Minutes 04/17/2013 _1 LANDSCAPE&WATER MANAGEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE PELICAN BA%laybiCS3`BIVISITN BOARD WEDNESDAY,APRIL 17,2013 LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Landscape&Water Management Subcommittee of the Pelican Bay Services Division Board met on Wednesday,April 17,2013 at 1:00 PM at the Community Center at Pelican Bay,8960 Hammock Oak Drive,Naples,Florida 34108. The following members were present: Landscape&Water Management Subcommittee Dave Trecker,Chairman Tom Cravens Joe Chicurel Scott Streckenbein Pelican Bay Services Division Staff W.Neil Dorrill,Administrator absent Mary McCaughtry,Operations Analyst Kyle Lukasz,Operations Manager Lisa Resnick,Recording Secretary Also Present John Domenie,Pelican Bay Services Division Board Three in the audience AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Update on community awareness program(Dave Trecker) 3. Update on Basin 3 pilot project(Kyle Lukasz) 4. Sampling/testing program for lakes 5. Issue with recycled water 6. Estimate for dredging and disposal 7. Audience comments 8. Adjournment ROLL CALL All Subcommittee members were present. UPDATE ON COMMUNITY AWARENESS PROGRAM Chairman Trecker reported the Foundation Board assigned Mr.Dave Cook to work with the Services Division on the community awareness program. Several presentations given recently or scheduled soon and additional presentations scheduled in the fall: 1) Mr.Cravens volunteered to give the presentation to the Men's Coffee;2)Dr.Chicurel volunteered to give the presentation to the Women's League;and 3)Mr. Streckenbein volunteered to give the presentation to the Mangrove Action Group. UPDATE ON BASIN 3 PILOT PROJECT Mr.Lukasz explained there is aeration in all five of the Basin 3 lakes and suggested placing aquatic or littoral plants and bacteria in the three golf course lakes and bacteria only in the two Gulf Park lakes. SAMPLING TESTING PROGRAM FOR LAKES The Subcommittee discussed baseline testing,funding sources,unintended consequences of using alternatives to copper sulfate,and floating islands versus littoral plants. Mr.Lukasz obtained information about floating islands. 21 Landscape&Water Management Subcommittee Meeting Minutes April 17, 2013 Mr.Cravens made a motion,second by Chairman Trecker to recommend to the full Board that the Services Division contract with Tim Hall to continue to monitor the 42 lakes that he has already obtained data. The Subcommittee voted unanimously in favor and the motion passed. The Subcommittee directed that sediment be sampled and tested for depth and copper levels in 4-5 selective lakes. ISSUE WITH RECYCLED WATER The Subcommittee discussed reports that recycled water is impaired for high levels of nutrients and copper. Staff and Chairman Trecker would schedule a meeting with the recycled water manager to clarify the readings then schedule a presentation before the Subcommittee. ESTIMATE FOR DREDGING AND DISPOSAL The Subcommittee directed staff to obtain a cost estimate for hydraulic dredging of lakes and disposal of hazardous material. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Ms.Anne Georger-Harris(Avalon)was concerned about enforcement of landscaping best management practices and suggested the Services Division hold several community awareness program town hall meetings and the Subcommittee agreed. Mr.John Domenie requested that Breakwater lakes in Basin 5 be included in the testing program. BOARD COMMENTS The Subcommittee directed staff to schedule a field trip to the recycled water facility as a public meeting. ADJOURN Chairman Trecker made a motion,second by Mr.Cravens to adjourn. The Subcommittee voted unanimously in favor,the motion passed,and meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m. .4 , _A . _ ....,, Dave Tre k- Chairman Minutes by Lisa Resnick 4/26/2013 3:06:52 PM 22