AHAC Minutes 02/09/2015 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING February 9, 2015 Naples, Florida LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier C sunty Affordable Housing Advisory Commi ee met on this date at 3:30 PM in Ni" -WORKING SESSION at Commu ity and Human Services Conference Room 216, 3339 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, lorida, with the following Members present: Steve Hruby, Chair Christian Davis, Vice-Chair Michael Bohaychyk John Cowan Irma Miller Mark Strain Shaun McManus (arrived at 3:40pm) Excused: Clyde Quinby ALSO '►' SENT: Kim Grant, Director—Housing and Human Services Elly Soto McKuen, Senior Grant and Housing Coordinator Jason Rummer—Operations Analyst—Public Services Public P' SENT: Paul VanValkenburg Christina Apostolides 1. CAL I YO ORDER The c air called the meeting to order at 3:31 pm. With seven members in attendance,a quo _was present. Mr. Hruby read the procedures to be observed during the meeting. February 9,2015 2. ROLL ALL—COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND STAFF A quor n was established. Clyde Q inby asked to be excused. IN 3. APPRb AL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES A. App oval of today's agenda B. App ove AHAC Minutes—October 6,2014 Christian avis made the motion,seconded by Mike Bohaychyk to approve the agenda as presented and approved the minutes. The Chair signed the minutes. 4. INFO.4 • TION ITEMS A. SHI ' Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program 1. • ently 7 homes are under construction 2. • other 7 homes are being inspected for potential inclusion into the program 3. R ceived approval from Florida Housing Finance Corporation to extend funding deadline for SHI I' funds until April 2015 4. I.. Grant explained that CHS continues to advertise the program for new clients. Our office is adve ising on our website,at Partnership meetings,Naples Daily News,Immokalee Inter-Agency mee' ngs,Continuum of Care Groups/Meetings,other special meetings. 5. 1 . Davis also mentioned the possibility of contacting those individuals/families that received do payment assistance as potential clients B. C 1 1 mittee member terms 1. R;signations—Ms. Grant informed the committee that she had received Patricia Fortune's resi NI ation from the committee. Ne Members 1. a Miller and Shaun McManus will represent the categories for essential services and r-sident in jurisdiction respectively. Ms. Miller and Mr. McManus introduced themselves and is Id the group a little about themselves. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT Paul alkenburg with Iberia Bank introduced himself explaining that he was at the meeting to represent h_ self and not Iberia Bank. Mr. VanValkenburg explained he had been in the mortgage business for 11 years and that he was the CRA Loan Officer.Mr. VanValkenburg's comments were focused on a affordable housing index model and the possible exclusion of condominium units from the affordable n using available units. Mr. VanValkenburg's presentation is attached to the minutes as reference. 2 February 9,2015 6. DISCI SION ITEMS AND PRESENTATIONS A. A i��1 •able Housing Model—March 3 BCC Workshop M I • t presented the 1st draft of the March 3 BCC workshop presentation to the committe he explained to those present that the model had not changed substantially since the last meeti l t and that if there were specific questions; she would address them and not provide a full prese'll. ion of the information since it was similar to what was presented in previous meetings. toe was available for questions. M: . t explained that the affordable housing presentation could be no more than 10 minutes to e BCC, followed by discussion amongst and with the commissioners. Ms. Grant continued i 1 explain that she would like to have the Chair and Vice Chair to assist in the presentati.Ii M I • t began to go through the draft presentation. Committee members suggested some cha 1 s to some of the slides. After more discussion it was suggested that the Chair and Vice Ch.'s eet with CHS staff to format the presentation based on the discussions and have a subseque 1 r HAC meeting after the presentation was revised. RANKI II AND REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBER—FY2015-2016 HUD GRANT REVIE I• 'PLICATIONS M: cKuen presented an overview of the FY2015-2016 HUD Grant Review process. She then .iii .ed for a volunteer to review and rank the applications stating that a member from AHAC h.1 i I-presented the committee in the past. She explained the commitment would be the read and :i` . uate the applications for CDBG, HOME and ESG requests. After discussion,Mr. Cowan s bested that he had served on the committee in prior years,but would like to have another vi R teer work with him on the Ranking and Review Committee. Mr. Bohaychyk volunteer o work with Mr. Cowan as the 2 representatives from AHAC. Ms. Grant explained the Suns !I ; Law as it relates to Mr. Cowan and Mr. Bohaychyk meeting outside a noticed meeting. SHIP IN 4 I 1 NTIVE STRATEGIES M I : t explained that SHIP funding requires incentive strategies to be reviewed, updated . I�' approved before December 2015. The committee will be reviewing the list of incentive : i.tegies currently approved and determining the possibility of deleting or enhancing incentive-I I u uring the following months, staff and AHAC will be working together to develop incentive :i,•tegies that will be considered the"next phase"of the affordable housing index model. S 'I has targeted the project to be complete in November and will take the recomme , C:tions to the BCC for final approval in early December. ll7. CO i NTS—STAFF/COMMITTEE MEMBER No co I. 1 s were made. I 3 February 9,2015 NEXT ME TING: Regular Meeting: TBD There beam; no further business for the good of the County,the meeting was adjourned at 5:32 PM. COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HO I : i ORY COMMITTEE Ad' ,A ih St• •'� ,f 1 b hairman The forego i n g Minutes were approved by ommittee Chair onIi3' i 5 ,2015, "as submit d" ( ] OR"as amended" [ . 4