Forest Lakes MSTU Agenda 02/03/2015 FOREST ROADWAY and DRAINAGE M.S.T.U. ADVISORY COMMITTEE LAKES 3299 East Tamiami Trail-Suite 103,Naples,FL 34112 FEBRUARY 3, 2015 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II. ATTENDANCE III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—JANUARY 6, 2015 V. ELECTION OF OFFICERS VI. PROJECT REPORT—JIM CARR VII. BUDGET REPORT—DARRYL RICHARD A. MONTHLY BUDGET REPORT VIII. PROJECT MANAGER'S REPORT - DARRYL RICHARD A. MAINTENANCE REPORT IX. OLD BUSINESS X. NEW BUSINESS A. LETTER FROM RON OLSON DATED JAN. 14, 2015 XI. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS XII. PUBLIC COMMENTS XIII. NEXT MEETING DATE XIV. ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING: MARCH 3, 2015 Forest Lakes Condo Association Clubhouse 1058 Forest Lakes Drive, Naples, FL 3410 FOREST ROADWAY and DRAINAGE M.S.T.U. ADVISORY COMMITTEE LAKES 3299 East Tamiami Trail-Suite 103,Naples,FL 34112 JANUARY 6, 2015 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman George Fogg called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. A quorum was established; Three (3) voting members were present. II. ATTENDANCE Members: George Fogg—Chairman Marianne Fanning Ken Bloom (Excused) Richard Barry (Arrived after roll call) Kevin McKyton County: Darryl Richard—MSTU Project Manager Others: JuriSolutions—Sue Flynn III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. McKyton moved to approve the Agenda as presented. Second by Ms. Fanning. Motion carried;3—0. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—DECEMBER 2,2014 Change: I. lg sentence to read "Chairman George Fogg" V. Is'sentence should read "on trees that typically go dormant during the winter season. " VI. 7`h bullet should read "Cobwebs were removed from the street lights. " Chairman Fogg moved to approve the Minutes of the December 2, 2014,Meeting as amended. Second by Mr. McKyton. Motion carried;3—0. V. BUDGET REPORT—Addressed after VII. VI. PROJECT MANAGER REPORT—Addressed after V. VII. ENGINEER REPORT Jim Carr reported: • Summer, 2014, existing conditions and survey data were reviewed. January 6,2015 • Noted three (3) sections showing water flow restrictions; Lake 16 to the"T" intersection to#4 and across fairway to #3, had room for improvement. • Indicated the swale in the south fairway had no need to change, it would help equalize the overall system. Discussion was made on Jim Carr doing research on equalizing the overall system. Jim Carr estimated a cost of$10,000 or less. It was noted the project could be changed to a maintenance project. Darryl Richard recommended a caveat be added to bid the project out as 100% rock removal. Discussion was made on golf course availability for the project; having a two (2) week time constraint on the project and what type of sod would be required. It was noted changing to a maintenance project would cut down on administrative and consulting time costs. Darryl Richard will coordinate with golf course and Jim Carr will provide simple specifications. Darryl Richard estimated the project would go out to bid the 1St week in February. Mr. Mckyton voiced concern over the maintenance budget funds were already earmarked for annual maintenance. Darryl Richard stated, if required, the Budget Office will move money from Reserves into the Operating budget to cover project up to $50,000. V. BUDGET REPORT A. MONTHLY BUDGET REPORT Darryl Richard distributed and reviewed the Forest Lakes MSTU Monthly Budget (Fund 159) dated January 6, 2015. (See attached) He noted Operating Expense available, $71,778.41, were funds required for yearly Maintenance and that project funds would come from Reserves. B. ANALYSIS REPORT (From OMB) The Budget Office provided a Summary Analysis(Fund 159 & 259 Combined) FY15 — FY23 Projection Version. (See attached) Staff reviewed the Limited General Obligation Bond Amortization Table and Summary Analysis spreadsheet. Darryl Richard reported the amortization table illustrates the annual and cumulative shortfall (FY15— FY23 period) between Ad Valorem revenue, annual debt service and operating costs. The projections assume modest inflationary adjustments to operating cost and the annual 5% increase in taxable value while continuing to levy the maximum mileage. Not until after debt is fully retired, does the projection indicate an annual surplus. 2 January 6,2015 Chairman Fogg summarized the findings and stated the MSTU cannot do any capital projects until 2023. He indicated the MSTU can start looking at infrastructure and improvements planning in three (3)to five(5) years. Dick Barry arrived at 10:50 A.M. Mr. McKyton requested Staff to research the amortization table and stated the Total FY15-FY23 is not calculated correctly. Darryl Richard will research with the Budget Office. He reiterated the Budget Office will still make it work. Staff read aloud an email into record he received from Ed Finn dated December 1, 2014. Subject: Forest Lakes Update. (See attached) Mr. McKyton expressed concerns on the Carry Forward estimated at$87,203 at the end of the final year of the debt service in year 2022. Staff reassured the Advisory Committee the Budget Department agrees this is a priority project and needs to be done. If needed, funds would be advanced to complete the project. VI. PROJECT MANAGER REPORT A. MAINTENANCE REPORT Darryl Richard distributed and reviewed the Forest Lakes Roadway and Drainage MSTU Advisory Committee Maintenance Report dated December 18, 2014. (See attached) He reported: • The Horvath Lake fountains have been scheduled for the initial service call on all three(3) fountains and should be done within the next 30 days. • Madar Electric pulled the pump on December 11th and provided a quote for refurbishment and replacement. (See attached) Staff recommended the Advisory Committee accept the refurbishment quote in the amount of$2,968.51 which would require an increase to P.O. 4500155244 in the amount of$2,468.51. Mr. McKyton moved to authorize Staff to accept quote from Mader Electric Motors for the repair and refurbishment of the Stormwater Pump System in the amount of $2,968.51. Second by Chairman Fogg. Motion carried;4—0. Kevin McKyton left at 11:04 A.M. Staff distributed a Blooming Plant Chart showing trees and plants installed in the Forest Lakes Community. (See attached) Vll1. OLD BUSINESS Public Speakers 3 January 6,2015 Mary Jane Peck asked if Staff knew when the traffic lines at the entrance will be painted. Staff responded the lines have been painted. Jessa Olson - TLGC clarified the lights out on the sign reported at the last meeting, are actually lights out are on the Names of the Associations signage. Staff will check with the electrician to see if it is on the MSTU circuit and who is responsible for the maintenance. He was not sure it belonged to the MSTU. He indicated it was not an original MSTU installation. If it is on the MSTU circuit, he will have the electrician fix it. Mary Jane Peck commended Kenneth Bloom and Kevin McKyton for the interest they take in the MSTU Budget. It is appreciated. She requested a County Department to contact regarding signage on Woodshire. She reported the "no turn" signage is not being maintained. Staff will check the records to see who is responsible for maintenance. Mary Jane Peck will call Traffic Operations directly. IX. NEW BUSINESS Darryl Richard stated the Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman will be held at the February Meeting. He provided a signed copy of the Forest Lakes MSTU By-Laws. (See attached) X. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS (NONE) XI. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mary Jane Peck asked when the traffic lines at the entrance would be painted. Staff will confirm that schedule. XII. NEXT MEETING DATE NEXT MEETING: FEBRUARY 3, 2015 AT 10:00 A.M. FOREST LAKES CONDO ASSOCIATION CLUBHOUSE 1058 FOREST LAKE DRIVE,NAPLES,FL 34105 There being no further business for the good of the County,the Meeting was adjourned by order of the Chairman at 11:30 A.M. FOREST LAKES ROADWAY AND 4 January 6,2015 DRAINAGE MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE George Fogg, Chairman The Minutes were approved by the Committee Chair on , 2015 "as submitted" [_], OR "as amended" [_]. 5 FOREST LAKES MSTU FUND 159 February 3,2015 Vendor Item PO# Budget Commitments Expenditures Total 1 CUR AD VALOREM TAX $ (154,400.00) $ - $ (128,160.80) $ (26,239.20) 2 DEL AD VALOREM $ - $ - $ - $ - 3 FIFTH THIRD O/N INTEREST $ - $ - $ (31.36) $ 31.36 4 INVESTMENT INTEREST $ (2,500.00) $ - $ (806.63) $ (1,693.37) 5 INTEREST TAX COLLECTOR $ - $ - $ - $ - 6 REVENUE STRUCTURE $ (156,900.00) $ • $ (128,998.79) $ (27,901.21) 7 TRANSFERS FROM PROP APP $ - $ - $ - $ - 8 TRANSFERS FROM TAX COLL $ - $ - $ - $ - 9 CARRY FORWARD GEN $ (408,000.00) $ - $ - $ (408,000.00) 10 NEG 5%EST REV $ 7,800.00 $ - $ - $ 7,800.00 11 TRANSFERS&CONTRIB $ (400,200.00) $ - $ - $ (400,200.00) 12 TOTAL REVENUE $ (557,100.00) $ - $ (128,998.79) $ (428,101.21) 13 ENGINEERING FEES Agnoli,Barber&Brundage Stormwater Engineering Serv. 4500155494 $ 1,441.50 $ (5,534.00) 14 INDIRECT COST REIMBURS $ 5,400.00 $ - $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00 Ground Zero Landscaping Landscaping Incidentals 4500154382 $ 559.90 $ 940.10 Hannula Landscaping Landscaping Incidentals 450015589') $ - $ 1,110.00 15 LANDSCAPE INCIDENTALS $ 4,000.00 $ 559.90 $ 2,050.10 $ 1,390.00 Ground Zero Landscaping Basic Level Maintenance 4500154382 $ 9,461.00 $ 5,539.00 $ (15,000.00) Hannula Landscaping Swale Maintenance 4500154807 $ 32.223.06 $ 7,777.98 $ (40,001.04) Hannula Landscaping(FY14) Swale Maintenance 4500149595 $ - $ (1,110.00) Bue Inc. Repair/Install Fence 4500155242 $ - $ 375.00 $ (375.00) 16 OTHER CONTRACTUAL $ 125,000.00 $ 41,684.06 $ 12,581.98 $ 70,733.96 17 OTHER CONTRACTUAL Horvath Lake Fountains Clean/Inspect 3 Fountains 4500156242 $ - $ 337.50 $ - $ (337.50) 18 POST FREIGHT $ 100.00 $ - $ - $ 100.00 19 ELECTRICITY FP&L Electricity 470002304 $ 13,400.00 $ 7,511.07 $ 4,563.93 $ 1,325.00 20 WATER AND SEWER City of Naples Reclaimed Water 4700002381 $ 300.00 $ 30.04 $ 169.96 $ 100.00 21 RENT EQUIPMENT JM Todd Copier/Printer Lease(shared) 4500154810 $ 300.00 $ 133.06 $ 166.94 22 INSURANCE GENERAL Collier County Insurance Direct Pay $ 500.00 $ 375.00 $ 125.00 $ - 23 SPRINKLER SYSTEM MAIN Florida Irrigation Supply Irrigation Parts 4500153788 $ 500.00 $ 313.16 $ 186.84 $ (0.00) 24 MULCH Forestry Resources Mulch 4500154120 $ 500.00 $ 40.16 $ 508.46 $ (48.62) John Mader Enterprises Inspect&Repair system 4500155244 $ 2,968.51 $ - EB Simmonds lighting repairs 4500156897 - 14.28 $ 485.72 25 LIGHTING MAINTENANCE $ 2,200.00 a 2,982.79 $ 485.72 $ (1,268.51) Juristaff,Inc. Transcriptionist 4500154456 $ 2,285.62 $ 714.38 $ (3,000.00) GPServ,Inc. Juno Handheld 4500156300 $ - $ 89.87 26 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS $ 4,000.00 $ 2,285.62 $ 804.25 $ 910.13 27 OFFICE SUPPLIES Staples Advantage Office Supplies 4500154725 $ 300.00 $ 193.69 $ 6.31 $ 100.00 28 COPYING CHARGES JM Todd Monthly CPC (shared) 4500154809 $ 300.00 $ 122.32 $ 77.68 $ 100.00 29 FERT HERB CHEM Florikan Fertilizer 4500156382 $ 500.00 $ - $ 517.50 $ (17.50) 30 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES Home Depot Cleaning/Other Oper.Supplies VISA $ - $ - $ 92.71 $ (92.71) 31 OTHER TRAINING EDUCATIONAL EX RedVector Ed.Course VISA $ - F. - $ 132.00 $ (132.00) 32 OPERATING EXPENSE $ 157,300.00 $ 60,527.81 $ 26,577.00 $ 70,195.19 33 TRANS TO 111 UNINCOR $ 47,200.00 $ - $ - $ 47,200.00 34 TRANS TO 259 FOREST LAKES DEBT $ 114,200.00 $ - $ 114,200.00 $ - 35 TRANSFERS $ 161,400.00 $ - $ 114,200.00 $ 47,200.00 36 Budget Trans from Appraiser $ 3,200.00 $ - $ 689.84 $ 2,510.16 37 Budget Trans from Tax Collector $ 3,800.00 $ - $ 3,114.32 $ 685.68 38 TRANSFERS CONST $ 7,000.00 $ - $ 3,804.16 $ 3,195.84 39 RESERVE FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 231,400.00 $ - $ - $ 231,400.00 40 RESERVES $ 231,400.00 $ - $ • $ 231,400.00 41 TOTAL BUDGET $ 557,100.00 $ 60,527.81 $ 144,581.16 $ 351,991.03 Total Available Balance $ 351,991.03 Plus Commited And Not Spent $ 60,527.81 Estimated Cash $ 412,518.84) Estimated Cash Less Uncollected Ad Valorem Taxes $ 386,279.64 176,394,909 FY 10 Final Taxable Value 145,888,273 FY 11 Final Taxable Value 132,933,552 FY 12 Final Taxable Value 129,715,699 FY 13 Oct Taxable Value 129,977,881 FY 14 Oct Taxable Value 140,070,223 FY 15 July Certified 7.76% Al.14 t0 15 Property Tax Limitation Impact FY 15 Gross Taxable Value 140,070,223 FY 15 FY 14 Debt Service Operations Total Minus:New Const.Annex. 363 Millage 1.1022 1.1610 2.7532 0.5228 3.2760 Plus:Amendment#1 TV Component 0 401,700 76,300 478,000 Adj.Taxable Value 140,069,860 Extension 154,385 150,904 2.8978 1.1022 4.0000 FY 14 Levy 150,904 405,900 154,400 560,300 Rolled Back Rate(less Amend.One) 1.0773 Variance 78,100 82,300 91%of Rolled Back Rate 0.9804 91%of 1.2468 1.0030 GNOLI ARBER & 60 m RUNDAGE Professional engineers,planners&Lind surveyors 7400 Trail North,Suite 200,Naples.Florida 34108-(239)597-3111 -FAX:(239)5ti6-2203 FOREST LAKES MSTU STORMWATER SWALES ANALYSIS @ LAKE 14& LAKE 6& HOLE#3 (Improvement#2A from Drainage Analysis) January 29, 2015 A stormwater modeling analysis was done by ABB for the east portion of Forest Lakes and documented in our report dated August 29, 2014. Per the Recommendation section there were two suggested improvements, each of which could provide some improvement to the existing system. The first Improvement#1 was to open a blocked culvert to help drain stormwater during the wet season. This option provided the most significant reduction to peak stage elevations particularly in the northeast portion of Forest Lakes where flooding has been most severe. The second Improvement #2A was to regrade existing grassed swales along the golf course located south of Lake 16, north of Lake 4 and south of golf course Hole #3. This option was potentially the second most effective of the available options explored. We had recommended that these existing swales could be regraded to provide more width or depth than the assumed existing conditions. Regrading the swales with larger cross sections showed potential for improvement to the peak stages at the north and east portions of Forest Lakes(typically 1"to 2"),as it would allow more water to pass through the golf course in this location and on toward the southwest to Lake #5. Conversely, this would also raise the peak stage approximately one inch (1") in Lake#5 and the south/southwest areas. The Improvement#2A project design was initiated recently in order to make a detailed evaluation of the existing swales and determine the extent of proposed construction improvements. We re- evaluated the existing conditions of the swales connecting Lake 16 to Lake 4 and the portion that runs south of Hole #3 to the cart bridge double culverts. Detailed measurements were taken at each of the different swale sections and bottom widths in order to obtain more accurate input data into the stormwater model. We found that the swale south of(downstream from) Lake 16 is average 5' bottom width,then widens to 10' average bottom width south of Hole#3. We also 1 K:\2014\14-0126 Forest Lakes Stormwater Services\Correspondences\Documents\Forest Lakes Swales Analysis.docx verified the remaining 900 linear feet of swale along the north side of Hole#4 and#5 leading to the culverts at Lake#5. This swale has a typical 8'-10' bottom width. The swale north of Lake 4 was also verified as a V-bottom, which was the same typical section as originally in our model. We updated the stormwater model with the more detailed swale sections (approximately 1,300 linear feet)running from Lake 16 to Lake 5. With this 1,300 linear feet swale system having wider bottom widths than originally assumed, we found that the peak stages throughout the system (the updated existing conditions) are approximately equal to the anticipated peak stages if the recommended Improvement#2A swale regrading project were implemented. In other words,the existing swale sections from Lake 16 to Lake 5 are of adequate width and depth to produce comparable peak stage results, to the previously recommended swale improvements. There are no significant or measureable restrictions along this swale. The only portion of this swale that could benefit from widening to the full 10' bottom width is the portion south of Lake 16 (approximately 250 linear feet). We proposed a 10' wide bottom and recalculated the peak water stages in the stormwater model. This results in only a very small change to the peak stages throughout the site; generally in the range of 0.01' to 0.05' (or about 0" to %2" difference). Considering the very minimal elevation change, limited land available between the condominium building and golf course bunker,and the potential construction costs, this swale regrading is not recommended. Attached is a table "Forest Lakes Comparision of Peak Stormwater Elevations" which shows the updated stage elevations. Exhibit 15 from the original report is also included for reference. The first column "Proposed #1" shows the peak stages in all basins considering the updated existing swale sections and the opened culvert in Lake 14. This table represents the current (updated) existing conditions on site. The second column shows the results of proposing the 10'wide swale as described in the paragraph above. The third column shows the calculated elevation difference in feet,which is minimal as also described above. At this time there are no further improvements recommended along the east side of Forest Lakes. The recent culvert opening and the mowing and continued maintenance of all golf course swales provides the most significant improvements to the existing system to improve stormwater conveyance through the site from north to south outfall points. 2 K:\2014\14-0126 Forest Lakes Stormwater Services\Correspondences\Documents\Forest Lakes Swales Analysis.docz Forest Lakes Comparison of Peak Stormwater Elevations ABB PN 14-0126 Updated 1/23/15 Proposed#1 Proposed#1 & #2A Elevation Updated January 2015 Updated January 2015 Difference Name Peak Water Elevation(ft) Name Peak Water Elevation(ft) (ft) Basin0l 10.24 Basin0l 10.22 -0.02 Basin02 11.88 Basin02 11.82 -0.06 Basin03a 10.17 Basin03a 10.14 -0.04 Basin03b 10.18 Basin03b 10.14 -0.04 Basin04a 11.58 Basin04a 11.52 -0.06 Basin04b 10.03 Basin04b 10.01 -0.01 Basin05 10.03 Basin05 10.02 -0.01 Basin06a 10.13 Basin06a 10.09 -0.04 Basin06b 10.11 Basin06b 10.08 -0.03 Basin07 10.37 Basin07 10.35 -0.01 Basin08a 10.01 Basin08a 10.00 -0.01 Basin08b 10.01 Basin08b 10.00 -0.01 Basin08c 10.01 Basin08c 10.00 -0.01 Basin08d 10.01 Basin08d 10.00 -0.01 Basin08e 10.01 Basin08e 10.00 -0.01 Basin08f 10.01 Basin08f 10.00 -0.01 Basin09a 10.02 Basin09a 10.00 -0.01 Basin09b 10.02 Basin09b 10.00 -0.01 Basinl0 10.02 Basinl0 10.01 -0.01 Basinlla 10.02 Basinlla 10.01 -0.01 Basinllb 10.02 Basinllb 10.01 -0.01 Basinlic 10.02 Basinllc 10.01 -0.01 Basinlld 10.02 Basinlld 10.00 -0.01 Basinl2 10.02 Basinl2 10.01 -0.01 Basinl3a 9.97 Basinl3a 9.95 -0.02 Basinl3b 9.98 Basinl3b 9.96 -0.02 Basinl4 9.95 Basinl4 9.93 -0.02 Basinl5 11.28 Basinl5 11.25 -0.04 Basinl5b 10.43 Basinl5b 10.38 -0.05 Basinl6 12.37 Basinl6 12.35 -0.02 Basinl6Rd 10.38 Basinl6Rd 10.37 -0.01 Basinl7 10.02 Basinl7 10.01 -0.01 Basinl8a 9.80 Basinl8a 9.78 -0.02 Basinl8b 9.61 Basinl8b 9.60 -0.01 Basinl9 10.02 Basinl9 10.00 -0.01 Basin20 9.98 Basin20 9.96 -0.02 Basin2l 10.60 Basin2l 10.35 -0.25 Basin22 10.03 Basin22 10.00, -0.03 Basin22-23 8.46 Basin22-23 8.46 -0.01 Basin23 9.23 Basin23 9.21 -0.02 Basin23Sw 9.08 Basin23Sw 9.06 -0.02 Basin24 10.42 Basin24 10.46 0.04 CB21 9.09 CB21 9.08 -0.01 CB22-23 8.45 CB22-23 8.44 -0.01 CSI89 9.85 CSI89 9.84 -0.01 Hole3 10.03 Hole3 10.00 -0.03 Hole4 10.08 Hole4 10.06 -0.03 Holes 10.08 Holes 10.06 -0.03 159 10.03 159 10.00, -0.03 J87 10.21 JB7 10.18 -0.03 Lake 05 10.42 Lake 05 10.46 0.04 Lake04 10.03 Lake04 10.00 -0.03 Lakel4 10.02 Lakel4 10.01 -0.01 Lakel5a 10.02 Lakel5a 10.00 -0.01 Lakel5b 10.01 Lakel5b 10.00 -0.01 Lakel8 10.02 Lakel8 10.00 -0.01 MH-2 10.27 MH-2 10.25 -0.02 Outfall 5.30 Outfall 5.30 0.00 Outfalll 5.50 Outfalll 5.50 0.00 P102A 10.08 P102A 10.06 -0.02 P102B 10.03 P102B 10.00 -0.03 P140A 10.08 P140A 10.06 -0.03 QIFtBlvd 10.52 QIFtBlvd 10.52 0.00 WdshrLnN 10.33 WdshrLnN 10.32 -0.01 WestSide 10.45 WestSide 10.49 0.04 EXHIBIT 15 Comparison of Peak Storm Water Elevation Maximum Water Elevation Ft Existing Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed#1 Name Conditions Proposed#1 #1#2A #1#2A#3 #1#2A#28 #1#2A#5 #1#2A#3 #2A#2B#3 #3 #5 #5 Basin0l 10.42 10.33 10.21 10.20 10.20 10.20 10.19 10.21 Basin02 12.79 12.65 12.40 12.37 12.36 12.38 12.35 12.37 Basin03a 10.40 10.30 10.13 10.12 10.10 10.11 10.10 10.16 Basin03b 10.39 10.30 10.13 10.12 10.10 10.11 10.10 10.16 Basin04a 12.28 12.13 11.88 11.85 11.84 11.86 11.84 11.85 Basin04b 10.45 10.29 10.01 10.04 10.03 9.99 9.99 10.09 Basin05 10.40 10.25 10.01 10.05 10.03 9.99 9.99 10.09 Basin06a 10.39 10.28 10.09 10.10 10.08 10.05 10.05 10.14 Basin06b 10.39 10.27 10.07 10.10 10.08 10.03 10.04 10.13 Basin07 10.46 10.40 10.35 10.34 10.33 10.34 10.33 10.34 Basin08a 10.32 10.18 9.99 10.03 10.02 9.97 9.98 10.07 Basin08b 10.32 10.18 9.99 10.03 10.02 9.97 9.98 10.07 Basin08c 10.32 10.18 9.99 10.03 10.02 9.97 9.98 10.07 BasinO8d 10.32 10.18 9.99 10.03 10.02 9.97 9.98 10.07 BasinO8e _ 10.31 _ 10.18 9.99 10.03 10.02 9.97 9.98 10.07 Basin08f 10.31 10.18 9.99 10.03 10.02 9.97 9.98 10.07 Basin09a 10.37 10.21 10.00 10.04 10.02 9.98 9.98 10.08 Basin09b 10.37 10.21 10.00 10,04 10.02 9.98 9.98 10.08 Basinl0 10.43 10.26 10.00 10.04 10.03 9.98 9.99 10.08 Basinlla 10.39 10.23 10.00 10.04 10.03 9.98 9.99 10.08 Basinllb 10.38 10.22 10.00 10.04 10.03 9.98 9.99 10.08 Basinllc 10.38 10.21 10.00 10.04 10.02 9.98 9.98 10.08 Basinlld 10.37 10.21 10.00 10.04 10.02 9.98 9.98 10.08 Basinl2 10.39 10.23 10.00 10.04 10.03 9.98 9.98 10.08 Basinl3a 9.64 10.05 9.94 9.93 9.99 9.96 9.95 9.96 Basinl3b 10.21 10.09 9.95 9.94 9.99 9.96 9.95 9.98 Basinl4 9.64 10.03 9.92 9.92 9.97 9.95 9.94 9.95 Basinl5 11.28 11.35 11.35 11.35 11.12 11.14 11.10 11.35 Basinl5b 10.41 10.53 10.35 10.30 10.25 10.21 10.22 10.32 Basinl6 12.37 12.41 12.34 12.32 12.29 12.30 12.28 12.32 Basinl6Rd 10.48 10.42 10.37 10.36 10.35 10.36 10.35 10.36 Basin17 10.43 10.26 10.00 10.04 10.03 9.98 9.99 10.08 Basinl8a 9.73 9.87 9.78 9.78 9.82 9.78 9.78 9.80 Basinl8b 9.60 9.68 9.59 9.60 9.62 9.59 9.59 9.63 Basin19 10.37 10.21 10.00 10.04 10.02 9.98 9.98 10.08 Basin20 10.21 10.10 9.96 9.95 9.98 9.96 9.94 9.99 Basin2l 11.09 10.95 10.24 10.04 10.07 10.16 9.98 10.14 Basin22 10.36 10.25 10.00 10.04 10.02 9.97 9.98 10.08 BasinZ2-23 8.59 8.56 8.45 8.46 8.47 8.45 8.45 8.48 Basin23 9.33 9.31 9.20 9.23 9.22 9.19 9.19 9.26 Basin23Sw 9.15 9.15 9.05 9.07 9.07 9.04 9.04 9.10 Basin24 10.41 10.36 10.46 10.27 10.24 10.39 10.18 10.33 C821 9.17 9.15 9.07 9.08 9.10 9.07 9.07 9.10 CB22-23 8.57 8.55 8.44 8.45 8.46 8.43 8.44 8.46 CSI89 9.99 9.95 9.84 9.86 9.86 9.82 9.82 9.90 Hole3 10.25 10.16 9.99 10.03 10.02 9.97 9.98 10.07 Hole4 10.27 10.19 10.05 10.06 10.03 9.99 9.99 10.11 Holes 10.27 10.19 10.05 10.06 10.04 9.99 9.99 10.11 159 10.24 10.15 10.03 10.02 9.97 9.98 10.07 1137 10.41 10.31 10.17 10.16 10.14 10.14 10.13 10.19 Lake04 10.41 10.36 10.46 10.27 10.24 10.39 10.18 10.33 Lake05 10.25 10.16 9.99 10.03 10.02 9.97 9.98 10.07 Lakel4 10.38 10.22 10.00 10.04 10.03 9.98 9.99 10.08 Lakel5a 10.37 10.21 10.00 10.04 10.02 9.98 9.98 10.08 Lakel5b 10.30 10.17 9.99 10.03 10.02 9.97 9.98 10.07 Lake 18 10.37 10.21 10.00 10.04 10.02 9.98 9.98 10.08 MH-2 10.43 10.32 10.24 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.22 10.23 Outfall 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 Outfalll 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 P102A 10.27 10.19 10.05 10.06 10.03 9.99 9.99 10.10 P1028 10.25 10.16 9.99 10.03 10.02 9.97 9.98 10.07 P140A 10.28 10.19 10.05 10.06 10.04 9.99 9.99 10.11 QIFtBIvd 10.52 10.52 10.52 10.52 10.52 10.52 10.52 10.52 WdshrLnN 10.41 . 10.35 10.32 10.31 10.31 10.31 10.31 10.31 WestSide 10.44 10.39 10.49 10.32 10.29 10.42 _ 10.24 10.38 FOREST ROADWAY and DRAINAGE M.S.T.U. ADVISORY COMMITTEE LAKES REPORT FOR: FEBRUARY 3,2015 MEETING MAINTENANCE REPORT To: Forest Lakes MSTU Committee cc: Aaron Gross, Ground Zero George Fogg, RLA, Chairman, Forest Lakes MSTU Advisory Committee From: Darryl Richard, RLA Project Manager Date: January 29, 2015 RE: Forest Lakes— Monthly Maintenance Report The following is a brief maintenance status report for the Forest Lakes landscape maintenance areas: LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE • In general site/areas look good. • Landscaped beds at front entrance recently had mulch applied. • Landscaped beds& sod at front entrance had 8-2-12 fertilizer applied. • All Orange Geiger Trees were treated for Geiger beetles. • MSTU planted trees near sidewalk have been trimmed to meet the 10 ft. clearance requirement. • Naples Bath &Tennis (NB&T) has trimmed the trees along Woodshire Lane so that they do not block the light poles. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE • Horvath Lake fountains has been issued a purchase order to clean the qty. 3 fountains in Golf Course lakes. Horvath will clean all 3 fountains and inspect the lighting system/timer on all 3 fountains. The initial service call will take place within the next 30 days—and any necessary repairs will follow. GOLF COURSE SWALE MOWING • Hannula crews have been keeping the swales mowed per specifications. LIGHTING MAINTENANCE • No reported outages for the street lights • PO is in the process of being issued for trouble shooting the landscape lighting. E.B. Simmonds quoted original investigation @ $500.00 to determine actual repairs needed. Currently there are outages for landscape lighting. PUMP SYSTEM MAINTENANCE • Madar Electric has been issued new PO with increase (as approved at last meeting on 1-6-15)for a total project of$2,968.51 Please email or call me if you have any questions. Darryl Richard, RLA, MSTU Project Manager