mr. James Marshall as Vice
Chairman, Mr. Calvin Teague as Secretary, Mr. Robert
Koncar as Treasurer,Mr. Stephen Bloom as Vice Treasurer,
Mr. Ronald Parrott as Assistant Secretary, Ms. Marshal
Coghlan as Assistant Secretary and Mr. Henry Michaelson
as Assistant Secretary, was adopted.
February 16,2015 Heritage Greens C.D.D.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the January
19,2015 Meeting
Mr. Teague stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the January 19,
2015 meeting and requested any corrections, additions or deletions.
There not being any,
On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Mr. Marshall
with all in favor the minutes of the January 19, 2015
meeting were approved.
There not being any,the next item followed.
A. Resident Data Base Update
o A copy of residential listings with addresses and names obtained from the HOA were
included in the agenda package.
o Mr. Parrott is working on reviewing the list to ensure it is current with the help of county
records among other data.
o He expects to have the list complete by the next Board meeting.
o Mr. Michaelson will be sent the list as well.
A. Resolution 2015-04 requesting the County Commission to Grant a Permit for
a Speed Hump
o Resolution 2015-04 deals with the Board's request to have County Commissioners give
priority and direct staff to process the request for additional speed tables on Crestview
On MOTION by Mr. Marshall seconded by Mr. Coombs
with all in favor Resolution 2015-04 requesting support
from the Collier County Board of Commissioners to add
additional speed tables on Crestview Way, was adopted.
o The adopted and signed resolution will be forwarded to Collier County Board of
February 16,2015 Heritage Greens C.D.D.
B. CDD/HOA Guardhouse Cleaning/Clubhouse Lockup Agreement
o Mr. Marshall noted the guards are hired to provide security. If they are not on-site they
cannot do that.
o It causes problems for the residents who do not have a guard to assist them in getting in if
their clicker does not work, they don't have a clicker or they are coming to visit someone.
They maybe on the list of approved visitors,but they have to wait until the guard returns.
o He felt we are compromising the purpose of the guard to save the District a few dollars.
o The District and the HGCA have an agreement that the District guard locks up the
clubhouse and the HGCA cleans the guardhouse.
o The CDD should assume the responsibility of the cleaning and keep the guard in his
facility during that time.
o If the Master Association wants to cancel the janitorial service, he understands, but he
suggests keeping the guard in the guardhouse except at the 2:30 a.m. hour.
o The guards in the CDD charter are not to provide security to the development. They
cannot do anything except call 911. Our guards are not security agents. They control
entry into the facility.
Mr. Marshall MOVED to have the CDD no longer lock up
the Clubhouse facilities, but are willing to unlock them at
2:30 p.m. and Mr. Coombs seconded the Motion.
o The Board continued discussing the above issue.
o Ms. Coghlan felt the CDD should not be involved with any part of locking or unlocking
the clubhouse. It is the Master's Clubhouse.
o The Board voiced concern over potential liability by agreeing to open or close the facility.
On VOICE vote with all in favor the prior motion was
amended to include the CDD will no longer lock or unlock
the Clubhouse facilities effective March 16, 2015.
o The HGCA will be notified by letter of this action effective on March 16, 2015. The
reason being the Board decided not to lock or unlock the Clubhouse facilities because it
takes away from the guard's primary responsibility of controlling entry into the
community and there are liability concerns.
February 16,2015 Heritage Greens C.D.D.
C. Immokalee Road Lighting Project
o Mr. Marshall noted he was going to obtain estimates to apply power to the new lights.
Instead he decided he can run an extension cord to power the lights.
o This will give the Board an opportunity to see what the affect is.
o It is not a permanent solution,but gives an opportunity to see the affect.
o When it is ready, Mr. Marshall will set up a demonstration and notify Mr. Teague who
will then notify the rest of the Board.
D. Proposals for Tree Trimming on Crestview Way
o Mr.Teague noted two proposals were received for tree trimming on Crestview Way.
o One proposal was received from Classic Lawns of Collier Inc. to trim three trees on
Crestview Way. One of the trees is a CDD tree. The quote was in the amount of$450.
The other proposal from ABC Tree Services was in the amount of$840.
o Mr. Parrott noted they do not know who owns the other two trees.
o The CDD owns about 140 trees.
o The Master Association has $119,000 for beautification of the complex. Maybe the
Master Association can cut all trees for all the associations and clean all the sidewalks
with the money. Instead, they will spend money for awnings around the community.
o Mr. Coombs felt cleaning the sidewalks without doing the driveways is a waste of money.
o Between the last meeting and today, he walked every sidewalk. There is a not one
slippery place anywhere on a sidewalk. In about 25% of the sidewalks where there are
single-family homes, residents have embellished their driveways with high gloss paint
and when slightly wet,they can be like a sheet of ice.
o In many instances, some pavers are higher than the sidewalk which could be hazardous.
o Mr. Parrott was about to make a motion to accept the proposal from Classic Lawns of
Collier, Inc. to trim three trees in the amount of $450, when another Supervisor noted
some trees considered for trimming were on golf course property.
o Mr. Parrott will review bids and return next month with information.
E. Trash Pickup in Roadways
o Mr. Teague noted PJM is currently doing trash pickup each Friday.
o The Supervisors noted the streets are looking better.
February 16,2015 Heritage Greens C.D.D.
o Residents should make an effort to pick up after themselves.
F. Sidewalk Power Washing
This was discussed earlier.
G. Cleaning of the Wall Behind Elementary School
o Mr. Teague noted several bids were received. The lowest bids came from Copeland
Southern Enterprises at $575; PJM's at $625 and Hein Brothers at $1,675. All bidders
expressed concerns of the poor condition of the wall and probably should have repairs
done prior to any power washing.
o Mr. Teague will get an estimate for repairs.
Mr. Teague addressed the following:
A. Follow-Up Items
➢ A proposal for soffit lighting was received. Advanced Power, who has done work
in the community before, sent in a proposal with three options. They
recommended using LED lights and fixtures. Mr. Marshall will look into this
further and report back.
➢ Greenspaces was awarded canal mowing work; however, they worked on the
wrong side of the canal. At the time proposals were sent, Severn Trent
Environmental submitted a bid to do the work at a cost of $1,825 for two
mowings per year.
On MOTION by Ms. Coghlan seconded by Mr. Parrott with
all in favor Severn Trent Environmental performing canal
mowing work at a cost of $1,825 twice per year was
➢ Staff is still waiting on a response from the Fire Chief on the fire hydrant
markings for ticketing.
B. Special Detail Reports(Informational Only)
o The Board discussed the Special Detail Reports and Parking Violations Report included
in the agenda package.
February 16,2015 Heritage Greens C.D.D.
C. Approval of Financial Statements
o The District is 93%collected on the assessments.
o The District exceeded the budget partially due to the Sheriff's contract.
o Many expenses are incurred in the first quarter of the fiscal year.
[On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Ms. Coghlan
with all in favor the financial statements were accepted.
D. Resolution 2015-05 Records Retention Policy
o Mr. Teague discussed the requirement of a records retention management liaison officer.
r On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Ms. Coghlan
with all in favor Resolution 2015-05 designating a records
management liaison officer adopting a records retention
schedule, was adopted.
There being no report,the next item followed.
There being no report,the next item followed.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors' Requests and/or Comments
o Mr. Parrott voiced displeasure in the trimming of the tree that obstructs the flashing light
on Immokalee Road.
o Mr. Parrott commented on the 51 street lights. He identified 17 trees obstructing street
lights; six are CDD owned and 11 are resident owned. He will follow up and verify the
number in the springtime when the foliage is thicker. Staff will get proposals for this.
o Guard hours change back to Daylight Savings Time on March 1st, which makes the guard
hours go back to the 8 hour shift.
o Mr. Coombs suggested making this a standard procedure rather than passing a motion
each fall and spring.
On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Ms. Coghlan with all in
favor guard hours will be extended to 9 hours per shift once
Eastern Standard Time begins in November each year and back to
8 hours per shift once Daylight Savings Time begins in March each
year,was adopted.
February 16,2015 Heritage Greens C.D.D.
o Mr. Marshall adjusted the sensitivity on the exit gate and now motorcycles can go
through the gate without assistance. He noted a jeep had trouble making the correct
adjustments to activate the gate.
o Ms. Coghlan commented all the rocks have been cleaned by PJM.
o Mr. Coombs commented the District has had massive rains with street flooding and new
mulch ended up in some drains. The water reached the point where it was half way up
some driveways.
There not being any,the next item followed.
There being no further business,
On MOTION by Ms. Coghlan seconded by Mr. Parrott with all in
favor the meeting was adjourned at 7:19 p.m.
Calvin Teague eo ge Cs mbs
Secretary Chairman