11/10/2014 Minutes avt5 MINUTES OF MEETING CEDAR HAMMOCK BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Cedar Hammock Community Development District was held on Monday, November 10, 2014 at 3:00 PM at Cedar I-Immock Clubhouse, 8660 Cedar Hammock Boulevard,Naples,Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Frank J.Vaselewski Chairman Thomas Cook Vice Chairman Larry Minamycr Assistant Secretary Gary McClellan Assistant Secretary Robert Nocera Assistant Secretary Also present were: Cal Teague District Manager Sam Marshall District Engineer Justin Faircioth Severn Trent Services Residents The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the November 10, 2014 Cedar Hammock Board of Supervisors meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Teague called the meeting to order and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the October 13,2014 Meeting • The Board made changes which will be incorporated into the amended minutes. On MOTION by Mr. Cook seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in favor,the minutes of the October 13,2014 meeting were approved as amended. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments There being none,the next item followed. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Old Business November 10,2014 Cedar Hammock CDD A. Road Resurfacing Project Review • Mr. Marshall reported Gulf Paving did the work around the cul-de-sac and the work caused another drainage problem at the front of the cul-de-sac so there is more work to be done. • Discussion ensued on the Cordgrass cul-de-sac with Mr. Marshall noting he will look at it. • Discussion continued on Gulf Paving and the possibility of having another company complete the repairs and cleanups. o The issue is warranties and guarantees for the project. • The Pulvamix process was addressed. • Before final payment is made the following issues need to be addressed: o The cul-de-sac needs to be completed to the Engineers satisfaction. o Clean up of the main drive. o The Board discussed continuing the meeting to December 1 to review the contractor's success in completing the Engineer's punch list. • The proposals for the resident driveway cleanups were reviewed. o 3861 Wax Myrtle Way-$4441.50 o 3852 Wax Myrtle Way- $3,485.34 o The costs seem unreasonable; the CDD will repair the right-of-way using the best attempt to color match existing surface. c It was suggested they speak with District Counsel before Mr. Faircloth contacts the residents. B. Update on Water Use Permit Modification • Mr. Teague updated the progress on the WUP and provided a memorandum from Cardio Entrex. C. Website Development • The new website was reviewed. The following changes were suggested: o Monthly financials. o Include "What is the Cedar Ilammock CDD"and maps. • Communicating with the community was addressed. 2 November 10, 2014 Cedar Hammock CDD • Mr. McClellan will provide future agendas to Mr. Read for e-blast to the community. D. Security Camera Installation Update • Mr. Teague reported the internet connection will be installed November 11th • Mr. Cook addressed meeting with Mr. Read and having phone conversations with Mr. Jacobson regarding the cameras. There was concern Mr. Read was being asked to do too many things for the associations. The project was being viewed as a workload increase for Mr. Read but after discussion it was realized it is not a monitor someone will watch all day but rather for archiving. o Mr. Read will access the archives when needed. Mr. Cook MOVED to proceed with the rear gate camera system, internet connection and monitor for the front gate security office and Mr.Minamyer seconded the motion. • Discussion followed on the purpose of the security cameras. • Mr. Nocera addressed his concerns that the CDD is stepping into an area that may define more responsibility or new responsibility the CDD has not been involved with in the past. • Mr. McClellan addressed the Master Board being responsible for safety issues. • Mr. Vaselewski noted the only thing they are doing with the cameras is giving the community an extra tool to use. On VOICE vote with Mr. Cook, Mr. Minamyer, Mr. Vaselewski and Mr. McClellan voting aye and Mr.Nocera voting nay,the prior motion was approved. • Mr. Cook noted the cost will be approximately$5,300. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS New Business A. Discussion of Filling Board Vacancy • Mr. Vaselewski did not run for re-election and no one qualified for the general election so the seat will be vacant at the end of November. • Mr. Teague noted there were three letters of interest received. 3 November 10,2014 Cedar Hammock CDD • The Board discussed the letters. On MOTION by Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Cook with all in favor, to appoint Mr. Norman Day to fill the Seat 1 vacancy was approved. B. Condo Utility Easement • No update. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Manager's Report A. Financial Report for September,2014 • Mr. 'Teague reported there are a couple of projects approved last year with $93,000 committed but payments have not been made to the contractors. • Discussion followed on additional supervision of projects. On MOTION by Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Vaselewski with all in favor, the financial report for September 2014 was accepted. B. Consideration of Motion Assigning Fund Balance • Assigning Fund Balance as of 09/30/14: o Operating Reserve $38,387 o Reserves -Bridges $73,180 c Reserves -Bulkheads $140,245 o Reserves -Lakes $85,460 o Reserves -Roadways $265,598 On MOTION by Mr. Minamyer seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in favor, assigning Fund Balance as listed above was approved. * Public Records • Discussion followed on public records request. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Attorney's Report There being none,the next item followed. 4 November 10,2014 Cedar Hammock CDD EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Engineer's Report The being no report,the next item followed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests • Mr. Nocera addressed a notice that is being distributed stating no trucks, pickup trucks, boats and trailers, motor homes, campers, and motorcycles may be parked in the community overnight for anymore than 12 hours unless parked in an enclosed structure, i.e. a garage. o Discussion followed on parking. • Mr. Cook noted this agenda package did not have covers and dividers and he does not mind the no frills package. • Mr. McClellan thanked Mr. Vaselewski for his service to the Board and community. • Mr. Vaselewski discussed his time on the Board of Supervisors. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Cook, with all in favor, the meeting was continued to Monday, December 1, 2014 3:00 p.m. f ILLNY-6o Cal Teague Tom Cook Secretary Vice Chairman 5