Radio Road Beautification MSTU Minutes 03/09/2015 - Radio Road Beautification M.S.T.U. Advisory Committee 3299 East Tamiami Trail Suite 103 Naples Florida 34112 *O vi March 9, 2015 ,y i MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER 8`l The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dale Lewis at 3:00 PM. A quorum was established; four voting members were present. II. ATTENDANCE Members: Dale Lewis, Chairman Helen Carella,Fred Rogers,John Weber (Vacancy) County: Harry Sells—MSTU Project Manager(Excused) Michelle Arnold—PTNE Director Others: Scott Windham -Windham Studios, Inc. Al Benarroch—Affordable Landscaping Service&Design Gary Gorden—CLM Sue Flynn—JuriSolutions III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Discussion was made on when and how the Committee should receive previous meeting minutes. Some Members have been unable to open email attachments. It was decided Staff will email to members in a different format upon receipt of minutes from transcriptionist. It was noted Advisory Committee would like to receive the minutes at least one week before each meeting. John Weber moved to approve the Agenda as presented. Second by Dale Lewis. Carried; 4-0. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES-February 9,2015 Change: IV: "John Weber moved to approve the Minutes" V.C. 2nd sentence to read"After discussion it would be more beneficial to plant Asian Jasmine when plants are appropriate for planting. Change: VI., 1St sentence to read"Michele Arnold reported that the County Attorney_was in agreement if the proposal is still on the table..." At4b 32-12.4A r'oIL) SySte09 Add: VI. After improvements are made to the commercial hedggthe MSTU will turn over maintenance of the hedge to them Fred Rogers moved to approve the Minutes of the November 10, 2014 meeting as amended. Second by Chairman Lewis. Carried; 4-0. V. PROJECT MANAGER REPORT A. BUDGET REPORT Harry Sells distributed and reviewed the Radio Road MSTU Budget Report Fund 158. (See attached) B. STATUS OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM March 9, 2015 Harry Sells reported 3 timers were replaced and are working. The leak in the main irrigation system has not been found. System is being turned on to utilize and off when watering has been completed. He stated both main controllers need to be grounded and surge protected. The one controller is old and the other one was defective. A quote was requested to move a solar panel located in the shade into the sun and replace a missing ground rod on the panel. Four different quotes on controller systems have been requested. Harry Sells and Scott Windham will review the quotes and make recommendations. Fred Rogers requested Staff include thercomiltc ty"r"or each system. Michelle Arnold noted system vendors can give a presentation to the committee; members can ask the vendor questions. C. STATUS OF REPLACING JASMINE Harry Sells reported people are driving and parking vehicles on the Jasmine. He suggested placing"No Parking" signs. Al Benarroch state the Asian Jasmine will be ready to plant in three weeks. VI. COMMERCIAL HEDGE CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT Staff provided a summary of costs on the commercial hedge, along with estimates received from CLM. (See attached) Michelle Arnold reviewed labor and material cost to fill holes in hedge and to connect the existing drip system to commercial irrigation. She suggested planting the smaller plants. Chairman Lewis suggested doing the minimal. Fred Rogers moved to reinstall the drip system,make sure it works and hand it over to them. Second by John Weber. Motion carried;4-0. Scott Windham confirmed which size plant to fill holes. A consensus was formed to use the larger plant and have Michelle Arnold negotiate. VII. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE REPORT-CLM Scott Windham distributed and reviewed the Radio Road and Devonshire Monthly Maintenance Report and the Devonshire Boulevard Lantana Replacement Plan (Phase 1.) (See attached) Gary Gorden recommended planting Lantana before installing mulch. Quarterly mulch will be scheduled. VIII. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE REPORT-CLM—Previously addressed. IX. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE REPORT-AFFORDABLE LANDSCAPE Al Bennaroch gave a brief report. He asked who will mulch once the Asian Jasmine has been planted on Devonshire. It was noted dark brown mulch had been used previously. Scott Windham will provide square footage to Staff. Harry will get costs on mulch. X. OLD BUSINESS-None XI. NEW BUSINESS-None. XII. PUBLIC COMMENTS-None XI. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS Discussion was made on the wall down Radio Road. A suggestion was made to plant Bougainvillea. March 9, 2015 Michelle Arnold suggested contacting Pam Lulich. Scott Windham reported some low areas may hold too much water. Bougainvilleas like sun and the wall is in the shade. More discussion was made on how to train the Bougainvilleas on the wall. NEXT MEETING: April 13,2015 at 3:00 PM Berkshire Lakes Master Association Clubhouse 495 Belville Boulevard,Naples, FL 34105 There being no further business to come before the Committee,the public meeting was concluded by order of the Chair at 4:27 PM. RADIO ROAD BEAUTIFICATION MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE DALE LEWIS,CHAIRMAN The Minutes were approved by the Committee Chair on /3 , 2015 "as submitted" [ 1 OR"as amended" [kj.. 3