Forest Lakes MSTU Minutes 02/03/2015 FOREST ROADWAY and DRAINAGE M.S.T.U. ADVISORY COMMITTEE LAKES 3299 East Tamiami Trail- Suite 103,Naples,FL 34112 FEBRUARY 3, 2015 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman George Fogg called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. A quorum was established; Four(4) voting members were present. II. ATTENDANCE Members: George Fogg—Chairman Marianne Fanning Richard Barry Kevin McKyton Vacancy County: Darryl Richard—MSTU Project Manager Michelle Arnold—Director PTNE Others: JuriSolutions—Sue Flynn III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Barry moved to approve the Agenda as presented. Second by Ms. Fanning. Motion carried;4—0. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—January 6,2015 Change: Page 4, second paragraph should read "Mary Jane Peck clarified" and the third paragraph should read "Jessa Olson commended. " Chairman Fogg moved to approve the Minutes of the January 6, 2015,Meeting as amended. Second by Mr. McKyton. Motion carried; 4—0. V. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Staff reported Ken Bloom resigned to noted he had business commitments. Mr. Barry recommended Mr. Fogg serve as Chairman of the Advisory Committee. Chairman Fogg accepted nomination. Chairman Fogg nominated Ms. Fanning to serve as Vice Chairman. Ms. Fanning accepted nomination. Ms. Fanning nominated Mr. McKyton to serve as Vice Chairman. January 6,2015 Mr. McKyton accepted nomination. Mr. McKyton nominated Mr. Barry to serve as Vice Chairman. Mr. Barry declined the nomination. The Advisory Committee voted Ms. Farming to serve as Vice Chairman. VI. PROJECT ENGINEER REPORT Jim Carr distributed and reviewed the Forest Lakes MSTU Stormwater Swales Analysis @ Lake 14, Lake 6 and hole #3 including improvement #2A from Drainage Analysis dated January 29, 2015. He distributed the Forest Lakes Comparison of Peak Stormwater Elevations updated January 23, 2015. (See attached) He summarized the report three (3) sections showing water flow restrictions; Lake 16 to the "T" intersection to #4 and across fairway to hole #3, had room for improvement. The improvement would have been to widen a/or deepen a portion of the swales 16 to Lake 5. After taking more detailed measurements of the existing swales and rerunning the models it was determined the conditions for those results would have been close to what would be proposed. There is no room to make changes or improvements at this time. Mr. McKyton moved to discontinue the ABB Grading Project. Second by Mr. Barry. Motion carried unanimously;4—0. VII. BUDGET REPORT Darryl Richard suggested the Forest Lakes MSTU keep open the P.O. for Agnoli Barber and Brundage, Inc. Consulting services in the amount of$1,000. Mr. McKyton moved to keep purchase order opened for Agnoli, Barber and Brundage, Inc. Second by Ms. Fanning. Motion carried unanimously; 4—0. A. MONTHLY BUDGET REPORT Darryl Richard distributed and reviewed the Forest Lakes MSTU Monthly Budget (Fund 159) dated February 3, 2015. (See attached) Kevin McKyton left at 10:25 A.M. VIII. PROJECT MANAGER REPORT A. MAINTENANCE REPORT Staff distributed the Forest Lakes Roadway and Drainage MSTU Maintenance Report dated February 3, 2015. (See attached) Darryl Richard reported some maintenance projects need to be addressed. • Due to safety issues a contractor will be called on Reflective Paver Markers • Staff will check yellow Striping at front entrance at the stop sign. Darryl Richard gave a brief maintenance status report: 2 January 6,2015 • Orange Geiger trees have been treated for Geiger beetles. • Naples Bath& Tennis has trimmed the trees along Woodshire Lane away from blocking the light poles. • Horvath Lake fountains purchase order has been issued to clean 3 fountains in the Golf Course lakes. • Hannula Landscape crews have been mowing the swales per specifications. • No lighting outages have been reported for the street lights. • A purchase order is in the process to be issued for trouble shooting the landscape lighting. E. B. Simmonds quoted original investigation at $500 to determine actual repairs required. Currently there are outages for landscape lighting. • Madar Electric purchase order has been issued for a total project of$2,968.51. Project(pump for swale) is scheduled to be completed before rainy season. Chairman Fogg suggested improving the Woodshire entrance with some landscaping and signage after Bond is paid for. IX. OLD BUSINESS Speaker Mary Jane Peck reported a correction on page 4 for the Forest Lakes Roadway and Drainage MSTU Advisory Committee, January 6, 2015 Minutes. The second paragraph should read "Mary Jane Peck clarified" and the third paragraph should read "Jessa Olson commended." Chairman Fogg noted corrections will be made. X. NEW BUSINESS Staff provide a letter addressed to Michelle Arnold from Turtle Lake Golf Colony dated January 14, 2015 and a letter addressed to Ron Olson, President of the Turtle Lake Golf Colony Condominium Association from Michelle Arnold dated January 28, 2015. (See attached) Staff provided a notification, Standard Irrigation Water Supply: Billing Methodology Comparison. Staff reported the City of Naples increased fee to $160 for 2 inch meter bi-monthly charge. Increase was presented after the MSTU Budget was prepared. Darryl Richard suggested the County check the meter size to see if it could be changed to a smaller one. XI. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS (NONE) XII. PUBLIC COMMENTS Public Speakers Mary Jane Peck suggested a Letter of Recognition be sent to Ken Bloom for his service on the Advisory Board. 3 January 6,2015 Staff will draft a Letter of Recognition to Mr. Bloom and email to Advisory Committee Members for approval. Chairman Fogg moved to send a Letter of Recognition to Ken Bloom for his service on the Advisory Board. Second by Mr. Barry. Motion carried;3—0. Janet Scher voiced concern over the removal of trees off the front entrance. It was noted the golf course not the MSTU removed the trees. Edwina Barsano asked if the Community names was Quail Run or Forest Lakes. She mentioned the front entrance signage shows Quail Run. Darryl Richard responded the Community is unique. There is no Master Association here. The golf course did a Quit Claim Deed on the property, like private property. Lee Dixon wanted to reiterate the appreciation of the MSTU stated in letter from Ron Olson. XIII. NEXT MEETING DATE NEXT MEETING: MARCH 3,2015 AT 10:00 A.M. FOREST LAKES CONDO ASSOCIATION CLUBHOUSE 1058 FOREST LAKE DRIVE,NAPLES,FL 34105 There being no further business for the good of the County, the Meeting was adjourned by order of the Chairman at 11:19 A.M. FOREST LAKES ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE 111 George I'ogg, Chairma The Minutes were approved by the Committee Chair on / 3 / , 2015 "as submitted" [\1 1, OR "as amended" [ 1. 4