BCC Minutes 01/02/1990 R Naples, Florida, January 2, 1990 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners In and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts aa have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saundera VICE-UHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. Richard S. Shanah&n Michael J. Volpe Anne Goodntght ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, F~nance Director; Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Nail Dorrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager: Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Wllliam Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Michael Arnold, Utilities Administrator; David Pettrow, Development Services Director; Harry Huber, Technical Services Supervisor; John MadaJewskt, Project Review Services Manager; Sue Filson, Adm~nistrattve Assistant to the Board: and Deputy Byron C. Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office. Page Ta~e #1 January 2, 1990 AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES Commissioner Hasso moved, seconded by Commissioner Shan&han and carried unanimously, tha~ the agenda and consent agenda be approved with the following changes: 1. Item 3A - Selection of Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the Board of County Commissioners. Added. COMMISSIONER HASSE ELECTED AS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COmmiSSIONERS FOR 19900 COMMISSIONER VOLPE SELECTED AS VICE-CHAIRMAN FOR 1990 - APPROVED Commissioner Saunders stated that he has enjoyed serving as Chairman of the Commission this past year. tle noted that it has been a busy year, with the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and various other issues. He thanked Staff for their hard work and dedication. Commissioner Ooodntght nominated Commissioner Shanmhan &e Chairman. Motion died for a lack of second. Commissioner Volpe moved, seconded by Co,missioner Saundere and carried unanimously, that Commissioner Hesse be elected as Chal~a~ for 1990. Commissioner Hesse moved, seconded by Commissioner Saundere and carried unmnt.ousl¥, that Commissioner Volpe be elected as Vice-Chairman for 1990. '>;'-:~' Item #4 -- ~ ..... MINUTT~ OF BCC REGULAR MEETINGS OF NOVEMBER 14, 21, AND 28, 1989 - ::"~"-"-' APPROVED AS PRESENTED O~testoner Goodntght moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan and carrted unanlmousl¥, that the minutes of the Board's Reg~llmr ~eettnl~ of November 14, 21, and 28, 1989, be approved as pre~ented. Item #SA PROCLAMATION ANNOUNCING GIRL SCOUTING GOLD AWARD FOR SENIOR GIRL SCOUT~ OF TROOP #177 - ADOPTED Upon reading of the proclamation by Commissioner Hasse, Commissioner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Names and carried oo0o Page 3~n'n, ar~ 2, 1990 unm~tmou~ly, that the Proclmtton announcing the attainment of the Girl Scouting Gold Award by six Senior Girl Scoute of Troop ~ITT, and recognizing Corinne Buo~locore, Ramona Creel, Katherine Gave, l~rlene Htllte, MarJorte LaMendola, and Heltsea Schlutow, be adopted. Mrs. Marsha Alleman, leader of Troop #177, accepted the Proclamation. She stated that the girls worked very hard to earn the Girl Scouting Gold Award, which 18 the equivalent of attaining Eagle Scout tn Boy Scouts. oo0o? Page 3 January 2. 1990 Item tSB EMPLOYE~ SERVICE AWARD RECOGNIZING WESLEY HILL AS EMPLOYEE OF TH~ MONTH FOR SANUARY, 1990 - PRESENTED Commissioner Saunde~.s acknowledged Hr. Wesley Hill, of Project Review Services of the Com~unit¥ Development Services Division, as Employee of the Month for January. He congratulated him for his exceptional performance, and presented him with a plaque and a $50.00 check. Item #9D1 RE$OLUTIOR 90-I/CWS-90-1, TENTATIVE AWARDING FOUR (4) CONSTRUCTIOR CONTlV~CTS FOR THE "EAST AND SOUTH NAPLES SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM" PROJECT - ADOPTED Utilities Administrator Arnold requested that the Commission approve the tentative award of four of the five construction contracts for the "East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Collection System" pro- Ject. He advised that there was a good response to the legal adver- t/sing for bids. He noted that bids in the amount of have been received for 4 of the 5 contracts, and the remaining contract will be in the amount of $500,000 - $! mill~on. Mr. Arnold reported that FDER/EPA funding assistance has been received for this project, and it is required that the bid documents be submitted to the State for their review, accompanied by a resolution designating the tentative award of the subject contracts. He noted that final award of the contracts is contingent upon the following: 1. Review and approval of the documents by FDER/EPA. 2. Review and approval of the bid documents and the construction contracts by the County Attorney's Office. 3. Review and approval of the financial arrangements of the pro- Ject funding by the Board of .County Commissioners. Mr. Arnold explained that Staff will come back to the Oommiasion in two weeks with the financial package. He noted that it ~s antici- pated that the final loan and grant monies will be extended to the County this month. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Arnold advised that the advertisement for bids was published in four Florida daily newspapers, Page 4 00009 January 2, 1990 and the plans and specifications for the project were made available to contractor's plan room services. He advised that Invitations tO Bid were mailed to 93 firms. Re indicated that the Douglas N. Htgglns, Inc., firm is currently working on the South County project, and they are already mob:]ized, which has contributed to the fact that they are the low bidder on three of the four contracts. Commissioner Volpe questioned how much higher the bids are, than what was originally estimated? Mr. Arnold replied that bids that have been received are approximately 30% above the original estimate. He explained that the original estimates were p~epared in 1987, but noted that the design has been refined several times to accommodate changes and the Federal and State review. Co~ssioner Volpe stated that since Douglas N. M~ggins, Inc,, ~s already mobil~zed, there may be some benefit for Staff to negotiate wlth them for the package. Mr. Arnold indicated that this is exactly the bas~s that Staff ts presently working on. There were no speakers. Co~ss~oner Sh~ moved, seconded by Co~ss~o~r ~se ~ c~rt~ ~i~usly, to approve the tentative fo~ co~t~ction contracts as reco~ended by Staff: Contract 1 (Bid ~89-14~0) to ~1~ N. Htggtns, Inc., tn the ~o~t of $8,289,4751 Contract 2 (Bid · 89-14~1) to Gu~ Constriction tn the uo~t of 89,078,094~ Contract 3 (Bid ~89-1472) to Douglas N. Htgglns, Inc., tn the ~o~t of $7,1~5,900~ Contra~t i (Bid ~89-1473) to Douglas N. Htggtas, Inc., the ~t of $1,016,550, ~d that Resolution 90-1/~S-90-1 ~ ad~t~. Page 5 00010 January 2, 1990 ~, BID 989-1&82, ANNUAL BID fOR FLEET VEHICLES TO BOB TA~VLOR CHEVROLET, ~- INC. - ANARDED Legal notice having been published In the Naples Dally News on October 30, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 P.M., on November 22, 1989, to consider Bid ~89-1482, Annual Bid for Fleet Vehicles. Purchasing Director Carnell stated that this item is a recommended award for annual term contract for the purchase of repla- cement vehicles for the central County fleet, and additional vehicles previously approved and budgeted for in the FY 1989-90 operating budget. Mr. Carnell stated that the award period on this contract is for one year, subject to renewal on an annual basis for an two additional years, subject to satisfactory performance by the vendor. Ne explained that each vehicle price under this contract will be deter- mined by referencing the dealer invoice cost published in the current Kelly Blue Book, and then applying the dealer discount offered in the bid process to the County. He indicated that the County is on a replacement schedule, and over a period of 6 years the fleet is replaced. Mr. Carnell reported that bids have been received from two firms. He explained that the bids were analyzed pursuant to the method of price determination in the Kelly Blue Book, and then applied the dealer's Incentives. He indicated that based on the analysis, Staff has determined that Bob Taylor Chevrolet submitted the bid with the lowest cost to the County, and the recommendation is to award the bid to that firm. He advised that a letter of protest has been received from Tamiami Ford. Commissioner Hasse stated that it appears that Tamiami Ford sub- mitted a lower overall bid than that of Bob Taylor Chevrolet. Mr. Garnell advised that each dealer was requested to a bid a percentage either over or under the Blue Book price for each new vehicle. He Page 6 00014 3anuary 2, 1990 C~ZTtedunantmoualy, that Bid #89-1482, "Annual Bid for Fleet '* 'Vehicles', be awarded to Bob Taylor Chevrolet, aa reco~mendadb~ :'i~*<' Staff. noted that Tamiamt FoLd 0id submit a slightly higher percentage (3.77~), and Bob Taylor's ~ercentage was 3.§1~. He advised that the analysis prepared by Staff was based on the County's actual cost of Chevrolet vs. Ford, and the discounts provided by the dealer, which resulted in Chevrolet costing a little less. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Fleet Manager Pucher stated that the horsepower of the Chevrolet truck was not listed In the Blue Book, but Indicated that he believes that It ts comparable to the Ford Ranger. Coma/catcher Shanahan moved, seconded by Co~-tsaloner Volpe and Item ~9H1 CHANGZ ORDER TO THE AGREEMENT WITH WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEEK, INC./HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR PINK RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK - STAFF TO PRESENT ITEMIZED BR~ OF THE $94,000 CHANGE ORDER TO BCC, AND SUBMIT REPORT WHETH~q~ PINE RIDOE INDUSTRIAL PARK SHOULD BE PRIVATIZED AND AVAILABLE OPTIONS County Attorney Cuy]er advised that as per the direction of the Commission on December 19, 1989, he has reviewed the subject contract. He reported that the 1982 contract had a 1985 amendment, and noted that the contract contains a provision for re-negotiation of compen- sation amounts provided for in the original contract as follows: "If such delay or suspension extends for more than one year for reasons beyond the engineer's control, or if engineer for any reason is required to render services more than one year after substantial completion, various rates of compensation provided for elsewhere in this agreement shall be subject to re-negotiation." Commissioner Saund.r. qu.stlon.d wh.n the co~:tract was originally contemplated to be completed? Technical Services Supervisor Huber stated that the original agreement was entered into on December 3, 1985, and it specified completion within 270 calendar days. He indicated that the engineers Page 7 00015 January 2, 1990 did conform to that time frame, and noted that completion of the design drawings within 90%, were submitted during that period. He explained that using that design, Staff did initiate the easement and rights-of-way acquisition. He noted that as a result of the tions that have been required due to the negotiations of the easements and rights-of-way, a period of 42 months has elapsed since the final design drawings were submitted. Commissioner Volpe questioned what amount of the change order reflects additional work7 Mr. Huber explained that the change order ts for basic services, but because of mod~fications relating to the acquisition process, additional work needs to be done to modify the plans accordingly. He noted that he considers this work to fall under the basic services for which the original contract was entered into. Commissioner Saunders stated that the Commission has not been presented with any documentation which reflects what the basic ser- vices are. He Indicated that if the project was 90% completed 1986, the 25% increase over the original cost of the project is a lot of money, and noted that the Commission ts being asked to approve this without any indication as to who is doing what. Me questioned how the $94,000 figure came about? Mr. Huber Informed that the original contract amount was $300,000 and this included the final design, the bidding and negotiation phase, and services during construction. He noted that percentage-wise this amount was broken down as follows: 75% for final design; 5% for bidding and construction phase; and 20% for services during construct- ion. He indicated that to date, the engineers have completed 90%, but they have been paid $200,000. He noted that because of the modIfica- tions, and using the same percentage, the plans are now only 75% complete. Commissioner Saunders stated that he recognizes that the engineers should be paid for additional services, but the Commission has nothing in front cf them to Justify the additional cost. 00016 Page 8 January 2, 1990 Assistant to the ¢;~unty Manager Olliff informed that the Pine Ridge Industrial Park and the Naples Production Park have been dragging on for several years. He advised that the Pine Ridge Industrial Park has gone through two redesigns, which were partially the County's fault. He explained that as the final design is being completed, continual construction is taking place, and buildings are being constructed where a water line or drainage ditch had been pre- viously designed, and then a second design is necessary to redesign and work around those buildings. He noted that there has been & lack of coordination on the County's part, in the development that has been allowed, and in the ability to obtain right-of-way taking so long. He stated that Staff has been trying to expedite these pro~ect~ and put them on a priority to get things accomplished. He indicated that the Real Property Department has moved these projects up on their schedule to obtain those rights-of-way, and is working with the property owners and associations. He advised that Staff is presenting this one construction amendment to do the last final design. He explained that coordination is taking place with Development Services so that construction will not be permitted again inside areas that are being designed in this improvement district. Mr. Tom Peek, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll& Peek, Inc., stated that he is representing his firm as well as Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc., as 3oint venture partners in the design efforts of the Pine Ridge Industrial Park. He informed that the original contract for the design, bidding, and construction engineering services phase services was for $300,000. He advised that 90% of the design phase services were completed within the proper time frame and submitted to the County, and a payment was received of $200,000, leaving approximately $100,000 for services. He noted that since the delays have occurred, inflation has caused that number to rise by 25%!, and an inflat~on factor on the $100,000 is being requested for the yet to be accomplished work on the original contract. He indicated that the Page 9 00017 January 2, 1990 balance of the $94,000 ~s for revisions and changes due to the things that have been descrlb~ by Messrs. Huber and Olliff. He stated that during the past 42 months, many new buildings have been built, ease- ments have been covered over, and easements that have been unable to be obtained by the County will require considerable modifications to the design plans in order to have them conform with the existing con- ditions. Mr. Peek informed that his firm and Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc., have responded to the Real Property Division in assessing the movement of the easements on various properties. He noted that collectively, $30,000 - $35,000 has been spent in the review of the modifications, and the County has not been charged for this to date. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether all the easements have been acquired? Mr. Olliff replied that all of the easements have not been acquired, but moted that there is now the coordination lank between Development Services and Capital Projects, so that whenever there is construction development permitted within any of these areas, it will /ink back to the design that has been done. County Manager Dorrlll advised that Orders of Taking will be heard by March. He noted that there may be a pre-bid conference, prior to the Orders of Taking because once the Orders are scheduled and pre- parations are being made for condemnation, they belong to the County. He noted that as a result of the Commission's action today, hopefully, the construction documents can be completed, a pre-bid conference can be held, and the the project will be out for bid within the March time frame. Commissioner Volpe stated that he feels that the 25~ inflation factor is quite high. Mr. Peek advised that the contract was written 5 years ago, and an inflat~on factor of 4.1~ per year is being applied. Commissioner Saunders ~ndicated that the only backup that the Commission has been provided, is a piece of paper requeeting $94,000, Page :'001R January 2, 1990 ?~,:' but there ts no Information on what services will be provided, who Is ,~' getting paid an hourly rate, and what they will be doing. He called :;' attention to the fact that an Inflation factor is being applied to the construction phase, but noted that he has no idea what Inflation ts being applied to. :~i,, Mr. Peek replied that there is $100,000 of the original contract, for which services have not been performed, or paid for, which ts the final 10% of of the design, bidding and negotiating phase and the :~. construction phase engineering service. He noted that he only wants i!!' * to be paid for revisions that must be accomplished due to changed con- i'~: ditions of the site. .~ Commissioner Shanahan stated that he would like to receive an itemized breakout of what the $94,000 represents, and noted that It would ease everyone's feelings and concerns, and he believes that a decision could then be made as to whether this Is the way to go. Contmmtoner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hmame and carrle~ unanimously, that Staff present the BCC with an Itemized breakdown of the $94,000 change order, as soon am possible. Commissioner Volpe stated that when this item was heard two weeks ago, there were discussions relating to the privatizatton of these projects, and questioned when a report will be received since it may influence his decision. County Manager Dorrill stated that tn the case of this project, his recommendation would be "No", but tn the case of the Naples Production Park, his suggestion to the property owners was that prtva- ttzation be considered so that it could be their project. County Manager Dorrill advised that in the last year, Staff has done more for the subject project and the Naples Production Park pro- Ject than tn any preceding years. He Informed that the problem has been in obtaining the necessary rights-of-way and easements. He noted that this project has never been conveyed to the County, since the property owners tn these two areas have been reluctant to oonvey fee pag. lOOOl9 January 2, 1990 :'ii simple their rights-of-way and easements, and they deliberately held out so that the County would have to acquire and pay for same. He reported that it has been a very time consuming process to have these scheduled through the court system, have the appraisals done, and schedule the Orders of Taking. He noted that two-thirds of the ease- ments have been acquired. Coumteoloner Saundere moved, seconded by Conisetoner Hues and carried unanilouely, that Staff sublit a report to the Board of County Commiolionera on whether the Pine Ridge Industrial Park should bo pri- vatized, and if not, why not, and what options are available. Itel~gH2 PUBLIO I~ORKSROP TO BE HELD JANUARY 16, 19900 AT 9:00 A.M., RE OOUNTY'S FROPO~D¢OHCURRENCYMANAOEMENT ORDINANCE AND ZONIN0 R~-EVALUATION ORDINANCE- APPROVED Assistant to the County Manager Olltff advised that the Concurrency and Zoning Re-evaluation Ordinances have both undergone a great deal of public interest, and Staff is requesting that the Commission establish a date and time for a public workshop. Xt wa~ the consensus of the Board that a Public Work~hop be held in the Comiesion Chalbers on January 15, 1990, at 9:00 A.M., to discuss the proposed Concurrency and Zoning Re-evaluation Ordinances. Item ~llA1 BUDGET ~S 90-62; 90-64-66; AND 90-75 - ADOPTED Commissioner Hesse loved, seconded by Co~iastoner Shanahan and carried unani~ouel¥, that Budget Amendments 90-62, 90-64/66, and 90-75 be adopted. ' Xtem'#12A :U""::'COI~XSSIOI~R~ SHANAHAN, HASSK AND SAUNDERS APPOINTED TO ~''~ 'BAYMMIA~EMENT ORGANIZATION; COUNTY ATTORNEY TO RE-NEGOTIATE LANGUAGE IN X~TtqtLOCAL Commissioners Shanahan, Hasse and Saunders indicated that they would be happy to serve on the Bay Management Organization. Commissioner Shanahan loved, seconded by Commissioner Saund~rl an6 carried unanimously, that Coutsstonera Shanahan, Hume an~ 8~l~ndex-4 ' ," P~ 12 , '~i'. OOO2O J~.az~, 2, 1990' be appointed to aerve on the Bay Managelent Organization. Commissioner Volpe stated that the funding source for this organi- zation is to be shared equally between the County and the City. He questioned how contracts are entered into without having any addi- tional funding sources other than those two entities? County Attorney Cuyler advised that City Attorney Rynders will be counsel to the Bay Management Organization (BMO)0 and he ia comfor- table with this. He noted that it is contemplated that the Board of County Commissioners and the City Council will each approve the budge- tary contributions to the BMO, and any contracts for services would have to be within the scope of the budgetary constraints. Commissioner Volpe indicated that he is uncomfortable with this, and noted that this is an advisory group that will be identifying various fundlng sources, but noted that the County has made a commit- ment of $2§°000, and the City of Naples has made a commitment of ser- vices. He stated that the County is the only one contributing hard dollars. Commissioner Saunders informed that he agrees with Commissioner Volpe, and suggested that the language in Paragraph 6 of the Interlocal Agreement be amended as follows: "The Bay Management Organization shall have the authority to negotiate for services with other governmental entities, and any contracts shall be approved by the City of Naples and Collier County. County Attorney Cuyler advised that this document has already been approved by the Commission in November, 1989. He noted that the Memorandum Of Agreement (BMO Agreement) has not been approved. Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz stated that the Interlocal Agreement and the Resolution were approved on NovembeF 14, 1989, and explained that today's action is a request to appoint three Commissioners to the Organization. XtwmJ the conJeneus of the Commission, that County Attorney Cu~ler re--negotiate the language of Paragraph 6 in the lnterloc&l' Agreement. Paga 00021. January 2, 1990 'INTEItLOCan &GRKEMHNT BETWEEN THE COUNTY, THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTION~, AND .THE CITY OF NAPLES FOR CONDUCT OF CITY ELECTIONS - APPROVED County Manager Dorrill advised that the Statutes require that the Board of County Commissioners own the voting machines in each County, and as a result of this, Supervisor of Elections Morgan has negotiated an agreement with the City of Naples as it relates to the upcoming City elections. Co~/asioner Goodnight moved, aeconded by Conilsione= Hula and carried unanis~=u~l¥, that the Interlocal A~eement ~n the C~. ~ ~isor of Elections, ~d the City of Naples for con.ct of r:.. City-elections be approved. Page 14 000 2 January 2, 1990 Co~lielioner Shanahan ~oved, aeconded by Cola~lliOnir ~atle and ca~rted unanimously, that the following Items under the Consent A~ be approved and/or adopted. Item ~I&A1 FXNA~ pLAT OF 'WILLOUGHBY PIN~S - WITH STIPULATION~& That the final plat not be recorded until the required Impro- vements have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is received for the incompleted improvements and that construction shall be completed within 36 months of the date of this approval. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Construction and Maintenance Agreement. That no building permits be issued until the final plat is recorded. R~SOLUTION 90-2 RE FINAL PLAT OF "IMMOKALEE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PHASE VI' A~D PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVemENTS - WITH STIPULATIONS Accept the irrevocable Letter of Credit as security for main- tenance of the infrastructure until the Board of County Commissioners grants final acceptance of all improvements. Authorize the recording of the final plat of "Immokalee Habitat for Humanity Phase VI." Authorize the Chairman to execute the Maintenance Agreement for Preliminary Acceptance and Resolution authorizing preli- minary acceptance. See Pages ~)'~' /' ~'7 A~EPTAN~E OF SECURITY FOR EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.367 "COLI~IER MEDICAL OFFICE" lteR #14B1 See Pages EX~CUTXO]~ OF COURTER-OFFER PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THE ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR THE FOUR LANE EXPANSION OF COUNTY ROAD 951 BETWEEN U.S. 41 &ND RATTLESNAKE HAMMOCK ROAD (C.R. 864) FOR PAR. CET, NO. 8, OWNED BY LANDEX PROPERTIES a INC. See Pages -2/-- D. ,5' Item ~14B2 AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY A~D MONROE COUNTY FOR MAI~fE~A]t~E ASSISTANCE ON LOOP ROAD Page 15 O00S8 January 2, 1990 Ite~ #I&B3 ~OLUTION 90-3 PROHIBITING THE OPERATION OF TRUCKS AND OTHER COMMerCIAL %~KHICLES RAVING A RATED LOAD-CARRYING CAPACITY IN EXCESS OF ON~ TON FROM THROUG,~ MOVEMENTS ON CYPRESS WOODS DRIVE Item #14C1 RENEMA~ OF AGRK~H~NT WITH QUEEN FOR A DAY, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $45f000t TO PROVIDE SERVICES UNDER OLDER AMERICANS ACT PROGRAM Ite~ #14D1 See Pages CAIN-~S ~ AGRE~S ~OR ~O~Y STORAGZ IN Tim A~mOUWT OV $~0 Item. e/4D2 B~)GET ~ RECOGNIZING FY 89/90 C&RRY-FORWARD FOR CARICA ROAD TAKE ~ TH~ AMOUNT OF $2,444~312 Item NENCASTLE CONDOMINIUMS, PHASE I, AT BERKSHIRE LAKES, UNIT FACILITIE~ ACCEPTANCE - WITH STIPULATIONS 1. The Florida Department of Environmental ReGulation furnishes a letter approving the water distribution system and the bac- teriological Testing has met the County's requirements. 2. The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied and the Fire District furnishes a letter acceptinG the fire hydrants for ownership and maintenance. Item ,14D4 ACCEPTANCE OF C~OWN POINTE EAST WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES - STIPULATIONS 1. Accept document subject to filing corrected Release of Mortgage as recorded in OR Book 1435, page 147. 2. The Florida Department of Environmental Re~ulatton furnishes a letter approval the water distribution system and the bac- teriological testing has met the County's requirements. oR Book / 97 .Ges Item ,14K1 ~ASK Ai~RKEMENT BETWEEN LEWIS COLLINS AND TH~ BOARD OF COUNT~ COl~S$ION~ WHICH PROVIDES OFFICES FOR THE CUSTOMER DEPARTMENT, COMPLIANCE SERVICES, HOUSING AND URBAN IMPRO~'EM~NT AND TH~ SHERIFF'S CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION, FOR UNITS LOCATED AT 1255 NORTH 15TH STREETf IMMOKALEE~ FLORIDA See Pages ~0- J- /' 00039 PaGe 16 3anuary 2, 1990 FORMAL BID PRO~SS NAIVKD; PURCHASE AND PLACEMENT OF AIRCI~tFT LIABI~IT~ IITSU1~ANCE COVERAGE NITH TRANSAMERICA INSURANCE COMPAN~ EFFH~'TI~F~ FOR ON~ YEAR, IN TH~ AMOUNT OF $18t129 Item #14K3 BID #89-1486 REJECTED; ~ STATE COI~'RACT PURCHASE OF COMPUTER PAPER TO BE ACQUIRED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 3, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 P.M. on November 29, 1989, to consider Bid #89-1486, Computer Paper. It~ ,14K& AMENDMENT TO THE EXISTING LEASE AGREEMENT BETWHKN SUNBURST ~ ~YSTEMS, INC. AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR OFFICE SPACE LOCATED AT 212 S. FIRST STREET, IMMOKALEE, FLORIDA FOR THE YOUTH ~UIDANCE DEPARTMENT; SIX MONTH LEASE IN TRE AMOUNT OF $600/MONTH TO BE R~TROACTIVE TO DECEMBER If 1989. FORMAL BID PROCESS WAIVED; CONTRACT TO PROVIDE KUCALYPTU~ MULCH FOR BEAUTIFICATION M.S.T.U. MAINTENANCE DURING FY 89/90 AWARDED TO AA~TION NURSERY PRODUCTS, INC. IN TH~ AMOUNT OF $39,878. See Pages cwaur~K ORDER TO THE CONTRACT FOR BID NO. 89-1412 TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL CURBIN FOR TH~ MARCO ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION M.S.T.U. IN TH~ AMOUNT OF $58,950.60 TO N.W. BEAUDOIN & SONS, INC. See Pages ~O- /)~. / Item #14H3 CONTRACT FOR BID NO. 89-1501 TO LEOfS SOD FOR TURF PURCHASE AND/OR DELIVERY DURING FY 89/90 AT VARIOUS UNIT PRICES Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December 1, 1989, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 P.M., to coneider Bid #89-1501, Turf Purchase and/or Delivery. Its #14H4 AUTHOHIZATION TO AIIVERTISE A PUBLIC ltlARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORD~ ~M~I[DIN~ COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 77-82, SECTION PIVE, BY P~O~IDIN~ FOR AND FURHg~R DEFINING, THE PURPOSE OF ~ i~OKALEE LI~H~XN~ A~D BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT P&g~ 17 00040 CHANGE ORDER TO THE ODELL ASSOCIATES, INC. AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE ~IODIFICATION~ TO THE HE~J~TH AND PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDING ~ ODEL~ Lmix~ PROPOSAL DATED DECEI~BER 20, 1989, BE REFERENCED IN TI~ ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $43m500 See Pages / Itel #1&31 RESOLUTION 90-4, APPOINTING ANDREW S. WALLACH TO THE MARCO BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE ..... Xtm #i4X1 ~io C~ltTXFX¢&THS OF CORRECTION PRKSKNTED BY PROPERTY APPRAXSER No. 390 No.'s 091/094 No.~s 100-109 NO. 111 · Xt~ ,14X2 1987 TAX ROLL Dated 11/16/89 1989 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY Dated 12/15-21/89 1989 TAX ROLL Dated 11/30-12/11/89 Dated 12/19/89 ,.','-:' '~:XTIff~'G&XN TIM~ FOR INM&TE NO~S. 62992~ A40941t &ND 22015 Ite~ ,1413 SATISFACTION OF LIENS RE PUBLIC DEFENDER MX$_C~T.?J_wl~_OUS CORRESPONDENCE FILED AND/OR REFERRED The following correspondence was filed and/or referred as tndl- cated belo~: Letter Dated 12/15/89 to Commissioner Saunders from Maeve Reddtn, Executive Director, Area Agency on Aging, re: Semi-Annual OAA, CEE and ADI Monitoring Report. Filed. Clerk of the Circuit Court copies of Notice of Application For Tax Deeds, dated 12/13/89 - 12/15/89, published tn the Naples Daily News on January 1, 8, 15, 22, 1990. A total of 92. Flied. 3o Copy of letter dated 12/19/89 to Mr. Paul R. Bradshaw, Director, Division of Resource Planning and Management, Bureau of Local Planning, DCA, from Commissioner Saundere re the Collier County Commissioners conducting a public hearing on Tuesday, January 9, 1990, to adopt amendments to the Collier County Growth Management Plan. Filed. 11/11/89 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Docket No. 89-9§R, Chapter Title: Feedlot and Dairy Wastewater Treatment.and Page 00041 January ~, 1990 Management Requirements. Referred to Nell Dorrtll, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, and Filed. 5. Letter dated 12/18/89, to Chairman, Collier County Board of County Commissioners, from Patrick Kenney, Environmental Specialist, Florida Department of Environmental Re~lation, re: Collier County WRR File No. 111758645, enclosing short form application involving dredge and fill activities. Referred to Nail Dorrill, Bill Lorenz, ~%nd Filed. 6. Copy of letter dated 12/13/89, to Boran, Craig, Barber Construction Co., Inc., from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DER, re: Administrative Approval of Permit #CO-230, Permtttee Name: Robert D. DeWitt. Referred to Nail Dorrtll, Bill Lorenz, and Filed. 7. 12/19/89 Notice of Approved Permit Number 02164C0, from Florida Department of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches and Shores, for Brett D. Moore. Referred to Nail Dorrtll, Bill Lorenz, and Filed. 8. Letters dated 11/01/89 to the Board of County Commissioners from Rodney E. Thralls, Non-Active Shareholder, Re: RA! Financial Services, Inc., and Resource Applications, Inc., regarding the fact that these businesses have ceased all operations on September 30, 1989. Referred to Finance, Purchasing, and Filed. 9. 12/15/89 Notice of Application re: Florida Ctttes Water Co., Golden Gate Division, for a rate Increase tn Collier County, Docket No. 890509-WU. Referred to Nell Dorrill, Ken Cuyler, Mike Arnold, and Filed. 10. 12/15/89 letter to Commissioner Anne Goodnight, District 5, from Governor Bob Martlnez, concerning the $10,000 appropriation for the Shared County/State Program. Flied. 11. Minutes Received and Filed: A. 11/2/89 minutes and 12/21/89 Agenda for the Collier County Planning Commission. B. 05/12/89 Agenda for Citizen Advisory Committee of the MPO, with memorandum on Corridor Management Implementation. C. 12/06/89 Marco Island Beach Renourishment. 12/12/89 Notice to Owner from Florcan Erectors, Inc., under an order given by U.S. Plastering LTD., advising that they have furnished or will be furnishing scaffold, erect, dismantling and rental for the Collier County Courthouse. Referred to Nell Dorrill, Skip Camp, and Filed. 13. 12/11/90 Notice to Owner from Krehling Industries, Inc., under an order given by Ewing Construction Company, advising that they have furnished concrete and or all other building related materials for a portion of land located in the North 1/2 of the S.W. 1/4 of Section 12, Township 50 South, Range 25 East, Tallahassee, Meridian, Collier County, Florida. Referred to Nell Dorrill, Skip Camp, and Filed. 14. 12/13/89 Notice to Owner from B & I Contractors, Inc., advising that they have furnished or will be furnishing labor and or services re plumbing for the Collier County Health Paga 19 00042 January ~, 1990 Services Building, under an order Given by H. D. Rutledge & Son. Referred to Nell Dorrill, Skip Camp, and Filed. 15. 12/14/89 Notice to Owner from Indurall Coatings, Inc., under an order given by Clavelli & Co., advising that they have provided coatings for the South Regional Waste Water Treatment Plant. Referred to Nell DorrIll, Skip Camp, and Filed. 16. 17. 18. 12/14/89 Notice to Owner from The Glidden Company, under an order given by Clavellt and Co., Inc., advising that they have provided services and materials, paint and paint related products for the South County Regional Waste Water Treatment Facility. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Skip Camp, and Filed. 12/15/89 Regency Village of Naples, Application for Development Approval, 2nd Sufficiency Response, prepared by Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll& Peek, Inc. Filed. 12/11/89 letter to Commissioner Burr L. Saunders from John R. Wodraska, Executive Director, South Florida Water Management District, regarding Resolution in support of a revised irri- gation program for future water restrictions for Marco Island. Referred to Neil Dorrtll, Mike Arnold, and Filed. 19. 12/18/89 letter to Commissioner Burr L. Saunders from Elizabeth D. Ross, Attorney, Office of Counsel, South Florida Water Management District, concerning the declaration of a Phase I Moderate Water Shortage for the Bonita Springs, North Naples Area. Referred to Neil Dorrill, Mike Arnold, and Filed. 20. 12/20/89 letter to Col//er County Board of Commissioners, from Charles W. Pemble, P.E., Assistant to the Director, South Florida Water Management District, re: Application No. 891204-15, Willoughby Acres Subdivision Improvements. Referred to Neil Dorrill, George Archibald, and Filed. There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 10:30 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~!.li~;,,,. ~RT L. SAUND~RS CH~m~ ATTES~. ~ '?:'. _.~_~_~ · ' ~ ..~., /z 'Th~e..~inutes,~pproved by the Board on as presen'ted'''z~ or as corrected Pa~e 20. 00043