Haldeman Creek MSTU Minutes 12/02/2014 t/2�rx�ti:ay7shol41dre. Y��oUyw Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU HALDEMAN CREEK DREDGING MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 2,2014 MEETING The meeting of the Haldeman Creek Dredge MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by Chairman Wilson at 4:00 p.m. at the MSTU Office at 3570 Bayshore Drive. I. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Committee Members: Roy Wilson, Jim King, Jack Bonzelaar and Steve Main. Joe Adams was also present but did not vote due to the fact that his BCC approval would be on an upcoming BCC agenda. MSTU Staff Present: Jean Jourdan, CRA Operations Manager, Ashley Caserta, MSTU Project Manager and Ekna Hue, Operations Coordinator. II. Adoption of Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda. Motion: Steve Main. Second: Jack Bonzelaar. Approved: 4-0. III. Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the November 4, 2014 minutes. Motion: Steve Main. Second: Jim King. Approved: 4-0. IV. Project Manager Report: Staff gave a brief report on the Bayshore Beautification MSTU and Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA projects. A. Haldeman's Landing / Regatta Landing: The BCC held a meeting on October 28, 2014 where they remanded the appeal request for a dock extension petition to the Hearing Examiner. The Hearing Examiner meeting was held on November 20, 2014. A report composed of 141+ pages resulted. The report consisted of recommended conditions should the BCC approve the appeal, as well as background research and information. Motion that the Haldeman Creek MSTU opposes the current proposal and recommends that the BCC deny the Petitioners appeal as they do not meet the minimum Primary Criteria required to request a `dock extension', made by: Roy Wilson. 2"d by: Jim King. Approved: 4-0. The recommendation was forwarded to County staff member, Fred Reischl. **After this meeting, prior to the BCC's scheduled hearing of the item which was scheduled for December 9, 2014, the petitioner withdrew the item. 2. Beautification Update: There was a 5pm meeting this day which gave the update of the Beautification MSTU where these details will be shared if anyone was interested to stay. 3. CRA Update: There was a 6pm meeting this day which gave the update of the Community Redevelopment Advisory Committee where these details will be shared if anyone was interested to stay. I 2614:1,vv' zn. TJ Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU V. Old Business a. None VI. New Business a. None VII. Next Meeting Date: TBD VIII. Public Comments: Robert Messmer urged the Haldeman Creek MSTU to deny the petition and forward this recommendation to the BCC. IX. Adjournment: 5pm /d •C/ ye). Approved and forwarded by Roy Wilson, MSTU Advisory Committee Chairman.