Forest Lakes MSTU Minutes 03/04/2014 FOREST ROADWAY and DRAINAGE M.S.T.U. ADVISORY COMMITTEE LAKES 3299 East Tamiami Trail- Suite 103,Naples,FL 34112 MARCH 4, 2014 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman George Fogg called the meeting to order at 10:04 AM. A quorum was established; three voting members were present. II. ATTENDANCE Members: George Fogg—Chair Kenneth Bloom—Vice Chair(Excused) Richard Barry Kevin McKyton Marianne Fanning County: Darryl Richard—MSTU Project Manager Michelle Arnold—Director, ATM Others: Scott Windham—Windham Studio, Inc. (JuriSolutions—Sue Flynn) III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Additions: • Under Item V, "Budget Report" • Add: "A. Draft FY15 Budget" • Under Item VI, "Project Manager's Report" • Add: "A. Agnoli, Barber & Brundage,Inc. (ABB) Engineering Proposal" Kevin McKyton moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Marianne Fanning offered a Second in support of the Motion. Carried unanimously, 4— 0. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 4, 2014 Changes: • Under Item VI, "Project Manager's Report—Page 4" • 2nd to last paragraph, 3rd sentence should read"The President wants the new Board members to make the decision regarding the maintenance issue." March 4,2014 n Chairman Fogg moved to approve the Minutes of the February 4, 2014 meeting as amended. Kevin McKyton offered a Second in support of the Motion. Carried unanimously, 4—0. V. BUDGET REPORT—DARRYL RICHARD (Report attached: "Forest Lakes MSTU Fund 159, dated March 4, 2014") Monthly Budget Report: • Current Ad Valorem Tax Budget: $ 151,000.00 (Line Item 1) • Expenditures $ 132,758.09 • Uncollected $ 18,207.91 • Operating Expenses: $ 143,800.00 (Line Item 38) • Commitments: $ 75,219.81 • Spent to date: $ 51,656.98 • Operating Funds Available: $ 16,923.21 • Capital Outlay: $ 960,277.80 (Line Item 40) • Open Purchase Orders: $ 764,719.20 • Spent to date: $ 77,311.80 • Available Total: $ 118,246.80 • Reserves: $ 131,700.00 (Line Item 47) • Total Budget Available: $ 305,648.83 (Line Item 48) Chairman Fogg asked if the uncollected Ad Valorem dollar amount was approximately where it should be. Staff responded it was about normal, the tax receipts were on track. Darryl Richard presented the Maintenance Matrix which shows all maintenance expenditures for the Forest Lakes MSTU. He explain the Matrix is used mainly for budget purposes. He directed attention to the Asphalt Resurfacing Program FY2023-24 which indicates the MSTU must save $87,000 per year for the project. Kevin McKyton asked why 2 inch thick overlay would be used on this project. Staff responded 2 inch think overlay was recommended by Engineers. Kevin McKyton stated 3/4 or 1 inch should be fine. Chairman Fogg stated he wanted a big question mark placed on this item. He noted the Committee is strongly questioning the overlay recommendation. The roads to be resurfaced are not major roads. We need our engineer to evaluate what is enough overlay. Darryl Richard stated Staff will take a look at the recommendation to knock it down which should help the budget picture. 2 March 4,2014 •■ -\ A. Draft FY15 Budget Darryl Richard presented the Forest Lakes MSTU Fund 159 Expanded Budget Projection Draft. He stated the Advisory Committee should focus on the "Forecast FY-14" column and the"Requested FY2015" column. He explained the process from Draft to Final Budget and Staff will keep the Advisory Committee advised on major changes. The Advisory Committee was directed to review page 2 of the Fund 159 Budget Analysis; showing Total Revenues minus Total Expense equals Estimated Carry Forward Forecast FY14 at$237,622.96. This figure will be updated as we go further into the budget year. Kevin McKyton inquired if the Draft included the Bond Service payback. Darryl Richard responded the Bond Service was not included;just the MSTU Operating. The Asphalt Program is assessed in the Draft Forest Lakes MSTU Fund 159 Expanded Draft. Chairman Fogg asked why the "Revenue"reflects a decrease a little each year when the"Revenue" coming in is based on the assess value of the properties. It is inconceivable the "Revenue"would be going down each year. Since the recovery from the recession the home prices are going up substantially. Staff will have the formula in program checked. Michelle Arnold explained the issue may be with the Carry Forward. The Carry Forward is decreasing. Line 6 is the Revenue Structure,which is what the MSTU is taking in, in terms of property values. Then the Carry Forward is added in from the year prior. The Carry Forward being added in is annually less. Chairman Fogg restated his question in another way; if some numbers are going up in "Revenue" are going up and the MSTU is not getting funds on items we get interest on, therefore, why is the overall of funding going down. He added"he needs somebody to explain it in a simple way. Michelle Arnold responded. In a simple way; look at Line 6 (the money coming in based on property value.) This is a very conservative number and did not assume not much of an increase annually. There is interest earned on that money because you are also not seeing some of the Debt Service Salary that is in a separate budget. Line 6 increases over the years. The other revenues considered is the Carry Forward(the money not spent the prior year) When the money spent the prior year is less, and you add it to the revenue (property value),the total revenue is going to be less. Chairman Fogg suggested Staff add another line item showing interest from that. Michelle Arnold noted Line 4 Investment Interest includes the interest. Discussion was made on the recommended 2 inch overlay by Engineer for the Asphalt Resurfacing Project. Staff will review with Road and Bridge and Jim Carr. 3 March 4,2014 /"'■ Darryl Richard stated what is not shown is a Reserve for future projects. If the MSTU want to do any Capital Improvement. The Draft was based on"what information is known today." He recommended the mileage rate be increased. Chairman Fogg asked if a mileage rate increase was included in Budget Projection Draft. Staff indicated 1.5 increase was proposed in Draft; a.33 mileage increase. Discussion was made on the procedures to increase the mileage rate. Staff will research procedure to increase the mileage rate. Chairman Fogg moved to endorse the Draft Budget and Concept to be further review at the next meeting. Kevin McKyton offered a Second in support of the Motion. Carried unanimously, 4—0. VI. PROJECT MANAGER'S REPORT Darryl Richard reported: • Contractor is working on swales today. • Easements documents are being reviewed and processed by the Legal Department. • Hannula will clean high priority swales and will work every day until finished. When the cleaning of swales is completed Hannula will start maintenance of all the swales. • Have encumbered funds for project. Project is in Budget Report. • Staff will track the progress. It was noted the Maintenance Agreement and Coordination with the Gulf Course will be provided to Advisory Committee via email prior to the next meeting. A. ABB Engineering Proposal Darryl Richard distributed the Agnoli Barber &Brundage, Inc. proposal for the Forest Lakes MSTU, Stormwater Investigation and Analysis Consulting Services Revised Scope to include all area East of Quail Forest Boulevard including Woodshire Lane dated February 27, 2014. He directed the Advisory Committee to the last page of the proposal; a site plan of the Forest Lakes Community. He reviewed the Study Areas outlined in blue and red on the site plan as the areas covered in the proposal for ABB to make a recommendation on what is needed to be done. Chairman Fogg asked why not evaluating the west side of the course. Darryl Richard stated ABB would be happy to do anything as directed. He explained Staff tried to focus efforts with the limited funding available on the most critical need. Chairman Fogg stated he was not convinced that had been done because the red area is critical but it was backing up into fairways 14 and 15. It was backing up because the water could not flow out of the lakes and into the Gordon River Extension. One of the major reasons we have a problem is because the water cannot get to the lakes at the end of your red highlighted area over to the Gordon River. If we are not evaluating the west side,which could be part of the real problem. 4 March 4,2014 Darryl Richard indicated the water can get to the Gordon River. He explained there is a structure south of the large lake that ties directly into the Woodshire ditch as an outflow. He further explained the last year's rainy season;the southernmost lake was approximately a foot different in elevation from the northernmost lake. The issue was trying to get the water to the northernmost lake to the southernmost lake in the red highlighted area. ABB is focusing on this area. He noted if the issue had been solved last rainy season we would not had any flooding and that coupled with the culvert issue We do not know if there is an issue with the culvert side and flowing into the two (2) northern most lakes. If this is all coupled together; which ABB is going to do, we will get to see the big picture. Another question is why there is a foot difference in elevation between the two lakes and the water is not getting to the south lake. Darryl Richard suggested holding a meeting with Chairman Fogg, himself and Jim Carr to review areas included in evaluation. Dick Barry reported the southernmost lake drains across the 3rd fairway and into a swale on the 5th fairway, midway down the 5th fairway, through a pipe underground that dumps into the lake on the 5th pond. He stated you cannot walk through the swale on the 5th fairway because of thick vegetation. Kevin McKyton agreed this area should be a part of the Study which should include the entire outflow. Staff will review with Jim Carr. Darryl Richard recommended the MSTU direct Staff to do a Budget Amendment to move approximately $25,000 from Capital Improvements to Operating. Michelle Arnold noted the MSTU must show reason for moving funds when making that request. It was decided to place the Budget Amendment on hold until the next meeting. Staff suggested a Special Meeting be held to expedite. Chairman Fogg stated the Advisory Committee cannot approve the proposed contract until questions have been answered. Chairman Fogg reported a broken grate along the sidewalk was a safety hazard. Darryl Richard mentioned there were three (3) broken drain grates and suggested the broken drain grates be replaced. He will check to see if Road and Bridge have the grates in stock. If not, he will special order the grates. VII. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S REPORT—SCOTT WINDHAM (Reports attached: (1)Monthly Maintenance Report, dated February 25, 2014, and (2)MSTU Bond Project F-58 Sidewalk Project Improvements Status Report, dated February 25, 2014) Scott Windham gave a brief Maintenance Report: - Ground Zero started services between the last meeting and now. - They have resolved many straggling items that have been around for some time. - He is confident things will move forward and work well in the future with Ground Zero. 5 March 4,2014 He reviewed the Forest Lakes Sidewalk, Lighting and Street Tree Improvement Projects: - The east bound turn lane and traffic signal construction is almost complete. - The west sidewalk moving well along Turtle Lakes. - Half of the concrete is already poured. - The Contractor continues to run conduit for street light pole ahead of the sidewalk. - When the Contractor gets to Woodshire Lane; they will continue down Woodshire with the conduit and go on to the new parallel parking areas and continue with the lighting. - Meetings are productive and effective. They respond well to directives. VIII. OLD BUSINESS (None) IX. NEW BUSINESS The Advisory Committee welcomed Marianne Fanning as a new Member to serve on the Committee. X. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS (None) IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS/QUESTIONS Speakers Lee Dixon John Ptacek Joanne Varner NEXT MEETING: APRIL 1,2014 AT 10:00 AM FOREST LAKES CONDO ASSOCIATION CLUBHOUSE 1058 FOREST LAKE DRIVE,NAPLES,FL 34105 There being no further business for the good of the County,the Meeting was adjourned by order of the Chairman at 11:19 AM. FOREST LAKES ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE 6 March 4,2014 h 4 0,1 George nogg, Chairma The Minutes were approved by the Committee Chair on / , 2014 "as submitted" [ ), OR "as amended" [5() 7