BCC Minutes 01/23/1990 R ~ET ~T B~ R~,I~R~D. that the Board ~ for the County of Collier, and also acting ae the kard of Zoning h~ ~en created according to law and having connoted herein, met on this date at g:o0 A.M. In "F' of the Oovernaent Complex. hot ,ap3eo. F3orlda. N~th the following members preoentt CHAIRMAN~ VICE-CHAIRMAN= Max A, Ramie. JF Hlchael J. Volpe, Richard 9, Shun Burr L. 8a~dero ~e Gaslight J~SO PRESEHT: James C. Giles, C2erkz John Yonkosky, r~nance Dlrectorz Elizabeth Rak&uskaa and El/lo Hofrnen. Deputy Clerkel Nell Dorrlll, County Managsr~ Ran McLsuora, Assistant County #anager~ Ken Cuyler. County Attorney; David #eigel. Assistant County Attorney~ George Archibald. Transportation Services Adminlstrator~ Nll2l&m Lorenz. Environmental Services Adminiatrator~ Leo Ocha. Admin'istrativm Services Administrators Frank Brutt. Community Development Servicem Administrator; Ran Nlno. Raymond Bellowm. and Bryan Milk, Plallllerel Nllliam Lavarty. Growth Management Planner: Russell Shreevm. Housing ·nd Urban Improvement Director; Ken hgtnski. Planning 9ervicam Manager: Sum FAlson. Administrative Assistant to the Board3 and Deputy Tom Storrar. Sheriff's Office. (~emloaionor Ooodnlght moved, me,ended by Ooa~oeloM~ Yelps ~1~ ~l~sly, that the A~nda ~d O~een~ A~ ~ 1. Item ~6C2 continued to January 30, log0, re adoption ordinance amending the eotabllehed Or,th Management PI~ for " Co~lle~ County. ~. lien e6C6 continued to February 13, 1990 re Petitio~ Omi-t8-10, Milton. Hiller. Barton, Soil and Peek, Ins. representing Stephen Tavllla, requeotlng devolop~nt approval of Village of Napleo". 3. Item ~6C9 continued to 2/13/90. Reconendatlon providing an exchange of property purouant to ~lorAda 8tetras regarding lnokalee Middle 9ch~l. · '.. 4. Item Igc2 continued to January 30, lgg0 re recomndatlon that '~ ~ard of County Coulee~onere accept the donation of the historic community laundry building in I~fgladeo City free the Everglades City Nomen'e Club and initiate steps to ack,re restore the structure aoa branch museum facility of tho ~ Collier County 5. Item ~I4FI moved to esr1 Emergency 9o~iceo re recomndatio~ to approve resolution adopting the Collier County material response p~an. 6, Petition CCCL-ag-7 w~]3 ~ heard at the reb~tW meeting. This Area does not spear on the agenda Index for thSo meetlng but was advertised for thio date. ' 7. Item 8gAl continued ~o February 6, 1990, re Agree~nt with .. ~chor Engineering to ap~ln~ Compliance Se~lce8 Section Manager as 'Con~ract Manager' and the Housing and Ur~n / Improvement Director ao "Pro~ect Coordinator". 8. Item ~gA2 continued to January 30, 1990 re ~erlhlp n~agenent areas and ~reoo/Nater Hanagement are& o~ Collier V~llnge. 9. Xtem I6B1 continued and to be ra&dvertlaed for J~no 8, lOgO, re Omi-ag-lc0 Mark Morton of the Barren Collier Co., representing the Haletatt Partnership0 requesting developumnt approval of "The Halatett DRI/PUD". 10o Item #I4AI moved to ,gA3 re budget amendment from Community Development reserves to fund coot, incurred getting up new Development Services Offices in lmmokalee. Item ,14B3 moved to ,gB4 re resolution accepting donation of right-of-way along Santa Barbara Bonier&rd end Davis ~onlew~. Xt~m~4 fug t 00 08 Richard 3. M~nanm, Romd and B~Sdge - 6 ~m~o Terry M. Bess. Fac/lltieo Management - 8 years (Nr. hmo ~o on racet ~on. ) IC~OOLS ~ - ADOF'I'I~ Coumlssionsr ahsnahan read and presented the proclmtlon to Conissionsr Shanahsn. CoumlooloMr 8hen&bAn novod, o~ondod by ~am/o~ioneff Volpo end cuz~ied unanimously, that the pro, leSion dedicating tbs M of Junu&ry lO. logo ~ Catholic Schools bk b adopted. JANOART ~3, 10gO ORD13tA]ICR 00-4 RI PITITXOH R-0O-18, ltOB~RT DOANR OF IlO~l, ~ LIID A~SO(3IATIS, RKPRISllTrIR~ JOKN Jo NIVIlI~, AB BISHOP OF 111 DXOOI~I VIFIC~, Itlqo~BTXNO A RIZOlll /1tON Iq]O/RSF ~ TO POD /OR IT. Prl13t08 CATIOLZO C~ORCH PUD LOCATID AT THI SOFflrtAlt ZrrlZSlCrrl0X OV ~TTLI~J~I ~E ag.J~ AND ~xx ~oox~YJ~J~ - ADOPTq Legal notice having been published in t~e Naples Daily NM On January 4, 1990 aa evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tho Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an Ordinance requesting a rezone from PUD/Riff 3 to PUD to be known a· It. Catholic Church PUD for property located at the norths&et quadrant of the Intersection of Rattlesnake Hammock Road and Hawaii Boglevard Section 18. Township 50 south. Range 26 Planner Bellow~ said that the Intended use of the 10.3 sore elto lo to rezone 5.4 acres from the existing Hawaiian Villag~ PUD and 4.0 acres of RSF-3 to PUD to allo~ for the construction of · 1,000 church and the conversion of an Existing 6,400 square Zoot church into necessary agencies and no adverse or conflicting lntorotta commie cabs beck and their concerns and itlpulatlonl have been Included in the PUD document. In addition, he said that the Collier County Planning Commission forwarded this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with 8 recommendation of approval. Commissioner Hesse asked what the increase of automobile parking spaces would be if this le approved? Hr. John Leo of Hole, ~onto· & rely tS0, adding that the existing church alii be doubled in size. Comilssionsr yelps asked If this project will coiply with the Orowth 14inageaent Plan and further questioned whether or not ara provisional uses? Mr, Lee stated 'Yes' adding that this pro]eot Is consistent with the Growth Management Plan, Mr. Lee laid the rs&ion they did not go through provlolo~ll 980 Mae because of church funding and tine lleita which mode it citable to go through that procedure, He pointed out on tbs 0C 11 the area that ~uld b~ dedicated along ~attlssna~e ~asmoo~ for future setup for the church, it is not certain if there Mould be ~gh f~d~ng for the t~ year time fra~ for provisional uses. He that they decided to go .ith the PUD to~lformly tone the tract for thin use. He orated that funding for the church available this year or nex~ faecal ye&r, Mr. Shanahan asked if by coubinlng the ~ito to fi~ really gl~o a reaction In residential Intensity7 deleted and replaced with church service ~ c~l~ ~l~oly, t~t the ~bll~ he~Ang ~ ~. KelleF ~e regloter~ to ~ ~ t~refo~, ~ly, ~t the ~bllo he~lng~ Mr. George Xeller said that he felt the plan should ~ r~rked la order to have ~tter traffic rl~ la that area, aa there lo no acceleration lane when you eater the church pro~rty. He orated tht they should go beyond the required 20 rest ~cauoe Ir the r~d lo to ~ Midened, there ia not going to ~ room for the acceleration lane, Mr. ~e addressed the Aooue of the acceXeratlon l~e o~lng at this ~lnt there lo a 3eft turn lane to eater the proJeot and also a right ~urn deceleration lane, An addition to appr~lMtoly of c~al and bike path which Au ample r~u rot road ex.alan. Conlooloner Shanahan asked ir ~he road mill stall f~otl~ ~1 or Se~lce 'C' .hen the de. lop. at Aa completed, to~l~h~. ~ repl~ed Coniooloner vol~ ~eetloned If Ruttleon~e Ha~k R~d ~eed to ~ four-lamed this year, to Mhlch ~lniotrator Archl~2d ttated that the fl~ ~ar pl~ four-l~lng or Rattlesnake Ha~ck. He noted that the~ ~JWVJLR~ W~¥ probleme and environmentl! permitting probleue. He Indicated that thio particular project la not echeduled for conetrvction In the current year, adding that the eegoent free U.S. 4I going eastbound to mpproxlntely Polly Avenue. which lo the future extension of hrb~r& Boulevard will be delayed until iggl. He orated that he lo In the prellalnaFy etagee of read,my deeigno Coumieaioner Volpe asked If 20 feet will &ccounod&te the I~ted deelgn for the four-Inning of R&ttleenake H&Bnock Road? Archibald replied affirmatively, adding that the propoeed pl~t that hca been submitted hae been coordinated with the prelimlnar7 road deeign. He orated that In the future, acceae to the church will be reetrlcted to Hawaii Blvd.. with poeeibly the exception of a cut- through for eastbound left-turBo only. ~ttnlo~er ~ ~md, ~ by COmLtNIOneT Ooodnlght Coattooloner Shanehan BOY,d, oeconded by Counlo~loner Ooodnlght 8~d c&~led unonimouely, that the ordinance aa mmbet'~d and titZed below be adopted ~nd entered Into Ordinance Book 31 nb~o~t to Bout Of the PUD docun~ntz ORDXNAHCE 90-4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDXNG ORDINANCE I~UMBER 82-2 THE COMI~ItI~XVI ZONIHG REOU~TXO~S FOR ~E UNXRCOR~TED AR~ O~ COLLX~ CO~, FLORIDA. BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONINO AT~S ~P ~BKR 80-~6-4 BY CHANOINO THE ZONING C~S$IFICATION OF ~K HEREIN DKSCRXB~ PROPERTY FROM PUD/RSF-3 TO wPUDw P~ED UNIT DE~P~ ST. PETER'S CATHOLIC'CHURCH ~R A C~CH; ~R PROP~ ~D AT ~LESNAKK HA~OCK ROAD ,~ HANAII BOULEVARD CO~AINI~ 10.3 AC~S, ~RE OR LESS. LOCATED IN SE~lON lO, ~SHXP ~NOX 26 EAST, COLLIEH COU~, ~ORXDA) AND PROVXDX~ ~ tm~l~ XtI~ NB~ ~ ~ OI~IItAHC~4O-3 RI fltlTlOX lO-Jr-It, ;OlOl~lllTT ~ DMIIOII, ----~n&uMm:sxmzrrTo COLLXn~mTrZOrXnOILD:I&I~tI-I, JUO:ImXImISCTXOI ?.~3 'X' XIXXra'FRXALDXrrRXOT, b. O ffl2m:lTTl~ Legal notice having been publiahed in the Haplee Daily ~ow~o~ 0001 ~Jt~VARI~o the Clark. public hamring w&e opened to consider Petition Zo-sg-24~ flied by Conmunity Development OlVlliOn, representing The Board of County Cosmieelonera. requesting an enendsant to Collier Co~nty Zoning Ordinance 82-2, amending Section 7.26 "l" l~tduotrlal District, permitted provisional uses and structures by adding provisional use el' Child Care Centers. Planner Bryan Milk orated that there to a growing deuand for addi- tional child care centers in Collier County, due, in pert, to the rapid growth rate. In addition, ha said that today's work force pat- terns have created a greater desand for child care aeelatan~e and denanda have encouraged bueineuees to respond to child care needs, He advised that the Collier County Zoning Ordinance pernlte Child Oare Centers in C-2 and C-3 zoning districts or ao provisional nee in the A-2, lt~r-Xl. RHF-16. and C-4 zoning districts. He alee orated that since enployeea with child care needs look for centers nearby, it would be beneficial to pernit the centers in oleos proxinity to the work place. He enid industry baaed child care would reduce travel tine and traffic conga,ties in other zoning districts during peak traffic periods and would ultiuately laprove quality rarely tim together. In a conclusion, Mr. Milk stated that the planning staff the Collier County Planning Coniaalon and the Board of CavAlry Coaalaalonera will deternine the appropriateness of Child Care Centers on n cane-by-cane review for provisional uae baaed upon criteria con- tained in Section 13.l.b et Zoning Ordinance 82-1 and develolment regulations ,pacified in the proposed Child Care Center ordinance, Coualoaloner Saundera stated that the provisional nee applies the Industrial District and questioner where these diatriota &we located, to which Mr. Milk orated that a typical lnd~etrial would be the Collier Park of Comrce, Pine Ridge Road, Airport Road, and Mercantile Road areas. Connie,loner aanndera asked if any oonelderationhaebeeagivento perultting child care centers in other districts7 tt~, Milk ~eplied 00014 that tho public Mould lika to hav~ am much child care facllitltl in to have child c&ra centers in Industrial Districts ~nd suggasted that Coulssioner Volpe co~ented that ~n hie vl~ there ire t~ asphalt plante located In industrial plrkl end there ~e · prohlbit~on that states that there t~e of child care centers c~ot ~ l~lt~ el~nat~ the~e ~ p~rk~. ~. ~llk ea~d ~t ~uld eliminate the accee~ road ~t~ll~ ~ed ~ the t~ck traffic and the intent Is to ellalnate a child care faci- lity on ~ lngreee/egree~ ro~d used by that facility. Co~l~loner 8aunder~ stated that he l~ not pre.red to ~te th~e t~ae because If thoro ~ ~ area ~here all conditions ~e ~d · child care facility l~ built, then ~ ~r~& that Il ~ithin 600 feet of the facility cannot do certain th~ngm ~h~ch ~m t~t the use s~ district .hich could lead to seas ~Jor proble~ la the Pl~ng Se~ces Nanager ~gineki stated that the o~in~cl di~trlct~ ~lth the understanding that the~e f~ellltiel ~113 ~ ~re office ~d 1~ lntenoe comrciml umem which My ~ m pFlM tlon for i child care center. C~Almloner 8hinahan comntid that he ~uld ~ In f~F of ~lld cl~ centerl in office ~rkm ~d light ln~otriml mrm~ i~ Identified aa a provisional uae for that purpose only. Counlaaioner Yelps couented that the else o£ the parcels ere IO,OOO equate feet and questioned if there ia a need to increase that else parcel? Plainer Nllk enid that Staff ia proposing to lisle these child care centers to the permitted legal lots of record which are square feet with a lO0 foot frontage, noting that these otoad&Td4 are built-In standards which are more stringent than the typical HItS requireaente. Coniaaioner Volpa stated thee the coat of comrel&l prepare? escalating and it becomes uneconouical for moat people to locate day-care center in a comuercial area. He orated that locating these centers in a residential neSghborhood presents other probleue, He nad that there are PUD'm that have child care centere but they are only for the people that live An that area. aloe lisa Swetland remarked that she has worked closely with fa-lilac that are In need of child care end supports this mndaent. She enid that child care lo an expansive service In Collier County to sat up and nelntain and that by approving this mnbnt it alii help tO ~eet fully needs. I~. Don Plckworth representing Collier Oevelopaent comntsd that ho to ver~ Interested In the passage of thio ordlntnce. Ho Mid that thio will provide 8 method for businesses In tho coB- munlty to provide thio typo of n~eded service. Ooastoeloner launders Bayed, oeoondedbyCoumioolon~Mmalwnand ~az*~leduaniao~ly, that tho poblia baaing ho cloood. Commissioner Saundare etatad that there is only one addit~on~l location at thio point for a child care center which ii the Collie~ Park of Commerce and asked staff If thoro lo to bo a variety of opening up for the potential of child care centers? Planner #ilk said that he believes that at the present tiM, there lo only concern with regards to the Collier Park of Coumo~, He noted that there lea PUD proposed that haa Indicated they would like to Include u child care center, but hll not b~en developed ~t. Commissioner launders noted that there ieu potential of one loc&- facility to nn lnduntrlnl district In not eolvtng the child that 8tiff should continue to look ~t othe~ solutlon~ to thl~ ~1~ ~i~ly, the the ~1~ u ~M ~ tltl~ b ~t~ ~ ~teM Into 0~1~ ~ No. lit ~ ORDINANCE ~ENDING ORDINANCE 82-2. THI COMPRIHK~I~ ZONING REG~TIONS FOR THE UNINCOR~RATKD AREA OF COLLIER ~ ~I~ SECTION 7.26. ~I' INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. BU~E~IOR PE~I~ED PROVISIONAL USES A~ S~U~K9. TO ADD ~ILD C~ C~S ~KTHER NITH CRITERIA ~R THEIR ~TIOR ~ ~l~ ~OVZDTNG FOR CONFLICT AND 9MRABXLX~; AND BY ~XDT~ AN locate m fmcllity within the RO district mad An order to proceed f~thlr, Staff ~u~d have to hmvm direction from the klrd to ~ch Co~Ammloner Vol~ orated that the recreation nd ~ ~ SiSal uy ~ mn appropriate location for child care ~l~ ~l~ly, t~t 8tmff ~ di~t~ to ~ ~ MA~ ~tla ~ othe~ l~ltia In z~lng ditt~lQto t~t u~d ~ml notice having ~en ~blllhH In the Nmplem ~]~ l~ 3~u~ 4, 1990, mm evidenced ~ Affl~vlt of ~bllemtlou filN with the Clerk, pub/lc hearing wes opened to consider Petition R-lO-IT fll~ ~ Robert Duone, representing #Illima N. Pesos. req~ootlng rezone from A-2 to PUD for resldentlol ,luster housing odult Me ~tel/hotel or 150,000 uqu~re f~t of office o~ce, to ~ ~ R~llt~ Pork, for property located on the north olde of ~vlo east of S~t~ hr~r~ Blvd. In Section 4, T~ohlp 60 o~th, R~ list, ~nolotlng of 20 tcreo ~re or less, Collier Co.W, (Co~lon to Pl~er Rime said there lo a consideration es to the Bl~d a~ct of thio de~lopuent 8nd the staff re~rt ~lnto out t~t thio ictlvlty cente~ has a mixed use co~nent and lo therefore d~Md to ~ In compliance ~lth the ~turo ~nd Use Element of the ~8~Mnt Plan. Re e~ld the pro.sod m~xed ~D ~ctlvlty center · 1~o ~rt of the development lnedl8tely to the ~ot of It c~ll~ Sho~o or Santa hrber~ ~hlch ~s ~pproved Mlthln the list ~nth. Re Indicated this ~11 the revl~lng agencies advlo~ ot~ff the there lo no area .lthln their Jurisdiction this n~eot ~ ln~tlblll~, with the Or,th Management Plan. He re,reed that it it staff's opi- nion that thio application in its entirety lo consist with tho ~na~nt P/an. He indicated that the ~Jor issues the eom up the r~l~ ~o the need to interface thio project with ~o 8ho~ SuSa hr~ra, adding that The Shop~o at S~ta hr~rl w~ with ~ indefinite conitnent to extend the road along ~he ~rth of tho ~opplng center and the Plying Con~stlon In ~d~eol~ thio ~ltl~ t~t a stub-out street ~ provided to co~eot with a ~ ~tem that ~no along the north aide of Tho Shop~o at 8~t~ ~d all~ access to thio developMnt from S~ta kraft. Re nad t~t there lo still · pr,bleu ~ceuoe or the lndefln~tMo of the ~rther extension through the Shopko et 9~ta 0O018 Commimsioner Volpm mild that the mpprov&l of tho ShoppeI mt lint& B~rbmr& ~mm bleed on the condition that the developer let Ilide re&raiment, to which Planner Nine mt&ted that the developer t~ml to mit Imidm I~ emmement and the coat of the de. liar ~ld reit MAth coxxt.r County. ~, Plck~rth maid they provided the drift ]u~lp ~Ach mtlt~ IIllMnt tO th* County, Plier Nine reiterated that the concern of the staff il that the ~lvleion ~aeter elan ~ appro~d ,lth the ~ndltion t~t the~ ~ a o~ thmt Mnt d~m not Include that provlmAon and hi ~uZd Ilk this the viz ~ ~ndltlonmd on the stub-out merleS. He not~ that Ill ~ ~n incor~rmtmd into the ~ do~m/nt ~lth the /xcmption o~ the i~t Itreet. HI indicated that thlrl Nam one other ~ndltl~ ~m lncor~rmtmd into the PUD docu~nt this wm, not done An the An ~ich 9tiff undersea, mdding this this Nam ~ith r/m~ot to 6(l)d on Pmge ll of thm PUD do~ment ffhich Am the pr~imi~ that flit of mddAtAonm2 rAght-of-Nmy ~uld ~ mmt mmidm for ~d ~mem. He mtat~ that It Am ham undermtmndlng that the eight-of- this this stipulation ~ re~rded to mddrmmm the p~vimAon thm~ the ~dltl~ml right-of-way Am for ~th Niter Hmnmge~nt ~d/o~ widening ~r~mlm If that should ~ necemmmW. Mr. Nine re~rked that the Planning Conlmmlon ~mnAMgIA~ ~d thll ~tltlon Nlth tho ttl~lmtionm and eonditlonl, ~ttng t~t thl~ ~t no public op~mAtlon to thAI ~tttlon ~d Stiff ~ m~ml ~b~mct to the i~ve-~ntlon~ concmrnm. Bl~. ~o not~ that the confusion l~ tho 60 f~t Il ~1~ 00019 Mater )tunageuent purposes more than it Ao for the right-of-way, Rs orated that he wants to ensure that it can be umed for Mmtsr Bmnmg~- Bent Or right-of-way purposem and that the County is not eIFpmOtld tO pay mnythlng for At. Commissioner Volpe asked Af ell ch~nget have been incorporated into the PUD document, to which Planner #ins replied Commissioner Volpa tatted that there it confusion at tiBet regarding the PUD document and he w&ntt to be sure that it is in Its correct fern at the time that it it being presented for approval, M~. Robert Dumas of Hole, Montes and Associates representing tho DmvAo Blvd. Partnership, stated that they are in agreement with tho recommendations that staff ham mede, He mead that there is · IlnlMl mmount of retell use An that development and alto thoro Is gmne~o~· ute of open apace, adding that they arm dedicating 60 feet of right- of-wmy along EMvIo Blvd. He noted that he concurs with at&fl that there lo no need for 84 feet of right-of-May. He indicmted thmt the overall Bix or this project Mill have · tlnimel ltpmct on trmnspol~ M~. George Keller of the Collier County Civic ,ederatlon et&ted thmt it appears that At Am necessary to have m reed on the north~trn part of the property. He noted that there should be &ccees onto S~nt· B~rb~· Boulevard instead of having all the traffic enter mnd exit from DmvAt Boulevard. Commissioner Hesse asked Itt. Nine Ar there were may othe~ Isle- taste than what it premently on the map now? Nr. Nine o~Id that felt very strongly about the need to make lure that the road Il there, cortn~tmdMith the Neapolitan PUD. He maid Staff urges the ~ to approve that MAth the direction that the PUD dommmnt bm 8~mlMlmd it Section 4,? to provide adequate MoL'dAng which providea for tho division reletlonmhipm of the PUD and emkod for Board dirmotion for mdmq~ate wording to eneure that t stub-out street will he provided within the Neapolitan Park Svbdivielon Ptmtte~ Pl~n whloh tho ippliomnt JAI~A~ ~. 1000 ldo already agreed to. County Attorney Cuyler reiterated that the two conditione Mere that there w~uld be an area that ~ould be noted a· · reserved ·rea for road right-of-way purpose· provided that Cellist County acquire· of a strip of land lam·dis·ely to tho north of tho reserved &ri& which substantially corresponds In size with tho raserved area and that the Board appropriates funds for the construction of & road on tho resulting 60 foot plue or ulnua right-of-way, Comalealonar Volpe eta·ed that tho quos·ion at ·hit tim Mba·her tho County Mould require tho day·loper to dedicate that addi- tional right-of-way along the balance of tho IhOpl It Bent& hrberl to allow for that connection and then there was · negotiating Mt·er bet- mn that developer and tho developer to the east lo who vmuld Mr, Cuylar eta·ed that tho first provision was that tho asked and tho Board agreed to only have the roadway if tho norther~ parcel alas dadicated · 30 foot right-of-way, Mr. Keller remarked that a provielon should be put in thio PUD regarding tho roadway and then la· the developer Mark it out. In answer to Comaleeloner Haaao, Plonnar Nine ate·ed that the width of the road Aa 60 feet ~nd the developer ~mu;ld be responsible for building a road eye·em that goes to tho shape at Santa Barbera Blvd. with · 60 foot right-of-way and a roadway that Il built to tho standards of the sub-division resulationa ordinance which wmald be 28 feet hack-to-hack of cur~. Commiaaloaar Volpe asked #r, Plckworth why ho was opposed to that 8egu~nt of tho shops at Santa Barbara being required to dedloete an eno·neat In that area? Mr. Pickworth stated that if there needs to be · conne~tSon to 8ant& B4rbera Boulevard frou thio development becaueo of ·raffle o~ surety prohlamo, then the burden of providing the road lo o1~ the pat-- os· that Grantee the develops·n·. He ate·ed that hie ob~e~tlofi to tho 000 1 Shoppee at Santa Barbara was that there wee an atteupt being uada that Imt the way things should be done. He indicated that If the Cat,try eats that there should be a road through thio area and the County going to build the road. but the land needs to be donated, than the developer should donate that land which la what ha thought agreed to. He mt&ted that the lmmue la whether or not the access to Santa Barbara Blvd.. then that le up to the developer, then the developer should have the right to negotiate the Itlllng Of that land. ¢o--lseloner Va]pa atated that he la not under the s~ that Nr. Plck~orth la and If this Mtter baa to be reconaidered, he will ~ke auch a motion at a ~&tar point in Nr. Nlno commented that he doea not agree with what Nr. Plckwo~th e&~d. Be noted that every developer builds to his ll~lta ~ld pe~lta the Interior land to do the same to the next lntarior adding that It ~a a chain reaction. Commissioner Saundera stated that If there ahould be · between the t~o pro,acta0 then that land will be de~ded. ~. Plck~orth atatad that if a determination le Mda that the Cowry ~ll~ bu~d th~ ~oad. the deve]o~ ~ll~ donate the ~o~le~loner 8~unde~ ~t~ted that the ~rd~ng l~ ~ng not~ng N~. P~c~th ~ no~ ~nd~c~ting that If the ~ounty l~ ~lng to · c~lly construct th~ ~o~d. th~n the l~nd ~lll ~ de~ to the ~o~W Attorney ~yle~ ~t~t~ t~t the ~rding t~t ~s ~ N~. Plc~th that ~ p~o~ed fo~ the P~t r~d~ ~ of ~ ~~ p~ovld~d: (~) ~ollle~ County ~c~lre~ the ~ 000 -. strip land lmaediately to the north of the reserved area ,hlch %., substantially corresponds In alta with the reserved arss~ and (~) tho '~ Board of County Coualssionere of Collier County, f~orld&, appropriates ,: funds for the construction of a road on the resulting e0 foot plus or nin~e road right-of-way'. Co--lssloner Saunders asked if this neons that in order for the :~ dedication to be required, the County would have to be the entity is providing funds or does it mean that the County could uae fees or assessnents? Mr. Cuyler stated that it Indicates appropriate · funds and if the adjoining developer gave the amount of Boney that was required to build this roadway, the County could appropriate tho~e ~.~- £und~ ~nd hire · private contractor, noting that there le flexibility, Commissioner Saundsra enid th&t he feels th&t there are two .~ involved, adding that one is the dedication of 8 30 foot seoeBont ~.' the second Is who pays for the ro~d. He noted that at this point, he does not feel that Nr. Plck~orthts client can be Bmde tO pay for ..~. road, but if an assessment district lo set up, then all the ~.. In the area will be assessed. He indicated that tf the Cmmty decides ~L~ to build thio road. he would suggest that it be done on an aaeeseeeut Conisslonar Saundere stated when the County approved The ~.. at Santa Barbara, they were under the lepreaalon that on easement .~. Mould be dedicated a3ong the strip to the north if it tmo dsterairmd :.r that the roads should be connt,cted for trellis circulation , Ha stated that when this development wes approved, it m 83oo understood that the grey area to the north without the conn~otlon ac~ose the green area was a private road. but If Mr. Pickwo~th0s client has agreed to dedicate an easaeent on the green area, then the laplicatlon Is that this road would be open to the lmbllo, " tim egt'~ouent to give the County the piece of green prop~rW Jo of no Itt. Cuyler said that thio la understanding alas. 000 Pag~ 16 S&undera said there lo enough Information on the record to resolve thll probleu by requiring tho dedication of 30 rant, letting up Iff &aaaaouent district to pave tho green area, and going beck to the fact that Mr. Pickworthte client has agreed that thio reed lo open to tho public, Mr, Cuyler stated that what m~kee this road public ia the fact that tho Cosprehenelve Plan and the Zoning Ordinance co~taupl&ta Intlrconnectlons between projects. He noted that Mr, PlcJmorth uy have a point if the Board agrees that he should not have to ~uffer the cost of connecting out to the neighboring prelect when it lo the neighboring project that benefits, but if that connection does take place there is a responsibility to allow that interconnection m~d to allow the traffic to pass through. Counieeloner launders said that Mr, Pickworth's client lo on~rect in that thio Is a private road if the County Connlaalon decides not to sake the interconnect, but once that decision Is node the agreeuent lo annulled. Conniseloner launders elated that there u~¥ ultln~tely I~ I legal question that may need to be litigated and that lo whatbeF the other grey portion on the north section is in fact a public ro~d b~oed on Mr. Plck~orth'a assertion that his client will give the Co~t~ the green section if it lo needed. Coumiseloner Saundera commented that Mr. Cuyler is going to have to bo prepared to litigate that logan. Mr. Plckworth resarked that it sounds lika certlin requirf~ento are going to bo placed on The S~oppes at Santa Barbera and al~antially hie client will bo told that the Board will not approve tho plat u~lasa certain conditions &re mgraad to. Coumlsoloner launders orated that tho Board hat to u~ka & decision end if the Developer reel. that tho Board la lncorz~t, then he ash pursue the m~tter to the Circuit Court. Ooamlooloe~r 8hanahen mo~d, oeconded bT Cousdooioue~, Ooodnlght smd e~rrie4 un~nlmo~ol?, that tho public hoe~lng bo eloood, Ooumlooiouer Vulpe mcrmd to appro~u Petition It-Jg-l~ with 8t~ff oo()e4 otJ~Lt&tioae concerning the requireuent foF the ot~b reed to the propooed &cceoo road to Santa OuamioeioM~ 8mmdero orated that he ~ould like Commloeloue~ VoIpo to odd that a finding hag been node that the reed 3ecto obo~ld be interconnected end, therefoz~, the Booed ohould mk the dedi~etiou of the 30 foot eeoeuent frou the property Sbops~ of Santa hrbera end pz~d to provide fo~ the pev~ng of that gTOem oe~tlcm within the authority of the ~ that bed already been done, he doee not hove · I~Oblem with ~,,: ~- rereading hie motion. Omm/ooloue~ Vollm eooude~ hie uotiou to ~3~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t of the ~1 ~t t~ SO f~t pl~ of 1~ ~~ ~ C~L~l~e~ Vo/~. for t~ ~tl~, t~ ~ti~ c~:J~ ~~ly, ~t ORDX~ 90-6 AR ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 82-2 THE COMPRI3~I31S~ ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF ~~ ~Q~, ~ORIDA, BY ~KNDI~ ~K O~C~AL ZONING AT~9 BY CRARG~G ~K ZON~NG C~SSXFXCAT~OR OF ~ H~RXN D~XB~ R~L PROPER~ FROM A-2 TO "PUDm P~KD UNIT DKVKL0~ ~R RKSXDE~IAL, CLUSTER HOUSING, ADULT CONGRK~T~ LXVI~ FACXLXT~I~, ~ CO~MXNI~$, RETAIL ON ~REK (3) O~ PARCELS, ~ EX~R A ~L OR 150,000 SQUARE FE~ OF O~ICE 9PACE TO BK ~0~ AS N~POLXTAN PARK ~R PROPKR~ L~ATED ON ~ ~R~ SIDE OY DAVIS BOUL~ARD (8R-84) AP~OXX~TRLY 650 S~A ~~ BOULEVARD CON~ISTX~ OF 20~ ACR~, ~AT~ SENIOR 4. TO~SRIP 50 SC.~. RANGE 26 ~9T. ~RIDA; A~ BY PROVIDING AN EFFK~IVE DATE. ~al notice having ~en ~bliohed la the Neplee ~i~y R~ on J~ua~ 7, lOgO. ae evidenced ~ Affidavit of ~bllcation fl3~ with the Clerk. ~b/lc hearing MaG o~n~ to conceder ~tltl~ ~8~1 fll~ ~ Robrt ~e of Hole. ~nteo & Aeo~latee. r~tl~ "¥ .. #llli~u #. Pages, i:mvia Boulevard Partners, r~eetlng ~MIvIoi~ -' ~oter PI~ appr~al for Nea~llt~ Perk ~, fo~ p~~ 2~at~ ~ the ~rth olds of ~vle el~. east of Santa hr~rn ~lm~ In ~ or leos, Collier County, Florida, (Con. ion to R-80-ll) O0(j O ~al notice having been publAahed An the ~a~lea ~1l~ R~ on ~uary 4, 1990, a~ evidenced by Affidavit of ~bl~cat~on ~le~ ~lth the Clerk, public hearing ~a~ o~ned to con~ld~r an ordinlnce Ordl~ 82-2, the Conprehenai~ Zoning Radiations for the ~ln~r~ted Are~ of Collier County, Florldl, ~ ~ndlag the cial stoning atlam ~p numar 48-26-9 ~ changing the toning cmtlon or the herein demcrl~ real pro. ray from A-I to .~u ~lt ~lop~nt for approxl~tmly 5.5 acrem of remtaur~t, retail o~ of~ce e~ce In addition to 2.~ acre~ o~ rlght-o~-~y, o~ e~co ~tl~d area to ~ kn~ a~ Creet~ on pro~rt~ loc~ at the ~9~the~t ~er of l~kalem Road, (CR 846)/I-T~ lnte~ch~ ~ldrlnt, consisting of 8.23 (~rl or limo) mctel, locmt~ in 30, T~mhlp 48 South. Range 26 Emma, Collier C~ty, Florl~. R. Pmuly. T~mtee. Comlaaloner Vol~ advlaed that he ha~ a c~flict o~ InteNse quadrant of the 1-75/lmmokalee Reed Interchange. He noted that the mubJmct property deem not have any frontage on Xmm~keles Road be accessed from an easement provided in tho highMmy w'idmuing He indicated thee the proposed PUD AB a lOO~ commmrol&l ~nd Staff ia of the opinion that that Am appropriate due to the tiguoum relationship to l-?5. Re tasted that when revie~eing the Activity Center of 4 quadranta, there ia ample opportlutitT to the mixed use requirements In their entirety. He advised thee the · 0003? ~:~' ~, Wino re.fred that the applicable a~nolee ha~ ~i~ thio ~tition and ha~ concurred that there are no inconoletenoAee MAth o~oitlon fron the public. ~lng the revl~ proceuu have ~en consolidated Mlthla tho ~ d~- :: Mnt, ~d afflrned that Staff lo reconendlng approval of thio ,~; , tiaa ~d the ~D document including the ttlpulitlont tho~ln. ~. Ro~rt ~ane, of Hole, Nantes I Associates, Inc,, otat~ t~t ~ ~t with the reconendatlono of Stiff, cautAoned the Comuleelon about overcrowding evez~one o~ the ~-~$ Xnterchangee. He orated that anyone who swam property near theee intarchangee expects to receive significant dollare by comrol&liting their property. He suggested 2Smltatlone &nd time restrictions on these types of PODeo es that every 1-75 intersection Mill ~ot end ~p ~:,:: Mlth heavy commercial on 4 corners. There w~re no other speakers. ~l~ 410 (~~l~r Vol~ a~tml~) to Coniolloner Hmooe ~eltJoned whether tin lllitl for the~ ~:~ of ~eo c~ ~ otlp~18ted? Mr. Nine repll~ ~t ~1~ ~3d ~ oenolble olnco the Qr~th tht Anter~gel ire the optlnm n~oo Mlthin tho C~hty fO~ the ~- ~ct of ~lneoo. He noted that when pl~ero engl~ ti~ of a C~henol~ Plan, it is ~t done ~ :'~ht ~.lderatlon., Tn &nMr to COlUalaaloner Heats, Hr. Nine lnforldd that tho I~ti- r~d lo constructed and under ooue~dy*o control. He 8tit~ that de~lo~nt that occurs on this property ~st under~ the lo~nt 8~r~al process. ~8oloner Pounders stated that he ~llm~o that onc~r~g~g thio t~ of de~lopuent at the interchange comrclal areas lo defi- nitely In conference with Co321er CounW'o objective, ~d not~ he ~ld ach rather see the hotels, gus stations, ets,, l~atSono than In other potential locations around the C~nty, ~ ~ earl. ~l~ N ad~t~, nbJ~t to t~ ~t, ~ ~te~ into O~Jm~ ~k ~o. O~lm ~ ORDINANCE A~XNO ORDXHANC~ 82-2, ~l ~~l~ ZOMl~ RKQ~TXO~ ~R THE UNXNCOR~D AR~ OF ~X~ ~RX~, BY A~HDINO THE O~XCXA~ ZONXNO AT~S ~ ~ 48-26-9 BY CHANOIN~ THE ZONIHO C~SSIFICATIOH OF THR H~KXH D~CRXB~ ~OXI~TELY 6.5 ACRES OF RKSTA~A~, R~AIL OR O~ICR 9PACE ADDITION ~ 2.7 ACRES OF RIO~-OF-NAY, OP~ 9PACR ~ ~, TO BE KNO~ AS CRKS~D ON PROPKR~ ~AT~ AT SO--ST CORNER OF I~LKR ROAD, (OR 846)/I-75 ~U~, CO~ISTING OF 8.23 (~RK OR LESS) ACRES, ~TKD SK~ION 30, T~SHIP 48 SO~, ~E 2S ~SV, ~I~ ~RIDA~ A~ BY PROVIDIN~ AN EF~I~ ~gal notice having ~efl published In the Naples ~lly Nm on J~Ul~ 4, 1990, al evidenced by Affidavit of ~bllcatl~ flied MAth the Olerk, ~bllc hearing wee o~ned to consider an ordln~oe mndlng Collier County Ordinance So. 8e-es. Sections ~. ~r~ and ~lol~ the ~u~rship of the l~kalee Lighting end A~I~W Co~ittee iron le~n eibrl to fl~ ~l~rl, Coulilioner Ooodnight e~leined that In 1986 the ~r~lp of 7 neu~ro. She orated that there have ~en obtaining ~o~ for the mtln~, ~d In filling vacuoles for thio Conitt~, and therefore. It ham ~en suggested that the al~lhi) Of ~ Munro ~ r~uced to 5 mem~rm, ~e~ ~re no o~akerm, d ~ld ~l~3y. t~t the ~bll~ he~l~ ~ b ~t~ ~ ento~ Into O~ln~ ~k No, L2G~ING AND B~IPICATION ADVISORY CO~X~RR ~OH ~ FX~ N~ERS; PROVIDIKO ~R CONFLX~ AND ~IDI~ ~R AN KFTK~I~ DATE, ~al notice having ~n published In the Naples ~ily Nm on 3~uW 4. 1900. an evldenc~ ~ Affidavit of ~blicatt~ fil~ with t~ Clerks ~bllc hearing ~ o~n~ to consider ~ o~1~ ~l~co No. 76-48. al aMndod, to prnlt doMetioat~ ~IM3o uithin ~ l~atrol, handicapped p~rk patrons and law enforce~nt Thorl wer~ no ~ker~. AR ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDIWANCN JK). 78-48, AS AI4XNDED, TO PEJU4IT DOMESTICATED ANIMALS #XTNZN CQUHTY PARK BOUlt~ARXES I~3R RECREATIONAL SPECIAL EVENTS, PARK RANGER PATROL, HAHDXCAPPSD PARK PATRONS AND LAM ENFORCEMENT DUTXES{ PROVIDING rOW CONIf~XCT AND SKVERABILITY{ PROVIDING AND RFFRCTXVR DATE, V&C&TIQIIO~&TMELVI rOOT EASIXI31TOWLOTS 17, Legal notice having been published in tho Naples Ikily Newt on 3anumr~ ? and 14, lggo, me evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider PotAtion AV-90-021 filed by Audubon 3elna Venture represented b~ Mersh,~n, Mr, Johnston, Dunv~dy and Cole, requesting the racet leu of the like Idintenence easement to p~ovldo for more unifoFmly developable ZoOm on the property. i/'J! :transportation Services Administrator Archibald expl~l,ie~ that' thio Item lea requeet to vacate the lake mmlntenance ee~emnt that lo no longer neceoeary, and ie part of on arem that hoe bm~n anMlvldmd from & prior plat of Audubon Country Club. Unit 1. No e~vls~d that tbs apprcpri&te "Letters of Rs Objection" hav~ tmon recK, Avid, smd Bt&fl ~o ~t object to the r~elt~ vacation. OOO44 ~al notice having ~en ~blJshed In the ~eples D. II~ 3~ulw 18, 1990, as evidenced by Affldavlt of ~blicatlon the Clerk, public hearing w~s o~ned to con~lder ~d~nt~ to the 198~90 Adopted Fiance Director Yonkosky explained that ~hen the ~d~t ~1 ~t ~lch ~e approved by the Co~leelon ee of 9-$0-e9, ~t the In ~mr to Co. la. loner Vol~. Trane~rtation A~lnlstrator Archl~ld explained that the 89 all]ion repreoento f~de t~t are available In accounts atmrtlng the current year ~ ~9-90. Be stated that ~ny of the carry fo~arde represent Increases t~t the largest dollar change In car~ fo~ard 1~ a r.~lt of .~.on t~t the total revenue dollars exceed 69 ~il]lo~l. t~t Staff .~ll ~ co~ng ~ck ~fore the Co~1s.lon Jn reit * mk* to r~.~t approval to undertake coast~ctl~ for 3 ~Jo~ projects which ~lll consuae a sl~lfic~nt a~unt of those ~e~ ~re no O004G mmlmmmlfT DXITRXVT - MK)PT~ ,, , Legal notice having beer~ publluhed In the Naplol ~Jly N~ O~ J~uary 4, 1990. aR evidenced by Affidavit of ~bllcatlon fll~ with tho Clerk, public hearing wee o~ned to consider an ordin~ce ~dlng O~ln~ce ~4-~0, es emended, by anend~ng Article 1. Section 1,01 Iddl~ to the ~r~oe the adoption of ~le, of the S~h ~lorlda ~ter rein chapter8 of the Florld~ Adnlnlotrltlve Code~ ~uendJng Atticl~ II Bectlon 2.01. ~rnit required, unlawful. ~ adding certila of the ~lorid~ A~lnlutr~tlve C~e~ ~dd/ng certain provloionu of ~eio of revl~ for aurface water ~rmlt applications with the ~lorldl Mater Management District; adding certain deol~ criteria dJochar~ and offolte discharge and providing 3ocal ~Mnt crA- tercel for drainage and flood protactlon dell~; I~ndl~g Sectlo~ ~lty In accordance Mlth Section 125.69. Florida Statutes. ~glneering Project ~nager Malay infor~d that tho mnbnto to the existing Mater ~nege~nt Policy Ord~cl will lncor~rate changes ~u r~lred by the Or.th ~fll~nt Plan. b ~n~r~rated. and a fe~ other ~te~ stagnating add~t3o~l Hate for Collier County. ~ ~ no R~ OF ~ BO~ ~ORTDA NATK~ ~NAO~ DTB~T~; ~~ TZ~B ~ ARTICLE II, BY ADDING CERTAIN CHAJ~9 OF ~t ~R~ OOO52 ADMIRI~TI~ CODE: AP~NDINQ ARTICLE I1SE~'rloN 2.01, I~T REQUIRED, UNLAMI~JL, BY AD~ING CERTAIN PROVISIONB OF ~g ~ORIDA A~INISTRATIVK CODS: ADDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS ~R SURFACE MATER PERMIT APPLICATIONS NITH ~g 80~ ~ORXDA NAT~ ~HAG~K~ DISTRICT: ADDINQ CERTAIN DESIGN CRITERIA ~R DXS~ARQR A~ O~IT~ DISCHARG~ AND PROVIDING L~AL O0~~ CRZ~ZA D~INAGE AND FLOOD PROTECTION DE~IGNI AMENDING PENAL~, IN ACCORDANCE NITR SENIOR 126.69, ~ORIDA PROVIDING ~R CONFLICT AND 8EV~BILI~I PROVIDI~ AN RI:~DI~COTTAGI~, R.V. ~ARE, 14&RI~A, ~ING A KAXVI:RQ~BII*ARATXOM ADOPTKDSUB3XCTTOI*KTITIGWI:Iq~I AGRKKHXMT Lags! notice having been publlahed in the Waples l)m,l{¥ Wlwm on January ?, 1990, ae evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, ~bllc hearing wee o~ned to consider Petition ~S~r from the minimum separation r~Jrement of 500 foet Ldtween an Rinse ~d a church, resulting in a SlO Blaine se~ratt~, ~rW deocrl~d aa: a 960 o~are f~t conercAal ~it, co~nly ~d ~ ~rtlcularly demcrl~ mm ~t 7, Bilk 3, ~1~4 P]~er Hoover explained that the Petitioner r~mete a ni~r o~ 1900 f~ the ~00' r~uire~nt ~tnen the subject pro~rty ~ the rmcolmmndAng approval of the requested waiver with ~he roll.lng Itl- There shall be no outdoor amplification of mualo and any not to bm heard off the licensed premises. food and alcohol males. Xn mnmwmr to Commlmsioner Names, Mr. Hoover revmmlmd that the dimtm/tcm betmn the aubJect proi~rty mad the church ~ld ~ l,OOO* if ~ t~lH vim the r~y, rather t~ ~tting t~h ~1~ lotm or all~. Commissioner Volp~ questioned the rationale of the N?, lloover replied that If eoneone takes I reetaur~t llce~e to ~:~*' al~hol~c ~rage~ and later turns that facility into a night club, ~ ~re no m~akerm. · TA,NVARY 13 ffXZ,lle Off A CC~EEOWXTI DIVI~,O~ ~ 01tJOtY AffffLXOAYXOW ~ ~Ity ~lo~ment So~lceo Admlnlotretor B~tt .tmt~ t~t thio Itu relates to the op~rtunlty to hold m ~bllc hearing ~ir~ by the De~rtment of Co~unlty Affmirm In order for C~W to ~it an application for a Community ~,lo~t Bilk ~t for Economic ~lop~nt. Be e~l~ed thtt · ~bl{~ he~ln9 held In l~kalee on 3anu~ry 16. 1990. and a public hearing ~ ~. B~tt indicated that Staff lo r~eotlng euthorltttlon to file ~ application for a grant to ~ used for the conat~ctlon -f ,. ~ ~l~ ~~ly, to elm ~ ~lio ~~. ~l~t BI~ ~t i~ll~tl~ for l~e ~l~t · 000,59 BIFDOIT&J~IIBil31T XMTHIAMOOIlT OY $aS.~SS lqtC~~TT ~ Co~lsolonmr Vol~ noted that he re. muted that Shim item ~ ~d from the consent agenda and placed on the rmgulmr mGmndm with r~ard to the concept of establishing the ,atelZlte offices, thAWing that At ~y ~ a deviation from the One-Stop Shop. Ho Andt- cat~ that he wam not aware that there ha~ ~en officem ~lopnt Se~Aceo An lookalee for ~ite some Conimmloner Vol~ ~emtlonmd what t~ of mrr~ntm ~ ~de ~ith regard to the Isaac, mince $~9.000 ~111 ~ mpent on that ~acAIAty? Co.unity ~lopment Se~Acem A~/nlatrator B~tt that the lease to for one year, ~lth a renM1 factor. He e~laAn~ tht facility contains three hym Mhlch .1]] be oc~plod ~ t~ C~tyt ~lopaent Servicem MIll utilize t~ ~ym, fmd the Office MAll utlZlze the other ~y. ~al notice having been published An the Naple~ ~A~y N~ on 8eptm~ 21. 1989. am evidenced by Affidavit of ~bllcmtion filed with the Clerk. bade ~re received untal 2z30 P.~.. on Octo~r 1989. to consider Bid eaO-1478. Pro~oed CR-951 ~d clearing ~rth of Jct. 09-41 to Jct. aattleenake-Ha~ck R~d. (~lier C~tV ~]~t MO, 66063) ~~rtation Se~lcee Administrator Archl~]d a~imed tht BAd 18g-1478 ln~l~m land clemring mmmocAmt~ wi~h tho foozling of t~t am ~rt of that deml~ contrast, 28' At r~tr~ al~g the '"~ t~Ce Of reed conlt~ctloa fo~ the ~r~e~ of ~ll~ln9 Flo~ldl : ~r ~d Light {FP~L) to relocate their line~. R~ etat~ that three Biles to the north, they will be able to relocoto thol~ llno~ during tho a/ddls of 1990, sad will enable the County to proceed~lth tho construction of thio project In the latter part of the ~. Mr. &rchih41d requested that the Commission approve &cont.&ct with the single and only bidder, B. 3. ~xcav&ting, Inc., In the /ooimm~ Ommnde~ BOVe~, oecouded by Coam~NJo~ef Volpe end Int~loeo, 3J~. In the 8moun~ of BID 4~O-X489 FOR 11K) "..;,;I,T,,J~C'I)I~IrT ~U'.,X~ KXC, AVATORB /OR ROAD November 8, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tho Clerk, bide ~re received until 2:30 P.M. on N~;eaber 2Se 1969, to consider Bid e89-1489 - I~o S x S Telescoping Boob Ixcov&toro, Transportation Services Adalnletrator Archlbel~ stated that Staff prepared bid specifications for t~ohydraulic excevotlngunitl, through the bidding process, and received & bids. He advised that the low bid froa Oreat Southern gqu~p,qont did meet t, hs operating require- mentc of tho County, sad has a good operating history. Ho indicated history of performance, and i relotXvely lev ~lntenanc~ Celt for thio type of equipment. He explained that the opeoificltionmMere prepared Mr. Archibald explained that in order for Staff to coMider the ' oooGI aetionat reilialng that the lo~ bid is in the County~l b~et there ire sufficient daficienciim In coeparing ism ~tlit~ .lttl~ tO ~ect &Il bld~, ~nd direct Stiff to pre.re n~ I~CitiCltlOn~ thio ~rtl~lar unit. and rabid: or reject all bide. ~1~ the bidding p~. ~d accept the pro,ual frou Great S~thern E~i~nt for thio ~ of ~lp~ent. ~onlouloner 9aundero questioned if the :ABe delay In ru~ldding ~ld create any problems? Mr. ArchiCAd replied that tire 1~ a factor. ~t noted ~f the o~clflcatloao are revleed, t~ bids MAll p~bly ~ received: one au originally recei~d from Ores: for a Gradall ~3~. and another bid for a 444 hdger, which the ~ntly has in ASs ~ulpueflt fleet. He re~rted that the hd~ d~o ~t ha~ a g~ ~rfor~nce hAs:ow. He Indicated th: from o~ratAng stand,Ant. Staff 1o recoue~dAng that consideration ~ gl~n to ~AvAng the alnor deficiencies In the o~cirlcatAono. ~d M~ to the 1~ bidder. ~onlosloner Sanders stated that the ~ndoro ~ro aok~ to a bld for a 3 ~le ~chAne. and consideration lo ~lng gl~n for ~~1 of a 2 ~2e ~chlne. He Indicated that he d~e not conoAder ~io to ~ a minor deficiency. He suggested that all bade ~ ~J~t~. ~d that the contract ~ rabid. Cmlimloner Vol~ cal~ed at:efltlon to the fact tha~ the Oradl/l 1~ · 1989 ~lece of ~lplent, and the othe~ plec. of ~l~t le 1990 ~el. Re noted that ~ piece of ~i~nt this 11 I ~1~ old ~uld n~turilly cost · lot less than the currant ~*1 ~tplint. Tr~s~rtmtton Services &dmintmtrmtor Archt~ld explmtnmd that vicar t~t hmve ~en performed to date by C~etal ~gAnmm~Ang, ~, ~rchibmld mtmtmd that An Octo~r, 1989, m co~trmet ~r~d for Coastal Englneerlng to proceed l~edlmtmly Mit~ the deml~ of the entrance reed for Lely hrmf~t bmch. HI noted that the deoA~ wes completed yew quickly, He lndAcmtmd ~hat the~ are dloagree~ntm ~ith DNR, romdm, water and le~ hl~ l~ta]l~ An the ~rk mate, and Staff Am An tho proc#om of bidding tho ~o wmlkoverm. Ho rm~rted that once the wmlko~mrm mrm b~ught h~ to the ConAmmion and considered for funding, Staff cmn proc~ Mlth o~nlng up that site for public ume. ~. Archl~ld r~eoted that tho Conlmmlon rmc~/lm tho t~t w~ provldmd. He advlted that rather then t~tlng from 9 to 15 Mntho to ne~tlate a contract, Staff aMarded a contract upon m target assume, payasnt of payroll costs, end mn Incentive Clauoe, and noted that the consultant dad come An uhder tho t&rgmt mmount, and an Incentive pmyment Is due. Re stated that the w~rk Nme performed in an excellent fashion, mhd he believes that thAI firm would be the &~roprl~te firm t~ do the additional design matrices that My be needed in the future. He requested that the Coltmlaelo~ £1ztml mit the work thmt his been performed to date, and keep tho contract open for a possible mupploment&l igrsument that mm¥ be nego- tiated in the future for the expansion of the Infrastructure to not only includs the buildings for the bathhouses, but also tho expansion of perking and the exp&nsion of the roedwmy, should they be tied into the 8tate*s beach which As immediately mouth of the Countyto pt'opmrt~. Cc~miseAoner Rmsse quemtAoned when Hr. Archibald antioip&tem thmt the facility wall be open? Per. Archibald replied that tho bidding for OOO68 -- .lkover. will be pr...nt.d to th. Co.,..,on ,. ,.t. the~ ~o a conet~tAon tl~ ~r$~ of 60-00 da~, and then the Xn mr to Coniooioner Vol~, ~. Archl~ld afraid t~t Staff f~lo that they need to roll~ through with the detl~ foL* the ~Mlnlng lnfreet~cture lupro~nto, mhd If there 1o the ~T~ to p~ceed with the design without havi~g to go through th~ p~e8o of a~rtiolng, consultant selection and renegotlat~g a contract there wall ~ a considerable savings o~ tine and dollars. conl..lon, r Saunder* .tared that h. do.. not have · probl.u with ~tendAng ,he contr,c, for ,~cific ,nginee,i~g f~.,~,on,. ~t tho** ~ctlono ~w not ~en defined. County Manager Dorrlll advised that one crucial leant to keep in Lind lo that negotiations are taking place with DHR for · 00 yea~ plus leioe for the south 8.000 feet of beach. He inforu~d that · ten w~ll be going to Tallahaoseo n~xt wok, and if it &pp~ars that the 8.000 feet of ~lch can ~ obtained, he Mill ~ ~ck ~fore the Conioolon t~ foll~Ang ~eoday aoking that the engineer ~ retainS, that tho ~ ~ extended, the additional ~rkAng. the CCCL varl~ce, etc. Ho lndlcat~ that he ~uld llke to lea~ thio option o~n for thirty ~. He otat~ that he ~uld like to ha~ the option to lek tho ~Soolon to ~ out of roseola rot a ouppleMntal a~Mnt if It ~~ that the D~ ~at ~l'lAng to lease the ~nty that additl~l A dla~oolon was held ~lth regard to leaving the contra~t o~n for ~ ~1~ of ti, In order to enhance the Countyoo ~oltlon for the ~ltlul Lile of ~ach. ~ ~ m ~id of 48 ~ ~ If t~ ~ to ~ ~iflo ~iu ' brom~kt tm~k to the Commimmio~ for ,: Trmns~rtmt~on Servtcee AdmAnim~r~tor Archl~ld orated '~t the p~m~ reeolutAon conflrmm the acceptance o~ the rlg~t-of-~y dona- ':~ ml~g the ~vlm frontage. Boulevard C~illioner Vol~ not~ that he mmk~ that thAI Item ~ f~l the conmmnt mgendm and dlmcummed on the rm~mr mgmndl. ~mmtAo~ ~y thim land--er ~uld dedicate t600,O00 ~rth of ~. ~chA~Zd indicated that the pro.ray ~er that Am ~Ang the d~lcmtlon mt thlm tl~, Nam the original ~er who mubm~ently mold t~ p~rty to the current ~mr who Am the ~tAtAonmr fo~ ~. Ho mdvAmmd that Staff had ~rkmd out m d~Acmtion prAo~ to the tr~fer of the pro.ray ~t~en the or/glnm/ ~er ~d the ~rrmnt In mr to Commissioner Volpm, Hr. Archibald explained that ultJutm build-out for ~th corridors. Re stated that there My ~ ~< thim p~rty to the County. and hi. fully other ~m~ t~gh~t the 00065 ~bllc Services Administrator O'~nnell stated that this item relates to ~erd d~rectlon regarding Seagate Park. He 8~oed that their cor~rate Xinet,. He indicated that pursuant to a 8~H~nt ~en the School Dlotrlc~ and the County, ~der the ~erohlp of the School Dlotr~ct, but tho Co~ty ~. O'~ell lnforned that since the annexation has t~ place, t~e Mr Jurisdictional control of the facility. Ho noted that o~er fo~ Staff to ~ve ahead with them agreement, direction fr~ tho Conitsion lo re~eoted aa to whether or not Staff should conolde~ givi~ up Jurisdictional control of the ~rk ~d ~t,olng It to the CAW. ~d If os, ne~tlate financSal considerations, C~loeloner~ Haooe ~eotlon~ whether turning thio ~e c~ty ~uld have any la.ct on ~he anoun~ of the ~lati~ to tho Or.th Managenent Plan? M~. O'~nnell t~ically, Ir the County gave up this facility, the~ ~ a~r~ gr~th ~nageuent iu~ct, ~lthough h. noted t~t the t~ 01~ M~Iy ~cauee of the annexation. ~loel~er Saundero orated that ho 8ttond~ a mtlng m~ with the Co~ty ~neger, City H~eger, mad h~ ~tmell ~d 00o71 it 1o within the City limits, He noted that the Schoo1 Bo~d ~a Sntel~atod in having tho City take over tho Perk, Re ~nforned that P3~, He edvloed that M~. O*~nnell Is Indicating th8t roglrdlllo the~ fmci~ltleo do not hmve to ~ duplicated In tho Catty, Ho t~t ~ f~lo that it ~uld ~ appropriate for th~ Co~ty to turn tho ~, OO~nne~l oteted that ~r the Pmrk ~ to ~ t~ed M~ to tho the C~ty ho ~en maintaining It rot 8 nun~r of ~mro. ~d ~ C~looloner Hesse Indicated that he ~21e~o t~t ~. 2ooo ~rk o~ce in the County*o lnvento~. flcally deletes or keep~ An the Seagate Perk. Comlooloner Vol~ noted that it ap~ar~ that tho City Mute to a~ ~1o ~rk to their inventory to Hat their r~lreBentt An the ~h ~Mnt Plan. ~. O'~ell indicated that tho City 1~ tiktng the ~eltlon that ~ ~t~ll~ ~ the City. He noted that the 1974 A~HMnt t~ C~ty the ~,tthority to enter into a Use AgreeNnt with the ~l~o Of ~ere the ~undarie. are. He 4~loed t~t the 0007 th~ corporate limits of the City and allow the County ~o continue ltl agreement, exclualve o! the cor~rite l~ul~8 or the Cl~y of N~p2eo. In en~r to Couloeloner VoI~, Hr. O'~nnell lnfnr~d that the the ~ch~uling Jurledlctlon~l control over .All ha~ an effect on the County'a Or.th ~nageaent I'lant O~nnel] replied that on a p~r facility bahia thi. effect on the PI~. He noted that the County'a ~to though 1994. C~tee~oner Sh~an .ug~et~ that ~t~on~ ~3 ~4 ~4 ~ fo3~l . l~lclt~ In the ~ecutl~ Sugary: I~ 8eeg~t~ J~ to ~ de~et~ fro~ the County City com~n~ate the County ]n Ionetary teri. for the ]oet C~t~. ~mlly ~uthorJze Staff to talk to ~A regarding the concept ~vlng Seagate facl~ltle~ o~r~tJon~lly ~ turned ov~ to the CJ~, ~t ~Jnt~Jned on the County'· Gr~th Han~ent Jn~nto~ Hr. ~rge Keller aeked If there Is any ~..lbl~lty t~t the C~ty c~ld a~e I deal with the Sch~l Board to Gee one of their other facllltlee within the County. and also that eomthing be ~orked otlt with the City to reimburse the County for what It would coat to h~v~ thoee f&cllitiem implemented on &noth~r echoo] property? l~lt7 H #l# ~=l that · ~te~.tl= he ~! # to ~t t~l Collate/ end th4t Staff M dlmtH to talk ~ ~t of t~ C~Woo l~to~ ~lle Public Services Adalnletrator O'Donnell stated that there lea ahortfall In State revenuee for thio coning flecal year for the Coumunlty Care for the elderly program. He advleed that the program ldo been cut by 814,300, and due to revlewu by Staff I eavlnge of $S,o0o hae been realized, leaving a ehortfall of Mr. O'Doflnell lnforued that the lose of the 09,310 Mill tOe,lit Ir& a decrease of eervice to 8-10 cllente, and 700 houre MarSh of eervlce. Ha Indicated that In order to nlntaln the continuity o£ the statue q~o of the program an additional 9,310 lo required, Oemmmlooleoer 8aundere usual, o~mnded by Coamimmiouer Volpe end ear. Id unenlnouly, to nthorlze the additional rands in the of OO.SIO to px~a~mut cutting oez~lce under tho Co~gmltT Cure fo~ the 00074 Inergency p~nageunt Director Plneau orated that the l~oolutlon will adopt the Hazardouo Haterlal Reo~nee P2~, ~n~ Reo~noe Co. lesion, and ~eto all State and fr~chloem are due to expire in the saner of lggo, He Indicated that has o~flce ham previously gone on not,ce that ~cauoe or tho length, ~, ~d tho May thee tho old rrenchltoo ~re negotiated, p~l rrou the ~Jor franchise hauler, and a F~qgt On the ~rt of the o~ll Xnokalee hauler to explore a negotiated contractual agreement extension in lieu of putting these services out to bid. Ha Ildvleed that these companies have Bede some Intriguing offers to the 1. A freeze on current rates. A willingness to explore the mandatory collection of residen- tial solid waste in the unincorporated area of Collier County. 3. A desire within the same current cost area to develop 8 curb- side recycling program similar to tho 5,QO0 home pilot pro- Ject that hag been underway for several month. County Manager Dorrill Indicated that he believes that there should bo some esruranca that the current manaG~eBe~tt team remain in tact for soBs period or tame, and noted that It lo ls~ortant that Staff or elected officials have good working relationships with contract providers. He stated that ho feels that since Mr. Iplseer Mia relocated to #splat from the Tsalm ares, ho ham turned the mrom%d in Collier County. He Informed that while bidding lo and wil~ continua to be an option for the Commission, ha ia transmitting the proposals that have been received, and he 1~ pre~r~ to e~lore ~tlat~ extenmlon along the te~o and co~dltiono of the cor~e~- ~cl t~t 8re ~ ~Ft or tho agenda ~ckmge. 0008! issues that will be dealt with in logo l· that of solid Meats Mnlge-. Bent. He remarked that he believes that the County needs tn look uandatory collection and s county-wide recycling progrsa. :la $ndi- cited that he hat bean 8 strong proponent of coepetitiw bidding in reference to the solid w&ate contr·cts, but noted that he baa changed his thinking for · variety of reasons. He explained that ho has Marking with Collier County for the pest ? ye·re, and ·fflrBed that has not had 4 single coaplaint In terns of solid Masts collection or solid waste collection fees. He st·ted that he belllrv~l that tho situation is one where s coupony le providing very glad ··rvice, with extremely competitive rates. He reported that the cotpln¥ has indi- cated that they will continue the curb·ida recyclin~ progrlu alt & itt- vice ·rea wide basis st no additional charge to the coneume~, ·nd noted that he feels thee this lo a treaendous concse·lon. Ho called ittlntlon to the fact that this company has stated that they Mill abide by the current rates for two ye·re, sad future rate increases will be tl~ to the censurer price index as defined by some nationally recognized standard. Couniesioner Saundere reaarked that he would like to see the Commission direct Staff to negotiate & franchise with the County's current ~ste haulers and to explore what areas should be .vblect to uandatory solid waste collectio,., and to have that service ·rea expanded. He noted that Af the contract that ia negotiated ia not oatisfaotory to the Comaisslon, Stsfr can then be directed to go through the conpetltlve selection process, Coemleei~ner Hesse concurred that he feels that the oollection solid,easts is exceptional in Collier Count~. Coumieelo~er Yelps stdted that au part of the Solid bate Janitor Plan proces~ the co·mules·ts Mere asked to prepare an Rlq' In antiol~l- tie· of bidding ~he franchise service coupetitlvely. Ho ezplained that he ha· no ~eobleu with #aero Itunageuent and believe, that they are doing a wonderful Sob. Ha Indicated that he fsele that the col-. that since Haste NanageBent hat been met up In CollSmr Co~'nt¥ for ~ople ha~ b~llt ~helr business la lnokalee, and they are willing to 2~k at re~llng. She orated that Mr. Collins baa ,xpreooed · deol~ to ~rk with Collier County, amd she ~uld like to give him the o~rtunlty to do thio. She advloed that ho baa not lncrea0od, Mn ~eoted an increase An ratet olmce 1986. 9he e~laAned that ~e ~uld lake to oee Staff ne~tiate ~lth these haule~o ~rore ~lng ~t to bid. Conlooloner Shanahan noted that there have ~e,n ~oW ~nto Mdc during the dAocuoolon o~ ~he present haulero and the ~ltMnto that ~hey have ~de. He ouggoo~ed tha~ Start a~tlat~ egresses, and If they do not Beet ~lt~ the CO~llllOn'l ~~1. come,leAve bids c~ ~ sought. He a~loed that he t~ ~ot ~oaAble service, at the 3~ot ~oolblo coot to the ~d At spears that these ~ople are pre,red ~o provide In ~Mr ~o Conlooloner Vol~. Mr. ~rrll~ advised tha~ ~aft R~'I have ~en develo~d, and are leal'Labia la ~rt of the orJ- gl~ C~ Dresser activity Involving the ~uter Plan. ~.tlonH .hen Mndato~ garage collection Mill ~ pilold ~ tho Mllolon, ~d Mhen an ordinance Mill ~ fldopt~ which ~~r ~rrlll r.pli, th.t h. l- ~rr.ntl~-~ · 8.~ ' ~l~or bid ~ pro~eal. He advised that th~ fi~l OOO88 · ~ ' collactlon ordinance in currently In the County &ttornwy*n office ami is scheduled for public hearing on the Init Tuesday of February0 indicated that recycling options will also be presented t,o Co~lmmlofl mt the ~nd of faire ~dmto~ collection, and ~ndlcatmd that thin ~uld do a Zot t~ ~l~e mZmo favorm curbmlde recycling. ramie MAth the prement mmnagement relating to the i,ro~mm]m that Andlcmt~ that the Lma~e As recommending that 8tm~f nmgotAmtm for ~tmvmr ~riod ia necmmmary, with the mximting ~AM 4/1 (~.i~er Volp o~md), iht Staff h di~t~ to ~tla~ m f~lN with ~tm ~.nt ~ lm/~ DI~I ~l~ ~tainl~ ~imi~ ~lmting to t~ te~ of t~ ~ ~t~ ~lid ~mtm col2~=ion m~mm, ~ bring ~c~ to t~ M~ M~ St~f ~ 9~1~ ~tow Solid ~te Coll~tlm ~ ~ t~ ~ prior to p~i~ t~ ~tlatd ~tM, ffinmnce Director Yonkosky advieed that ~here are three budget ~ntn regarding mmttere not previouely diecueeed by the COl~llliOn, lsd three budget am~ndmmnta regarding m~tterm ~;JV~lt~ 2~ ~ggO been dlscuaeed by the Conaiesion which require approval. itt. Yonkoeky noted that the ClerkVa Report alas reflects budget a~endBent resolution, and requested that no action ~ token cn this Iaea since all the information has not bean provided. explained that this budget &eendaant resolution will be pralantad to the Board for consideration next w~ak. DX__EC~___XOII Off ~BI~XI~3 0RDX~__~ - T~r-~- Cmmiaalonar Yelps stated that he asked that this Item be placed on today~l agenda for purposes of discussion to see what direction the ¢omalaalon m~uld lika to take with respect to the consideration of lobbying ordinance for Collier County. He noted t~,at persona who fall within the dafinitlon of a lobbyist ~ould be required to register with aha Clark of Courts with regard to thalr lobbying actlvltlaa. advlled that government employees, law enforcement personnel, or cer- tain p~ople who lobby on behalf of themselves ~ould not be required to register or r~port. Xn mr to Commissioner Hasae, Commissioner Volpe stated that lobbying activities that Mould be required to ~ reported Mould be those that take place not only with members of the Board of County Commissioners but Mould also any member of st=ff. He Indicated that thio type of ~n ordinance would reduce the appearance of any special Coaulaeloner Ooodnlght stated that oho feels that acm of tho M~or lobbyl~g groups ire the League of No~'a Voters0 Nra. Itugglo from the Bonita Shores Civic Association, Colonel Babes the aladea Civic Association0 fred Vase and Brad latin, froI the maples Civic Association, arc. Coumio~iormr ¥~lpe enid that there ~muld be certain exemptions for JJi~X~.~r 2~o ~ggo civic associations. 1.e.. Hr. Keller. and only those persons who recllvw compensation for lobbying Nould be required to report. Cowlission-r 8sued,re Indicated thnt a lobbying ordln~n.'e to be a good ide& &nd something that would avoid any appser~/tce of any ll~roprlety In government, but noted that he le uncert&:tn ae to the specific problo, that Co~iesloner Volpe lm trying to Iddrell. Re explilned that he believes that the Commission will hav~ l tin lincs they will have to define exactly Nh&t I lo~,bying activity Is, and noted that writing a letter could be consider,id I lobbying aCtiVity since it la an expense (the 25C stamp). Re stated that uin objection is that he does not believe that ther~ Is I problem to I~ iddrSlled by this ordinance, end therefore, edvilwd that he il not In fivor of another ordinance merely because It souhdm In response to Commissioner Hesse. Commissioner Volpe said that he does not have a specific problem and has not Identified any abuses that thin ordlr~nt~ could remedy. He stated that If it Is the will of the lajorlty not to pursue this matter any further, then he has no problel Colmlseloner Shenehmn masted that he dome not perceive any &bnomlltles or Improprieties mt this tiN, and he feels that Collier County Is operating extremely ~11. Co~mimmloner Volpe stated that there lea second pert to this Itel ~hlch Is consider&Sion of sn additional o~dlntmce that ~uld hibit g~vern~ent employees who leave governle,t service trot returning to lobby those for whom they hsd been ~reviously working, and Nould &Ilo Frev~nt the appearance of fevoritisl. Rs masted that on occasion he his perlonally obmerved employees ~ho have left governieht service Imd go~e out Into the private sector end th~ appeared b~fore the Board representing the private interest. Col~lmlion=r S&underm asked if Co.uiismic~er Volpe Il tz~ing to prevent County employees fro~ leaving the government and further questioned the reason behind this ordinance, to ,hich Col~laaions~ ~lg~ 4? Volpe stated that he does not want to prevent anyone from making laving ~nd using too]s of his trsde. He stated that him fe~ZAnge Baking public appearances before the Board for a reasonable cXlmntm to chmnOm their development plmnm in order to have ~l~m for the co.unity. ~. Oeor~ Keller, President of Collier County Civic federmtAon, mtmt~ that Mr. Vol~ hem m viable ~lnt and It it ~rthy of con- midermtlon. Co~$mmloner Ooodnlght masted that this governs,ne Am m me~A~ oriented buminemm mhd the public hmm to ~ ,mer~d. 8he cmt~ thmt Stmff mlmo hms to ~rk with and marve th~ ~ubllc. O~lmmioner Vol~ rem~nded by mmylng that th$~ t~ of d~m not prohibit thome klndm of mctlvltiem, At Jumt ~kem thome kJndm of mctivitiem m llttlm bit ~re public. Mimm ChmrZotte Wemtmmn, representing the Lem~e of Nomen rotate, etmt~ t~t moms thought mhould ~ given to Co~$mmloner Vol~'m pro- ~mmZ. 8he noted that there mrs moms ~e~tlonm thmt need to remoZ~4 ~fore such an ordinance cmn ~ adoptmd, Co~lmmAoner O~dnlght mtmted thmt the Lemg~m of Nomen Voters ~Jor lob~ln9 group to her and they are not beln~ Co. Sleigher Vol~ .tared thmt h~ realm that the dlmcumeAon hmm ~n ~rt~ile and ~med on the thoughtm of ~t,e Board, he ~uld ~et that this mmtter ~ tabled which ~mm the generml conmenmvm. Mime Kmth~ ~lb, Guardian Ad Litem Coordinator, comntd t~t th~ ~r~ ~ ~n total compliance with th~ ~orld~ ~~ · t~s. ~h~ ~tat~d that ~00~ of thos~ sufg~el~ fgo~ ~h~ld and neglect will be represented by the Ouerdlan Ad Llteum the whole Judiciary process, which will uark the first 100~ I~ABLXSI~t~T OF A SECRETARY X POSITION NITRIR COURT ADM~NXSTRATXON ~OR ~i ~DXATION AND &~BITR&TION P~OGRAM - APPROVED .... Co~lioIonsr Goodnlght questioned the etatul of the ordinance on the 92.00 fee on the County Clerk's C~v~l Action proceedings, notlflg t~t this 92.00 could help pay for this ~oltlon. In the process. (~ommd~lo~e~ Qoodnight mov~, eecor~ by Comml.lmMe~ II~ Ainlot~t%~ for the ~%ation ~d Arbitration ~m ~ e~~. Im-~led ~aJ~zsl?, that the rolls-lag &eEmaa be ~ ~ad/o~ adopted. Zt~e/4ll C&ff&aXT~&ZUiZ.TIXI J~IO&OI'IIORXZZ ~I'&ZTTO WZ~:IOTXAT~ &COffXqUt~WXTII'IIZ .IC~..u. OWI~_t_uy_t~GOWI~LTMITDAVIDPLUIIqKIt_AN9A~t-tOcXATt! · , Till B~JIDXCAFJ'KD, ILK). (T.I.O.I.} TO 1~3trOlN LllOIOI]~ N&I31TBIAI~R ~ee ACC"FI~&BC~O~I~'VO~qlX~ (TRACE E) AT AUIX~BO~t MATI3qAI~3 ~e Florida ~partuent of Environmental Re~latlo~ fu~iohee and a~prov~ng tho wate~ dlotributlon system for and the Firs District furnishes a 3etter accept,lng the fare hydra~to for ~erohip and maintenance. Bacteriological testing hag met the County'm r~l.Mntm. O. Book ~ P'g'' ~~ _~v~l~ ~J - lt,6 ACRI SXT~ LOCA'LI~ AILTA~ TO TWIr. Ltl~..~-u~- t'-t .u~FXLL, No, 391-392 No. ~63-254 Datad l/Is/go Dated JANUARY 23, No. 110 #o. 116 Dated 12/19/8~ Dated Ii/Ii/it-i/lO/90 Dated 1/12-1~/00 Tlmm following corrempondsnce was filed and/or referred al Andlcated below: Letter dated 1/5/90 to Commiaaloner Hames, Jr. from HichamI L. Hurphy, Acting Chief, DCA, re: Removal of Environmental Conditions, Award Agreement Number: gODB-4{I-Og-21-0i-R05, Original to R. Shremvs. xct Nell DorrAll~ Frank Bruttl and filed. Letter dated 1/5/09 to Honorable County Commlemioner from Thomas O. Pelham, Secretary, DCA, re: letter concerning ur~ sprawl with a technical memo attached, xc: Wel~ DorrIll0 frank Brute; Seen Lltelngsr; and filed. Letter dated 1/4/90 to Commissioner Saunder~ from Lewis O. Burnside, Director, Division of of Houeinq and Community Development, DCA, re: Orant Award Agreement #90DB-49-21-O1-H05, Modification #1. xc: Nell Dorrlll{ Frank Brutt and filed. Letter dated 1/2/90 to Commissioner Stundtrs frou Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary, DCA, re: Advising ~hat the DCA has concluded Its review of the &pplicatiun~ submitted for changes in existing bout.darlem under the State of Florlda*a Kntmrpriae Zone Program, lc: Nell ~orrill~ ~r&nk Brvtt mhd filed. Nmmorandum dated 1/5/90 to Florida Cc,untiem and Cities from Don #. Berryhlll, P.~. Chief, DKR, r,tt Fiscal Year 1991 Revolving Loin Priority List. xc: Nell Dorrllll Frank Brute{ Bill Lorenz and flied. Letter da~ed 1/11/90 to Couleslonsr Hames, Jr., from Patrick Kenn. y, ~nvironmental Specialist, DER, ret Collier County - I~RR, ~tle No. 11174725~, Narinm South, Inc. enclosing short form application involving dredge and fill activitlemo xc: Netl Dorrlll; Frank Brute{ Bill Lorenal and flied. 1/17/90 Notice of Public Heating at 1:30 p,m, at the D~pmrtment of Natural Resourcea, NarJory 8tonemmn Douglam Building. Agenda, to consider the project dasig~ ~or the M~kive-Ocala Connector Conservation and Recreation Lmndm (CARL) Project. Filed. Page 81 O00OO .TAIrUARY 23, lggo 8. i/3/O0 Notice of Approved Permit Notice Ho. 02178C~' frc~ Division of Beaches and Shores, R. Barnett of the ~.:~ille and Barcellon& Condo's xct Heal Dorrllll BIll Lorenzi and filed. 9. Copy of letter dated 1/9/90 to Jlonorable Ted Br¢,ussau, of the Circuit Court from Robert M. Orguric, At,y., ret St&t# cf Florida vs. Andres hopo~, Case Ho. 89-47-C~A-TB, advising that the w~s ~ppointed by the court t~ represent the Defendant, Andres [.opo~, a,d en(:loeed SBO.00 l~volce for translating services, xc~ Ken Cuylsr sad fl~sd. 10. Letter dated 12/14/89 to Cosalseloner Saunders froa F, Snyder0 Controller, Hideaway Beach, ret Co~trlbutioa in Lieu of Tax Levy - Irt' 89/90. Advising to exl~ct a check in the amount of 9~.423.08 before Msrch, 1990. ~ct H~rold liube~ and filed. 11. Letter d~ted 1990 to CouBlssloner Ooodnlght froB Ol~y Clarke, Assistant Secretary for Medicaid, HI19, advising Program ~nd the Health C~re Responsibility Act will I~lt On J~nulry 18, lg90. ~nd ~ttachlng copies of the ot~tu~o8 with proposed changes. 1~, Hlnut~s Received ~nd Filed: A. 12/15/89 Big Cypress B~sln Bo~rd o~ tho ~. 1/16/90 Agenda, P~rks ~nd Recreation Advisory 12/21/89 C. 1/18/90 Agend~ for the Collier County Pl~lng Co~lsslon, 12/21/89 D. 12/6/89 Library Advisory Board, ~lth ~ttached g. 01/02/00 Marco Iolnnd Beautification A~loo~ Certifies. 13. 1/11/90 Tactmark, Ltd. Plaintiff, vs. Terence ~. fitzgerald, Trustee. defendan~ anser to complaint to ~l,t title. C~se No.. 88-2173-CA-O1-HDH. xc: ~en Cuyl~r 8ad 14. 1/3/90 Ad~iniotratlve Order. Courtho~s~ Security fro~ Hayes. Administrative J~dge. Filed. 1~. Copy of letter dnted 1/10/90 to UCC Bureau from ~llch. Assistant County Attorney re~ Copies of UCC financing Statement Requebt ~f Noveu~r 30, 1939. flied. ~S. ~2/la/eO Notice to ell ~egional ~bllc Housing ARencieo, A~ ~eg*onal Accountln9 Directors, All field Office ~.neger-, Houuln~ M~negenent Division Directors, ret field Office Folle~-Up on ~linquont Section 8 ~e~F-Rnd Certificate. Moderate Reh~btlit~tlon, and Housing voucher Pr~r~s. xc: Nell Dorrlll; Russell Shre/vlz rrlnk B~tt filed. O00 O I T~erl being no ~urther bueln~ea for t~e Oood o~ the BOARD OY COU~'Y BOARD OY ZONING AI~S/I;X OFFICIO OO~NX~ ~(~} OF approved by the Board on .~__~ or as corrected ' O009E