Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 09/09/2014 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA.Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by
Chairman Maurice Gutierrez at the MSTU Office 3570 Bayshore Drive,IJnit 102.
1. Roll Call: Present:Advisory Committee Members: Maurice Gutierrez (Chairman), Carolyn
Cochrane, Sheila Dugan,and Robert Mesmer.The following were absent: Sandra Arafet
(excused), Gerry Buck,and Victoria. Nicklos (excused).
MSTU Staff Present: Ashley Caserta (MSTU Project Manager),Jean Jourdan(Interim
Director) and Ekna Guevara (Operations Coordinator).
II. Adoption of Agenda: Mr. Gutierrez asked for the adoption of the agenda. Motion to
approve the agenda made by: Carolyn Cochrane. 2nd: Robert Messmer.Approved:4-0.
III. Approval of Minutes: Mr. Gutierrez asked for approval of the minutes for the June 3, 2014
meeting,as amended made by: Sheila Dugan. 2nd: Carolyn Cochrane.Approved: 4-0.
IV. Projects Report:
A.MSTU Update
1. Landscape Update: Affordable Landscaping has been maintaining the area and has been
working with County Irrigation maintenance expert Roger Dick to make some repairs to
the system. Additionally, over the summer, the controller system was fully upgraded and.
Roger Dick with the County is working on pairing it into his monitoring system. Some
further irrigation repairs are needed and Al Benarroch has provided an estimate for the
work. Lastly,there are three dead palms along Bayshore Drive.Al has provided an estimate
to remove the palms. A vote was taken regarding the irrigation updates and the palm
removal, and whether the committee wishes to replace the palms. The first palm is in the
first median at Bayshore and US 41. The second is a large royal near the Haldeman Creek
bridge in the median, and the third is just across the street from the second palm, on the
east side of Bayshore Drive. Motion to remove all three dead palms and to replace the
two foxtail palms:Carolyn Cochrane.2nd:Robert Messmer.Approved 4-0.
2. Bayview and Lunar Update: Construction is complete on both Bayview Drive and Lunar
Street.Staff has had bi-weekly meetings with the construction team and visitors to the area
and the residents seem to be happy with the progress. Construction began March 3, 2014
on Bayview Drive and began on May 8, 2014 on Lunar Street. Final completion is
September 28, 2014. A substantial completion walk-through will be done with MSTU staff,
the contractor, CEI and designer on September 11, 2014. A few punch-list items will be
discussed and there should be no issue with reaching final completion by September 28 as
stated in the contract.
Offices: 3570 Bayshore Drive Unit 102 Naples,Florida 34112
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
3. Karen Drive and Pineland Avenue stormwater improvement projects: In-office work
for the Karen Drive Stormwater Improvement Project (grant funded in the amount of
$154,120) and the Pineland Avenue Stormwater Improvement Project (grant funded in the
amount of$56,570) has begun. The funds should be available in September, 2014 and the
project must be completed within 6 months. Once the CRA/MSTU receive the finalizeg
grant agreement from the grantor (Collier County Housing, Human and Veterans Services
Department and the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development), we will
begin the required steps to begin construction.Actual trucks and boots on the ground will
take maybe 3 months.
4. Thomasson Drive / Hamilton Avenue: Staff has issued a Notice to Proceed for design
work to begin on this project. So far, RWA has completed some surveying and other
preliminary tasks. RWA will be present at an upcoming MSTU meeting to discuss progress
and details.
5. $375,000 Fire Hydrant Infrastructure Upgrade project: In early summer,the CRA was
conditionally awarded$375,000 through a HUD grant to spend on design and permitting
for the Bayshore Gateway Triangle area Fire Infrastructure Upgrade Project.The grant
application asked to fund the entire design and permitting for the project including
upgrading water mains, fire hydrants and interconnections in the Bayshore Gateway
Triangle area as needed (city infrastructure,not County). During the agreement
development phase, some details were included in the agreement that were not previously
disclosed to the CRA at the time of application.These items included a firm five-year
window in which the entire project needed to be constructed,with no guarantee of funding
from HUD or the City of Naples.Total construction cost is estimated at five million.
Additionally, retainage in the amount of$37,500 was to be held until all construction was
completed.This would come from CRA funds. Last,if all construction was not completed
within five years,the CRA would owe the amount of the grant back to HUD.
For these reasons,the CRA has not accepted the grants as-is and may discuss ways to phase
out the project in future funding cycles and ensure a more solid partnership with the City of
Naples including timelines and dollar amount prior to proceeding.
B.CRA Update
Jean Jourdan gave a brief update of CRA activities. The monthly CRA advisory board
meeting was held following the MSTU meeting.
V. Old Business
A. Request for Payment of Services:Motion to make payment made by: Carolyn
Cochrane. 2nd: Sheila Dugan.Approved:4-0.
VI. New Business
A. Christmas quotes: Motion to accept White Christmas quote made by: Carolyn
Cochrane. 2nd: Sheila Dugan.Approved:4-0.
Offices:3570 Bayshore Drive Unit 102 Naples,Florida 34112
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
VII. Committee Communications: There was a small discussion regarding the Haldeman's
Landing project.
VIII. Public Comments: None.
IX. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 6pm
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Approved by Maurice Gutierrez,MSTU Advisory Committee Chairman
Offices:3570 Bayshore Drive Unit 102 Naples,Florida 34112