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Jarafa, Inc.
MEMORANDUM TO: SUE FILSON, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: .TONI A. MO'FI-, SENIOR SPECIALIST i,-.~E~L PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DATE: MAY 14, 1999 RE: SALE OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES PROPERTY Attached you will find one (1) Real Estate Sales Agreement for execution by Cha~,Joman Pamela S. blac'Kie concerning the above transaction. Please be advised that Heidi F. Ashton, Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed and approved the attached document. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Real Estate Sales Agreements was approved and executed on January 12, 1999, Item 16(D)(10). Please foAYard the Real Estate Sales Agreement to Ellie Hoffman, Records Technician III, Minutes & Records, for attestation. [Note: Ellie, after attestation of said document, please call extension #8991 for document pick-up as the Real Property Management Department will record all necessary documents on the date of closing. ] Thank you. Attachment as stated SALES AGREEblEN'I' II (Parcel 66) REA[. [:.ST:VI'E S..\I.F.S A(}Rf:.FL".II!NT \ (5'~ t r-,~, ^ 1999 and bet'.vcen TillS AGREEMENT made and entered into this\_"~ ._~ {_lay o COLLIER COLiNYY, a pcditical subdivision of the St;itc of Florida, .hcrt.~naflcr referred to a~ 3;EI.LV.R. and JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter rcfci~cd It) as BISYER. WHEREAS, SELLER desires to sell, and BUYER desires to purchase, the properly hereinafter described, m the price and on the terms and conditions hereinafter set fi)r~h. NOW, TltEREFORt:-, in consideration of the recitals, thc mutual covenants hereinafter set forth and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt anti sufficiency of which arc hereby mutually ackn,,,.~ledgcd, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: The real properly' which is the subject o£ this AurccmcnL (hereinafter rc(crr'.:d to as "Prcmt,cs") is lcgall.',' described as: Thc East 75 feet of Ibc East 150 feet ofTracl ~tl, (Jolden (3ate Eslales, /5nit 62, acct~:,l~ng to thc plat thereof as recorded ~n Plat [took 5. Page S-. ,d-the Public R~.-c~rds ,if ('oilier Count.'.. } torida. A. SEI.LER agrees t,) sell and con'.cy thc Premise~, ',,> I~tJ','F.P,. and H,I~'FIiR agrees to purch. ~' thc Prcn]~scs from SELI.F.R, al tile [',rice and upon ~hc other terms .mi conditions herelnafter scl fi.th: 1. All of SFA.IA:.R'.S right, title and interest in an,l t,> thc Premises. A. Title to thc t'P,[:.MISES shall hc conveyed 1o ['P/¥1:.R by StatutoO' Deed. 4. pURCHASE PRICE The Purchase Price ("}'urchase ['rice") for the Prcmu-,cs shall be SEVENTY-FIFTY ($3,375.00) DOLLARS, payabtc h;, BUYE}{ to SELl ER as follows: A. Concugently, with Iht execution hereof. BUS'ER shall pay to SEI.I.ER, a~; earnest n,,)n=y hereunder ("Earnest Money") thc sum of'I'ltREE tlUNDREt) I'IIIRTY-S}~VENY AND 51~.'t0() ($337 5,~ DOLLARS representing ten pcrccnl, lllq4,, of thc purch;ssc price, and Fl[:'l'¥ one time p~occssing fee B. The balance, after credit for the Earnest Moncs. ~md plus or mimes anv furlhcr prorations ,~t! adjustments, shall be paid by ['~U YI:A>, t~ SI'~IAA:_R at closing. The BUYER further acknowledges that any appraisal fees and/or updatc fccs for Ibc .ttot),.'e described Premises shall bc thc sole and complete rcsponsibilit.,, ~1' The BUY[:.R shall upon tile execution of this Agrccmcm pa.,,' tile estimated appraisal fee ~rt thc amount of $150.00. Iftheappraisal fee is less thar~ the amount shown above, the differcncc shall be refundcd accordinglY. If an appraisal update shall be required, then SEI.I.F.R shall provide written confirmation of the update fee prior to ordering same, ami Buyer shall remit the update fee within ten (10) days of receipt to Thc BUYER shall have twenty (20) days from thc date of receipt of the registered or certified letter transmitting the appraisal and/or update to enter into an amended Real Estate Sales Agrcemenl ~tt a sales price in accordance with the appraisal or update. Following the expiration of this twenty (20) day period, it' no new Agreement is executed, lhe Earnest Money shall be returned to BUYER. 6. RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL The BUYER acknowledges that he has been ad,.'iscd of the right of first rcftisal it) purchase :he Prcmiscs on the same terms as contained in this Agreement by A,.atar Propcrlies Inc. If Avatar exercises Hs rights under this paragraph, BUYER shall receive a full retired of their Earnest Money. Avatar Properties Inc. ,,'.'ill be responsible for pay~nent of the appraisal fees and/or update fees if it elects t,, exercise its righl t<) purchase. 7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIE.q; "AS iS'! CONVEYANCf:' A. BUYER warrants anti acknov,'ledges to and agrees with SELI. ER that BUYf':f~, is purchasing the Premises in an "AS IS" condition and specifically and expressly without any warranties, representations or guarantees, eitl~er express or implied, of any kind, nature, or type '.~ hatsocver from or on behalf B. BUYER acknowledges that BUYER has made and/or has been given an adequate opportunity to make such legal, factual anti other inquiries and investigatinns as BIJYF. R deems n¢cessar?, desirable or appropriate with respect lo thc Premises. C. Without in any way limiting the preceding paragraphs, BUYER acknowledge., and agrees tim! he hcrcbv waives, releases and discharges any claim that he has. might have had, or may have against thc >:;I':[.I.ER v.'iti~ respect lo the comlition of the Premises. 8. PRORATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS A. The follo,,,,ing items shall be prorated and adiustcd bclwccn SEI.I.FR and lit 'VER as nl ::lidnlgh! ,)I' the day preceding closing: I. All installments of special assessments payable after tile closing. ~t bethel f,r .,.,~rk c,,n::icaccd ;is ,~t'lhc closing or otherv,'ise, shall be paid exclusively by BUYER. 2. All other items required by any other provision of this Agreement to be pror;:'~cd B. At lhe closing. Ire amount of proration and adluslrnents as aforesaid shall be the extent practicable and Ire monetary adjustment shall bc made between S[:.I.I.I:R and 131 ':'!'if(. ..X]I >ugh prorations and adjustments shall be final. C. BUYER hereby agrees lo indemnify and hold harmless Sl!l.l_l!R from and ;~zainsl c;,h ohligalinn of SEI. LER fi~r which, and to the extent lhat, credil has h...'cn gi,.cn to l?,l?~'[(R 9. D_.~FAUI_T: TER.".IINA'I'ION A. If PAJYER dcfimlts hereunder, then provided .":,[:I.I.I':R is not in default, glil. I [(R'S sole r.:lnedv shall hc to lerrninalc this Agreement hy giving Written Notio: thereof lo BUYER, ~hereup,,n thc F. arncst *R;nev shall be relained by or paid to SELLER as liquidated dama?cs ~hich shall be SEI.I.f:R'S ,,,lc and cxchlsive r~mcdy, and neither party shall have any furlher liability or obligation to the other. The part ~cs ackno~ h:dge and agree that SELI.ER'S actual damages in the event of BI ;YEWS default are unce~xain :n amount ascertain and lhal said amount of liquidated damages ~,.as reasonably tDtcrmincd b~ mutual a~i~_cmgnl Ihe parties and said sum was not intended Io be a penahy in nature. B. If SELl. ER defaults hereunder and such de£ault has not been cured t~ ithm Ih.r,v [31~) d;:.~ · after Wri:ten Notice of such defaull to SF. LI.ER, and provided ['II;YI':R is not in dcfau}:, B* i'E?, ma. terminate this Agreement, whereupon lhe Earnest Money shall be promptly returned 1o BIJYIiR ;:tM neither'party shall ha~c any further liability or obligation to Iheother. Not,.,.ifl~slanding anything eonlainc ! in this ..\::recment t<, Irc contrary, thc foregoing shall be BIJYF. R'S sole an,d exclusive remedy ami shall l,::'clt,lc Bt '~'[!R from thc exercise of any other remedy. lO. F. XEF..NSF..5 Any and all costs ami expenses recurred by St::'LI.[:f~ ~n conncctmn with Iris !ransa, I~m (cxct:i~I~g SELI.I!R'S attorneys' fees and Real Estate ('omnfissions), inch,hag. X~ilhout ]imilalion. rcct)r,.~m IL'cs. ~.,,wcvancc ~cs. appraisal fees andor llpdatc legs, Sclllcnlcnl roes, c~t},l~/g c~)sls, alld Iransl'cr, d~cm;~:;tlar~ ami .~lan~il)[c taxes of cve~ nature and kind x~ hatsoevcr, shall be bomc a;~d paid by A. BUYER represents to SELLER that there is no broker, finder or intem~ediarv ,,( ;in.,.' kind whom BI PfER has been contacted by or dealt with in connection with this transaction. B. BUYER agrees to indemnify amt hold harmless SELI.ER against amt from all claims, dclnands, causes of action, judgments and liabilities which may be asserted or recovered for IL'cs, commi=sions or other compensation claimed to be due to any broker, finder or intermediary with whom BUYER may have dealt in connection with the transaction, including costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incident thereto. C. This provision shall survive closing. Closing shall take place during normal business hours at the County Attornev's Office, ['ollier C{mntv Courthouse, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, 34112 or such other Iocal~{m as Sli[.l I!R may select, within 90 days of thc appraisal date. 13, GENERAL PROVISIONS A. This written Agreement, including all exhibits attached hereto and document., to be dchvered pursuant hereto, shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the panics, and ~here are n,) other prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements, undertakings, promises, v. arrantic:; .: covenants not contained herein. B. lhis Agrcemenl may he amcnded only by a ~krillcn tnemorandum subscquur~tlv execulcd by ~11 .f the panics hereto. C. No waiver of any provision or condition of this Agreement by any parly shall he valid unless in writing signed by such party. No such waiver shall be taken as a waiver of any olher or similar pr.'. ~sion or of any future event, act or default. D. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. In tl~e computation of an.',' period ,,t~ lime prt)vided for in this Agreement or by law. any date falling on a Saturda.,,. Sumlay or Itgal holhlay shall be deemed to rtl'er t. next da}' which is riel a Salurday, Sunday or legal holiday. E. Itl thc event Ihal any provision of Ibis Agreement shall be uncntbrccabk: m wimle ~,r in part. such provision shall be limited to the cxlenl necessary t. rentier the saint valid, or shall be c×c~sed from this Agreement, as circumstances require, and this Agrtcment shall be construed as il' said pro',~sion had been incorporaled herein as so limited, or as if said provisi,m had not been hmluded herein, as the case may be. F. ifeadings of paragraphs are for convenience of reference onlv, and shall not bc conslrutd as a part of this Agreement. G. This Agreement shall he binding upon and shall inure to lhe benefit of the parties bcrelo, anti their respective heirs, execulors, personal representatives, successors and assigns, pr,,vided, ho~cvcr, that Ibis Agreement may not be assigned by BUYER without thc prior express x~riltcn t(!nsent of .%t'.[.[.[~R, v. hich consent may be wilhheld for any reason whatsoever. H. Any and all notices permitted or required Io bc given hereumlcr shall be in '.~rilin~ and shall be t~tber personally delivered to the party or shall be sent by I 5ailed States mai}. postage prcpaid, registered or certified mail. Any such notice shall be deemed given antl cl-fcclive upon receipt or rcFusa' ,,f dcli,.'crx thereof b', thc primary pan.,.' to v,'hom it is lo be sent. I. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the Stale of Florida. J, This Agrccment may be execuled in any numl>cr of counterparts, any or alt ,,f which mav conlair~ the signatures of less than all of Ibc panics, and all ofwhic'h shall be construed together as hut a stash: mslrumerm K. In the event of the instJlution of legal proceedings in conneclion '.*,'Jill Ibis Agreement, thc parlv prevailing therein shall be cnlilled Io recover thc costs and cxpcn:,cs recurred if'~ ccmneclion thcrcxtith. ~r)c h.iing. limitation, reasonable allomeys' fees. I.. Possession of thc f'rcnnscs shall be delivered Io Ibc BUYER al closing. M. The w,,rd "Closing" or words of similar import 4s used in flus Aurccmem. shall be c-nsIru,:d to mean the originally fixed lime and closing date specified herein or any adjourned lime and dale pravi(k_.d lot herein or agreed to in ,.vriling by Ihe parties, or any earlier dale pcmfitled herein. N. This Agreement is between SEI.I.ER anti BUYER and no olhcr parly shall, m.lcr ;my c)'c'tn'vistanccs, be deemed to be a beneficiao of any of the terms and conditions to be performed b5 5;['2LI.~R p.rsuant to this Agreement. O. All of the panics to this Agreement have particq~aled fully in the ncgoliath,n :m4 prcparaI,,n hereof; and. accordingly, this Agreemenl shall not be more strictly c,mslrued against any one of Ih~: parlics hereto. P. Neither this Agreement nor any memorandum ~,~ evidence hereof shall bt' rcc,,r,,lcd in arE. public records by BUYER. Ifs() recorded by BUYER, lhis Agrcemcm shall bc deemed ipso facto c~:~celed and t,:rminated, thc Earnest Money, (including any additional earnest Irloll,g:v which may have been paid p rsuant to ',l,c ..\grccmcnl), shall lhereupon be retained by or paid Io SELLER as liquidated damages for such ,Iclhuh. and BUYER shall have no further interest m iht Premises, pursuant lo tins Agreement or olhep, visc. Q. Any prior agreemenls, represtnlafions, underslandings or oral statements, im'ludinu, be! not limited to rendering or rcprescnlalions conlained itt sales brochures, maps, sketches, advertising or salts materials, and oral statements of sales rcpresenlalives, if riel express, cd in Ihis Agrccmcnl, arc voltl, have no ell'ecl, and have not been relied upon by BUYER. 14. OTHER PROVISIONS: None IN WITNESS WIIF. RI!()F, the parties have caused this Agreement ir) be executed ~s of Ibc da,. and year first above written, AS TO SELLER: DATE: ~'_ I ~'~q ATTEST:~ ' '/, · DWIGHX[' ~OCK, Cl~rk . , Dept!ty Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY CO.MMISSIONE:RS COLLIE,~UNTY, FLORIDA , AS TO_BUYER: ~prinl namc) STATE OF ..___. The foregoing Real I!slale Sales A~r¢cmcr was ackno~vlcd cd .' , · '..:~ ..... ~: ........ . .' .... , a~ ~csmcnt lor J."~RAFA. N ' . co~oral~on,~? Is persona ly known to me 0r who has produced . .I ( . a - ' ' ;IS l/Ic:;l~llCil[lOll /:, ........... :. - ['mit Name ' ('ommJssion NumHcr My ('ommission kxpirc, s: da.~ of Florida Approved as to Icgal form and sufficiency Assistant County Attorney TO: MEMORANDUM SUE FILSON, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: TObtl/A. MOTT, SENIOR SPECIALIST i; L PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DATE: MAY 14, 1999 RE: SALE OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES PROPERTY Attached you will find one (1) Statutory Deed for execution by Chairwoman Pamela S. Mac'Kie concerning the above transaction. Please be advised that Heidi F. Ashton, Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed and approved the attached document. The Real Estate Sales Agreement for the property was executed on April 6, 1999. The closing date for the above sale is scheduled for May 25, 1999. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Statutory Deeds was approved and executed on January 12, 1999, Item 16(D)(10). Please forward the Statutory Deed to Ellie Hoffman, Records Technician III, Minutes & Records, for attestation. [Note: Ellie, after attestation of said document, please call extension #8991 for document pick-up as the Real Property Management Department will record all necessary documents on the date of closing, Please be advised that I will provide you with the original Statutory Deed after recordation ] Thank you. Attachment as stated STATUTDRY DEED_ THIS DEED, made thisl ~ day of ~I'~C~., , 19e--~, by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Flodda, having a mailing a~dress of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Ftodda 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Flodda corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Granlee. 0Nhenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to it in hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Florida: The East 75 feet of the East 150 feet of Tract 101, Golden Gate Estates, IJnit 62, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 87, of the Public RecorCs of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be execuled in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, tho day and year aforesaid, '; bW, K~HT E. BROCK; Clerk , '7 '. : ; ~J. : , /4 ~'; ;';'',, r · , , . .: ~:l;esto$,f.o. Chminm~l'i ?, st~ature"or~ll~..'-. ." ,:ii.'.' '~, e I IT.';;.x' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Prepared b~': He~d~ F. ~.,.hton. Of,~ice of tt'.e ~,,,.'.,~ ' 330l East T,~,r.~mi Naples, Florida 34112 ~941} 774-B4~ TO: MEMORANDUM SUE FILSON, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~ ~::~NI A. MOTT, SENIOR SPECIALIST t~LqEAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DATE: MAY 14, 1999 RE: SALE OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES PROPERTY Attached you will find one (1) Statutory Deed for execution by Chairwoman Pamela S. Mac'Kie concerning the above transaction. Please be advised that Heidi F. Ashton, Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed and approved the attached document. The Real Estate Sales Agreement for the property was executed on April 6, 1999. The closing date for the above sale is scheduled for May 25, 1999. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Statutory Deeds was approved and executed on January 12, 1999, Item 16(D)(10). Please forward the Statutory Deed to EIlie Hoffman, Records Technician III, Minutes & Records, for attestation. [Note: Ellie, after attestation of said document, please call extension #8991 for document pick-up as the Real Property Management Department will record all necessary documents on the date of closing. Please be advised that I will provide you with the odginal Statutory Deed after recordation ] Thank you. Attachment as stated STATUT~D_F.~_D THIS DEED, made this lb"- day of~/~l'3A~- ,19C~L, by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailingjaddress of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FIodda 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida Corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WlTNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to it in hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following describod land lying and being in Co!lier County, Florida: The North 105 feet of the Nodh 180 feet of Tract 4, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 43, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 28, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused lhese presents to be executed in its name by, its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. ATTEST: DV~,~I~RO~K"/Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PAMELA ~-M~'(~'K'T~, CtLIAI~vV~D~(I~"AN Prepared He(dj F. ~.ht~. OF;ice nf It,r. 3301 ~'~,:. r....,.~ Naples, l: (94]J ?;4_8400 MEMORANDUM TO: SUE FILSON, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM' TONI A. MOTT, SENIOR SPECIALIST ,~'L PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DATE: MAY 14, 1999 RE: SALE OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES PROPERTY Attached you will find one (1) Real Estate Sales Agreement for execution by Chairwoman Pamela S. Mac'Kie concerning the above transaction. Please be advised that Heidi F. Ashton, Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed and approved the attached document. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Real Estate Sales Agreements was approved and executed on January 12, 1999, Item 16(D)(10). Please forward the Real Estate Sales Agreement to Ellie Hoffman, Records Technician III, Minutes & Records, for attestation. [Note: EIlie, after attestation of said document, please call extension #8991 for document pick-up as the Real Property Management Department will record alt necessary doc~:ments on the date of closing. ] Thank you. Attachment as stated SAlvES AGREEMENT 1I {Parcel 24) REAL ESTATE SA I.ES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this~~--~_ day of~ . 1999, by and bctwccn COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of tile State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as SEI.LER, and JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as BUYER. WHEREAS, SELLER desires to sell, and BUYER desires to purchase, the property hereinafter described, at the price and on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals, the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth and other good and valuable considerations, thc receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby mutually acknowledged, it ~s agreed by and between the panics as follows: The real property which is Ihe subject of this Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as "Premises") is legally described as: Thc North 105 feet of the North 180 feet of Tract 4, Golden Gale Estates, Unit 43, according to thc plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 2& ,fire Public Records of Collier County, Florida. A. SELLER agrees to sell and convey the Premises Io BUYER, and BUYER agrees to purchase I}~c Premises from SELLER, at the price and upon thc other terms and conditions hereinafter set fi)nh: I. All of SELLER'S right, title and/nlerest in and to the Premises. A. Title to the PREMISES shall be conveyed to BUYER by Statutory Dec& The Purchase Price ("Purchase Price") for thc t'remiscs shall be FOI]R TIIOUSANI) ($4,000.(~t~) DOLLARS, payable by I:IUYER Io SELLER as follows; A. Concurrently, wilh the execution hereof, BUYER shall pay Io SELLER, as earnest money hereunder ("Earnest Money") thc sum of FOUR flUNDRED ($4(~0.¢~0) DOLLARS representing ten percent, 10%, of tile purchase price, and FIFTY (S50.00) DOIA.ARS, which shall serve as a one Iime rm)ccssing fcc. B. The balance, after credit for tile Earnest Money, and phis or minus any fl~rther prorations and adjustments, shall be paid by BUYER to SELl. ER at closing. The BUYER further acknowledges that any appraisal fees and/or update fees for thc above described Premises shall be the sole and complete responsibility of BUYER. The BUYER shall upon the execution of this Agreement pay the estimated appraisal fee in the amount of Sl50.00. lithe appraisal fee is less than tile amount shown above, tile difference shall be rcflmdcd accordingly. If an appraisal update shall be required, then SELLER shall provide written confirmation of the update fee prior to ordering same, and Buyer shall remit the update fee within ten (10) days of receipt to SELLER. The BUYER shall have twenty (20) days from the date of receipt of the registered or certified letter transmitting the appraisal and/or update to enter into an amended Real Estate Sales Agreement at a sales price in accordance with the appraisal or update. Following the exp;ration of this twenty (20) day period, if no new Agreement is executed, the Earnest Money shall be returned to BUYER. The BUYER acknowledges that he has been advised of the right of first refi~sal to purchase tile Premises on the same terms as contained in this Agreement by Avatar Properties Inc. If Avatar exercises its rights under this paragraph, BUYER shall receive a full refund of their Earnest Money. Avatar Properties Inc. will be responsible for payment of the appraisal fees and/or update fees if it elects to exercise its right to purchase. 7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES; "AS IS" CONVi-:~ A. BUYER wan'ants and acknowledges to and agrees with SELl. ER that BUYF. R is !)urchasmg the Premises in an "AS IS" condition and specifically and expressl> without any warranties, rcprcscntatinns or guarantees, eilher express or implied, of any kind, nature, or type whatsoever from or on behalf of the SELI.ER. E. BUYER acknowledges that BUYER has made and/or has been given an adequate opportunity to make such legal, factual arid other inquiries and investigations as BUYER deems necessary, desirable or appropriate with respect to the Premises. C. Wilhout in any way limiting the preceding paragraphs, BUYER ackno,alcdgcs a;~d agrees that hc hereby waives, releases and discharges any el;tim Ihat lie has. might have had, or nlav ha;,'c against the SI!lA.ER ,,,,ith respect Io ibc condition of thc Premises. 8. PRORATIC_O~S AN[) A. The follm~ing items shall be prorated and adjusted between SEI.I~i:.R and BI J'~'t!P. as of midnight of thc day preceding closing: I. All installments of special assessments payabtc after lhe closing, whether f~r w,~rk commenced as of closing or othe~'ise, shall be paid exclusively by 2. All other items required by any other provision of this Agreement to be prorated or adjusted. B. Al the closing, the amount of proration and adjustments as aforesaid shall be dc~ermincd or estimated the extent practicable and Ibc moncta~ adjustment shall bc made between SEI.I.ER :trot [~UY[iR. All stroh prorations and adjustments shall be final. C. BUYER hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SErA.ER from and a~amst each ~bligation SELLER for ~'hich, and to lhe extent that. credit has bccn given to IIIJYER al thc lime ~fclosing. 9. DEFAULT: TERMINATION A. IFBUYER defaults hereunder, then provided SI!I.I.ER is not in default, SEI.t.iiP,'S sole remedy shall bc Io lc~inale this Agreement by giving Wrillen Notice lhereof to BUYER, whereupon thc Earnest Money shall be retained by or paid to SELLER as liquidated damages which shall be SEI.I.ER'S s()lc and exclusive remedy. and neither pa~y shall have any further liabilily or obligation to the olher. The panit:s acknowledge anti agree that SELLER'S aclual damages in the event of BIJYER'S default are uncertain m amoum and difficuh ascemain and Ihat said amount of ]Jqtiidalcd damages ,.,. as reasonably dcteriuJned b,, ~t~!ual agreement thc panics anti said sum was not intended to be a pcnaity in nature. B. If SELLER defaults hereunder and such default i~as not been cured within thirty (31~; dn)'s after Written Notice of such dcfaull lo SELLER, anti provided BIJYER is riel in dcfauh, BtSYER may terminate this Agreement, whereupon Ibc Earnest Money shall be pnJmpfly returned to tsUYER :w.d neither party shall any fu~her liability or ohhgation lo Ihe other. Nol'~ilhshl~ding anything contained in thi~ Agrccmetll Io Ibc contra~, the foregoing shall be BUYER'S sole and exclusive remedy and shall prcciudc [~t/h'l!R from exercise of any other re;ned>. ~0. F,X -EENSi~ Any and all cosls and expenses incurred by SE[.l.liit m ctmnection with this trans~ct~,,n (excepting S}!L[.[!R'S appraisal fees and/or t~pdate fees, settlement l~cs, c},,~mg costs, and transIbr, dl,cum,z:ttitry and i~langible n~:,cs of every nature ar, J kiml ~hatsocver, shall he borne ired paid by [Iii YElL A. BUYER represents to SELLER that there is no broker, tinder or intermediary ,,I'any kiml whom has been contacted by or dealt with in connection wilh this transaction. B. BUYER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless St':IA.ER against anti from all ciaims, dclnands, causes of action, judgments and liabilities which may bt: asserted or recovered for fees, commissions or olher compensation claimed to be due to any broker, finder or intermediary with whom BUYER may have dealt in connection with lhe transaclion, including costs and r~.'asonable attorneys' fees incidt:~at thereto. C. This provision shall survive closing. 12..C,J.,D. tlN.G Closing shall take place during normal business hr~urs at the (:ounty Attorncs:s Office, Collier Courtbouse, 33¢)1 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FIot~,la, 3..1112 or such other locati~}~, as SI!I.I.Et~, may within 90 days of the appraisal date. 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. This written Agreement, including all exhibits attached hereto and documents to bc delivered pursuant hereto, shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the pan,.es, and there are no other prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements, undertakings, promises, v:arranli..:s or covenants not contained herein. B. This Agreement ma;,' be amended only by a v. ritten n~enmrandum subsequcmlF cxcculcd by all or pa~Jes hcrclo. C. No waiver of any provision or condition of this Agrccment by any pa~y shall b~ valid unless in wrihng signed by such paay. No such waiver shall be taken as a waiver of any other or similar provision or of any future evcnl, act or dcfauh. D. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. In d~c computation of any period of time Frovidcd For in Agreement or by law, any date falling on a Saturday,, Sunday or legal holiday shall be deemed to refer to next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. E. In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be unenforceable in whole or in pan, such provision shall be limited to tl~e extent neccssaD, to render the same valid, or shall he excised from A~eemcnt, as circumstances require, and this Agreement shall be construed as if said provision had been inco¢oralcd herein as so limited, or as if said provisi{m had not hecn inch, lcd herein, as thc case may be. F. Headings of paragraphs arc fi)r convenience of reference only, and shall not bc C~,lStrucd as a pu~ of this Agreement. G. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of thc panics hereto, and their respective heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns, provided, however, that Agreement may not be assigned by BUYER without Iht prior express wriucn consent of SEI.LER, which consent may be withheld for any rein whatmever. H. Any and all notices pemfitted or required to bc given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be either personally delivered to lhe pafly or shall be sent by l/hired States mail, postage prepaid, registered or ccaificd mail. Any such notice shall be deemed given and tilL-clive upon receipt or rcfi~sal .f dcliVe~ fl~crcof by prima~ party to whmn h is to be sent. I. This Agreement shaP, be governed in all respects h~ thc laws of thc State of Florida. J. ~is Agreement may be executed in any number of counteeans, any or all of which may contain signatures oflcss than all of thc parties, and ~1I of which shall bc construed together as hut a single }nstmmem K. In the event of thc institution of legal proceedings in connection whh Ibis Agreement, ll~e party prevailing therein shall he entitled lo recover the costs and expc~scs Jncu~ed Jn connection therewith, including, wilhout limitation, reasonable attorneys' Fees. L. Possession of d~c Premises sha~l be delivered to the IIUYER at closing. M. 7he word "Closing" or words of similar import as used in this Agreement, shall be construed to mcan thc originally fixed time and closing date specified hereto or any adjoumcd time and d:,t,: pro~idcd for herein agreed to in ~fiting by tt~c pan/es, or any earlier date permitted herein. N. This Agreement is bclwccn SELLER and BUYI'.R and no oliver party shall~ under any c~rcumslances, he deemed to be a beneficiary of any of thc Icnns and c,,nditions to he pcrfi~nncd by ~[:I.[./'~R pursuant to this Agreement. O. All of tl~c panics to this Agreement have pa~ic~;)atcd fidly in the negotiation and preparation hereof; and, accordingly, this Agreement shall not be more strictly c:mst~cd against an> one of tl:c parties hereto. P. Neither Ibis Agrccmcnl nor any memorandum t~r ~vidcncc hereof shall be recorded m any public records by BUYER. If so rcconled hy BUYER, this Agrecmcm shall be deemed ipso Ihcto canceled and terminated, the Earnest Money, (including any addhional earnest monc~ which may have been paid pursuant to the Agreement shall thereupon be retained bk or paid to SEI,LER as hquidated t~amages fi)r such dcFauh, and [IUYER bhall have no further interest in the Premises, pursuant to lh~, &grcemcnt or othcnvisc. Q. Any prior agreements, reprcscnlations, undc~st:mdings or oral statements, inclu,tinu, but not limited rendering or representations contained in sales broclm,cs, maps, ~kctchcs, advcrlismg organics materials, and oral stqtements of sales rcprcscntalivcs, if no[ expressed m this Agreement, arc xoid, have no cfi'cot, and have not been relied upon hy BUYER. None IN WITNESS WtIERE()F, thc panics have caused ~his Agrcemem lo be cxeculcd a.,, oFthe da).' and ),'ear first above written. AS TO SELLER: DA3~E:., ~..-~,~- ~ ..... ATTEST~,..~--__ ;1% DWIGHT'. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER C.~OUNTY, FLORIDA ~; BY:~ PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, 0H~WOMAN AS TO BUYER: itncss (signature) (print nam,-) JAP,~FA, INC~ Florida~or~oration MA'R~GAR, IT;, GALIAN:.'~, [ resident STATE OF ~', ~ ,-'('~---- cousx,,' _ The foregoing Real Estate Sales Agreement was acknowledged before me this _~. day of ~ /' t....;,~-- . . -- . ~ !9_~,:.by MARGARITA GAI.IANA, as President for JARAFA, INC., a Florida cofpq~tioff, ~')o is persorfally k-n~wn-i~-~"e',or who has produced as identification. ~.., c~o~.,',~ ~'n~,turc of~otdry Public , ' ' Pdnt Name Commission Number My Commission Expires: I, the undersigned, do hereby acknowledge receipt of a lotal of ~ '--- , on this ~ day of (Initial Deposit $~ / Appraisal $._L4~_~ / Additional Deposit $____~_~ / Processing Fee ~)~0_Q) Approved as to legal form and sufficiency HeJdi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney M E M ORA N D U N! TO: Ellie Hoffman Records Technician I11 Minutes & Records Management FROM:,, ,~ FT'6/ni A. Mott .'-~/,,~ Senior Specialist [. , Real Property Management Department DATE: June 8, 1999 RE: Sale of'Golden Gate Estates Property Ellie, attached please find two (2) original recorded Statutory l)ccds :~,1 t,~x'o (2) original recorded Reverter Discharge & Releases for thc above referenced Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Countv Comm~,,sioncrs to execute the Real Estate Sales Agreement and Statutory Deed was approved and executed on January 12, 1999, Item 16(d)( i 0). Please contact me ifyou have any questions or comments at 899 I. Thank you. attachments as stated *** 2482986 OR: 2551 PG', 2299 R{¢OI{I){B Jn O~EICIAL R{CORD$ of COLI. IEF. CC,2NYY, 05/2~/t999 4[ 02:21PM DiilGRT {. BI{OCK. :0~ ~000.00 ~8.o0 MIS~ EeLs: ~ UA~ PROF~RT~ IN?IR Of FIC! THIS DEED, made this ~ day of~l~._~, 1~, by COLLIER COUN~'¢. ,~ political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a maiFmg" address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples. Flodda 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Ddve. Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the ©rantee. (.Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all ~he parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of lhe sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to it in hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County. Florida: The NoAh 105 feel of the North 180 feet of Tract 4, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 43, according :o the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 28, of the Public Records of Collier Count/. Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the da'/ and year aforesaid. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA {94], ) *** 2482985 OR: 2551 PG' 2298 ~t~: Eli ~I ~5/2~/19~9 a[ ~2:2I?! D~I~HT E. 5R.3CK, CLDK RI:\'I!RII R I)P-;¢'IIAI,I(;I. & RI-I kANI: KNO%V Al.I. ~IE%' I~% 'l'llE~E I'I(E~gF'.N'IS: Avatar t'ro~rtlc~ Inc. I k 3 (~A(' I'u,pcrtk'. Inc.. first p~ny. ~or ~nd in con~l,icr~Uon of thc sum o~ Ten and No l(~ ($10.r~)) l)oll4rs. ~m[ oflwr valuahlc o)nsi,lcralmns, rccc,~ e,t from ,,r ,m ~.half of {',,flier County. 3 ~,lilicM ~uh, hvi,i,m ,,I th~ Slalc of l:londa. ~'c'~md p3rly, the receipt ~ here,ff I~ hereby ackno~ led~ed, II[{RI'.'IIY fenn~,c'., rck'a,,c.,, acqmt',, satisfies, anti fi,rc~.r dlschaq?e'~ the I]rs~ pa~t;,'s ;e~,-rler H~ht undc~ I'ar~raph ~ and fiw I%~q par~}'~ r~hl of ih~l rcI~sa] c.nlalncd m l'araFraph x ~;f ~t~c A~2:ccmenl daled ~ovcm~'; 15. 19Xl bcl~ccn A~alar Pr,,~'mc~ Inc.. fk,a Public Records ol (',,lhc~ (',.ml}, I-h,r.la. Ibl thc ]ands described Ibc No~th Ill? Ic¢1 of thc N,)rlh |~0 feel of'I'racl 4 {;ol&n {late ].Malco. I'ml A.I. actor.ling lo thc plat thereof a~ recorded iff Plat lh,.k 7. at ]'a~c 2x. ol thc I'ul,hc Rco,rds off '.lhcr ('tomb'. I'l.rida ' , IN %VI'I'NE.hS %%llt:l(t:()l". I Ila~,C h¢l¢llUlo sc! ~ ~.,. i . % I). harl,l .Jrld ~cal rl!~% day F,I'A'I I{ OF I'I.()RIIL.~, ('()UN'1%' (.q: [)Al)h: AVA IAI( I'R¢ )I'I{R'I IF..~ IN('.. H,,,)~, ~',,,p,,,.~,i,,,, 0 ~ BY l)cn~ JJ ;clnf~ I{xeculivc Vice President (S~oluru ol Nolur,. Public) (]Mnl Name u~ Nol~ry~ NO'I'ARY PI IH.l(' My ('ommission Expires: .... *** 2482988 OR: 2551 PGi 2301 *** UCORDlO in OHICI~ ~CO~ of COI, LH~ ~?';~TI, ~L subdivision of the State of Florida. having a mailing a~dress of 3301 East Tamiomi Trail, Nap[e~. Florida 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, and/or assigns ~aving a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the padies to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporahons.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10 0C,) to it in hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sord to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier Coun!y Florida: The East 75 feet of the East 150 feet of Tract 101, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 62, according the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 87, of the Public Records of Collier Corm:, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and resen/ations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its n;m~e by its Board of County Commissioners acting by lhe Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. .Al-rESTs. ~,; r. ~ ~ .- · DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk Ahe~t.z~ t~ CMlr~n'~ ~{~¢ture ~nl y.. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, CHAIRWOMAN (9;k) ; *** 2482987 OR: 2551 PG: 2300 **%,.: I~D. OHIC~ REVER'! k'R I)ISCIIARGI'.' & REI.EASli KNOW Al.l. MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: Avatar I'ropertics Inc. fka t'b~(' l'ropcrUe~ Inc.. party, fi,r and tn consideration nf Iht Stl111 Of fen and Nol~'g) 1510.OO} D,,llars. and olhci, ~aluabl:. considerauons, rcccix cd from or on behalf of Collier ('oun, ty. a political SllbdlS ig. loi! of thc State .f I' ~cond parr)'. !he rcc¢~?t x~ hereof is hereby ackmng ledge& iWhcrcvcr used hercun Ibc trims "fit,st part.'.'" and "second part)'" ',hall inctudc alt tl;c IIEREIVf rcmi~, rclca~, acqmls. ~hsfies. and fi,rexer discharges the first part,."., rcvcncr right undo; Paragraph 5 and fl:c fir~: path'% right o£ first refusal comained in Paragraph ,X o]' tile AL'rcu:llcnt dalcd Novcm~'r Iff. 19~3 between Avatar Pro~'rtws Inc. fka IbL(' Pro~'rtlc~ h'K'., and ('-Ihcr ('oumx. a ~,htical subdivision o£ Ibc Slale o£ Florida. as ret,tried in Official Rcc.rds lhmk i :I4t~ at l'a?c 270 u( hw Pubhc Reconh nf ('olhcr ¢'ounty. Fl,rida. fi~r Ibc land~ dose,bed as: Ihe Fast 7~ tccl .f thc East 150 Ir'Ct, t,t Ira,.I !OI. [;,,ldcn i,alc I '.h:h;~. I ;UT ~,2 Rcomls,f/'Mhct (',tomy. I h,hla t .IN ',VITNEN.~ %;IIEREOF. I have hci,¢unm scl my harld and ~cal flus - ' da', ,,~ Signed. ~alcd and dcln cred in ~re¢ence of: "tj,/~ /-. t'" f' ' Witness [s~gr~furc) ,_ / ' (pnnt name) AVA I/',R i'RIH'I-R'IllLS IN(', a } I.rid. a ('grporalmn Dennis J. ,.\Valar Properties Inc. 255 Alhambra ('irt'lc ('oral GaMes. Fhmda IlL SI!AL) STATL ¢)t: I-'l.(.q~ll ~..X C()UNTY OF I):\DI:: f rlhC hncg.lng Reverter I)Ischargc ~ Release ~as ackrloxslcdgcd bet-re mc 'J t.~, ~ 1999. by I)t'nnms J. (}ctman. J[xccutwc Vice Prcsidcm .f .,S~alar l'r.pcrtics Inc.. J:lorJcJa corporation..n hchalf of Ibc corporallon lie is personally kno~tn lo mC I,t ~h,) hag pr~uiuced ............. a~ .k. milication. ' [Signature of Notary I'uhlic { Print Name o1' Nolaryl NOTARY Pt;IH Serial '('ommiss.m My ('ommission Expires: TO: MEMORANDUM SUE FILSON, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECEIVED SEP 2 ~ 1999 Board of Count~ Cce~sslon~rs FROM:.t\~O'hi'I A. MOTT, SENIOR SPECIALIST ~ "~EAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1999 RE: SALE OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES PROPERTY Attached you will find one (1) Real Estate Sales Agreement for execution by Chairwoman Pamela S. Mac'Kie concerning the above transaction. Please be advised that Heidi F. Ashton, Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed and approved the attached document. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Real Estate Sales Agreements was approved and executed on ,January 12, 1999, Item 16(D)(10). Please forward the Real Estate Sales Agreement to Ellie Hoffman, Records Technician III, Minutes & Records, for attestation. [Note: Ellie, after attestation of said document, please call extension document pick-up as the Real Property Management Department will necessary documents on the date of closing. ] #8991 for record all Thank you. Attachment as stated SALES AGREEMENT II (Parcel 37) REAL ESTATESALES AGREEMENT TIqlS AGREEMENT made and entered into this ~ day of ~r" , 1999, by and between COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of tile State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as SELLER, and JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as BUYER. WHEREAS, SELLER desires to sell, and BUYER desires to purchase, tile property hereinafter described, at the price and on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, TItEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals, the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby mutually acknowledged, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: I. PREMISES The real properly which is tile subject of filis Agreement. (hereinafter referred to as "Premises") is legally described as: The West 75 feet of the East 150 feet of Tract 54, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 45, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 30, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 2. SALE and CONVEYANCE A. SELLER agrees to sell and convey lhe Premises to BUYER, and BUYER agrees to purchase the Premises from SELLER, at the price and upon tile other terms and conditions hereinafter set forth: I. Ail of SELLER'S right, title and interest in and to the Premises. 3. TITLE A. Title to the PREMISES shall be conveyed to BUYER by Statutory Deed. 4. PURCHASE PRICE. The Purchase Price CPurchase Price") for the Premises shall be TWO THOUSAND EIGHT ItUNDRED EIGltTY ($2,880.00) DOLLARS, payable by BUYER to SELLER as follows: A. Concurrently, with the execution hereof, BUYER shall pay to SELLER, as earnest money hereunder ("Earnest Money") the sum of TWO t[UNDRED EIGIITY-EIGIlT ($288.00) DOLLARS representing ten percent, I0%, of the purchase price, and FIFTY (S50.00) DOLLARS, which shall serve as a one time processing fee. B. The balance, after credit for the Earnest Money, and plus or minus any further prorations and adjustments, shall be paid by BUYER to SELLER at closing. 5. APPRAISAL The BUYER further acknowledges that any appraisal fees and/or update fees for the above described Premise~ shall be the sole and complete responsibility of BUYER. The BUYER shall upon the execution of this Agreement pay the estimated appraisal fee in the amount of $150.00. lfthe appraisal fee is less than tile amount shown above, tile difference shall be refunded accordingly. If an appraisal update shall be required, then SELLER shall provide written confirmation of the update fee prior to ordering same, and Buyer shall remit lite update fee within ten (10) days of receipt to SELLER. The BUYER shall have twenty (20) days from the date of receipt of the registered or certified letter transmitting the appraisal and/or update to enter into an amended Real Estate Sales Agreement at a sales price in accordance with the appraisal or update. Following the expiration of this twenty (20) day period, if no new Agreement is executed, the Earnest Money shall be returned to BUYER. 6. RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL The BUYER acknowledges that he bas been advised of tile right of first refusal to purchase the Premises on the same terms as contained in this Agreement by Avatar Properties Inc. If Avatar exercises its rights under this paragraph, BUYER shall receive a full refund of their Earnest Money. Avatar Properlies Inc. will be responsiblo for payment of' the appraisal fees and/or update fees if it elects to exercise its right to purchase. 7. DISCLAIMER OF WAI~R_.ANTJ_F_.S_; ".,3S__I_S_,. CONVEYANCE A. BUYER xvarrants and acknowledges to and agrees willl SELLER that BUYER is purchasing the Premises in an "AS IS" condition and specifically and expressly without any warranties, represenlafions or guaranlees, either express or implied, of any kind, nature, or type whatsoever from or on behalf of the SELLER. B. BUYER acknowledges that BUYER has made and/or has been given an adequate opportunily Io make such legal, factual and other inquiries and investigations as BUYER deems necessary, desirable or appropriate with respect to the Premises C. Withoul in any way limiting the preceding paragraphs. BUYER acknowledges and agrees that he hereby waives, releases and discharges any claim thai be has. might have had, or may have against the SELLER with respect to the condition of the Premises. 8. PRORATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS A. The following items shall be prorated and adjusted between SELLER and BUYER as of midnight of the day preceding closing: I. All installments of special assessments payable after tile closing, whether for work commenced as of lhe closing or otherwise, shall be paid exclusively by BLIYER. 2. All other items required by any oilier provision of this Agreement to be prorated or adjusted. B. At tile closing, tile amount of proration and actjt,sm~e,lts as aforesaid shall be determined or estimated to the extent practicable and tile monetary adjustment shall be made between SELl. ER and BUYER. All such prorations and adjustments shall be final. C. BUYER hereby agrees to indemnitV and hold harmless SELLER from and against each obligation of SELLER for which, and lo Ibc extent thai, crcdil has been given to BUYER at tile time of closing. 9. DEFAULT; TERMINA__TLO_~ A. IfBUYER defaults hereunder, then provided SELLER is not in default, SELLER'S sole remedy shall be to terminate this Agreement by giving Wrillen Nolice thereof to BUYER, whereupon the Earnest Money shall be retained by or paid to SEI.I.ER as liquidated damages which shall be SELLER'S sole and exclusive remedy, and neither party shall have any further liability or obligation to the other The parties acknowledge and agree that SELLER'S actual damages in the event of BI?~'F.R'S default are uncertain in amount and difficult to ascertain and that said amotmt of liquidated damages was reasonably delermined by mutual agreement between the panics and said sum ,,vas not intended Io be a pennhy in nalure B. If SELLER defnuhs hereunder and such delhult has not been cured within thirty (.30) days after Writlen Notice of such default to SEI.LER, and prtwided BUYER is not in default. BUYER may terminate this Agreement, whereupon the Earnest Money shall be promptly returned to BUYER and neither party shall have any further liability or obligation to the other Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to contrary, lite foregoing shall be BIJYER'S sole and exclusive remedy and shall preclude BUYER from the exercise of arty other remedy I0. EXPENSES Any and al! costs and expenses incurred by S[!I.[.I!R in connection with this transaction (excepting SELLER'S attorneys' tees and Real Estate Commissions). including, without limitation, recording fees, conveyance fees, appraisal fees and/or update fees, settlement fl.'es, closing costs, nnd transfer, documentary and intangible taxes of every nature and kind whatsoever, shall bt: borne and paid by BUYER II. INTERMEDIARIES A. BUYER represents to SEI.I.ER that there is no broker, finder or intermediary of any kind whom BUYER has been contacted by or dealt with in conneclion v,'ith this transaction. B. BUYER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SELLER against and from all claims, demands, causes of action, judgments and liabilities which may be asserted or recovered for fees, commissions or other compensation claimed to be due to any broker, finder or intermediary with whom BUYER may have dealt in connection with the transaction, including costs and reasonable attorneys' t~'es incident thereto. C. This provision shall st,rvive closing 12. CLOSING Closing shall take place during normal business hours at the County Attorney's Office, Collier County Courthouse, 3301 East Taminmi Trail, Naples. Florkln, 34112 or such other location as SELLER may select, within 90 days of the appraisal date 13. ~ENERAL PROVISI___O. NS A. This written Agreement, inclt,ding all exhihits attached hereto and documents to be delivered pursuant hereto, shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties, and there are no olher prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreemenls, undertakings, promises, warranties or covenants not contained herein. B. This Agreement may be amended only by a written memorandum subsequently executed by all of the parties hereto. C. No waiver of any provision or condition of this Agreement by any party shall be valid unless in writing signed by such party. No sucl~ waiver shall be t~ken as a waiver of any other or similar provision or o?any future event, act or default. D. Time is of the essence ot' this Agreement. In the computation ol' any pcrlod ot' time provided for in this Agreement or by law, any date I'alling on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday stroll bc deemed to refer to the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. E. In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be unenforceable in whole or in part, such provision shall be limited to the extent necessary to render tile same valid, or shall be excised from this Agreetnent, as circumstances require, and this ARt cement shall be construed as if said provision had been ipcorporated herein as so limited, or as if said provision had not been included herein, as the case may be. F. Headings of paragraphs are for convenience of reference only, and shall not be const'ued as a part of this Agreement. G. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, and their respective heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns, provided, however, that this Agreement may not be assigned by BUYF. R without the prior express written consent of SELLER, which consent may be withheld fl~r any reason whatsoever !1. Any and all notices permitted or required to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be either personally delivered to the part), or shall be sent by Uniled States mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified mail. Any such notice shall be deemed uivcn and el't'cclive upon receipt or refi~sal of delivery thereof by the primary party to whom it is to be sent I. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by tile laws of the State of Florida J. This Agreement ma5' be executed in any number of counterparts, any or all of which may contain the signatures of less than all oFthe parties, and all of which shall be construed together as but a single instrument. K. In tile event of tile inslitution of legal proceedings in connection with this Agreement. the party prevailing therein shall be entitled to recover tile costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' lees. L. Possession of the Premises shall be delivered to the BUYI'~R. at closing. M. The word "Closing" or words of similar import as used in this Agreement. shall be conslrucd to mean the originally fixed time and closing date specified herein or any adjourned time and date provided for herein or agreed to in writing by tile parties, or any earlier &tlc pcrmilled herein. N. This Agreement is between SELLER and BUYER and no other party shall, under any circumstances, be deemed to be a beneficiary of any of the terms and conditions to be performed by SELLER pursuant to this Agreement. O. All of the parties to this Agreement have participated fully in the negotiation and preparation hereot~ and, accordingly, this Agreement shall not be more strictly construed against any one of the parties hereto. P. Neither this Agreement nor any memorandum or evidence hereof shall be recorded in any public records by BUYER. If so recorded by BUYER, this Agreement shall be deemed ipso hcto canceled and terminated, the Earnest Money, (including an,,, additional earnest money v,,hich may have been paid pursuant to the Agreement), shall thereupon be retained b'y or paid to S[-3.LF.R as liquidated damages for such default, and BUYER shall have no further interest itl the Premises, purst,ant to this Agreement or other:vise Q. Any prior agreements, representations, understandings or oral statements, including, but not limited to rendering or representations contained in sales brochures, maps, sketches, advertising or sales materials, and oral statements of sales representatives, if not expressed in this Agreement, are void, have no effect, and have not been relied upon by BUYER 14. OT[IER PROVISIONS; None IN WI'FNF. SS WI II'~RF. OI:, thc parties ha~,c caused this .,\grccmel~t lo be executed ils of the da3,' and year first above written AS TO SELLER: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk ' Attest as to BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CO ['LI E~'J)I~T~B Y: ~-~~ ANFLORIDA' AS TO BUYER: ,- DATE: %\~\q l, ~¥[f~ess'(~igna~re) >tint' na~e) \Vit?~ !~gnatu(e)- jA'R~FA, IN~x. a Fl 'o~ cor~'oration M~.B, A~(I~_ - 6ALIANA, President STATE OF COUNTY The foregoing Real Estate Sales Agreement was acknowledged before me this ~ day or %-x'-~ca,",'~'- 19°~'{, by MARGARITA GALIANA, as President for JARAFA, INC., a Florida corpora,on, who is personally kno~vn to me or who has produced as identification. (affix notarial seal) Print Name Commission Number My Commission Expires: DEPO~EIPT a total of '_:~_~[~_.~~, on this~ day of I. the undersigned, do hereby acknowledge receipt of (Initial Deposit $ .~ ~ Appraisal $~ / Additional Deposit $___~ / Processing Fee $50.00) Approved as to legal form and sufficiency Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: SUE FILSON, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS F ROM:.-x~,~T~ONI ~_!~kREAL A. MOTT, SENIOR SPECIALIST PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REC EIVED SEP 2 q 1999 ~rd of ¢ounty Con:missioner~ DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1999 RE: SALE OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES PROPERTY Attached you will find one (1) Real Estate Sales Agreement for execution by Chairwoman Pamela S. Mac'Kie concerning the above transaction. Please be advised that Heidi F. Ashton, Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed and approved the attached document. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Real Estate Sales Agreements was approved and executed on January 12, 1999, Item 16(D)(10). Please forward the Real Estate Sales Agreement to Ellie Hoffman, Records Technician III, Minutes & Records, for attestation. [Note: Ellie, after attestation of said document, please call extension document pick-up as the Real Property Management Department will necessary documents on the date of closing. ] #8991 for record all Thank you. Attachment as stated SAI,ES AGREEMENT II (Parcel 38) REAl. ESTATE SAI,ES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into thisa,.nd,r.~/~day ofO a.--~t~¢r, 1999, by and between COLLIER COUNTY. a political subdivision of thc State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as SELLER, and JARAFA. INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as BUYER. WItEREAS, SEIA. ER desires to sell, anti BUYER desires Io purchase, thc propcr~y hcrcinaqer described, at thc price and on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, TItEREFORE. in consideration of thc recitals, tbe mutual covcnants hereinafter sci forth and other good and valuable considerations, lhc receipt and sufficiency of which arc hereby mutually acknowledged, it is agreed by and between thc panics as follows: Thc real property v. hich is thc subjccl of this Agreement. (hereinafter referred lo as "Premises") is legally described as: The North 105 feet of thc North 180 feet of Tract 59, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 45, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 30. of thc Public Records of Collier County. Florida. 2. SALE and CONVEYANCE A. SELLER agrees to sell and convey the Premises to BUYER, and BUYER agrees to purchase tim Premises from SELLER. at thc price and upon the other terms and conditions hereinafter set forth: 1. Ail of SELLER'S right, title and interest in and to thc Premises. A. Title to Ibc PREMISES sball be conveyed to BUYER by Statutory Deed. The Purchase Price ("Purchase Price") for the l'remiscs shall be TIIREE TtlOUSAND TllREE HUNDRED ($3,300.00) DOLLARS. payable by BUYER to SELLER as follows: A. Concurrently, with thc execution hereof. BUYER shall pay to SELLER, as earnest money hereunder ("Earnest Money") thc sum of TtIREE IIUNDRED TIIIRTY ($330.00) DOLLARS representing ten percent, 10%, of the purchase price, and FIFTY (550.00) DOLLARS, which shall serve as a one time processing fee. B. Thc balance, after credit for thc Earnest Money, and plus or minus any fimher prorations and adjustments, shall be paid by BUYER to SELLER at closing. 5. APPRAISAk The BUYER further acknowledges that any appraisal fees and/or update fees for thc above described Premises shall be the sole and complete responsibility of BUYER. The BUYER shall upon the execution of this Agreement pay the estimated appraisal fee in the amount of $150.00. If thc appraisal fcc is less than the amount shown above, the difference shall be refunded accordingly. If an appraisal update shall be required, then SELLER shall provide written confirmation of the update fee prior to ordering stone, and Buyer shall remit the update fcc within ten (10) days of receipt to SELLER. The BUYER sball have twenty (20) days from thc date of receipt of the registered or certified letter transmitting the appraisal and/or update to enter into an amended Real Estate Sales Agreement at a sales price in accordance with the ;,ppraisal or update. Following ibc expiration of this twenty (20) day period, if no new Agreement is executed, the Earnest Money shall be returned to BUYER. 6. RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL The BUYER acknowledges that he has been advised of thc right of first -efusal to purchase the Premises on the same terms as contained in this Agreement by Avatar Properties Inc. If Avatar exercises its rights under this paragraph, BUYER shall receive a lull refund of their Earnest Money. Avatar Properties Inc. will be responsible for payment of thc appraisal fees and/or update fees if it elects to exercise its right to purchase. 7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES; "AS IS" CONVEYANCE A. BUYER warrants and acknowledges to and agrees with SELLER that BUYER is purchasing the Premises in an "AS IS~ condition and specifically and expressly without any warranties, representations or guarantees, either express or implied, of any kind, nature, or type whatsoever from or on behalf of the SELLER B. BUYER acknowled~ucs that BUYEP, bas made and/or has been given an adequate opportunity to make such legal, factual and other inquiries and investigations as BUYER deems necessary, desirable or appropriate v,,ith respect to the Premises C. Withottt in any way limiting the preceding paragraphs, [IUY[:.I~, acknowledges and agrees that he hereby waives, releases and dischar~ues an) claim ~l~lt he has. might have had, or may have against the SELLER with respect to the condition of the Premises 8. PRORATIONS AND ADJ[.;STMENTS A. The following items shall be prorated and adjusted between SELLER and BUYER as of midnight of the day preceding closing: 1. All installments of special assessments payable after the closing, whether for v, ork commenced as of the closing or otherv,'ise, shall be paid exclusively by BIJYER. 2. All other items required by any other provision ot'this Agreement to be prorated or adjusted B. At the closing, the amount of proratioa and adjusm~ents as aforesaid shall be determined or estimated to the extent practicable and the monetltry adjustment shall be made between SELLER and BUYER. Ali such prorations and adjustments shall be fiual. C. BUYER hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SELLER from and against each obligation of SELLER for which, and to the extent that, credit has been given to BUYER at the time of closing 9. DEFAULT; TERMINATION A. If BUYER defaults hereunder, then provided SEI.I.F.R is not in default, SEI.LER'S sole remedy shall be to terminate this Agreement by gMng Writlcn Notice thereof to BUYER, whereupon thc Earnest Money shall be retained by or paid to SEI.I.[:.?, as liquidated damages ~,hich shall be SELLER'S sole and exclusive remedy, and neither party shall have any further liability or obligation to the other. The parties acknowledge and agree that SELLER'S actual damages in the event of BUYI-~I~.'S default are uncertain in amount and difficult to ascertain and that said amount of Ikluidated damages ~;,s reastmably determined by mutual agreement between the parties and said sum was not intended to be a penalty in nature. B. If SELLER defaults hereunder and such default has not been cured within thirty (30) days after Written Notice of such default to SELLER. and provided BUYER is not in default, BUYER may terminate this Agreement, whereupon the Earnest Money shall be promplly returned to BUYER and neither party shall have any further liability or obligalion IO the other Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the conlrary, the foregoing shall be I~UYF. R'S sole and exclusive remedy and shall preclude BUYER from the exercise of any other remedy I 0. EXPENSES Any and all costs and expenses incurred by SI'~I.I.F.R in connection with this transaction (excepting SELLER'S attorneys' fees and Real Estate Commissions), including, without limitation, recording fees, conveyance fees, appraisal fees and/or update fees, settlement lees, closing costs, and transfer, documentary and intangible taxes of every nature and kind whatsoever, shall be borne and paid by BUYER. I 1. INTERMEDIARIE_.~. A. BUYER represents to SF.I.I.ER that there is no broker, finder or intermediary of any kind whom BUYER has been contacted by or dealt v,'ith in connectkm ,,,,ith lhis transaction. B. BUYER agrees to indenmify and hold harmless SEI.I.ER against and from all claims, demands, causes of action, judgments and liabilities which may be asserted or recovered for fees, commissions or other compensation claimed to be due to any broker, finder or imermediary with whom BUYER may have dealt in connection with the transaction, including costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incident thereto. C. This provision shall survive closing 12. CLO$1NQ Closing shall take place during normal business hours at the Counly Attorney's Office, Collier County Courthouse, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, 3,1112 or such other location as SELLER may select, v, ithin 90 days of the appraisal date. 13. GENERAL PROVIS_!Q_.'x_'S A. This written Agreement, including all exhibits attached hereto and documents to be delivered pursuant hereto, shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties, and there are no other prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements, undertakings, promises, warranties or covenants not contained herein. B. This Agreement may be amended only by a written memorandum subsequently executed by all of the parties hereto. C. No waiver of any provision or condition of this Agreement by any party shall be valid unless in writing signed by such party No such waiver shall be taken as a waiver ofany other or similar provision or of any future event, act or default D. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. In tile computation of any period of time provided for in this Agreement or by law. any date falling on a Saturday. Sunday or legal holiday shall be deemed to refer to the next day which is not a Saturday. Sunday or leg;ti holiday E. In the event that any pro~,ision of this Agreement shall be unenforceable in whole or in part· such provision shall be limited to the extent necessary to render tile same valid, or shall be excised from this Agreement, as circumstances require, and this Agreement shall be construed as if said provision had been incorporated herein as so limited, or as if said provision had not been included herein, as the case may be. F. tteadings of paragraphs are for convenience of reference only, and shall not be construed as a part of this Agreement. G. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to tile benefit of the parties hereto, and their respective heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns, provided, however, that this Agreement may not be assigned by BUYI:.I~. wilhout the prior express written consent of SELLER, which consent may be withheld for any reason whatsoever ti. Any and all notices permitted or required to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be either personally delivered to thc party or shall be sent bv Unilcd States mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified mail. Any such notice shall be deemed given and eflkctive upon receipt or rcfi~sal of delivery thereof by the primary party to whom it is to be sent. I. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Florida J. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts· any or all of which may contain the signatures o£1css than all of the parties, and all of u, hich shall be construed togclhcr as but a single instrument. K. In the event of the institution of legal proceedings in connection with this Agreement· the party prevailing therein shall be entitled to recover tile costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees L. Possession of the Premises shall be delivered to tile BUYER at closing. M. The word "Closing" or words of similar import as used in this Agreement, shall be construed to mean the originally fixed time and closing date specified herein or any adjourned time and date provided for herein or agreed to in writing by thc parties, or any earlier date permitted herein. N. This Agreement is between SELI.EI~ and IIUYER anti no other party shall· under any circumstances, be deemed to be a beneficiary of any of tile terms and conditions to be pcrt'ormcd by SELLER pursuant to this Agreement. O. All of the parties to this Agreement have participated ti,lly in the negotiation and preparation hereof, and, accordingly· this Agreement shall not be more strictly construed against any one of the parties hereto. P. Neither this Agreement nor any memorandum or evidence hereof shall be recorded in any public records by BUYER. If so recorded by I/UYI:.R. this Agreement shall be deemed ipso facto canceled and terminated, the Earnest Money, (including any additional ez, rnest money ~dlich may have been paid pursuant to the Agreement), shall thereupon be retained by or paid to SI'~I.I.ER as liquidated damages for such default, and BUYER shall have no further interest in tile I'rcmises. pt, rsuant to this Agreement or otherwise Q. Any prior agreements, representations, understandings or oral statements, including, but not limited to rendering or representations contained itl sales brochures, maps. sketches· advertising or sales materials, and oral statements of sales representatives, il' not expressed in this Agreement. are void. have no effect· and have not been relied upon by BUYI'.'R 14. OTltER PROVISIQ,_NS None IN WITNESS WItERtiOF. thc parties haxc caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written AS TO SELI. FR:. ATE: ....... ATTEST: DWIGIIT E. BROCK. Clerk · Deputy~'lerk Attest ~s to Ch~lr~n's sl~ature c~ TI. ItOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AS TO BUYER: DATE: ','~ .' · .) Wit n ~.~' (signature) tint 1 ame) ~.I~AFA, INC~,, a Floriffa~corktoration D STATE OF ~,_.. .... COUNTY OF k_~ ~_%3.~_~_ _ The foregoing P, eal Estate Sales Agreement was acknowledged before me this .~. day of ~, 19.~., b.v. MARGARITA GALIANA. as President for JARAFA, INC.,---"~ Florida corporation, who is personally known to me'or ~¥ho has produced as identification. (affix notarial seal) { bIOTAI~Y I~'IM JC s'rATE 0~: FLORIDA [ COMMISSION NO. CC6121TJ MYCOMM~,JO:NI k'['~P AN 20 I ·, gila_ lure of Nota~, Public ~'--~, iq. ~, Print Name Commission Number My Commission Expires: DEPO IT~EIPT ~neld~hereby acknowledge receipt of a total of ~, on this _~day of (Initial Deposit $~ / Appraisal $~ / Additional Deposit $_.~L]_~/Processing Fee $50.00) Approved as lo legal form and suf~ciency ! H¢idi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney Memorandum TO: Ellie Ho ltl'nan Records Technician III Minutes & Records Management / FROM:, , ,Toni-'A Mort (-".~'~'Sen ior Specialist v Real I roperty Management Department DATE: November 29. 1990 RE: Sale or' Golden (.]ate Estates Property Ellie, attached please find seven (7) original recorded Statutory Deeds and seven (7) ;:'~ original recorded Reverter Discharge & Releases for the above referenced project. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chain-nan of tile Board of County Commissioners to · execute tile Real Estate Sales Agreements and Statutory Deeds xvas approved and .:' executed on January 12, 1999, Item 16(d)(10). Please contact mc if you have any questions or comments at 8991. Thank you. attachments as stated *** 2556462 OR: 2611 PG: 1792 [~T~R RI!\'I I,~ H R 1HS('II..kR( il! &: RIiI.EASI{ 1,ii KNOW AIA. MEN ItY TIIE.'-;E I'RKSENT.~: Avatar Properhes Inc. fka (iA(' l'ropc~m:~ Inc.. fir~.l par~y, fi,r and m con~idcramm nf lhc sum of Fen and No'lO0 1SI0.(~)) Dollars. and ,qhcr valuable considcrattons, received fin~ll or on ~hal¢ of Collier County, a ~litical su~livtsion of the Slate of Florida, second party, fl~e receipt ts hereof is hereby acknowledged, I\\'hcrever u,~cd herein fl~e k'rms 'first part.','" and 'second party' ~hall include all rar~lcs to thlg, IIIg. IFIll'lICl~t and lhelr respective successors and ltEREIV~' rems,~e'~, r¢lea,,e,,, acqmt~, sari,sties, and fi~rcver discharges Ih~ firm party's reverter righl under I'ara?~rh 5 and fl~c first party's r~ghl of firsl refi,sal contained in Paragraph 8 of ~he Agreemenl dated November 15. 1083 between Avatar Properties Inc., f~/a GAC Properties Inc.. ami Collier County, a D~litical suNtivlsi~,n nf the State of Florida. as recorded in Official Records B~k 13~0 al Page 270 in ~e Pt~hhc Rccntd~ of (',dhcr County. t:h,r~da, fi~r thc lands descried as: 'Iht Wes! 75 fcc! of the \Vest 1~O feel of Tract 72. (iolden Gale Estates, ('mt 73. aco,rding lo thc pl~t fl~creof as rccordcd ~n Plat I{~,k 5. at Page 9. of thc I'ubhc Records ~ff f'oltier ('ounly. Florida I.N \\TI'NESS WIIEI~EC)F, I ha~c hctcunto ,,ct my haml and '~cal thr~ ~t~ day o£ name) AVATAP, PROPI!RTII'.'S INC.. a Fh,rida (~'orporation tO ~ Dennis ~. Getm~ Executive Vice President A'.'alar Properties Inc. 255 Alhambra Circle Coral Gables, Florida 33134 (UORPORATE SEAL) STATE ()1: I:I.()RII)A' ('OUNTY OF ~ I~iR~2 [-D ~ 'Fhe f,,reu~,inu Rcvcrler l)t~charuc & Release xxas acknowledged ~lore me this ~ day of ~ ' 199}). by Dcnnin J. (;~'tman. Executive Vice President of Avatar Prop~Hi~-~ Inc., a Florida co~ration, on behalf of the coloratura, lie ~s ~rsonally known to me ;~'": ;' '' iPrintNameofNnla~) "' "~ ' ' ~ NOFARYPUBI.IC Serial,,'Commissi.n *** 2556463 OR: 2611 PG: 1793 HCORDID ~ OHICIA~ R1¢0~$ Of CO~&II! COItal', ¢015 RI¢ H! COPIH l.~l Retn: RIAL ~ROHRTT THIS DEED, made INs ~°-l!::~ day of ~__.__e'Z~c--,,.Z,,.,~ :"lg'~'/:'l~y COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a m;~iling address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the padies to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to It In hand paid by Ihe Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Flodda; The West 75 feet of the West 150 feet of Tract 72, Golden Gale Estates, Unit 73, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 9, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reser.,,ations of record, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board or County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk J~tte'st as to Chifrman's slg.ature on 1.v. PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, CHAIRWOMAN THIS '~ONVEYANCE -ACCEPTED' BY'THE BOARD OF COUtiT¥ COMMISSIONERS, COIt. IER COUNTY, FLOP]D/',, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIQIIS OF RESOLUTION riO, ~ 2556464 OR: 2611 PG: I79 IIC FII J.JJ HAL PROPHTT REVILR'IER I)ISCIIA~(]I~ ~ RELEA~II KNOW Al,I, .MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: Avatar Properties Inc. t3qu'a GAC Properfies Inc., first part.',', for anti in cnnsideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 ($10.00) Dollars, and other valuable cnnsidcralions, rcccwed from or nn behalf nf Collier County, a political subdivision oftbe State of Florida, second parly, the rcceipl whereof is hereby acknowledged, (V,'hcrever used herein the terms "first parly" and "second party" shall include all the parties to this instnunent and lheir respective successors and assigns.) I IF. REI?,Y remises, releases, acquits, satisfies, and forever discharges the first party's reverler right under Paragraph 5 and Ihe first party's right of first refusal contained in Paragraph 8 of the Agreement dated November 15. 19S3 between Avatar Properties Inc., f/k,,a (;AC Properties Inc, and Collier County, a pohlical subdivision of the State of Florida, as recorded in Official Records Book 1340 at Page 2'/0 in the Public Rccnrds of ('oilier County. Florida. for the lands described as: 'Ibc South 75 fl.'el of the North ]SO feet of Tract 8, Golden Gale Eslates, Unit 46. according lo Ihe plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, at Page 31. of the Public Rccnrds of ( 'olher ('ounty. Florida IN WITNESS '~VIII':REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this (L~ day of .~ A I). Iqqg. Signed. sealed and delivered ',.yirh~) Witnes~(siunature) (prim name) AVATAR PROPERTIES INC., a FIo~,,Co,;,,,,~,ion ~0 lq. B~ .~ Executive Vice President Avatar Properties Inc. 255 Alhambra Circle Coral Gables, Florida 33134 (CORPORATE SEAL) STATE OF FI.ORIDA: COUNTY OF n,.xCm: ,'q.i ,~dmt -'i3tqO~'- ~_.~&)f,.,'l.],c~.J]oregoing Reverter Discharge & Release was acknowledged before me this day of ~ . 1999. by Dennis J. (]clman. Executive Vice President of Avatar Pr~dies Inc., Florida coloratura, on behalf ,,r the co~,rau,,n, lie is perso~~ -- (S/~namre o~ota~ Public) ~ :. v (Print Name of Notary) I ...... . ' NOTARY PUBLIC I Serial/Commission #: My Commission Expires:_~.~'2- THIS DEED, made this ~'~.J., day of ~)o'[~J.,_~.~ , 197,,~, by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to tt In hand paid by the Grantee. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to Ihe Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Florida: The South 75 feet of the Nodh 180 feet of Tract 8, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 46, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 31, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subjecl to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Granlor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. ATTEST: D.WIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk Attest as to Ch~lr~'$ sfgnature ~Tj, Tt¢TS rnt;VEYAUCE ACCEPTED BY THE El:: ~qCUUTY COMMISSIONERS, 63!' : ?'.)IITY, FLORIDA, PURS~;",;[ lO THE PROV[SIOt(S OF RESOLUTION NO. c~[r.~ ._ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, CHAIR'WOMAN 2556465 OR: 2611 ?G: 1795 I~¢OJ~DID ll~ O~YICIAL RICORDS of COL&Ill C01~ITI', y[ ll/15/Ifft at 02:08~M DWIGHT I. IIOC~, CLII[ Rets: RIAL CROP,RTl lXf i~gl DOC-,TO COPIIS l.~O SlSC 1.oo *** 2556466 OR: 2611 PG: 1796 REAL FR~?~TT RKORDD in Lhe Or~l'C~Al, IBCOItDS of COLLZ~R COU~TT, HT 8~9] il/D/l~t at OZ:OEPM DWIGHT I. BROCK, RI.VliR IER I)IS('IIAI~,( il~ & RI{I,I'.'ASI: KN()W ,\1,1, MEN I{Y 'lilt(SE I'RESI'2N'IS: A~alar Pr,.~Ttles hlc. fka (i,%<' I'u.l,cmc~ Inc. fm and ,1 om~{dcr;m.n of Ibc Mint iff Ich and Noq(K) (Sl0.(~)) l)ollar~, and other valuable par{y, thc rccuq~t ~ hcrc.f I~ hereby ack,o~ (\\'hcrc'~cr used hcrc.I thc tcrtll,i "lir,,t party'" and '%ccond parly" shall include all Iht pa:~tcs to this Illq/~lnlClll and lilt'Ir les~¢ct3',c ¥.lcceY~o£~, and assigns.) III!RFIIY rcml~¢,., release.,, acqmt,,, sat,,,lies, arid fi,rover (li,~charges the tim puTt)'s reverter nghl under I'aragruph ~ and Ihe fi~sl party's rs~ht ()1 fi~st rdusal contained m I'arap~ph ~ ol Ihe Agreemenl daled N.xcmbcr I~. 19~.~ bcl~%ectl Avnlar Pro~rlies Inc. I1/a fiAC l'ro~i~ Inc.. ~n(I C. Ilter Courtly. a pohlical s{zbdn isi,}n {,1' file Stale of FI.r}da. as recorded m O~cial Records I~ook Iq0 al Pa~c 270 in thc re'uNit I4cc.rA of( 'olhcr ('..nly. Fh)rida. fi,r the lamk tle<n~d a~: *[}ic South 7~ f~'ct of thc North 19) Ret of I'r.',ct 13. t;olden Gate l':~tates, {.~nlt 40. according lo thc plat Ihcre.f a'~ rcc,)r&d tn Pla{ Ih.~k 7, al Page 31, of 111¢ Public Records of( '.lhcr ('.u.ly. I'l.rida (~I';SS WIII".REOI:. I have hereto.,, .,ct my hand and '~c~l tl.s ~ day o£ Signed. scaled and ,Ichvcrcd ~n pr;sencc .f: /~ (pr~nt~ \Vi:ness (sig~:aYurc) (print name) AVATAR I'R()PliP, 1 II:'S INC. a l:h'r~l~'°rpt'r ati°n IIY Dennis J. (ielnlAiJ Excculivc Vice ~r~idcnl /\~ afar Pmpcrlics hlc. 255 Alhambra C',rcle ('oral Gables, Fh,rida 33134 (('ORP¢)RA'I Ii SEAL) Florida corporal.,., ()11 bvhalf of I{lc c.rp()ratlon SI ,VI I': OB.' I* l.( )RI l).\: · '~t, --. ~hc fi.rc?,ng Rcvcncr l)tschargc & I<dcasc wa~ acknowledged befi~re me this ~ day of ~~ . 10'/% hv I)cnms J. (;ctman. [{xecut~vc Vice President of Avatar Prop~n~e~ Inc., a I lc i~ per~-nally known to me ~ {1 tint Namd of Nota~'} NO'FARY Pttlq.l(' Ncrial/Co~l~llssio~ ff. THIS DEED, made this ~c';cJ-, day of "7]~ , 19 ~/~, by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having amiiling address of 3301 East Tamlaml Trail, Naples, Flodda 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Flodda corporation, and/or assigns, having a '~'; '~ mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Flodda 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to it tn hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Flodda: The South 75 feet of the North 150 feet of Tract 13, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 46, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 31, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk Attest as to Chalra~ul's sfgnature o~]~. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PAMELA SMAC'KIE, CHAIRWOMAN THIS CONVEYAt:CE ACCEPTED BY BOARD OF COUtI~ COMMISSIONERS, COlt!~p COUtI:~, FLOC. IDA, PURSUANl TO THE PROVISIONS *** 2556467 OR: 2611 PG: 1797 ~C0RDID ill O!e~ICIAL It~¢Ol~D$ Of COLL~I]t COUITT, 11/D/199! at 0~:0SPS D¥IGHT I. BI'OCr, CONS DOC-.T0 21.70 COPIII 1.00 Ret, In IlAL PIOPI~TT liT 9SS] *** 2556468 OR: 2611 PG' 1798 *** t. Ol 1 I),I..V F R I I:R I )I~( '1 IAR( iii ,~: REI.I!ASI'; KNOW Al.l. MEN IIY 'I'IIESK I'RESENT.'<.: Avatar Properties Inc. fk/-~ (iA(.' Pmp,:rties Inc., first pi~rt)', fin and iu o,n%idelat.on ~1' the sum iff Ten and No,lO0 ($10.~)) Dollars, anti other valuable cousitleramms, received from or on behalf ~t' Collier County, a ~ailical suhdwision of the Slalc o~ Florida. second pady. ll~c rcccipl whctc.f is hereby acknmdedged, (Whcrcxm uxcd Ilcrcin thc terms "first part)'" m~d "sec(}ud party" shall iucludc all thc I lFRId~Y rcmSscs. Jclcascs, acquils, satisfies, and fi~rcver discharges lhe first party's revc~ler righl under l'ara~raph 5 ~nd Ibc first parly's ngh~ (ff first rel~sal contained in P~ragr~ph g of the A ~reement Nm'ember 15. lgS_~ bcl~een Avalar I'roperlics Inc., f~a GAC Propeaies Inc.. and C~qlier Connly. ~litical subd~vis.~n of Ihe Slalc of Florida. as recorded in O~cial Records Book 1340 al Page 270 m Pubhc Recor,l~ of('.lhcr ('ounly. Florida, ti~r Ihe l~nds described ~s: Ibc 1.a.,I 77 IL. ut of thc 1:as! 150 fi:ti nf Tracl 73. Golden Gale 1:slates. I'm! 73. acc.rding I,, thc plat thcrt',ff as t~.'~.~,rdt'd ill l'Iai Ih~nk 5. al Page g. of thc Puhhc Records ~tl t i~J!l~.'r ( 'l~Llllt)'. J;Jl)lJtJa I'>,;N \VIII*:I~EOI*', I have hcrtunlo scl my haml anti ,~cal Ilus (.t:)"~ clay tff ...... , ,.\ l).. 1999. AVATAR PROPI{R'FIF. S IN(',. a I:lorida C~nporatmn _~ r F. xccutix'e Vice ~u:sidcnt Avatar Prupcrties Inc. 255 Alhambra ('i~clc ( 'oral (;ahles, Florida 3., ~ .14 (('ORI'()RATI{ SEAL) ,";TA TI*i ( )F I' I.( )R II )..\ 'Iht fi~rc~oltlg Reveller [)~char~,.e .~ Release was acknowledged ~fore mc this ~ day of ~~ , lg')'), by l)cnm~ J. (;ctman, ILxecutive Vice President of Avalar Pro~ics Inc., a [-h)rida corp.rali.n..n behalf of Ibc c(.porafion, lie is personally knnwn lo mc ~ '' ' ' '; NOTARY PUIII,IC ; Serial/Commission ~: My ('~nmnission Expires: ~ ~TAT~ THIS DEED, made this ~,c7;~,/.... day of ~, 197.~, by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Flodda 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, lo JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called lhe Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the padies to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and essigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to it in hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to Ihe Granlee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Florida: The East 75 feet of lhe East 150 feet of Tract 73, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 73, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 9, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk By: Attest as to Chalr~n's sig~atur~ THIS CONVEYAt~CE ACCEPTED BY ~OA~D OF COUtITY COHHISSTO[IERS, ,.r',, -tv FLOF)nA,, COll.!rP ...~,,I.,, PURSUAt, I lO THE PRcO~I_S(I~tiS OF EESOLUTION NO. ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~N Prepn~nd ,... ; *** 2556469 OR: 2611 PG: 1799 *** ll/l~/l)~S at 02:0IPM DV:GRT l, BIOCI, CUll Retn: RIAL PROPIN?! IX? Ifil CONS 3&00,O0 DOC-.10 25.20 C0HIS t.0O Nile 1.00 *** 2556470 OR: 2611 PG: 1800 I,:l:\'liR'l I{R I)IS(.'IIAR(iI~ & REI.EASE KNO\\' AI.I..MEN I{Y TIlE.SE I'RESENTS: Avatar Properlies Inc. £'k;a GA(' Properties Inc., first party, li,r and tn cons:de:alton .f the sum of fen anti No/100 (S10.00) Dollars. :,nd other valuable considerations, re,'¢ived from .r .n behalf o~ Collier Connly, a ~lilical subdivision of the State of Florida. second party, thc receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. (\\'hete,,cr used hereto the terms "firs! party" and "second party" shall include all the parties to tl,s insmm~cnt and their rc~;pccm'e successors and assigns.} I II:RI".I:W tcmiws, rclea.,es, aCtlU..., saUslies, and fi.ever discharges the first party's reverter right under Paragraph 5 anti the first party's right of first r¢fitsal contained in Paragraph 8 ~ff the Agreement dated Nc, vember If,. IqS3 ber,',een Avalar I'roperties Inc.. f.'k/a (;AC Properties Inc.. ami Collier County, a political subth;.ismn o1' Ihe State of Florida. as recorded in Official Records llook 1340 at Page 270 in the I'uhlic Records of ¢'olhet ('ounty, Fhffida. fi~r the lands described a~: Iht Wc.,t 10~ foci ,,1' thc \\'c,.I I,%0 fcc: .1' Iract 129. (hdden Gale I'states, I'm: S2, according to thc plat Ib¢teol' a~ recorded nl I'[at I~t~k 5. at Page 21. of thc Public RcconN of('olhcr ('Oil/ltV I:l~flda IN WITNESS WIII-H,II'X)I". I have hereunto set my hand and .,;cai this {O'~ day of ~ ('. .A 1). ,','.~,. ..... Avatar Prolx-rlies Irt{.'. 255 ^lhamb~a Circle ('oral Gables. Florida .33134 (('ORPORATE SEAl.) .% I ..\ I[{ ( )1.' I, [J )RII }A: lhe Ibrc~omg Reverter Ihsclmrgc & Release ,,..-as acknowledged heft)re mc this(O~ (lay of __.{~_. . 10o9. by Dennis J. (;ctman. Fxecut,..c Vice President of Avatar Properties Inc.. a Florida cori~rat:or:' i,n behalf of the coqx)ratlon, lie .s personally knov~n tu nlc~:c'~w~]w~ I ' ::' :',:, (PrmtNamedfNotary) '- NOTARY PUB[.IC Serial/Con.nission #: My Commission THIS DEED, made this e;~'7~L/-., day of"~~ , 19Y..~, by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Flodda corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor'' and "Grantee" include all the padies to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to it in hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Flodda: The West 105 feet of the West 180 feet of Tract 129, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 82, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 21, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, reslrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board. the day and year aforesaid. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk Attest ms to Chairman's slgnaturm onlj,. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, CHAIF~WOMAN · :~ rr~i *** 2556471 OR: 2611 ?G: 1801 RICORDID ill OIIICIAI. IlC01DS O! C0ttIII CO~TT, Reta: RIC Ill t.lO DOC-,70 41.30 ¢0PI15 1.00 riSC I.OO ,,t,: *** 2556472 OR: 2611 PG: 1802 ***.¢,,, ~IT 89~I 11/15/2~9 at O2:OSPN DVlG~T I. BROCE, CLUI KliVI(R I ER I)IS('I lARGE & RI!I,I!ASE KNOW Al,I, MEN BY 'HIESE PRESENTS: Avatar l'ro~,rties Inc. f,~/a GA(' Properties Inc.. first party, fi~r and in consideration ~)f lhe sum of Ten aml No/l~ ($10.(~) Dollars, and other valuable considerations, received I},,11 or on behalf of ('oilier County, a ~)litical su~livision of the Slate of Florida, second party, the receipt ~ hereof is hereby ackno~ledged. (Wherever u.,ed he,cra the terms "first party" and "second party" shall include all the parties 1o th~ illslrlllllcHt alld their respective successors and assigns.} Ill!RI{flY rc:nl,~cs, releases, acquits, satisfies, and fi~rcvcr discharges the first party's reverter rtght under I)ara~raph ? and the fir~t party's fi~ht -f fir~l refits;il c~mtained in Paragraph g of' the Agreement dated N.vcmbcr 15. 19N3 bctx~ern Avatar Properties Inc., f'~a (iAC Prope~ie~ Inc., ami Collier County. a ~lmcal subdlv~%t(,n .f the Slate of Florida. as retarded in O~cial Rcconls H(mk 1340 at Page 270 in thc Public Records of ('oilier County, Florida. for the lands descri~ 'lhe \\'esl 75 t'ect .f thc J:ast lEI} fl.'ct (,f 'Ira,ct 4(,. (;okJcn Gate Estates. I.:mt 44. acc.rdin~ t. thc plat thereof as recorded m Plat Book 7. at Page 2q. of the Public Record% .f Collier Count). Fin,ida .L NI.:S.'.; ~AIIEREOF. I I,a~t.' hereunto set my hand and seal this .{d~____ (lay of ....... ,\D. 1999. AVATAR PROI'I~R'IIES IN('., a F I,)r ~'~ ~'orpo r a ,i.on ~ Dennis J. (~etma~n,J - }~xeculi%e Vice Fresident Avatar Properties lnc 2.5.~ ^lhanlbra Circle ('(,ral Gables, Florida .%31.34 (('OI~.I'ORA] 1! SEAL) S IA'I E ()F I'I.()RIDA ~L.~.~' f'oreg()lng Re,rotter Discharge & Relea%e was acknowledged ~fore me lhis ~ day of ............. 1999, by I)cm)is J. (k'tman. Executive Vice President of Avatar Pro~Ries Inc.. a FI.rida cora)fut.)n, ou behalf .f tl)c co.)rattan, lie is ~rsonally kno~ lo me ~ ~' " Serial/Commission ~: THIS DEED, made this day of ~, 19~, by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Flodda 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive. Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein lhe terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of lhe sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to It in hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Florida: The West 75 feet of the East 180 feet of Tract 46, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 44, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 29, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk (Z Attest as to Chilrmm'S Signature 0~1]. TI~[S ¢OI;VEYANC~ ACCEPTED BY TItE I~O;;O OF COUNTY COMM[SStONERS, CO" ~.rp COUN~'y, FU~;SU~,III TO THE PROV[SiOttS CF F,[.SSLUTIOtl riO. ~) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~N ... :: , ; '~ tomes ; ,; 2556473 OR: 2611 PG: 1803 CONS 3330,00 Poc-.7o 23.lo COPII$ l.OO KI$C l.O0 lit l~gJ [NTI! OPHCl *** 2556474 OR: 2611 PG: 1804 *** I~I¢0~010 ltl the OFH¢IIC 1 RliVl'Y, Tl!R I)IS('II,.\R(;I{ & REI.F. ASF. KNO\V Al.I, .MEN BY TIIESK PRESENTS: Avalar I'ro~rties Inc. f,'L"a CIA(.; Ih'operties Inc.. first party, fist amt m constderalion of lhe sum of Ten ami No/l~ I$10.t~l) Dollars. and other valuable consMcration~. ~cc~vcd titan or on behalf of Collier ('ounty. a ~litical subdivision of the State of l:lorida. second party, Ihe rectupl whereof i~ hereby acknowledged. {Wherever u~cd hereto d~c terms 'firsl party" ami "second party" shall include all the parlics tn thi~ mnstrtmmcnt and their respective successors and assigns.) IIERI{BY Temi~es. re~easc~, acquits, satisfies, anti foteve~ discharg~ the first party's reverter right under Paragraph ~ and ~hc fi~sl pa~)'s rlght of first refusal contained in Paragraph R of the Agreement dated November I~, 19N3 bct~ecn Avatar properties Inc.. ~&la (;AC Properties Inc., and Collier Connty, a polilical subdivision of thc Stale of I:lo~ida. as reconled m Official Records Book 1340 al Page 270 m the Public Reco[d~ of( 'olhcr ('ounty. [:h~rida. fi~r Ibc lands described as: 'Ibc West 75 feel (,t' the East Iai) IL'ct of Iract 8S. (;olden ()ale Estates. thtit 73, according m d~e plal thereof a~ recorded m Plat Book 5, at Page q. of thc Public Rccmds of('olher ('orally Florida IN ',,VFI\'N~ESS WIIEI(EOF. I have hercunt~ scl my haml and seal fins _~.___ ,.lay of Signed. sealed an,l dehxcred in ,zsencc of: (print name] Witness (s~gnature) (print name) AVATAR PROI'ERI'IF.S INC'.. a Florkta Corporati,,m £, [~'~e~nis J. German J Executive Vice Pi'~sident Avalar Properties Inc. 255 Alhambra Circle Coral Gables, Florida 33134 (CORPORATF. SEAL) COU STY OF ~ ~1 ~ The tim. going Rcvcrlcr l)i<hargc & Release was acknowledged ~lbrc ~ this ~ day of ~_~. . 1'1')9. by Dennis J. (;ctman, ExecLmve Vice President of Avatar Profiles Inc., a Florida corD,raimon, ms behalf of thc co.nation, lie is personally knox~m to me ~ ..... .. ~ NOTARY PUBLIC , Serial/Commission ~: i(:_Jt. :.4i , _,~T_ ~T_U_T_O R Y DEE~ THIS DEED, made this ,~,;Z~;[. day of ""//~ , 19/~', by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address of 3301 East Tamiaml Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to it in hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Flodda: The West 75 feet of Ihe East 180 feet of Tract 88, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 73, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 9, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, reslrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in ils name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board. the day and year aforesaid. Al-rEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk Attest as to Chairman'S signature onl.~. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ..pA~ M~AN THIS CONVEYANCE ACCEPTED BY THE1 ~:OARD OF COUNTY COH~ISSIOtlERS, COIL!EP COUtlT¥, FLOFInA, PURSUANI TO THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTIG;( riO. c~i-{~(; - *** 2556475 OR: 2611 PG: 1805 RIC01~DIB tl~ 0H'ICI~,t ItlC011)$ of C0[tIll C0~?l, H/15/I))I at 02:01lq( 0VIGI~I' I. li0CK, C[II][ cox$ 3600.00 RIC ~ll t.O0 ~¢-.70 25,20 COPIIS 1.00 KISC 1.00 Ret~: IlflR Memoran TO: SUE FILSON, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS dum RECEIVED ~r ' 3,,r,t ?,l' FROM: i' TONI A. MOTT, SENIOR SPECIALIST - ,~":\, REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT \ DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 1999 RE: SALE OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES PROPERTY Attached you will find one (1) Real Estate Sales Agreement for execution by Chairwoman Pamela S. Mac'Kie concerning the above transaction. Please be advised that Heidi F. Ashton, Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed and approved the attached document. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Real Estate Sales Agreements was approved and executed on January 12, 1999, Item 16(D)(10). Please forward the Real Estate Sales Agreement to Ellie Hoffman, Records Technician III, Minutes & Records, for attestation. [Note: Ellie, after attestation of said document, please call extension #8991 for document pick-up as the Real Property Management Depadment will record all necessary documents on the date of closing. ] Thank you. Attachment as stated SAI,ES A(;I(EEMENT ii (Parcel 2(0 Ri'..,\I. IL~ I .,\ Iii S..\I.I!S AGRI!I!MI!NI Tills AGREi!MI:,NI made and entered mt<~ Ibis ~-9~.tlay of ~~_., 1999. by and bctwccn COLLIER COUN I'Y. a polmcal subdivision ~1' Iht Slalc of Florida, hereinafter rcfcncd Io as SEI.LER, and JARAFA, INC., a I-hmda corpmalmn, hereto;dior referred to as BUYER. WHEREAS, SEI.I.I!R tics~rcs to sell. and F~i ~YI:R desires to purchase, linc property hereinafter described, al price and on Ibc terms illld ciHldilioHs hereinafter scl fo, rib NOW, TItEP, EFOP, E, in considcratmn ,al'Iht rccwals, Ibc nnllual c-vcnal~tS here:nailer scl Ibnh and olhcr good anti valuable considerations, Ibc rcccH,t arid sufficiency of which arc hereby lllliltlally acknowledged, it is agreed hy aIld bct,.vccn ibc parllcs as fifllox~ s: The real property v, hich is Ibc suhicct of dUs ,.\grccmcnt. [hereinafter referred to, its "F'rerniscs") is legally described as: The ",\'cst 75 fcct oJ' Ibc Wcsl 151~ Ii:ct c,f Tract 72. (;oldcn (}:.itc Estalcs, I lnil 73. according to the plat thcrcof as rccol'dcd Ill ?Iai fitlok 5. Page 9. ol'tllc I'uhlic Records of ('oilier (.'Ollllty, Florida. 2. ~iY .2~Ugg A. SE[.I.ER agrees to sell and convey Ibc Premises to Bt;YER. and BUYER agrees lo purchase the Premises from SELI.ER, at tl~c pncc and upon thc othcl Icrms and conditions hereinafter scl Ibrth: 1. All cd'SEI.I.[iR'S right, title and imc~cst ~n ami I, thc ['rcmlscs A. Tide to thc PRF. MISF. S shall hc conveyed to [:H !YF.R by Statutory l)ccd. The Purchase Pric= ~"Purchase Pricc"l Im d~c Premises shall be T~IREI.i 'IIlOt~SAND SIX }[UNDRED (53,60(}.00) [)()IA.ARS, payable by IH/YER to SIil.I.IiR as follows: A. Concurrently. ~v][}l lilt cxcculion hereof. BIJh'ER shall pay to SEI.I.ER. as citrncsl money hereunder CEamcst Money")thc sum of FIIREE IfUNI)REI) SIXTY (5360.00) DOLLARS rcpresenling~en percent, I0%, oftl~e purchase pr<c, and FIFTY (550.OO~ D()I.I.ARS, which shall serve as a one time processing fee. B. The balance, after credit for thc Earnest Money, and plus or minus any fumhcr prorations and ad.B~stmenls, shall be paid by BtJYER m Sl!I.IAiR a~ closing. 5.~ The BUYER timber acknowledges lhat any appraisal fees and/or update fees lbr lhe above described Premises shall be thc sole and complete rcsponsibilily of BUYER. The BUYER shall upon Iht cxeculion of lifts Agreement pay the cstimaled appraisal fee m the amount of 5150.00. If the appraisal fcc is less than Ibc amount shown above, the difl~rencc shall be refunded accordingly. If an appraisal update shall bc required, lhctl SEt_lAiR shall provide written confim~ation of the updale fee prior to ordcnng same. and Buyer shall retail the update fcc within ICh { 10) days of receipt to SELLER. The BUYER shall have twenty (20) days from ~he date of receipt of the registered or ce~ified le~er tr~smiuing the appraisal and/or update to emer inlo an amended Real Estale Sales Agreement at a sales price in accordance wid~ thc appraisal t,r update. I:ollowing linc cxpira!ion of this twenly {20) day period, if no new Agreemenl is executed, thc Earnest Money shall be rcmrncd to BUYER. The BUYER acknowledges that he bas been advised of the fight of first refi~sal to purchase the Premises on the same terms as contained in this Agreement by Avatar Properties Inc. if Avatar exercises its righls under this paragraph, BUYER shall receive a Gill refund of their Earnest Money. Avatar Properlies Inc. will be responsible for payment of the appraisal fees and/or updalc fees it' it elects to exercise its right to purchase. ';. DI,5(,'LALX_ILI~ !?!. \vAF, L'\NIIE5: "AS 1,5'i CONYEYA~Ch either express n~ mqq~cd. -F;m~ kind. n;mHu, ,~ type ~(halsocvcr from ~r on behalf of thc SEI,I,ER. IL HI;YI~R acknox~lcdFc~ Ih;il IH :YI'R ha~ rnadc :md,'u~ ha~ bccn ~ivcn an adequate oppmltJmlv Io make ('. Withoul I~ m~y x~a~ ]imltinp Ibc p~ccCdillg p r;wr:lphs HI JYFR ackmmlcdgcs ;md ;l~rccs that hc hereby day preceding closing: - J. All mstaJhncnls nf special iisscsslllClllS pilSilbJC al'tot thc c},,smg, x~hcthcr lbr xtmk omm~cnccd as of'the ch>sing or olIiclX~lSC, Mxdl hc paid cxclusi~cl~ Iw prorat]ons iltld dt } IMII1C,II5 shMI hc Jill,l] A. lf' BI ;TER dcl'auhs hcrcur~dct, lhcu pr~,~ u!cd AFl I.I:R ~s m,I HI dclau]l. SILl I.ER'S soic rcmc,t~ shall he 1o Ic~llillillc this Ag~ccmcm h5 gi~ing ~VrlllCn N,dlcc flK'~ct,f lo BI ;YER. ~hcrcupun Iht [SalllCSI Monck shall be ~ctaincd hv or pa'.d ~,, 5Kt.I.ER as hquidatcd damages ~hich shall bc StU.I.ER'S sole and exclusive rcnlcdv. illld I1CJlJICr pally SJldJ] Jiilx c illW hulhcr liahdll5 m ohht,.',fllon lo Ibc other Iht parlics ackno~vledgc and agrcc IL 11' 5EI.I.I~R tlcl~mhs hc~cumlcr and such dclmdl ha~ nol bccn cured w~lhm lh~rl~ itl~)days alicr WrliICll Nm~cc of such dclhuh h~ SI'.I.I.I!IC ;md pm~tlcd IiIIYI~I{ is not m dcfaull. BII{'ER may lcmlinalc this Agreement, ~hcrcup, m IlK. I.mncsl M,mcy shall he m,mtxlY returned h) Iii iYI{R and ncilhcr party shall have any furlhcr liabilil~ ~x ~dfi{g;,l{tm h~ fl{c ~lhcr Xol~Hhslimtlinc ;m~lhmc omlamcd in Ibis Agrccmcn Io Ibc contrary. Ibc lbrcgomF ,h,ll hc Iii :YI R'.% >,,Ic ;,t~,i cxclu~i,.c rcmcd~ ,md ,hall preclude ltl :Yf:R lrmn Iht Ally illllJ ill{ L'IISIS ;lilt] L'X~lClISC5 IllClllICt] hk SI:{.[ Iii/ ~n c,mncclmn ~'.~th dh. t~imsdcthm (c'xccptltlg SEI.I_ER'S ;IHOrllCSs' l~'cs ;llld J{u,lJ ['M,IIc ( tqllllllqMOllb}. I < {lllg Xklthi,tll Jill )11 IULIUt]IIIU J't'C5. COllkCkilllCC Ikes, { {. b~ZI21~xJEDLS g ll;,.s ,'\ [~[J'l'[!l~. rcprcscl!l~ h~ NItI ].]'.R lhal thole Is Ihl broker, lindcr ol Illlurlllt:dl;Mv ~I ;uw kind whom has t)c~,ll COlllaClcd J)~ ~n dcaJl ~ ilh ~H l'~qlllL'(lltHI l~ ]Ih 1}11~ IL I~UYER ag~'ccs u, mdcmnil'v ami hum h;umlcss St:I.I.ER agamsl ami from all claims, demands, causes aclion, judgments ;llld iiabililics ~luch may bc asscrlcd or rccovcrL, d fi~r fees, commissions or olhcr cumpcnsation claimed mbc duc lo an> broker, IhMcr ol in~crmediary wifl~ whom BUYER may have dcal~ conncclion wilh Ibc lr;uisaclmn, including ct,Ms aild Icasoila})lc altorneys' fccs incidenl thereto. ('. This pnw~sion shall surx'ivc closing. t'~lhllly .'MIorncy's ()l'i~Ce, Collier County such olhcr h)calion ds SEI.I.ER may select. A. This wriuen Agrccn~cnl. including all cxh~b~is a:lached here:n and documents to he delivered pursuant herclo, shall coI!S{lllliC IbC Clllirc tgrcc lICIll iIIll mntc~st,,nding ,~f ~hc parhcs. ;md t}iClc ,itu IIO otllcr prior or herein ' ' J:l. This /\~rccIHt:lll nlav hc amended OllJ\' hv a ',vrHlell mCllloralldtml subsequently cxcCtlled hy ail or the p~i~S hCrClO. C. No waiver of any im~x ~smn or colldilioll J)J' Ibis AgrcelllCtlI hy ally parly shall be valid unless in writing signed by such pa~t) No such waiver shall t~c taken ;is ',1 waiver of any other or similar provishm or of ally flflurc event, act or dcf;mll. D. ']'imc is o[Ihc essence ~flhis ,,Xg~ccn~cnt In Ibc COlllpl!UlliOll Of;lily period oflime provided Ibr in this Agrcemcnl or h~ la~. ,mx al;dc I'alhng ,ma Nalm'day, Sunday or icg;d hulidav shall be deemed pr(wision shall bc Imlncd h, tl~c cxlcni ncccssar} 1o rcmler Iht same kalid, ur shall be excised from Ibis ,,kgrccnlcnt. as ci~cumshmccs ~cqmrc. and this ..kgrccmcnt shall bc construed as if said provision had been F. I Jeading~ ol paragraph, :uc Ib~ conx cnicncc ,q' reference only, and shall nol I'e constn~cd as a'pan of this Agrccmcnl. G. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure lo lilt hcncfil of thc paints hereto, and Ihcir respective heirs, executors, pcrsollaJ rcprcsclltatlkcs, SllCCCssofs ulld ;isSIgllS, provided, however. [hal this Agreement may not bc ;issl?lcd b~ IH :YER ~ilho~ll thc prior express x~rltlcll t[HlSClll of SEI.I.ER. which Il. Any and all nuticcs pCl'lllillcd or FcqHircd Io he gwcll tmrctmdcr shall hcm writing and shall bc either personally delivered h) thc party or shall he scm hy I ;llilcd Nlillcs mail, postage prcpilid, registered or codified mail. Any SLlCh [iiiUCC hhilH bc dCClllCd gl~Cll illld cl'l'ccli~¢ upon rcccH,t o~ lcfusM of deliver5 thereof by thc primary parD' h) x~h~m~ it is io hc sent. I. This Agreement shall hc g{wcrncd in all rcspccls }w Ibc Jaws o[lJlc Si;lie I~J' Florida. J. TJlis ..kglccnlcnl nlav bc executed in any nunlhcr ul c*mnlcrparls, tiny or ilJJ el' kkJlich signatures o1' JeSS th:m ail of thc peri,cs, and all of v, Inch shall hc construed logclhcr as bill a single'instrument. therein shall hc untilled '[, tcco~cr thc cosls ,md cxpcn~cs recurred Ii1 connccl~{m-lJ:crcwil}~, including. ~t il}lOUl limitation, rcasorlahlc illh)l'ltcyb' M. Thc %~ord "(1.~m?' ,. x~r{Is *~t'Silllilltr Inlporl as used in this AgrcclllCl,t, shMI bc constnlcd Io llleall the originally fixed IilllC itr/,t ~losmg dale si)coiffed hcrcm or ;lily HdjotlFllcd I)lllC illld dale pm~itlcd lhr herein or agreed lo in x~ ~iling hy ~hc pallets, or ;my c;ulio (talc pcrlniltcd herein N. This Agrccmcnl lb l~ctwccn 51~I.I.I{R and BI IYER and no olhcr party sl4dl, under any circumstances, hc Agrccmcnl. (). All of Ibc parl~c~ It~ t[11~ ..~grccmcnI have piu'licipidcd I'ullv m Ibc ncgmlatim~ and preparation hcrcel': and. accordingly, this .,kg~ccmcnt ~11;111 m)l bc )ll~)rc slriclJx c()nslrncd ilgillllSl liD} (HlC i~J'lhc part;cs hereto. I'. Ncilhcr Ihis .-X~rccrncnl n,,r ;tn~ mcnn)ramlLm~ eT cvhlcncc hereof shall bu rcco[dcd m ally public records by BI.JTJLR. I1 h(> tco,rdcd h,. I/I iYILR, I]lis ..Xg~ccmcnt shall bc tlccnlcd ips,~ facto c;mcclcd alld ICrlllinaled. Agrcclllcnt), shall thctcnpon bc ~ctaincd b~ ()r paid t~) SILI.[.I~R as IJquidi~tcd dilt]lilgCS lbr such dcfau]l, and IIIJYER shall have no turlhcr mlcrcst ii1 l}lc PrclniScs. pursuanl lo lhis Agreement ,~r otherwise. Q. Any i)r~or agrccmcnls, rcprescnlati{ms, undcrstantJings or oral slalenlClllS, including, hul no1 lira;led to rendering ,)r rcprcscnlath)n:q conlaincd ill Sa]CS hr()chtlrcs, IllilpS, sketches, advcrtisin~ or stitch lllatcrlals, and oral shltclllcnls of sales rcprcsclltallvcs, j~' n{~l uxplcsscd in Ihis Agreement. a)c v.id. ~;t~ c no cJ'l~,cl, illltl have not hccn relied upon h) Itt 14. ~'1'1 tER N(llIC IN WITNI!SS \V}It!RI!()I.. tl~c parllCS ha',c CdtlsCd Ibis .'\grccmcnt lo bc cxcclllcd ;.is of thc da', and )'car first above wrillcll. Ih ).,\RD ()F ('(-HJN1 ',' ('(~MMISSI(')NERS ('()1.I [hR f,2~ ~N i'5', FI.()RIDA ,/ PAMF. I.A.S. MAC'KIE, C}tAIRMAN AS TO BU'~'I-~R: DATE: ¥,qlncss (signature) (print namc) Wilncss (signature) (print nnme) I/~[[A/~i:A, IN~t a F,~3~/ida ~//~oration STATE OF "~-/-,/~' ,,' ,~ / '----~ The foregoing Real Eslatc Sales Agreement was acknowledged befi~rc me this ./C:/--, da of ..T~~9~ by MARGARITA GALIANA as President for I&RAFA l,",/C-~-~ ~'Y ' c6rporation,~.? is persofla[ly' k-n~',,k;fi ft')iSfi: or '.,'ho has prodt,'ced ','ii i~,cTli~ci~ti~'n°,nun (affix notarial scal l Print Name (?onllllission Number My Commission Expi~ I, th.e,, undersigned, .do hereby acknowledge receipt of a total of L"~',",D ~ ~ on this day of ~ . (initial Deposit, $~.:~_J~_)__, Appraisal $_J._f~_, Additional Deposit $_GC) / Processing Fee $~) Approved as to legal fom'~ and sufficiency Assistant Cotmty Attorney Memorandum TO: FROM: DATE: Ellie Hoffman Records Technician III Minutes & Records Management Toni A. Mott Senior Specialist Real Property Management. Department October 28, 1999 RE: Sale of Golden Gate Estates Property Ellie, attached please find two (2) original recorded Statutory Deeds and two (2) original recorded Reverter Discharge & Releases for the above referenced project. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Real Estate Sales Agreement and Statutory Deed was approved and executed on January 12, ! 999, Item 16(d)(l 0). Please contact me if you have any questions or comments at 8991. Thank you. attachments as stated *** 2543330 OR: 2601 PG: 1418 *** I~tn: IIIRL PROHIT! HCOROID in the OIH¢IAt RlCOItO$ Il:? 89~J! 10/I)/199(J at IO:OTAN O¥lOlrr l.O0 RI!VIiRTI!R DISC} lARGE KNOW ALl, MEN BY 'rllESE PRESENTS: Avatar Propert:es Inc. ftk:a GA(' Properties Inc.. first party, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/lO0 ($10.00) Dollars. and other valuable considerations, received from or on behalf of Collier County, a political subdivision of the .State of Florida, second party, the receipt wilercof is hereby acknowledged. (Wherever used herein thc terms "tirst part.',," and "second party" shall include all thc parties to this instrument and their respective ~uccessors and assigns. ) IIEREBY remiscs, releases, acquits, satisfies, and forever discharges thc first party',~ revcrlcr right under Paragraph $ and the firsl party's right of first refusal contained in Paragraph g of the Agreement dated November 15. 1983 between Avatar Properties Inc.. fk/a (;At' Pmperlies Inc.. and Collier Connty. a political subdivision of the State of Fhmda, as recorded in O[ticml Records Ihmk l) ltl at Page 270 in the Public Records oft'oilier County, Florida. for the lands described as: The West 75 feet of the East 15{) feet of Tract 54. Golden (talc according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, at Page 30. of thc Public Records of ('oilier Counly. FIorMa rhlN~\vI'I'NES.',; ~,VIIEREOF. I haxc hcrcunt- ~ct mv hand and seal flus ~~r~'' ' ~ . :\.I).. 1099. day of Signed. sealed and dehvered Witness (signature) (print name) AVATAR I~ROPF, RTIES IN('., a Fh~rtda ('orporalion ~{')~1. . Dennis J. (ietmli~ [':xeclJli,ce Vice [)resident Avatar Properties Inc. 255 Alhambra ('ircle ('oral Gables. Florida 33134 (CORPORATE SEAl.) STATE OF FI,ORIDA: COUNTY OF ~/~ ,~ / - O/~) t.-, , ~e tbregoing l~evcrter I)i~chargc & Release wa~ acknowledged belbrc rile this ~ day of / 900 b' [)cnn s J Getnl'm Fxeculive Vice Pres[aleut of Avatar Pro '- ~i-~ [ ~- ...... > ...... ~ c nc..a ltl&kb co,oration, on behalf {*f thc co,ora[mn, lie i~ personally know,lo mc ~ IS~nature o~ota~ Public) O~HCIAI. >:()i ,XR'¢ b~.,x:. ~ (Print Name of NoraD') KIMBE~t.Y CI~.RK [ NOTARY PUBLIC NCaA RY PI :BI .}C ~ATE (~F H,ORiI )A ] ,~ ~ ,~,.'~. ;'~ '. .,~' ~, '.~ "',' ~J My ('.mnHssion Expires: STATUTORY DEED THIS DEED, made this~ 7 '~ day of ~::)~~ 19 c~-'), by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to it in hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Florida: The West 75 feet of the East 150 feet of Tract 54, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 45, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 30, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. Aq-I'EST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk stgaatu~ only. ,- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: PAM~A~N THIS CONVEYAt:C£ ACCEPTED BY THE ~ ~OAFg OF COUIIT¥ CO[.Ila!SSTOtIERS, CO~L!rP ';OUUT'.', FLOP]n~., PURSUAtll TO THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION HO. C~q~(~© - % ' 543331 OR: 2601 PG: 1419 *** llCO~DID in OFFICIAL ~ICOIID$ o! COLLIIIt COI~IYY, I0/12/19g! at 10:07AIl leta: IIAL fROflFr! IIYI! OFFICI COIl HIO.tl IIC rll DOC-JO 20,30 COPIll l.Ot IISC lit INTIR OHICS *** 2543332 OR: 2601 PG: 1420 *** ~lCO~DID Id the O~H¢Ili R]CORD$ 10/13/1999 at iO:O?AR DfflG~T I. BKCI, CLBR] COHBS ~.00 1.00 REVF. RTI!R I)ISClIARGE & RELEASE KNOX',' ALL MEN BY 'HIESE PRESENTS: Avatar Properties Inc. f/k/a (;AC Properties Inc.. first party, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/lO0 ($10.00) Dollars. and other valuable considerations, received from or on behalfof Collier County, a political subdivision of Ibc State of Florida. second party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. (Wherever used hereto thc terms "first party" anti "second party" shall include all thc parties to thi~ instn,ment and their respective successors and assigns.) IIEREBY remises, seleascs, acquits, satisfies, anti forever d~scharges Ihc first party's reverter nghl t,nder Paragraph 5 and the first party's right of first rclu,;al contained tn I)aragraph 8 of the Agreement dated November 15, 1983 between Avatar Properties Inc., f/k/a GA(' Properties Inc.. and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. as recorded in Official Records Book 1340 at Page 270 in the Public Records of ('oilier County, Florida, fi,r the lands described as: The North 105 feet of the North ]80 feet of Tract 59. Golden (;ate Estates. l;nit 45. according to the plat thereof as recorded in I"lal Book 7. at Page 30. of thc Pubhc Records of ('oilier County, Florida Ct I,~ W}TNESS WIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand anti seal flus '74~x day of Signed. sealed and delivered Witness {signature) ........... (print name) AVATAR PROPERTIES INC., a lixccutive Vice President Avatar Properlies Inc. 255 Alhambra Circle Coral Gables, Florida 33 i 34 (('()RPORATF. SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF'D,M~: Sat~n,~t- ('~ The foregoing Reverter Discharge & Release ',,,as acknm, vlcdged be/bee rne this O4.-'~1 day of ~'m~.,~ , 1999, by Dennis J. German, Execu,ive Vice President of Avatar Pro~e~ Inc., a Florida ~'o-~io-n. on behalf of the comoration, lie is personally known to me ~ 'i AR f KI MBERI,¥ CIag. R K J ,KOTAp, V ~JPA.IC 5CrATE OF H.ORi! b\ ~ (S)'gnature 63 Notary Public) (Pnnt Name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC Serial/Commission #: My Commission Expires: · *** 2543333 OR: 2601 PG: 1421 · I~AI. PIOPII~fT RlCO~IO t~ ~he O~HC[A~ RlCO~S o~ CO~Hli CO~, ~k lit 8SS1 10/13/199S at 10:07Ag D~I~ I, BR0Cl, CLIH ~C-.TO 23.10 I~BR OFFICE COPIIS l.Ol THIS DEED, made this ~ day of _~h~o..i-P--. , 19~-~'), by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Flonda 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Flodda corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to it in hand paid by the Grantee. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Florida: The North 105 feet of the North 180 feet of Tract 59, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 45, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 30, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. ATTEST:, DWIGHT E. BROCK,.Clerk By:~' , ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA TP!~ rr"Jv~rY~"r.F ACCEPTED BY TIlE ~U,..~;;.l;l T0 THE PROVISIONS Memorandum TO: FROM: DATE: Ellie Hoffman Records Technician III Minutes & Records Management A¢oni A. Mott Senior Specialist Real Property Management Department October 22, 1999 RE: Sale of Golden Gate Estates Property Ellie, attached please find two (2) original recorded Statutory Deeds and two (2) original recorded Reverter Discharge & Releases for the above referenced project. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Real Estate Sales Agreement and Statutory Deed was approved and executed on January 12, 1999, Item 16(d)(l 0). Please contact me if you have any questions or comments at 8991. Thank you. attachments as stated letl: IR I1~11 *** 2543332 OR: 2601 PG: 1420 *** ll/13/lSf! ft ll:iTll DlI~f I. BIOCI, CLIlll COHll 1.11 REVERTER DISCHARGE & RELEASE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Avatar Properties Inc. f/k/a GAC Properties Inc., first party, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 ($10.00) Dollars, and other valuable considerations, received from or on behalf of Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, s~cond parry. ~hc receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, (Wherever used berlin the terms "first party' and "second i:mrty" shall include all the parties to this mstrumem and thei~ respective successors and assigns.) HEREBY' rernises, relcases, acquits, satisfies, and for,,-vec discharges the lb'st party's reverter right under Paragraph 5 and the first party's right of firs~ refusal contained in Paragraph g of thc Agreement dated November 15, 19B3 between Avatar Properties Inc., f/Ida GAC Properties Inc., and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, as recorded in Official Records Book 1340 at Page 270 in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, for the lands described as: The North 105 feet oftbe North 180 feet of Tract 59, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 45, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, at Page 30, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida ,~.I~ W, IT~£SS WHEREOF, I have her~nto ~ my ~nd and ~ ~ ~__ ~al this ~~ , A.D., I~. day of Signed, s~aled and delivered Witness (signature) (print name) STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF 0,~1~: ~.tt~t- ~ AVATAR PROPERTIES INC., a Executive Vice President . .. Avatar Properties Inc. 255 Alhambra Circle Coral Gables, Florkla 331341 (CORPORATE SEAL). ' . Q,,,4. ITl_?..forcg°ing Reverter Dischagge & R~Icase w~s scknowledged before me this ~ day of ~ 1999, by Dennis J. Gemmn, Executive Vice President of Avatar ~ Inc., a Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He is pe~onally Imown to me INOT~~'r, ~Tli~.-~.~--~~IDA I (Print Name I I NOTARY PUBLIC ............................ Secial/Conuniaslon #: My ~ Expm: le~: UAL flof/rrT 2543333 OR: 2601 PG: 1421 I.H STATUTORY DEl=l) THIS DEED, made this ~ day of ~~ , 19.~ by COLLIER COUNTY, apol{tical subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address ~ 3301 East Tamiarnt Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33128, hereinafter called lhe Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms 'Grantor' and "Grantee' include all the pertles to Ihls InstnJme~ and the heire, legal mpresantatives and assigns of Individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, fa' and in co~slderatlon of lhe sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to it in hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Rod(la: The North 105 feet of the North 180 feet of Tract 59, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 45. according to fhe plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 30, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, ~. and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by Its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, Ihe day and year aforesaid. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 3301 f~;5~- ,~-.~i l,u[t Ilaples, florida 34112 THIS CONVEYARC£ ACCEPTED BY TIlE Be, ..... COUNTY COHMISSIONERS, C, ~ ':OYrIT': , FLO~IOA, PURSUANT TO THE PR0~I~ OF RE~L.ION ,0. ~ _ .- ,,.: *** 2543330 OR: 2601 PO: 1418 Hit fl0fll?T IIC01~D Il Bt 0{TlC~l~ HC0D{ o! C0LkIII C0~ffl, II? 1{{1 I{/1{/I{{! at I{:{?MI ~12~1~ I. II0C[, II1'11 |.lO IAI REVERTER DISC3IARGE & RELEASE KNOW ALL MEN BY TifF. SE PRESENTS: Avatar Properties Inc. f/k/a GAC Prope.ies Inc., fu3t party, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 ($10.00) Dollars, and other valuable considerations, received from or on behalf of Collier County, a political mM/vision of the State of Florida, ~:ond patsy, the receipt whereof is hereby ncknowledged, (Wherever u~ed herein ~e tern~ "la'st party" and "second part~ shall include all the parties to this ins~ment and ~ respective su~e~n and as~igm.) HEREBY remises, release, acquits, satisfms, and forever discharges the first lAUds ruverter right under Paragraph 5 and the fire party's right of f'u~ refusal contained in Paragraph 8 of the Agre~-ment dated November 15, 1983 betweon Ayah. Properties ln~., {7¥da GAC Properties Inc., and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. as recorded in Official Records Book { 340 at Page 270 in the Public Records of Collier County. Florida, for the lands described as: The West 75 fee~ of the East 150 fee~ of Tract 54, Golden Gau: Estates, Unit 45, according to the plat ~'reof as recorded in Plat Book 7, at Page 30, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida S WHEREOF, I have hereunto sci my hand and seal this ~Y~ day of _, A.D., 1999. - ~- Silp~ sealed and delivered "?..,mess, ts~? rare) .... Witness (signature) (print name) STATE OF FLORIDA: AVATAR PROPERTIES INC., Execut/ve Vice President Avatar Properties Inc. 255 Alhambra Circle Coral Gables, Florida 3313~' ( ORPOIL*.TE SEAL) STATUTORY DEEn THIS DEED, made thisc~ ? ~-~ day of ~.~0~ 19 5;x~, by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailihg address of'3301 East Tamlarni Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida ¢(xpomfl~, and/or asaigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drfve, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms 'Grantor' and 'Grantee' Include all the parties to this Instrument and the heirs, legal mpresentaUves and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns Of corporations.) WlTNESSETH that the Grantor, for and In consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to it In hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Florida: The West 75 feet Of the East 150 fee~ Of Tract 54, C-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-~den Gate Estates, Unit 45, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 30, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has mused these presants to be executed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. ATTEST: .... ' .. DWIGHT E. BROCK,. Clerk · r , ~.:.'. . ' THIS CONVEYAHCE ACCEPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COHHISSTONERS, COt L]r.P COUt~Y, PURSUAHI TO THE PRO~[SIOHS OF RESOL~ION ~0. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA lltl-' 1111'11 OmCI ~ 2111.1t !I¢ m Ioc-.7t Il. Il ~]ll I.II lilt l. II Memorandum TO: Ellie Hoffman Records Technician III Minutes & Records Management FROM: ~,h ,. T~'ni A. Mott ~c~h~enior Specialist Real Property Management Department DATE: October 20, 1999 RE: Sale of Golden Gate Estates Property Ellie, attached please find two (2) original recorded Statutory Deeds and two (2) original recorded Reverter Discharge & Releases for the above referenced project. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Real Estate Sales Agreement and Statutory Deed was approved and executed on January 12, 1999, Item 16(d)(,l~). '% Please contact me if you have any questions or comments at 8991. Thank you. attachments as stated *** 2513330 OR: 2601 PG: 1418 *** letn: IIC fll IIAL PItOPII?! HCORDII} In the Offl¢lM, IICOIDS of CGLLII! ~0~11~, IL COIIII II711 OfflCI LeO l.fl REVERTER DISCtlARGE & RELEASE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Avatar Properties Inc. 01r./a GAC Properties Inc., first party, for and in censideration of the nm of Ten and No/100 (S10.00) Dollars, and other valuable considerations, received from or on behalf of Collier Cmmty, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, second party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, (Wherever used herein the terms "first party" and "second party" shall include all the parties to this instrument and their respective successors and assigns.) ilEREBY rcmises, releases, acquits, satisfies, and forever discharges the first party's reverter right under Paragraph 5 and ~he first party's right of first refusal contained in Paragraph g of the Agreement dated November 15, 1983 between Avatar Properties Inc., f/Wa GAC Properties Inc., and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, as recorded in Official Records Book 1340 at Page 270 in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, for the lands described as: The West 75 feet of the East 150 feet of Tract 54, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 45, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, at Page 30, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida S WIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this , A.D., 1999. day of Signed~ sealed and delivered Wimess (signature) (print name) AVATAR PROPERTIES INC., a Florjd~Coqx)rafion _ {') A Dennis I. Getrn~ Executive Vice President Avatar Properties Inc. 255 Alhambra Circle Coral Gables, Florida 33134' (CORPORATE SEAl.) /..': STATE OF FLORIDA: coom-y OF ~ ~,~ e foregoing Reverter Discharge & Release was acknowledged before me this ~ day of · 1999, by Dennis J. German, Executive Vice Presidenl of Avatar P~ Inc., a Flcfida coq~ration, on behalf of the corporation. He is persona~ (Signature ofc,l~otary Public} I OFFICIAL NOtARYSFAL "'] (Print Name of Notary) KIMBERLY CL.ARK [ NOTARY PUBI.JC STATE. OF FLORIDA[ NOTARY PUBI.IC COMMISSION NO. CC~.~ I Scriab'Commission #: MY COMMISgtON £Xl'. ~ My Commission Expires:__~ 34112, herelnafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, and/or assigns, having a rnsillng address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Floflda 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. 0Nhenever used herein the terms 'Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of Individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in conslderatlon of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to It in hand paid by the Grantee. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Flortda: The West 75 feet of Ihe East 150 feet of Tract 54, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 45, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 30, of the Publlc Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed In its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. ATTEST: . · DWIGHT E. BROCK,. Cierk By: .~ S,l.g,.t~. O.l,L', .... TH~S CONVEYANCE ACCEPTED BY THE t 60AGO OF COUNTY COMMTSSTONERS, COI~.][P :OUtlT", FLO~!nA, PURSUAN1 TO THE PRO,.~SI~NS_. Of RESOLUTIOH HO.~- ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: 'PAM~ C: ,.': - ".',-.m,,.~ '~',,~, I . . :il 7tt'{ 543331 OR:' 2601 PO: 1419 leta: IRT'SI OI'7ZLI COIl lilt,II ; IICI'II I.II DOt-.TI It. Il' COIlll l.lI lilt' l.II tern: IIAL fl0~llTl ti?Il 0FHCl *** 2543332 OR: 2601 PG: 1420 *** ~coI~ID In t~e OHIClAL llCQE! of ~LLIll COUITT, FL IIC FII IOIIHIH! at lO:O?A1 ~lrlGH~ I. BIOCl, CLIll CQHIS REVERTER DISCHARGE & RELEASE KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: Avatar Properlies Inc. f/k/a GAC Properties Inc., first paru, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 ($10.00) Dollars, and other valuable co~tderations, received from or on behalf of Collier County, a polil/cal subdivision of the State of Florida, second party, the receipt whereof Is hereby acknowledged, (Wherever used herein the terms "f'wst party" and "second party" shall include all the pa.,'ties ~ this insl~sment and theh' respective successors smd tsstKns.) ItEREBY remiscs, releues, acquits, satisfies, and forever discharges the first party's reverter fight under Paragraph 5 and the first partys fight of first refusal conlained in Paragraph 8 of the Agreernont dated November 15, 1983 between Avatar Properties Inc., ffk/a GAC Properties Inc., and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, as recorded in Official Records Book 1340 at Page 270 in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, for the lands descn'bed as: The North 105 feet of the North 180 feet of Tract 59, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 45. according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, at Page 30, of the Public Records of Collier County. Florida ESS WlIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this r~ day of , A.D., 1999. Signed, sealed and delivered Witness (signature) P P~. (print name) AVATAR PROPERTIES INC., a Flofi~da Coqaoration I~ A Executive Vice President '" Avatar Properties Inc. 255 Alhambra Cia:la Coral Gables, Florida 33134. . -.' · (CORPORATE SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA: C~ , ,The foregoing Reverter Discharge & Release was acknowledged before me this ~ day of t/ 1999 by Dennis I German Executive Vice President of Avatar Pr~ lac, a Florida corporatwn, on behalf of the corporation. He ~s personally known to me (Print Name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC Serial/Commission #: My Commission Expires: ,,t,.. *** 2543333 OR: 2601 PG: 1421 HAL PIOPIITY IICO~ID ia tho ~l~IICIll, IICOI~S o! COLLII! COUITT, lq. lIT liS1 10/13/ISSS it lt:lTfl O~rT I. IIOCE, CLII[ DOC-.?I IFrll OFHCI COPXI, 1.lO I~IC l.OO 'tHIS DEED, made this ..~ day of ~ 19~. by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address of 3301 East Tamlarni Troll, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter celled the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Granto~ and 'Grantee' Include all the parties to this Instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of IndMduals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and In consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, (S10.00) to it In hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof ts hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Flodda: The North 105 feet of the North 180 feet of Tract 59. Golden Gate Estates, Unit 45, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 30. of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has ceused these presents to be executed In its name by Its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chatrman or Vlce Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. ATTEST:, DWIGHT E.' BRO~k;~Clerk"% BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA THIS CONVEYA~C£ ACCEPTED BY THE 80t .... COU~JTY COMMISSIONERS, C~. I ~'nU)lTV ....... , FLORInA, PURSUAttl TO THE PRO¥ISJONS ' OF RESOLUTION NO.~- j MEMORANDUM TO: SUE FILSON, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM~,~ONI A. MOTT, SENIOR SPECIALIST 'REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RECEIVED SEP 2 1999 DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1999 RE: SALE OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES PROPERTY Attached you will find one (1) Statutory Deed for execution by Chairwoman Pamela S. Mac'Kie conceming the above transaction. Please be advised that Heidi F. Ashton, Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed and approved the attached document. The Real Estate Sales Agreement for the property was executed on August 2, 1999. The closing date for the above sale is scheduled for October 15, 1999. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Statutory Deeds was approved and executed on January 12, 1999, item 16(D)(10). Please forward the Statutory Deed to Ellie Hoffman, Records Technician III, Minutes & Records, for attestation. [Note: Ellie, after attestation of said document, please call extension //8991 for document pick-up as the Real Property Management Department will record all necessary documents on the date of closing. Please be advised that I will provide you with the odginal Statutory Deed after recordation ] Thank you. Attachment as stated STATUTORY DEED THIS DEED, made this .~")'5 day of .~::~i~/'~ , 19~"'~, by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Flodda corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the padies to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to It In hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Florida: The North 105 feet of the North 180 feet of Tract 59, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 45, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 30, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. ATTEST: ~ ' ' '" DWI. GHT .E.' aRO'~k~C, lerk'-,,, ..' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, CRAIF;(VVOMAN MEMORANDUM TO: SUE FILSON, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FRO~:., O~r~NI A. MOTT, SENIOR SPECIALIST (~REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ECE VEB SEP 2 1999 ~ard of County Ccm~tsstoner$ ..; DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1999 RE: SALE OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES PROPERTY Attached you will find one (1) Statutory Deed for execution by Chairwoman Pamela S. Mac'Kie concerning the above transaction. Please be advised that Heidi F. Ashton, Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed and approved the attached document. The Real Estate Sales Agreement for the property was executed on August 2, 1999. The closing date for the above sale is scheduled for October 15, 1999. Resolution 99-60 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Statutory Deeds was approved and executed on January 12, 1999, Item 16(D)(10). Please forward the Statutory Deed to Ellie Hoffman, Records Technician III, Minutes & Records, for attestation. [Note: Ellie, after attestation of said document, please call extension #8991 for document pick-up as the Real Property Management Department will record all necessary documents on the date of closing. Please be advised that I will provide you with the original Statutory Deed after recordation ] Thank you. Attachment as stated STATUTO~Y_.D_E.E~ THIS DEED, made this~:~ __ day of CA..,, 19 5;~, by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having a mailing address of 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter called the Grantor, to JARAFA, INC., a Florida corporation, and/or assigns, having a mailing address of 5805 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 480, Miami, Florida 33126, hereinafter called the Grantee. (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the padies to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) to it in hand paid by the Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land lying and being in Collier County, Florida: The West 75 feet of the East 150 feet of Tract 54, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 45, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 30, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by It~ Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: PAM~M~