Previous Communication COLLIBR COUR'1'Y 3301 Tamiami Trail Bast .aples, Florida 34112 b-~ C~. M~tJ~ CJf\l~ BOARD 01' COlJll"rY COJDaSSXOI1BRS LOBBYIST RBGISTRA'1'XOlf FORK NAMB Brent Addison DATE March 31. 2009 BUSIllBSS ADDRESS Q. Grady Minor & Assoc. PA 3800 Via Del Rey Bonita Springs. Florida 34134 NAMSS I\ND BUSINESS ADPRBSS OF BACH flRSON OR BI!lTITY RBPRBSBI!lTBD. 1) Please see attached list 21 "'>OK >DDm_ -- .. -JJ:T !JL~ Lobbyist Signature STAT! OF FLORIDA C01.DlTY OF COLLIIR The forego~ registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the ...L~ day of 7Jlt.lA/'h A'trJ"j , by Brent Addison who ia personally known to .... or \llle It.. ,n.ea.! ~ ,...~ifiea~l~ and who did take an oath. .........., C'"INJDWVER (0~~ ~ l~~~If.Y ~~\ 1V1. BY: . ;*: ;*' MY COMMISSION' OD 788682 Deputy ClerkIN ary Public .' "f' ' . EXPIRES: May 14, 2012 .:t,~f..: 'I' BondedThruNoIaryPublicUnderwriklrs .1. new this registration by the reaeval elate of Ooto1:le:r 10' rill _1t ia the plac_nt of tht. regJ.stuDt 011. a 'status unlmo1nl." list. 2) If one wishes to r.VOk. this reg:Lstratlon, a "Lobbyist 1fithdra_l" fO%1l _st ba file<! with the Clerk to tha .oa204. 31 .azmual Jl,egbtr_tion "aa i_ $1$.00 per Lobbyist accordiDg to Ordinance "-22 G:\COMPANY\Lobbyist\COLLIER\2009\CC Lobbyist Reg Form March, 2009.doc Q. GRADY MINOR & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Civil Engineers . Land Surveyors. Planners. Landscape Architects G~~ -- LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: July 15,2008 TO: Collier County Clerk of the Circuit Court Minutes and Records Department 3301 Tamiami Trail East PO Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 Items transmitted via: U. S. Mail We are sending you the following items: Lobbyist Registration Forms. Signed: ~ jL( (J~~ S an M. Copeland ~o (}&~L1 ---r,i; (3 .Q.~~ ~ 3800 Via Vel Rey Bonita Springs, Florida 341~4 (239) 947-1144 . Fax (2391947-0375 G:\PROJ-ENGVob\i-I\LOBBYIST\COLLlER\2008\CCLobby 4-22-081 ,doc GO Page 1 of 1 Martha S. Vergara From: Sent: To: Carin Dwyer [cdwyer@gradyminor.com] Thursday, May 14, 2009 10:16 AM Minutes and Records Subject: Lobbyists for Q. Grady Minor & Associates, P.A. Following is a list of Lobbyists for Q. Grady Minor & Associates, PA effective March 31, 2009. Heidi Williams John S. Vanni Wayne Sloss Juan Araque D. Wayne Arnold Sandra L. BoUcher Brent Addison Elizabeth A. Fountain Michael J. Deiate Joshua R. Evans D. Kent Carlyle Michael T. Herrera Mark W. Minor David W. SchmiU Andres Correra Sharon Umpenhour If you need additional information, please contact our office. Thank you, Carin Dwyer Project Coordinator . Grad~'Minol' 3800 Via Del Rey Bonita Springs, FI. 34134 Phone - 239.947.1144 Fax - 239.947.0375 \Veb - bJ1Q_:,~Lw'.Y."w"gnlJjyminor-,~~Qm_ Please consider the eoYirol1I11cnt before printing this email DISCLAIMER: This communication from Q. Grady Minor & Associates, P.A., along with any attachments or electronic data is intended only for the addressee(s) named above and may contain information that is confidential, legally privileged or othelWise exempt from disclosure. The recipient agrees and accepts the following conditions: The electronic file/data is for informational purposes only and is the responsibility of the recipient to reconcile this electronic file/data with the approved and certified "plan of record~ along with actual project site conditions, Q. Grady Minor & Associates, PA reserves the right to revise, update and improve its electronically stored data without notice and assumes no responsibility due to a virus or damages caused by receiving this email 5/14/2009