A&SDS Ad Hoc Minutes 07/29/2014 July 29, 2014 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AD HOC COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, July 29, 2014 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Architectural and Site Design Standards Ad Hoc Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 2:00 PM in a REGULAR SESSION at the Growth Management Division Building, Room 609/610 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL with the following persons present: Rocco Costa, AIA James Boughton, AIA Kathy Curatolo, Collier Building Industry Association Dalas Disney, AIA Bradley Schiffer, AIA Dominick Amico, P.E. Ron Waldrop, P.E (Excused) ALSO PRESENT: Caroline Cilek, Senior Planner/LDC Manager Stefanie Nawrocki, Planner Matt McLean, Principal Project Manager Carolina Valera, Principal Planner Madelin Bunster, Architect 1 July 29, 2014 • Call to Order Mr. Costa called the meeting to order at 2:10pm and a quorum was established. • Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes Mr. Boughton moved to approve the minutes of the April 29, 2014, May 23, 2014 and June 5, 2014 meetings as presented. Second by Mr.Amico. Carried unanimously 5—0. • Review of LDC Section 5.05.08 —Architectural Review Standards Draft Ms. Cilek provided a copy of the Draft for review. She reported the purpose of the meeting was to continue review of the draft LDC Amendment and not discuss follow ups from previous meetings. The Committee resumed their review on page 19, Section 5.05.08.D.6 and provided the following actions/comments as indicated below. Definition of Awnings Mr. Schiffer submitted the Florida Building Code definitions for"awnings" for information purposes. Section 5.05.08.D.6.c—Variation in Massing Mr. Boughton moved to amend the language in line 2 and 3 of the Section to read"Variation in massing applies only to primary facades and to facades facing, abutting and within 150 feet of residential districts." Committee discussion occurred noting the requirement is already addressed under Section 5.05.08.B—Applicability. Mr. Boughton withdrew the motion. Committee discussion occurred on how the architectural standards are triggered regarding the distance requirement of 150 feet provided in under Section 5.05.08.C, i.e. is it only the portion of the building within the 150 feet or once the threshold is met,the entire building is subject to any requirements as necessary. Mr. Schiffer moved for the requirements to be limited to those portions of the building meeting the identified distance requirements (not the entire building should the threshold be triggered). Second by Mr. Boughton. Carried unanimously 5—0. Section 5.05.08.D.6.b and 5.05.08.D.7.b.i Committee discussion occurred noting these sections may conflict with the proposed changes to 5.05.08.B—Applicability with the standards only being applicable to those buildings abutting arterial streets. Mr. Boughton moved to amend sections 5.05.08.D.6.b and 5.05.08.D.7.b.i (the standards are only applicable to those buildings fronting an arterial road and the distance cited, as opposed to fronting arterial and collector streets, etc.) to ensure they conform to Section 5.05.08.B— Applicability. Second by Schiffer. Carried unanimously 5—0. Section 5.05.08.D.7.b.i.a 2 July 29, 2014 Mr. Boughton moved to amend the section to read to "Windows at a minimum of 20 percent of the façade area." Second by Mr. Costas. Carried unanimously 5—0. The Committee noted the change is keeping in character with the concept of reducing some of the existing standards when feasible. Section 5.05.08.D.7.b.iii a/b Mr. Schiffer moved to remove the numeric references ("17"for 5.05.08.D.7.b.iii.a and `four" for 5.05.08.D.7.b.iii.b) in the Sections. Second by Mr. Boughton. Carried unanimously 5—0. The Committee noted it would prevent confusion in the future should a change occur in the number of allowed design elements. Alternate Members Participation The Committee discussion occurred on if the Resolution creating the Committee provides for an Alternate Member's participation and any other policies regarding these Members (do they need to be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, or may be designated by a Committee Member, etc.)? Ms. Curatolo moved to direct Staff to contact the County Attorney's Office for clarification on the policy for an Alternate Members'participation in the Committee. Second by Mr. Costas. Carried unanimously 5—0. Section 5.05.08.D.6.g and 5.05.08.D.7.d—Roof Treatments The Committee recommended Staff ensure the language in Sections 5.0505.D.6.g and 5.0505.D.7.d are consistent with each other. Section 5.05.08.E—Site Design Standards Staff reported Mr. Disney submitted comments in writing recommending the Section cross reference the Land Development Code whenever necessary. The Committee recommended Section 5.05.08 be reviewed in entirety to determine any areas where requirements are duplicated so appropriate measures may be taken to ensure applicants are notified where pertinent information for land development/architectural review applications may be found in County regulations. • Adjournment Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:50pm 3 July 29, 2014 Collier County Architectural and Site Design tans a'+s Ad Hoc Committee These minutes approved by the Comm t irman/Vice Chairman on , 2014 as presented V( or as amended . 4