CAC Minutes 10/23/2014 Coastal Advisory Committee Minutes October 23 , 2014 CAC December 11 2014 U �L VI-1 Approve Minutes t of By MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, October 23, 2014 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Jim Burke (Excused) VICE CHAIRMAN: Robert Raymond John Sorey, Ill Joseph A. Moreland. Nick Penniman Debbie Roddy Robert Brown Ian Butler Steve Koziar ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2014 - 1:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR, COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 3299 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST, NAPLES • Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions • 2014 CAC MEETING DATES I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. September 11, 2014 VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report 2. Permit Extension 3. Sand Lease 4. Sand Gift - Marco Island Marriott 5. Second Appeal - Beach Restoration Deobligation VIII. New Business 1. Naples Beach Renourishment Sand Supply & Hauling Contract No. 14-6343 * Bid Tab ** Agreement 2. Naples Beach Renourishment Sand Placement - Contract No. 14-6352 * Bid Tab ** Agreement 3. Naples Beach Renourishment Construction Engineering Inspection - Atkins * Proposal IX. Old Business X. Announcements XL Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location November 13, 2014 Government Center, 3rd Floor XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Collier County Facilities Management Department at 3335 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FI.., 34112. (239) 252-8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and. Records Department. • CAC December 11.2014 VI-1 Approve Minutes 2 of 7 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order Vice Chairman Raymond called the meeting to order at 1:00PM H. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Sorey moved to approve the Agenda subject to the following additions: • Item V111.4—Feasibility Study—Collier Creek History, Analysis and Funding Apportionment • Item VIll.5 - South Marco Beach Quantity Analysis Second by Mr. Brown. Carried unanimously 7—0. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. September 11,2014 Ms. Roddy moved to approve the minutes of the September 11,2014 as submitted. Second by Mr. Brown. Carried unanimously 6—0. Mr. Koziar abstained as he was not present at the previous meeting. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report The Committee reviewed the "Collier County Tourist Tax Revenue FY 14 TDC Revenue Report" dated through September 30,2014. 2. Permit Extension Mr. McAlpin provided a copy of a letter from lvana Kenny, Environmental Specialist II, Florida.Department of Environmental Protection dated October 13, 2014 approving an extension of time for permit#0222355-001-JC until January 12. 2017 for information purposes. He noted the US Army Corps of Engineers permit is valid until November of 2015. Mr. Moreland arrived at 1:12pm 3. Sand Lease Mr.McAlpin proved a copy of the "Lease Between the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management of the Department of the Interior and Collier County Florida Regarding the Use of Outer Continental Shelf Sand Resources,for Shore Protection and Restoration in Collier Count Florida"for information purposes. He noted: CAC December 11,2014 VI-1 Approve Minutes 3 of 7 • The lease allows the County to utilize off shore sources for acquiring sand for beach renourishment projects. • There is no cost for the sand itself, however the County is responsible for the other items such as environmental studies,etc. • Any pipelines utilized in transporting the sand will be elevated 30 inches off the bottom of the ocean to ensure there is no damage to the hard bottom and coral reefs. 4. Sand Gift- Marco island Marriott Mr.McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve the gift of between 10,000-15,000 CY's of beach quality sand from the Marco Island Marriott to be used in the Marco Island Central Beach re-grade project scheduled after November 1, 2015"for information purposes. He noted the County intends to work with the Hideaway Beach Tax District to utilize sand dredged from the Big Marco River for project as well. Mr. Sorey moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the gift between 10,000-15,000 CY's of beach quality sand from the Marco Island Marriott to be used in the Marco Island Central Beach re-grade project scheduled after November 1,2015." Second by Mr.Brown. Carried unanimously 8—0. 5. Second Appeal -Beach Restoration Deobligation Mr.McAlpin provide a copy of a letter to Brad Keiserman Department of Homeland Security from himself and Ernest B.Abbott, Of Counsel Marlena P. Pickering, Associate Baker, Donelson,Bearman,Caldwell & Berkowitz. PC - Special Counsel to Collier County, Florida— Subject 2nd Appeal,Collier County Florida dated October 17,2014 for information purposes. He noted: • The request is for FEMA to reverse their decision to deobligate approximate$10M worth of funds for reimbursement to the County for repairs due to damage caused by Hurricane Wilma. • The appeal incorporates technical data including and independent peer review of the issue by Atkins. • FEMA has 90 days to respond to the appeal and support of area Congressional delegates has been included in the request. The Committee recommended the Congressional Delegates be notified on the status of the appeal and request they monitor the "time clock"allotted to FEMA to respond. VIII. New Business 1. Naples Beach Renourishment Sand Supply & Hauling Contract No. 14-634 *Bid Tab **Agreement Mr.McAlpin presented the Executive Summary'`Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Contract No. 14-6343---Tropical Storm (TS)Debbie.Naples Beach Renourishment (Sand Supply and Delivery)to supply and deliver approximately 78,678 tons of . beach quality sand as authorized by the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)PW 0679-Naples Beach Renourishment project to Phillips and Jordan, Inc.for$1,823,635.56 (Project 195-90038), authorize staff to withhold Notice-to-Proceed issuance until the FEMA PW CAC December 11,2014 VI-1 Approve Minutes 4 of 7 revision has been issued, authorize all required budget amendments, and make a finding that this item promotes tourism"dated October 23.2014 for consideration. He noted: • The scope of work is for the supply and delivery of beach quality sand to 3 beach points on the Naples beach. • The work is expected to begin around November 10,2014 and be completed just before the Christmas holiday. There will be no work during Thanksgiving. • A truck route has been established which addresses previous concerns raised by Lee County officials during similar projects. • Approximately 4,500 truck loads are to be hauled to the beach. • The County conducts annually field surveys on the profiles of the beach which assists in determining where sand needs to be placed in order to maintain adequate width of beaches. The Committee recommended the Executive Summary identify the quantities of sand associated with the work in both cubic yards and tonnage Mr. Brown moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Contract No. 14-6343—Tropical Storm (TS)Debbie Naples Beach Renourishment(Sand Supply and Delivery)to supply and deliver approximately 78,678 tons of beach quality sand as authorized by the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) PW 0679-Naples Beach Renourishment project to Phillips and Jordan,Inc.for$1,823,635.56 (Project 195-90038),authorize staff to withhold Notice-to-Proceed issuance until the FEMA PW revision has been issued, authorize all required budget amendments,and hereby finds the item promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Sorey. Carried unanimously 8—0. 2. Naples Beach Renourishment Sand Placement-Contract No. 14-6352 *Bid Tab ** Agreement Mr. McAlpin presented the Executive Summary"Recommendation to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) 14-6352-Naples Beach Renourishment (Sand Placement)to Earth Tech Enterprises, Inc., in the amount of$748,861.20 to place, grade and transport approximately 78,678 tons of beach quality sand as authorized by the Federal Emergency management Agency(FEMA)PW 0679- Naples Beach Renourishment to repair damages as a result of Tropical Storm Debby(Project 195-90038), authorize staff to withhold Notice-to-Proceed(NIP) issuance until the FEMA PW revision has been issued, authorize all required budget amendments, authorize the Chairman to execute the corresponding agreement, and make a finding that this item promotes tourism dated October 23, 2014 for consideration. He noted the item is a companion item to the previous item and is for disbursement of sand on the beaches once it has been delivered by the truck haulers. Mr. Sorey moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners award Invitation to Bid (ITB) 14-6352-Naples Beach Renourishment(Sand Placement)to Earth Tech Enterprises, Inc., in the amount of$748,861.20 to place,grade and transport approximately 78,678 tons of beach quality sand as authorized by the Federal Emergency management Agency(FEMA) PW 0679-Naples Beach Renourishment to repair damages as a result of Tropical Storm Debby (Project 195-90038),authorize staff to withhold Notice-to-Proceed(NTP)issuance until the FEMA PW revision has been issued, authorize al all required budget amendments, authorize CAC December 11,2014 VI-1 Approve Minutes 5 of 7 the Chairman to execute the corresponding agreement and hereby finds the item promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Moreland. Carried unanimously 8—0. 3. Naples Beach Renourishment Construction Engineering Inspection -Atkins * Proposal Mr. McAlpin provide the "Naples Beach Nourishment Project Post-Design Services For the Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department Change Order No. 2 to Work Order 45- 151465 Contract Number 14-6256 Collier County Project Number 195-90038 October 20, 2014" for consideration. Mr. Moreland moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the Naples Beach Nourishment Project Post-Design Services For the Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department Change Order No. 2 to Work Order 45-151465 Contract Number 14-6256 Collier County Project Number 195-90038 October 20, 2014"and hereby finds the item promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Brown. Carried unanimously 8—0. 4. Feasibility Study—Collier Creek History, Analysis and Funding Apportionment Mr. McAlpin presented "Contract No. 13-6164-CZ "Professional Services: Architect and Engineering"for Collier County, Collier Creek Feasibility dated October 22, 2014 in the amount of$59,807.44 for consideration. He noted: • The scope of work is to assist in determining the reasons sand is accreting in the mouth of Collier Creek. • The area has been subject to the accretion since the collapse of Sand Dollar island and has become a safety hazard for boaters. • The activities include field work, modeling, preliminary design and a determination on the feasibility of obtaining any permits for the measures necessary to rectify the issue. Sneaker Ben Farnsworth, President,Ville de Marco West,addressed the Committee endorsing the proposal as the area is a safety hazard to boaters. The Marco Island Waterway Advisory Committee has also voted unanimously to endorse the proposal. Mr. Brown moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve Contract No. 13-6164-CZ"Professional Services: Architect and Engineering"frr Collier County, Collier Creek Feasibility as outlined by Coastal Planning& Engineering,Inc. in their proposal dated October 22, 2014 in the amount of$59,807.44 and hereby finds the item promotes tourism. Second by M. Roddy. Carried unanimously 8—0. 5. South Marco Beach Quantity Analysis Mr. McAlpin presented "Contract No. 13-6164-CZ "Professional Services: Architect and Engineering-16r Collier County Marco Island Design, Permitting. Construction Plans & Specifications" for consideration. He noted the scope of work includes the design, permitting, preparation of construction plans and specifications and assistance with the bidding process for the work necessary to repair damage to the area from Tropical Storm Debbie. Current estimates indicate 15,000cy of sand will need to be placed on the beach. CAC December 11.2014 VI-1 Approve Minutes 6 of 7 Ms. Roddy moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve Contract No. 13-6164-CZ"Professional Services: Architect and Engineering"for Collier County Marco Island Design, Permitting, Construction Plans& Specifications as outlined by Coastal Planning& Engineering, Inc. in their proposal dated October 22, 2014 in the amount of $59,8 07.44 and hereby finds the item promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Brown. Carried unanimously 8—0. IX. Old Business None X. Announcements None XI. Committee Member Discussion Mr. Penniman requested assurance that any pipelines placed in association with sand placement on the Naples Beach will be undertaken in a manner to not damage any coral reefs in the area of work. Mr.McAlpin reported care will be taken and the work will be subject to permit conditions. Mr. Penniman expressed concern on the status on the shoaling at Clam Pass and the measures being taken to address the issue. Mr. McAlpin reported the area is the responsibility of the Pelican Bay Services Division,not Coastal Zone Management. Mr.Sorey noted,though the area is not the responsibility of Coastal Zone Management.the work is completed with Tourist Development Tax funds and expressed concern the current activities may not be promoting efficient use of those monies. Mr. Moreland requested an update on replacement of damaged navigation markers at Wiggins Pass. Mr.McAlpin reported temporary buoys are in place and the original markers have been subject to damaged pylons. The County is not equipped to complete the work and given the small scope of the project. it has been difficult to find a contractor willing to complete the work. XII. Next Meeting Date/Location November 13,2014—Government Center, Administration Bldg. F,3rd Floor There being no further business for the good of the County,the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 1:58 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee ,N9g4/a, Jim Burke,Chairman CAC December 11,2014 VI-1 Approve Minutes 7 of 7 These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on -2- I ` I << as presented ( or as amended