A&SDS Ad Hoc Minutes 01/27/2015 January 27, 2015
Naples, Florida, January 27, 2015
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Architectural and Site Design
Standards Ad Hoc Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted
business herein, met on this date at 2:30 PM in a REGULAR SESSION at the Growth
Management Division Building, Room 609/610 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL
with the following persons present:
Rocco Costa, AIA
James Boughton, AIA
Kathy Curatolo, Collier Building Industry Association
Dalas Disney, AIA
Bradley Schiffer, AIA
Dominick Amico, P.E.
ALSO PRESENT: Caroline Cilek, LDC Manager
Jeremy Frantz, Planner
Matt McLean, Principal Project Manager
Madeline Bunster, Architect
Stefanie Nawrocki, Planner
January 27, 2015
Any person in need of a verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the audio recording from
the Collier County Growth Management Division, Department of Planning and Zoning.
1. Call to Order
Mr. Costas called the meeting to order at 2:30pm and a quorum was established.
2. Approve Agenda
Mr. Costas moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr.Amico. Carried unanimously 6— 0.
5. Public Comment (this item was heard before item 3)
April Olsen, Conservancy of Southwest Florida addressed the Committee requesting consideration
be given to incorporating design features that reduce the probability of birds colliding with buildings.
She noted the following:
• Statistics indicate approximately between 1 to10 bird fatalities nationwide are attributed to
building collisions.
• The studies indicate the fatalities impact the sustainable population of certain species of birds.
• Buildings with of clear or mirrored glass and/or artificial light are especially problematic.
• The measures required to address the issue are generally simple and low cost including
reducing the amount of clear or mirrored glass on buildings, utilizing UV reflective glass,
applying one way film to clear glass, ensuring exterior lighting emits light in a downward
She recommended the Committee incorporate requirements into the proposed standards to aid in
addressing the issue. She queried the Committee if they would be amenable to the organization
exploring the concept and providing information to them to consider.
The Committee noted the following:
• The glazing requirements in the proposed standards have been reduced by approximately 50
percent compared to the current standards.
• Although the minimum amount of glazing required under the current standards has been
decreased by half, the applicant may utilize materials above the minimum amount required if
they so desire.
• Clear glass is generally not utilized in building designs as it does not meet the guidelines for
energy conservation.
• The proposed standards utilize a list of menu item choices in building designs and measures
such as prohibiting mirrored glass could be incorporated to aid in addressing the issue.
• "Fake" windows are allowed which is generally a reflective material.
• From an owner standpoint, the use of window films is a long term maintenance issue deterring
its use.
The Committee requested Ms. Olsen to provide them examples of regulations utilized by other
jurisdictions and any other applicable data so they can determine any applicable requirements that
may be incorporated into the proposed standards to address the issue.
3. Next Meeting (this item was heard at the end of the meeting)
The next meeting will be held on February 18, 2015 at 2:30pm.
January 27, 2015
4. Review of materials
Ms. Cilek proved a revised draft of Section 5.05.08 dated January 23, 2015. She noted Heidi Ashton-
Cicko, Assistant County Attorney has reviewed the Draft and provided comment as indicated in the
document's track changes.
Items 4.b and 4.c were heard before item 4.a
b. Staff proposed criteria for alternative architectural elements
Staff noted Ms. Ashton-Cicko previously identified a concern that the Section as currently
proposed allows too much discretion for the party delegated to review the alternative architectural
elements proposed by the owner. She opined if the existing standards are to be altered in relation
to this process, a set of criteria has to be developed before she can deem the proposed standards
"legally sufficient."
Based on the Assistant County Attorney's opinion, Staff provided the following language for
consideration by the Committee.
Section 5.05.08.D.2.xii.
Alternative architectural elements proposed by the Architect and accepted by the County Manager
or designee. The alternative architectural elements shall be for buildings or projects that meet two
of the following eligibility criteria. The Architect shall provide justification in narrative form
identifying how the proposed alternative architectural elements meet the purpose and intent of the
LDC section of 5.05.08 A.
a) Eligibility criteria.
1) A building that is part of redevelopment project. For the purposes of this section,
"redevelopment"shall mean the renovation, restoration, or remodeling of a building
or structure, or required infrastructure, in whole or in part, where the existing
buildings, structures or infrastructure were legally built and installed.
2) The building or project has been unoccupied for more than 6 months.
3) The building is consistent with an architectural style described in LDC section 5.05.08
4) The building implements sustainable architectural design (for example: LEED or green
building techniques).
5) The building creates pedestrian oriented streets and public spaces.
b) Alternative architectural elements shall comply with all of the following criteria:
1) The building must not have a single wall plane exceeding 60 percent of each façade.
2) At least 20 percent of the primary facade area must be devoted to windows and/or
glazed door openings.
The Committee expressed concern the proposed language is difficult to review or implement and
in some cases may not be incorporated into the project at the time that the architectural review
occurs. Additionally, some of the criteria don't affect the building design.
Mr. Disney moved to delete the previously proposed alternative architectural elements in section
5.05.08D.2.c.xii. Second by Mr.Amico. Motion carried 5 "yes"—1 "no." Mr. Schiffer
January 27, 2015
It was noted there is similar language in Section 5.05.08.D.4.w.of the proposed standards which
reads "Alternative architectural elements proposed by the Architect and accepted by the County
Manager or designee. The alternative architectural element shall be comparable in nature to the
described design features noted above. The Architect shall provide justification in narrative form
identifying how the proposed alternative architectural elements meet the purpose and intent of the
LDC section of 5.05.08 A. "
Mr. Disney moved to delete Section 5.05.08.D.4.w.from the proposed standards. Second by Mr.
Arnica Carried unanimously 6— 0.
c. Warehousing/distribution in Commercial zoning districts
Section 5.05.08E.6—Warehousing/distribution
Staff noted the requirements as currently proposed address the use in industrial districts and
queried if they should be incorporated into the commercial districts where the use is also allowed.
The Committee recommended the following language be incorporated into Section 5.05.08.E.6.b
"Facades fronting on an arterial street must have two or more of the following design features:"
The Committee recommended the following language proposed in Section 5.05.08.E.6.b be
deleted— "Primary facades located on arterial roads and located within an industrial zoning
a. Continue committee review of a clean copy
Section 5.05.08B.3.b
Staff reported they will be revising Section 5.05.08.B.3.b (Façade improvements to buildings with
greater than 20,000 square feet of floor area. Where an alteration results in a change to more
than 50 percent of any facade area, the entire façade shall comply) into one sentence to ensure it
meets the goal of the Section.
Section 5.05.08B.3.c
Nonconforming buildings shall not be enlarged or altered in a way which increases the
nonconformity. All alterations to nonconforming buildings shall be consistent with this section
and shall be reviewed for compliance by the County Manager or designee, however, unaltered
portions of the nonconforming building will not be required to comply.
The Committee reached consensus the language proposed is acceptable.
Staff reported they have concerns on the verbiage and will be providing comment to the
Committee on the rationale for the concerns once the Committee has completed their review of
the proposed standards.
Section 5.05.08D.8.b.i-ii
Discussion occurred on the concern raised by David Dunnavant at the previous meeting regarding
the language.
January 27, 2015
i. "Primary facades. All exterior facades of freestanding structures, including structures located
on outparcels, are considered primary facades and must meet the requirements of this section
with respect to the architectural design treatment for primary facades in LDC Section
5.05.08.D.2., except for those facades considered secondary facades.
ii. Secondary Facade. One facade of a freestanding structure, including structures located on
outparcels, that is internal to the site and that does not abut or face public or private streets
adjacent to the development
He had noted the requirement is problematic for free standing buildings on a single PUD parcel,
especially those close together, along a single wall plane. The requirement provides little if any
aesthetic benefit to the public unnecessarily increasing the costs of construction. Also problematic
are buildings located along private roadways in PUD's which trigger the requirements.
Discussion occurred on:
• If facades of these structures are not visible from an arterial street, should they be deemed a
"primary façade"?
• The language in the existing standards requires those sides of a building internal to a site
facing/abutting a public or private street be considered primary facades, even though they
may only be visible to users of the facility.
• The feasibility of restricting the requirements to out parcels only.
• The LDC definition of a street, public vs. private - A public or approved private
thoroughfare, including the right-of-way, which affords the principal means of access to
abutting property. The term street includes lanes, ways,places, drives, boulevards, roads,
avenues, or other means of access, regardless of the descriptive term used. The definition
does include internal roads in a PUD requiring the conditions for facades be met.
• Should the language be amended so the requirements of this Section do not apply to
buildings facing streets internal to the site?
• There are instances where facades do not abut or face an arterial road but front a street
internal to a PUD which is highly visible from arterial road(s). Eliminating the requirement
for buildings fronting roads internal to a PUD site may not be prudent in these instances.
Staff requested individual Committee Members to visit sites of commercial developments in the
County and report back to Staff on any proposed language to address the issue (if deemed
Section 5.05.08 D.9.b.i—Roof Treatments
The Committee noted it would be beneficial to reference the roof area as a threshold, rather than
the floor area of a building given the Section is intended to address roof treatments.
Ms. Curatolo moved for the Section 5.05.08D.9.b.i to read "For buildings with a roof area
larger than 10,000 square feet, a minimum of two roof-edge or parapet line changes are
required for all primary facades. Each vertical change from the dominant roof condition must
be a minimum of ten percent of building height, but no less than three feet. One such change
must be located on primary facades with one additional roof change for every 100 linear feet of
the facade length." Second by Mr. Costas. Carried unanimously 6—0.
Section 5.05.08 D.11.b.ii
January 27, 2015
The Committee previously noted the front setback requirement of 15 feet was problematic for
smaller parcels.
Ms. Curatolo moved for Section 5.05.08D.11.b.ii to read "Front entry must be set back from a
drive or a parking area by a minimum distance of 10 feet." Second by Mr. Schiffer. Carried
unanimously 6— 0.
Section 5.05.08 D.11.c.ii
The Committee noted they had previously discussed referencing a square footage requirement as
opposed to a percentage requirement. However, it was noted that this standard will be more
burdensome for smaller buildings whether it is a percentage or square foot requirement. The
committee discussed allowing multiple outdoor community spaces that when combined meet the
required 1 percent.
Ms. Curatolo moved to allow multiple outdoor community spaces to meet the required 1 percent
of gross floor area of all on-site buildings. Second by Mr. Boughton. Carried unanimously 6—
Section 5.05.08 D.11.c.iii
The Committee had previously noted the front setback requirement of 15 feet was problematic for
smaller parcels.
Ms. Curatolo moved for Section 5.05.08D.11.c.iii to read "Front entry must be set back from a
drive or a parking area by a minimum distance of 10 feet." Second by Mr. Boughton. Carried
unanimously 6— 0.
Section 5.05.08 E.7.b
Staff noted they intend to delete the sentence "Facades within an industrial zoning district located
on arterial roads" currently proposed for the Section.
Mr. Boughton moved for Section5.05.08.E.7.b to read "Primary facade standards. The
requirements of LDC Section 5.05.08.D.2. Primary façade standards are replaced with the
following standards. Facades fronting on arterial streets must have two or more of the following
design features." Second by Mr. Disney. Carried unanimously 6— 0.
Section 5.05.08 G
The Committee discussed whether the language in the existing standards in Section 5.05.08.F
should be retained in the proposed standards since the Assistant County Attorney has advised that
any amendment to this language will require establishing criteria for approval.
Mr.Amico moved to retain the existing language in Section 5.05.08.F of the Land Development
Code. Second by Mr. Disney. Carried unanimously 6—0.
Staff reported they will be incorporating the changes recommended by the Committee into the
proposed standards and disseminating a revised Draft to the Committee. They will provide
comments to the Committee on any concerns they have on the proposed standards.
January 27, 2015
6 Adjournment
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30pm
Collier County Architectural and Site Design
Standards Ad Hoc Committee
These minutes app ed by the Board/Committee/Chairman/Vice Chairman on 14 / , 2015
as presented 1.7 or as amended