Radio Road East MSTU Minutes 02/11/2015 Radia goad Seta ey S,711 riettiatvg, eommatee 3299 Sad 7a4,cap:a 7racl Sucre 103 IlageJ, 74 34112 MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 2015 I. Call to Order Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 10:00am. Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. II. Attendance Members: Chairman Dale Johnson, Sue Chapin, Thomas Depouw, Renato Fernandez, Janice Bundy, County: Harry Sells—Project Manager; Michelle Arnold, Director-Public Transit and Neighborhood Enhancement. Others: Dayna Fendrick— Urban Green Studio; Thomas Gonzalez and Mike Barrow - Affordable Landscaping Service and Design; David Durrell—Juristaff. III. Approval of Agenda Ms. Chapin moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Johnson. Carried unanimously 5- 0. IV. Approval of Minutes: December 10,2014 Ms. Chapin moved to approve the minutes of the December 10,2019 meeting as presented. Second by Mr. Fernandez. Carried unanimously 5- 0. V. Project Manager Reports—Harry Sells A. Budget Report Mr. Sells submitted the"Radio Road East MSTU, Fund 166, February 11, 2015"and provided an overview of the budget for information purposes. B. Project Manager Report Items B and C were combined. C. Status of Irrigation,Landscape,Plans moving forward Mr. Sells reported: c` l • Although his original opinion that the operation of the irrigation system was not an issue in the condition of the landscaping, subsequent information has reversed this opinion. • A detailed inspection of the system has revealed the system does not operate as intended and measures have been taken to enhance operation of the system by placing the controllers on"timers" as opposed to utilizing an"alarm"based system. • The situation is compounded by communication problems between the individual system and the central software portal which controls irrigation systems countywide. • Staff is reviewing options to correct the problems. Ideas include allowing the individual MSTU's liaison to have direct access to the software portal in order to manage the system or converting the irrigation system back to the Hunter Industries system. The Committee expressed concern the irrigation system, installed at the direction of the County has never functioned properly and consideration should be given to converting back to the Hunter Industries system. Staff reported they will obtain price estimates to convert the system back to the Hunter Industries system and report back to the Committee on any other options available to address the issue. Pigeon Plums Mr. Sells reported: • Eight of the MSTU's Pigeon Plums are root bound and have not established themselves. • The condition appears to be the result of the original installation whereby the roots were not pruned before the trees were placed in the ground. • He has obtained an estimate from Affordable Landscaping, Inc.to address the issue which includes removing the trees, pruning the roots and replanting them in the ground. • The cost is $720 plus the expense of additional soil suitable for planting the trees. Mr. Depouw moved to authorize and expenditure not to exceed$800.00 for root pruning and replanting of eight Pigeon Palms including soil materials, tree bracing and labor. Second by Mr. Fernandez. Carried unanimously S—0. Invasive Orchid Mr. Sells reported an invasive orchid has appeared in the medians. The species spreads rapidly and overtakes landscaped areas. The orchids are being removed and disposed off site when they are encountered VI. Landscape Architect Report—Dayna Fendrick Dayna Fendrick,Urban Green Studio submitted the"Landscape Architects Field Report—Field Report No.12"for review. She provided an overview of the report for information purposes. Discussion occurred on the trimming schedule for the Asian Jasmine, Golden Creeper and Mimosa (ground covers). It was agreed upon the previous meeting no trimming would occur,however the species were trimmed after the meeting. The Committee discussed avenues to ensure no 4 A ' breakdowns in communication occur in the future between Committee/Staff/Consultants and the landscape maintenance contractor. The Committee requested the following actions be taken to address the issue: 1. Ms. Fendrick to develop trimming specifications for the ground covers. 2. Mr. Sells to schedule the trimming required based on consultations with Ms. Fendrick and the landscape maintenance contractor. 3. No trimming to be undertaken until authorization is provided to the landscape maintenance contractor by Mr. Sells. It was determined by those present that the ground cover vegetation should be allowed to grow in the short term with no placement of pre emergent weed controls. Replacement of Buccaneer Palms Staff reported six Buccaneer Palms that have died within the medians will be replaced with Green Thrinax Palms. VII. Landscape Maintenance Report—Affordable Landscaping Service Covered under item VI. VIII. Old Business None IX. New Business None X. Committee Comments Ms. Chapin reported the appearance of the medians is improving and she has not had any complaints from the public for the past 2 months. XI. Public Comments None XII. Adjournment Next Meeting-April 8, 2015—10:00 AM-Plantation Club House, 7773 Tara Court,Naples, FL 34104 There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 11:35 A.M. RADIO ROAD EAST MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE 4IP if Allir D 7 Johnson, ai',ran