Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 01/06/2015 C/2QiG2�Yl LYI. Cep O
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by
Chairman Maurice Gutierrez at 5:00p.m. at the MSTU Office 3570 Bayshore Drive,Unit 102.
I. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Committee Members: Maurice Gutierrez(Chairman),Victoria.
Nicklos, Sheila Dugan, Sandra Arafet, Gerry Buck, Carolyn Cochrane and Robert Mesmer.
MSTU Staff Present: Ashley Caserta(MSTU Project Manager), Jean Jourdan(CRA
Operations Manager) and Ekna Hue(Operations Coordinator).
II. Adoption of Agenda: Mr. Gutierrez asked for the adoption of the agenda as amended to
include an item for Bayview under MSTU Updates. Motion to approve the agenda as amended
made by: Victoria Nicklos. 2°a: Carolyn Cochrane. Approved: 6-0.
III. Approval of Minutes: Mr. Gutierrez asked for approval of the minutes for the December 2,
2014 meeting motion made by: Gerry Buck. 2nd: Victoria Nicklos. Approved: 6-0.
IV. Projects Report:
A.MSTU Update
1.Landscape Update: Affordable Landscaping has been maintaining the area and has been
working with County Irrigation maintenance expert Roger Dick to make some repairs to the
a. Al has ordered and received the new palms that need to be replaced. They will be planted once
a repair is made to the irrigation system.
b.There was a line break on Areca and Bayshore which is currently getting repaired.
c. The oak trees along Bayshore are being trimmed as of today.
d.There will be a future discussion regarding upgrades to Bayshore Drive once a cost estimate is
delivered from RWA regarding the Thomasson project.
2. Karen Drive and Pineland Avenue stormwater improvement projects: In-office work for the
Karen Drive Stormwater Improvement Project (grant funded in the amount of$154,120) and the
Pineland Avenue Stormwater Improvement Project(grant funded in the amount of$56,570)has begun.
The funds have been received and the first step is to obtain an environmental review that is a
requirement of the grant. The project must be completed by June. Actual trucks and boots on the ground
will take 2-3 months.
3.Thomasson Drive/Hamilton Avenue: staff joined Michael Ward of RWA to search throught the
Coutny's ROW records to find missing pieces near the intersection of Bayshore and Thomassson. RWA
is also determining other design factors that will impact the design criteria report.Their attendance will
be scheduled for February's MSTU meeting. Prior to the design, staff had a preliminary meeting with
RWA and the ACOE regarding the Army Corps of Enigneers (ACOE) permit for Thomasson Drive. The
Offices: 3570 Bayshore Drive Unit 102 Naples,Florida 34112
cz 710,0
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
outcome was that the project `may' qualify for an exemption from their permitting process. In a follow-
up meeting, it was determined that we will need to undergo the permit process if no previous ACOE
permit is found when Thomasson was originally constructed. The county has no record and ACOE does
not keep records that old. Our contract with RWA lists ACOE permitting as an extra task, should it be
needed and not included in the contract's overall fees. A proposal will be presented to you once
received. Also, the Naples Pathway Coalition reviewed our design option which was approved by this
advisory board and they concurred on the selection.
4.Next steps for side streets: Residents from Lakeview Drive and Jeepers Drive have expressed
interest for streetscaping improvements. Karen Drive is also being considered due to the
stortnwater improvements that will be constructed over the next year and the sale of the CRA
owned lots that will have new homes and also the clean-up of a long standing mobile home
property that had issue with debris and hoarding.This is an informational item only
5. Capital Improvement Plan: The MSTU will be asked to review the Capital Improvement Plan
schedule over the next few months once a construction budget for Thomasson is reached with RWA.
The MSTU will evaluate funding that is projected within the upcoming years and will prioritize by year.
Staff was requested to look into what is needed to expand our boundaries West on Thomasson Drive.
Staff was requested to obtain a quote to replace Bayview Drive's sod with rock on the Marina property.
B. CRA Update: Will be presented in the CRA meeting after this meeting.
C.Haldeman Creek MSTU Update:
V. Old Business
A.Request for Payment of Services: Motion to make payment made by: Maurice Gutierrez.
2nd: Gerry Buck. Approved: 6-0.
V. New Business
VII. Committee Communications:
VIII. Public Comments: Mike Nelson from the Sheriff's Department congratulated the MSTU for
the receipt of the Anthony Sutin Civic Imagination Award.
IX. Adjournment
Approved by Maurice Gutierrez, MSTU Advisory Committee Chairman
Offices: 3570 Bayshore Drive Unit 102 Naples,Florida 34112