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Backup Documents 01/27/1999 S
SPECIAL MEETING OF TilE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JANUARY 27, 1999 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Wednesday, January 27, 1999 5:05 p.m. .N()'I'I('E: :\1,1, I'I-:I~,,~()NS XVINIIIN(; T() NPE,~.K ()N ANY ,'~(;I-;,Nl),\ ITE.Xl .Xlt',KT I'I~,I()R T() .%I'E;XNIN(;. ,KI'I-::',,I,(EIL"; .Xl{',%'l~ I{E(;ISTER WI'I'll TIlE ('()I'N'I'Y :\I).XlINI.<,'I'I~,:\T()1~, I'RHIR T( ) TI I I-: I'R E.% E.N'I'ATI ( )N ( ) F '1'111'; ..%(; E.N'i):% i'I'E.~ 1 TO I~.EQt'E.~'I,N T¢) AI)I)I~,E,";.% Till'; I{().-Xl¢.l) ().X ,',;I'ILIE("I'.<, ~,Vlll('II ARE NOT ().N '1'111,% 31 t '.',;'i' 1SE Nl'li.Xl I'I'TF;I) IN XX'II.I'I'IN(; \VI'I'll EXI'I,;\NATI()N '1'() TIlE (7() t'.N'I'Y ..\D311NI.";'I'R:\*I'()It ..',.*l' I.EANT 13 I).-\Y.% I'RI()I~, T()TI[F; DATE ()1" Till'; .XlEETI.N'(; A.N'I) WII.I, Ill-; Ill-;Al{l) t'.N'I)I-:R "l't'll[,l(' ANY I'EIL";()N ¥,'11() I)E('II)I-:,'c, T() AI'I'E,-',.I. A I)I-X'ISION {)F Till,"; B()AI(I) %YII,I, NEEI} I~,E('()l{I} ()l: 'l'llE I'l~,()('l-',l-~l)[.N(;.K I'EICI'AININ(; '['I~ERI':T(), .AND 'I'IIEI{EI:()RI': ?,lAY ,Nl,~l-il) T() I-:N,Ni'l{E TII.¥1' :~, %'l-~ltll:~'l'l.Xl Rt-:('()RI) ()1: 'l'lll'~ I'R()('EEI)I.N'(;fi 1,~ .Xl:\l)J.:. %VI[Il'Il ltl{('()l~,l) I.N'('I,I'DE."; 'lllE TI-:S'I'I.XI().N'Y ,&NI) EX'II)I-LN('E {'I'O.N' %\'lll('ll TIlE AI'I'I-::\I, I.% T() lie Al.l, ItI-;(;I,";'I'I';ItEI) I't'IH,I(' SI'EAKI':RS \\'Il,I, BI-: I,I.XlITEI) T() I-'IX'E (5) ~IINI"I'I';N t'NI,ES.~ I'EIt.AII.ASI().N F()R :\l)l)l'l'l()N,&l, 'I'I.XlI-: I,"; (;R~k.NTEI) IIY TIlE A.g.glS'I'EI) I.ISTE.\'IN{; I)EVI('E.K I:()1{ TIlE IIE,\RIN(; i.XlI'..XlRI.;I) .&RI*; AV.&II,:~,III,E IN Till-: ('()t'NTY ('()~,I.XlINNI{)NEIL%' ()I.'I.'I('I.L I'I.EI)(;E ()F AN ()RI)I.X'A.X'('E ,\.XlENI)IN(; ()Itl)IN,~N('E ?,'U.xlIIEI~, 91-1{12. AY, ..\.~II.:NI)EI). TIlE ('()I.I.IEI~ ('()I'NTY I..-\NI) I)EVI-;I.()I'.XlENT COl)E. XVItI('Ii INCI.t'I)I-:$ TIlE ('().~II'IiI-:III-LN'SIX'E Z()NI.N(; i(I-:(;I'I.A'I'I(IN.'-; I.'(IR Tile I'NIN('¢);:I'IIIL.¥1'EI) Al{l.;,\ ()1: ('()I.I.IER ('()I'N'I'Y. I:I.()RII)..\. IIY I'It()X'II)IN¢; I-'()R: .'.;El'TI(IN ().X I.:. ItE('IT..\I.S: .'4E("I'I()N T\V(). t-'l.X'l)l N(;."; ()1: F..\( 'T: SEC'I'I()N TI IREE. ADO I'TION {)F A.Xl ENI).Xl EN'i'S TO Till-; I.ANI) I)I-;VEI.OI'.XlE.NT ('()I)E..\Il)RI-; .'41'E('IFI('AI.I.Y ..\.~1ENI)IN(; TIlE I.'()I.I.()VFIN(;: .AI{TI(;I.E 2. Z()NIN(;. DIVISION %% Z()NI.N'(; I)IS'I'IiI('T.%. I'EILXlI'I"I'I';I) I'.%E.'.;. ('()NI)I'I'I()NAI. I'."iE.'.;. I)I.XlEN.~I()N.-\I..'¥1'ANI)ARI)S. I)IVI.";I()N 2.3. ()I.'t.'-STI{EET I'..\RKIN(; ..\NI) I.OAIIIN(;: I)IVI.~I(IN 2.6..',;t'l'l'l.l.:.Xl I-;NTAI. i)ISTItI('T RI-;(;I'I...VI'II)N.K; I)I'(I.%I{)N %7. Z()NIN(; ..~.I).XllNIN I'I~.ATI(IN AND I,I~,()CEI)t:I,',ES: I)I\'I,";ION 2.8. ..~,R(7111'I'E(71'I'IL.'d, AND SITE I)ENI(;N STANI)ARI),"; AND (;I;II)EI,INE-; I:()lt ('().Xl.Xl EI,',('IAI, lit'II,DIN(;.',; AND I'R().JE(,I',";; AI~,'I'I('I,I.; 3, I)IVISIO.N ,',;t'lll)l\'lSl()N.%: I)IVI,NI()N 3.3..KITE I)I.;\'EI,()I'.~IENT I'I,AN,%: I)IX'INI()N 3.15. ,.Xl)I-N,)t'..\'I'I-; PI'ill,l(' I.':\('II,I'I'iEN: ,~,I~'I'I('I,E 5, I)E('ISI()N .XlAKIN(; .,\NI) AI).XlI.N].',;'I'I~,:'CI'I\'I-: ll()l)lE.~. I)l\'lfil()N $.2, I'I,A.N'NIN(; (;()31.XiI.KSI()N. I)l\'lNl()N ENVII,I.()N.xlE.N"I':\I, .~,l)%'l.%OItY ll()..\Rl): Al¥1'l('l.E {') i)lX'l.Kl().N 6.3. I)EI:INI'I'ION.%, IN(;I,I'I)IN(;, lll"l' NOT I,I.XlI'I'EI) T() TIlE DEFINI'I'I()N.% ()F ZERO I.()T I,INE I-'R().N'T Y:\RI). :k.Nl) I)t'I'I,EX: ,%E(;'I'I(),N l.'()l:l~,. (7ONI:I,I('T AND ,%I-:¥ERAI!,II.ITY: .%E("I'I().N FIX'f:, I.N('I.I'.XI()N IN TIlE I,:\NI) I)I-~VI.]I.()I'.XlENT ('{)I)E: A.N'I) .',;I-N"I'I()N SIX, E FI-'E("I'IV E I):\TI{. Pauc I I{EI'E:\I, (}1.' ¢)RI)I,~A.~('E t}l-:~,...',S A.~IE,~I)EI), ~VIIICII F. STAIII,I.',;IIEI)TIlE COI,I.IEI~, ('()I'~'I'Y E.~VII{().~'.x, IE.~'I'AI, I'OI,ICY TECII,N'ICAI, AI)VISOI~,Y I~OARI}. ()r¢lin~nce ~)~)-? - :~,dd~ptc'd 5/0 PAM PERRELL NAPLES.~ 263-4703 LISA STEELE LOCATION: COLLIER COIINTY COURTHOUSE FAX NO: [941) 774-8z108 P~C[NE NO: (941) 774-8~06 November 23, 1998 Ms. Pam Perrell Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: Ordinance No. LDC-98-2 Land Development Code Amendments Dear ?am: Please advertise the above referenced notice one time on Monday, November 30, 1998 and kindly send the Affidavit of Publication, in duplicate, together with charges involved to this office. Thank you. Sincerely, Lisa Steele, Deputy Clerk Purchase No. 912501 December 16. 1998 BCC Public Hearing NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION/ADOPTION Notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY, December ~1~, 1938at 5:05 P.M. in the Boardroom, 3rd Floor, Building "F," Collier County Government Center, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners will consider the enactment of a County Ordinance pursuant to Chapter 125.66{2), Florida Statutes, the title of which is as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMenDING ORDINANCE NIIHBER 91-102, A~ A/4~IN-DED, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNT~, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDIN~ FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITALS: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT~ SECTION THREE, ~tDOPTION OF A~D~TTS TO THE LA/TD D~E. LOP~[EI~T CODE, MOP~E SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE FOLLOWING= - . . . ; ARTICLE 2, ZONING, DI%r/SION 2.2. ZONTN~ DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS, DI'VISION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING; DIV'/SION 2.6. SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT R/{~ULATIONS; DIVISION 2.7. ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; DIVISION 2.8. ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND ~UIDELINES FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AND PROJECTS; ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 3.2, SUBDMSIONS; DMSION 3.3. SITE DEVELOPMenT PLANS; DIVISION 3.15. ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES; ARTICLE 5, DECISION MAKING ARD ADMINISTRATIVE 8ODIES, DIVISION 5.2, PLA/~NIN~ CO~ISSION, DIVISION 5.13. ENVIR0~ENTAL ADVISORY BOARD; ARTICLE 6, D~;ISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEFINITIONS OF ZERO LOT LINE HOUSING, FRONT YARD, AND DUPLEX; SECTION FOUR, CONFLICT AND SEVERA~ILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION IN TH~ LAND DEVELOPM]~TT CODE; AND SECTION SIX, EFFECTIVE DATE. Copies of the proposed Ordinance are on file with the Clerk to the Board and are available for inspection. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. An%y person who decides to appeal a decision of the Board will need a record of the proceedings pertaining thereto and, therefore, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE~RS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRPERSON DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BY: Lisa Steele, Deputy Clerk Naples Daily Nays Naples, FL 34102 Affidavit of Publication Naples Daily News EK)ARD OF COUNTY COHHiSSJONERS ATTN: MIATTA $~RLEAF PO BOX 413016 NAPLES FL 34101-3016 REFERENCE: 001230 912501 57788929 91-102 ANEND DECEHBE State of Florida County of Collier Before the undersigned authority, personally appeared John Taylor, who on oath sa~'~ that he serves as Assistant Contrcller of the Naples News, a daily newspaper published at Naples, in Collier County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertising was published in said newspaper on dates listed. Affiant further says that the said Naples Daily News is a newspaper published at Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said collier County, Florida, each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, for a period of I year next precoding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or coporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securir~g this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. PUBLISHED ON: 11/30 XD SPACE: 126.000 iNCH FILED ON: 12/01/98 ....................... : ........ , ......~- ....>-+ ........................... Swot, to and Subscr,bed ,, ,,;.mm this ? 19_ Personally known by me ~. V?.. 91-102 AMEND DECEMBER 16 1998 BCC Publ C Hearing NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION/ ADOPTION lhat on WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 16, 1998, 5105 P.M. in fha Board. room, 3rd Floor. Eosl Tamlcmi Trail, Naples, Florida, the B~d Of CounN Com- Cha~er 125.~2). FI~i~ ~tatules, the litl~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NUMBER 91-I02, AS AMENDED, TH~ COLLIER COUN- TY LAND DEVELOP- MENT CODE, WHICH INCLUDES TH~ COm- PREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORAT- ED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY PROVIDING FOR~ SECTION ONE, RECiT- ALS: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION THREE ADOPTION O~ AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND MENT CODE, MORE SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE FO1- [ OWING: ARTICLE ZONING, DINVISIN g.~. ZONING DISTRIETS. PER~ITTED USES, CONO~TJONAL USES, DI~ENSIONAL STAN- DARDS DIVISION Of F'-S~E~T PARK- lNG AND LOADING; DIVISION 2.6. SUPPLE- ~ENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS' DIVI- SION 2.7. ZONING ~INISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; DIVI. SION 2.~. ARCHITEC- TURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR COmmERCIAL BUILD- INGS AND PROJECTS; ARTICLE 3 DIVISION 2.?, SUBDIVISIONS; DI- VISION 3.3. SITE DE. VELOP~ENT PLANS~ QUATE PUBLIC FA. CILITIES' ARTICLE ~ DECISION MflKIN~ AND ADMINISTRA- TIVE BODIES, DIVI- SION 5.2 PLANNING SION 5.12. ENVIRON- MENTAL ADVISORY BOARD' ARTICLE TIONS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEFINITIONS OF ZERO LOT LINE HOUSING FRONT YARD, AN6 DUPLEX; SECTION FOUR CON- FLICT AND ~VERA. BILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION IN THE LAND DEVELOP. MENT CODE; AND SECTION SIX~ EFFEC- TIVE DATE. C~les of the pr~ed ~di~nce ~e ~ file w~ ~e Cl~k lo the B~d ~d ore ~oiloble f~ in~pec- fion. All I~ere$fed ore Inv~ed to ~end and be he~d. fha B~rd wlJl need o ra- ced of fl'e precedings pertaining therefo and, clu~s ~e testimony evidence ~ which ~e appeal Is lo be ~sed. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BAR~RA B. BERRY, CH~IRPER~N DWIGHT ~. ~ROCK CLERK By:/s/Lisa Steele, NOV.~ NO. 13144~ FAX ~ OF P2dlF_~ ~~ (]3~CL]3DIZ~,'-{~ 'r~[~S COVmZ) LOCATION: FAX NO: COMMENTS: NAPLES DA£LY NEWS 263-4 703, · Ii, I:I. ON: ELLIE I-{OFF~L6N IAi)CATION: CO~ COUNTY COURTHOUSE FAX NO: ~941) 7~4-8408 PHOKE NO: (941) 774-8406 November 16, 1998 Ms. Pam Perrell Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Petition LDC-98-2 Dear Pam: Please advertise the above referenced notice and map one time on Thursday, December 10, 1998. This advertisement should be no less than one-quarter page and the headline in the advertisement should be in a type no smaller than 18 point. The advertisement should not be placed in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classi£ied advertisements appear. Kindly send the Affidavit of Publication, in duplicate, together with charges involved to this office. Thank you. Sincerely, Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk Purchase Order No. 912501 D£CEI~IBER 16, 1998 BCC Public ~{earing NOTICE OF CCNSIDER31TION/ADOPTiON Notice is hereby given that on WEDI;ESDAY, DECEHBER 16, 1998, at 5:05 in the Boardroom, 3rd Floor, Building "F," Collier County Government Center, 3301 East Tam~.ami Trail, Naples, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners will consider the enactment of a County Ordinance pursuant to Chapter 125.66(2), Florida Statutes, the title of which is as follows: ;tN ORDINAI~CE A24E1TDING ORDINANCE NIIMBER 91-102, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COU1TIY LA/qD DEtrELOPMENT CODE, W~IC~ INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIV"E ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPOP, ATED ~EA OF COLLIER COU1TTY, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION RECITALS: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION THREE, ADOPTION OF A/4ENDMA~UfS TO THE LAND DElrELOPM]~NT CODE, MORE SPECIFICALLY A/~ENDING THE FOLLOWING: ARTICLE 1, GENERAL PROVISIONS, DIVISION 1.6. INTERPRETATIONS; ARTICLE 2, ZONING, DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITION/iL USES, DIMENSIONAL STARDAR/)S, DIVIgION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING; DIVISION 2.6. SUPPLEI6EI~AL DISTRICT REGULATIONS; DIVISION 2.7. ZONING ADMINISTRATION A/qD PROCEDURES; DIVISION 2.8. ARCHITECTURAL ARD SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AND PROJECTS; ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 3.2, SUBDIVISIONS; DIVISION 3.3. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS; DIVISION 3.15. ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES; ARTICLE 5, DECISION MA~KINC A.ND ADMINISTRJ~TIVE BODIES, DIVISION 5.2, PLltN~ING COMI~ISSION, DIVISION 5.13. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY BOARD; ARTICLE 6, DIVISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEFINITIONS OF ZERO LOT I.INE HOUSING, FRONT YARD, ~ DUPLEX; SECTION FOUR, CONFLICT ~ SEVER3%BILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION IN THE LARD DEVELOPMENT CODE; A_ND SECTION SIX, EFFECTIIrE DATE. and are ava ~ fable fo~ [n~-:F. eqt~cn. All interested pattie:; atterld an,~ be h,~;~r'~. An7 person w?,o decides to aFpea! a d,:cision o£ the Board wi[ need of the proc,~.edinqs pr:rtair:inq ?hereto and, therefore, may that a verbatim reco=d of the proceedin~js is made, which the t,::;timo:~7 .m'J e'/i~'.~mc,~ up,,r: whi~:h ~h,~ a[;[,e,~l is t.,~ b~ 7r)LLIER COUNT'i, FLORIDA DWIGHT E. Ei~OCK, CLERK -2- Z 0 '._1 0 DEVELOPI~ENT SERVICES DEPARTI~ENT PLANNING SERVICES SECTION MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJ: December 2, 1998 Maureen Kenyon, Clerk to BCC Cecilia Martin, Current Planning Tech II LDC BCC Meeting The second LDC BCC meeting will be held on January 13, 1999 instead of December 16, 1998. Please advertise for the January 13TM Meeting. Thanks. Thanks ........... FAX NAPLES DAILY NEWS .FItO~: ELLIE HOFFMAN I'I~C~ No: 9_~ 774-840f; December 1, 1998 Ms. Pam Perrell Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: Cancellation of Public Hearings Scheduled for December 16, 1998 Dear Pam: Please 'kill' two ads that have been scheduled for public hearings on December 16, 199Z. The first ad is scheduled to run on December 5, ]998, titled "An Ordinance Repealing in its ~tirety, Collier County Ordinance No. 91-26." The second ad is scheduled to run on December 10, 1998, titled 'Notice of Consideration/Adoption.' If you should have any questions, please call me at: 774-8406. Thank you. Sincerely, Ellie Hof fman, Deputy Clerk DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTI~ENT PLANNING SERVICES SECTION MEMORANDUM DATE: FROM: SUBJ: December 2, 1998 Maureen Kenyon, Clerk to BCC Cecilia Hartin, Current Planning Tech II LDC BCC Meeting The second LDC BCC meeting will be held on January 27, 1999, instead of December 16TM, January !3~h, Please advertise for the January 27TM BCC meeting. Thanks. cc: Barbara Pedone Connie Johnson Sue Filson · 0: PAM PERRELL NAPLES._~ 263-4703 LISA STEELE FttCINE HO: (941) 774-8406 December 3, 1998 Ms. Pam Perrell Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: Cancellation of Public Hearings Scheduled for Advertising on December 28, January 2, and January 7 for LDC Regular Ad 98-2, LDC Display Ad 98-2, and Ordinance 91-26 Dear Pam: Please 'kill' three ads that have been scheduled for Public Hearings on the above referenced dates. If you should have any questions, please call me at: 774-8406 Thank you. Sincerely, Lisa Steele, Deputy Clerk Petiti~ Ho. (if r,~ne, ~i~ ~ie~ oes~ripti~): - _O Pegitior~e,r: (W~me & ~r~): Pon Nino,Cu~rent P~ann~n~ Sect±on 2800 N. Horseshoe D~±ve Ma~es,F~a. ~10~ various amendments to the Collier County Land Development Code.. O ISTI I gIJ~IOl I W~TI~ TO~S For hemrir~ I~fo~e I~ c~ ~:ZA: lnitiatir, g ~ to ~ete ~ ~ ~ ~in oivisi~ Me~ ~t ~f~e ~t ' · · . The ~'s Office uitt ~ ~~ ~ file; ~ l~zl~ Oidsi~ ~tgimt to Ct~'s Office II. ~ther hearinnt: Initiatinn Oivision ~ to anoro~u and sutnlt e~iei~ to Cl~ck'$ Office. re~inina · coov loc f PAM PERRELL NAPLES 263-4703 · ~: LISA STEELE LOC_~T~G~: COI~I]~t C~ COURTHOUS~ FAX ~/'0: {94~.) 7:74-8408 I~H01~IE 120: (941) 774-8405 December 3, 1998 Ms. Pam Perrell Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Petition LDC-98-2 Dear Pam: Please advertise the above referenced notice and map one time on Thursday, January 21, 1999. This advertisement should be no less than one-quarter page and the headline in the advertisement should be in a type no smaller than 18 point. The advertisement should not be placed in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear. Kindly send the Affidavit of Publication, in duplicate, together with charges involved to this office. Thank you. Sincerely, Lisa Steele, Deputy Clerk Purchase Order No. 912501 January 27. 1999 BCC Public ~{4aring NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION/ADOPTION 999at5:05 P.M. Notice is hereby giver that on WED:IESDAY, January c2o~t Government in the Boardroom, 3rd Floor, Building "F," Col lle~ Center, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners will consider the enactment of a County Ordinance pursuant to Chapter !25.66(2), Florida Statutes, the title of which is as follows: A_N ORDINANCE A~EN-DING ORDINJkNCE NTY~fBER 91-102, AS J~24ENI)ED, THE COLLIER COUINTY LA2~D DEq;ELOPM~NT CODE, W}{IC~ INCLLrDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR T~E IININCORPORATED ;~REA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITALS: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: sECTION THREE, ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO ~HE ~ D~"VELOPM~FI' CODE, MORE SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE FOLLOWING: ARTICLE 1, GENERJkL PROVISIONS, DIVISION 1.6. INTERPRETATIONS; ARTICLE 2, ZONING, DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRICTS, pERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS, DIVISION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING A-N'D LOADING; DIVISION 2.6. SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS; DIVISION 2.7. ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; DIVISION 2.8. ARCHITECTu~AL AND SITE DESIGN STA/~DARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR COM/~RCIAL BUILDINGS A_ND PROJECTS; ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 3.2, SUBDIVISIONS; DIVISION 3.3. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLA/~S; DIVISION 3.15. ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES; ARTICLE 5, DECISION MAKING AND ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES, DIVISION 5.2, PLANNING COM/4ISSION, DIVISION 5.13. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY BOARD; ARTICLE 6, DIVISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEFINITIONS OF ZERO LOT LINE HOUSING, FRONT YARD, AND DUPLEX; SECTION FOUR, CONFLICT AND SEVER3%BILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION IN THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; AND SECTION SIX, EFFECTIVE DATE. Copies of the proposed Ordinance are on file with the Clerk to the Board and are available for inspection. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal a decision of the Board will need a record of the proceedings pertaining thereto and, therefore, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUMTY. FLORIDA BARBARA B, BERRY, CHAIRPERSON DWIGHT E.-BROCK, CL~P.K By: Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk -2- I'IIIH.I(~ .~'0'I'1 ('F~ I'UIH.I(' Nf)'I'I(~E Plqil.l(' .X OTI ('I-; January 27, 1999 BCC Public Hearing NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION/ADOPTION Notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY, January 27, 1999 at 5:05 P.M. in the Boardroom. 3rd Floor, Building "F," Co~lier County Government Center, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, The Board of County Commissioners will consider the enactment of a County Ordinance pursuant to Chapter 1 25.66(2), Florida Statutes, tho title of which is as follows: COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER, COUNTY FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITALS: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION THREE, ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, MORE SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE FOLLOWING: ARTICLE 1, GENERAL PROVISIONS, DIVISION 1.6. INTERPRETATIONS; ARTICLE 2, ZONING, DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS, DIVISION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING; DIVISION 2.6.. SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS; DIVISION 2.7. ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; DIVISION 2.8 ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AND PROJECTS; ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 3.2, SUBDIVISIONS; DIVISION 3.3. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS ; DIVISION 3.15. ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES; ARTICLE 5, DECISION MAKING AND ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES, DIVISION 5.2, PLANNING COMMISSION, DIVISION 5.13. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY BOARD; ARTICLE 6, DIVISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEFINITIONS OF ZERO LOT LINE HOUSING, FRONT YARD, AND DUPLEX; SECTION FOUR, CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION IN THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; AND SECTION SIX, EFFECTIVE DATE. No. ~9305~55 ~-earir~g t>efore: ~ ~ BZ.A ~ Other ~r~ Text: (l~t~ t~t ~ip:i~ ~ c~ t~.ci~ ~ size): LBC-98-2 Land Developmonb Code ~mendnents Ordir. anco ;.'~c~nion petition(s), if ~,-~, z Dropos~l hearing c~te: ~o~ ~t,s~ ~?t~: 113-~-5312-~9100 ~.0.~' ~. ~ , List AtteSts:(1) D I ST~ I BLrT ION I leSTIt~CT 1 C~j For hearfncjs befor-e E4~C o~ EZA: Initiating person to ~ete ~ ~ ~ ~tain Oivisi~ He~ ~t ~f~e ~itti~ to ~ ~. ~TE: If ~ iS i~ ~ ~ that ~f~ ~ is ~ to C~ k ~f~ mit i o r t . lhe ~r's Office vitt file; ~/--~Oe'igirmt to Ctert's Office ~e~ heeri~l: lflitlati~o Olvl,lar~ ~ tO aexx-~v~ m~d mubmit m'teirmL to CL~'s Off~ce. retninin~ · coo¥ fo~ fire. PAM PERRELL NAPLES_~ 263-4703 LISA STEELE FAX NO: (941) 7~4-8~188 PHC[NE NO: (941) 774-84(]6 December 3, 1998 Hs. Pam Perrell Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: Ordinance No. LDC-98-2 Land Development Code Amendments Dear Pam: Please advertise the above referenced notice one time on Monday, January 11,1999, and kindly send the Affidavit of Publication, in duplicate, together with charges involved to this office. Thank you. Sincerely, Lisa Steele, Deputy Clerk Purchase No. 912501 JANIJAR¥ '~7 1999 BCC Public H~aring NOTICE OF CO~;SIDERATION/ADOPTION Notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY, January 27, 1999 at 5:05 P.M. in the Boardroom, 3rd Floor, Building "F," Collier County Government Center, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners will consider the enactment of a County Ordinance pursuant to Chapter 125.66(2), Florida Statutes, the title of which is as follows: AN ORDINI%NCE AF~E/~DING ORDINANCE NIIM~ER 91-102, A3 A/~ENDED, THE COLLIER COD/TTY LA/~D DEVqELOPM~2~T CODE, WT{ICH INCLUDES 1'HE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGIrLATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED ARF~A OF COLLIER CO~t'/'Y, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION RECITALS: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION Tq~REE, ADOPTION OF A/WENDM]~TTS TO THE L3%ND DE%'ELOP)~KNT CODE, MORE SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE FOLLOWING: I~R~-~44~ ~" V ETATION~ ARTICLE 2, ZONING, DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS, DIVISION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING; DIVISION 2.6. SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS; DIVISION 2.7. ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; DIVISION 2.8. ARCHITECTURAL ~ SITE DESIGN STAIqDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AND PROJECTS; ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 3.2, SITBDIVISIONS; DIVISION 3.3. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS; DIVISION 3.15. ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES; ARTICLE 5, DECISION MAKING AND ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES, DIVISION 5.2, PLANNING COMMISSION, DIVISION 5.13. ENVIRONME1T~AL ADVISORY BOARD; ARTICLE 6, DIVISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEFINITIONS OF ZERO LOT LINE MOUSING, FRONT YARD, AMD DUPLEX; SECTION FOUR, CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION IN THE LAND DEV~LOPMElqT CODE; AND SECTION SIX, EFFECTIVE DATE. Copies of the proposed Ordinance are on file with the Clerk to the Board and are available for inspection. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal a decision of the Board will need a record of the proceedings pertaining thereto and, therefore, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE-RS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRPERSON DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BY: Lisa Steele, Deputy Clerk ~laples Daily Neus Naples, FL 34102 Affidavit of Publication Naples Daily News BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTN; MIATTA SIRLEAF PO BOX 413016 NAPLES FL 34101-3016 REFERENCE: 001230 912501 578(20391 LDC-98-2/91-102 JANU State of Florida County of Collier Before the undersigned authority, personally appeared B. Lamb, who on oath says that she serves as the Assistant Corporate Secretary of the Naples Daily News, a daily nevspaper published at Naples, in Collier County, Florida: that the attached copy of Advertising was published in said newspaper on dates Listed. Affiant further says that the said Naples Daily Ne~s is a ne~spaper published at Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Collier County, Florida, each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Naples, in said Collier County, FLorida, for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or coporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said neuspaper. PUBL1SNED OH: 01/11 AD SPACE: 126.000 INCH FILED Off: 01/11/99 Signature of Affiant // ' //-I~- da of ~'~ 192 Sworn to and Subscribe~ b~e ore me this -- y "_ t....~;v; .....MARGAR~ J. SILLS )1 :--'J'., ~ .:'.: [.X~IFIES: April 16, 2001 0110 0m c s ANO P~NS LDC-98-~/91.102 JANUARY 27, 19~9 BCC Public HeodnQ NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION/ Notice Is hereby given that on WEDNESOAY JANUARY 27 1~9, S;05 P.M. n the ~d. r~m 3rd Flor, BU Idmng 'F, C~ller Cou~ Gov- ernment Center, 3301 East Tomlaml Trail NODI~S, Florida, th~ B~d of Cou~ Cam. Chafer 125.6~ 2). which is as AN ORDINANC~ AMENDING ORDI. NANCE NUMBER 91-102 AS AMENDED THE ~OLL)ER COUNJ ~ MENT CODE, WHICN INCLUDES THE COM. P~EHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FO~ THE UN)NCORPO~AT. ED AREA OF ~OLL)ER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY PROVIDING FO~ ~CTION ONE, RECIT- ALS: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: AMENDMENTS TO MENT CODE, SPECIFICALLy LOWING: AR TICLE ZONING DIVISION 2.2. ZONIN~ DISTRICTS PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES DIMENSIONAL STAN~ DARDS DIVISION OFF.S~REET PARK. lNG AND LOADING; DIVISION 2~. SUPPLE. MENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS; DIV. SION 2.7. ZONING MINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; DIVI. SION 2~. ARCHITEC. TURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES COmmERCIAL INGS AND PROJECTS; ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 3.2, SUBD)V)S ONS' D~- vmSION 3.3. SiTE VELOPMENT PLANS; DIVISION 3.)5. ADE- CILITIES' ARTICLE DEC)SI~N ~AKIN~ AND TIVE BODIES, DIVI. S~ON 5.2 PLANNING COMMmS~ION, DIV~* SION 5.13. ENVIRON. ME~JTAL ADVISORY BOARD. ARTICLE 6, DIVI~O~I 6.3. BUT NOT LIMITED T~ THE DEFINITIONS OF ZERO LOT LINE HO~SINO, FRONT YARD ANO DUPLEX' ~CTI~N FOUR, CONJ FLICT ANO ~VERA. ~ILITY' SECTION F:VE, I~{LUSION IN THE LAND DE~LOP. ~ENT CODE' AND SECTION SIX, ~FFEC- TI~ DATE. I~ ~e, which rec~d In- D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY~ FLORIOA BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAI~ ~N DWIGNT E. BROCK CLERK D~ Clerk Naples Daily News Naples, FL 34102 Affidavit of Publication Naples Daily Neus BOARD OF COUNTY COMHISSIONERS ATTN: MIATTA SIRLEAF PO BOX 413016 NAPLES FL 34101-3016 REFERENCE: 001230 0011789806491 57810532 91-26/REPEAL tlOTICE State of Florida County of Collier Before the undersigned authority, personally appeared B. Lamb, uho on oath says that she serves as the Assistant Corporate Secretary of the Naples Daily News, a daily neuspaper published at Naples, in Collier County, Florida: that the ~ttached copy of Advertising ~as published in said newspaper on dates listed. Affiant further teya that the said Naples Daily Collier County, Florida, and that the said ne~sbaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Collier County, Florida, each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, for a period of I year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or coporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. PUBLISHED ON: 01/16 AO SPACE: 108.000 INCH FILED ON: 01/18/99 Signature of Affiant Personally knoun by me 0110 ,AND Pt'ITIlONS ~I*'2~/REPEAL NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDE[R ORDINANCE Notice iS hereby given thor on WEDNESDAY, JA~qUARY 27, 1~, In the Boordroom 3rd Floor, Admlnlstrot on Building, Co~ller County Governme~ Ce~ 3~1 Eost Tomloml ~roll, Nooles, Fiorldo, the B~rd o~ C~ C~- the e~mefff of a Coun- ~ Ordl~e. The meet- P.M. The rifle of ~e pried Ordl~e Is ~ AN O~ DINANCE P~ALING IN ITS EN- TIRETY, .COLLIER ~OUNTY ~OINANCE NO, 91-26, AS A~ENO- ED WHICH ESTAB. L SHED THE COLLIER COUNTY ENVIRON. ~ENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVl- S~Y ~ARO; PRO- VIDING FOR INCLUSION IN COOL OF LAWS AND ORDI. NANCES; PROVIDING F~ CONFLICT AND SE~RABILITY' AND PPOV~fIG F~ E.; ~CT~ O&TE. flon. All I~erested ~ies ~e tnvEed fo ~end ~ be he~d. NOTE: All .persons ~holf ~ on ~lz~ rec~lzed by ~e Choir- m~ed ~ the ~r~l~e . ~f~e ~e ~rd will ~- ~e r~ ertalnlng thereto and ~ ensue ~ o clu~s ~e testJ~y o~ [ evidence ~ which ~e ~ BOARO OF COUNTY CO~ISS ONERS COLLIER COUNTY, BARBARA B. ~ERRY, CHAIR~N OWIGHT E. BROCK~ By: /s/Ll~ Steele ORDINANCE NO. 98- AN OP, I)INANCE AS1ENI)ING ORI)INANCE NUMBER 91-11)2, AS AMENDED, TIIE COLI.IER COUNTY LANI) I)EVELOPMENT COl)E, WtlICil INCLUDES TIIE COMPREttENSIVE ZONING I~,E(;UIJATIONS FOR TIlE UNINCORI'OI~,ATEI) Al,tEA OF COI.I. IER COUNTY, FLORll)A, BY PROVIDIN(; FOIl: SECTION ()NE, RECITAl.S: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FA('7': SECTION TIlREE, Al)OPTION OF AblENDMENTS TO Till.; LAND I)EVI.~LOP.M ENT CODE, MORE SPECIFICAIA.Y A.MENI)ING TIlE FOLLOWiN(;: ARTICLE 2, ZONING, I)IVISI¢)N 2.2. ZONIN(; I)ISTI~ICTS, PEi,IMI'FTEI) USES, C()NI)ITIONAI. USES, DIMENSIONAL STANi)ARI)S, I)IVISION 2.3. OFF-STI,~,EE'F PARKIN(; AND LOAI)IN(;; I)IVISION 2.6. SUPIq.EMENTA1. I)ISTI~,ICT I,~E(iULATIONS: DIVISION 2.7. ZONING AI),'qlNISTI,UVI'ION ANI) PI~OCEI)Ui,I. ES: DIVISI()N 2.8. AI,~CIlITECTURAI~ AND SITE DESIGN S'FANI):\I~I)S ANI) (;UII)EIANES FOR CO,MM EI/,CIA, I, I:IUILI)iN(;S ANI) I'I,t().IECTS; ARTICI.E 3, I)IVISION 3.2, S[IIII)IVISI()NS; DIVISION 3.3. SITE I)EVEI.OI'MENT PLANS; DIVISION 3.15. Al)EQUATE I'UIII.IC FACILITIES; ARTICLI.; 5, I)ECISI()N MAKING ANI) AI)MINISTRA'FIVE B()DIES, I)IVISION 5.2, I'I.ANNIN(/ COMMISSION, I)IVISION 5.13. EN\"IRON,\IENT:\I. AI)VISOI~IY I:IOARI); ARTICI.E 6, I)IVISION 6.3. I)F. FINFI'IONS, INCIA.gl)IN(;, IIUT NOT 1.1511TEI) TO TIlE I)EFINITI¢)NS ()F ZER() I.OT I.INE IIOUSIN(;, FRONT YARI), ANI) I)UI'IA-~X; SF.C'I'I()N F()UR, C()NFI.ICT ANI) SEVEIIAIIIIATY; SI:.CTI~)N FIVE, INCI.USIf)N IN TIII-~ I.:\NI) DEVELOI'MENT C()DE; ANI) SECTION SIX, EFFECTIVE I)ATE. \VI II.:RI~AS. on Oczot'cr 30, 1991, thc Collier County Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 91-102. the Collier County l.and l)evelopment Code (hereinafter I.l)C'). which has been subsequently amended; and WIIERI~AS. the I.I)C may not be mncndcd more than two times in each calendar year pursuant to Section 1.19.1.. I.I)C: and WI II~RIfAS. this is thc first amendment lo thc I.I)C. ()rdinancc 91-102. in tl~is calcndar year: and WI It~I~EAS. on March I g. 1997. thc Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 97-177 establishing local requirements and procedures ibr amending thc IA)C; and Wt IIfREAS. all requirements o1' Res~dt~tion 97-177 have been mci; and WIIERI~AS. the Board of County Commissioners. in a manner prescribed by law. did It. Id advertised public hearings on 199g and I~)qS. and did t~kc action c(mccrning these amendments to thc l.I)C: and WI IEI~EAS. all applicable substantive and procedural rcquircmcnls ol'lhc law have been met. NOW. TIIERI(F()RI~ BE IT ORDAINI(I) by the Board o1' County Comn6ssioncrs o1' Collier County. Florida. that: Words .-,.t,t~4v.41~mb4~ arc deleted, v.'ords ,,!nderlinc~. arc a;, ~ SECTION ONE: RECITALS Thc Foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated by reference tmrein as it' fully set forth. SECTION TWO: FINDINGS OF FAC'F The Board of Count)' Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereby makes the Following findings of fact: 1. Collier County. pursuant to Sec. 163.3161. et se_~.q., Fla. Stat., Ihc Florida l,ocal (3ovcrnment Comprehensive Planning and I.and I)cvclopmcnt Regulations Act (hereinafter thc "Act"). is required to prepare and adopt .q Comprehensive Plan. '~ After adoption of tile Comprehensive Plan. the Act and in particular Sec. I 3 ~'~ '~ ~' 6. -..~0~1 t ). Fla. Stat.. mandates that Collier County adopt land development regulations that arc consistent with and implemcnt tile adopted comprehensive plan. 3. Sec. 163.3201. Fla. Stat.. provides that it is the intent of the Act that thc adoption and enforcement by Collier Count,,' of land development regulations lbr tile total unincorporated area shall be based on: be related to. and be a means of implementation for, tile adopted Com?rchcnsivc l'lan as required by tile Act. 4. Sec. 163.3194¢1)(b). l:kt. SwI.. requires that all land development regtHations enacted or amended by Collier County be consistent xvith tile adopted Comprehensive Plan. or clement or port/on thereof, and an.,,' land development regulations existing at tile time of adoption u,'hich are not consistent v,'ith tile adopted Comprehensive Plan, or clement or portion thereof, shall be amended st) as to be consistent. 5. Sec. 163.3202(3). Fla. Stat., states that the Act shall be construed to encourage thc use of innovative land development regulations. 6. On January I0. 1989. Collier ('ounty adopted tile Collier County (Jrov, lh Manavcmcnl I'lan (hereinafter tile "Growth Management Plan" or "GMIv') as its Comprehensive Plan pursuant to tile requirements of Sec. 1634.3161 e._!t st_iq. Fla. Stat., and Rule 9J-5, F.A.C. 7. Sec. 163.3194(I)(a). Fla. Stat.. mandates that at'tot a Comprehensive Plan. or eterncnt or portion thereol: has been adopted in conformity with the Act. all development undertaken bv. and all actions taken in regard tO devek'~pmcnt orders by. governmental agencies in regard to land covered by such Comprehensive Plan or clement or portion thereof shall be consistent with such Comprehensive \;lan or clement or portion thcrcot: 8. Pursuant to Sec. 163.3194(31(a). Fla. Stat.. a development order or land development regulation shall bc consistent with the Comprehensive Plan if the land rises, densities t~r intensities, itl the Comprehensive I'lan and if it meets all other criteria enumerated by tile loc~,l government. 9. Section 163.3194(3)(b). Fla. Stat.. requires that a development approved or undertaken by a local government shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan if the land uses. densities o'r intensities, capacity or size. timing, and olher aspects ofdevelopmenl are compatible with. and further thc objectives, policies, land uses. densities or intensities in thc Comprehensive Plan ami il' it meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 10. On October 30. 1991. Collier Count,,' adopted thc Collier Count',' I.and I)cvclopnlcnt Code, which became effective on November 13, 1991 and* ma',' be amended twice annually. Il. Collier Count)' finds that the l.and Dcvclc~pment Code is intended and necessary to preserve and enhance tile present advantages that exist in Collier County: encourage tile most appropriate use of land, water and resources, consistent v,'ith tile public interest; ovcr~.ome present handicaps; and deal effectively with future problems that may result from the usc and development of land witllin thc total Words r,m::k :hroug. h are deleled, v, ords underlined are rddcd. 2 unincorporated are of Collier County and it is intended that tilts l.and l)evelopment Code preserve. promote, protect, and improve tile public health, safety, corel'orr, good order, appearance, convenience. and general welfare of Collier Count>': prevent the overcrowding of land and avoid ibc undue concentration of population: facilitate thc adequate and efficient provision of Ir:msportation. water. sewerage schools, parks, recreational facilities, housing, and other requirements and services, conserve, develop, utilize, and protect natural resources within tile jurisdiction of Collier County; and protect human, environmental, social, and economic resources; and maintain through orderli' growth and development, the character and stability of present and future land uses and development in Collier Cotmty. 12. It is tile inlcw of Ihe Board ol' County Conlmissioners of Collier County. It) implement the Land Development Code in accordance with Ibc provisions off the Collier Courtly ('omprchcnsivc Plan. Chapter 125, Fla. Stat., and Chapter 163. Fla. Stat., and through these amendments'to the Code. SECTION TIIREE: AI)OIrFION OF AMENI),,MENTS TO TIlE LAND I)EVEIA)PMENT CODE SUBSECTION 3.A AMENDMENTS 'I'(} ZONING I)ISTi~,ICTS, t'EI~,MITTEI) USES, CONDITIONAl, USES, I)IblENSIONAL STANI)ARI)S I)IVISI()N Division 2.2, Zoning l)istricts, l'crmitted Uses. Conditional Uses. Dimensional Standards. of Ordinance 91-102, as amended, tile Collier Count3' l.and l)cvelopmcnt Code. is hereby amended to read as I'ollows: I)IVISION 2.2 ZONING I)ISTRICTS, I'EIIMITTED USES, CONI)ITIONAL USES, I)IMENSIONAL STANI)ARDS Sec. 2.2.2. Rural agricultural district (A). Per, fitted uses. Agricuhural activities, including, but not limited lo: crop raising; horticulture; fruit and nut production; forestry; groves; nurseries: ranching beekeeping: pouhD' and egg production~ milk production:~ livestock raising~ ~ and aquaculture IBr native species subject to State of Florida game and Freshwater Iish commission permits. 'l'h~ fi)llowin~crmiltcd uses shall only be allowed~arccls 2(I acres in size or greater: dairvin~anchinu, animal breedin~u. Irain~ ~ o~ kcn~~ no~ ~ ?[ jDdi viclt~;~ owner from Ibc kce in, of lbwl or oultrv not lo excced 25 in total number, and thc kee~ses and livcstock~~ to cxccect two such animals For each acre. and with at, ~cn Ibcdlot& fo_~ersonal use and not itl association with a commercial ;Ag. ricuhural activity on parcels less than 20 acres in size. Wholesale reptile breeding and raising (non-venomous). subject tile following standards: a. Minimum ~ twenty acre parcel size; b. Any roofed structure used for thc shchcr and/or lbcding of such rcpliles shall be located a minimum of I00 Ibm any lot line. C'omtitional usc.~'. Thc tbllowing uses are permitted as conditit,nal uses in thc rural agricultural district (A), subject to tim stat,:tards and proc~:dures established in division 2.7.4. Words s~'ur4$-ttmv.~h are deleted, words underlined arc added. 3 \Vholesale rcplile brcedhtg or raising (vcnonlous) subiccl ~o thc folInwing standards: Mhlimum 20 acre parcel si/c, b. Any rool~d structure used I~r thc shchcr and/or IL'cdin~ff ~tilcs shall bc locatcd a minimum of I00 IL'ct from anv lot line. 24___: l)airvi~stock raisim2 oultrv and cut., produ~ milk ~n ,. trah;in, stabling_.9_[ kcnnclin~arcds less than 20 acres in size. This is not ~rccludc an individual~' owner t?om Iht kccpinu of tbwl or pouhrv, not to exceed 25 in tolal number and the kcc~ine of horses ~~k c~ t lBr ho,s not to exceed two such animals tBr C[ICJl ;Icrc'. alld with no ~cn l~edlots, fiw ~crsonal usc ami not ill nssociation with a commercial ~ricuhural activity on parcels less than 20 acres in si/c. Di,wm'io:ud .~'tmtdw'ds'. 'l'he fiqloxving dimensional standards shall zippi3' to all pcrnlittcd, accessory, and conditional uses in thc rural agriculmral district (A}. Muximum height. ~ '1.5 feet. cx,~cpt as provided in section 2.6.3. Sec. 2.2.4. Residential singlc-fanfily districts (RSF). l'u~7,n.w wzd intent. 'Ibc purpose and intent of thc residential sing{c-lhmily districts (R%I:) is lo provide lands primarily fi~r singlc-lhmily residences. 'l't~cse districts arc intended to be singlc-[~mily residential areas of low density. Thc nature of the use of property is the same in all of fl~csc districts. Variation among the RS[:-I. RSF-2. RSF-3. RS[:-4. RS[:-5 and RS}:-6 districts is in rcquiremcnls tbr density, lot area. Iol width, yards, height. arch. lot coverage, parking, landscaping and signs. Certain structures uses designed to serve thc immediate needs of the singlc-fimfil> residential dcvch~pmcnt in thc RSF districts such as governmental, educatitmal. religious, and nm~commcrcial recreational uses are permitted as conditional uses as long as they preserve, and arc compatible with the singlc-lhmily residential character of thc RSF districtlsl. The RSF districts c{~rrcspond and implement thc urban mixed usc land usc designation on thc future land use map or thc Collier ('otmty growth matlagcnlonl pi:ltl. Thc maximum density permissible in thc residential-single flintily districts and the urban mixed usc land use designation shall be guided, in part. by thc density rating s?slcm contained in thc future land use clement of the ('oilier County growth management plan. 'Ibc maxhllum density permissible or permitted in a district shall not exceed the density permissible under thc dcnsit> rating system, cxcep~crmittcd by policies contained in thc future land usc clement. .... 4.4. I. .Wuximum ,h'n.Wt3'. RSF-I: Oncunit for each gross acre. RSF-2: Two units for each gross acre. RSF-3: Three units for each gross ;Icrc. RSF-4: Four units forcachgrossacrc. RSF-5: Five units for each gross acre. RSF-6: Six units lbr each gross acre. Actual maximum density shall be determined through tile alqqication of thc dcnslty rating system cslablishcd in thc Collier C')unty groxxfl~ management plan. ~~~olicics contained in the future land usc clement of thc ~ not to exceed thc above specified density tbr t'ach district. Maximum heigt,t. Words sl*uq~kq4~m,agh are deleted, words underliocd 4 l'rinciptdstruclures. 35 £eet. ,.tcces.,;or)' slrttctures. 20 feet except for screen enclosure structures which may be the same height as the principal stmclur¢. Sec. 2.2.5. l~,csidential muhiple-fiunily - 6 district (RMF-6). Purpo.~'e rind talent. The purpose and intent of tile residential muhiplc- family-6 district (RMF-6) is to provide for single-family, two-filmily and muhifamily residences having a low profile silhouetle, surrounded by open space, being so situated that it is located in close proximity to public and commercial services and has direct or convenient access to collector and arterial roads oil thc count>' major road network. Thc RMF-6 district corresponds to and implements thc urban mixed usc land use designation on the futnrc land usc map of thc Collier County growth management plan. The maximnm density permissible in the RMF-6 district and thc urban mixed use land use designation shall be guided, in part. by thc density rating system conlaincd in the I'utt, rc land usc clement ,r file Collier Courtly growth management plan. The maximum dcnsity permissible or permitted in this district shall not exceed the density permissible undcr the density rating system, except as permitted by policies conlaincd in the I'ulurc land usc element. l)imcn.viomd stamhml, v: The following dimensional standards shall apply to all permitled housing structure types, accessory, and conditional uses in the RMF-6 district. Minimu,t lot w'ea: Single-Fanfily:6,500 square feet except as provided at Section .... :>.4.7. and 2.6.27. l)uplcx: 12.000 square t~ct except as provicted at Section 2.6.27 Txvo-l:amily: !2.000 6.000 square leer per dwelling unit except as provided at Section 2.6.27 Three or more Dwelling Unit Structures: 5,500 square feet per dwelling unit except as herein further provided. Minimum l.ot Width: Single-Family: 60 feet l)uplcx: 80 feel Two Family: 80 feel combined lot width. Three or more l)wclling Unit Slructurcs: 100 l;cet Minimun~ Yard Requirements (except tis furtllcr provided at Section 2.6.27.) The followi,~g minimtun yard requirements are in relation to platted boundaries: One (Single) Family - l)welling Units Duplex Front Yard Required Side Yard Rear Yard 25' 7 '/=' 2O' 25' I0' 2()' l)wclling Units Two Unit~'l:anfily 25' I 0'* 20' Dwelling Units Three or More Family 30' 15'* 2(1' Dwelling Units * Where fee simple Iols are created li,r each dwcllinl,, unit, sic~ yards are measured from the outside wall of tile pri~.cip:il structure. Words sm:ok t}:rcut& are dclelcd, words underlined a',.' ~dd~d. 5 2.2.5,4.5. Section2.2.6 Section 2.2.7 2,, ,[fltximum height of structures. l'rincip~d.~tructures. 'three habitable lloors. ,,Iccexsor. t' xtrttctttrex. 15 feet except for screen enclosure struclt~res which may be thc same height as thc principal structure but in no event Izreater ti'mn 35 feet. ,~htximum densiO'. Actual maximun~ density shall be determined through application of the densily rating system established in the Collier County gro~ah management plan. or applicable policies contained in the future land use clement, not to exceed six dwelling units per gross acre. Residential muhiplofamily-12 district (RMF-12). l'ut7,~xe rtml imem. The purpose and intent of the rcsidenti:fl muhiple tinnily -- 12 district (RNIF-12} is 1o provide lands IBr multiple-family residences having a mid-rise prolile, generally surrounded by lower slruclurcs and open space. Iocalcd in close proximity Io public and commercial services, with dlrccl or convenient access to collector and aNcrial roads on Iht county major road ncmork. (}ovcrnmcnlal. social, and inslilulional hind uses thal serve the immediate needs ofd~e muhiplc-thmity residences arc pcrmiucd as conditional uses as long as lhcy preserve and arc compatible whh the mkt-risc nmhiple-lhmily character o f the district. Thc RMF-12 district c,~rresponds Io and implements Ibc urban mixed usc land use designation on thc l~itttrc Innd usc map of the Collier County groxvtb management plan. The maximum density permissible in the RMF-I 2 district and the urban mixed usc land usc designation shall be guided, in part, by thc density raling system contained in Ibc future land usc clement of the Collier County growth management plan. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the RMF-12 districl shall not exceed the density permissible under the density rating system, except as permitted by policies contained in the 15~ture land use clement. ,[fit.ri.utm den.¥io'. Actual maximun~ density shall be determined through application of the density rating system established in the Collier Cotlllly growd~ management plan. or applicable policies conlaincd in thc fulurc land usc clement, nol [o exceed 12 trails Ibr each gross acre. Residential multiplc-lhmily-16 district (RMF- 16). l'wT~O.~'e w;d intent. Thc purpose and intent of thc residential multiple- Ihmily-16 district (RMF-]6) is to provide lands Ibr medium to high density muhiple-lhmily residences, generally surrounded by open space, located in close proximity to public and commercial services, wilb direct or convenient access to nmerial and collector rnads on Ibc county m~ior road network. Governmental. social, and institutional land uses that serve thc immediate needs of thc muhiple-fimfily residences are permitted as conditional uses as long as they preserve and arc compatible with the medium to bigb density multiplc-fitmily character of Ibc district. Thc RM F- 16 district corresponds to and implements the urban mixed usc land use designation on thc future land use map of Ibc Gollier County growth management plan. 'I'bc m;txinlttnl density permissible in the RMF-16 district and ibc urban mixed usc land usc designation shall bc guided, in paa. by the density rating system contained in the tk~ture land use element of the Collier County growth management plan. The maximum density permissible or permitted in the RMF-I6 a district shall not exceed the density permissible under the density rating sys:cm, except as permitted by policies contained in the Ik~lure land use element ,[htximum densio'. Actual n'~aximt, m density slmll b..' determined through application of the density rating system established in tbz Collier Cotlnly Words s'.rack :!~roggh arc deleled, v,'ords t,nderlined ar,' ad:lcd. 6 growth management plan. or applicable policies conu, incd in thc future land usc clement not to exceed 16 dwelling units for each gross acre. Section .... 9 Village residential district l',rlmve w~d bm',t. The purpose and intent of the village residential district (VR) is to provide lands where a mixture of residential uses may exist. Additionally. uses are located and designed to mainlain the village residential character of thc VR district. The VR district co~csponds to and implements thc mixed residential land usc designation on the hnmokalcc future land usc map oftl~c Collier County groxqh management plan. 11 application in those urban areas outside of the coaslal urban area designated m~ thc furore land use map of the Collier County grox~h managemenl plan, though there is some cxistinu VR zonin~ the coaslal urban area. Thc maximum density permissible in lhc village residential district and thc urban mixed usc land usc designation shall be guided, in part, by t}~c density rating s>'slcm conlaincd in the future land use element of thc Collier (',truly grow th management plan. Thc maximum density permissible or permitted in thc VR a district shall not exceed fl~c dcnsily permissible under thc density rating syslcm~cnnittcd b~olicics c(mlaincd in thc Ik~turc land usc cfcmcm, or as designated on the hnmokalee lbturc land use mat' of thc growth IllallageillCill plan. MaxilnUln dcnsily. .%m~le-l:anfily I)uplcx Multiple-Family Accessory I),.vciling and l)wclling Uses Nlobilc l lmnc Conditional l. lscs 7.26 milts/cross 8.71 units/cross 14.52 unils,'~ N/A N/,,\ acre acre acr.__X As Actual maximum dcnsitv shall be determined Ibrou/.Q~ the ~l,lqicalion o1' by ll~c dcnsily rating system. ~olicics contained in thc fi~lurc Im3d usc clement or the lmmokalcc fl~lurc land usc map established in thc Collier County groxvth managcmcn~ plan. not to exceed the above ~ccified density for cacb use. 4g~mit~Br~a~e, Scctkm 2.2.10 Mobile home district I'u~7~osc wM b~tcnt. The purpose and intent of the mobile home district (Mil) is lo provide lands fi, r mobile homes that ensure they arc consistent and compatible with surrounding land uses. Thc Mil district corresponds to and implcmcnls thc urban mixed usc land use designation on Iht future land usc map of the Collier Comity growth management plan. Thc n~aximum dcnsily permissible in thc mobile home district and tim urban mixed usc land usc designation shall be guided, in part. by thc density rating system conlaincd in thc lk~turc land usc clement of thc Collier Cotllll)' growth management plan. '1 he maximum density permissible or permitted in thc Mil ~ district shall not exceed Ibc density permissible under the density rating syslcm, except as permitted by policies contained in thc finure Innd usc clcmcm..r as idcntilicd in thc Immokalcc future land use map of thc growth numagcmcnt plan 2.2.11).4.5. .[htximttm de~.vitv. Maximum density shall be determined through application of thc density rating system established by thc Collier County groxvth management plan. ~~olicies contained in thc t'umrc land u~c clcmcn~~ exceed 7.26 units Q~~~.00()~uarc l~ct of land arca~rovided I~r ~ ntm. conformi~,g kds of record in Section Section 2.2. 13. Commercial Convenience District (02). Words str~--kq4~ou,gh arc dclclcd, words underlined are r. 7 Permitted uses. .l. Caretaker's reside~,~e.-s,~b-jecl to section 2.6. Eating places (5812 except contract I~eding. dinner ~hcatcrs. service (institutional), induswial Ikcding). Food stores (groups 5411 except supermarkets, 5421--5.199). Gasoline service stations (5541 subject to section _.6._8). General merchandise stores (5311--5399). Group care hcilities (category I and II, except for homeless shelters): care units, except fiw homeless shelters; nursing homes: assisted living facilities pursuant to ~ 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C.: and continuiog care retirement communities pursuant to ~ 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 F.A.C.: all su(iect to section 2.6.26. I lardwarc stores (5251 ). Ilcaltb services (groups 8011--8049, 8082). l lome I*umiture, furnishing and equipment stores (groups 5713--5719. 573 I--5736). l.ibrarics (8231). Miscellaneous repair services, except aircraft, business and office machines, large appliances, and white goods such as refrigerators and washing machines (7629--7631). ~I~. Miscellaneous retail services (5912, 5942--5961). 461~. Museums and art galleries (8412). ~1~. Paint, glass and wallpaper stores (5231 ). 4glO. Personal services (groups 7212, 7215, 7221--7251. 729 ). ~ I~. Security and commodity brokers, dealer, exchanges and services (groups 621 I--6289). ~12. United States Postal Service (4311 except major distribulion center). Veterinary services (0742 excluding outside kenneling). Videotape rental (7841). Aoyothcrconvcnicncccommercialuscwbichiscomparableinnaturc ~ith the Foregoing uses including buildings fi, r retail, service aod of[icc purposes consistent with the permitted uses and purpose and intent statement of thc district. U.¥es ~tcce.~'.¥~;ry lo Dt'rlltiIled tlxc.g. 3. Caretaker's residence, subject to section 2 6.16. Section 2.2.14. Commercial intermediate district (C-3). Words s:ruc.t; :Srcug}: arc delclcd, words underlined $ Permitted uses. 1. Unless otherwise provided for in this section, all pemlitted uses ol' tile C-2 commercial convenience district. 2. Apparel and accessory stores (groups 5611--5699). 3. Auto and home supply stores (5531). 4_. Automotive services (7549).. ~ 5_. Business scv,'ices (groups 731 I, 7313, 7322--7338, 7361--7379.7384.7389 excep! auctionecring service, field warehousing, bottle labeling, packaging and labeling, salvaging of damaged merchandise, scrap steel cutting and slitting). &6_. Eating places (5812 only). All establishments engaged in tile retail sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption are subject to Iocational requirements of section 2.6. I 0. &7.~. Food stores (groups 5411--5499). -7q. 8_. General merchandise stores (groups 531 I--5399). Group care facilities (category 1 and II, cxccpt for homeless shchcrs): care units, except for homeless shelters; nursing homes; assisted living I'acilities pursuant to § 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C.; and continuing care retirement communities pursuant to § 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 F.A.C.; all subject to scclion 2.6.26. ~ I 0._.~. [Reserved.] 40:11__:. I[ome furniture, furnishing, and equipment stores (groups 5712--5736). 44~12_..~. Libraries (8231). 4-~_. 13__:. Marinas (4493). subject to section 2.6.22. 44~.I 4.._~. l~4cmbcrship organizations (8611--8699). 4-~15~ Miscellaneous repair services (groups 7629--7631). 44~.16._.:. Miscellaneous retail (groups 5912--5963 except pawnshops and building materials, 5992--5999). 44:.17.~:. Museums and art galleries (8412). 4-7-~. 18_._~. Nondepository credit institutions (groups 6111 --6163). -t4/,.19._.~. Paint, glass and wallpaper stores (5231). 44q. 20_..~. Personal services (groups 7211,7212~ 7215, 7216 nonindustrial dr,',' cleaning only, 7221--7251,7291). _~.2 I__:. Public administralion (groups 9111--9199, 9229, 931 I, 941 I--9451. 9511--9532, 9611--9661). ~I~.22._~. Retail nurseries, lawn and garden supply stores (,5261). [z~.23__.:. Veterinary services (groups 0742, 0752 excluding outside kenneling). Words .~trgzk :~r~g~;~ are deleted, words .underlined me added. 9 L~.24..~. Videotape rental (7841). _24.25._.=. United States Postal Service (4311 except major distribtation centers). 2-5:.26__:. Any usc which was pemlissible under thc prior GRC zoning district and which was lawfully existing prior to the adoption of this code. ~3-:.27.__.:. Any other general commercial use which is comparable in natur.: with the foregoing uses including buildings for retail, sca'ice and office purposes consistent with the permitted uses and purpose and intent st:dement of tile district. Section 2.2.20 Planned unit development district (PUl)). PUtTm.ve amf i~tt'nt. Thc purpose and intent of establishing the planned unit dex'dopmcnt district {PUl)) is to provide procedures and standards to encourage mixed use planned developments that may be instituted at appropriote locations, or planned developments that may or may not be mixed use in the urban fringe areas, all in accordance with the planning and development objectives of the county under the code and thc growth management plan. It is further the purpose and inlcnt oflhese regulations to encourage ingenuity, innovation and imaginalion in the planning, design, and development or redevelopment of relatively large tracts of land under unified ownership or control. PUI)s produced in compliance with tile terms and provisions of this code and the grmvth management plan may depart from the strict application ot' setback, height. and minimum lot requirements of conventional zoning districts while maintaining minimum standards by which flexibility may be accomplished. and while protecting the public interest, so that: A more creative approach may be taken to thc development of contiguous tracts of land and to encourage dcvclopmcnt of thrill parcels of contiguous Iracts of land in certain circumstances. A more desirable environment may be accomplished than would bc possible through strict application of the minimum requirements of this zoning code. l.and m:~y be used more efficiently, resulting in smaller networks of utilities and streets with consequent lower construction and future maintenance costs. The impact ora particular PUD on the present and projected population, economy, land usc pattern, tax base. street system, and public facility netv,'ork(s) of thc count)' may be carefully evaluated relative to the various costs and benefits that may be associated with such development. The development employs techniques featuring amenities and excellence in the form of variations in siting, mixed land uses and/or varied dwelling types, as well as adaptation to and conservation of tile topography and other natural characteristics of the land involved. Exceptions lo variations in siting, mixed land uses and/or varied dwelling types ma.,,' be granted on PUD thrill development. The maximum density permissible in the PUl.) district and the urban mixed use land usc designation shall be guided, in part, by thc density rating system contained in thc future land use clement of the Collier County gro',vtl~ management plan. The maximum density pemlissi~l~. or permitted in a PUl) a district shall not exceed the density permissible un]er llte density rating system, except as permitted by policies contained iv the future land use Words ~:ruc~ t,:rouga are deleted, words underlined are a: .,e: 10 element, t\n)'tifing lo tile contrary notwithstanding, all PUl) development stlalI be consistent v,'ith the Collier County Lzrowth management plan. ,[laximum residential densities. Maximum residential density permissible for tile overall I'UI) shall be guided, in part. by tile density rating system contained in tl~e future land usc clement of the growth management plan. '['he {wcrall maximum residential density permissible or permitted itl a PUl) shall he calculated by dividing thc total number of dwelling units by tile total of gross acrcagc of the proposed PUl) excluding thc acrcagc of thc areas designated for commercial, industrial, or other land use having an established cquivalcnt residential density in this I.and Do,'elopmcnt Code. The maximum density permissible or pcrmittcd in a l~tJl) shall not cxcccd thc density permissible under tile density rating system, or applicable policies contained in the future land usc element. Muhifumily cmO' level rental hou.¥ing arca.v. ,lht.rimum den.¥ity. The maximum residential density permissible shall be guided, in part, by the density rating syslcm contained in the future land use element of lhe growth management plan. Thc maximum density pcm~issible or permitted shall not exceed tile density permissible under ti~e density rating system, except as permitted bv policies contained in the future land use element. Sec. 2.2.23 Airport overlay district (Al'O): special regulations lbr specified areas in and around thc airports in Collier Count)'. l,'ariances. An)' person desiring lo creel or increase the height of any structure or usc }lis property not in accordance with the regulations prescribed itl tills ordinance may apply lo thc board of zoning appeals for a variance t'rmn such regulations pursuant to section 2.7.5. except as provided by subsection 333.03(1 )/ch Florida Statutes. SUBSECTION 3.11: ANIENI)MENTS TO OFF-S'I'REET PAI~KIN(; AND LOAI)IN(; l)ivision 2.3., Oft:Street Parking and l.oading, of Ordinance 91-102. as amended. tile Collier County l,and Development Code, is hereby amcndcd lo read as I'olloxvs: I)IVISION 2.3. OFF-STREET I',\i~,KIN(; ANI) I,()AlllN(; Sec. 2.3.16. ()fl:street parking and stacking; required amounts. Bicycle pm'king iht mm.residential th'velolmWnts. l'rovisions Ibr the safe and secure parking of bicycles shall he furnished at a ratio of tire percent of tile .r_cquircmcnts for motor vehicles as set forth in Sec. 2.2.16. but not to exceed a ratio nf 10% of the required number of parkine, spaces. ,\ minimum of two bicycle parking spaces shall bc provided. A bicvcle parkint~ fi~ci.litv suited to a sintdc b_i.cvcle (~'parkinl[ space'i} shall be of a stand-alone inverted-U dcsiun measurimt a minimum of 36 inches high and 18 inches ,.~idc Jot' 1;q inch Schedule 40 pipe, ASTM F 10831 bent in one piece ("bike rack") mounted securely lo the ~t~!)md Iby u 3~ inch thick steel base plate, AS'I'M A 361 so as ~o secure Iht bicycle flame and both wheels. Words O~,~4~h, eu.g~ are deleted. ~ords underlined are: .~d.: Each parking .space shall have a minimum of fltrec f'ect clearance on all sides of Ibc bike rack. Bicycle spaces shall be paved, lighted and located no greater than I()1) fret from thc main buildinR entrance. I~xtraordinarv bicycle parking designs wbicl! depart from bike rack standard but arc consist wilh linc dcveh~pmcnl's design theme shall be considered IW the {Amntv archilcct. Bike racks which function without securing thc bicycle frame, require the use ora bicycle kick stand, or which may be freely reoriented are not allowable. Substilutions of up to five percent of the parkinK required by section 2.3.16. are allowable by providinR additional bicycle parkinu on a five-to-one basis. SUBSECTION 3.1): Amendments to Supplemental Regulations l)ivision l)ivision 2.6.. Supplemental District Regulations, of Ordinance 91-102, as amended, the Collier County l,and l)cvelopmcnt Cmlc. is hereby amended to read vs follows: DIVISION 2.6. ,";(Ilqq,I:,MF, WI'AI. I)I.'-;'I'I~,ICT I~.IXiUI,ATIONS Sec. 2.6.7. Parking and storagc of certain vehicles. l',rking, storttgc or use of major recrcatiomd cquipmcnl. No recreational equipment shall be used for living, sleeping, t,r Imusckccping purposes when parked or stored on a residentially 7Ollcd lot. residential districts, or any localion not approved for such use. In districts permitting single-flintily homes or mobile homes, major rccrcalinnal equipment nlay be parked or stored only in a rear yard, or in a completely enclosed building, or in a carport, or on davits or cradles adjacent lo waterways tm residentially zoned property; provided, however, that such equipment may be parked anywhzrc on residential premises, other than {m County rig, hts-ol%vay or riehl-of-way casements I~r a period not lo exceed ~ ~ hours during loading and unloading, and/or cleaning priortooraflcralrip. For thcpurposcoflhis scclion lhc rear yard fi~r a corner IoI shall be considered lo bc that portion o1' thc lot opposilc Ibc street with Ibc least frontage. For tim)ugh lots thc rear yard shall be cm~sidcrcd to be Ihal porlion of Iht lot lying bclxxeen thc rear clcvalion (by design) of the residence and thc street. The I'olh~wing cxccplions may be granted by thc site dcvchqmtcnt review direclor: Such recreational equipment may be parked upon thc premises of thc rcsidcnl fi~r a period ilot exceeding seven days fi~r thc purpose h~th~mh,din~ repairing and/or cleaning prior to temporary usc permit IlltlSl he oblained Io ;mthorizc this activity. 'lhe iacrmit fi~r such period shall bc affixed Io the vehicle in a coiispicuotls place on thc street side lhcrcof. No more Iban txko ctmscculixc permits may be issued and Ibc maximum number of i~crmits issued during one calendar year shall be rcstriclcd to Ikmr. Nonresident: .":,uch car. trailer, btls or fllotor h{)lBc. "a.'hCll IlSCd for transpcrlalion of visitors to Ibis county to visit friends or member of tl~e visitor's Iim61y residing in this GOtlllly lllay bc parked tlpOll thc premises of thc visilcd I~mily IBr a period not exccetting seven days. A lcmporarv usc pcrmil must be oblaincd to aulho~i/.c this activity. The permit t'tw such period shall be affixed to thc ;chicle in a conspicuous place or oo thc street side the~eol'. for living, sleeping, or housckccping purl'{,scs~ Words swuzk :h*m~h arc d¢l¢led, words underlined 12 l'his docs not allow consecutive pcrmils may be issued and the nmximum number of permits issued during one calendar )'ear shall be restricted lo four. SUBSECTION 3.1): AMENI)blENTS TO ZONING AI)MINISTi~.ATION AN[) I'ROCEI)UIIES I)IVISION Division 2.7.. Zoning Administration and Procedures, of Ordinance 91-102. as amended, thc Collier Count,',' l,and Development code, is hereby amended to read as follows: DIVISION 2.7. ZONING Al)MINISTRATION AND PIIOCEI)URES Sec. 2.7.3. Planned Unit Development (PUD) procedures. S¢c. [l~:m-.e-omplefo~-o!-t!ve--review. fi~-4evelol,auent :;er¼c--e:,;-direc4or ~ov]de a ~'.'r~ de~rt~m~: ~e lhe a~t. or h~s legal ........... ~~~ .......,. Any suc!~~md~' by t}~e de~l :=~v~cc:; d~o~ may be a~!ed to fi~e board of county co:~6s:;io:~m SUIISECTION 3.E: AMENI)MENTS TO ARCIIITECTUI{AL AND STANI)ARI)S AND GUll)E1ANES FOR BUILI)INGS AND PROJECTS I)IVISION. SI'FI'; I)ESIGN COMMERCIAI~ I)ivision 2.8.. Architectural and Site Design Standards and Guidelines lbr Commercial Buildings and Projects. of Ordinance 91-102. as amended, thc Collier County Land l)cvclc~pl~:cnl Code. is hereby amended to read as follows: DIVISION 2.8. AIICIII'I'ECTUi,tAI, AND SITE DESIGN STANI)ARI)S ANi) GUIDEIANES FOR CO51MEI,ICIAL BUILDINGS AND I'i~,O,IECTS. Sec. 2.8.2. Applicability, 2,8.2.1. I'rovisions of this dMsion arc applicable in all commercial zoning districts, commercial components of PUD districts, aad I)RIs. and business park districts, and industrial zoned areas fronting on arterial or collector roads as described bv tile transportation circulation element lo tile growth management plan, as provided bclow: Renrn'ations and redevelopment: Itl the case of additions or renovations lo, or redevelopment or. an existing building or project, x~ here thc cost of such addilion, renovallon, or redcvclopmcnl exceeds 50 percent of Iht value of the existing structure(s), or 20 percent of the square Ibotage of thc existing structures, thc provisions of this dMsion shall apply. Discontimtance: The provisions of section of this code do riot apply to the provisions of section 2.8. which require structvral alterations anti are superseded by thc following. Where the usc of a structure ceases fc, r any reason, except v,'here governmcnlal action impedes access to thc premises, for a period of more than 365 consecutive days. thc provisions of this code which may require structural aherations shall be adhered to prior to reocc,q~ancy of thc structure. With respect to vehicular rise and required l.'mdscapc areas. thc provisions of this section shall apply ',vh(~e thc usc ol'a structure Words s',r::ck 44mvagh are deleted, words underlined arc added. 13 Sec. 2.8.3. ceases for any reason, except xvhcrc govcrnnlcnlal aclitm impedes access to thc premises, for a period o1' more than 180 c(msecutive days. Rcquircd.~'itc dcvelopmcnl or imprm'cmcnt plan. Compliance with thc standards scl forth in this division shall be demonstrated by submittal of architectural drawings and a site devclopmcn! phm or site improvement plan in accordance with division 3.3 of this code. IIlm'trations. Illustrations provided in division 2.8. arc intended to provide a graphic example ora specific provision or provisions set forth herein. Varialions from these illustrations which nonetheless adhere to the provisions of this division, are encouraged. Architectural and site dcslgn standards and guidelines for c¢)mn~ercial huihlings and projects with a gross Imilding area 20,0fl0 square feet or larger. (',mq, liancc with the standards set Forth in this section shall be demonstrated by submittal of architectural drawings and a silt dcvcloplllCRt plan ill accordance with division 3.3 of this ct>dc. (4[]'.¥trcct Fat'king de.~'i.t~n. As provided for in division 2.3. alld sul~jcct to thc Following provisions: /'urpo.vc and intent. Commercial builclings and pro. iccts, including their outparccls shall be designed Io provide snlZ', convenient, and efficient access Ik~r pedestrians and vehicles. Parking shall bc designed in a consistent anti coordinalcd manner lbr Iht cmirc silt. Tim parking area shall be integrated and designed so as u~ enhance thc visual appearance of the community. Desi,v,n .¥tamlard.¥. Parking. utili×ing tile same degree of :,uglc. shall be developed throughout thc silt to provide cflicicnt anti s;l[~ traffic and pcdcslrian circulation. A single bay of parking prox idcd along iht perimeter oflhe sile may vary in design in order Io maximize Iht number of spaces provided on-site. The mixture of onc-x~ay and 1wo- way parking aisles, or dil'l~rent degrees of angled parking within any parking area is prohibited, except as holed above, or where individual parking areas are physically separated From one another hv a continuous landscape bul'l~r, a minimum five I~ct in width wilh limited access, l.andscapc bufl~rs [bt these locations shall use landscape material other than grass tbr ll~e separation ~1' p~rking areas. (Sec Illustrations I and 2 below). ,t.[a.ritmtm Parking: Parking in excess of tire minimum parking requirements by shall pr(wide additional landscaping as described in section 2.3.11). ol'lhc IA)C. l'arkin,g/i: single-,se projects gingle-use p/~l'rojccts shall be designed adhere It, tile I'olhwving standards: (a) /ntcrior/nix. No more than 50 percent of tile ofl'-strect parking ti~r the entire commercial building or project shall be located between any primary hcadc of the commercial huilding or project and the abutting street or navigable watcrway:~ o~t. (see [l!us~m6~ 3 ~1{~ Words st4'u~4~A.u~ough are deleted, ',~ ords underlined are. ,', 14 (b) £'orm'r lotx. No more than 80 percent of thc ell:street parking For the entire commercial building or project shall be located between an.',' primary facade of thc commercial building or project anti thc abutting street or navigable wmcrway area. xxiti~ no single side Io contain more than 65 percent el'iht required parking, or wl~~ng is ~r~v~de~etwee~ ~ry !~cad~nd n~tting dgh~f way c~~ waterwa~l~inimtm~ack f~l~e r{gl~f way ~m~[n[mun~~. (Sec illustration 4 below) ?arking structure standardx: a minimum o1' 60 percent of an.',' primary facade ora parking structure or covered parking facility shall incorporate two of the following (see Illustration 5 below for examples): { a ) transparent windows, with clear tlr lightly-tinted glass, where pedestrian oriented businesses arc located along thc facade of the parking structure; (b) display windows; (c) decorative metal grille-work or similar detailing xxhich provides texture and partially and/or fully covers thc parking structure opening(s); (d) art or architectural treatment such as sculpture, mosaic, glass block, opaque arl glass, relief work, or sinlilar features; tlr. (e) vertical trellis or other landscaping tlr pedestrian plaza area. Lighting. Pu~7~ose ttndi,tent. Commercial buildings and projects, including their outparcels shall be designed to provide safe. convenient, and efficient lighting for pedestrians and ,,'chicles. Lighting shall he designed in .'~ consistent and coordinated manner for thc entire site. The lighting and lighting fixtures shall be integrated and designed so as to enhance Ihe visual impact of the project on tile community and/ or lo blend with tile surrounding, landscape. Nhielding .vltmtfl~rd.v.l.igbting shall be designed so as to prevent direct glare, light spillage and hazardous interference with tmlomotix'e and pedestriau traffic on adjacent streets and all adjacent properties. b'ixture height stan~htrd, v. [.ighting tixtures shall be a maximunl o1'30 fbel in height within lhe parking lot and shall be a maximum of' 15 fce~ in hcighl ~ithin non-vehicular ~destrian areas {~c Illustrmion 6 ~'low). Design s/~tmhtrdv, l.ighting shall be used to provide safety xxhilc acccnt~ key architectural elements and/or to emphasize landscape I~atures. l.ight fixtures shall be designed as an integral ttcsik, n element that complements the design of the project thrm~gl~yl~malevii~M~[ ~t~. This can be accomplished IhrouRh style, materia~?hE {excluding ilorcsccnl and primary/secondary colors) or dcsien so that [.ig..b!inR lixtt,rcs blend into tile landscape thr.___0u:Rh tile u'.;c of dark colors such as bronze. Mill finish is not permitted. Words rdruzk lhro~h arc deleted, v,'ords underlined are :,,!(led 15 2.g.3.3.3A. not limited to hutdin~chanical ~t d u'aste dis m~t11. ['utTm~'t' and intent. To diminish, in a saf'c mlumcr, thc visual impacts of service functions that may detract or Imve a negative impact on tile streetscape, landscape and/or the overall community image. Bt!Iff'ring and screening stamhu'ds. In accordance with the provisions of division 2.6. of this code, loading areas or docks, outdoor storage, trash collection, mechanical equipment, trash compaction. ~ vehicular slora~ new and used cars. recycling, roof top equipment and other service function areas shall be [Mlly screened and out of view From adjacent prope~ies al ground view level r~{Mnti~[~~ when located in view of roadway corridors. .U, aeria/s and de.s'i,tln stand, rds. Screening material and design shall be consislcnl with design treatment of the primary Facades of the commercial building or project and the landscape plan. k'encing..~l.ndard~' Chain link. and wood fcn~_.pLt]fibitcd forward of lhel~rimarv facade nnd taus! be a minimum .f m~e hundred I~L~fect I'rom a ublic ri ,ht-ol:~.,,~w. Chain link and v,o~d li:ncimz facin, a ublic ri ,ht-of-wav shall provide at a minhnum an irriuatcd hcduc directly in Front of the fence on the side of the riuhtoof-x~av. Plant material shall be a minimum of three gallon and shall be.planted three I'ccl on center n! the time of inslallation. This I21ant material shall he maintained at a minimum of'three ~uartcr thc hci 'g!/! of the fcncinu. Fencing forward of the.primary facade is_~ermittcd under Ibllowing conditions: 1_3 Fencinu does not exceed Four 41~ fcct in hciuht. The fcncing.2rovides either an o_?.pen view at a minimum of lx~cntv-live~crcenl of ils Icnuth ~rovides variation in its ~ Ibr a minimum of fiFtcengcrccnt of its Icneth with a deviation oFat leasl twelve ~ inches. Thc fence style must com. plcment tile building stx lc through the use of material, color and/or dcsig..~. Drive-dIroltgh n'indtm' slamh#'dx, l)rive-through windows and hmcs shall be designed to adhere to thc following standards: I)rive-throt, gh windows shall not be placed hctwccn thc right- of-way ora primary collector or arterial roadway and the associated building, unless the vegetation required by a Type "B" landscape butter is installed within thc bufl~'r width required tbr the project and maintained along thc entire length of the drive-through lane between the drive-through lane and the adjacent right-of-way. As an altcmalive to thc vegetative buflkr rel~renced above, a permanent covered porte-cochere type slruclurc, other than awning/canvass type :qructttrc{s). may be installed extending the widIl~ of Iht drix cqhrough and covering thc service window(s). Such btructnre shall be inlcgrated structurally and architectur:dly rolo thc design o1' building. Words ear4 '~¢Mh.r,u~.,:h are deleted, v,'ords underlined are 16 ()nly a single drive-through Jane I'acility is pcrmiucd: unless :u;:;,-'~ciated-wifl~ a free l~et wi:ich :na~~rive ~duding grass. Pede.vtrian walkwtow. l'mTmSe and intent. To provide safe opportunities for ahcrnative modes of transportation by connecting with existing and future pedestrian and bicycle pathways within the counly and to provide safe passage from Ibc public right-of-way to the commercial building tlr project, and between alternative modes of transportation. Pede.~trian acce.vs Xlttitthll'tL¥. Pcdcstriao ways. linkages and paths shall be provided t?t)m the building entry(s) to surrounding streets. external sidcxvalks, and outparcels. Pedestrian ways shall ~c designed to provide access between parking areas and the building entrance(s) in a coordinated and safe manner, l'cdcstrian ways may bc incorporated wiflfin a required landscape perimeter buflk'r, provided said bufffr is not less lhan ten tbct in wichh on average. Shared pedestrian xvalkways are encouraged bctwccn adjacent commercial projects. Minimum rati..v, Pedestrian ways shMI be provided at a minimum ratio of one tbr each public vehicular entrance to a projccL excluding ingress and egress points intended primarily tbr service, delivery or employee vehicles. .Uinimum dimcnsion.¥. Pedestrian walkways shall be t, minimum live I'cct wide. ,~htlerial.v. Pcdeslrian walkways shall be consislenl wifl~ thc provisions of section 4.5 of the Americans wifl~ l)isabilifics Act IAI)A). Accessibility Guidelines. Materials nmy include specialty pavers, concrete, colored concrete or stamped pattern ctmcrctc. l'edestrian cro.v.vwa/k.v at huihling iwrimeter. Building perimeter crosswalks shall be designed and coordinated to move people safely m and from buildings and parking areas by identifying pedestrian crossings with signage and variations in pavement materials or markings. Shade. Pedestrian walkways shall provide intermittent shaded areas when thc walkway exceeds 100 linear Iket in length al a mimfimum ratio el' I(}(1 square Ibct of shaded area per every 11)0 linear I~ct of walkway. ~hadc slructures may be natural, manmadc or a combination of both. Buihling design. ]),trpt)se tttld intent. To maintain alld cnhatlce lbo attractiveness of thc streetscape and the existing architectural design of the community. Buildings shall have architectural features and patterns tt~at provide vist,al interest from the perspective of tile pcdustrian: reduce massing aesthetic; recognize local character, and be si!:- responsive. Facades shall be designed to reduce the mass/scale an,'.. -¢l:'tm ~nono'.ithic Words .sm~kq.luough are deleted, words underlined are ad6 fi. 17 2.~.3.5.2. appearance of large unadorned walls. '.vhilc providing visual interest that ',','ill be consistent with the community's identity and character through the use of detail and scale. Articulation is accomplished by varying the building's mass in height and width so that it appears to bt: divided into distinct massing elements and details that can be perceived at the scale of the pedestrian (see Illustration 7 below). Corner lots at an intersection of two or more arterial or collector roads shall be designed with additional architectural embellishments, such as comer towers, or other such design features, to emphasize their location as gatewnys and transition points within the community. Building orienlation stantktrdx. Facades/elevations that arc adjacent an arterial or collector street, or a navigable waterway, shall have ~ti~r wi m~w~lon~m~le~flm~r~n~heir4~m~ml m~ubl~ater~y~r adj~n~dh~gs are encm~aged. ~mIl be crienled to ma~nize pedestrian access, t~'iew of a:~ ~.~nt navigaNe water ~di~ two (2} of the followin< dcsiRn l~aturcs: Windows i,t a minimum of 40% of thc affected facade: I'rojcctcd covered public entry with a minimum of 25% of thc wall space devoted to windows: ('ovcrcd walkway (excluding canvas type) unless provided with six (6) inch coltlmns or betler attached to thc btfildint~ at a minimum ol'ci~2h! feet wide with a 60% minimum coverage for the affected facade. b'acade/wull hei,q, lll tran.vilion. Nc,,',' developments that arc Iocalcd within 300 l~cl of an existing building, and arc more Ihan tx~icc thc height of any existing building within 300 feet shall provide transitional massing elements to transition between thc existing buildings of lower height within 300 feet. and the proposed development. Thc transitional massing element can be no more than 100 percent taller than the average height of the adjacent buildings (see Illustration 8 below). Facade .~'lttnrhwd. All primary facades ora building shall be designed with consistent architectural style, detail and trim lbaturcs. J:acades attached lo a primary fi~cade shall incorporate t~'alurcs o[' Ibc primary facade for a minimum of 33 percent of thc overall wall lem2th. In thc case ofoutparccl buildings, all exterior facades shall adhere to tile requirements of this dMsion with respect to architectural design treatments for primary facades. II'indo,' stwltfltrd¥: Windows shall nol be false or applied. A n'ning .$'tamhtrd¥: ,,\whines shall only be used over buildiug openings (i.e. windows and doors). Awnings shall be sized in accordance with the opening Io which they correspond and shall not extend more than two t~ct on either side of the opcninR. Awnings shall not cover more than 75 percent of the fi~cadc. Awnings shall not have a bottom sol'fit panel nor shall they be backlightcd. Overheml door.v: ()vcrbcad doors facing i,tc, one anmhcr mav be treated as interior space provided that the buildings meet all other requirements of section 2.8 of this code. Words g:ruzk :!no~;h arc deleted, words underlined art: added. 18 3htssing stamh,'ds. Exterior facades shall be designed to cmphLv tile following design treatments on the ground floor: No horiTonlal length or unintcrruptcd curve ol'a building facade shall exceed 100 linear I'cct. For arcaded facades, no horizontal Icngth or unintcrruptcd curve of the arcadcd facade shall excccd 120 feet. but varied lengths arc desirable. Projections and recesses shall have a minimum depth of three feet with 25 percent of these having a varied length xvitb a minimum differential of one foot (Sec Illustration 9 below). {2) F. xterior wall planes shall not constitute more titan 60 percent of each afl~cted ground tlnor facade. The wall plane shall be measured at one Ibm off the exterior wall surfitcc on each side of thc wall. (3) I'rimary facades on tile ground Iloor shall have features along a minimum o1' 50 percent of their horizontal lcngfl~ per alqkctcd side. These ffatures include, but are not limited arcades, a minimum of~la six (6) feet clear in ~xidll~: display windows: entry areas; or other sucJl design elements. Awnings are ~ included $~ ~ Ihis calculation al 1.5 limes window xvidfl~ unl~ when associated wifli xvimlows/doors and are in increments of~n twenty (20} feet in length or less. I'rojecl .wanr[ard:,'. Both single and multi-usc buildings and projects shall also be required Io provide a minimum of three ['our oFthc folloxving building design treatments (see Illustrations 10 and I 1 below): (a) Canopies or portico, integrated with tile buildings massing and style: (b) Overhangs, minimum oflhrce fcc< lc) Arcades, minimum of eight Ikzet clear in ~ichh: (d) Sculptured artv, ork: (c) Raised cornice ~B~+~F~J~ or buimdinu, bandinR x~ ith a minimum of two relictS: Peaked rool' lbrn'ls; (g) Arches: (h) Display windows: (i) ()rnamcnlal and slrucluraJ arcbilectural details, el her than cornices: Milch arc integrated into thc building structure and overall design: Clock, ~ bell loxvcrs tlr other such rool'trcatmcnt (i.e. dormers, belvederes, cupolas); I'roiectcd and covered entry, live l'oot minimun5 I':mpimsized building base, nlinimtnO or tlwcc li.'~.;3&iRl~ and minimun~ projection from the wall of :wu inchcsi, Words st~,~i.~,hro,agh arc deleted, words underlined arc .u~ ~ed. Ig Additional roof nrtlculation above the minimum standards (see roof section); Metal tlr lile roof as the dominant roof material: tlr Att.,,' other treatment whidx in tile opinion of thc planning services director, meets the intent of this section: and one of tile following site design clements: l)ecorative hmdscape planters or planting areas, a minimum of five feet wide, and areas for shaded seating consisting of a minimunl of 1 O0 square feet: (h) (c} lnlcgratim~ of specialty pavers, or stamped concrclc along thc building's walkway. Said treatment shall constitute a minimum of 60 percent of walkway area; \Valor clements, a minimum of 150 square fcct in area:' ~r 'l',,vo accent or specimen trees (above ~lle minimum landsc:lpq code requirements) along the rmnt facade with a nlinimum height of ci.~htcen feet at p ant n.~. l)t'l~til I"eaturcs l'my~oxe wul bge,,ll. The design clements in tile I'ollowing standards shall be integral parts of the building's exterior facade nnd shall be integrated into tile overall architectural sLvlc. These dements shall not consist solely of applied graphics, or paint. Bltmk wtdl arca.~. Blank wall areas shall not exceed ten I'cct in vertical direclion nor twentE [201 l~ct in th~ horizontal direction of a~acade any primary Ihcade. For I~cades connected to the m a primary fitcadc this shall apply Io a nfinimum ofthi~v4hrce percem of the allachcd facade and measured fronl tile connection point. Control and expansion joints v.'ifllin this area shall constitute blank wall area unless used as a decorative pattern and spaced at inlcrx als of six fcct or less. Relief and reveal work depth mt, st be a miniature of uae-half inch (sec Illuslration 12 below). Blnnk wall area may utilize hmdscaping ltl assisl in reducing tile bhmk wall area. l.andscaping shall not be used in lieu of architectural trcalment. Repeatingfitcade treatme,ts. P, uilding facades shall include a repealing pauem and shall include no less lhan three of thc design clements lisled below. At least one of these design elemenls shall repeat horizontally. All design elements shall repeat at imervals of no more than ~1 tiflv (50) feet, ~l~ horizontally ~ and a maximum of lit~ccn {I 5} l~ct vertically. I. Color change; 2. Texture change; 3. Material module change; F. xpression of architectural or strnctural bays. through a cimnge in plane of no less than 12 inches in width, such as a reveal, an offset, or a projecting rib (see Illustration 13 below): 5. Architectural banding; Words sm:d; :!::ougF. are deleted, words underlined a~.: :~ddcd. 20 Building setbacks or projections, a minimum of throe fcct in width on upper level(s) or, 7. Pattern change A&litional fiwrule dcsign treatments fi : multiple use buildings. l'wTm.¥e ami intent. The presence of buildings with multiple tenants creates variety, breaks up large expanses of uninlem~pled fitcades, and expands the range of the silo's activities. Windows and window displays of such stores shall be used to contribule to thc visual inlercst of exterior facades. Thc standards in this scclion are directed toward those situalions ~vhcre more than one retailer, wilh separate exterior customer entrances, are located within the principal building. [:ir.¥t floor l,'imw')'.~tceule Irctttmcnt.~. The first lloor of tile primary facades o 'f--suc4,,-muhi-t~se4~fi~in~ shuJl, at a minimum, ulilizc windows between thc heights of three and eight l~ct above ibc walkway grade tbr no less than ~ thirty percent of thc horizontal length of ibc building fimadc. Windows shall be recessed, a mizfimum ofone-tmlfinch, and shall include xistmlly prominent sills, shutters, stucco reliet~, or mhcr such lbrms o1' framing. Outparcet~'. I'urpose wul it,em. To provide unilied architectural desikzn and silo planning between oulparcel structures and the main struclurc on thc silo in order to enhance Ihe visual impact of thc structures and to provide lbr sal~ and convenient vehicular and pedestrian access and movement wilhin thc site. Ouq~,rcel dexign: All exterior facades of an outparcel sm~cture shall be considered primary fi~cades and shall employ architectural, site. and landscaping design clements which are integrated with and common to those used on the primary structure on site. These common design elements shall include colors and materials associated with the main structure. When the use of common wall. side by side development occurs, continuity of fi~cades and consolidated parking lbr several bush~csscs on one parking lot may be used. ()mparce[ structures that are adjacent to each other shall provide fi~r vehicular connection between their respective parking lois and provide Ibr imcrconncction of pedestriao walkways. ]'t,7~t~.¥e trod itzte~ff. Variations in roof lines shall be used to add interest lo. and reduce the massing of buildings. Roof l~aturcs shall be in scale with the building's mass and complement tho character of adjoining and/or adjacenl buildings and neighborhoods. I{t~ofing material should be constructed of durable high quality material in order to enhance tile appearance and attractiveness of thc community, The fi)llowing standards identify appropriate roof treatments and features. Roof edge amlp~trapet treatment. At a minimum of two locations, the roof edge and/or parapet shall have a vertical t hange from thc dominant roof condition, a minimum of three '5:ct. At least one such Words .m'uck =btm-rgb nrc dclcled, words underlined :~re id,! 'd. 21 2, change shall be located on a primary fitcadc adjacent m a collector or arterial right-of-way (see Illustration 14 below). ()ire additional roof change must be provided for every 25,000 square Ibot increment over 50,000 square feet of ground tloor space, Roofs shall meet at least ',;,.,t,--~f tire following requirements: (~) Parapets shall be used to conceal roof top equipment and flat roofs; (2) \Vhere overhanging caves :tre used. overhangs shall bc no less than three two (2) feet beyond the supporting walls ~il}~ mi~imun~4~eigl~ml~. Where ovcrhanes arc less limn two I~ct they shall be provided with n band or cornice, a minimum ofciuht inches under the soffit at fl~c xxall. ttlu.~,aati+m !5 t'~--q~¢) Facia shall be a minimum of ciuht inches: {4) Tile or metal as the dominant roof material. I'rohihited roo/t)TW.¥ wul muleriat.¥. Thc following types rd' materials arc prohibited: Asphal! shingles, except laminated, 320 pound. 30 year architectural grnde asphalt shingles or better: Mansard roofs and canopies v, ithout a rnirfimum xcrlical dislancc of eight feet and at air angle not less than 25 degrees. and not greater than 70 degrees: (3) Roofs utilizing less lhan tlr equal Itl :~ two to 12 pitcir unless utilizing fL, Il parapet coverage; and 4) Back-lit awnings used as a mansard or canopy rt,uf. EIIII'.VWEI)'.¥/CIISIOIIIer £'lllr~lllce ll'eilitllt'llL¥. ['w'pose trod i~tlcnl. F. mryway &sign clcn~eills and vari',~fions arc intended Io gi~ c protection Ihm~ the ~.. st,~ and adverse ~cathcr conditions. 'i'hc~ clements ~e Lo ~ integrated into a cmnptd~cnsi¥c design style lbr thc project. I(~tr)'way.¥/ctt.~'tomer cnlrum.',' .¥lwuhtrd. v. These standards idcntil3' appropriale entry t~',qtt,rcs. Words struck :lm,~,vgh are dclcled, words underlined are .:"' ':t 22 Single use buildings. Single use buildings shall have clearly defined, highly visible customer entrances which shall include thc tBllowing: ~,a) An outdoor patio area adjacent io thc customer cnlrancc, a minimum of 200 square feet in ama which incorporates the filllowing: (.I) benches or other scaling components; (2) decorative landscape planters or wing walls which incorporate landscaped areas; (3) structural or vegetative shading; and 4.(_4j a J'mnt entry set back from the drive a mirfimum distance of fifteen (15) feet. ,lh,hiple u.ve bldhli~lgs aml l,'oject.~. Muhi-usc structures shall include the following: (I) Anchor tenants shall providc clearly defined, higl~ly visible customer entrances. A provision for intermittent shaded outdoor conununity space at a minimum of one percent or the total gross Iloor area of the building or commercial project. Said community space shall be located off' or adjacent to the circulation path of the complex or main structure and shall incorporate benches or other seating components. A front entry set hack from the drive a minimum of tiftccn ( 15 ) feet. ,[htteriuls ami color. lhnT)ose ttml intent. [.-~xterior building colors and materials contribute significantly to tile visual impact of a building on the cmnmunity. They stroll be well-designed and inlegratcd inlo a comprehensive design style for tile project. l'~xlerior httihling materials stamhn'ds. l'redominant exterior building materials shall include, hut arc not limited to: Stucco: (2) Brick; (3) Tinted, textured, other than smooth or ribbed, concrete masonry units; or (4) Stone, excluding an ashlar or rubble construction look. l V '~ ~ I rcdominant exterior building matcrial_s that are prohibited include: (1) Plastic siding; (2) Corrugated or retlectivc metal panels; (3) Tile; Words struck through arc deleted, words underlined arc ac . ,2 23 2.~. .:..8.~.6.1. _.8.3.6._. {4) Smooth or rib faced concrete block: and {5) Applied stone in an ashlar or rubble look. Automotive and other special type service buildings m,T~' ulilize prefabricated metal buildings under the Ibllowing conditions: Metal buildings are more than 250 feet from any rigbt-ol'-wayi _Metal buildings arc located directly behind tile main showroom/sales center so as not to be a dolllinant facade along the strceti No more than twenty {20) percent oflhe buildinu can be siluated beyond the main auto sales center and showroom. [';'edomintmt exterior The use of black, ~. or fluorescent primary or secondary colors is prohibited as the predominant exterior building ~r roof color(s). lone colors are encouraged: Building Irim c'olor(.~). Building trim and accent areas may feature an.,,' color(s}, limited to ten percent of thc afl'ected fi~cadc segment, with a maximum trim bcight of 24 inches tolal tBr its sborlest distance. Neon or neon type tubing shall be permitted ,as providcd for in sections and of this code. An approved lighting plan consistent with the provisions of section of this code shall be provided. ,q'igna,~e. J)tttT)o.vc and intent. Signs arc intended to be designed to complement rather than detract from thc visual impact of a commercial development by utilizing design clements consistent x~ ith those employed in the structure's architecture and by minimizing conflicts with on-site hmdscaping areas alld vehicular usc areas. I)evchumw~t .¥tttmh~rtZ¥. In addilion it:, thc provisions scl I'orlb in division 2.5.. of Ibis code, the following standards shall :~pply. ~hff/icd sign Idttn. Where multiple on-premise signs arc proposed for a single site or project, or in the ease of a shopping center or muhi-use building, a unified signagc plan shall be employed. An application l~r site development or site improvement plan approval shall be accompanied by a graphic and na~ativc representation of thc uni signagc phm t{~ be utilized on thc site. Thc tmified si? phm may amended and resubmitted tbr approval to rcllcct style chsngcs or changing tenant needs, Design elements which sball be addressed in both grapbic and na~ative fom~ include: {a) adherence with Ibc provisions of division 2.5. of this code: (b) colors; {c) construction materials and method; Words ~r~4.,,qlu~u,gh are deleted, words underlined are i. c: 24 (d) (g) (h) architectural design; illumination method; copy style; sign type(s) and location(s); and, in the case of multi-use buildings, and parcels with multiple structures on site, including outparcels, the unified sign plan shall indicate conformance with the following: No wall sign shall exceed 80 percent of the width of tile unit(s) occupied by a business with a minimunl of ten percent clear area on each outer edge of the unit(s); (21 All wall signs for multi-use buildings shall bc located at a consistent location on tile building facade, except that anchor tenants may vary from this locational requirement in scale with the anchor's larger primary facade dimensions. All signs shall adhere to the dimensions provided for in tile unified signage plan: and (3) Pole signs shall provide a pole cover with architectural design features, including colors and/or materials common to those used in tile design of thc building tile sign is accessory to. A minimum 100 square foot planting area shall be provided around the base of any ground or pole sign, consistent with the provisions of division 2.5. of this code (see Illustration 16 below). Outparcels. In addition to tile above rcquircmcnts, unified sign plans for outparccls, regardless of the size of tile outparcel, shall be limited to the following: (a) a wall sign for any facade adjacent to a public right-of-way and a wall sign for any Facade facing the main commercial center, not Io exceed a maximum oflwo wall signs for any single use; and, (b) a single ground or pole sign not to exceed 60 square feet. Pole signs shall be limited to 15 Feet in height. Building permit reques(s. Requests for building permits for permanent on-premise signs shall adhere to tile unitied signage plan, which shall be kept on Iile in tile community development and environmental services division. P, equests to permit n new sign, or to relocate. replace or structurally alter all existing sign shall be accompanied by a unified sign plan for the building or project the sign is accessory to. Existing permitted signs may remain in place; however, all furore requests for permits, whether for a new sign, or relocation, alteration. or replacement of an existing sign, shall adhere to tile unified sign plan for the property. Landscaping. In addition to tile requirements of section 2.4.. "Landscaping and Bufl'ering" the following requirements shall apply. Purpose and in/enl. To provide enhanced landscaping within the vehicular and pedestrian use areas of large t::,mmercia! buildings and projects. Such landscaping is intended to c~,?: '.nc,~ ~he visual Words ~ are deleted, words .underlined are .. ,/5 25 experience of Ibc motoring and pcdcslrian public, commonly referred lo as Ibc "strcctscape", while adhering to thc purpose and inlcnt set forth in dMsion 2.4. of this code. Landscaping should be used to enhance and complement the site design and building architecture. l, umL~'ctttfit~g The Ibllowing requirements, with the exception of building perimeter plantings, shall be counted toward the required grcenspace and open space requirements ofdMsion 2.4. of this code. At time of planting, trees in vehicular usc areas shall be a minimum o1' 12 to 14 fcct height wilh a six-foot spread and a two and one-half inch caliper and shall have a clear trunk area to a height of seven feet. The first row of landscape islands Incated closest to the building front and sides shall be landscaped wilh trees, pahns. shrubs and groundcovers and shall have a clear trunk area lo a height of scs'cr~ I'cct (sec Illustration 17 bcloxv). Tree and lighting locations shall be designed so as not to conflict with (}nc another (sec Illustration 18 belt>w). l, oc'atiemd requiremems fi~r building perimeter lfftmti,.~s u.v required by section 2. 4. 6.,5. q/'this code: Perimeter landscape plantings shall bc located ad. iaccnt to the primary building t~cadc, including building entrance areas. plazas, and courtyards. These areas shall bc landscaped with any combination of trees, palms, shrubs and ground covers (see Illustrations 19 and 20 below). Building perimeters shall include plantings at a ratio of l00 square feet of planters per 1.000 square fcct of building ground Iltmr area. Planters shall either he raised or at ground level and be a minimum of ten feet wide. Seating courtyards, eating areas and plazas may be incorporated within them Isee Illustration 21 below). ,V~tlttrtt[ ~md mtttm~tde h(Jdit, s q/'u'~tler im'h,lin,~ wet ~md dry reit'at/tm ~lrett.s' e.rceedit¢g twelve ri2) feel itt width The shape of a manmadc body of water, including wet and dry retention areas, shall bc designed to appear natural by having ofl~scts in thc edge alignment that arc a minimum of ten l~ct and spaced 50 feet apart. All bodies of water, including wet and dry retention areas. exceeding 20.000 square l~et in area, an~ which are located adjacent to a public right-of-way, shall ~~ incorpnrate into the overall design of thc prqjcct in al least (~ two (2) of thc lbllowing ways items: (sec Illustration 22 below). ~e, vkle-a/_~ live-foot wide walkway with Irces an average of 50 I~ct {m center and shaded benches a minimum ol'six tkct in length or picnic fables with one located every 150 I~et. ProYkte-a A public access pier with covered structure and seating. Provide~m An intermittent shaded i-laza/courtvard, a mininmn~ of 200 square feet in area. with benches and/or picnic tables adjacent to the walcr bo([:/. Words .............. ~,.~ are deleted, words underlined are a, . 26 4__:. A pernlsne[lt fountsin structure. Sec. 2.8.4. Architectural :md site design standards and guidelines for commercial huihlings and projects under 20,000 square feet size. Lighting, Purpose and intent. Commercial buildings and projects, including their outparcels shall be designed to provide safe, convenient, and efficient lighting for pedestrians and vehicles, l.ighting shall be designed in a consistent and coordinated manner for the entire site. The lighting and lighting fixtures shall be integrated and designed so as to enhance the visual impact of the project on the community and/ or should be designed to blend into the svrrounding landscape. 3'Ifielding Slandardx. l.ighting shall be designed so as to prevent direct glare, light spillage and hazardous interference with automotive and pedestrian traffic on adjacent streets and all adjacent properties. l"ixture heij4ht xtamh,'ds, l.ighting fixtures simll bca minimum of 30 feet in imight within the parking lot and shall bca maximum of 15 I'cct in height within non-vehicular pedestrian areas {sec Illustration 23 belowl. Design .vtamh,'d~. l.ighting shall be used to provide safety while accent key architectural clements and/or Io emphasize kmdscapc features. [.ight fixlurcs shall bc designed as an inlcgral design clement that complements the design of the project through style, material or color (exchlding Ilorescent and primary/secondary colt,rs) and shall be designed to blend into the landscape through Ibc usc ol'dark colors. Mill finish is not permitted. .[~iei/ffie~-~i~,L~thcr scrviee-fum4k.~'eo,~. Service l"uncti(m ,.Ircax (S']';,t) inc'hulin,q hut not limited Io loading stm'agc, mechanic'al equipment, and solid waste t/i.vDoxal. Purpo.vc and intent To diminish, in a salb manner, lhc visual impacts ol'servicc I'unctions timt may distract or have a negative impact on thc strcctscape, hmdscapc and/or thc overall community image. ]h!fferin,~ and .vcrucnin,~ .vtamhtrdv. In accordance wilh tile provisions of division 2.6. of this code. loading areas or docks, outdoor storage, trash collection, mechanical equipment, ~rash compaction, vehicular storaKe recycling, roof lop equipment and other service function areas shall be thlly screened and out of view ITom adjacent properties at ground view level and within view of roadway corridors. ~t~,~ Iocat~al~imary facade:; or w[~h~e~e~fia[J~ Ahacri,ls and dc.vi,gn st:mdartL¥. Scrccning material and design shall bc consistent with design trcatmcnls ol'the primary Ihcadcs of lbo commercial building or project and thc landscape plan. Fencing standards: Chain link and wood fencine_arc_.prohibited lbrward of the primary thcade and must be a mininmm of one hundred (100) I~ct J~olll a public right-of-way. ('h~nk an~l wogd l~ncing lhcing a public ri~ht-ol:wav stroll provide at a minimum an irri~atcd hedge directly in tkont of lhe fence on thc side of flm2~ght-of-xvav. Words ~t:ck fi:rm~h arc deleted, words underlined art ,, ' x~ 27 Plant material shall be a minimum of three gallon and planted three feet on center at the time of instillation. This plant material shall hc maintained at a minimum of three-quarters thc h¢ig. ht of tim fcncilm.. Fencine forward of tile primary facade is permitted under tile followinp conditions: 1) Fence does not exceed four (4) feet in height. The fencin.R provides either all open view at a mininu, m~ of twcnlv-five percent of ils lcnglh or provides variation in its height ibr a minimum of fiflecn percent of it length with a dcviatim~ of al least twelve (12) inches. Thc fence slvlc musl complcn'mnt thc buildint[ stvlc throuuh material, color and/or design. Drive-throu,~h wimtow stumhtrtLv, l)rivc-through windows and lanes shall be dcsigned to adhere to ibc following standards; l)rivc-through windows shall not be placed between the right- c,f-w.:p.' {ifa primary cc, llcclor or arterial roadway and thc associated building, tmlcss the vegetation required for a Th'pc "IV' landscape buffer is installed within the buffer v.-ichh required fl~r tile project and mainlaincd along thc entire tCnglh of the drive-through lane between the drive=through lane and the adjacent right-of-v.'ay. As an ahcrnative to thc vegetative buffer reft:rented abnvc, a perlllarlelll covered pc, rtc-cochcre type structure, other than awning/canvas type slruclurc(s), may be inst:tllcd, extending the widlh of tile ctrivc-lhrough and covering tile service ~'.indow(s). Such structure shall be integrated structurally nnd architectur:flly into thc design of the building. ()nly a single drive-through im~ facility is i'~crmittcd t.mles-s e, ss~ ut4 a ted- v,4 t } ,,,-.aq'r ee .qtat~i~Lg.~es~a ur.a nt-t male r_l..-54 l(,%;q ua re five ~et it~h and equa~mi~mun~r~n~he land~it~ee:;. ~Im~mbs and l'edeslrittn walkwto'.v l;toT~t;se wM intent. To provide safe opportunities for ahcrnativc modes of transportation by connecting x~ith existing and future pedestrian and bicycle patlmays within the county and to provide safe passage from the public right-of-way to the commercial building or project, and between alternative modes of transportation. Pedestrian access standards. Pedestrian ways, linkages and paths shall be provided I~om the building entry(s) lo surrounding streets. external sidewalks, and outparccls. Pedestrian ways sh',dl be designed lo provide access between parking areas and the building entrance(s) in a coordinated and sal~ manner. Pedestrian ~vays may be incorporated wilhin a required landscape pcrimeler but for. provided said huft~r is not less limn ten feet in width t,n average. Shared pedestrian walkways are encouraged between adjacent commercial projects. Words struzk thrm:gh are delcled, words underlined are ' , t 28 Minintum ratios. Pedestrian ways shall be provided at a minimum ratio of one for each public in.ess,.,,.""'~ egress F,4n~e*~ed ~Io;,'cc rebec!es parcel. ,[linimum dimenxionx. Pedestrian v,'alkvva.vs shall be a minimum of five feet wide. 2.8.4,3.7. ;Waterials. Pedestrian walkways shall be consistent with the provisions of section 4.5 of the Americans with l)isabilitics Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines. Materials may include spcciahy pavers, concrete, colored concrete or sta,'nped pattern concrete. Pedestrian crossn'alks at building perimeter. Building perimeter crossv,'alks shall be designed and coordinalcd to move people satbly to and t?om buildings and parking areas by idemil)'ing pcdcslrian crossings with signage and variations in pavcmcnl materials or markings. .S'hurh?. Pedestrian walkv,'ays shall provide intcrmittcnl shaded areas when the walkway exceeds 100 linear feet in length at a minimun~ ratio nf I00 sqL, arc feet of shaded area per every 100 linear fcct of walkway. Shade struclurcs may be nalural, manmade or a combination of both. Buihtin,g de.vign. ]~ur[;o.ve ~md i~ll¢~l, To maintain and cnJlanco the altraclivencss of tho slrcctscape and the existing architectural design of the conlnltHlily. Buildings shall have architectural [~aturcs and patlerns flint provide visual interest From thc perspective of thc pedestrian: reduce massing aesthetic; recognize local character: and be site responsive. Facades shall be designed to reduce the mass/scale and unili>rm monolithic nppenrance of large unadorned walls, while providing visual interest that will be consistent with lhe community's identity and character through ~he use of derail and scale. Aniculalion is accomplished by varying the buildings mass in height and width so lhal il appears ~o be divided into distinct massing clements and details lhat can be perceived at the scale of the pedestrian (sec Illustration 24 below). Corner lots tit an intersection o[' two or more arlcrinls or major collector roads shall be designed to emphasize their location. [~uildings and structures on corner lots shall bc designed with additional architectural embellishments such as corner towers, or other such design features, to cmpi~asize their location as gateways and transition points witi~in the community. Building Orientation standards. buildings Building facades I'acing a public street beIwcen 5.00(} square fcct and 19.999 square fcct in gross building area shall have two c,f the f'ollowing: Windows at a ntinimun~ o1' 33 percent (~l' the al'lbctcd fac;talc. 2._= Covered public entry with a minimun~ of 2[) percent of the wall space devoted to windows. Covered walkway (excluding canvas type) unl___es_.%_.provided ,with six {6) inch columns or better atlached to lhe building at a Words sm~&4muv6oa arc deleted, words underlined me added. 29 _.8.4.4._. nfinimum of six {6) feet wide with a 50 purccnt minimum coverage for the affected facade. either w[~o':.'s, nlm~g, no ]e:;.': than 33 per~.,er~--of their hcrk:ontal !e..'vg4h or a primar5 ............ e:~tr:mce aba~g :;:tM fiacades. For buildings less than 5.000 sqtlar¢ leer in area, thcadcs fi~cing a public strcel shall have one of thc following: Windows at a minimum o1'25 percent of the affected fa?adc. Covered public entry wilh a minimun'~ of 2(I percent of the wall space devoted to windows. l:acade/,'all height lran.¥ilion. Nc:',' developments that are located within 300 feet of nn existing bttilding, and are more than twice thc height of any existing building within 300 feet shall provide transitional massing clements to transition between thc existing buildings of lower height within 300 feet. and Ibc proposed development. The transitional massing clement can be no more than i O0 percent taller than the average height of thc adjacent buildings (see Illustration 25 below). ].'ttcttde .mm&,'dv. All primary facades of a building shall bc designed with consistent architectural style and detail and trim I~'aturcs. Facades auachcd to a primary thcadc shall incorporalc lbalurcs of thc primary fi~cadc Ibr a minimum of 33 percent of Ibc overall wall length. In thc case of outparccl buildings, all exterior lhcadcs shall adhere to Iht requirements of Ibis division with respect to architectural design treatments Ibr primary fi~cadcs. .llavsin.~ .¥landardx. Exlcrior facades shall be designed t,~ cmphLv thc ft>llowhlg design treatments: (I) No horizontal length, or uninterrupted cur,.e, of the ~round Iloor of any primary facade, fi~r buildings betx~ecn 10.O(If)and 19.999 square l~ct in gross building area. shall cxcccd 50 Ikct. xvitl~ the maximum being 80 feet fi~r arcades:: l'rojcctions and recesses shall bare a minimum depth ol'lwo ~2~ l~cl and a minimum total width ofl~ventv percent of Ibc Ik~cade ~ with varied lengths: For buildings under 10.000 square feet. no horizontal length, or uninlc~upled curve, of any primary fi~cade shall exceed 35 feet, with thc maximum being 60 lkct tbr arcades:: Proiections and recesses shall have a minimum depth of one (I) Ibm and a minimum lotal width of twenty percent ol'lhe facade ~ with varied lengths: a~aNe i~es ami a mi~mum widfi~f 2,! i:~ All buildings shall provide a minimum of one oft~et per public slrcet or navigable waterway. (2) ]:or buildings between ~ 10.0[)() square feet and 19.99(,) sqt,arc feet in gross building area, exterior wall planes shall not conslitute more lhan 50 percent of each affected ground floor facade over 3(/foci. Thc wall plane slmll be measured at one foot off tile exterior wall surface on each side of tile wall. (3) l'rimary facades on tim ground floor for buildings between 5.0(;0 square feet and 19.999 square feet in gross building area shall have arcades a minimun'~ of six [bet clear in width. display windows, entry areas, or other such features along no less than 33 percent of the horizoni, vd length for each primary Words saeuc-kqhreugh are deleted, words underlined art' addod. 30 facade. Awnings are ~xc!',:ded f~s,:m~ included in Ibis calculation at 1.5 times the window width tmless .when associated with windows/doors in increments less than ten feet. Windows shall not be false or applied. Awning sta,dardx: Awni~gs shall only be used over building, openings (i.e. windows and doors). A,.vnings shall be sized in accordance with the opening to which they correspond and shall not extend more than one foot on either side of the opening. Awnings shall not cover more than 90 % ofthe faq:ade. Awnings shall not have a bottom soffit panel nor shall they be backbit. ()rerhe~d th~ors: Overhead doors facing into one aoother may be treated as interior space provide that the buildings ;neet all otl~cr requirements of section 2.8 of the code. l'r(q'ec't .~t~nd, rd.~'. P, otb single and multi-usc buildings and projects shall also be required to provide a minimum of~lw~ fimr of the lbllowing building design treatments (see Illustration 26 bcloxv). C'anopics or porticos, integrated with the building's massing and style; {b) ()vcrhanus. a minimom of three feet: (c) Arcades. a minimum ofsix feet clear itl width: (d) Sculptured artwork: (c) P, aised cornice pampers over doors or building banding with minimum of two reliefs: (f) Peaked roof forms; (g) Arches: (h) l)isplay xtindo~vs; ()rn;m~cntul and swuctttral architectural details, other than cornices' which arc intcgratcd into thc building structure and o~.'crnll design: (.'lock~ v,~= bell lowers or olhcr such roof IrcalmcHt (i.e. dormers, belvederes, cupolas_j; {k) Projected entry; I!mphasized buildinu, base. a o~inimum of three Ii:et hi'<h and a minimum projection front tile wall ol'lwo inches. (~ ~\dditional roof articulation above ~he minimum standards: t\ny oilier treatment which, in thc opinion of thc plmming services director, meets the intent of this section; and one of the following site design elements:, Words s'~ruck :!:rough are deleted, words underlined al,. added. 31 (a) (b) Decorative landscape planters or planting areas, a minimum of five feet wide. and areas for shaded seating consisting ora minimum of 100 square feet; Integration of specialty pavers, or stamped concrete along the building's walkway. Said treatment shall constitute a minimum of 60 percent of walkway area; ~ (c) Water element(s), a minimum of 150 square feet in area; o_[r '['wo accent or specimen trees (above the minimum landscape requirements of the code) along the front facade with a minimum height of eighteen feet at planting,. Detail fi',tures. l'wT?ose omi intent. The design elements in the following standards shall be integral parts of the building's exterior hcade and shall be integrated into the overall architectural style. These elements shall not consist solely of applied graphics, or paint. Bhmk wall areas. Blank wall areas shall not exceed ten feet in th_g.e vertical direction nor 20 feet in th._.~e horizontal direction of any facade any primary facade. For fi~cades connected to a primary faqadc this shall apply to a minimum of thirty-three percent of tile attached fagade and measured from tim connection, (gcontrol and expansion joints within this area shall constitute blank wall area unless used as a decorative pattern and spaced at intervals of six feet or less. Relief and reveal work depth must be a minimum of one-half inch {see Illustration 27 below). Blank ,,,,'all area may utilize landscapin.~ lo assist in reducing tile blank '.,.'all area, but lhe landscaping shall not be utilized in lieu of architectural treatment. Repeatingfitc,de treatments. Building facades shall include a repeating pattern and shall include no less than two !t~rec of thc dcsi.u.n elements listed below. At least one of these desiu, n elements shall repeat horizontally. All _design elements shall repeat at intervals of no more thnn 25 feet, eith~ horizontally o~ and a nmximum of 15 feet vertically. I. Color change; 2. Texture change; 3. Material module change; Expression of architectura} or struclural bays. fl~rough :~ change in plane of no less than 12 inches in widtt~, such as a reveal, an offset, or a projecting rib (see Illustration 28 below.): Architectural banding; Building setbacks or projections, a minimum of three feet width, on upper level(s); or, 7. Pattern change. Outparcels. Words .q,'quck :!~wo~gh are deleted, words un~terlirtg.~, al = , !: ~ 32 I'm'pose and inte~;t. To provide unified architectural design and site planning between outparcels and the main structure on site in order to enhance the visual experience for the vehicular and pedestrian public. rind to provide for safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian access and movement within tile silo. Outparcel design. All exterior facades of an outparccl building shall be considered primary facades and shall employ architectural, site, and landscaping design elements which are integrated v,'ith and common to those used on tile primary structure on site. These common design elements shall include colors and materials associated with the main structure. When lhe use of common v,'all, side by side development occurs, continuity of hcadcs and consolidated parking for several businesses on one parking lot may be used. Outparcels that are adjacent Io each other are encouraged to provide for vehicular conneclion between parking lots and to provide for pedestrian intcrconncction. Outparccls shall be designed and integrated with the re.tin project. ]~oof trc'ltll~WIll.~'. /'UtT~O.w ami intent. Variations in roof lines shall bc used to add intcrcsl to. and reduce the massing of buildings. Roof I~amrcs shall be in scale with thc building's mass and complement the character of adjoining and/or adjacent buiktings and neighborhoods. Roofing material should be constructed o[durablc high quality nmtcrial in order m enhance thc appearance and attractiveness of thc community. '['hc following standards identil3' appropriate roof treatments and features. Roof edge tmdl~ora[~¢t Ireatmetff. At a mininmrn of lwo locations. Ihe roof edge and/or parnpct shall have a vcrlical change [rom the dominant roof condition, a minimum oftl~ee two feet. At least one such change shall be located on a primary facade adjaccnl to a collector or arterial right-o£-v,'ay (see Illustration 29 below). Roofs shall meet at least twa of the following requirements: (1) Parapets shall bc used to conceal rooftop equipment and tlat roo ['s; (2) \Vherc ovcrhanE2ing caves arc used. overhangs shall he no less than fl~f~ lw(~ I~ct beyond lhe supporting walls:~itl~ mh~im~ !~ck: ef five h~ches: Where overhangs arc less thall two tk'ct they shall include with a band or cornice, a minimum ofcighl inches, under the sol'fit at thc wall. (3) Facia shall be a minimum ol'ei~ht inches. sbpe~kan, es [~h~bm~r-gq'acade-(see l llu~m',i~m (4) supporting wa~.i-s~wi~,l~.m~-avemge :;h,pe-greater-4hm~,r-equal t{~w~,-P,;ot of verSa, se for every three !~et ~I' hor{zoataMmt and !e~:; t~n or an average sk~t~l tz~ m~~r~kml fi~B~ry on~t of Im~t~u~ Tile or metal roof as thc dominant roof material. Words -Aruck throug~ are deleted, words underlined arc., :a 33 (6) elevation of two feeb l'rohihited too. fo'pcs and materids. The follo,,ving Lvpcs of materials arc prohibited: (I) :\sphah shingles, except laminated. 320 pound. 31) year architectural grade asphah shingles or better; Mansard roofs and canopies without a mirfimum vertical distance of six feet and at an angle not less than 25 degrees, and not greater than 70 degrees: Roofs utilizing less than or equal lo a two to 12 pitch unless utili×ing full parape! coverage: and{). (4) Back-lit awnings used as a mansard or canopy roof. ['~/~ll;VW~l.l'.~'/c'llSlotllt'P t'lltt'~ttlCe Ii"e~ItltlCllts. ]5,7mse mtd inte,I, l!ntryway design elements :md variations arc inlcndcd Io give protection from lhe sun and adverse weather conditions. These elcmer~ts arc to be integrated into a comprehensive design sLvle Ibr the project. I:mtO'w~O's/cuxtomcr ¢'ntronce shtndttt'dx. These standards idcnti fy appropriate entry features. .Ungle square highly {a} ttxe httihfin,k,.v. Single occupancy usc buildil~gs betx,,cen feet and 19.999 square l~ct in area shall have clearly del]ned. visible customer entrances which shall include Iht Ibllowing: An ouldoor patio area adjacent to the customer cnlrancc, a minimum of 50 square tbct in area and x~ hich incorporates two of thc tbllowing: ( 1 } benches or other seating components: (21 A provision for intermittent shaded oultloor COIIIIllLIIliI.v space at a illillillltlIll ot*OllC pcrcem of the total gross Iloor area of lhe building or commercial pr(0cct. Said conmmnity space shall be located ol'f()r adjacent Io the circulation path of thc complex or main structure and shall incorporate benches or other seating components. (b) A front entry, set hack from the drive a minimum of fifteen {15) feet. ~ [i. vcc/htncott.~' ()u/.s'ide/day struc/ures. ()utside play structures shall not exceed 50 percent of coverage ahmg thc affected Ihcade, No portion of any play structure located between the frtmt building linc and any adjacent right-of-way shall exceed a height of12 I~et as measured from existing ground elevation. In all other cases, no portion of any play structure shall exceed a mnximum height of16 l~ct as measured from existing ground elevalion. Play slruclurcs shall be limited Io carlhtonc colors, with a maximum of three color variations. ~[k~teritds and color. Words struck throu-gh arc delclcd, words underlined arc ;,tded 34 I. Purpose ~md intent. Exterior building colors and materials contribute signiticanlly to thc visual impact ora building on thc community. They shall be well-designed and integrated into a comprehensive design style lbr thc project. Exterior buihli,g m,tcri~ds stamhn'd.v. Predominant exterior building materials shall include, but are not limiled Io: (1) Stucco; (2) Brick; (3) Tinted, lextured, other than smooth or ribbed, concrete masonry units; or (4) Stone, excluding an ashlar or rubble construction look. Predominant exterior building matcrial~ that arc prohibited include: (i) Plastic sidings, unless associated with Florida cracker slvlc and utilizes trim with a minimum of six (6) inches Ik~r its Icnuth: (2) Corrugated or rcllcctivc metal panels; (3) Tile: (4) Smoofl~ or rib faced concrete block; and (5) Applicd stone in an ashlar or rubble look. Automotive and other special type sec'ice buildings may utilize prefabricated metal buildings under the [ollowing conditions. Metal buildings are more than two hundred and lit'tv l~.ct Ikom any right-of-way; Mclal buildings are located directly behind thc main showroom/sales center so as not to be a dominant lhcade along No more limn 20 pcrccnl of thc building can be beyond thc main atltO sales center and sbowroonl. l'redomimmt exterior color(x). The use of black, gray, ~ fluorescent or primary/secondary colors is probibiled as the predominant exterior building or roof color(s). Eanbtone colors are cncouraRcc~ Buildi,g trim color(x). Building trim and accent areas may l~aturc any color(s), limited to ten percent of the aft~cted facade segment, with a maximum trim height of 24 inches total for its sho~cst distance. Neon or neon type tubing shall be permitted ~ provided lk~r in sections and of this code. An approved lighting Words struck tMm~ are deleted, words underlined are ~ c'. 35 plan consislen! with the provisions of section of this code shall be provided. .q'i;:mtge. Thc provisions ol'scction shall also apply lo commercial buildings and projects with less than 20,000 square fcct of building area. ,Vatural and manmode bodies of waler (including relenlion arc'as e,rcecdi~;g twelve (12) feet in u'idth). The shape of a mamnade body of water, including wet m~d dry retention areas, shall be designed to appear natural by having ol'l~scts in the edge alignment that are a minimum often feet and spaced 50 l~et apart. Natural and manmade bodies of water, including wcl anc~ drx~ retention areas, exceeding 20.000 square tket in area, an~ which arc located adjacent to a public rigbt-oDway, shall ~mt~ incorporalc inlo thc overall design of thc project in at least t,~ two {21 of the IBIloMng ways items: (see Illustration 31 below): ~oviding--a ~ minimum of fivc-foo! xvidc walkway with trees an average o1' 50 feet on center and shaded minimum of six- I'm~t long benches or picnic tables every 150 linear foci. ~o-viding-a A public access pier with covered structure and seating. Pro¥idi~g-a A plaza/courtyard. 200 square fcct rninirnun'k with shaded benches and/or picnic tables adjacent to tim x~atcr body. [~crtllallcnt ]'ouBl,ilill struclure. SUIISECTION 3.(;: A.MF, NI)?,It.:NTS TO SUIII)IVISIONS I)IVISI()N I)ivision 3.2. Subdivisions, tit' Ordinance 91-102. as amended, thc Collier County l.and Development Code, is hereby amended ltl read as Ikfllows: I)IVISION 3.2. SUBI)IVISIONS Fire Io'tb'antx. All hydrants shall be conncclcd to xxater systems having sul'ficient storage or emergency pumping facilities to provide tbr thc minimum fire flows to he maintained lk)r at least four hours or ti~e current recommendation of thc ~ml Fire Supprcssim~ Rating {,1' tbc Insurance Services Office. whichever greater, ltydrants shall be placed m~ common lot lines within thc approved right-of-way unless greater otherwise approxcd by thc development services director pursuant 1o section l lydranls shall bc installed and placed in a manner complying with thc requirements set Ibrtb in the latest edition of NFPA No. 24 entitled "Standard Ibr the Installation of Privale Fire Service Nlains and Their Appurlenanccs." published by the Natitmal Fire l'rotcclion Association. l lydrnnls to be inslalled within subdivided lots Iht protection purposes shall be evaluated during Ibc site development plan review process as required in division 3.3. 'l'ht~sc inslallatitms shall be in compliance with Ibc standards set Forth in the latest edition of NFPA 1141 entitled "Standard Ibr Fire Protection in Planned Building ~om~ Groups." Words .~k41mmb4~ arc d¢lctcd, words underlined, are added. 36 Residentitd hind developme,~t. In one and two-family sm~ land developments with not more than ten dwelling units per acre. lire hydrants shall be spaced not greater than 500 feet apart and not more dmn 250 t~ct t?om the center of any lot in thc subdivision and shall be connected to mains no tess than six inches in diameter. The system shall provide capacity fiw fire flows of at least 500 gallons per minute or greater, as required by the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule of the Insurance Services Office, in addition to maximum day domestic requirements at residual pressures of not less than 20 pounds per square inch unless othem'ise required by the applicable fire code. ('ommercial, industrial, multis4,~,~, and mull~]~mH}v developments. Fire hydrants localcd in Ihcse areas shall be conncclcd to water mains no less dmn eight inches in diameter. In m~ case shall the spacing of hydrants be greater than 500 fcct apart and not more than 250 lkct from ll~e center of any lot in lhe subdivision, ttydrant spacing and size shall be capable of providing water I]ows adequate m mccl the requirements of lhe Fire Suppression Ratine Schedule of 11~c insurance Services Oflkc. &fi~4~be !a~i~ of tl:e Na~ml F~re ....... c ....... m In no case shall the flow be less than 750 gallons per minute with Ibc residual pressure of 20 pounds per square inch at thc most remote point of discharge. SUIISEC'I'ION 3.11: AblENI)MENTS T() SITE I)EVELOI'MENT I'I.ANS I)IVISION l)ivision 3.3.. Site l)cvclopmcnt Phms, of Ordinance 91-102. its amcnclcd, the Collier County l.and l)cvelopment Code. is hereby amended to read as follows: I)I",'iSI()N 3.3. SITE I)EVEI,OI'MENT PLANS Sec, 3.3. !. '14tlemn{Peimfiom :I4fi:; d i vMm~shMl-be4m+v,v~ rd-mm.'~c4tedq~.~he "C' o! ii e r C oun ty S it e l ) e ye h q'm ~-mt P4m: Code." gee, 3.2.2. :I4~-Mntent-{d:dti:.;-di-¥isiomis to ensure compliance widHHe a~~ dcveh~N~m m~ ~,.,,.,,,.,~-': .... prk:r Ia t}~e issuance cfa bui~ing permit. 'rs.;~. ,,,.. ~,a:":~:"", ,o,~,, ,o :~ ,.,,.,,~,n'~'~' i~ded "-,.. ~ure that d~e proposed develoN~ comNies wide fundamental pla~i~esign · · o~..: ........... :,u ,t ........... ~ grov,qh .............. plan; '~'~ prmc:ples sud: as: .............. : .................: ......... ~ ............ . ar~gement oF bui~gs ar~aces: d~uration cf the trafgc circulatmn including drive'.vays, ,.~cn~ calming d~ice:;, ~,,.t,; ............ ~ ..... ........ } ........ s ............... ,~rgenc5 accc:;s: availability and -,,P ..... : ,~m~ .... ~t~l~4m ....... m. overalM~m~6Nlhy £ee. ~.~.3. ,",pplieabilily, AIMevel,'~nent except ns od~wise prevkled ~~le exceptio~etkom+ ,.~t; ~ '-",e'-c ;,,,, ~ hm41~etac, bed a:~wo lhm i!,v lm~g SI ~4t~~s~rd excepts ~~ type activit~ 0ii) Acce.'.,sery and m~!ary facilhies ~mp ........ wMre a prel~hmr5 ....... ~' a~mrizatioMm~~d4m~b-t~.~ Words s.m.:ck :~mx:gl: are del¢led, words underlined are a.,dcd. p4'ovided a', ::e..:',k;n 2.6.33. '"' ~.!~e! homes-m~-sa!e:; comer::; exeep', a.s ,';',herv.'i::e im~vieled n', ~.., Prefieel ..... . ..... : sig.-,~, w,M!s, gate:; and ....................... ~H-t'~,mo,,q~ ........ P,~. ** ~, 3.3 .~sk, i!e ,~ ~t. .... ~""'~ use ....w ........ hM .... land use acd-vhie:; areembjeeMo-alt-{~er p~ 'ov4s~ui44f the lamJ-4d, eve|,ohml.~en-t ...... ,~! ...... andq-he bukm~t4hniled ', o4.mtsc-a pi ng~4 ree-~enm',ml~le velol'~nen', ......... requkement:: av, endan! to oblaiMng a lemporary u.s: pe-m~it~,,~--'q k,.u,n~,,~.,.e, ..... ~'~,~"i~ gee, 3,3.4, E~emptions, Due to its !ocmion, or n',4MmeJ4mpact o.'-,-ra~m-un44ngffmh'~,ie'.; aml~,robab!e impacq..s-ur~er-41K-,-.4le-deveMlm~ent plan review ?,aadard ¢-omainedqn ."eclim~ 3.3.6..';!ar-K-tm,~J th~p!icathm~requiren~ms-a.+ele::crilK,~14~w,e~4ions4-g-:SMm~ m' .ay-be-wai-ve~¼~w*ar4 er in fulM.wql<-,~leYetolm~ent :;ervic-es4.tbecqor-tbr agr4c-ullu~14.,,.~elated-de','el,':?:~ve-nvas ide~,d44ied.-hH~mi4ted and accessory use:; bHl~-n4r-abagr4c-u[pa~M!is!ricl wi~4~in-m .v~area-d e:;i g ~l~ficqdPdraPonqheq'u~-ure4am¼L';e~nap~l~ the Cot44er%'ounty' gr~vwtlHnanagemem-plapramtqhe C(0,tier Cram .v?ofl-i-eia! ;:,';ning a!las: -k.Vaiver~f-s'ta~arGo pplic-m i~wH'eq ui rement.,~c, vide nil lied-,,,,4 Ih i~seet io n~ ~:4 ired 4~=q .-5' .',gml! be r~14~este~ .I-by-41u~--applie-m~m4,w-to act~mb.submis.4omof a emep~e.':, a ::.';i 'h.~mp. c.qnt~mnm-fm:per4y-under dve-+v, vners, hif~',4the-appliean.M:~roD:::ed and exisfi%,-u:;e:; ~;n ',he :;i~,,umber oJ't~er:; of the faciliD~-~ml-trafiS,'c be used ',o-~temfi~,-pot~Mabhnpact ammljacenbpmperl4es:. gee. 3.3..';.. F. ite-4e~ehff)menvpt,n-review-(gDg)-l,'oeedures. A-meamlalor?:qweappliea44,&-Hneet4~at.M',e-c-tmducte4-~y ',he dev~opmem .5. !.2. C'e;)~a! ::ewer and ;vater-~re-av~4~ble at the ~operty IMe-m--0~.e-abil[L?4o u:;e ;','ell m:d sep~4,~lwnk :;yst~ns e:ds, t:;. 3.3.5. !. 3. A p-Faoval-filme~c-*eac-hment-int,~m y ea::e a,~t(:;) is :;t~nitted wit ~,~v a~licatim~~~oachn~~t~n ea:;ep~{~wer the !and:: !bt whi~ SDP has bee~uhu~ymp~~nsislenl with all exis~g affected, tl~fuir~br a~m~Mhm~0~e ....... ~nM~ ........ , n~e waiv~n~ueh waiver shal~~med as !ega~mr dt~es ~rwise relY'ed of dee necessity or oMi~tio~np~b~,~ecl F~h~l~lh~trlies. hm4t~i,~m~h~dd by Collier C{mmy~ encroach,~ 3.3.5. !.4..'q.,~ stamt, pipemr-spo~k!er Words r, tr.~4~l~,~gh arc delelcd, v,'ord$ underlined are at:,..' , 38 s:atem~,m-has been pre;%us!y :vai:'ed. 3..%5. !,7. ,c.!? is for entire site whh :;o pb, ash',g o,c in,rra'Jtr'.:ct'.:re and required ,nont .......... /, Submilta! .r..;,= de' ~re prope~:.' shM! contra to the following preliminary and ~ng! site -de'.'e!~t plan ~!ication requiremems: ............ elm .......· JAe ...... i~ .....plan-app!icaticrt-refluir-en~ents,, section t;itv~M;he deve!efm~,*,~!an application requirements, section ................. j ........ application process may be utilized site development "~ ..... ~:.~,;.. r ..... k ......... t ..... r,~.~ ; .......... ~ ........ ~ ..... approval: 2.Z5.3. !. Prel4m4r~ry site devel~4-ap, plic:~tion requ4rements, section 3.2.5. l. an44ke ~ D ....:.~ ............................. ~ .... .t a~.:., calculations which depict41~ 5 l""" t"~f location o~e water -Jistrib'dticn and sewage collection and transmission ....... t,,~] .... : ...... : ...... s~a e es ne ........ ~e as n an propose~ ........................... f ........~ ........ t'l .......... requlre:nents, section '~ '~ ~ cn.. tlte phase requesting n.,,t .:,~ ,~ .... k~p ..... i~. apprc','aP. 3.3.5:!. Pre!i;nfnary .rile d':;'e!oFme;:! £!an-app!ic.':t~:: reqtdre:nemts. A preapCica',i0n meeting o~.~u ~. ..... ~ ...... ~ .,,:. ......... : .... ~ .... ~p~., .... ; .... ,~cc e×cepl ;vl:~ere-a ~ ~ c ,~ , ();;'nc'r.vh:,[~. ^ .....O,f-~le deed. lot or par~ of !and, ~ T, ..... : ....:,] ....~ '~'~ ~m ..... *" ..... ~ phone ..... u~. ,r the firm or age~vprepari~g 2. No~h a~c'/.', scale 'and date. Words s;ruck ',l~r{~h are deleted, words underlined are ~ I: :(I. 39 .... 1~ ..... c. 'l'c~! ~q~ {k~ct~ er hn~'iou~ ::rca ......... ~ ~ ~ . , ~eas, dd'.'e ":~: ...... ~ in~a[ ....... , .nd its ....... ~~age and number cf 2, A parki~ '.;un,nary in matrix i~m v.'hic~M~Finck:de: c. P,~uired ~Mn~ ratio ....... ~c,, berde~t~vek~p~~~l al! t~cati~$~nd arrant of al! pro~dMings (h~t~ng ex~n¢ildins~a~re M ~4a~H~IH~i~ped N:rk in~:ces, o. Accur~:~in~s v.,!~ude the ( ! ) Al! ~ Cetback~ m ~ Distance ~w,'ee~fildins~t~c~rt~ure~ (,I) Ail parMn~ area~; a~ive F' Wl~r~b!e, the sit~vek~~Iml~!ude ~~klf~b~ pr~of r-~'cd;m of 41~:; Words r, tr;::!; :!:;::ugh are deleted, words underlined art. 40 ~~ :;~a~ b'/~ ]~ ~rdfi~cL registered ~n the Stn~f Flori'Jm nwa :~i'al's noted, mva rend~ to ......... ~{ ..... ~. 1 !~ ;~l. site ~*: .... l ..... : ...... ,: ..... :~, ..... n ..... , ,,, ..... t ..... d. ~ uni fi-ed ¢i~n p!zn as requ~ drawing submiue~nd zp?ro','ed for the EDP cr ...................... ~,,~ ca!cultist::, Landzzzpe ................. ~ ,Corm ',vhM~ shall I. I!u4'~df ~m-uml-sc-ree~h~g-requbef~vem.+a4jacent I.': ;'shicqtbr right~)f way ~m 2.,i.7. ~r~n~ and :;cr~nh~g reqt:~mcm:; adjacent to in~k~r 3.).5.q. !. !k'getath,~inve,ut#r.;'. ,\ ge:¥e~ali;:ed vege'~afion ~ting ~a~cxh::ate !ccaficn, densities and species !. !:'pkmd. :;ebb~mt-mv~t-e.~uar4ne ;'¢gemt4on4 'mMmJin, g ext~4ic-vegeqa~tmlq, rol-fi-N4ed4,? ~: a cu~ent aerb~:otograpl~m~ech equals 200 l~et cr larger :tale) on the sit. in tf~splat~kr ]cc::ficns on the ~ ~h~Hrees des~na~ed by the b~ard of c~:ty commissi~crs, ~rsuanM~i~ 3.9.(~ ~s-~th~rcc:; tim,}my he cr~i~¢wart~e de~t':: ~e~4~l~m~e~dmme wkh :;ecfim: 3.1 2.5. I. 3._1.5.1.5..c,'[~'~,,et~,-he',~:.;'. ! !ei;ghts of ~t~p',;:;ed :;tru-cqure:; on the-pr.~K-,rt?. 3.3.5.'!. 6., ~t~'t~,~o~or-tk-re,c~.u~r4M ph(mHllay be pro¼ded-aMhe :;ame-sc--ale-a~tl~e-plan delineating the deve!op:ne~Vboumtaries; r,, I f ,"imd~ite-,levtq*~pme~hm-wq;, ic~:dem-reff~i;'c;;:c¢~',s. ','4~ de'.'eh,,p,t~c-mt~il/usbra~ed enql~M:ir~absd ......... ~,,'t~nl-plap,-sha,. be in :;ubs4anViabee4vq4iance ;vitlwA~e44ppre, wed preliminary .she4Jevele-pment-f4art.-,M~en s, uch review h; required. M,.,II i.,~ require,.Mk;r all !~al ": ..... i;,,,,: ......may be app4ieabl~ ............ de,ce I{ ~,~K-m4--pt,a n-ap ~ Words r,{ruck ;Im,a4g41 are deleted, words underlined are .,.' 4, Yard ~-c~b'a-;[;~ ~cce;~ for g. 'I'l~opo~;e~~.~amM~eight~ff~l~raffi~ntm~ign~to~fl~erMeveh~lm~em ~na~e see divi'.;ien 2.5. e~5. d~agc 4~[~oM.,~qk,~t~mt;la:T. ] ..... d~ ........... ~e~l~m~ead ~4~y~lan~na~ia~ b, The ]~fi~n~s]cn~ro~d la~;:~re;:s wi~l~p~r~ale grannie . ' · ...... I;i.,I s .- I .... ', s~nhol:; h~t~h~g ~x~tin~r~c~ that .r~n~ b~i4dh~g-heigh;.+.!. ,?:fil-e~i~*ml-~edi,~e,~,mtrol-td~m:-¢ws*6bemshm-am~timen~mm4 Plan pu~sumaq4~di~biem 3.7. I. A cc'.'cr County ()r~mnce Words ~*~gh arc deleted. ~ ord; underlined art :~ddcd. 42 t~r~- ~ I .......... ~ .... i .......... ; ..... preH:~ry skc dc'.'c~cpme:~[~n rc'.'~ew, pr~J ~n con~nce ~vhl~: ,l, -!9E -!0 and qOE :! I. Florida A~swndve C~d~ 'l'he-pfol~:;ed Words ~u;Mh~h arc deleted, x~ ords underlined .u'..l ....... n. teL-l',her, e r¢.:mber= !. T,he-projecq44t4eq-~repert:~t~w~er." ~ ....... ' _. ~es. cr:l~m., sea!e, ...a north an'ow. -~ 7^.; .... ' :^. ~r,~.~ subject sits ..a adjacent ...... .......... .... des:gnat ........................... proposed ............ .mdb. jest si-tee · ' ' · ' ' ' 'I. !. o c ::t4on~-~4~'F+g t 5. l.oc-atioP, ami-c-oaf .,~u, at4on of parking-and !cadhvg--areas, an,341~e g:--Raring stu'mnary 4uquat4" 'ex-f~'t'c=h~ieati~-wO'~H'equire-d a~vJ-provido, t~mrk4,~ ~vg-l~ each ex b;ting ....... ~" g. l.ccatim,,-m~d ctu~ation of lm~ed ~g facilities acm buil~cce:;si~i~ 9. ,.oca,:m~*~. ~n~ cea,:gura~ ..... ~ns water nmnage:~M~lki~ 10. !.,~alion of t~ enclosu~ plan no,m~" ' ..... ........... ~,l ...... ; %,. th~ isi~u~,~h~4hhh4 1: *"" ad~ml re~e,.,a~¢matitm as may ~uked dkector; gcc.. 2.3.6-,-gile-th~v e! e pment-pta a-st u retards-, site deveh~mnvre'.'ie'.v di. rec~[14eview ar, d-c-o~sider all si4e4mpro'K~nentnn4ans andqm-elimina ry-amt4hm bsi4e-deYehffm~enbPla~. 3.3.,5. l; Smtemem.~re,gar4iwc+wmership and-eimm4¼hC0~meperty andql~e developn~nt-as ~I1 as sufficiency .c ..... ' ~i~r:ce ofcom~ o~ace, ccnm~n facilities, con:;ervatioW~e:;ervatio:~rea::. liability office cou~ I; vehk--ular .... ' ..... ;' '"' . ........... ,'n - , , ........ , ,..r,: ...., ' devices. · · ..: ., _.c_ .... 11~¢,; ....... I access in case-or.r-fire imernal ,..r,:~ ~ ....... .vithiM~e props:ced devdcpment, co~ering vel~aml ~estrian o~n.,,, ,.~cn~ ~ ........ ~ ..... ,~ access in case ~'' ~:'~ o~m~r~d m~ndscaN~ 3.3,6.5. Ad~uacy o~ecreatimM~i~ open spaces ccns:aemv~,~ d .... ~ ...... c,t ...... :'k regards adequacy. ~r~x., on t!m privacy .... m ............. ,~ areas ...... * ~by properties az ':.'el! 'as uses wi~e propczed deve!~t; an~elation~o ....... ' .... ...'id~n ..., ....... ,:... Adequacy o~-he propcz:d !re;dc;cape screens :~ bufi9rs the development's interna! !a~ uses as .... ,t ..... : ' ' "wi~=t ~"~ use~ Words swuck ~ are deleted, words underlined ,tv added 44 ~;verat-beoam. ty c,",paci'.ies. Watee-m,a-na~eme,'p,-area~ s. hall4',e-requh'ed to be-m,a;,n~eh~ed perpeluity accordh~g ',e, ',he a?~oved-plmr.:. WaleH~,~-magem.,mt-~rea.'; corrected aeeord4ng ,,o approved ?dm:s within 20 days. The ep4finccr of record, prior vha: :ai4-ew,4Lu-ha.~ bce:: provided inl~m~4ie~+~Miow ',h~ f4orl:.'~alcr :;)':;le:',w,-4kmctioiv,3-and i-n4k~,ii,g responsibility for n~a4nte~mnce ~ .......... A mendm,ent?~ ].3.7. !..",:L,,:-prep~::;ed chm~L:e ~b~;tamial cha~e k; i~ifi~, ~.2.7. I. !. Any chat:ge .!. AtLv4-P, her-c4~n~eql~e-*leYet~m~ent--ser',4ce:: direc4oHn' .ed,:-geiern'~ine i+4 f,:,ee. 3.3.~, ,~ile-developmenll)l~rHimMimi¢~ gee. ~.3.9. .gcc. 3.3.1. Title and citation. 'l'l~is division shall be known and may be oiled as thc "Collier County Nite l)evclolm~Cnt and Site Improvement Plan Code." Words slqu,~ '-k-4lw,:~h are deleted, words underlined ;tr' added. Sec. 3.3.2. I'urposc. The intent of this division is to ensure compliance v, ith Ibc appropriate land development reaulations prior 1o lhe issuance of a building permit. This division is further intended ensure that thc proposed development complies with lhndamental planning and dcsiun principles such ns: consislencv wilh lhe counlv's grox~qh management plan; thc lavoul~ arrangement of buildings, architectural design and open spaces; thc conll~urafion of leaf tic circulation system, including driveways, lraffic calming devices, parking areas and cmerKencv access: ~he availabiliW and capaciw of drainage and ulilitv Ihcilitics~ and. overall compatibility with adjacent development within lhe jurisdiclion of Collier Counw and consideration of natural resources and proposed impacts ~hcreon. Sec. 3.3.3. Applic:fllilitv. All development, except as otherwise provided herein, is subiect lo tile prox isions of division. Thc provisions of this division shall not apply to ibc fi~llowing land usc activilics and represents the sole exceptions therefrom: I ) Sinulc-lhmilv dclached and tx~o-familv housh~< structure,s) on a lot{s) of record cxccpl as otherx~isc provided al section 2.6.27 {ctuslcr dcvclopmcnU. 2) Undcreround construclion; utilities, communications and similar undereround constructitm Ivpe aclivitics. 3) Accessory and nncillarv lhcilifies I~r a uolfcourse such as restrooms~ irriualion ~stcms~ pumphouscs where a preliminary work authorization has been cnlcrcd inlo xxilh lhe County. 4) (.'onstruclion trailers and storage of cquipnlcnl and materials Ibllo~xin~ issuance buildin~ permit fi~r the use to xt hich said activities arc a flmclion of. except as othcrxvise ~rovidcd by scctbm 2.6.33. 5) Model homes and sales ccntcrs, except ns otherwise provided by section 2,6.33. 6) PLoject entrvwav signs. ~alls. gates and guardhouses. While the above land usc activities shall I~e exempt IYom the provisions el'division 3.3. these land use activities are sub}ect lo all other provisions el' the land dcvc}opmcnl code such as but not limited lo landscapit:~ tree removal, development standards and thc submission requirements attendant lo ohtainimz temporary use and building permits. Sec. 3.3.4. Exemptiuns. l)ue to its location or minimal impact on surrounding properties and probable minimal impacts under the site development plan review standard contained in section 3.3.5.. standard application requirements as described in suction 3.3.6. may he waixcd in part or in full by the I'lannin~ Services Director tbr agriculturally related development as identified in lhe permitted and accessory uses section of the meal aericullural zoninu dislricl: however, a site improxement plan as required by Section 3.3.7. addressing tile applicati,n rccluircmcnls deemed necessary by Ihe Planninu Services Director shall be submitted to the plannin'4 deparlmcnt for review and approval. SI'XTi'I¢)N 3.3.5. Site l)cvcloF, mcnt and Site Impr.,,'cmcnt I'lan standards. 'l'he plannin~ scr,.iccs director shall review and consider all site improxcmct~t and silt: development plans in accordance with the followine standards.: Statements rcgardinu ownership and control of thc prt~perlv and the development as well as sufliciencv of conditions regarding ownership and control, use and permanent maintenance of common open space. COlllmt)n facilities, conservation/preservation areas, or common lands t~ ensure the preservation el'such lands and thcilitics will not become a l'tlttlre liahilitv of lhe COUlttV, ~.3.5.2. Development compliance with all appropriate zoning rcuulatimls and tl~c growth management phm. The ingress and egress lo tl~e proposed development and ils proposed improvements, vehicular and pedestrian said'tS', ~aration of vehicular traflic IYom pedestrian and othtqqrt}lt]c, traffic flow Words ~uzk fi~gh are deleted, words underlined are added 46 and control, traffic calming devices, provision of services and scrvicinu of uti[hies and refuse collection, and access in case of firc, catastrophe or ofl~cr emergency. 'l't~c location and relationship of parking and Ioadin'4 fitcilitics to thoroughfares and internal traffic patterns within the proposed dc.,'clopn~cnt, considering vehicular and pedestrian safety, traffic flow and comrol, access in case of tire or catastrophe, screening and Inndscaping, Adequacy of recreational facilities and open spaces considering thc size, location, and developrnent of these areas .,vith regard to adequacy, elTcct cm adjacent and nearby properties as ',,,'ell as uses within the proposed deveh,pment, and the relationship to communitv-~vide open spaces and recreation l~cilities. Adequacy of Iht proposed [.'mdscape screens and buffers cmrsidcrinu preservation of the development's internal land uses as well as compalibililv wilh adjacent land uses. Water manat~emcnt master plan on lite property, considcrint2, its effect on ~djacent and nenrb¥ properlies and the consequences of such water inallagcnlcnl master plan OIl overall COtlntv capacities. Water illana~clllClll areas shall be required lo be maintained in perpetuity accordine Io thc ~prnvcd plans. Water management areas not maintained shall he corrcclcd according lo approved plans within 30 days. The cn<inecr of record, prior final acceptance, shall provide documentation from II~e stormwalcr maintenance entity; indicating lhat said entity has been provided infimnation on how the smrmwater systems l~mclions and indicating responsibility maintenance o1' the system. Adequacy of utility service, considering hook-in location and a~ ail:fltililv and capacity for lhe uses projected. · <,ig. nage proposed for tire project in conformity with di.,'isi{,n 2.5. and a unilicd stun permit shall he applied fi~r wifl~ thc submittal packcl thr tl~t' Site Development or Site hnprovcment I'lan. Architectural design of the building for all commercial developments located in an',' commercial ×onin~ district. Such olhcr standards as may be imposed bv this code, thc uro~fl~ manaucmcnt plan or olhcr applicable rcuulations I~r thc particular usc or aclivilv proposed. 3.3.6. Conceptual site dcvelnpmcnt plan review nnd '4pprnv:rl: At tl~e request of the applicant and subject lo the applicable fcc set lbrti~ in tire sci~cdule of fees, planning ser.,'ices department will complete n conceptual review and issue a written summary of issues of concern nnd conceptunl appro.,'al. This conceptual approval shall not mean thal the projcc! has received Iinal approval, it shall only indicate that thc project is in substantial compliance with thc requirements of the code and may be a. pprovc_d subjcc! to further re.,'iew, changes and modi fications. Sec. 3.3.7. Site development pl:m review (SI)P) procedures. A pre-application meeting shall be conducted by the planning services dircct;,[_prier m thc submission of any site development or site improvement plan for review. This mcctinu, may bc waived bv thc plannin'~ services director upon the written request of the aD2qicant. Words sm,*ekqlm'~4~ are deleted, words underlined arc ,, 47 .x3.7.1.-. Site devehqmw,t pla, xuhmittal I~ackc't: The site development submittal packet shall include the followinK, if applicable: Ownership: tx` copy el' thc deed, conlract for sale or aqrccmcnt for sale or a notarized statement of ownership c early demonstrating ox,,' ~crship and control of the subject lot or parcel of land. Site development phm. A site development plan prepared on a nmximum size sheet measuring 24 inches bv 36 inches drawn to scale and setting forth the following information when applicable: (3. The proiect title and the name, address and phone number of tile firm or agent preparing, lhe plans and the name, address and telephon.e. number of tile property owner. Zoning desiunation and land uses on lhe subiccl and adjacent ~-operlics. Noah arrow, scale and date. Vicinity map clearly idcnlilX'ing lhe location of Iht dcvch>pmcnt and its relati{mship to thc surrounding community. A narrative statement on the plan idcntilMng the provisions o1' ownership and maintenance ()fail comnloll arc;ts, open sptlcc~ private streets and casements. A site summary in chaN lbrm which shall include the lbllowing: a. Tolal site ,creaee. b. '['otal square footat~e of impervious area {including all parkine. areas, drive-aisles, and internal streets} and its percentage of the total site area. c. Total square footage of landscape are;ffopcn s~cc and its percentage of the total site area. d. l:or residential projects, total nt, mber of units, units per acre. and a unit breakdown by square fimtagc and number o1' bedrooms. c. For nonresidential projects, total building li',Otage and a squar, q' footage breakdown by use {i.e., office, retail, storage, crc.} and its percentage of the total building. f. All required and provided setbacks and separations between buildines and structures in matrix form. A parking summary in matrix £orm which shall include: a. Type of use. b. Tolal square l'ootat~e per use. c. Required parking ratio. d. Number of spaces required per usc. c. Number of spaces provided per use. f. 'l'otal number of required and provided spaces including rcuular, handicapped and reserved spaces. The tbllowing infommtion nmst be included itl the SI)I' packet: a. Information irt tile Standard Buikling Code, tvpc of construction, number of stories, total square lbotage under roof, occupancy/use and fire sprinkler intenlions of all proposed structures so that a needed fire Ilow may be determined. NFPA 1141, b. A fire hydrant Ilow test report from Iht applicable lire district fi~r fi~c closest hydrant(s) to the project so that the available fire llow may be determined. NFPA 1141. Illustrative inlk~rmation accurately depicted on the site development plan shall be as lbllows unless waived at the pre-application mectingl a. A boundary survey, prepar~ b2_g professional surveyor, showing the location and dimensi0t~ orat! prope~lv lines, existing streets or roads, easements, rights-olCway, m}d area5 dedicated to the public, Words .~'uck ;luoug!: are deleted, words underlined are, b. Na ne, alie, nment and existing/proposed rights-of-way of all streets ~hicb border the development ( nc udinR raised islands, stripin~ rifler/left turn lanes, median CtltS alld nearby interscclions~, the localion of all existing driveways or access points on thc opposite sides of all streets which border the development, and the location of all traffic calmlna devices. c. t.ocation and configuration ofall development inRress an4 egress points. d. i.ocation and arrang, ement of all proposed buildin~ (inc]uding existing buildings that are to remain): e. l.ocation and configuration ofall parkinR and loading areas. f. Name, alignment and existing/proposed r ght-of-wav of all imcrnal streets and alleys. e. l)irccfionaJ nmvcmcnt of internal vehicular traffic and its separation from pedestrian traffic. h. 1.ocalion and configuration of recreational fi~cilitics (including related buildings, Roil'course areas, Icnnis courts, pools, i. I.~cation and ucncral conl]~uratio~ of all water and draimmc rctcnthmtdctcntion areas as well as all cx[slin~ and proposed casements, and water and sewer lines intended to serve thc dcvcl,pmcnt. i. l.ocation and ucncral conliguralion of such nalur,I IL'alerts as prcscrv;tli(m/conscrvation areas, water hoclics, and x~ctlands. k. l.ocation of emergency access lanes, fi.re hydrants and [.ocation ol' all handicapped parking spaces. m. [,ocation of trash enclosures. n. l.{~cation and heights of proposed walls or t~nccs. o. Accurale dimensions which include the fi)llowinu: (I ~ All buildinz setbacks. ~) I)ismncc between buiklines and accessory structures. [3) Width of all inlcrnal streets. (4} All parking areas and drive-aisles. C5) lmndscapc areas adinccnt to ail vehicular drives, interior propc~v lines and all parking areas. p. Any addilional rclevanl inl~)rmation as nay be required by planning services director. 10. For projecl~ subject lo the provisions of Division 2.8., live sets of archilectural drax~ings~ signed and scaled by a licensed architccl, rcuistcrcd in the state of Florida, a. scaled elevation tbr ami sides om* the buildinu~ b. scaled wall section IYom lop of rool'lo erade depicting Ivpical elcvatlm~ with details and materials noted, and rendered to show materials and color scheme with paint chips and roof c~31or samples; c. site sections showing the relationship to adiaccnt slruclurcs; all(~ d. a unified sign plan as required division 2.8. Representations made on the site clcvelopmcnt plan shall become conditions ol'approval. Architectural drawines submitted in conjunction with an application fi)r a huildinR permit shall be consistent with tl~c architectural drawinR submitted and approved Ibr the SI)P SIP. /.antZvcaping plan.. A landscape plan which shall contain the l~llowinR: 1. Land.vt'ape .vumnutr~'. A landscape seminary in malrix lkmn which shall include: a. (;raphic symbol lo indicate each type of plant material. b. Bmanical name. C. C(/nllllOO llanlc. d. 'l'oml number ofeach Iype of plant r:mtc~'ial. Words ~uck t~mgh arc dclclcd, words underlined a'e :,dde,i 49 e. I lcight and spread ol'each type ol'plan! material. f. Spacing (french type ol'plant material. [IJuxtrativu infi,'mtttitm. Illustrative inl~)rmation consistin~ ol'ti~c lbllowing shall be accurately depicted on thc landscape plan.~ a. The location, configuralion and a~angcment of all proposed buildings, internal streets and parking areas as reflected on thc site plan, b. The location and dimensions oFall proposed landscaped areas with appropriate graphic symbols including existing trees lhat are being credited loward the development's landscaping ~5luircn~m~ls. c. I.ocation and configuration of all special or tcxlurcd paving areas. d. Provisim~s Ibr site irrieation. e. /~IIV additional relevant itdbrmation as may be required bv the planning services director. I'ct3'tt~titm im't'n/t,-u A generalized vet!etation invenhwv of thc properly shall be required lo thc extent necessary. as determined at Ibc prc-applicatkm mcclint, indicating the approximalc Iocalion. densities and species of the fi~llm~ing: I. I Jpland. x~ethmd and cstuarinc vegetation including pmlfihitcd cxolic vceclalion, mapped usinu I:I.UCCS lerminolouv. 2. Any type o1' vcgclalJon identilied tbr preservation. 3. Projects containinR lhe Ibllowing shall provide a survcx o1' idcntil'ving species and locations on a current aerial pholograph al a scale ol'one inch equals 200 lbct or larger or superimposed on Ibc site phm: a. Phmts spccilied to remain in place or 1o be lrnnsphmtcd to od~cr localions on the pmpc~y as specified in Ibc applicable dcvcJopnlcnt order. b. Specimen trees desiunatcd by lhe board of county cmmnissioncrs, pursuant Io sccllon 3.g.6.7. c. Stale or I~'dcraJ rare. lhremencd or cmhmucrcd planl species surveyed according to acceplcd Florida ~.amc anti IYcsJl~talcr fish commissim~ or U.S. fish nnd wildlilb mclhods. d. lLxistin~ Irccs that may be crcdilcd loward thc development's lamiscapinR requirements. 4. For proposed sile alleration(s) within the coastal zone as depicted (m the future land use map, in addition lo the IbregoinK.~qtfircmcnts. ti~e veuetalion inventory shall depict tl~e categories of impact in accordance with section 3.12.5. I. ..left,ti l;/mto. A rcccnl acrinl pllolo shall be provided al thc same scale as thc plan dclincatinu the development boundaries, unless waived at thc pre- application meclinu. I)en¥it)' honu.t'. In thc event a residential or cmnmcrcial bonus is requested, as provided fi)r in ~hc urmxlh managemcnl phm, a certified survey lJlal clearly illustrates the location and relationship of the devclopmenl to Ibc appropriale activity center and the related aclivilv band shall be required. Building phm~'. Plans shox~in~ proposed building lkmtprints, spatial relationship to one am)ther when there are muhiplc buildings and building heigl, s. Soil t'r~sion and .tedimenl control phtn. A soil erosion and scdimcnl conlrol plan pursuant m division 3.7. lnfrtt.m'ucture~.~l,'ovemeutsl~hms, l)etailed on-site and o fiSsile infrasWucmrc improvcn~cnt plans and construction documents prep?cd in ctmJbrnlance with the design slandards of division 3.2 and any current cmmtv ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures which consist ot; but arc not limited to, ll~e I~llowing items: 1. A cover sheet settin~ t~nh the devclopmcm name, applicant name, name of engineering tkm, and vicinity map., Words sara<4.1qlm~*~gh arc delcled. ~,~ ords underlined are :tided. 50 2. Improvements ['tlr water and sewer service as needed or as may have been specilied during a preliminary site development plan review prepared in conlbrmance with Collier Count',' Ordinance No. g8-76, as amended. Inlprovenlenls for roadway, motor vehicle and lv.)ll-ill,,}lOrigcd circulation, ingress and egress, parkin/4 and other transpt~rtafion needs, including traffic cahninq devices, required or as may have been specified during the preliminary site development plan review, prepared in conlbrmancc with section subdivision design requirements (fi)r purposes of this requirement, all references in section to "subdivision" should be read to mean development, where applicable and appropriate). Non-motorized circulation is detincd as movcmen! by persons on foot, bicvclc or (,her hun'mn-powered device. Nm~-motorizcd circt,latiem dcpictin~ sidewalks and bicycle [ktcilitics c~msistcnl sections 2.~.3.4. and 3.2.~. The absence ol'~hslrucli(ms in thc public right of way shall be demonstrated, includin~rovisions Ihr sal~ and convcnicm street crossi,g. SidcxYalks and bike paths at intersections shall lhe edge (fi'curb as depicted by I[luslralkm. Two curb ramps shall be provided for sitlewalks and bike paths at each strccl corner of an intersection. Curb ramps shall be a tninimum o1' 36 inches in width and shall n(~t rise at a ratio creater than as outlined by tile I]orida accessibility code lk~r building conslrucfion. Words s4,mck 'J'~r4~h arc deleted. ~ords und,.'rlincd arc '~zl ."ed. 51 Crosswalks shall be required at any intersection where the distance to the nearest crossv;alk is greater than 1000 feet. Improvements for water mana. gement purposes as needed or as may have been specified during the preliminary site development plan review, prepared in conformance with section subdivision design requirements (For purposes of this requirement, all references in section lo "subdivision" should be read to mean development, where applicable and appropriate), and pursuant to South Florida Water Management District rules, chapter 4(1E-4, 40E- 40 and 40E-41, Florida Administrative Code. All necessary standard and special details associated with sections through above. Written technical specifications for all infrastructure improvements to be performed. Engineering design computations and reports for water, sexver, roads and water management facilities, as required bv Federal, state and local laws and regulations. 10. Topographical map of tile property which shall include thc followingl a. Existing features, such as, xvatercourses, drainage ditches, lakes, marshes. b. Existin~ contours or representative ground elevations at spot locations and a minimum of 50 feet beyond thc property line. c. Benchmark locations and elevations (NGVD). I I. Site clearing plan and method of vegetation disposal~ Permits. All necessary pen'nits and necessary applications requiring county approval and other permitting and construclion related items, including but not limited to the following, shall be submitted and approved with tile site development plan: I. Florida Department of l£nvironmenlal Pro,:~ction water and sewer facilities construction pemlil application. Excavation permit application. Words sm:ok :!:."egg!~. are deleled, v,'ords underlined ar,. 52 Florida I~cpartmcnt of Transportation ulilifies constructbn application and/or ri~h~s-olLwav conswuclion Collier Coumv Riehl-el-Way Pcrmi~ al ~he lime oFbuiidin~ pcrmh ~pl~rnval. Blasting pcrmh prior lo commencement of any blasling. ~pcralion. South Florida Water Managcmcnl District permit, il' rcquircd~ Collier County ~eneral permit for water management prior to site development plan approval. Inlerim wastewater and/or water treatment planl construclion Itl. Il. interim .s.e. plic system and/or private well permits prior lo buikti!!g pen'nit approval. Any additional state and federal permits which may be require4.prior m cmmncncement of construction, addressing the impacts on jurisdictional wetlands and habitat involving protected species. All other penincnl dam. computalim~s, plans, repons, and the like necessary Ibr lbo pre}per design nnd construction of the development lh:t may be submilted. All necessary pcrfimnance securities required by Collier County ordinances in cl'l~cl al lhe lime ofconslruclion. 3.3.8. Silt' im/,'m'cment l~hul revicn'. Submiltal el' a site plan may bc re', icxxcd under thc Silt Improvement Plan (SIP) review process il'thc dcvch~pmcnt proposal meets all of the Ibllowing comlitions: The project involves a site which is currently improved with principal structures, parking fi~cilitics, water and sewer services, and defined inuress/curess. The proposed usc will not require an expansion el'the existin~ iE~pcrvious areas to degree which would require en2inecring review or olhcrwise afl,ct on-site surfi~cc water manauement thcilities as may be docun~cntcd by xxaivcr loiters fi{mt the Soulh Florida Water Managemcnl District or Collier County where applicable. \Vritten documentation frmn appropriate agencies acknowledgitm lhal walcr and sexvcr services arc available at lho silo and arc adequalc In serve thc proposed use. Site iml,'m'e,wnt Uhm rub,tilt{ti wut rev/on'. A silt.' improvcn!¢i~3~lan shall be prepared on a 24-inch by 36-inch sheet drawn to scale and seuinq lbrth the follo',ving information: 1. The proiect title, property owner, address and telephone number. 2. I.egal dcscriplim~, scale, and north arrow. 3. Zoning dcsiunalion of the subject site and adiaccnt sites and thc proposed use el'the subiect site. 4. I.ocalion. conlim~ration and dimensions of all buildin~ and lot II. 12. 13. i2/3nprovcments. I,ocation and conliuuration of narkj~ and loading arc:ts, and thc directional movement of internal vehicle Iraffic. I,ocation and dimension of access point(s) Io thc site. Parkin~ summary in malrix Ibrm, indicating thc required and provided parking lbr each existing and proposed use. l,ocation and configuration of handicapped parking fiMlities and buildin~ accessibility l~aturcs. l,ocation, dimension and conlignration of cxistin~ water management facilities. l,ocation el trash cnch)surcs. I.ocation of existing and proposed landscaping with spccilhcations as [0 size, quantilv and type of vcgclation. All required and provided setbacks and separations between sm~clures in matrix tbrm. Any additional relevant inlbrmafion as may be required by thc planning services director. Sec. 3.3.9. Amendments. Words ~:3iqhfmv~ are deleted, words underlined alt '.:" 53 Any proposed change or amendment to a previously approved site development plan shall be subiect to review and approval by the planning services director. [Jpou submittal ol'a plan clearly illustralinR thc proposed change, the planning services direclor shall determine whclhcr or not it constilules a substanlial change. In thc event lhe planning services director determines thc chanuc is substantial, thc applicant shnll be required to follow Ibc review procedures set fi*rrb lbr a new site development plan. A substantial chan~.e shall be defined as: Any chauge which substantially aftkcts existing transporlation circulation, parkinu or building arrangements, drainage, landscaping, bufl~ring, identified prescrvatio~conse~'ation areas and other site development plan consideralions: or Any other change the planning services director may delerminc as sienifizantlv nltcring the general layout, configuration and arranucmcnl el' thc pr{secl. In thc event thc planning services dircctc~r delcrmincs thc change to bc less than substantial, thc applicant shall not be required to t~)lloxv thc review pr~ccclurcs set fi)nh Ibr a new site development plan. Sec. 3.3.111. Site devclopmt, nt plan time limits. /\pprovcd site development plans shall remain in Ibrce Ibr two wars. I1' m~ dcvclopmcnUactual construction has commenced within two years. Ihe silo development plan shall expire. A one-year extension may be ~4ranted for good cause shown upon written application submitted to the planninu services director prior to expiration of the preceding, approval. When extending the site development plan approval, tile planning services director shall require tile approval to be modilicd to bring the plan into compliance with any new provisions of this code in el'lbct at Ihe time of the extension request. Sec. 3.3. I 1. Viulations. No building permit or ccrtilicate of occupancy si'mil be issued except in compliance ,.vith Ibc approved site development plan. Violation of the terms idcntilied itl tile approved site development plan shall conslitulc a violation oF this code. SUIISECTION3.1: AMENDMENTSTOAI)EQUATEPUBLICFACilA'I'IESI)IVISION Division 3.15.. ,,\dcquatc l'ublic ]:acilitics, of Ordinance 91-102. as amended, tile Collier County l,and l)cvclopmcnt code. is Ilcrcby amended as follows: I)IVISION 3.1: AI)I.;QUATI-; I'UBLIC FACILITIES I)IVISION 3.15.1. adopt a ('e:}~sive Plan; 3.!5.!.2. 3.!5.!.3. :.l:lle C!F, i:; required-to~. 3.!5.!.3.!, letetb,}i~,,-.aqe',eel--~f :;ervice t,.,,,-.-~eFvtti.rte-.4¥;e "fac414tie:;; Words s:ruck ',hroag!'~ are deleted, words underlined art ~ojected b>~:e',v growttHmd-developn'~-mwm~l !kmed on-pmh4k-4hebIity needs, project c',~l:; to pm~de th~eces:;a~ pubHc !~c i lh~i~ rea~fi~enu~mrce:; ~Mk.~Mh~b~e fadlMes; a~ :t'he co:~4~sbve-W4mv--~kh-the C'!!:' is desi~gJK-~k-4n ensu~e-qlmt -~--:~,.,-"a ........ i',ublM:ac4litics nrc available<-oncql~ent-wi~,MIK-~4mpa~q-t~f ne t-~J edq e~-sa, ppor4--d e veP,,q~,,enH n~Ia b I e c o n c ur~mb~kth,-vhe i4T'~t4.J4fi ,,t' ,.,.,,I, ,l .... l, · 3.!5.1.7. ILS. ~ t6.'-,.?,202(2)(gk-~l~vpr',;vide:; that not later fim~;ne it.+4~--4ate e:;labl4M:ed b~hc slate Im~l~minp[ency's ruMb, ~bm~ of local con~ehensb:e pl~s. a local ~I issue ~ ae~elt~nen~t~r permil wh~:lls Z15.!.9. 3.15.!.11. , .gL. cerl-a4r~provlsimm-,hc-t4,te-adettua~,e-fmbtiM:arqlil4es h: So,ember ~ ~ ~l~~e clml~~he ade~ffml~mb!ic lh~h~i~ ~nce were~cnsistent with the CIE cfql~ gro~lH~mna~ On February 6-.-! 99 l, tt~-departme::t o,r co:m~mni-ly--al:Gi~;-antbothem petitkme,,Ml-~:~di "-vision-e.f adn'4nbatr-m4ve~-Ivear4mgs-~-m-tl~,-issue of consistency cf certah~l'~evisicns: 'of the a,k-~wae--f~ie !:qcitities Words ~r ......... E,, arc deleted, words underlined arc Am~dmia6sl~mive-hear4ng-~;'an cm~duc4ed-in Collier-(-kmn .vy-bet:ween J-u!.y 22 and July 26, !99!, v.,]~rein-qhe-division og-v, dminis4rative }:earing:; l~r~:g ~d'ficer heard teslin~m~nt~iv~vide~ ~eilifiez ordure witMhe C!E of the ~ ....... ~n.o .... o,~ Ort-.-/kp61 13. 1993. the admb~Ls4c~.atim't-~m, m6sshm o~der nun~r AC 93 0~. a~oving the :;lipu~{~l se~tlen~m Collier Ce, mw,' Plain'dog Cotamvi:ssimv-mulql:~-~N~trdq,f-~ounly Co[tier C~mmy (;a~h Manag~nent P!a~O 3.!5.!.21. lt--is-lhe-imem of the b~-,,l-of cmmty ghumLv-w,-impl~n~tb4he "cowcq,'rency requh'e~wem's~fq4:e Collie~ (-~vtm!y (}roy, qb Mmm~k-~--~'aent PI:m. F.S. -t fi3/3202(2)(g}, an'&14tde 9J 5, F.A.C, Sec. 3.15.31_. Short title, authority and applicability. 3.15.-21_. 1. ,$'hm't tide. This dMsion shall be known and may be cited as tl~e "Collier County ,Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance." 3.15 ..luthorio'. The board of county commissioners of Collier County has thc auflmrily to adopt this division pursuant to Article VIII, Section 1{I), Fla. Ctmst., ILS. §125.01 et. seq., F.S. §163.3161 ct. Seq., F.S. §163.3161(8). F.S. §§163.3177(10)(h) AND F.S. §II63.3202(2)(g). and P, ulc 9J-5, F.A.C. Applicabilio'. This division shall apply to all development in the total unincorporated area o£ Collier County. nnf. lo nil public facilities owned by Collier County in the incorporated or unh,corporalcd areas Words ~ruck ~lwtmgh are deleted, words underlined arc ~ J 56 of Collier County, and tn all privately-owned public thcilitics where the level of service has been established by thc county. Sec. 3.15.-32. Intent and purpose. Iment. This division is intended to implement and be consistent with the Collier Count>' Growth Management Plan, F.S. §163.3161 et. seq.. and Rule 9J-5. F.A.C., by ensuring that all development in Collier County be sen'cd by adequate public facilities. 3.15.-32.2. l'urpoxe. This objective is accomplished by (1) establishing a management and monitoring system to evaluate and coordinate the timing and provision of the necessary public facilities to service developmenl, and (2) by establishing a regulatory program that ensures that each public facility is available to serve development concurrent with when tile impacts of development occur on thc pnblic facilities. 3.15.-32.3. .~linimum reqtdrenwms, l'he provisions of this dMsion in their interpretation and application are declared to be thc miniature requirements necessary to accomplisl~ the stated intent, purposes, and objectives of this division. Sec, 3.15.43. I. l)efinitions. ,,Immtt[ tq)dttte and im'entoO' report or AUI R means thc county report public facilities described in section 3.15.~6_:2. 3. t 5.43.2. Applicationfl~r development approval means an application submitted to Collier County requesting tile approval ora development order. C'~q~ital &'aimtge,fiwilities means tile planning of. engineering for. acquisition of land for, or Ibc construction of drainage and water management facilities necessary for proposed development to mcct tile l.()S [hr drainage facilities., C'tq~ital park facilities means the planning o1: engineering for, acquisition of land for, or construclion of buildings and park equipment necessary to meet the LOS for park facilities. Capital road fitcililies or capital rotul improvemen! shall include transportation planning for. right-of-way acquisition fi)r. engineering for. and conslruction of an.',' project eligible for inclusion as a road project in the road component of tile CIE of the Collier County Growth Management Plan or the Five-Year Florida Dcpartn~cnt of Transportation Plan. 3.15.4}.7. £'apital potable water facilities mean the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or construction of potable water facilities necessary to meet the LOS for potable water facilities. Capital sa,itt,3' sewer fitcilities mean the planning of, engineering lbr, acquisition of land for, or construction of sanitary sewer facilities necessary to meet the l,OS for sanitary sewer facilities. C;tqJital solid waste./iwilities mean the planning of. engineering for, acquisition of hind for. or construction of solid ;vaste facilities necessary to meet tile LOS for solid waste t;~cilities. Words :',reck fiwo'..'gb are deleted, words underlined arc .'.'4. ,. 57 Comprehensive plan means a plan that mccts thc requirements of F.S. §§ 163.3177 and 163.3178, and shall mcan the Collier County Grov, lh Management Plan, where referenced in this division. 3.15.43_.10. R~.'scFvfd. Deficient road segment means tile following: 3.15.43_.I 1.1. A count.,,' or state road segment on thc major road network system that either: l tas an adopted LOS "C" peak season, peak hour, that has operated below LOS "C" peak season, peak hour, based on the annual update and inventory report ("AUIR"); or l las an adopted LOS "D" peak season, peak hour, that has operated below 1.OS "D" peak season, peak hour, for two years or more based on the AUIP,; or 3.15.43_.I 1.1.3. l las an adopted l.OS "D" peak season, peak hour. that is operating below LOS "E", peak season, peak hour, based on the AUIR; or tins an adopted I.OS "E" peak season, peak hour, lhal is operating worse than LOS "E" peak season, peak hour, based on the AUIR. 3.15.43_.I 1.2. In determining the capacity of a county road segment or a state road segment for the purpose of determining whether it is a deficient road segment, the count)' shall consider: Any capital road improvement currently in ptacc; 3.15.43_. I 1.2.2. Any capital road improvement that is under construction; An)' capital road improvement guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions in subsections and; 3.15.4}. I 1.2.4. ]'he actual construction of thc required capital improvement is included and is scheduled to commence in or before the third .,,'ear of the state's five-year work program and the counly's current five-year capital improvement schedule adopted as part of the grox~,lh management plan; and 3.15.43_.11.2.5. The board of county commissioners has made an express tinding, after a public hearing, that the current five-year capital improvement schedule is based on a realistic, financially feasible program of funding from existing revenue sources. Developer means any person, including a governmental agency, undertaking an)' development as defined in this dMsion. Develol?ment ttgreemenl has the meaning contemplated itl F.S. §163.3220 ct. seq. Development bas the meaning given it in F.S. §380.04. 3.15.43_.15. Developmenl order means any order, permit, delermination, or action granting, denying, or granting with conditions an application for any final local development order, building permit, temporary use permit, tcmporaD, construction and development permit, si~n permit, well permit, spot survey, electrical permit, pluml:.ing permit, occupational Words .~t.'-uck t~reugl~ are deleted, words underlined are :tdded. liccnse, boat dock permit, I IVAC permit, scplic lar~k permit, right-of- way permit, blasting permit, excavation permit, construction approval for infrastructure (including water, sewer, grading, paving), approved development of regional impact (I)RI), zoning ordinance amendment. comprehensive plan amendment, Ilood vnrinnce, coastal construction control line vari;mce, tree removal permits, site development plan approval, subdivision approval (including pints, pi:ms, varinnces, and amendments), rezoning. PUl) amendment, certilication, conditional use (provisional use). variance, or any other official action of Collier County baying tim effect of permitting development as defined in Ibis division. f:'imd development order means a final local development order or n final I)RI development order. l"imd DRI devebqmwnt order means a development order, as amended from time to time. adopted by the board of county c~,mnfissioners of Collier County and approved by Ibc slate pursuant to F.S. §380.06. notice of which is recorded pursuant to F.S. §380.06(15)(f). b'imd hwal dcvclolmWnt order means an.,.' valid, unexpired building permit or mobile borne tie-down permit issued by thc county. (iron'th ,tam~gemen! phm or GNIP means tile most recently adopted and effective comprehensive plan of Collier County. as amended From time to lime. 3.15.43_.20. Lam/dcvelolmwn! regulations mcan ordinances enacted by (,.'oilier Cotmty pursuant lo F.S. §163/:3161 et. seq.. for the regulation of dcvclopmenl, and includes any zoning, subdivision, impact fcc. building construction, or sign regulations, or any other regulations controlling tile development of land. Level t~'.wrvice (LOS) mcans an indicator of the extent or dcgrce of service provided by. or proposed to be provided by a public lhcility based on and related to the operational characteristics of llte public facility, as adopted in the Collier County growth management plan. I.OS shall indicate Ibc capacity per unit of demand for each public facility. Level of .wrvice calctdati(ms .fi;r t'oatt~' mean calculations that arc pcrlbrmed annually tbllowing the end of Ibc calendar year by comparing average annual daily traffic counts to the annual average daily traflic service volume look-up tables in the traffic circulation clement. These tables are calculated to express tim annul average daily tral'lic volun~es based upon thc 100Ih highest volume hour of thc year. or peak season, peak bout. Annual average daily traffic (AADT} is generally calculated ns the average of a daily 24-bout two-way volume, counted in each oflbe four seasons of Ibc year. ()n some Iow volume roads, n single annual count may be taken nnd lhctored to thc annual average daily traffic volume using a monthly or quarterly l;aclor. LOS.FI: capital &'aim~ge.fiwilities varies among 1) new or existing capital drainage facilities owned or operated by a local government or other public entity, 2) existing capital drainage t2acilities o:vned or operated by private persons, and 3) new capital drainage facilities owned or operalcd by private persons. For those cnpi~id drairmge facilities (publicly or privately owned) thai are in existence on the effective date of ti'ds division and for tbos,.' new capital drainage Words ~r.'ck t}:rzui:;!: are deleted, words underlined are ,~.~ -J 59 thcilitics owned or operated by a local government or other punic entity, the I.OS is the existing I.O$ as identified (by design storm return Frequency event) in tile Collier County Water Management Master Plan. For new capital drainage facilities owned or operated by private persons, the I,OS is identified in the drainage sub-clement and capital improvement elcmen! policy I.I.5.A.3 (present requirements are a 25-year. three-day storm event) and is based on those standards and requirements for renewal and approval of drainage and stormv,'atcr management plans established itl tile Collier County Waler Ivlanagement F'olicy Ordinance. No. 74-50. as amended and Ordinance No. 90-10 v,'hich are incorporated herein by reference. LOSfi;r ctq)itM park/'twilitie.v means 2.9412 acres per 1.000 persons I'm rcgitmal park land: 1.2882 acres per/1,000 persons for community park land: and $!22.0,O $179.00 of capital invcsmmnt per capita (at current cost) for recreational facilities. L t)Sfi~r c(~pital pe~tahle n'ttter.fitciliticx varies between public ,.valor systems and privalc water systems. For ~b[~c v.'a~er :;y:;l~ lh~ county water and sewer district the 1.OS is ~ 185 gallons per capita per dav (GI'CD}: ~lu: ~ percent ~x ~e~e M~ Wate~e'.ver Di~rid), ~d. TSe !.OS in ~he Marco Water and Sewer Distri'ct {~it}~m 21 ~c~t~jt~nt~ For the G(mdhmd water district thc l.OS is 163 Gl'CD. For the city of Naples unincorporated service area thc I.OS is 163 GI'CI). For the Ever'41ades Cit',' unincorporaled ser-,'ice area the 1.OS is 163 GPCI). For private potable v,'alcr systems, the I.OS is as follows, except that approved private ,,,,'ells are exempt from these LOS requirements: Type of ,~.mthl~shmetlt Golhms Pcr D~O' (Gl'D) Airporls (a) Per passenger 5 (b) Add per empl,.L'.ce 21) [ti~rber and beaut) she, ps Iper chair) 100 Bo;', ling alleys (loller '.',astes onl5 per I00 lane) Country club (a) Per resideol member 100 (b) Per member prescol 25 (c) Per cmphL',cc 20 Dentist offices {a) Per wet chair 2110 th) Per mm-'.~e! chair 50 Doctors off'ice {per doclor) 250 Factories. exclusi',.'e of industrial ,.,,astcs (gallons per person per shift) (a} No shov, ers provided 20 (b} Shov, ers provided 35 D.*od scr'.ice operations (a) Ordioary rcslauraot (per seatl 50 (b} 24-hour restaurant (per seal) 75 (c) Single service articles only (per 25 person) Id) liar nnd cocktail lounge {per 30 person) (e) Drive-in restaurant {per car 50 spacct (I) Carr.', out onl:, I. Per 100 square feet oftloor 50 space 2. Add per cmplo) cc (gl Institutions tper meal) 5 I Iolels and motels (a) Regular (per room) 150 (b) Resort hotels, camps, cottages ? 5 Words ~,..,~t. ,~ ....... _ ............. ~h are deleted, v,.ords underlined an '~:' '~d 60 7)7~e of Establishment Gallons Per DO' (GPD) (per person) (c) Add for establishmcnls v, ith self 400 service laundD' facilities (per machine) Office building (per emplo.~ee per 8 20 hour shiftl Service stations (per water closet and 250 per urinal) Sbopplng centers without food or 0.1 laundry (per square foot of tloor space) Stadiums, race tracks, ball parks (per 5 seat) Stores per square foot of floor space 0.I Theatres (a) Indoor. auditoriums (per seat) 5 (b) Outdoor, drive-ins (per space) lrailer/mobile home park (per trailer 200 s)ace '1 ravel Irailer~recreational vehicle park (a) Travel Irailcr (overnight). 75 without water and se',~ er hook-up [per trailer space) I'b) Travel Irailcr (ovemighl), wJlh 100 ','. ater and se'.~'er hook-ups (per trailer space) Swimming and bathing facilities, 10 public (per person) Churches fper seat) 3 I lospitals (per bed) 200 Nursing, resl homes (per bed) 100 Parks, public picnic (a) Wilh toilets only (per person) 5 (b) With bathhouse, showers and 10 toilets (per person) Public institution s other than schools 100 and hospitals (per persun) Schools (per student) (a) Day-type 15 (b) Add for showers 5 (c) Add for cafeteria 5 (d) Add for day school workers 15 (c) Boarding-t.', pc 75 Work/Construction camps Senfi-pcrmancnl (per worker) 50 Residences (a) single or multiple family (per 150 dwelling unit) one bedroom and 6(10 square fcct or less hcatcd or cooled area Two bedrooms and 601-1.000 300 square feet heated or cooled area Three bedrooms and 1,001-2,000 450 square feet heated or cooled area Four or more bedrooms and more 600 than 2.000 square feet heated or cooled area (b) Other (per occupant) 75 L()S .fi~; capital road facilities on thc major road network .%t'ste.t varies depending on the type of road. and is based on a defined peak season, peak hour, The LOS on thc following county roads is [,OS "E" peak season, peak hour: Words s~uck :~.:rcul;h arc delctcd, words underlined az: , !~,' 61 3.15.41_.26. Airport Road Golden Gate Pkv,'y Goodlette-Frank Rd. Goodlette-Frank Rd. Pine Ridge Road Segment Pine Ridge Road to Golden (;ale l'arkway Airport Rd. to Santa Barbara Blvd. Pine Ridge Rd. to Golden Gate Parkway Golden Gate Parkway to U.S. 4 I Airport Road to 1-75 Thc County has declared as "constrained" tile following see, meal: Vanderbiit Beach Rd. U.S. 41 to Gulrshore [)rive ()n all other county roads on the major road network system, tile I,OS is "l)" peak season, peak hour; however such a county road segment may operate at [,OS 'E", peak season, peak hour, R~r a period not to exceed two fiscal years so as to provide Collier County time to make tile capital road improvements needed to restore tile road to LOS "D" peak season, peak hour, or beuer. The I,OS on state and federal roads shall be as follows based on peak season. peak hour: Rural F~rixting Urbanized Tran., itionfltg Urbanized Road Aretl [~ltr~l[ ,qrea ~lretl 1-75 (aB DC DC US41 C l) Gl) S R-84 C D GD SR-951 D (.al) SR-29 DC SR-82 DC LOS.for capital sanitao' xewer fitcilitie.¥ varies between public sanilary se,.ver systems and private sanitary sewer systems. The LOS fi~r public sanitary sewer systems is 100 gallons per capita per da)' (sped), plus 21 percent nonresidential development, making the I.OS 121 sped. The [.OS for private sanitary sewer systems is as required by tile State of Florida itl Chapter 10-1)-& F.A.C. These standards vary according to the type of land usc. They are as follows, except that approved private septic systems are exempt from these LOS requirements: ljtpe of Establishment Gallon.t Per Day (Gl'DJ Airports (a) Per passenger 5 (b) Add per employee ~ Barber and beaut>' shop (per chair) 100 bawling alleys (toilet wastes only per 100 lane) Count0' club {a) Per resident member 100 (b) Per member prcsenl 25 (c) Per employee 20 [)enlist office (a) Per wet chair 200 (b) Per non-wet chair 50 Doctors offices (per doctor) 250 Factories, exclusive of industrial wastes (gallons per person per shift) (a) No showers provided 20 (b) Showers provided 35 Food service operations (a) Ordinary reslaurnnt (per scat) 50 (b) 24-hour restaurant (per seal) 75 (c) Single service articles only (per person) 25 (dj Bar and cocklail lounge (per person) 30 (e) Drive-in restaurant (per car space) 50 (O CarD.' out only: I. Per 100 square feet of floor space 50 2. Add per employee 20 Words ::rack '.!:faugh arc deleted, words underlined are ac:cC 62 737e of Establ£dmletlt Galhm.r Per Day ((il'l)) I Iolels and motels (a) Regular (per rooml 100 lb) Resorl holds, camps, coltages {per person) 75 (c) Add For establishments with self service laundry 400 fi~cililics Iper machine) Ol'ficc building (per worker) 20 Service slatio~lq (per bay) 500 Shopping ccmcrs without food or laundo' (per 0.1 square fool of floor space) Stadiums. race tracks, ball parks (per seat) 5 Slorcs (wilhoul fi)od service) (a) Privatc toilets, for employees only (per cmploycc) 20 lb) Public toilets (per square fi)or oF Iloor space) 0. I 'l heaters (a) Indnnr. audimrlums fpcr scaU 5 (h) ¢)utdoor, drivc-in~ (per space) lO '1 rai~er/mobile home park (per trailer space) 20(I 'I ruxcI Irailcr'recrcational vehicle park (a) 'l'ravcl Irailcr (ovcmighl), without water and 50 sewer hookup (per trailer space) (b) Travel trailer (overnight), wilh water and sewer hook-ups (per trailer space} Swimming and bathing facili6es. I0 public (per Churches (per seal) 3 Ilospitals [per bcd) 21)11 Nursing. rcsl homes (per person) Parks. public picnic fa) With lollers only fpcr person) 5 f b) With balhhousc, shoo, ers and I(I toilets (per person) Public institutions other titan schools and hospilab (per person) Schools {per student) (al Day-type 15 (b) Add fi~r showers 5 (c) Add fiw cafeteria 5 (d) Add for da) school ~vorkcrs 15 {c) Boarding t) pc 75 W{>rktctmslruction camps semi- 50 permanent (per worker) Residences (a) Single-lhmily (per bedmmn) 150 (b) Apaamcnt (per bedroom) 15(I (c) Mobile home not in a trailer 150 park (per bedroom) (d) Other {per occupant) 75 LO,?.fi~r cetpitcd solid .'.ste fcwilitic.~ requires sufficient capital solid waste thcilitics to dispose of' !,39 I.lO tons of'solid waste per capila per year. In addition, thc l,OS requires two years of landfill lined cell disposal capacily at present fill rates and ten years of landlill raw land capacity at present 1ill rates. I,()S "('" lW,k .vc,.vo,. /w,k hour is in lhe range of slalqc Ilow. but marks thc beginning of thc range of Ilow in which thc operation of individual users becomes signilicanlly al'lbcted by imcractions with others in the trafllc stream. Thc selection of speed is al'lSctcd by thc presence of other, and maneuvering either the traffic stream requires substantial vigilance on Iht part of the user. Thc ~cncral level comlbrt and convenience declines noticeably at this level, l,OS "C" peak season, peak hour, is based on the 100th highcsl hourly traffic volumes during a calendar year Ibr thc various types of roads defined by Special Rcpo~ 209, "llighway Capacity Mamml," '1 ransportation Research Board. National Research Council, Washington, D.C.. or subsequent revisions thereto. Words struck through arc d¢lclcd, words underlined arc 63 3. I $.43,29.{}. 3.15.4~.3 I.,1. 3.15.43__.33.2. LOS "D" pettk scasm), peak hour represents a high-densily, bnt stable. tlow. Speed and t)ccdom to maneuver arc severely rcslricted, and Iht driver or pedestrian experiences a generally ponr level ~1' comtbrl and convenience. Small increases in tral'fic Ilow will generally cause operational problems at ibis level. I.OS "1)" peak season, peak bohr. is based on the lO0th highest hourly traffic volumes during a calendar year tut lhe xarious types o1' roads defined by Special Report 209. "llighway Capacity Manual," Transportation Research Board. National Research Council, Washington, I).C., 1985. or subsequent revisions thereto. LOS "E" peak sett.vmt, peak/tour represents operating conditions at or near capacity. All speeds are significantly reduced, l:reedom to maneuver is difficult. Comlk~d and convenience is extremely ponr. and motorist I~ustralion is generally high. I.OS "E" peak season, peak h'mr. is based on the IO0lh highest hourly tral'lic volumes during a calendar year fi~r thc various types of roads delined by Special Report 209, "llighway Capacity Manual". Transportation Research Board. National Research Council, Washington, D.C. 1985. or subsequent revisions thereto. Peak sca.win, pet& hmtr is considered to be the I Of)th tfighcst vohlme hour of the year. and is the basic time reference used to calculate levels of sen'ice using tim dclinitions and mclhodologies of thc 1985 l lighway Capacily Manual for its current edition). For planning and concurrency applications, peak season, peak hour condilions are convened tn annual average daily Iraffic (AADT) level of service maximum volumes and are presented in a series of lnok-up tables adopted in the traffic circulation clement of the grox\lh management plan. :~fl?/or road ncln'ork .~:l'.¥lem nteans all arlerial and collector roads widfin the Iotnl tmincorporated Collier County. 'lhc re:Lief road network system is depicted in tim traffic circulation element of thc Collier Cotmty Growth Management Plan. /'erstm means an individual, corporation, governn~cntal agency. business trusl, est:dc, trust, partnership, associalion, lwo or more persons haying a joinl or common interest, or any other entity, and ils designated agents, successors or assigns. t'otentially deficient road scgmen! means the lbllowing: A county or state road segment on Lite major road nchvork system whose adopted 1.OS standard is 1.OS "C" or [.OS "1)". peak season. peak hour. that is presently operaled at its adopted l.OS. or whose adopted I.OS is I.OS "1)" peak season, peak hours, and has operalcd at I.OS "E" penk season, penk hour. Ibc two .,,'ears or less. based on AUIR. A potentially deficient road segment which has an adopted I.OS "D" peak season, peak hour. may operate at I.{)S "F.". peak season, peak hour, for two )'ears bclbre it shall become a dcticient road segment. A counl)' or state road segment on Ibc n~ajor road net',York system whose adopted I.OS standard is "Ii". peak season, peak hour. that is presently operating at l.OS "E" peak season, peak hour, based on ll~e AUIP,. Words r.:ruck :hreugh. are dclcled, words underlined are , ? .1. 64 3.15.43_.33.3. In determining tile capacity of a courtly road segment or a state road segment for thc purpose of determining whether it is a potentially deficient road segment, thc county sMll consider: I. Any capital road improvement currently in place; 3.15.43_.33.3.2. Any capital road improvement that is under construction; Any capital road irnprovcnmnt guaranteed in an cnI'orceablc development agreement that includes the provisions in subsections 3.15.43_.33.3.1 and 3.15.43-.33.3.4. The actual construction of thc required capital road improvement is included and is scheduled to commence in or before the third .','ear of tile state's five-year work program and the county's current five-year capital improvement schedule adopted as part of thc growth n:anagcmcnt plan; and 3.15.43_.33.3.5. The board of county commissioners has made un express finding, after a public hearing, that the current five-year capital improvement schedule is based on a realistic, financially [;easibI¢ program of funding I'rom existing revenue sources. 3.15.43_.34. l'uhlicfitcilities mean capital drainage facilities, capital park facilities. capital potable water facilities, capital road facilities, capital sanitary seer facilities, and capital solid waste facilities. Sec. 3.15.~4. Rules of construction. In tile construction of this division, the roles set out in this section shall bc observed unless such construction is inconsistent with tile manifest intent of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners. The rules of construction and definitions set forth herein shall not be applied to an,,,' provisions ~vhich expressly exclude such construction, or where tile subject matler, content or cnntext of such provisions would make such construction internally inconsistent or inconsistent with other provisions of Ibis dMsion. (;eneral(s'. All provisions, terms, phrases and expressions contained in this division shall be liberally construed in order that the true intent and meaning of the Collier Count>' Board of County Commissioners may be fully carried out. Terms used in this division, unless otherwise specifically provided, shall have the meanings prescribed by tile statutes of this state for the same terms, In thc interpretation and application of any provision of this division it shall be held tn be thc minimum requirement adopted for tile promotion of the public health, safety, comlbrt, convenience and general wdl'are. \Vhere an.',' provision of this dMsion imposes greater restrictions upon the subject matter than a general provision imposed by the growth management plan or another provision of this division, the provision imposing the greater restriction or regulation shall be deemed to be controlling. 3.15.&4_.2. Text. In case of any difference of meaning or implication bev, veen the text of this division and any figure, the text shall control. 3.15.=q4_.3. ('Omlntttttion o. ftime. The lime within which an act is to be done shall be computed by excluding the first and including the last day: if thc last day is Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, that day shall be excluded. Words smv&--,q':rm:g!: are deleted, words underlined are a..."' 65 3.15.5,J_.4, lbo'. Thc word "day" shall mcan a calendar day. unless "business" da)' is indicated. Delegation *tf authorio'. \Vhenevcr a provision appears requiring a division administrator, the head ora dcparhncnt or some other county officer or employee to do some act or perlbrn~ some duty, it is to be construed to aufimrized the division administrator, head of thc department or some other county officer or employee to designate. delegate and attthorizc professional level subordinates to pcrfoml tile required act or duty unless the terms of the provision or section specify otherwise. 3.15..-54_.6. Gender. Words imporling tile masculine gender shall bc construed to include thc feminine and neuter. 3.15._~4_.7. Mm~th. The word "month" shall mean a calendar month. :Von-tcchnictd and technical words. Words and phrases shall be conslrucd according lo tile COlllnloll and approved usage of thc language, but technical words and phrases and snch others as may have acquired a peculiar and appropriate meaning in law shall be construed and understood according Io such meaning. 3.15..-54_.9. A'umhcr. A word importing the singular number only. may extend and be applied to several persons and things as well as to one person and lhing. The use of thc plural number shall be deemed to include any single person or thing. 3.15..-54_. I I). Shall. may. Thc word "shall" is mandatory: "may" is permissive. 3.15.$-4_.1 I. Tense. Words used in tile past or present tense inchidc thc future as well as tile past or present. II'eek. Thc word "week" shall mcan seven calendar days. 3.15.$-4_. 13. II3'ittcn ~: in n'ritin.g. The lerm "written" or "in xxriting" shall be construed to include any rcprcscnlation of words, letters, or figures whether by printing or other form or method of writing. }'ear. The xsord "3car" shall mcan a calendar year. unless a fiscal year is indicated or 365 days is indicated. Sec. 3.15.65. Establishment or management and monitoring program and regulatoo' program: the annu'41 update anti invcnton' report (AUIR), CIE amendments, and annual budget. In order to implement ti~c mandate of tile Collier County Growth Management Plan lo ensure lhat adequate potable waler, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, park and mad public hcilitics are available Io accommodale development in Collier Cotlnly concurrent with when thc impacts of development occur on such public fitcilitics, thc board of county commissioners estnblishes, pursuant Io the lerms of this dMsion. (I) n managcmcnl and monitoring program that evaluntes the conditions of public lhcililies to ensure they are being adequately planned Ii>r and funded to maintain thc I.()S for each public thcility, and (2) a regulatory program lhat ensures that each public facility is available lo serve development orders which are subject to ll~e provisions of this division. Sec. 3.15.:7-6. Management and nmniloring prugram. 3.15.7fi. I. (;encrM. In order lo ensure thal adequate potable xvatcr, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, park and road public facilities are available concurrent with when the impacts :,f development occur on Words sl.-mck :}:mug!: are deleted, words underlined are added. 66 such public facilities, the county shall establish the following management and monitoring practices. Their purpose is to evaluate and coordinate the timing, provision, and funding of potable water. sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, park and road public facilities ( 1 ) to ensure adequate planning and funding to maintain the I.OS for the public facilities, and (2) to evaluate the capacity of tile public facilities for use in tile regulatory program to ensure that no development orders subject to concurrency regulation are issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serve development concurrent with when tile impacts of that development Occur. 3.15.76_.2. ,.tmmal update and im'entoO' repor! on puhlic.fiwilitie.t (AUIR). On or about At~ l)cccmbcr I of cacb year. thc C'omnmnity Dcvdopmcnt and Environmental Services l)ivision Administrator shall complete an annual update and inventory report on public fi~cilities (hereinafter "AUIR"). The AUIR shall determine the existing condilions of all capital potable waler, capital snnitarv sewer, capital solid waste, capital drainage, capital park. and capital road public facilities ~t2 determine and summarize ll~e available capacity of these capital improvements (public facilities) based on their I.OS. I~recast the capacily of existing and planned public facilities identified in the tire-year capital improvcmenl schedule fi~r each of the live succeeding years, and ten succeeding years, and idcntil? new projects needed lo maintain adopted I.OS. The tbrccasts shall be based on the most recenlly updated schedule of capital improvements (public lhcilities) for each public facility. The AUIR shall be based on thc most recent bureau of economic and business research (BEBR) ~e population projections, updated public I~tcility inventories. updated unit costs and revenue projections, and analysis of the most recent traffic count>' data. The findings of tile AI. JIR shall form tile basis for the preparation of tile next annt,al updale and amendment lo thc CIE,m~' ..... ..... lc ~ ~c!uded in lhe c~nty's a~m~geL the determination ol' any area of signilicant inlluence (ASI) and the review of and issuance of development orders subject to the provisions of this division during the next year. 3.15.:/6_.2.1 Annual determination ~ff adequate "Categor), A" public facilitiex (concurrent39. On or about Augu:;t l)ecember I of each year. tile Community Development and Environmental Services DMsion Administrator will present lhe AU[R report lo lhe board of counly commissioners identifying deficiencies pr potential deficiencies in "Category A" public facilities and remedial action options including but not limited to thc following: I. Establishment of areas of signilicant inlluencc (ASI:s); 2. Public facility project additions to the CIE; 3. l)eferrat of development order issuance in affected areas pending::. a. Lowering of LOS via growth management plan amendment; b. Inclusion of necessary public facility projects in the next adopted annual budget and next annual CIE update and amendment; c. Approval of new or increased revenue sot~rces for Words '..;:r'.:ck :!:ra-'-'g~ are deleted, words underlined arc ,Jded needed public facility projects by the board of county commissioners, the state legislature or the county voters. 3.15.~fi.3 Recommemh~titms o. the ammal CIE .p&~te and tmmtal budget. Based upon the AUIR analysis, the Community Development and Environmental Services Division Administrator shall propose to the Collier County Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners on or about October I of each year, thc annual opdate and amendment to the CIE as pa~ of the annual growlh management plan amendment cycle transmittal public hearings. It will include thc public facilities needed to maintain LOS as directed by the board of count)' commissioners upon presentation of the AUlR. The annual budget, which is to be adopted by October I of each year shall also include projects and funding as directed by the board upon presentation of the prior AUIR. 3.15.-76.4 I:'.~ tt~hli.¥hment of area t(signftca,! influence (ASO Jbr rtmds. 3.15.~6.4.1 Establishment of area(s) of significtm! influence (.'Lq'O. If thc finding of the AUIR analysis identify additional road improvement projects needed to maintain adopted [,OS, they may be included in the road component of the proposed annual CIE update and amendment at the discretion of the board. Based upon board direction on inclusion of additional road projects, the Community l)cvclopment and Environmental Services Division Administrator, in conjunction with the MPO chief and transportation sen'ices department director may propose and identify one or more areas of significant influence (ASI) around any deficient or potentially deficient road segment (except where such potentially deficient road segment is projected not to exceed its adopted LOS within the first three years of the five-year schedule of capilal improvements in the CIE update and amendment ~roposed for transmittal on or about October 1, and the estimated annt,al residual capacity trips that would be allocated to those applicants for certificates of public facility adequacy wilhin thc ASI encompassing such potcnlially deficient road segment during the next )'car does not exceed the remaining trip capacity). The boundaries of any ASI shall be established pursuant to thc standards in subsection 3.15.:76.4.2. of this division along with the annual residual capacity trips covering potentially deficient road segments for each ASI bv gefnembe~ January 1 of each )'car. No residual capacity lrips shall be allotted for development in an ASI encompassing a deficient road segment. 3.15.~6.4.2. Stw~&,'d.¥ in e.vtablishing area tf significant i~htence (ASI). 3.15.7~.4.2.1. General. The boundaries ['or an ASI shall be based upon an "envelope" that surrounds major road segments. In general, the ASI surrounding a road segment will rndiat¢ out from the segment a distance of one to three miles, depending upon natural or manmad¢ features, roadway Ihcility type. Additionally, there may be an overlap of ASI:s due to the effect of adjacent land uses upon a roadway segment or segments. 3.15.7~.4.2.2. Stamhtrdx i, dewrmining at'err of significtmt itgluence (ASI). The Community l)evclopmcnt and l:'nvironmcntal Services l)ivision Administrator in conjunction with the MPO chief and transportation services department director shall examine traffic movement paterns and shall then prepare a map(s) that d."tails the location of the proposed ASI(s). Such map(s) shall then be presented to the board of count)' commissioners at a regularly scheduled meeting tbr its review. Words ='.fuck ;~'oggh arc deleted, words underlined are ad,led. 68 3.15.:76_.4.2.3. The following standards shall guide the Community Development and Environmental Services Division Administratoh MPO chief and transportation services department director in developing these proposed ASI'-s: ??peofRoadwayFaciliO' Scope Principal Arterial Three miles on each side of affected segment and three miles from each end of affected segment. Minor Arterial Two miles on each side of affected scgmcnt and two miles for each end of affected segment. Collector One mile on each side of affected segment and one mile from each end of affected segment. Rural Minor Collector One tnile on each side of affected segment and one nlile [rom cacti of affected segment. l.imited Access Facility One mile from each side of tim affected segment and three (3) miles from any accc~s point and each segment end. Determining ammal residual capacity trips. Thc Community Development and Environmental Services Division ^dministrator in conjunction with the MPO chief and transportation services department director shall complete a detailed conditions analysis of the deficient or potentially deficient road segment within each proposed ASI boundary prior to proposing the boundaries of thc AS1. The analysis shall take into consideration characteristics of thc road segment (such as traffic control, signal spacing, timing, and phasing) using procedures documented in the 1985 l tighway Capacity Manual [or its current edition). The annual residual capacity trips for the proposed ASI covering the potentially deficient road segment shall be based upon up lo 100 percent of ibc potentially deficient road segment's remaining capacity, measured in peak hour. peak season trips. Thirty percent of the potentially deficient mad segment's remaining capacity shall be reserved for only those land uses which generate one peak hour trip per day or less, based on thc most recent ITE Trip Generation Rate Manual. Review and rq~proval by board of county commissioners. After receipt of the proposed boundaries of a potential ASI and the proposed residual capacity trips of the ASI from thc Community Development and Environmental Services Division Administrator the hoard of county commissioners, by ©cto~er January 1 of each ,,,'car, shall hold a public hearing noticed pursuant to the requirements of F.S. §125.66(5). and after consideration of Ibc proposal and public comment, approve the boundaries (including a map of the boundaric's) and tl~e annual residual capacity trips of the ASI. with or without modifications, or determine that competent substantial evidence has been placed on the record to show that thc road segment is not potentially deficient and determine that the establishment of an ASI is not necessary to ensure that development orders are served by adequate road public facilities. The approved boundaries and annual residual capacity trip allotments for each ASI will become effective on October January I of each year if additional road improvements are not added to the capital improvement elec~,cnt at that time. Words .~tr~:ck thrcgg5 are deleted, words underlined art added. 69 3.15.¢6.4.5. 3.15.::]6.4.6. S cc. 3.15.87. I. ~htp of area., of sign!ficant influence (ASO. A map showing the boundaries of each ASI established by thc board of county commissioners shall be kept in thc Commnnity l)evck~pment and [';nvironmentat Service Division and the office of the clerk to the board ol'counly commissioners for review an inspection by the public during normal business hours. Duration of established area t(signiJicant inJhwnce (,,lSD. Once the boundaries of an ASI are approved by the board of county commissioners, they are valid for one 3,ear, unless otherwise dissolved. Duration r~'resithtal capaciO' tripx. Once the road facility residual capacity trips arc approved by thc board of county commissioners, they are valid For one ,,,'ear. Divsohaion of area r~.f sO4nificant iq/hwnce fAS/2. I1' thc additional needed road improvements idcnlified in the AUIR arc added to the CIE or I~nds arc available R)r, and committed fi~r construction off. tim nccdcd road improvements to eliminate thc classification ol'a road as a deficient or potentially deficient road segment, then thc area of significant influence (ASI) established fi, r that deficient or potentially deficient road segment shall be dissolved in thc same manner in which it was established. Rc/2, ulatt}ry prngram: review of dcveh~pment lo ensure adequ:tte public f:~cilities are :~','ailahlc. Genera/. In order to ensure that adequate potable x'.atcr, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, park and road public lhcilities are available concurrent with xvi~cn the impacts of development occur on cach public I~cility, Collier County shall eslablish ~hc l~fllowing development review procedures Io ensure that no development orders subject to concurrency regulation are issued unless adequate public lhcilitics arc available to serve the proposed development. [:,xeml;lion.v. '['hc following development orders and development shall be exempt I'rom the terms of this division: All valid, unexpired final development of regional impact (I)RI) development orders which were issued prior to adoption of the Collier County Growth Management Plao on January 10, 1989, except where: l)cvelopmcnt conditions or stipulations applicable to concurrency, or the provision of adequate public thcilities concurrent with thc impacts ol'dcvclopment, exist in thc DRI development order; Substantial deviations are sought for a I)RI development order, and then. this dMsion shall apply only to those portions of the development R~r which thc deviation is sought; An overriding concern for public health, salkty, or wclfitrc exists; The county can demonstrate pursuant to F.S. §380.06, that substantial changes in thc conditions underlyir~g the approval of the development order have occurred or *,he development order was based on substantially inaccurate information provided by the developer or that thc application of this division to the development order is clearly established to be essential to the public healti: safety and welfare; or Words str:.:ck :l:r.'mgh are deleted, words underlined are ~.,~.' 70 The nc,.,,' requirements would not so change or ahcr a DRI development order thal they would materially or substantially afl,ct thc developer's ability to complete the development authorized by dm I)R[ development order. Construction of public facilities that are consistent with the Collier Count>' Grox,ah Management Plan. Any development orders dctcrmirmd by thc Community I)cvclopmcnt and F. nvironmental Services Division Administrator not to impact public facilities as evaluated against the standards contained in this division. ()riginal temporary construction and development permits and any subsequent renewals not to exceed a cumulative period of one >'car. l)evek)pmcnt orders permitting replacement, reconstruction or repair of existing dcvelopn`ient consistent with all clements o1' thc growth management plan. 3.t5.82.2.6. Original temporary use permits and any subsequent renewals not to exceed a cumulative period o['onc >'car. Any development order or development ',vhosc current ox'.uer is entitled to receive, and v,'ho properly obtains, a determination vested rights for adequate public filcilitics ("APF") in accordance wilh tile provisions of this section .,lpplicatimt. An application for dcternlinatic, n of vested riuhts for APF shall be submitted in the tbrm established by thc ('o~munity I)cvctopmcnt and l~nvironmental Scrvices DMsion Administrator. An application I~e in an amount to be determined by the board ol' county commissioners shall accompany and be pan of lhe application. The application shall, at a minimum, include: 3.15,g~. Name, address, and telephone number of tile owner aud authorized applicant if other than tile owner; 7~ 9 3.15.8_.~.7.1.~. Street address, legal description, arid acreage of tile property; and All factual information and knowledge reasonably available to tile owner and applicant to address tile criteria established in section 3.15.g2.2.7.2. Dclermination o./'ct)ml;lelene.s.s' After receipt of an application Ibr determination of vested rights Ibr APF, the Community Development and Environmental Services I)Msion Administrator ~hall determine xvhethcr the application submitted is complete. I1' he determines that thc applicaliou is not complete, the Community l)cvclopmcnt and [!nvironmcotal Services Division Administrator shall notit3, ll~c applicant in writing of' the dcticicncics. The Conlmunilv l)cvctopmcnt and Environmental Services Division Administralt(r shall take no [~rthcr steps to process the application until thc deficiencies have been remedied. Review a/Id delcrtninalion or rccommet~dalion 1~. C'ommunitv Development and Environmental Services Division A~b;tinislrator an~l the coIttlo, attorney. After receipt of a completed application for determination of vesled rights tBr APF, the Community I)evclopmcnt and Environmental Services Division Admit,islrator ~nd lhe county attorney shall review and evaluate the applica'ion in light ofall of the Words ~uck It~ arc deleted, words underlined arc 71 criteria in section Based on thc review and cvahmtion. the Community Development and Environmental Services Division Administrator and the county attorney shall prepare a written recommendation to Ibc hearing officer fha! thc application should be denied, granted or granted with conditions by the hearing officer. Such recommendation shall include findings of fac! for each of the criteria established in section to tile extent that information is represented or obtained or inclt,sic, n feasible or applicable. Il' the Comnmnity Development and I:.nvironmental Services Division Administrator and the county altomey agree based on lhe review and evaluation tl',at the application for determination of vested rights for APF so clearly shot, Id be granted tlr granted with conditions, then they ma.,,' enter into a written stipulated determination of vested rights lbr APF with the owner, in lict, of the v.'rittcn recommendation to thc hearing officer and the provisions in sections 3.',5.8_7.2.7.4. and Ilowcvcr, any such stipulated detcrminatic,,~ shall be in writing, signed by fl~c Community l)cvelopmeut and l:.nvironmcntal Services I)ivision Adrninislrator~ the county attorncv and thc owner, and shall include findings of fact based on tile criteria established in section conclusions of law I'(~r such criteria, and the detcnrfinatitm granting or granting with conditions, in whole or in part, the vested rights for adequate public facilities. Review ami Determfltalion of I"c.¥ted Rights Determimttion &~' hearing t?[/icer. Upon receipt by Ihe I lcaring ()l'ticcr of the Applicalion lbr I)etcrmination of Vested Rights tbr AI'F and thc written recommendation of Iht Community l)cx'clopmcnt and Environmental Services Division Administrator and thc County Attorney. thc floating Officer shall hold a public hearing on thc application. At the bearing, tim floating Officer shall take evidence and sworn testimony in regard to the criteria set fi~rlh in Section g2.2.7.7, and shall lbllow the rules of procedure set fimb 120.57(1)(b). 4. 6. 7, and 8. Florida Statutes. and Section 120.58(l)(a).(d) and (~, Florida Statotcs. and Section Florida Statutes. only to the extent that the llearing Officer is empowered lo swear witnesses and take testimony under oath. The llearing OflSccr shall Follow the procedures established adminism~tive hearings in Rules 60Q-2.009. 2.017. 2.020, 2.022., 2.027. and 2.031~ Florida Administrative Code except as expressly set [Brlh herein. Thc parties bclbrc the I lcaring Officer shall include the County, the owner or applicant, and the public. Testimony shall be limited It) lhe matters directly relating to the standards set lbrth in Section g2.2.7.7. Thc County Attorney shall represent the County. shall attend the public hearing, and shaII oft~r such evidence as is relevant to the proceedings. Thc owner of thc properly and its authorized agents, may oFl~r such evidence at the public hearing as is relevant to thc proceedings and criteria. Thc order of presentation belBre the l learing Officer at the public hearing shall be ns fifllows: 1) the County's summary of thc application, written rccommcndatiou, wJlncsgcs and other evidence; 2) owner or applicant witnesses and evidence: 3) public witnesses and evidence; 4) County rebuttal, il'any; and 5) applicant rebuttal, if any. I.¥s,ttmce of vested rights d. ctermimttion.fin. AI'f' by hc~tri~,~ q[]icer. Within 15 working days after thc completion of the public hearing under Section, the ltearing Ol'ficcr shall consider the Application Igr [)etermination of Vested Rights for APF, the recommendation of the Community Development and [hwiromncnlal Sen'ices Division Administrator and the (','runty Attorney. and the evidence and testimony presented at the puU;, I~ :~ing. in light of all Words ~ are dele,cd, words underlined arc od. 72 of the criteria scl forth in Scctkm g7.2.7.7, and shall deny. grant, or grant wifl~ conditkms the Application for Determination of Vcsted Rights Ibr APF fi~r Ihe properly or properties at issue. Thc determination shall be in writing nnd shall include findings of fi~ct lbr each of the applicable criteria established in Section g2.2.7.7, conclusions of law for each of such criteria, and a determination denying, granting, or granting with conditions, in whole or in para the vested rights for adequate public facilities. Appeal to the board of cormO' commi.~sioners. Within 30 days after issuance of tile I leafing Officer's ,,witten determination of vested rights for APF, the County Attome7, the Community Development and Environmental Services Division Administrator, or tile owner or its autht~rized attorney or agent, may appeal the determination of vested rig}ils for APF of thc Ilearing Officer to the Board of County Commissioners. A fee for the application and processing of an owner-initiated appeal shall be established at a rate scl by tile Board of County Commissioners from time to time and shall be charged to and paid by the owner or its authorized agent. The Board of County Commissioners shall adopt the I leafing Officer's determination of vested rights for APF, with or without modifications or conditions, or reject the l learing Officer's determination of veslcd righls for APF. The Board of Count)' Commissioners shall not be authorized lo modify or reject tile l tearing Officer's determination off vested rights for Al'F unless Ihe Board of County Commissioners finds that the l learing Officer's determination is not supported by suhstantial competent evidence in the record of the I tearing Ofliccr's public hearing tlr that the l leafing Officer's determination of vested rights Ibr APF is contrary to the criteria established in Section Criteria fi : Vested Rights. ]'his section is intended to strictly adhere to and implement existing case law as they relate to the doctrine of vested rights and equitable estoppel as applied to a local government exercising its authority and powers in zoning, the provision of adequate public facilities concurrent with development (concurrency). and related matters. It is tile express intent of Collier County lo require application of the provisions of this division to as much development and property in the unincorporated areas of the county as is legally possible without violating the legally vested rights which the owner may have obtained in accordance with Florida common law and statutory law. pnrlicularly F.S. §163.3167(8).. F-h~r4da-gtamtes. The criteria herein provided shall be considered in rendering a vested rights &termination under this section. It is intended that each case be decided on a case by case factual aoalysis. An owner shall be entitled to a positive determination of vested rights for APF only il' he demonstrates by substantial compclent evidence thai he is entitled to complete his development without regard to Ihe otherwise applicable provisions of Ibis division based on tile provisions of F.S. §163.3167(8), F!,'wida Statutes, or nil three of the following requirements of tile three-part test under Florida common law: 1) upon some act or omission of tile counly, 2) a properly owner relying in good t~ith, 3) has made such a substantial change in position or has incurred st,ch extensive obligations and expenses lhal it would be highly inequitable and unjust to destroy the rights acquired. Limit~lion on determination qf ve.t'ted rights .fi: ,,IIVC A determination of vested rights lbr APF which grants an application I~r dete~ination of vested rights for APF shall expire and be null and void unless construction is comnlc~med pursuant Io a final development order, final subdivision plat, or final si~c development plan, within two years after the issuance of lhe dctcrminalion of Words :Iruck fiwough arc deleted, words underlined are udded. 73 vcsled rights for APF under this section 87,2.7. or t, nlcss substamial permanent buildings have been. or are being constructed or installed pursuant to n vnlid, unexpired, final development order of Collier County within two .,,'ears after issuance of tile determinntion of vested rights for APF under this Seclion g7.2.7., and such development pursuant to a final development order, final subdivision plat. final site development plan. final subdivision master plan. or planned unit dcvdopmcnt master plnn is continuing in good faith. The albrementioned two-year time limilation on the determination of vested rights for APF shall be stayed during any time periods within which commencement of construction pursuant to a final development order, final subdivision plnt. or final site development plan is prohibited or de[erred by the courtly solely as a result of lack of adequate public facilities to serve the property, pursuant to this division. 3.15.g7.3. ( ':,rlificate o/'ImhlicfaciliO, adequao'. (ieneral. A valid, unexpired certificate o£ public facility adequacy shall be obtained at tile liling for tile earliest or next to occur of final subdivision plat, final site development plan or building permit. provided however, any development orders except a final local development order may be approved or issued provided they are expressly c,ndilioned on tile issuance ora cerlificatc of public facility adequacy prior to building permit approval and provkted the owner and applican! proceed at their own risk and expressly waive and release the county in writing from an5' and all future claims of vested rights nnd eqt, itable estoppel resulting from such conditional approval or nctions relying thereon. At tile applicant's request, the county shall review and approve, or deny. an npplication ['or a cerlilicate of public facility adequacy prior to the consideration of an application for development approval for any development order needed for a proposed development prior lo receipt ora finnl subdivision plat npproval, final site development plan approval, or building permit approvnl. Where tile proposed development has been issued final subdivision plat approval or final site devclopnmnt plan approval prior to tile effective dale of this division, n certificate of public facility adequacy shall be obtained prior to approval of the next development order required for thc proposed development. All applicable impact fees and system devdopmcnt fees Ibr a development shall be paid into the Impact Fee Escroxx Trust Fund in Iht amtmnl cslimatcd to be due upon issuance of the building permil(s) for tl~c development upon or prior Io issuance of a Ccrlificale of Public Facility Adequacy for ll~e developmcnl, except in Ibc instance ol'a simuhaneous application lbr a building permil(s) and a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy in which case(s) all applicable impact tbes and syslem development Ibcs will be paid directly into the appropriate impact fee fund at ibc time ll~e building permit(s) and Certificate are picked up by the applicant. The payment of the estimated impact and syslem development l~es into ll~e Impact Fee Escro~v Trust Fund shall be applied ns n credit lowards the impacl and system development lbes calculated and due upon issnance of the building permit(s) tbr lhe developmem. Impact and syslem developmenl I~es paid into the Impact Fee Escrow 'l'rus~ Fund shall be refundable upon written request 1o the Cmn,nunily Development Words ~=ck ~}~r~ are deleted, words underline~ are ,,' Ud 74 and Environmental Services DMsion Administrator accompanied by the surrender of Ibc original Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy obtained prior to issuance of building permit(s) for tile development. Fees paid upon issuance of building permit(s) in accordance with tile applicable impact fee or system development fee ordinances shall be refumtable pursuant to the provisions of such ordinances upon written request to tile Finance Direclor. Clerk of Courts. Rules qf gem'ral ai;plicabilit3, .~hr cerlificale of public fiwiliO' adequacy. Timing. An application Ibr a certificate of public facility adequacy may be submitted at any time, subject to Section gZ.3.1.1. ('on.voli&~ted al;plictttitm. A building permit, final subdivision plat or final site development plan shall receive fioal approval only to tim extent to which the proposed development receives a certificate of public facility adequacy. The application lbr a certificate of public fazility adequacy may be submitted with an application Ibr dcvdopmcnt approval, where appropriate under this division. AxsignahiliO' ami tramferaflilio'. A certificate of public facility adequacy shall mn with the land, shall be assignable x,.ithin a proposed development, and shall not be assignable or transferable to other development. Exph'ation. A certificate of public facility adequacy shall expire three 5'cars from the date of its approval except to the extent that buJtding permils have been issued for the proposed development for which the certificate is approved, and thc proposed development is lhcn completed pursuant to the terms of the Collier County Building Code, provided:,2.4.1. For development comprised of more than 500 residential dwelling units, or for a phased increment of development comprised of more than 150 residential dwelling units, or for a commercial/industrial development of more than I00,000 square feet of gross leasable area. a certilicate of public facility adequacy shall expire five >'ears from tile date of its approval except to Ihe extent Ihnt building permits have been issued for tile proposed developmenl lbr which tile certificate is approved, and the proposed development is then comptclcd pursunnt to the terms of tile (.;oilier County Building Code. provided tile certificate holder: 3.15.g2. 3.15.g2. Obtains approval of its final subdivision plat and final site development plan. whichever is applicable, within 12 months from the date of issuance of the certificate of public facility adequacy; and Comnlcnces construction of the infraslruclure for tile final subdivisicm plat and linal site development plan, whichever is applicable, wilhin 24 months from tim date of issuance of the ccrtilicatc of public lhcility adequacy: and 3.15.g~. Completes Ihe construction of the infrastructure for tile Iinal subdivision plat and final site development plan, whichever is applicable, and records tile final subdivision plat in the public records of Collier County, if applicable, within 36 months from the date of issuance of tile certificate of public facility adequacy. For purposes of determining tile cxpiratinn of a certificate nf public facility adequacy for a mixed use developmt~t, lhe size cf tile mixed Words :truck t!'.:oug!~ are deleted, words .underlined are *dded. 75 use development shall bc determined by aggregating thc pcrcemagc of the threshold for each land use component identified in section that is proposed for the mixed usc development. I:..!]'ect. Issuance of a certificate of public facility adequacy shall demonstrate proof of adcquale public t~cilitics lo serve lira development approved in the development order, std~ject Io the conditions in thc development order. A subsequent application fi~r development approval For development approved in a development order for which a ccniEcatc of public facility adequacy has been approved shall be dete~ined to have adequate public facilities as long as thc certificate of public fi~cility adequacy is valid and unexpired. When a cc~ificate of public facility adequacy expires, any subsequent application fi~r development approval shall require a new certificate of public l~cility adequacy to be issued pursuant 1o the terms of this section prior to approval of any subsequent development order Ibr thc proposed development. Anything in this Ordinance to thc contrary notwifl~standing, nil Certificates of Public Facility Adequacy approved or issued I'ronl thc date that the Conmmnity l)cvclopmcnt and I~nvironmcntal Services Division Administrator prescnts thc proposed AS1 boundary maps Io Ibc Board ol'County ('ommissioncrs. as provided by Section gZ.4.2.3. lhrougb the date that lhe boundaries and the Annual Residual Capacity Trip Allotments fi)r each ASI are approved by Ibc Board shnll be expressly conditioned upon any and all rcstrictim~s. limitations, provisions, boundaries and allotments adopted by the Bonrd of County Commissioners pursuan~ to Section 6.4.3. 3.15.g2.3.3. l'.'J.~'ct ti/'devch~pment t~greemc~t in ct,q'u,wlio~ with rt c'ert(/icate q/' public' .fiwili(r tuteqttac): [Jpon approval by the hoard of cotmtv commissioners, any applicant may enter into a development agreement with Collier Counly pursuant to Iht provisions of F.S. ~ 163.3220-3242. in conjunction with thc approval of a dcvclopmcnt order and/or a cc~ificate of public facility adequacy. Thc cl'l~'ct of the development agreement shall be to bind the parties pursuanl to the terms and conditions of the development agreement and Ibc certificate of public l~cility adequacy in order to insure that adequate public fi~cilitics are available to serve the proposed development concurrcnl with when the impacts of the development occur on thc public fiscilitics. Development agreements may address conditional development order approvals and conditions fi~r renewal ol' thc certificate of public lhcility adequacy beyond fi~c years, however. duration of any certificate of public filcilily adequacy shall not exceed five years. Development agreements may also provide Ibr private provision off public fi~cilities or For a joint endeavor between the private sector and Collier County to provide public l~tcilities. Any public facility in the five year schedule oFcapilal Improvcmenls in thc CIE on which such a cc[tificate of adequate public fi~cilitics is made in conjunction with the approval of a development order and a development agreement shall not be delayed, deffrrcd, or removed from the five year schedule of improvements in thc CIE. 3.15.g7.3.4. l'roc'cdure f. r review 3.15.g2.3.4.1. Submission t!/',pplicution tmdfi'e. An Application tbr a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy shall be submitted to the Community l)evelopment and Environmenlal Services Division Administrator. ^n application shall be submitted at the tiling of the earliest or next to occur of final subdivision plat, linal sit,_' development plan, or building permit. An application fee in an a'nount to be determined by Words s'.mck :hr~v. agh are deleted, words underlined a,¢ :,tided 76 the Board of County Commissioners shall accompany and be part of the application. 3.15.g2.3.4.2. ,.Ipplicali~m contcntx. Thc form and ctmtcnts for thc Application fi~r Public Facility Adequacy shall be establishcd by linc Communib' l)cvclopmcnl and Environnmntal Services l)ivision Administrator and shall be published and made available to the general public. Determination of completeness attd review. After rcccipl of an Application for Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy, the Community Development and Environmental Sen'ices Division Administrator shall determine whether it is complete within three business days. If it is determined that the application is not complete, written notice shall be served on the applicant specifying the deficiencies. The Community Development and I';nvironmcntal Sen'ices Division Administrator shall take no further action on thc application unless thc deficiencies are remedied. Within live business days after thc application is determined to be complete, thc Comnmnity l)cvclopment and Fmvironmcnlal Services l)ivisitm Administrator shall review and grant, or deny each public facility component in the application pursuant to thc slandards established in Section 8Z.3.5. Appeal to Public [:acililies Determination/lppcal ( 'ommittee. Within 30 days after issuance of the determination o~' the Communhy I)evclopment and l~nvironmcntal Services Division Administrator on the Application for a Cc~ificate of l'ublic Facility Adequacy. the applicant may appeal the determination of thc Community Development and Environmental Services DMsion Administrator on thc Application for a Ccaificatc of Public Facility Adequacy to the Public Facilities Determination Appeal Committee. A fcc tbr thc application and processing on an appeal shall be cslablishcd at a rate set by thc Board of County Commissioners i?om time to time and shall be charged to and paid by the applicant. Thc Public Facilities Dclermination Appeal Committee shall hold a hearing on the appeal and shall consider the determination of the Community I)cvclopmcnt and Environmental Services I)ivision Administrator and public testimony in light of all thc criteria set R~rth in Section g2.3.5 or this Ordinance. The Public Facilities Determination Appeal Committee shall adopl the Cummunity l)evclopment and Environmenlal Services I)ivision Adminislrator's determination on the Application fi*r a Ccmificale of Public Facility Adequacy with or without modifications or conditions, or reject the Community Development and Environmental Services Division Administrator's detemfinafion. The Public Facilities Determination Appeal Committee shall not be authorized to modilX' or reject the Communily Development and [~nvironmental Services Division Administrator's dmcrmination unless Ibc Public Facilities Determination Appeal Cmnmitlcc finds lhat thc dctcrminalion is not suppoflcd by substantial competent evidence or that the Community Development and Environmental Services I)ivision Administrator's determination is contrary to thc criteria established in Section g2.3.5 of this Ordinance. Thc decision of the Public Facilities Detemfination Appeal Committee shall include findings of ~hct Ibr each of the criteria. Compoxilion of public fitcilities determination apl>eal comminee. The public t~cilities dclermination appeal committee shall be comprised of three members: thc oNSce cf ca~ital~mject:; nm~t public works division director, or his designer: metropolitan phmning organiv~tion (MPO) coordinator, or his designee: and thc l~ review engineering review services manage:, or his designee. ~ords ............~g,~ are dclclcd, words underlined ar~ ', :;, 77 3.15,8Z.3.4.5. 3.15, 3.15.8Z. 3.15,8Z.3,5.2. 3.15.82,,1.2.,2.1.3, ('tmcelhtlion ofccrt(lk'utes. Upon notification by tile Community l)evclopmcnt and F, nvironmcntal Services Division Administrator or his designee, that an application for a Ccrlificalc of Public Facility Adequacy has been approved and a Cerlificale issued, tile applicant shall have 30 calendar days to pick up tile Certificate and pay all applicable impact and system devclopmeot fees. If thc applicant fails to pick up the Certificate and pay the appropriate fees within 20 calendar days of notification of approval, a second notification of pending cancellation of tile Certificate will be sent to tile applicant by certified mail. If tile applicant docs not pick up the Certificate and pay all applicable fees within ten calendar days of notificatiou by certified mail, the Certificate will be voided. In such a case, the applicant shall then be required to apply for issuance of ancw Certificate. Certificates issued simultaneously with building permits shall be voided if the applicant fails to pick up the building permit and fails to pay all applicable fees within the time period during which s:mh building permit(s) remain(s) valid. ,~l(lIl(htrd.~'fof review qfapplication. The Ibllowing standards shall be used in the determination of whether to grant or deny a certificate of public facility adequacy. Before issuance of a certificalc of public facility adequacy, the application shall fulfill tile standards for each public facility component (potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, parks and roads). Potable ,wter fiwilities. The potable water component shall be granted il' any of the following conditions are met: The required public facilities are in place at tile time a building permit is issued. The required public facilities arc under construction at the time a building permit is issued. The required public facilities arc guaranteed in an cnforceablc development agreement that includes the provisions of subsections 8.33.1.!.! and ,g;3.~.!.!.-3 Sw~itar)' sewer f~wililies. The sanitary sewer component shall be granted if an)' of the following conditions are met: The required public facilities are in place at the time a building permit is issued. The required public facilities arc under construction at tile time a building pemfit is issued. The required public facilities arc guaranteed itl an cnlbrccable development agreement that includes lhc provisions of Subsections ~.3.5,2.!.!,1.1. dud ~.3.5.2.!.2 Solid waste fitcilities. The solid waste component shall be granted if any of the following conditions are met: Words :.'.rgck t?.reugh are deleted, words underlined a:a added. '/8 'Vile required public facilities are in place at the time a building permit is issued. 3.15.gZ. Thc required public facilities are under construction at tile time a building permit is issued. The required public facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions of Subsections and ; Drainage fi;cilities. The drainage component shall be granted if the proposed development has a drainage and water management plan that has been approved by the environmental ser;,,iccs division that meets the I,OS lbr Capital Drainage Facilities defined in Subsection 43.22. /'ark amt recreation facilities. The parks and recreation component shall be granted it' any of tile following conditions are met: Thc required public Ihcilities are in place at the time a building permit is issued. 3.15.g2. The required public facilities are under construction at tile time a building permit is issued. Thc required public Ihcilitics arc tile subject of a binding contract executed for the construction of those public facilities ~xhich provides For commencement of actual construction within one year of issuance oFa building permit. 3.15.g2. Thc required public hcilities are guaranteed in an cntbrccablc devclopmcntagreementthatincludestheprovisionsof~ubsections 8.~.5.5,!.1,!.2 and,,, and3. Roadfiwilitiex. The road component shall be considered based upon whether thc proposed development is outside a designated ASI or within a designated ASI. l)evelopme,t outside dcxigmttcd area o.f.~'ign!ficant iq/hteuc¢ (.4SI)or where no ,.ISl exgws. For development outside a designated ASI, or where no ASI exists, the road component shall be granted. Development within designated area of significan! iq/luence 6'1S0. For development within a designated ASI covering a polentially deficient road segment, thc road component shall be approved, subject to available capacity, if it is demonstrated thc proposed development will not make tim potentially deficient road segment within the ASIa deficient road segment. In the instance where the proposed development will create a dcficienl road segmcnl, a ccrtificalc of public facility adequacy Ibr the road component shall be approved only for that portion of the development that docs nol create Ibc deficient road segment. For development within a designated AS[ covering a deficient road segment, lhe road component shall be approved only for that ponion of the development that does not increase thc net trips on the deficient read segment and docs not further degrade the LOS of the deficient road segment. Sec. 3.15.98. Liberal construction, scverability, and penal provision. Words ~'ruc.t; :hrcugk are deleted, words underlined are ~', !. 79 Thc provisions of lhis division shall be liberally construed to effectively carry out its purpose in the interest of tile public health. safety, v,'elfare and convenience. 3.15.98_.2. If any section, phrase, sentence or portion of this division is tbr an.,,' reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not effect thc validity of the remaining portion. A violation of this division shall bc misdemeanor punishable according to law; however, in addition to or in lieu of an.,,' criminal prosecution. Collier Count)' shall have thc power to sue in civil court to enforce thc provisions of this diviskm. SUBSECTION 3..1: AMENI)MENTS TO I'LANNING COMMISSION I)IVISi()N l)ivision 5.2., Planning Commission, of Ordinance 91-102. as amended, thc C'ollicr county l.and I)evclopment Code, is hereby amended to read as follmvs: I)IVISION 5.2 I'LANNING COMblISSION Sec. 5.2.1 !. Appeals. As to any land development petition or application upon which thc planning commission takes final action, an aggrieved petitioner, o~ applicant or an aggrieved party may appeal such final action to the board or county commissioners. The board of county commissioners may affirm, affirm with conditions, reverse or reverse with conditions Ibc action of the planning commission. Such appeal shall be filed with the development services director within 30 dab's of thc date of the final action by thc planning commission and shall be noticed for hearing with the board of county commissioners, as applicable, in the same manner as lhe petition or application was noticed for hearing with tile planning commission. The cost of notice shall be borne by thc petitioner: m, applicant or age, rieved party. SUIlSECTION3.K: AMENI)MENTS TO ENVIRONMENTAL AI)VISORY BOARI) DIVISION Division 5.13.,Environmental Advisory Board, of Ordinance 91-102, as amended, the Collier Count>' Land Development Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: DIVISION 5.13 ENVIRONMENTAL AI)VISORY BOAP. I) Eec, 5,!3,!. E-~st.~btishment ef the en;'ironn~,~t~! ad;'iss.~' boavdcmbolL, fl~nent of the ~VMAI~m! EAC, There,.. :~ ,%veb, .: ...... .....,..,,..,,. ~'~:~:'~'~ ,,-rJ.~, ,,~ En ~4mnnue::tal Ad:'i::ory ?.oa~d;: :';hic~ shall herein be ref~m, ed to ag tSe hAlL 5.!3.!.2. .... ,-~,: -~.,,~ k ....., ...~ are ,,.,~..~ ~o~,, ...... ~,., .., envirom~tal advisory ~.,~ ma,~, ,.-J,m whiclmvcr occurs earlier. At Words :Iruck :Sreug[ are deleted, words underlined ~.'t added. 80 gee. 5.!2.2.2. 5.! ~ 5.! 5.! 5.!2.2.2. A u I h orilyrfu net hm.,swl.a~,;er.~-., nd-d utier.. ,~,~ ~. .... ~ ~r ............... ;,,: ..... ,hereinafter referred ..... ',he ~',.~,, ~,' ,,,,~-'~ pt:rs:mn! ;o lhis code, 0,,,,,'~'"'~ ,,~,--' in an aah,'isor',', eapaehy to ~cI, n~m~.m~:se or exfl~ta~n of anVil nat~ ',"he EAE will function to: P, eviev.' a~ recmnmend svi-pulafions a',M~essintHhe ~ ............. protectionist and be=~mMtse .... ,' · .' ,, I biological ...... ~,:., phys:ca~na ........ ~ rer~urce:; (a~'~ ~ .......... ~ ............. : ...... ~,,, for ~s an'J planne'J unit de'.'dcpn~nt an~nts that are 'Ji~e'J l'he powers an.l-duties cf the I".A g are. as follows+' Implen~m-l-l,~%m'{;vi.dens of the c,-'m.ser:'athm-m'~ coa:;ta¼¥}mmgt-unem elemenc-~f the cotml':"s comprehensive pla;~uring th-e r-e'.'ic'.v ~ccc:;s as-provided for in -Ji;'isicn 3.5, ,.',,'.;si'.:',; ' '"~ .........;~- ofany ,n-0~--m, ................ ne'.',' prcgran:s, crdhmnces policies ....... ~ thro'.-'gh ,t.~ environmental pc!icy technic::[., ~" ............ wP, Mbo c,m,,servation,--m, anagemen! and prctecti~ orai~mL water md natural resources and ,,, ~ ............. ag.~ ..... : :,. r-~u;~. Ccm~ ........... ~valn~ ...... forum-and process ,o-lyear-4,,r-,p ........ d:dTand ' ' ....... : apphcants concerning land development prescott: a~ reco~~sed stipulations for project a~roval or gr~::ds for ~e~ect denial For ~ard consi~rati~ h, ,n//ctien as a:: envircnm~:~ta! impact stateme,a¢(4/IS) appeal--~mrd pursuant to d' '~m 3.8, ~, k~nlm~hip, Se'.'-en memb~.~:; oF the EAP. :;!'ml[ be appointed by and plea::ur~l~rd. Appciam~ent tc the !{,M~m!! be of or, ce, "/acaac4es-o,.Hhe t: ." ti ,'iran be ~,aM:c:,:ea ia-a-fml~,ticatiov,-of general c4 r c u ! a t ku-~w i~,hie,-t[: e ............. ~ no!ices :;h-al~edqn response.';,, the board's staflrshall provide the-tmard wifi~,,.4ist .......... [. ..... ~ ................... ,ml-d~,,..~,, a9 .... backgrmmd-ofeac-h and shc',:!d b-,: reputable and active in ccmm:mi.~,' service, Words .............. ~,.. are deleled, v,'ords underlined al." 81 The prinmry ~u=lity, ' ~ ',~h.,' · · ,' · . ~nd use pla~ing. ~ufion control, scl['2 ',va:sic, smrmwa~er &13.3.5. 'l'Ivednitial-tem},+-ogofFmeq~l~r~Rhe !{/\ FJ--shati4;e )"M!ows: 5.! .................... serve umi! September¢..,'~n ,~ rm.~...., 5.! 3.3.5. ~. !99% pi~mmem-s~14-b c ......... cc. ............ . ..... c~.n' · ......... : ...... , ............................. li~4~ecn~ls~¢ ..... .... i~' · k ....... ..... t.i k .... ~m~m~; vote. e~:,' one year, 5,4-3.3.7. 0 fr~rs-a ad-su pp~r4-sla fl, 5.!2:!.1. The officers of the EAR shakL.be a c,hair~um~-a~d n~ng cf lbo l{;M~ctober of each year: 5.!3.!.2. The clm4mma-shatPFre:;kte-aF-alt--a~qh~,+e f the EA P.. .... du ...... ~h. c}~~he aN'~nce or ~ma)~mll perf~m ') .... " b~ily of tl:e dm~n case oPenmval, the chaM~,~ice clmimm~m!l perl~,~ut~e:; a~re .... oul~l~ .......... ~m~r vice ....................................... a successor mrm cf said Words muck ',)ma~gh are deleted, ',vords underlined arc idded. 82 · . ......... ~ ~r,~.~ rmqjec t re;':e:v. d~p ............. ~ ..... ~ .... ~ .............. rrr,~, ~ ..... ~ ..... ~nty g.qver~t as may. ffon~e to time, bc requested b~ ~ned necessary by the coggly manag~ Mee:ingg, q uor-u m-~nd-r-ules-of-p r o e ed u r~. -~' ,'-~mdH,.t 9:00 a.m.. in ':'~ ~omn~ng 't'lfird Floor. P. uilding ,,x:" r-~,:~, r' .... ,n. ...... Ccmple~.-Naples:. r.,,:::., r' ........ '::or4d~ Specia! meetings ~r,,,~ ::^n ..... n~ cat4e4 constitute a qmm.~m-fih'Mbe-purpl:se or,~mdt~-ting bush:e:;:;. An at'~ve vote c~our or mor~ers shat~ nece:;sa~r~ the EAB a~:t at a :neetin~ 5.!2.5.3. ,]-~.~ ~: ,., n ,~...u ~, ,,.~,..=;,=s ........... c ,.~ eraLremvember'.;l:ip.=adefft roles of ~~r t[:~:;act[o:: cf ~::~ness and :;ha!! kee~ record ~c. ..... ; ........ 1.,,: .... n~:.g ..... ~.~ ...... :' '; ..... The ~d~ership to facilitate i~uncticns. Meetings ¢~:e st:~o:nn~t~ shall conform t'o thc same public ri'odes r~:ents as that of flee .-%-13.5..I. At4hew~u-~-mee~g:; of the !?;\!?,wt4~tbltowbvg-stmtlq'~t~e-order o f b:.:zi:':e::2: 5.13.5.!.!. Roll 5,13.5.,l.2. ,'~p?rova! o f4lvem~inmes of previous meel4~. 5.13.5..1.!. Ne:v Pub4ic commen~. Items, shall come herin, re ,,he l'L&l~ as .',cl~fled on the pre, jet! review ~,~cr ......... ~ agenda mfiefis a ~;pecHic requesl ari~ ~ich justifies dev~ion by the See. 5.13.-6. S e c pe~M4a ntLd cv elopment--proj eel reviews, ~:e e,'wirmm~d-aPadvh;ery ,NmrCMmlPrev~w-all4mv3-~e;'ehqm~enl '~ .... '"p ...... "'~%: .... ' ~m~ct/nu'~ : .... , ..... ;':' specia! ~c-,-~ ~., .... rc.:,:~ c,,m Concern/Specia~ q~atment overlays, areas of t~unt~ .......... ~ k,, im~cal ...~ .,4.:.~.: .......... ~ '* ~" ~ .... ~ by" ........ : ........... ~ advisory board by either pa~)' and any ~etiticn which r~uires a~rova[ of ~mu ................................. 7~e p~, '" *~ heard by the envir~mental adviseW ~rd from t'~e c~r~ cf Words :,:r',~ck :!w~gh arc deleted, words 9ndcrlined m , ' k: ~3 $cc. notify th~~~ ~]~ county nmnnger m~ place flint such aPF~al shal! be hearer:ch nolif~l~ ~i~ 21 days prior to the hea,~g unless a!! panics waive ~!~ ~fir~nl. 'I'1~~I be l~he ~[~ri~he agg~ved pert;on shall ~~m~l:e count':' ,tanager copies of l~afi~l~mm~enta~isory beard wi!! n,,4: ......... L: ...... Tim ~mnty g~mmd~i(~; ils f',:'cls ......... e ...... ~}u~ ........ manag~n4~h~ecotm}~fi~u~he Ret mbu rse men l-of-e~ pen .se.s; gee. 5.13.9. Review pro~e~r~ Sec. 5.13.1. EstMflishment of II~e env ronmental advis,n' c,uncil. '1 here is hcrehv established '"l he t:.nvironmcnti, I Ad~isorx Milch shall herein he referred to as fl~e [!AC. KI3.1.2, Any references xvidfin tile hind devclopmcnl code to thc Environmental Advisory [½oard shall now refer to ll~c environmental advisory council. Sec. 5.13.2. Authority, functions, powers and duties. Tim It. AC ohtains its jurisdiction, powers, and limits of authority from tile board of county commissioners, hereinafter relk~ed board, and pursuant to tiffs code, shall acl in an advisory capacilv thc board in mailers dealin~ with the regulation, control, managcmcm, use or exploitation of any or nil natural resources of or within ll~e county and tl~e ret'iow and evaluation of specific zoning and development petitions and their impact on those resources. The I-D\C will function Words ~.n:ck t.m.,~.4s are deleted, v,'ords underl'ned a,e :,ddc,l (2) Advise on tile preservation, conservation, protection, manaucment and bcncticial usc of thc physical and biohmical natural resources (atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic and hydrologic) of the county in regard to thc salkty, heahh and general well-being of thc public~ Advise and assist tile county staff'and board tov,'ard developing the purpose, intent and criteria of all county ordinances, policies, programs and other initiatives dealing with natural resources. l'rovide written anti oral reports directly to tile board rc.u. arding rec~mln~endations on matters dealing v.'ith tile prolection of natural resources. {4} P, eview and recommend stipulations addressing preservation, conservation, proteclion, manatzement and beneficial use of tile county's physical and biological natural resources {atmospheric. terrestrial, aquatic and hydrologic) for petitions and/or plans [bt selected developnlent orders, including hut not limited to rezones, developments of regional impact, provisional usus, subdivision master plans and planned unit development amendments that arc directed to tile [';AC by county staff, the board, or the provisions of this code. The powers and duties o£ the I:./XC are as fidlows: Identit\', study, evaluate, and provide technical recomnmndations to lhe board on programs necessary for tile conservation, managemenl and protection of air, land, and water resources and environmental quality in the county. (2) Advise the board in establishing goals and obieclives for thc county's environmental conservation and management programs. 12.) Advise tile board itl developing and revising, as appropriate, h)cal rules, ordinances, regulations, programs and other initiatives addressim4 the use, conservation and preservation of tile coulltv's natural resources. Advise tile board in the inlplementatim~ and devclopn~eot o1' the growth management plan reRarding environmental and natural resource issues. (5) Advise tile board in identifying and recomnlcndinu solutions to existing and future environmental issues. (6) Serve as tile technical advisory conmlittec to ;,d,,'isc and assist tile county in the aclivities involved in tile development and implementation of the county environmental resources manat,,en~ent program as stated in policy I. 1.1 of the conservation and coastal management element of tile growth management plan. (7) Implement the water policy pursuant lo chapter 90, article Il of tiffs code. (8) Provide an opportun tv ['or public ct. bm-sent on cn,.'ironnlcntal issues, ordinances and programs. Words struck ;~rough are deleted, words underlined a~e added. 85 (9) Implement the provisions of the conservation and coastal management element of tile county's comprehensive plan during lhe review process for development petitions and/or plans. (I0) Participate in the review and recommendation process for excavations over 1,000,000 C.Y., as provided for in dMsion 3.5. (11) Assist in the implementation of any ne,,',' programs, ordinances and/or policies adopted by the board which deal with the conservation, management and protection of air, land, water and natural resources and environmental quality in Collier County. (I.2) Provide an appellate forum and process to hear disputes between county staff'and applicants concerning land development proiects and recommend proposed slipulations for project approval or grounds for project denial for board consideration. (13) Function as an environmenlal impact statement ([';IS) review board pursuant to division 3.8. (14) The t!AC shall present an annual report to the board al a regular board meeting in May of each year. Thc report shall Iisi the F-AC's achievemenls for the prior year. present its objectives for tile coming 5'car and highlight environmental issues that need I'urlhcr study. Sec. 5.13.3. Membership. Nine members of the EAC shall be appointed by and scp,'c at thc pleasure of the board. Appointment to the EAC shall be by resolution of the board and shall set forth the date of appointment and the term of office. Vacancies on the EAC shall be publicized in a publication of general circulation within the county, and vacancy notices shall be posted in the courtly libraries and county courthouse. Alone, with the applicant rcspgnses, the board's staffshall provide the board with a list outlining the qualifications and demographic background of each candidate, including the present members seeking rcappoinm~cnt. Applications submitted within one year of an advertised EAB vacancy, may be considered for the current position. Members shall be permanent residents and electors of Collier County · and should be reputable and active in community service. Thc primary consideration in appointing EAC members shall be to provide the board with technical expertise and other viewpoints that are necessary to effectively accomplish the EAC's purpose. In appointin.e, members, the board should consider a membership guideline of six technical members and three non-technical members. Technical members shall demonstrate evidence of expertise in one or more of the following areas related to environmental protection and natural resources management: air quality, biology (including any of the subdisciplines such as botany, ecology, zoology, etc.), coastal processes, estuarine processes, hazardous v:aste, hydrogeology, hydrology, hydraulics, land use law, land use planning, pollution Words :truck t.h. re::g~ are deleted, words underlined are Mded. 86 control, solid waste, slorm..vater management, water resources, wildlife management, or other representative areas deemed appropriate by the board. Thc initial tcrms of ol'ticc of tile mcmbers of thc EAC shall be as follows: ~. Two members will serve until September 30, 1999; Two members will serve until September 30, 2000; Two members ,,,,,ill serve until September 30, 200!.i Three members ..','ill serve unlil September 30, 2002. After tile initial term of appointment, each appointment or reappointment shall be lbr a term of four ','ears. All terms of office ~all expire on the 30th day of September. Terms of office shall be limited to one term unless waived by the board by a unanimous vote. A member mav be rc-appoinled by tile board for only one successi..'c term and shall apply with other applicants. Terms shall be sta,u,t~crcd so that no more than a minority of such members' appointments will expire in any one year. Any member of the F. AC may be removed from office by a majority vote of the board of county commissioners. The board of county commissioners may consider removal of any member of the EAC in accordance with Ordinance No. 92-44, as amended. Sec. 5.13.4. Officers and support staff. 3'he officers of the EAC shall be a chairman and a vice-chairman. Officers' terms shall be for one year, with eligibility for reelection. The chairman and vice-chairman shall he elected by a majority ..'otc at the organizational meeting and thereafter at the first regular meeting of the I';AC in October of each ..'ear. The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the EAC. The vice- chairman shall perform the duties of the chairman in tile absence or incapacity of the chairman. In case of removal, resignation or death of the chaimmn, the vice-chairman shall perform such duties as are imposed on the chairman until such time as the F. AC shall elect a new chairman. Should the offices of chairman and/or vice-chairman become vacant, the EAC shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting. Such election shall be for lhe unexpired term of said office. Professional support staff for the EAC shall be provided by the community development and environmental services division and such other county slnff from elsewhere within the county government as may, from time to time, be requesled by the EAC and deemed necessary by tile county administrator. Sec. 5.13.5. Meetings, quorum and rules of procedure. Regular meetings of the EAC shall be held on tile first Thursday of each month at 2:00 p.m., in the commissioner's meeting, room, Third Floor, Building "F," Collier County Go~cmment Complex, Naples, Words r,~ruzk thraug!~ are deleled, words .underlined am added. 87 Collier County, Florida. Special meetings of thc EAC may bc called bY the cha rman or by a majority ofthe membership. A simple majority of tile appointed members of tile EAC shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business. An affirmative vote of five or more members shall be necessary in order to take official action, regardless of whether fi'`'c or more members of lhe EAC are present ntn meeting. The I';AC shall, by majority ','otc of tile enllre nlembcrship, adoN rules of procedure for tile transaction of business and shall keep a record of meetings, resolutions, findings and determinations. The Following standing subcommittees comprised solely of its membership shall exist to advance tile duties and responsibilities of the EAC: ( iro,.t th mim:~t/cmcrlt. Thc I'b\C may establish other sllbcomlllitlccs comprised solely of its membership to facilitate its functions. Meetings of thc subcomnlittccs shall conlbrm to thc same public notice requirements as that of tl~e EAC Al tile regular rneetim2, s of the [!AC, thc tbllov.'ing shall be thc order of business: Roll call. Ne'`,.' business. l'ublic conlments. Adjournment. Approval of thc minulcs oF prc,.'ious interim,. Old business. llcrns shall come before the I!AC as scheduled on thc support staff prepared atLenda tmlcss a specific request arises v. hich justifies deviation by thc EAC. Sec. 5.13.6. Scope of land development project reviews. Thc EAC stroll review all land development petitions ,.~.bich require an environmental impact statement (ELS) per section 3.8 of the code, ifil developments of regional impact (I)RI), lands with special treatment (ST) or Area of Critical State Concern/Special Treatment zoning overlays, areas of the county covered bv interlocnl agreements, any petitions which cannot be resolved between tile applicant and stal*l' and which is requested to be heard by ti)e EAC bv either party and ~ny petition v.'hich requires approval of tile Collier County phmning commission or the board of county commissioners and staff recei,,'es n request for the petition to be heard bv the EAC fmnl the cbairmar~ of tile EAC or chairman of tile board of count'`' commissioners Any petitioner may request a waiver lo tile F. AC hearth< requirement, when tile Ibllowing considerations are met: I } no protected species or wetland impacts are identified on the site, 2.~ 'm ElS waiver bas been administratively t~ranted, 3) ST zoning is prc::ent and an administrative approval bas been granted or ?}.) an ElS was previously completed and reviewed by staff.?': I.[!,"5:d by it Words :'.."'.:ok :brm~,h are deleled, words underlined, arc at,, d predecessor environmental board, and that ElS is less than five years ()Itl (or it' older than five ','ears, has been updated within six ntonths of submittal) and tt~e master plan {hr the site does not show greater impacts to thc previously designated preservation areas. The surface water managcment aspects of any petititm, that is or '.,.'ill bt: reviewed and permitted by South Florida Water Managcn~cnt District (SFWMD), arc exempt from review bv the F. AC. Sec. 5.13.7. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the county administrator, or his dcsignce rcgarding any section of division 5.13 may fi lc a written request fi>r appeal, not later Ihan ten days after said decision, with the EAC. The EAC ',,,'ill nolifv the aRgrieved person and the county administrator, or his designee of the date, time and place that such appeal shall be heard; st,ch notification will be Riven 21 days pric, r It* the hearing tmlcss all parties waive this requirement. The appeal ,.,.'ill be heard by lhe [';AC within 60 days of the submission of tile appeal, Ten days prior lo the hearing, the aggrieved person shall submit to the EAC and to the county administrator, or his designee, copies of the data and infomlation he intends to use in his appeal. Upon conclusion of thc hcarinu thc EAC ,,,,'ill submit to thc hoard of county commissioners its ['acts, findings and recommcndatioos. The board of cmmtv commissioners, ira regular session, will make thc final decision to affirm overrt, le or modify the decision of Iht county administrator, or his &sim<e, taking into account of the rcconmmndatic, ns of thc F. AC. Sec. 5.13.8. Reimbursement of expenses. Members o£ tile F. AC shall serve witllOUt compcnsali(m, but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement Ibr expenses rcasmmblv i,currcd i, file perfornmnce of flmir duties upon prior approval of thc board county commissioners. Sec. 5.13.9. Review process, This I';AC shall be reviewed for maior accomplishments and xvhcfllcr it is serving tile purpose for which il ,.,,'as created once every four years commencing wilh 2003 in accordance ,.villa the proccdures contained in Collier County Ordinance No. 86-41 [Code cia. 2, arl. VIII, div. 21. SUliSECTION 3.L: AMENI)MENTS TO I)EFINITIONS SECTION l)ivision6.3., l)clhfitions, of Ordinance 91-102, as amended the Collier County l.and l)cvclopmcnt Ct)dc. is hereby amended to read :.is follows: DIVISION 6,3 I)EFINITIONS Zero l,t line hou.vi,g: A single-fi, rally attacq~t.~.l-m' dctached dwelling structure on individually platted lots which provides a side yard or patio tm one side of thc dwelling and no yard on the other. (Sec section 2.6.27.) )'~mL .fro,t: The required open space extending across the entire width of the lot between the front buil0ing line and street right-of-way Words .qw,:ck t!m'.:.:gh are deleted, words ~ndcrlincd are add,:d. 89 line. Where double-frontage lots exist, tile required front yard shall be provided on both streets except as otherwise provided lbr herein. Where corner lots or record existed prior to the date of adoption of Collier County Ordinance No. 82-2 [January 5.1982J. which tots do not meet minimum lot width or area requirements established ill lhis code, (1) only one full depth front yard shall be required, t, 2) all other front yards shall be not less than 50 percent of tile otherwise required front yard depth except ',E{s exclusive of any right-el:way, or right-of-way easement b~4he estates dislrict except tllal in the E estates district this depth may not be less than 15 feet exclusive of any riKht-of-way or right-of-way easement and the full depth front yard shall be located along tile shorter lot line along the street. In thc case of shoulder lots which conform to thc milfimum lot width and area rcqoircmcnts of file zoning districl, thc required I¥ont yard adjacent Io the longest street may be reduced by live feet providing that in no case may this yard be less than 25 feet. In the case of through lots, unless the prevailing front ?~'d patlcrn on the adjoining lots indicalcs otherwise, a full depth front yard sMll be provided on all frontages. Where one of tile front yards lhat would normally be required on a through lot is not in keeping with the prevailing yard pattern, tile development services director may waive tide requirement for tile normal front yard and substitute therefore a special ?.ltd requirement ~.¥liich shall :Dot exceed tide average of the yards provided on adjacent lots. SECTION FOUR: CONFLICT AND SEV£RABILFFY In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any olher Ordinance of Collier Counly and olhcr applicable law, tile more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of tl~¢ Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate. distinct and independent provision and such holding shall :lot affect tile validity of tile remaining portion. SECTION FIVE: INCLUSION IN TIIE COLLIER COUNTY LAND I)EVELOPMENT CODE The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Land l)cvclopment Code of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be rcnumbcrcd or relcttcrcd to accomplish such, and tile word "ordinance" ,nay be changed to "section", "article". or any other approprial¢ word. Words s~.rgek :!:."e:vg4:~ are deleted, words underlined a: ,': Ideal 90 SECTION SIX: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOIrI'ED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this ~ day of __, 1998. BOARI) OF COUNTY COMMISSIONI'~RS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ATTEST: BARBAiLA B. BERRY, CI IAIRMAN DW1GItT E. BROCK, CI.F. RK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND 1.EGAL SUFFICIENCY MARJORIE M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY A'Iq-ORNEY NOVI{MIIER 98 (.)RI,)INANCI-Jmd,'f. Words .~h arc deleted, words underlined arc ad !cd. Ol 2 ORI)INANCE NO. 99- 6 AN ORI)INANCE AMENDIN(; ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102. AS AMENDEI), TIlE COI,I,IER COUNTY I,ANI) DEVEI,OPMENT ('ODE, WlIICII INCI,UDES TIlE COMI'REIIENSi',,~E ZONING REGUI,ATIONS FOR TIlE UNINCORPORATED AREA ()F COi,I.IER COUNTY, I:I.OR1DA, BY PRO¥'II)ING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECrrAI,S: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION TIIREE, ADOI'TION OF AMENDMENTS TO TIlE I,ANI) I)EVEI,OPMENT CODE, MORE SPECIF[CAI,I,Y AMENI)ING TIlE FOI.I.OWING: ARTICI.E 2, ZONING, DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRIC'YS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAl. USES, DIMENSIONAl. STANDARDS, I)IVISION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING AND I.OADIN(;; DIVISION 2.6. SUPPI.EMEN'I'AI. I)ISTRICT REGUI.A'YIONS; DIVISION 2.7. ZONING Al)MINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; I)IVISION 2.8. ARCIIITECTURAI, AND srrE DESIGN STANI)ARDS AND GUIDEI.INES FOR COMMERCIAl. BUll.DINGS AND I'RO.IECTS; ARTICI.E 3, I)IVISION 3.2, SUBDIVISIONS; DI\'ISION 3.3. srI'E I)EVEI.OI'MENT PI.ANSi I)IVISION 3.15. Al)EQUATE PUBI.IC FACII.ITIES; ARTICI.E 5, I)ECISION MAKING AND AI)311NISTRATIVE BODIES, I)IVISION 5.2, I'I.:\NNING COMMISSION, DIVISION 5.13. ENVIRONMENTAl. AI)VISORYBOARD; ARTICI.E6, DIVISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS. INCI.UDING, BUT NOT I.IMITED TO TIlE DEFINIIIONS OF ZERO I.OT lANE IIOUSING, FRONT YARD, ANI) I)UI'I.EX; SECTION FOUR, CONFI.ICT ANI) SEVERABIIATY; SECTION FIVE. INCI.USION IN TIIE I.AND DEVEIoOPMENT COl)E; ANI) SECTION SIX, EFFECTIVE I)ATE. WI tEREAS, on Oclobcr 3~'). 1~91. thc ('oilier County Board oF County ('ommissioncrs adoptcd Ordinancc No. 91-1(12, lhc ('oilier ('otlllly l.and Dcvclopmcnl (,ode (hcrcimd~cr 1.I)(') . which has bccn subscqucntly all,ended; agd WI IER EAS. thc I.DC may not bc amcntlcd morc than two limcs in each calcnttar )'car pursuanl lo Scction 1.19.].. I.DC; and WI tEREAS. Ibis is lilt first alllCildlllCllt h) thc I.DC. Ordinance 91-1{}2. in tl~is calendar 5'car; and WIIER[~AS. on March 18. 1997, thcBoardof('ountyCommissioncrsadoptcd I{csolution 97-177 cstablishing local rcquircmcnls and procedures tbr amending thc LDC: and WI tEREAS, all rcquircmcms of Rcsolution 97-177 have bccn mci; and WIIEREAS, lhc Board of County Commissioncrs, in a mamlcr prescribed by law. did hold atlvc~iscd l, ublic hearings on I)cccmbcr 2. 1098 antt J:muary 27, 1999, and did takc action concerning WIIEREAS, all applicable subslantivc itrlt[ procedural rcquircmcnts ol'thc law havc bccn illct. NOW, TIIEREFORI~ BE IT ORDAINED by d~e Board of County Commissioncrs of Collier County. Florida. that: ¥,'~rds ~ru*: '¢-thr~H,gh arc' d.,:lelctl, words '[IBflglIi. I~J arc ' '- d I ,,2 SECTION ()NE: RECITAI,S The foregoing recitals are true and correct aod incorporated by rcl'crcnce herein as il' fully set forth. SECTION TW(): FINDINGS OF FACT Thc Board of County Commissioners o1' Collier County. Florida. hereby makes thc I'ulloxxing findings of fact: t. Collier County. pursuant to Sec. 163.3161. c_!t seq.. Fla. Stat.. tile Florida Local (.lox ernmcnt Comprehensive l'kmning and l.and l)evclopmcnt Regulations Act (hcrcinalicr the "Act"). is required to prepare and adopt a Comprchersivc Plan. 2. :\l'tcr adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. tile Act and in particular Sec. 163-3202( I ). Fla. Stat.. mandates that Collier County adopt land development regulations that ;ire consistent ~ith and implement the adopted comprehensive plan. 3. Sec. t63.3201. Fla. Stat.. provides that it is thc intent of thc Act that the adoption and cnlbrccmcnt by Collier County of land development regulations lbr thc total unincorporated area shall be based on: be related to. and bca means of implementation for. tile adopted Comprehensive Plan as required by thc Act. 4. Sec. 163.3194(11(b). Fla. Stat.. requires that all land development regulations enacted or amended by Collier County bc consistent with thc adopted Comprehensive Plan. or clement or portion IhcreoL and any land development rcgulatioos existing at the time of adoption which arc I101 consistent with thc adopted Comprehensive l'lan, or clement or portion thcrcoL shall bc amended so as to be consistent. 5. Sec. t63.3202{3). [:la. Stat.. styles that tile Act shall be construed to encourage the use of innovative land development regulations. 6. ()il Janu:try I0. 1989. Collier C'ount.x adopted tile Collier (,ounly Grov. lh Management Plan (hereinafter Ibc "tire,qb Management l'lan" or "(;MP"} as its Comprehensive Plan pursuant lo thc requirements of Sec. 1634,3161 el .~uq. Fla. Stat.. and Rule 9J-5. l:.t\.C. 7. .'-;cc. 163.3194( I )(a}. I"la. Stat.. nlandalcs that after a Comprehensive Plan. or clement or portion lhcrcoL has boon adopted in conlbrmity ~ith the Act. all development undertaken by. and all actions taken in regard to development orders by. goxernmcntal agencies in regard lo land covered by such Comprehensive Plan or clement or portion lhcrcof shall bc consistent wilh such Comprehensive Plan or clement or portion thereof. 8. Pursuant to Sec. 163.3194(3){a}. Fla..";tat.. a development order or land dcx'clopmcnt regulation shall be consistent xvitt~ thc Comprehensive Plan if thc land uses. densities or intensities, in thc Comprel~cnsivc l'lan and if it meets all other criteria enumerated by thc local government. 9. Section 163.3194{3}(b}. Fla. Stat.. requires that a development approved or undertaken by a local government shall be consistent with thc Comprehensive Plan il' tile land uses. densities or intensities, capacity tlr size. timing, and other aspects of development arc compatible with. aild further the objectives, policies, land uses. densities or intensities in the Comprehensive Plan and il' it meets all other criteria enumerated by tile local government. 10. On October 30. 1991. Collier County adopted tile Collier County l.and l)cvclopment Code. which became effective on November 13. 1991 and may be amended twice annually. 11. Collier County finds that tile l.and l)cvclopmcnt Code is intended and necessary to preserve and enhance the present advantages that exist in Collier County: enter;rage thc nlo,.;t appropriate usc of land. water and resources, consistent ~xith tho public interest: overcome present handicaps: and deal effectively with future problems that may rcsuh From thc usc and dcv,.tt~mncm of I;llld within tile total Words ~~h nrc deleted. ~ords underlined nr~ .~,' ' 2 unincorporated are of ('oilier County and it is intended that lhis Ixmd l)cvclopmcnt Code preserve. promote, protect. :md improve thc public hcahh, sal~'ty, comlbrl, good order, appearance, conxcnicncc. and general ~cll~rc of Collier Counly: prc~cnl lilt ovcrcro~dhlg o1' latld and avoid thc tllldtlc concentration o1' population: fitcililatc thc adequate and cflicicnt provision o1' transportation, x~'atcr. sewerage schools, parks, rccrcalional fi~cilitics, housing, and mhcr requirements and services, conserve. develop, utilize. [llld protect natural resources ~xithin the jurisdiclion o1' Collier County: alld protect BUIll[II1. cnvironmcnlal, social, and CCOllOIlliC rcsotlrccs: lllld Ill[lilllaill IJlrough orderly grox~lh and development, iht character and slability of present ;hid fi~lurc lalld rises a~ld development in Collier County. 12. It is thc intent of thc Bourd ol'County Commissi, nors of Collier Counly to implcmcnl thc 1.and l)cvclopmcnt Code ill accordance v, ith thc provisions o1' thc ('oilier COUIll.V Comprehensive Phm. Chapter 125. Fla. SI:il.. and Chapter 163. Fla. Stat.. and through these amendments lo thc SI-~C'I'ION TIIREE: ADOI'TION OF AMi';NI)MENTS TO TIlE i.ANI) I)F. Vi.~IA)PMENT CODE SUIISECTION 3.A AMENDMENTS '1'() ZONING I)ISTIIICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONI)ITI()N..\I. USES, I)IMI'~NSI()NAI, ST,\NI).,\I~.I)S DIVISION Division 2.2. Zoning l)islricts, l'crmittcd [Tscs. Conditional l lscs. l)imcnsional Standards. of()rdinancc 01-11)2. as ;,mended. thc ('oilier County I.and I)cvclopmcnt Code. is hereby amended to read as lbllm~ s: DI VI.',;IO N 2.2 ZONIN(; I)IS'I'I~,ICTS, I)EIO, IITTEI) USES, CONI)ITI()N..\I, USES, DIMENSIONAl. S'i'AN'I)A I,ll)S Sec. 2.2.2. Rural :~gricultural district 1..\). ;\gricuhural activities, including, but not limited to: crop raising: horticuhurc: I~uil and nut production: I~rcslry: ~rovcs: nurseries: ranching beekeeping: poultry and egg produclioiM milk production:~ livestock raising= ~I mid aquacuhurc lbr ilalive species subject to Ntatc of Florida game and freshwater fish commission pcrmils. 'Ibc Iblhmin~ pcrmiltcd uses shall only be allowed on parcels 20 acres in size or ,:rcatcr: dairvine, ranching, animal brccdim', raisinu. ~rainin~, slablinu or kenneling. This is not to preclude an individual propcrtk m~ncr t?om thc kccpinu of fi~l or poullrv, not Io exceed 25 in total number, and thc kccpine of horses and livestock (except Ibr hous~ not Io exceed lx~o such animals fi~r oath acre. aild xvilh no open l~cdlots. l'or pcrsonaI usc and not in associalion with ii commercial auriculturaI activiw on parcels less than 20 acres in site. \Vholcsalc reptile breeding :md raising (non-venomous). subject to thc fi~llm~ing standards: a. Minimum t~ twenty acre parcel size: b. Any rool~d structure used lbr thc shchcr and/or lwding o1' such reptiles shall bc located a minimum o1' I00 Ibcl fi'om any lot linc. ('t,ztlilio~ut[ Itxc.¥. Thc 1'ollo~ lng uses arc permitted its conditional ttscs ill lite rural agricullural district (,.\1. sub cci to thc standards and procedures established ill division 2.7.4. Words ~r,,a.'k d:r,m~h are delcled, u. ords underlined ar.' addt'd. 3 Sec. 2.2.4. .... 4.1. V','holcs:dc reptile breeding or raising (vcn,mous) suhjccl thc fi)ll()~ in~ standards: a. Minimum 20 acre parcel b. Any rool~d structure used Ibr the shchcr and.tor I~cdism of such reptiles .~hall be loc:lied ii minimmn of I00 lk'ct fi'om l)airxin~, ranchinm livestock raisim4, pouhrv and c~ production. milk production, lixcstock raisinm animal hrccdin~, raisin~, mdnine. stahlin~ or kcnnclhm on parcels less than 2() acres in size. This is not tn preclude an individual property nwncr JYOlll Iht kccpin~ of Ibx~l or pouhrv, nol to exceed 25 in IolaJ immbcr, and II~e kccpin~ oJ' horses and liveslnck (except Ibr hoes) not to exceed two such animals Ibr each acre. and ~iit~ no open I~cdlols. lbr personal usc and mq in associmi,m with a commercial a~ricuhural aclivilv on parcels Ics~ than 20 acres in size. I)imcn~i.md .~tu;ulurdv. 'l'l]e lifllm~ing dimensional standards shall apply to all permilted. ;.lcccsst~ry. iJlld cor~clitiorial uses in Ih,.: rural a~ricuhural dislrict (,.\ L .~la.vi,;ttm Iwi.l:tzl. ~ 35 lk'ct, cxccp! as provkied in section ~ 'g I~csidcntial single-family districts (I,L',;F). l'urpo.ve uml/;tit';;/. The purpose and intent of the rcsidcmial singlc-I~tmily districts (RSI:) is m provide lands primarily lk)r singlc-lhmily residences. These districts arc intended to be single-flintily residential areas of Iow density. Thc nature of thc usc ol'prt}pcrty is thc same in all of these districts. Variation among the RSF-I. RSF-2. RSF-3. RSF-4. RSF-3 taxi RSF-6 dislricts is in requirements tk~r density, lot area. Ioi width, yards, height. Iloor area. It)l coverage, parking, landscaping and signs. Certain structures and uses designed Io serve thc immcdiale needs of the single-lhmily residential dcvcl,pmcnt in thc RSF districls such as governmental, educalional. rcligiuus, and noncommercial recreational uses are pcrmilted as conditional uses as long as they prcserxc, and arc compatible with the singlc-lhmily rcsidcmial character of the RSF dislrict[s]. The RSF dis~ricls correspond to and implement thc urban mixed usc land usc dcsignalion on the future land use map of thc Collier County groxxlh management plan. The maximun~ dcnsib' permissible in thc residential-single family districts and thc urban mixed usc land usc designation shall be guided, in part. Iw the densily rating s5 stem contained in tl~c I'mure land usc clement of thc Collier Coumy grim th managcnlcnt plan. Thc maximum density permissible or permitted in a district shall not exceed thc density permissible unclcr thc density rating s> stem. except as pcrmillcd Iw policies conlaincd in lhe Future land use clcmcnl. ~[u.viniltm dt'n.¥ilv. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. R.qF-I: ()nc unit for each gross ;icrc. RNI:-2: 'l'xxo units Ibr each gross acre. RSF-3: Three units lkw each gross acre. RSF-4: Four tmi~s tbr each gross acre. RSI:-5: Five units lbr each gross acre . RSI:-6: Six units lk:r each gross acre. Actual maximum density shall be determined through thc applicalion of thc dcnsit> rating syslenl established in thc Collier Cotlnty groxvth nl0nagcnlCllt plan. or npplicable policies contained ill thc lkiD'F9 land use element ol'lhC plan, not to cxcccd thc aboxc specified dcnsily fi)r .y~ch dislrict. .ll, t.vimum height Words. ,,4~'~t~k41u,t~gh arc deleted. ,aords underlined 4 J !, ,! 1. l'rim'ipd .¥1ruclurc.~'. 35 K'ct. ,-[ct'C.',.~olT .'4rltclltre.~, "0 I'cct excepl for screen ¢llClosllre slrtlcttlrcs ~hich m:lV be fl~e same I{eigh! as tile principal struclure. Sec. 2.2.5. Rcsidenti'.fl multiple-flintily-6 districl {IIMF-6). l't,7~o.~e ~tml intent. The purpose and intent oflh¢ res[dcm[al multiple- fimfily-6 district (RMF-61 is to provide lbr singtc-Iimfily, mo-lhmily alld multi flintily residences hax ing a low profile silhoueue, surrounded by open space, being so simmcd that it is located in close proximity lo public and colllll',crcia] services alld has direct or coBVClliCll[ access Io collector [lilt[ arterial roads on thc coullly nli0or road network. Thc IO, 1F-6 dis[riel corresponds to and implements tile urban mixed usc land use designation on the fi[lure land use map of the Collier County groxxlh management plan. The maximum density permissible in thc RNIF-6 district and the urban mixed use kind use designation shall be guided, in part. by thc density rating system contained in the l~flure land usc clcmcm hi'thc Collier ('Ot~Bly grmvth llla~lagc~llcBl plan. Thc maximum density permissible or permitted in this district shall not exceed the density permissible under thc density rating sSslcm, except as pcrmitlcd by policies conlaincd in Ibc I}lltlrc land usc clement. I)i,wmir,/M.wwufi,'d~: '['he lb[luv, ing dirncnskmal slandards shall apply to Jill permitted housing structure t3 pcs. accessory, and condition:il uses in tile RMF-6 district. .[litdmum Ittl w'ett: Single-Family:6.500 square K'cl cxccpt as provided at Section and 2.6.27. l)uplcx: 12.000 square f~et except as provklcd at Sec[inn 2.6.27 'l'~xo-l:amils: .~1 6.000 square l~'cl per thxclling unit except as provided at Section 2.6.27 Three or more I)~wlli~g Unit Structures: 5.500 square Ibc[ per dx~clling unit except as herein l~mhcr prm'idcd. Minimum I.ot \\'id[h: Single-Family: 60 K'ct I )uplcx: 8¢} feet 'lMo Family: 80 fbct combined lot width. Three or nmrc l)wclling tJ,~it Structures: lO0 IL'ct Minimum Yard I",cquircmcnts (except ils further provided at Section Thc I'~fllm~ lng IllilllllltHll yard rcquircnlcnts arc in relation Io plaited boundaries: One (Single) Family - l)xvclling Units l)uplcx Front Y:trd P. equM~ Side Yard Rear Yard 25' 7 ;5' 20' 25' IO' 21)' l)wclliog I ',nits 'lMo Unil/Fanlily 25' l 0'* 20' Dwelling t ;nits Three or More Family 30' 15'* 20' Dwelling [ In[ts * Where Ibc simple lois are created Ikw each dwelling unit side yards arc measured l~om thc outside wall of thc prim:[pal structure. Words muck fi:tm:g5 arc deleted, words underlined ar[ added,5. Scclion2.2.6, Section2.2.7 ,[ht.vimttm h¢i,~ht qf'xlrm'turcs, 1. I'ri,c'ip,l.~'tructt,'cx. Three habitable tloors. ..k'c'¢,~xo~3' sirra'lures. 15 l~'ct exccpl lbr screen enclosure structures xGfich may bc tile same height as the principal slructurc but in no evcnl greater Iban 35 feet. .lht.vim/m~ (&'nxilt'. Actual maximum density shall bc dclcrmincd through application iff thc density rating system established in thc Collier County groxxth managcnlcnt plan. or applicable policies contained in thc I~llurc land usc clcmcnl, not Io cxcccd six al\veiling units per gross acre. l)t'rchqmwnl .h't,mhtrd¥.h : ,\'tm-( 'oq/in'ming I,ot.¥ O/Ret,rd: Nothing ncrcin contained shall prohibit thc usc of a platted lot of record Ibr a sin~lc fim~ity detached dwelling unit. irrespective of its dimensional and area measurements. Combinations of platted lots of record arc othcr~visc pcrmiltcd to achieve thc minimum dimensional and area requiremcnls each housing structure type as described in Ibc Ibrcgoing sections:, cxccpl lhal IBc number ol'dxwlling units that may he constructed on any lot of record (thc oriuinal platted lot) shall be determined by dividin~ thc area ol'fl~c lot lw 6.500 square f~ct that heine thc minimum lot nrta Ibr each dwelling unit and fhrthcr providing tirol x~hcn calcuh~ling thc density an IhcSc non-confimning lots, a f~action or0.50 or urcater nfa unit shall entitle the applic:mt lo an additional unit. Residential multiple-family-! 2 district (RM F-I 2). l'tuT~O.¥e uml intent. The purpose and inlent of the residential muhiplc thmily - 12 district (RMF-12) is to provide lands tbr muhiple-family residences having a mid-risc prolile, generally surrounded by lower struclurcs and open space, located in close proximity to public and commercial services, with direct or collvclliclll access lO collector and ancrial rotlds oll thc cotmty road network. (;ovcrnmcntal. social, and institutional land uses that serve thc immediate needs office muhiplc-lhmily residences arc pertained as condhional uses as long as they preserve and arc compatible with thc mid-risc muhiplc-lhmily character of thc districl. The RMF- 12 district corresponds and implements thc urban mixed usc land use designation on thc lhlurc land usc map of thc Collier County growth management plan. Thc maximum density permissible in thc RMF-12 district and thc urban mixed usc land usc dcsignalinn shall be guided, in part. by Ibc density rating system contained thc timbre kind usc clement of thc Collier County groxvlh management pkm. Thc maximum density permissible or permitted in thc RM I:-12 dislricl shall ilot exceed Ibc density permissible under thc density rating system, except permitted by policies contained in thc fimtrc kind usc clement. .Iht. vimum dcm'io'. ,,\ctual maximum density shall be determined through application of thc dcnsily rating system cslablishcd in thc Collier County gro~ th management plan. or applicable policies contained in thc future land ~lSe CJClllCnl~ Ilot lO cxcccd J 2 units Ibr cacb gross acre. Residenti:tl mulliple-fimfily-16 district (RMF-16). l'.~7~.se uml intent. Thc purpose and intent oflhc residential muhiplc- thmily-16 districl {RMF-16) is to provide lands lbr medium IO high density muhiplc-lhmily residences, generally surrounded by open space, located in close prt~ximity lo public and conlmcrcial services, with direct or convenient access in arlcrial tllld collector roads on tile COtlllly n,;:jor road ncl~xork. Govcmn~cntal. social, and institutional land uses that serve thc immcdk~tc Words -;truck lhrm:gh ;irc deleted, words underlined ar~ ,,ddcd. 6 needs of ti~e muidple-I'amily residences arc permitted as conditional usus as long as they preserve and arc compatible with the medium m high dcnsi:y multiplolhmily character of thc district. Thc RMF-16 district ct~rrcsptmds ~o and implements thc urban mixed usc land usc dcsignatitm tm iht fl~turc kind usc map olhhc Collier County ~ro~¥th management phm. Thc maximun~ dcnsib permissible in lh¢ RMI:-16 district and thc urban mixed usc land usc designation shall be guided, in part. by lh~ density rating syslcm contained in tl~c Ik~tt~rc land usc clcmcm of thc Collier County ~roxxlh manaffcmcnt plan. 'Ibc maximum dcnsib' permissible or permitted in ll~e ILMI:-I 6 a district shall not cxcccd thc dcnsity permissible under thc dcnsily rafin~ system, except as permitted by p,~licics contained in Iht I~m~rc hind usc clement. .tfltximum dunsiO'. Actual maximum density shall hc dclcrmincd through application of thc density rating system established in tile Collier ('ounty gr.x~th management plan. ~r applicable policies conlaincd in thc future land usc clement, not to exceed 16 dwelling units fi)r each gross acre. Section 2.2.9 Village residential district (VR). l'wTu;.~e and intent. 'lhe purpose and intent of the village rcsidcnlial dislrict (VR) is lo provide lands xd~cre a mixture o1' residential uses may exist. Additionally. uses are localcd and designed to maintain ~l~c viltagc residential character of thc VR district. '1 he VR district corresponds to and implements the mixed residential kind use designation on thc [mmokalcc l~tt~rc land usc map of thc Collier County gmx~th management plan. It is intended application in those urban areas outside of thc coaslal urban area designated on t l~e lhturc land use map of thc Collier County grmvth management plan= though there is some existing VR zonine in the coaslal urhan area. Thc maximum density permissible in the xSllage residential district and thc urban mixed usc land use designation shall be guided, in para by the dcnsily rating system conlained in the fl~lt~re land usc clement of the Collier County groxvth management plan. Thc maximum density permissible or permitted in the VR ~ district shall not exceed the density pcm~issible under thc dcnsib' rating system, except as permitted by policies contained in the fi~ture kind use elemenl, or as designated on the Immokalee future land use map of the grox~th management plan. l)i,wn.~ional.vlun&tr¢Zv. The folloxving dimensional standards sh:fil apply 1o r, II permitted. ;,cccssory. and conditimml uses in thc village residential district (VR). \Chi;ti illa\imlll~l tlcn~tl'~ -JhllJ be dclcrmliicd Ihrout~h lilt' applicali,,I~ or'i? Ih..: ,.Icn,Ll.,. r;llLHg Seclion 2.2.10 Mobile home district (.Mil). l'uum.vc' ,mi intu,t. The purpose and intent of lhe mobile home district (Mil) is 10 prtwidc lands fi~r mobile homes lhat ensure II~cs' arc consislcnl and compatible xvifl~ surrounding land uses. Thc Mil district corresponds to and implements ll~c urban mixed usc land usc designation on the Ihture land use map of thc Collier County groxxlh management plan. Thc maxinmm density permissible in the mobile home district and the urban mixed use land use designation shall be guided, in part. by the densily rating syslcm contained in thc Ik~lure land use clcmem of the Collier Courtly grox~th mtmagcmcnl plan. Words ~,t,',.:ck :h~m~4~ arc del¢led, v, ords underlined arc ad led ? 2.2.1~).4.5. 'l'l~e maximum density permissible or permitlcd i~ the Mil a district shall exceed the density permissible under thc density rating s)stem, except as ~'rmiucd by policies c~mtained in lhe fim~re land use clement, or as identilicd in thc [mmokalce Ik~tur,z land usc map of thc gro~¥ih m~magcmcnt plm~. .kl~xim~.~ de~.~io'. Maximum densily shall be determined through applicatkm t~i' the density ntting system established by thc Collier grox~th managcmcnl plan. 9r.applicablc pt~licics c~mlained in Iht future land use clemenl, m~i lt~ exceed 7.26 units per. ~mss acre ( I unit per 6.(100 square l~cl of land area} ~ except as provided Ibr Ic~]l non-confi~rmin~ lois ,~1' record in Section 2.2.1~1.4.1. Sccli{m 2.1.13. C~mmterdal C~mvenk'ncc I)islricl (C-2). l'ermitled I(ating places 15812 except contract Ikcding. dimtcr theater's. service (ins~imtional}. induslri;d lk'eding). l:~d sl~rcs (~roups 5411 except supermarkets. _ 7(~. (iasolinc serx icc slations (5541 subject to secti~m 3 3 , General merchandise stores (5311--5399). (in)up care Ik~cilitics (cate?fy I m~d II. except fi)r homeless shelters): care t~lils, cxccpI fi)r ho~llc[css shelters: ~lursing homes: assislcd living lhcilidcs purstl;ull I() ~ 400.402 F.S. and ch. 5~,,X-5 F.A.C.: and conlhluing care rct[remcl}t commtl)lilics purst~a)ll to ~ ()~ 1 F.N, and ch. 4-193 I".A.C.: all ~tdzjcct to scclion _.6._0. I lar&~arc s~orcs (5251). l tcal~h services (groups gO] 1--N049. I lomc furniture, lkmdshing and equipment st()rcs (groups 5713--5719. 5731--5736). I.ibrarics (~_.~1). ~ l~. Misccllzmc(~us repair set% ices. except aircraft, business and ol'licc machines, large appliances, and ~ hire ~o()ds stlch as rclkigcra1()rs and %~ashin~ machines ~1~. Miscdlancous retail services (5912. 5942--5961 ). ~f) l~. N] LlSCtIIIlS alld art galleries (X412). ~1(2, Painl. ~lass and ~dlpaper slores (5231). ~ 7__ 1--7_. I. 4gl7. I'crsomdscrviccs(~mups7.1_.7215. ~ SccurilF and commodity brokers, dealer, exchanges and scrxiccs (groups (~2 t ]11I{~, United NtulcS Postal Service N311 except major distribmion center). ~_(~. Vulcrinarb services (0742 cxcludin~ outside kcmtclingl. W~rds ~I~ arc deleted, s~ ~rds underlined are, 8 2 242_2. Videotape rental (7841 ), Any other ctm,,cnicnce commercial usc v, hich is ctnnparablc in ilaltlrc ~it~ thc lk)rcgoing uses including buildings Ibr retail, service and off]cc purposes COIlSiSIClll ~% ilh thc permitted uses and purpose and intent statement of thc district. '~ '~ ', '~ '~ I.M'.~' . lo l)crmitled uses. .... I ...... 3. Caretaker's residence, subiect to secti(m 2.6.16. Sccti()n 2.2.14. Commercial intermediate district (C-3). ....'* ' 14_.1' . ]'el'milled 1. [ ;nlcss othcrxxisc provided for in tiffs section, all pcrmitlcd uses of thc C-2 commercial COllVC~liCBCC district. Apparel and accessory stores (groups 561 I--5609). 3. ,,\ulo and home supply stores (5531 ). 0.5._: Automotive services { 7549). 7.~_----. -, · 7301--7379. 7384. 7389 Business services (groups 7311. 7313. :'~'~ except auctionccring service, field xt archot,sing, bottle labeling, packaging arid labeling, salvaging ol'damagcd merchandise, scrap steel cutting alld slitting). I'~aling places (5812 only ). All cstablisluncnts engaged ill thc retail sale o1' alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption arc subject ltl ]ocalional requirements of section 2.6.10, 6-:7~ ~8_:. ~.()_. Food slt)rcs (groups 5411 --5409). (icneral merchandise sit)rcs (groups 531 I--5399). (irt)up care facilities (calcgory I ;md'Il. except fi>r homeless shelters): care units, except for homeless shelters: nursing homes: assisted living facilities pursuant to ~ 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C.: and continuing care retirement communities pursuant to J 651 ILS. and ch. 4-193 F.A.C.: all subject to section 2.6.26. ~. l {)_.~ [ P, cscrvcd.] 44).1 I.__:. I lomc furniture, furnishing, and equipment stores (groups 5712--5736). 4&l 2._.., I.ibrarics 18231 ). 44=_.1.'~.___~. Marinas (4493). subject to section '~ '~'~ 4.%14._: Membership organizations (8611--g699). Nlisccllancous repair services (groups 7629--7631 ). Misccll.'mcous retail (groups 5912--5963 except pawnshops and building materials. 5992--5999). 44>. 17._~. Museums and art galleries ( 8412 ). 4-7~.1 g__.~. Nondcpository credit institutions (groups 6111--6161). Words ,an:d; '~ ........ )- are deleted. ,.~.ords underllncd ar,' added. 9 i Paint. L:lass and wallpaper stores ($231). Ch. 2{}..._.:. I'crsonal services (groups 721 I. 7212, 7215. '/216 ntmindustrial tlr.',' cleaning only. 7221--7251. 7201 ). __ )--h')311 9411-9451. ~h21. PuNic adnfinistratitm (groups 911 I--9199. ~ '~" . 9511--9532. 9611--9661). _--T~.22~ Retail nurseries, kmn and garden supply stores (5261). _:~_.23~ \;ctcrinary services (groups 0742. 0752 excluding outside kenneling). _.z~.24~ Vidcmape rental (7841 ). _24:_. United States Postal Service (4311 except major distributitm centers). ~_&26__: Any usc which was permissible under thc prior GRC zoning district and xd~ich was lawfully existing prbr to the adoptkm of this code. Any other general commercial usc which is comparable in uaturc x~ itl~ thc IBrc?ing uses including buildings lk~r retail, service and el'floc purposes consistent with lilt permitted uses and purpose and intcnl slatcmcnt of thc dislrict. Section 2.2.21) Planned unit development district (I'UI)). l'wT~ose aml intt'nt. Thc purpose and intent of establishing the planned unit development district (PUD) is Io provide procedures and standards to cncuuragc mixed use planned developments that may be institulcd at appropriate locations, or planned developments that may or may not be mixed List ill IBC urban IHnge areas, all in accordance with ll~c phmning and dcvch~pmcnt oNicctivcs oJ' thc coullly under Iht code alld thc ~roxx'th management plan. h is fi~rlhcr thc purpose and intent ol'fl~csc PUD rcgulatitms to cnCOtlragc ingenuity, itmtwalion and imaginalbn in thc planuing, design, and dcvclopmcnl or redevelopment of relatively large tracts oF land under unified mvncrship or control. PUI)s produced in compliance with thc terms and provisions oFIhis code and thc groxvlh management plan may depart I}onl the strict application el'setback, height. and mimfimum lot rcqtmircmcms of conventional zoning districts while maintaining minimtun standards by which llexibility may bo accomplished. and \riffle protecting tl~c public interest, so A more crcati',c approach nlay I've taken h) thc dcvcJt)pnlcnt of Cl,ltiguous tracts el' land alia lO encourage doral,proem of inlill parcels ol'conli~uous tracts of land in certain circumstances. A more desirable cnviromncnt may bc acctm~plishcd than ~xould bc possible through slrict application el'thc minimum requircmncnts om' this zoning ct)dc. [.and may be used more cl'licicntly, rcsuhing in smaller ncp,,.t,rks of utilities and streets with conscqucut loxvcr construction and l'utur¢ inaintenance costs. Thc impact ol'a particular I'UI) on thc prcscm and prqjcctcd population, economy, land usc pattern, lax base. slrcct system, aud public Ii~cility nctx~ork(s) of thc county may bc carcl~flly evaluated relative Io thc various costs and benefits that may be associated xxith such dc\ clopmcnt. YAJrds :.trm:k l.m~ ~-4s arc deleted. ~ords underlined arc mdc& 10 Thc des dopmcnt cmphLvs techniques i'calufin~ amcnh~cs and cxccJlcncc in thc l~mn of variations in siting, mixed kind uses and'or varied d~xclling I~ pcs. as well as adaptation to and conservation of the topography and mhcr natural characlcristics of file land involved. Exceptions Io varialions in siting, mixed land uses andMr varied ch~clling bpcs may be granted on PUl) thrill development. 'lhe maximum density permissible in lite PUl) district and thc urban mixed usc land usc designation shall be guided, in part. by thc density rating conlaincd in the future land usc ClClllClli of the ('oilier Counly ~roxx Ih nmnagenlcnI plan. Thc maximum density permissible or permitted a district shall not exceed thc dcnsily permissible under thc density rating system, cxccpl as permitted by policies contained in II~e tk~tt~rc land usc glcmcm. Anylhing to Ibc conlrary notx~ ilhslanding, ail I't ID dcvclopmcnl stroll bc consistent with the (.'oilier County groxxth management plan. 2.2.2(i.3.1.1 .~hLvimum rc.~idt'ntiM dcn.~itic.~'. Maximum rcsidcmk,l dcnsity permissible for thc overall l'tJl) shall be guided, in part. by thc density rating system contained in thc future land usc element of thc groxx th managcmcm plan. Thc re'trail maximum residential density permissible or permitted in a Pi il) shall bc calculated by dividing the iolal number ol'thvclling units by thc total of gross acreage of Iht proposed PUl) excluding thc acreage o1' thc areas designated Ibr commercial, industrial, or other land usc having an established equivalent residential density in this l.and I)cvclopmcnt Code. Thc maximum density permissible or pcrmitlcd in a PUl) shall not exceed the density permissible under Ibc dcnsib' rating system, or applicable policies contained in the Iklltlrc land usc cJcmcBl. .Wtdt!litmily cmo' h'vcl renlal housing areas. .~htximum dcmiO'. Thc maximum residential density permissible shall be guided, in para by thc density raling syslcm comaincd in Iht I~tttre hind use clement oF the gro~ih ~a~agcmc~t plan. 'Ibc nlaximum density permissible or permiucd shall not exceed thc density permissible under the density rating system, cxccpl as permitted by policies conlained in the flmtre land usc clement. Sec. 2.2.23 Airport ovcrl:~y dislrict (AP()): speci;d rcgul:llions fi~r specilied areas in and ;iround the :drports in Collier County. I'uriunccx. Any person desiring to erect or increase thc height of any slruclurc or usc his property not hl accordance with Ibc regulations prescribed in this ordinance ina? apply lo tile board of zoning appeals Ibr a variance I}olll such regulations pursuanl to scclion 2.7.5. subject Io sul~seclion 333.03{1)~cl. Florida Statutes. and subicct lo each intcrlocal a~rcClllClll clllcrcd into by thc County purstLant Io subsection 333.03{ I )(h)( I ). Florida ,tilalulcs. SUIISI.~CTI{)N 3.11: AMI.iNI).MI:.NTS T() OFI:-STI,II.;I.YI' I'ARKIN(; AND I.(),\I)IN(; l)ix ision 2.3.. ()flZStreet Parking and I.oading. of()rdinancc 91-11)2. as amended. the Collier Count.v l.and l)cvch)pmcnt Code. is I~crcby amended to re;id its folloxvs: I)IVISI()N 2.3. OFF-S'I'REET I'ARKIN(; ANI) IA)Al)lNG Sec. 2.3.16. ()ff-slrect p'~rking :md .qncking; required amounls. Bicycle parking fi,' m,n-rexidentittl developments. Words ~ruck dm~,~h are dcl¢led, v, ords underlined, are a ~,tcd. II I'rovisions for the sal'e and secure parkinu of bicycles sh;dl be I~rnished at a ratio iff five percent of lhe rc~luircmcnls mtq~r ~chicles as scl fi~rth in gcc. 2.2.{6. but m~l Io exceed a ratio of IO°i, of the requirt:d number nf parkinu spaces. A minimum nf t~o bicycle parkine, spaces stroll be pro~ ided. A bit\cie parkinu fiicilitv stilled Ioa single bicycle ("parkinu space") shall be of a sland-ahme tax'cried-Il dcsicn mcasurinu a minimum of 36 inches hie, h and 1 g incht:s Schedule 40 pipe...\STM F lO,q3{ bent in rack") illotlllt,..'d securely Io IbC umund It,¥ steel base platt:. ASTM tx, 361 so as Itl secure ~vidc [of 1'.5 inch ,me picot: ("bike a 3 ,~ inch tl~ick thc bicycle IYamc and both Ii. ach parkine, space shall have :t minimum ill' three IL'ct o1' clearance on all sidt:s of the bikt: rack. Bicycle spaces shall be paved, lit:hied and Iocalcd no ,.2reatcr than I00 feet from the main building cnlrancc. F. xtraordinar~, bicycle parking designs v, hich dcparl from bike rack st:mdard hul nrc consisl wilh thc de',¢lopnl,:nl's dcsi,.:n theme shall be considered bv Iht: ('et,air archilccl. Bike racks ~hich funclion without securing the bicvclt: frame. require file usc of a bicycle kick sland, or ~hich in:iv be freely rcoricnled arc not alloxvable. Substitulions el'tip to I]ve percent of the parkinu required by scclk,n 2.3.16. are allowable by providhm addilional bicycle parking on a five-to-one basis. SUi{SI']CTION 3.1): Amendments to Supplemenl:d Regul:~tions Division l)ivisiol{ 2.6.. Supl~lCmcntal l)islrict Regulations. of ()rdinancc 91- I{)2. as amended, floc Collier ('ounly l.and l)¢vchqm~cnt Code. is hereby amended Io read as follows: I)IVISION 2.6. StTI'I,E.MI.:NTAI, I)ISTRICT I~,E(itiI,ATIONS Sec. 2.6.7. Parking nntl storage of certain vehicles. l'w'ki,3:, wt,'~t.~c' t : tt~t' tt/'m~/or rt.'ct'e~lio~d equilmwnt. No recreational equipment shall be used for living, sleeping, or t~ousckceping purposes when parked ur stored on a residentially zoned lot. residential districts, or any location m,I apprnved I~r such usc. In districts permitting singlc-l~m~ily homes or mobile homes, m~Lior recreational equipment may be parked or stored onlx in a rear yard. or in a cmnplclcly enclosed building, or in a carport, or on tl;ixits or cradles adjacent 1o water\rays oI1 residentially /oiled properly: prox idcd. ho\rover, that such equipment may be parked an)\\hero 0t1 residential prcnliscs, other Ih:Ill oll cotltltv riuhls-of-wav or riuht-~d%kav easements t~r a pcriud not Io exceed ~ ~ hours dufit~ within a time period el'seven (7} days Ibr loading and unloading, and/or cleaning prior 1o or after a Irip. For the purpose el' fids section lhe rear yard li~r a corner ~ shall be considered to be thai portion of the lot oppt~sitc the street with thc least l}onlage. For lhrough lots tho rear yard shall be considered lo be lhal portion el'thc lot I5 ing bcmccn Iht rear elevation (by design) of thc residence al~d thc slrccl. Tht: folh~xxing exceptions may be granted by tilt: site development rcvi,:w director: St,ch rccre:ltional equipment may be parked upon iht: premises t~l' the resident Ibr a period not exceeding seven days fi~r thc purpose of h~ing, tmh~ repairing and/or cleaning prior IO or after a trip. ~ Wurds ~rucL d:m~h are delelcd, words Lmderlined are; ~l,~ .d. 12 lcmporarv use permit hms! bc obtained lo aulhori/e lifts activilv. 'Ibc permit tbr such period shall be aftixcd lo thc vehicle in a conspicuous place OI1 tho sweet side thereof. No more than bye consecutive permils may be issued and the maxhnum number or pcrmils issued during one calendar year shall be rcslriclctl to lbur. 2. Nonresident: Such car. trailer, bus or motor home. sxhcn used transportation of visilors to this county Io visit IYicnds or member or lhe visitor's lhmily residing in this County may be parked upon premises oF Ibc visited flintily lbr a period not exceeding seven days. A temporary use pcrmil musl be oblaincd Io authori/c ll~is aclivitv. Ibc permit Ibr such period shall be al'fixed to Iht vehicle in a conspicuous place or on the sweet side thcrcolE This docs not allow Ibr living, sleeping, or housekeeping purposes. No more than copsccutive permits lllay be issued alld tile maximum number el' permits issued during one calendar year shall be restricted to lbur. I R()( SUIISECTION3.1): AMENI)MENTS TO ZONIN(; ADMINISTliATI()N ANI) ~ I)IVISION ' Administration and Procedures. of Ordinance 91-102. as amended, tile l)ivision _.7.. Zoning Collier County l.and I)¢vclopmcnt code. is hereby amended It) read tis foilings: I)iVISION 2.7. ZONIN(; ADSIINISTIi. ATION AND PI~()CI.;I) tIl/I.;S Sec. 2.7.3. I'l:mned Unit I)cvclopment (I'UI)) procedures. Sec. _.7 ....... ha:ted up:,Hhc evaluali:m of the cri~ria Any st~~tio:: made by thc devch~n~r+ice:; .~y be a~tHj~Fd ofcounly S UII.',;I.:CTI ()N 3.E: AMENI)Y, IENTS TO AI~,CilITECTURAI, ANi) S'I'ANI)AI~I)S AND (;t II)I',I,IN I',S F()R BUII.I)iN(;$ ANI) i'IIO,IECTS I)iVISION. SITE DESIGN C()MM I.:RCIA I, Division 2.8.. ,,\rchitecmral and .qii¢ Design Standards and Guidelines I'or Commercial I?,uildings and Projects. of Ordin:mcc 91-102. ;is tlnlcnded, the Collier County l.:.lnd I)cvclopmcnt Code. is hcrcb.x amended lo read us l'olloxvs: I)IVISION 2,8. AI~,CIIITI.X;TUII:\I, ANI) SI'I'I.~ I)ESI(;N N'I':kNI):\I~,I)S AND (;tlII)EI,INI.:S FOR COMMEI~,C1AI, IIUII,I)IN(;S AND I'II().II:,CTS. Sec. 2.8.2. Applic:tbilily. I'rovisions el'this dMsion are applicable in till commercial zoning dislricls, connnercial COmpOtlt.'lllS ol'PtJD dislricls, and l)RIs, ami business park districts, and induslrial zoned areas l?olltillu 011 arterial or collector roads as described lw IJle lransporlation circulalion eJelllClll or tile t.,roxt th m:.llYu,enlclll plan, z,s provided below: Remn'alion.~' and re~&,ve/tqmwnt: lq tile case o1' addilions or renovations to. or redevelopment o1: an existing building or project. where tile cost of such addition, renovation, c; redevclopmcilt cxc¢,:ds Words sm '~k-II~h arc deleted, words anderlined are ad( '. I~ ' '2 2.g.2.2. 2.S.2.3. Sec. 2.8.3. 2.g.3.1. 50 percent of the value of the existing struclt,rc{s), or 20 percent of the square footage of tile existing strut!!,rcs, tile provisions of this dMsion shall apply. I)ixcoutimutncc: Thc provisions of section of this code do not apply 1o thc provisions OI' section 2.8. Milch require structural allcralio~ls al~d arc superseded by thc Ibllmving. Where thc usc of a structure ceases lk~r any roaSOll, cxcepl x~hcrc govcrll~llClluIJ aclioll impedes access to thc premises. Ibr a period of more than 365 conscculivc days. Iht provisions of this code which may require structural alteratkms shall be adhered 1o prior to rcoccupancy of ll~c structure. Wilh respect to vehicular usc and required landscape areas. thc provisions of this scctkm shall apply M~crc Ibc usc ora structure ceases Ibr any reason, except whore govenl~l~cnlal action i~l~pcdes access Io thc premises. Ibr a period of more tha~l 180 conscculivc da) s. Rcquh'cd .~ilc dct'c/tqmwn! or iml,'OvcmCnl p/an. C'onlpliancc xxilh thc standards sc! Ibrth in Ihis dMsion shall bc demonstrated by submillat oJ' arclfitcctural dr:mings and a site development plaTl or silo improvement pkm in accordance ',x ith division 3.3 ol'this code. I/ht.¥trati,n.¥. Illustrations provided in dMsion 2.8. arc intended to provide a graphic example ot'a specific provision or provisions sc! I't~rlh herein. Variations from these illuslrations x~ hich nonetheless adhere to tile provisions of this dMskm, arc encouraged. Archilcctur:d :md site design standards and guidelines fl~r commercial buildings and projcels wilh a gross building arc:, ,}f 2IL0I}I} squnre fee! ~r larger. Compliance v, ith tile standards set forlh iT1 this scctkm shall bc demonstrated by submittal of architectural drawings and a site development plan iT1 accordance with division 3.3 of this code. Off'.xtrec! I~a,'king design. As provided fi~r in division 2.3. and subject to thc folk~xving provisions: I'utT~O.¥e ami intent. Commercial buildings and projects, including their outparccls shall be designed Io provide sale. convenient, and cl'licicnt access fi)r pedestrians and vehicles. Parking shall be designed in a collsistctlt aBd coordinated manner [hr thc cmh'c sitc. The parking area shall be integrated and designed so as to enhance thc visual appearance of thc community. Design xtamh,'d.¥. Parking. utilizing tile same degree of angle, shall be developed throughout the site to provide efficient and sal~ traffic and pedestrian circulation. A single bay of parking provided along thc perimeter ol'the site may vary in design in order to maximize thc number of spaces provided on-site. The mixture of one-way and two- way parking aisles, or dil'l~rcnt degrees of angled parking within any parking area is prohibited, except as no!cd above, or x~hcrc indMdual parking areas are physically scparntcd I~onl one anolhcr by a continuous landscape bul'lkr, a minimum live lkct in width with limited access. I.andscape buflk'rs fi~r lhcse locations shall use landscape malcrial other than grass Ibr separation oF parkin~ areas (See Illustrations I and 2 below). V,'urds si-tuck l!m~h ;irc deleted, words underlined are a, ' ' 14 Do ~'-r DoThi~, .~fi/ximum Parking: P::rkine in excess by 20 percent of thc minhnum parking rcquircmcnls shall provide additional Iandscapin~ as described in scclion 2.3.10. of tiffs code. I'urkin,~./;.' ..d.gge-~e l)rql'eCl.¥. 8ing!e u:;e l~rojccts shall bc dcsi?cd to adhere to ill,,2 fi~llo~ ing standards: /nlurim' lotx. No more than 51) percent of the ol'l;strcct parking thc entire commercial building or project shall bc located bct~ccn any primary fi~cadc of thc commercial building project and tl~c abutting .street or navigable watcr~xa>':~ ~~g is provided hctv.'ce:~&nar:.' a~af~4~kl ~fi' way :~r ...... ~ab,~ mMiimm~O~ack Fm~hc r~ght cf' way ::h:d! b-~ :: :nh~hmtm Words :::n::'k ;hrc::gh arc deleted, words underlined ,are added. 15 lll~trallon 3 (b) £'orner Iot.¥. No more than 80 percent of the off:street parking for the entire commercial building or project shall be located between any primary facade of thc commercial building or project and thc abutting street or navigable xvatcrx~ay area. with no single side to contain more than 65 percent ol'thc required parking, or where no ~arMng ~ar:.' l~:ca~nd an abm~g fight,,.,'"' shall b.e a mhfin:m~ of 40 ~ (gcc illustration 4 below). Words ::r~:z!; :hro;.~4~ arc deleted, words underlined are .',,:,ted. 16 2 ~= 80~b OF PARK IN~ A~¢^ ~1 ---> 155'o OF I~EeUIRED 2.g.3.1.5. Illustration 4 /~W'Jt'ill,g .slrllCl//re xl~,l¢hlrd/c a illillimtllll o['60 percclll orally primary I'acade of a parking structure or covered parking I'acilily shall incorporate t~o el'the follo'~ving (sec llhlstration 5 below Ibr examples): (a) transparent xxindmvs, with clear or lightly-tinted glass, xxl~cre pedestrian oriented bt,sinesses :~rc located along thc facade of Ih¢ parking structure: (b) (c) dispkly ~vindmvs: decorative metal grille-work or similar detailing uhich provides texture and partially and/or fully covers the parking structure opening{s}: art or archilcclural trc:~till¢~ll such ils sculplur¢, iI~osaic, glass block, opaque art glass, r¢licf',~ork, or similar features: or. (c) '~ crtical trellis or other landscaping or pcdcstri;m plaza arc;t. Words .,4~hqlm.~S) are deleted, t~ords underlined I? Illuslr~fio~ $ l,i,~hling l'inT~.,w und/uwnl. ('ommercial buiktings and prqiccls, including Ihcir outparccls shall be designed to provide sail', convcnicnl, and efliciem liglning Ibr pedestrians and vehicles, l.ighfing shall he designed in a consistent and coordinated manner Ibr thc entire site. The lighting and lighting fixtures shall be intcgraled and designed so as to enhance thc visual impact of thc project on the communily and/or blends into the landscape. S'hiclding.~?um/,rd.¥. I.ighting shall be designed so as to prcx tnt direct glare, light spillage and hazardous inlcrll'rcncc with auhmmtive and pcdcslrian Iraflic on ad /iCUlll slrccls and all ad accnl properties. l.'i. vlw'e being1, .~lamhird.~'. l.ighli,g Ilxtures shall be a maximun~ of 30 feel in height ~ ithin file parking lo! and sJlall be ;1 maximum of 15 feet in hcigh! x~ ithin mm-vchict, lar pedestrian areas (sec Illustration 6 below}. lllttslrlttlon 6 l)c.¥i14~ xlumt, rd¥. l.ighling shall be used to provide safety while accent~ key architectural clements and/or to emphasize landscape Igaturcs. l.ight fixtures shall be designed as an integnfi design clement complements thc design of the project ~;~o~h This can be accomplished lhrough st?j:, ma.lerial or color Words ..l~'-l~h,,~h isr¢ d¢lclcd. '.sords .ndcrlined arc .,.' 1 18 2.g.3.3.1. 2.g.3.3.2. 2.~.3.3.3. (excluding I]orescent, primary and/or secondary colors) or be desim~cd lo blend into the hmdscape through the usc of dark colors such as bronze. Mill Iinish is not permitted. .tOeib'dee,-~.~b~4ia.v-~eta4eeqb~tW~'~vett.~ Service Function ..Irca~' (SI':.I! inchulitI.~ but tlol limited to lmtdin,e, 5lortt.~e, mcclumical t'qttilnnt'nl, dad snlid woslt' dixlmYal. I'urp.se ami intent. To diminish, in a safe manner, thc visual impacts or'service functions that may detract or have a negative impact on the strcctscape, landscape amVor thc overall COIlllllHIliIy image. Bn[/('Hng and screening xtatuhu'dv. In accordance xGth thc provisions of division 2.6. oflhis code, loading areas or docks, ouldoor storage. trash colluctim~, mechanical equipment, trash compaction, true& ~rkh~g vehicular storage excludinq new and used cars. recycling. reoftop equipment and other service function areas shall bc fully screened and out of view [~om adjacent properties at ground view [o~akll> ,t~:ne~m~'~ and in view of roadway corridors. .iflm, riaLv amlde.vi.~n .vtandttrdv. Screening material and design shall be consistcn! xxith design treatnlcn! or thc primary facades of thc commercial building or project and thc landscape plan. b'cncing.vtamfitnZw Chain link and wood fencine arc prohibited forward of the primary fitcade anti must be a minimum (fi'one hundred (100) feet from a public riuht-of-u.'av. Chain link and wood fcncinq ]'acint~ a public riehl-of-way shall provide at n n~inimum an irriealcd hedge direclh' in front of the fence on the side of Iht riuht-of-xxav. Plant material shall be a minimum oftllrce galkm and planted three feet on o:nler al time of installation. This plant material shall be maintained at a minimum orlhrcc quarter the Ilclqhl of thc fencing. (.qce Illustralion 6. l). Fcncinu f. rward ol'thc primary facade is pcrmiltcd under Iht follmxing conditions: D I:cncine does not exceed fi,ur feet in hcieht. Thc i'cncing provides either an open view at a nlinimum of Iwentv live percent ol'ils lelmth or provides variation in its heiuht liar a mhfimmn oflifieen percent of its tcneth with a dcx iati,n ,1' at least Ixxclvc ( 12 ) inches. Thc fence slx'lc must complcmenl huildint2 slx'lc Ihrou,.2,11 material, color and'or dcsiun. Words s4r4tek4hm::g!: arc deleted, v. ords underlined are 19 2.g.3.3.4. 2.~.3.4.2. IIIwqratHm l)rive-fl.'ou.~h wimhm' slamh.'d~. Drive-through windows and lanes shall be designed to adhere to the R~llov.'ing standards: l)rive-throukzh windows shall not be placed between the right- ol~xvay of a primary collector or arterial roadway and the associated building, tmlcss the vegetation rcqulrcd by a Type "B" landsca~ buflbr is inslalled ~¥Jlhin Ihe buflbr widfl~ required fi)r thc project and maintained aHmg thc entire length of the drRc-through Pane ~Bvecn the drive-through lane and Ihe ~j~'nl riht~ff4~ay. As an alter~live m II~ ~'c'gclali~ e buflZ'r referenced above, a permanent covered porte-cochere Tpc structure, ofl~cr than awning/canvass type structure(s).. may be installed extending Ihe width of thc drive-through and covering fl~e service windoxv(s). Such structure shall be inlegrated structurally and nrchheclurally into I]~e design ol'the building. 0nly a single drive-through ...................... ; ......... ~: ........ ~- ! .5~mre t~l~ch mai,' t~mb]e dr~ve t]~l~::. t~le drR'e through l~H~x'c through la::c and the b~ing, averagh~ ti~et ~:~ w[dti~ equal aggr~at~h~a~mlage ......... Im~f~ ~]tIHrces. pain.ruth:; ~c4udi~ /'cdcxlrittn /'u/7;o.vc and into'hr. To provide safe opportunities for altcrnalixc modes of transportation by connecting with existing and I'ulurc pcdcslrian and bicycle pathways within thc county and to provide sal~ passage IYom the public right-olkway to thc commercial building or pr~ject, and between alternative nlodcs of transportation, ]'cdc.vtrian access ,vtatlthtt'ds. l'cdcstrian ~va)'s. linkages and paths shall be provided from the building entry(s) to surrounding streets. external sidewalks, and outparccls, I'cdcstrian ways shall be designed to provide access between ~arking areas and Ibc building cmrancc(s) in a coordinated and sal~ manner. Pedestrian uays may bc incorporated within a required landscape perimeter buflkr, provided said buflkr is m*t less than ten I~ct in width on average. Shared pedestrian walkways are encouraged bclwccn adjacent commercial prqiects. Words ~lmu~h are deleted, words underlined ate -:.; - ,I. 20 2.g.3.4.4. ,llinim,m rutios. Pedestrian ways shall be provided at a minimum ratio of one fi~r each public vdficular entrance to a project, excluding i,grcss and egress points intended primarily Ik,r service, delivery or cnlph~ycc vehicles. Mi,imum dimcn.~'itm.¥. Pedestrian walkways shall bca minimum of five l~ct xxidc. 3h~tcriuls. Pedestrian v,'alkv,'ays shall be consistent with thc provisions of section 4.5 of the ^mcricans with I)isabilitics Act (Al)A). Accessibility Guidelines. Materials may include spcciahy pavers, collcrete, cNored concrete or stamped pt,ttcrn COllCrCle. l'edt'xlriu, crosswalks ut huihfing perimeler. Building perimeter cmssxxalks shall be designed and coordinated to move people salbly It} and from buildings and parking areas by idcntil}'ing pedestrian crossings xGth signage and varialions in pavement materials ~r markings. Shade. l'edcslr[an v. alkv,'ays shall provide intermittent shaded areas x,.hcn the ~¥alkway exceeds 100 linear l~ct in length at a minimum ratio of l00 square lkcI of shaded area per every 100 linear Ikct of walkway. Shade structures may be natural. Bla~lmadc or a combhmlitm of both. Building design. ['wT)o.vc um[ inle~ll. 'J'o m;.lilllain and enhance thc atlraclivcncss of thc strcetscapc and the existing architectural design of thc community. Buildings shall have architectural features and patlcrns that provide visual imcrcsl from the perspective of thc pedestrian: reduce massing acstl~ctic: recognize local character, and bc site responsive. Facades shall bc designed to reduce tl~c mass/scale and uniform monolilhic appearance of large unadorned walls, while providing visual interest that will be consistent with tim community's identity and character through the usc of detail and scale. Aaiculation is accomplished by varying thc building's mass in height and width so that it appears to be divided into distinct massing elements and details that can be perceived at 11~c scale office pedestrian (sec Illustration 7 below). Corner Il)ts al an inlcrseclion oJ' p, vo or nit)re arleria] or coJJector roads shall be desib'ncd ~ilh additional architccturt, 1 embellishments, such tls comer tm~crs, or olhcr such design I'caturcs. to emphasize their location as gatcv~a5 s and transition points within the conlnmnity. Words '~ruck .*hrm~h are dclcled, ¥,t)rds underlined art' ;~ttdcd. 21 _E-L~VAT~O~ Do klo -rm5 lil~tration 7 Buihling ori,'nlation .qan,hu'ds. Facades/elevations that arc adjacent to an arterial or collector street, or a navigable waterway, shall have length cra pti:nary custcm,~r entrance along said rata'Jo:;. Additi~l mvigab!e v.':::crwa:,'::, cr adjacent buildh:g:; arc encourag:'J. ~ adjacent navi~ two (2) of the Itfll(m'in~ desiun Jkaturcs: I_. Windows at a minimum of 40 pcrccn! of tile al'lk'ctcd Il)carlo: l)roiccted covcrcd public entry with a mininmnl of 25 percent of the wall space devoted lo windows: Words sm:d; :!:r::::i;!: are deleted, words underlined are ,',d,Jed 22 ('ovcred svaJk~av (excludint~ canvas type) unless provided ~ith six (6)inch columns or betler auached to ll~e buildinu at a mhdmum of eight t~'et wide whh a 60% nfinimum cm'era~c the al'l~clcd Ihcade. l,'acadt'/wull hci,~ht Iransilion. New developments lhat arc located ~ithin 300 l~ct ol'an existing building, and are more limn tx~icc the height ol'any existing building whifin 300 lk'ct shall provide buildings of lok~cr height ~iflfin 300 t~ct. and thc proposed development. '1 hc transitional massing dement can be no more than 101) percent taller than thc average height of thc adjacent buildings (sec llluslration g below). ..8..~.>.4._. b40T ~H~ Illustration 8 Facade .~'zandurd. All primary facades of a building shall be designed ~kith COllSiSlclll arcifitcctural style, detail and trim I~'aitlrcs. J:acadcs atlachcd Io a primary lhcade shall incorporate I~alurcs of Ibc primarx Ik~cadc Ibr a minimum o1'33 percent of thc overall wall length measured l?om lhe allachcd primary lhcade. In linc case ofoulparccl buildings, all exterior lhcadcs shall adhere I0 thc requirements of tiffs division x~ ifl~ respect to architectural design trcmmcnls Ik~r primary lhcadcs. Wimhm' .*,lflllihlt'</¥: \\'inclines simll not appear to be false tw applied. .,lwnin,g Xtamhtrds: These standards apply to awnint4s associated with and attacl~¢d Io a bttildirm/slruclure. (Sec Illustration 8. I) Words ~f,~'4,-dm~L~ are deleted, v.t rds t nderlingd, :ire:, J. 23 Mansard Awning shall not be backlit oBaCklit Awning with graphics must meet sign code requirements r illuminated area, Awnin Standards Illustration 8.1 Mansard a~nint~s which are awninus that are more than 90% of a Ihcade or those that connect two lhcades shall adhere to all roof slandards of section 2.8 of this code. All other awnin~ich are awnin ,.g~that conslitut¢ less than 00% of a Ihcadc and which do not ~rovide a connection between lhcadcs shal adhere ~o the fiqlowing standards: a_). Awning,s n~av he backlit .p_rovided tile illuminated ~ortion o1' the awnin~hics does not exceed the size limitations and slandards of this code. Aulon~obilc salcs.parkinu lot awnir~ Shade ax~nin~ may bc erected in automobile sales ~ect to lhe following retirements and standards: ~ No shade awning structure shall be conslruclcd within scvcniv~ feet of ,'u'~v ~ivalc street. b_l__. No one shade ~twning_slruclurc t~av exceed an area Stlt'licicr~t 1o provide cover for more than lwenlv 2_(.20) .atzlomobiles. c_2__ The minimum s~_~aration between shade axxning structures shall be one hundred (10(0 foci. d) Muhi-colorcd shade awning structures are prohibited and t~.l'loresCelll rimarv and/or secondary colors ~ibitcd. Earth-lone colors arc ellcouraE~d~ Overhead door.v: Overhead doors facing ()ne another may be lrcalcd ~Jmterior s ace rovidcd that tile buildin.~s meet all olher re_3.1uirements of section 2.8 oflhis code..(.See Illustralitm 8.2l Words .~r~.,4br*m-gh ;ire deleted, words underlined arc a.!5 ,ct 24 face each other they may be treated as one building Overhead Door Diaqram Illustration 8.2 .llavxing .vtamhn'd.v. Exlcrior lhcades shall bc designed to employ folloxving design treatments on thc ground floor: ( I ) No horizontal Icngfl~ or uninterrupted curve o fa building facade shall exceed I00 linear I~et. For arcaded fi~cadcs, no horizontal length or tminlcrruplcd curve of thc arcaded lhcade shall cxcccd 120 IL'el. but x aricd lengths arc desirable. Prt~jcctions and recesses shall have a minimum depth ol'lhrcc l~cl with 25 percent ol'lhcsc having a xaricd length widt a minimum diflZ'rcntial ol'ollc tirol (Sec Illustration 9 below). E) o'l".s 5, lllustrntion 9 I:.xlcrior xvull phmcs sh,'dl not constitulc more than 6(I pcrccnl of each al'l~clcd ground floor filcadc. Thc X~;L[I pi;nit shall be illC~tstlrcd ill OllC Ii*of OJ't' IBC exterior wall surfi~cc on cacl~ side of thc x~ all. l'rimary facades on thc ~uround floor sh:ill have iZ'aturcs along a minimum of 50 percent of their ht,rizontal lcnglh per al'l~*clcd side. These I~aturcs include, iv.~t arc not limited arcades, a minimum ot'~t six (6) I~ct clear in xxidth: display windmvs; entry areas; or other such d.zsign cIcBIcBIs. Words ~i~.~h~h are dclcled, words underljnc~ are: ,. 25 arc exclmled included ~n i~ this calculation a~ 1.5 times xx'indow widlh t,~ xx hc~3 associated with windows/doors and arc in increments o1't~ lwc~ltv (20} [~cl ill Icngfl~ or less. I'rqject ..,/wnfi,'d.v. Both siugle and muhi-use buikling, s and projects shall also bc required to provide a minimum et' Ihr~ Ibti___~r of thc l~)llo',~ inB building design trcatmcms (sec llklstrafions 10 and 11 below): Canopies or portico, inlegra~ed with the buildings massing and style: (b) Overhangs. n~inimum ol'fl~rcc feet: (c) :\rcadcs. minimum el'eight fcct clear in width: (d) Sculptured artwork: (c) Raised cornice ~ape4~r-eh~ or bu Iding bandilm wilh a minimum of two relielk: Peaked roof fi)mm: (g) Arches: (h) (i) Display x~ indows: Ornamenlal and slructural architeclural delails, other limn cornices: which are inlegralcd into Ihe building structure and overall design: Clock, oq bell towers or other such rool'Ircatmcnt (i.e: dormers, belvederes, cupol:~S); (k) projected and covered entry, five foot mininmm; Emphasized bt ding base, minimum el'three feet high and minimum projection IYom the watt of two inches; Additional rool'articul:~lion above Ihe minimum slandards. (see mol'section); Metal or tile mol'as the dominant roof mat,:rial; or Any other treatment ~,.hich. in the opinion of the plain'ting services direclor, meets the inlenl of this section: :.llld Olle el'thc Ibllox~ing site design elements: {a) lb) Decorative Imldscape plamers or plallling areas, a uliilhlluIll of five feet '.,.ide. and areas for shaded scaling consisting of a minimum el' I(}0 square feel: Integration of spcciahy pavers, or slampcd concrete along the buildingls ~kl~llkwll)'. Said treatment shall constitute a inil~imum of 60 percent of walkway area: or. (c) V,'aler clements, a minimum of 150 square IL'et Words f~n:ck :F.r'.mttb ar,: deleted, words !mderlined arc, 26 Two ac¢cnl or ~ove lh¢ minimum landsca~_~ ~n, thc front Ihcadc with a ~linil~tm~ I~~ I~e~ a~ Imnin ,. I.L[ YATIO l,J, Illustration [0 Words .st~- 'uc441m~..h are deleted, words tmderIH~ed nrc at;,' 27 Illuslralion I I De/ttil I"eattn'es ['tttT~ose tt/ul in/enl. 'l'hc design clements itl the following standards shall bc integral parts of the building's exterior facade and shall be integrated into thc overall architectural style. These clements shall not consist solely of applied graphics, or paint. Bhmk .'all ~n'ea.¥. Blank x~all areas shall not exceed ten feet in vertical direction nor twenty t20l feet in th~ horizontal direction of any faca~ any primary fi~cade. For fi~cadcs connected lo a primary Ihcade this shall apply lo a minimum of thirty-three percent of thc attached fi~cadc measured frmn the connection point. Control and exp:msion joints within this area shall constitute blank wall area unless used as a decorative pattern and spaced at intervals of six feet or less. Rcliel'and reveal work depth must be a minimum of one-half inch (sec Illustration 12 bclowL Blank wall area may utilize landscaping 10 assist in rcducine thc blank wall area. l.andscaping shall nol bc in lieu ofarchilcCluml treatment. (Sec Illustration 12.1 below). Words ,.~'nvck ;}m:.,:gh arc deleted, wnrds underlined are at'~led. 28 I Illustration 12 Illu~tralion 12.1 Rc/wam~,~.fiwade/rea/menl.V. Building fiicadcs shall include repeating paHcrn and shall include no less than three of thc design clements listed below. At least one of these &sign clcnlcnts shall repeat horizonlally. All design clements shall repeat at intervals more than ~ Iifly (5fl) I~ct. e~ horizontally ~ and a maximum of 15fitch (15) Ikct vcrlically. 1. Color change: 2. Texture change: 3. Material module change: Expression of architectural or structural bays. through a change in plane of no less than 12 inches in xxidflt, such as a reveal, an offset, or a projecting rib (set: Illustration 13 below): 5. Architectural banding: Building setbacks or projections, a minimum of three i~-ct in width tm upper level(s) or. 7. l'attcrn change= Words :-.:r::::!. '~ ........ t- are deleted, words underlined are a,% !. ll[~tration 13 ,,Idditiomtl fitc~ule dc.~'ig, Iretttmentx.fi~r mttltip[e u.¥e l't,TX~Se aml i,tent. Thc presence of buildings with multiple tenants creates variety, breaks up large expanses oF uninterrupted fi~cadcs, and expands thc range of thc site's activities. Windows and window displays ~d'such stores shall bc used to com,rihutc It) thc visual interest {fi'exterior fi~cadcs. Thc standards in this section arc directed toward those situalions where more than one retailer, wilh separate exterior customer entrances, are located within the principal building. l.'ir.~l Jloor l~rimur)'./uctulc Ircrttmct~ls. '['bc tirst floor of the primary facades or~4'Hm*hM-vse4'm;,h3i*v6m shall, at a minimum, utilize v.'indows between thc heights of three feet and eight feet above the walkv.'ay grade For no less than 50 thirtx_{.3__0D percent of the horizontal length of the building facade. \\:indoxvs sMIl be recessed, a minimum of one-half inch. and sbalI include visually prominent sills, shutters, stucco reliefs, or other such fom~s of framing. ()tttl~trcel.s'. 1't,7~oxe ,mi intetlt. To provide unitied architectural design and site planning between outparcel struclurcs and Ibc main structure on the site in order to enhance Ibc visual impact of thc structures and Io provide t~r sal~ and convenient vehicular and pedestrian access and illOVClllCnl within thc site. (),ttl~arccl rh'.¥ig,: All exterior Facades of an outparccl structure shall be considered primary lhcadcs and shall employ architectural, site. and landscaping design clements which arc integrated with and conllllOll Io those used on the primary structure on site. These common design clcmcnls shall include colors and materials associated with tl~c main structure. When thc usc of common wait. side by side development occurs, continuity of facades and consolidaled parking lbr several businesses on one parking lot may be used. Outparccl structures that arc adjacent to each other shall provide lbr vehicular connection between ll~cir respective parking ~ots and provide lbr intcrconncclion of pcdcslrian walkways. Words ~,trt~,,,-4h..r,,m,gh tire del¢lcd, ~.~,,t~rds uriderlinc,.~l ;ire tm. · ' 30 2,~.3.5.1f}.2. ]'i,.l~O.vt, ~,rl i~fft'~ff. Vari:.lliOllS II1 roof lilies shall b~ t~scd lo add imcrcst h~. ;md reduce flw massin~ o1' buildings. Rmfl' I~alm'cs sh;fll be ;n scale ~itl~ fl~e huildin~'~ mass and complemcm ll~e clmrac~cr of adj~finin~ and'or adjacent buildings and neighborhoods. Rmqing malcrial should bc conslruclcd ol'durablc high qualil5 malcrial in order to cllh[lllCC thc appearaBcc and attractis'cncss ol'thc ctmmmnity. Thc fi,llosving standards idcnlil~' appropriate rool'trcam~cnls and I~aturcs. I?~u!/'t't[,~' tm~//~{tr~tpct l/-t'rtlmcn/. /\t a nlillh~ltltB of two R~catimls. Thc dominant rt~oJ'Colldilioll, a minimum oF three I~ct. AT least OIlC S[Ich change shall bc located on a primary facade adjacent lo a collector or arlcrial right-oF-way {sec Illuslration 14 hchm'}. ()nc additional roof chance must ~ovidcd I}}r every 25.000 stltmrc lbot increment nvcr ]~lXs~ thous;md ~uare I~'ct of ~ound floor ~ Do T Hj_,~_ Mo'T THIS}.3. Illustration 14 shall mcct al-4eastquav-i~.Ffl~c IhlhBving requirements: (Sec Illuslralim~ ] 5 behBv.) Parnpcts shall be used to conceal roof mp equipment and flat \Vhcrc {~xcrhan~uin~ cures are used. ovcrh:mgs shall be no less than th~ ~ l~'cl bcyolld thc supporting walls ~itl~ mh+i+mm~~nel~. Where ovcrhan~ arc less limn two I~cl they shall ~rovidcd with a band or cornice, a minh]ltml of ciuht inches tllldcr thc sol'Iii al thc wall. lP, usam,lm,,-P54x~ov, O Facia shall he a mi~limum nfci,2, ht inches: Words .~4~h-44m~h ;,r,.: d¢lcB.'d. ',sords und,2rlincd are i.,... ~ 31 (4) Tile or melal as lhe dominan! rool'maicrial. ~0---~. \ &l~onal-ven k '-eq-r~o I' ch:m~e:; '.:'i t 'h-am,t h~4 mu n:H:4m~e4n },JOT THIG 2.g. l Ilu-',t r ulims 15 I'rohihia'd ro(?fO7)c,~ .mi/n.teri.l.~'. Thc l'oliov, lng t}pcs of materials arc prohibilcd: (I} Asphah shingles, cxccpl laminated. 320 pound. 30 year architectural grade asphah shingles or belier: (2) Mansard roofs and canopies without it minimum vertical distance of eight I~ct and at an angle not less than 25 degrees. al~d l~ot greater than 70 degrees: Reel's utilizing less limn or cqu:d to a two to 12 pitch unless utilizing I\lll parapet coverage: and (4) Back-lit awnings used as a mansard or canopy mo!: Etlll'.l'W~ly.¥/ctt.~'lom¢'l' l.'tlll'~tllt,.'¢ II'¢tllmt.'lll,~;. Words ~m '*c-h-~i~h 32 ~.8.~...1_.1. _.g.~...l .... 1. l'urpo.w wul intcnt. I';ntryway design clements and variations arc intended to give protection from Ibc stm~ stu__A and adverse weather conditions. These clements are to be integrated into a comprehensive design style for the project. l:.nlO.n.,(t..wcu.~.ttmwr ct?lr~#lct' 2,'trllltl~lrdx. Thc.qc standards idcnti Ib' appropriate entry fealt, rcs. Single usc buildings. Single use buildings shall bare clearly defined. highly visible ct, stomer entrances x~bicb shall include thc following: An outdoor patio area adjacent tn file customer entrance, a minimum of 200 square fcct in area 'M~ich incorporates Ibc following: ( 1 ) benches or other scaling components: {2} decorative landscape planlcrs or x,,'ing walls v, hicl~ incorporalc landscaped areas: and (3) structural or vegetative shading. front entry shall be scl back from tim drive a minimum distance of Ii Iicen ( 15} feel,, .ihdtiple m'e huihlingx ,ml l,'O./ccL~'. Multi-use structures shall include thc folloxving: (I) Anchor tenants shall provide cle:trly defined, highly visible CtlStOlllCr entrallccs. (2) A provision for intermittent shaded outdoor community space ax a minimum el*one percent of the totnl gross floor area of tl~e building or commercial project. Said community space shall be located offer adjacent to thc circulation palh el'Iht complex or main structure and shall incorporate benches or other scaling conq~oncnts. ,,\ front cnlrv shall be set back from lhe drive a minimum of Iii'teen (15) feeh .[hacrittls wul cob,'. pUtT~ose ~ttul intent. Exterior building colors and materials contribute signilicantly to the visual impact of a building on fl~c community. They shall be well-designed and integrated into a comprehensive design style l~r thc project. Exterior htti[ding malerittls sl~tH~htrt~'. Prcdominanl exterior building malcrials shall include, bul arc not limited to: ( 1 ) SItICCO: (2) Brick: (3) Tinlcd. textured, other titan smood~ or ribbed, concrete masonry units: or {4) Stone. excluding an ashlar or rubble c~ms~ructitm look. Words ~wm~ are deleted, words undcrlin~ art .. 2t . 33 ....1. ~.8o...1_.4._. ,.8..~.6. I. I'rcdominant exterior building maicrials iiial arc prohibilcd include: { 1 ) Plas6c siding; {2) Corrugated or rcllcclive mclal panels; (3) Tile: (4) Smooth or rib lhccd concrete block; and (5) Applied stone in an ashlar or rubble look. Automotive and other special type service buildings may utilize prclhbricalcd metal buiklings under Ihe fi)llowing condilitms: Metal buildings are mom than 250 IL'ct I?onl any riehl-el;way: Metal buildinus arc located dirccllv behind Ibc main thc street: No more lhan twenty (20) percent of the btxilding can be situated beyond Ibc main re,lo sales ccnlcr and shoxvroom. ]5'ct[tm~imml exterior 'J'Jlc tlSe Of bJack.~ o~ gray, lluorescenl, primary :llldlor secondary colors is prohibited tis thc predominant exterior building or reel' color(s). 1-;arlh-tcu'~c colors arc cncourat2cd. B dhlinx trim ¢'0lol'(.¥). Building Iriln and accent areas may feature any color(s), limited to tell percent of thc alTected facade segment, with a maximum lrim height of 24 inches total lbr its shortest distance. Neon or neon type tubing shall be permitted ~ prm'idcd Ihr iii sections and of this code. An approved lighting plan consistent with thc provisions of section of this code shall be provided. Xi.q, nage. /'WT)OXc and in/chi. Signs arc intcndcd to bc designed to complement rmhcr than detract from tile visual impact of a commercial development by ulilizing design elements consistent with those employed in thc structure's architecture and by minimi×ing conllicls with on-site landscaping areas and vehicular use areas. Development xtamhtrds. In :,ddition Itl tile proviskms set forth in division 2.5.. of this code. the following standards shall apply. thfi/ied.¥ign plan. Where muhiplc on-prcn'fise signs arc proposed Ibr a single site or project, or in thc case ora shopping center or multi-usc building, a unified signagc plan shall be employed. An applicatiol: site development or site improvement plan approval shall be accompanied by a graphic and narrative representation of the unilied signagc plan to be utilized on the site. The unified sign plan may be amended and resubmilled For approval to reflect style changes or Words :;:a:ck :!:rvx:g!: are d¢lelcd, words underlined are t~dded. 34 changing tenant needs, l)csign clements which simtl bc addressed in both graphic and namttiv¢ form include: {a) adherence ~ ith Iht Im~Visions ol'di\'ision 2.5. ~d' this code: colors; (c) construction materials nnd method: (d) architeclural design: (e) lilt, ruination method; cop>' style; (g) (h) sign type(s} and location(s): and. in the ease of multi-use buildings, and parcels with multiple structt, res on site. inclt,ding oulparccls, tile uni fled sign plan shall indicate conformance with the following: No wall sign shall exceed 80 perccnl of the width ot' ll~e uniffs) occupied by a business with a minimt,m of Ich percent clear area on each oulcr edge of the unit(s): (2) All wall signs for multi-use buildings shall be located at a consistent location on tile building Iitcade. except that anchor tenants may vary from this Iocational requiremen! in scale with the anchor's larger primary facade dimensions. All signs shall adhere to the dimensions provided for in the unified signage plan; aud (3) Pole signs shall provide a pole cover with architectural design features, including colors and/or materials common to those used in lhe design of the building the sign is accessory to. A minimum 100 sqt,are foot planting area shall be provided around tile base of'any ground or pole sign. consisten! with tile provisions of diviskm 2.5. of this code (see Illustration 16 below). Words :gr,:ok fi:ro~:g.h ;irc dcleted, word.~ underlined art '. '~! 35 2 lllu~tration 16 OutlX,'culx. In addition to thc .qbove requirc|ncnts, unified sign plans Ibr otmlparccls, regardless of thc size of dm outparccl, shall be limited to thc lbllowing: (a) a wall sign for any Facade adjacent to a public right-of-way and a wall sign li~r any Ihcadc fitting thc main commercial center, not to exceed a maximum oF two wall signs tbr any single usc: and. (hi a singtc ground or pole sign not lo exceed 60 square I~ct. Pole signs shall bc limited to 15 tkct in height. ]~lt[[t/hl7 [~Ct'nlil ~'C'tlttt'.~'l.v. Requests I~r building permits fi~r permanent omprcmisc signs shall adhere to thc uni fled signagc plan. which shall bc kept on file in thc community development and environmental services division. Requests to permit a new sign. or to relocate. replace or slruclurally ahcr an existing sign shall be accompanied by a unified sign pkm Ibr thc b~filding or project thc sign is accessory Existing pcrnfiltcd signs may remain in place; however, al! future requests I~r permits, xshcthcr Ibr a new sign. or relocation, ahcralion. or replacement ol'all existing sign, shall adl~crc to thc unillcd sign plan Ibr tl~c property. l,u ;dsculfi~g. In addition to Iht requirements ol' section 2.4_ "l.andscaping and Buffering" thc following rcquircmcnls shall apply. I't,Tm.Ve ami intent. To provide enhanced I:mdscaping within the vehicular and pedestrian usc areas of large commercial buildings and projects. Such landscaping is intended to cll]lallcc the visual experience ol'thc motoring and pedestrian public. COlllmoilly rcl~rrcd to as thc "strcctscapc". sshilc adl~cring to thc purpose and intent set l~rth in division 2.4. ol'this code. l,andscaping should bc used to enhance and COlnplcmcnt Iht .site design and building archhccturc. Words ~t~,-qNr~gh arc deleted, ~ords underlined arc r, ~c,. 36 l,,ml,~ctq~it~g. 'ibc folloxsin,g requirements. ~,xith thc exception o1' building perimeter pkmtings, shall be counted toward thc required grccnspacc and open space requirements of division 2.4. of this code. 1. At time of pku~ting, trees in vehicular usc areas shall be a lni~linlunl of 12 to 14 I~ct height with a six-l~mt spread and a tWO alld OllC-htlll' illth caliper and shall have a clear trunk area Io a height of seven lkct, 2. Thc first row of landscape islands located closcsl to thc building I~ont and sides shall be landscaped with lrccs, pahns. shrubs and groundcovcrs and shall have a clear trunk area to a height ol'scvctl Ikct (sec Illustration 17 below). 4 lllu~trn~.lon 17 Trcc and lighting locations shall bc designed cm~tlict with c, nc another (sec Illustration 18 Words s4~lm~ ~vgh are dcl¢Icd, words uD~dcdincd arc a,ldcd. 37 2 lllt~tralion 18 [,tJcali~ma! rt, qtdreme/ll.~'.f'or /mi/ding perimeter/~/~tt?li/t,g,¥ ~t.~' requircd h)' .¥cclitm 2. d. ~..5. q/'lhix code: Perimeter hmdscapc plantings shall bc Ioc;.llcd adjacent to thc primary building l'acade, including building entrance areas, plazas. and courtyards. These areas shall be landscaped with combination of trees, pahns, shrubs and ground covers (see Illustrations 19 and 20 below). - ..~ ,' ....... deleted, words underlined ¥,'urds s~rt.: ...... ;,,.=h arc Illustration 19 Illuslr-tit, n ltl Words .~r~:ck :hrz;:~gh are deleted, words t,nderlined a:. 39 l~uilding pcrhnctcrs shall inch]dc plantings a~. a ratio of I()0 square l~ct of planlcrs per 1.000 square I~'cl of building ground lk~r area. I'l:mtcrs shall either bc ~aiscd ~r at grotmd level and bca minimum of ten l~'cl wide. Scnfing cm~rtyards, catin~ areas and plazas may be incorporated within them (sec Illustration 21 below)., ,Vulurul t#ul mttnmttdt' htu[~e.¥ q[wtttcr incltulitl,~ ri'ct tttztl th't: t't, let~liott t#'¢u~' (e.rcceditll4 Iwc'[rt' (121 [~,et i. u'idl]l]. Thc shape of a re:remade body ol'wat~2r, including wet and drx~ retention areas, shall bc designcd to appear natural by having oll~scts in thc cdffc alignment that arc a minimum often t~ct and spaced 50 I~ct apart. All bodies of water, including wet and dry retention areas. exceeding 20.000 square lkct in area, and which arc located adjacent to a public righl-olLway, shall l~r~mti~l incorporate into thc overall design ot'lhc prt¢cct in at least ~m lwo (2} of thc l~llowing ~ ilcms: (sec Illuslmtion 22 below). Words ,a~,~4,q.~m~h arc deleted, v. ords tmdurlincd arc, .-, 40 .Sec. 2.8.4. 2.g.4. t. 2.g.4.1.1. Illustration 22 Provide--a A_ live-Ibm wide walkway with trees an average of 5¢1 feet on center and shaded benches a minimum o['six fcct in length or picnic lanes with one located every 150 feet. tzr,~,te~a/_~ public access pier with covered slructurc and seating. Pr, wide-an An intermittent shaded plazaJcourtyard, a minimum o1'200 sqt,are feet in area. with benches and/or picnic tables adjacent to tile walcr body. /~ permanent fountain structure. Architcctur'al and site design standards and guidelines for cummcrcial buildings ;md projects under 20,000 square feet in size. I, ighlin,t,,. /'mT~OXe wul hi/enl. Commercial buildings and projects, including their outparccls shall be designed to provide safe. convenient, and cfl'~cient lighting for pedestrians and vehicles. I.ighting shall be designed in a consistent and coordinated manner for the entire site. The lighting and lighting fixtures shall be iutcgratcd and designed so as to enhance tile visu:d impact of the project on the community and/or should be desit,.ned to blends into Iht surrounding landscape. .¥hiehling .wttntfltrd. v. I,ighting slmll bc designed so as Io prcvcut direct glare, light spillage and hazardous intcrfcrc,;,:e with ;mtomolive and pedestrian traffic on adjacent streets mid all a.ljaccnt properties. Words slruck Ib**~vgh arc deleted, words underlined arc ~ld 41 l"ixtttre hcixh! .vt,mhtrds. l.ighting lixturcs shall be a minimum of 30 l~et in height within thc parking lot and shall be a maximun~ of 15 I~ct in hcigi~t xxithin mm-vehicular pcdcslrian areas (sec 1Wes!ration 23 bclmv}. ...8.4.,.1. Illustration 2.3 Dc.rig, .vtaml, r~& l.ighting shall be used to provide safc~v while accent key architectural elements and/or to emphasize landscape features, l,ight tlxlt,res shall be designed as an integral design clement Ihat complements thc design of the project through style, material tlr color (excluding florescent and primary~secondary colors) and shall be desie, ned to blend into the landscape through thc use of dark colors. Mill finish is not permitted. Lm;di::g, .','::;rz:x*', ;;:.ec!;z:::ic;d ~'q:;:'/m:c;::, ,';:did ::'~:,';/c .fiwililic:;.,,.t ,.,.~,'"t ............. .,~, ,,~.,,,-~,,,.,,;'"' r. ...... ;--. ~::';.'~:.:'..Service Ftmction ..tre.x (SI':,I) im'l.din,k' h.t m~t limited to Ioadi.k,, ,vlorttge, mectumical t,q.ilmw.t, .mi xtdid wa.¥te di.~I~m'al. ami inte,t. To diminish, in a safe manner, the visual impacts of service functions that may distract or have a negative impact on the strcetscape, landscape and/or tile overall community image. lht. fferi,g aml s'c't'¢e~ ing .~tuml, rds. In accordance x~ith thc proviskms of division 2.6. of Ibis code. loading areas or docks, outdoor storage. trash collection, mechanical equipment trash compaction, vehicular storauc recycling, roof top etluipmenl and other service I~Incliotl areas shall be I~lly screened and otlt of view frolll adjacent properties at ground view level and in view tff roadway corridors. ~he~vcaled .[htterinl.¥ !tm/des/g, st,ml, rds. Screening material and design shall be consistent with design treatments of thc primary facades of the commercial building or project and the landscape pi:re. l.'e,cin,t: .¥1amlttr~/v: Chain link and v,'nod fencing are prohibited forward of the primary facade and must be a minimum of one hundred (100) Ikct I~om a public right-olSwav. Chail~ link and wood I~ncinR.l~cin~ a public ri~ht-ol~ ........ ~ .~ ........ dclelcd. ~ords underlined are v,iJcd. Words ................ ~h arc 42 2.g.4.2.4. 2.~.4.3. 2.g.4.3.1. 2.g.4.3.2. ~av shall provide at minimum an irrigated hedge directly in from of fl~c IL'ncc on the side of thc rit, ht-ol'-wav. Pktnt material shall bt: a nlhlimunl of three ~allons and plamcd three l'cct on ccnlcr a! time o1' installation. This plant material shall be mairmfined at a wfinhnun'~ of three quarlcr lhe heidel of thc IL'ncilm. {gcc IltustratMn 6.1 ) Fencing forward nf 1h¢ primary facade is pcrmhted under thc I'ollm~inq condhions: Fence docs not exceed four (4) IL'ct IL'ct in hci,ht. Thc IL'ncin~ provides ¢itl~cr an open view a! a minimum twenty I~vc pcrccllt of ~ts length or prmidcs variation in hcid~t I~r a minimum of liIiccn percent of it Icnuth ~ith deviation of at least h~'elve (I 2) inches. Thc f~ncc st~l¢ must complement tl~e Nfildh~u st,dc m.'tlcrial, color and:'or dcsi~n. Dr/VC-lhrou.~h n'imhm' .s'l~lll~htr~l.¥. Drive-through windov,'s ;tlt*.] lanes shall be designed to adhere to the folltm'ing standards: I)rivc-thrm,gh ~indows shall no! bc placed bcmccn thc right- of-way ol'a primary collector or arterial read,kay and thc associated building, tmless the vcgctatitm required Ibr a Type "B" landscape bufikr is installed within thc buflk'r ~idth required Ibr the pro.jeer and maintained along thc entire Icngfll of thc drivothrough lrtllC bctx~ccn Iht drive flu'ough lane and thc adjacc~lt right-olCx~as'. As an ahcrnalivc lo thc vcgctatix c bufl~r roiL'rented above, ii pcmla~c~ll covered pol'Ic-cochcrc type slruclure, olhcr IIl[lll awning/canvus lypc stmcturc{sL Illay be installed, extending thc ~idth of lhe drivcqhmugh and covering lhe service window(s}. Such structure shall be integrated structurally and architecturally inlo thc design of thc building. ()nly a single drive-through 'lm~e facility is permiucd unless a.,4~m4ated--whl',-a4'ree :;tam~aurm~m!er !,~)0 :;quake [~Hl~rive d~rough exc4mth}~m~. l't'dc.wriw~ walkwa3:~'. l'u/7~..~'e ttHt[ inh'nl 'l'o provide saiL' opporlunilics Ibr ahcrnalivc Illodcs ol'IriulsporI:llioll by connecting wilh existing and I'umrc pedestrian and Nc>cie pathways within thc COtlllly at~d tO provide passage from Iht public right-ol'-xvay to thc commercial buikling or prqicct, and bct~vcc~l tlltcrllaliVc llmdcs of Irallsportalitm. l'ct[e.wri~m ttt't'esx .¥1~tnthtr~¥. Pedestrian ~ ays. linkages and paths shall bc provided I}onl thc building entry(s) to surrounding streets. external sidc~alks, and outparcels. Pedestrian ways shall be designed to pro~idc access bcmccn parking areas and Ihe building entrance{s} in a coordinalcd and sal~ manner. Pcdcswian ways may be incorporated ~ithin a required landscape per. meter bufl~'r, pro~ idcd said buffer is nol less than ten l~ct in ~idlh on av,eragc. Shared Words ~h~,m~h nrc deleled, words underlined an' added. 43 pedestrian walkw~,ys are encouraged between adjacent commercial projects. Minimum ralio.¥. Pedestrian ways shall be provided at a minimum ralio of parcel. Minimum dimensions. Pedcslrian walkways shall be a minimt, m of five fccl wide. .[htteri,l.¥. Pedestrian walkways shall be consislent with thc provisions of scclion 4.5 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Al)A) ..\cccssibility Guidelines. Materials may include spcciahy pavers, concrcle, colored concrete or stamped pattern concrete. l'edextriun crosxu'ulkx rtl building perimeter. Iluilding perimeter crosswnlks shall be designed and coordinated to move people safely to and from buildings and pvrking areas by idctltifying pedestrian crossings witll signagc and vari~tions in pavement materials or markings. Shade pedestrian walkways shall provide intermittent shaded arci~s ~vhcn tile walkway exceeds 100 linear ['eot in length at a minimum ratio of l00 square feet of shaded area per every 100 linear feet o£ walkway. Shade struclures may be natural, manmade or a combination of both. Building dcxign. I'urlmse ami hitet~I. To maintain and enhance the attractiveness o£the strcctscapc and tile existing architectural design of tile community. Buildings shall have architectural features and patterns that provide visual interest from the perspective of thc pedestrian; reduce massing aesthetic: recognize local character; and be site responsive. Fac:~dcs shall be designed to reduce thc mass/scale and uniform monolithic appearance of large unadorned walls, while providing visual interest that will be consistent with thc comnmnity's identity and character through thc usc of detail and scale. Arliculation is accomplished by varying thc bt,ildings mass in height and width so that it appears to bc divided into distinct massing clements and details Ihat can be perceived at thc scale of thc pedestrian (sec Illustration 24 below). Words ~4~-4hqough are d¢l¢lcd, words tmderlined are .4 ,:1. 4.1 ELf-VAT I OIL I t~LAFJ~ ~ c~T '~'"~1 ~ _.8.4.4._. Illustration 24 C'orncr Jots a! tm intersection of Iwo or moro arterials or mLLjor collector roads shall bc designed to emphasize their location. Buildings and structures oll corner lots shall be designed ~ith additional ;Jrclfitcctural embellishments such as comer tmvcrs, or other such design Ikaturcs. to emphasize lhcir Jocalit~n as gatcwa5 s and transition points within ti~c conlnltlnily. /hdlt/in,~ ()/'iuntuli~m .¥tamlar~L¥. At le:;t-t;vo pfimat'?4~.~d-ade.+-ett-J'~uildi.ng.q Buildinu I'acaLtcs I'acin,4 a public slr¢c! between 5.000 squLtrc fcct and 19.999 square fcct in kzross building area shall have two, ol'th¢ I'olhw,'ine.: Windows a! a minimum of 33 pcrccn! of ti~c alTcctcd I'acadc. ('(wcrcd public entry wid~ a mil~imtlln of 20 percent of thc wall space devoted lo windo~vs. Covered ',valk~av (excluding can','~q type) unless provided with six {0) inch columns or bcucr alt :chcd to thc huildlnt~ ;ti a Words str;:::t.. ;hm;~ are d¢lmcd, words underlined, arc '~ ' .'J, 4~ minimum of six (6) fee! wide whh a $0 purccnl minimum covcra~2e Ibr dm affected he, rhemm:] ]eng',h er a i~4mary cu.~ttm~er--emr-m~ce alon~ ::aid "~'~tes: For buildings less than 5.000 square fcct in area. facades facing a public str¢¢! shah have one of Windows a! a minimum of 25 perccm of tl~: affected facade. Covered public entry with a minimum o1' 20 percent wall space devoted to windows. P'ucudc, hruJl ItcLq, hl Irun.vilion. Now developments that arc lucatcd within 300 IL'ct ol'tln existing building, and arc nlorc than txx icc thc height of any existing building within 300 Igct shall provide trimsitional massing clements to transition bctxvccn thc existing buildings of l¢mcr height within 300 lkcl. and thc proposed dcvclopmcm. Thc Iransilional massing clement can bc no more titan 100 pcrccm taller than thc average height of thc adjacent buildings {sec Illustration 25 bdow). Do T~i~ Fire MOT Illualration 2.5 l"ucut[c .Vlanthtrdv. All primary facades of a building shall bc designed with consistent architectural style and detail and trim ffaturcs. , 4. ,, ...... deleted xsords underlined arc aJdcd. Words :,.ru~: ...... ~,.~:h arc Facades :ltlachcd to a prhnarv facade shall incorporate l~aturcs of thc primary Ihcadc lbr a minimum of 33 percent of Ihe overall wall Ictmtl~ measured from the attached primary thcadc. In thc case ol'outparccl buildings, all exterior filcadcs shall adhere to thc requirements of this dMsion wifl~ respect to architectural design trcatmcnls Ibr primary fi~cadcs. ,~h~.¥.~'i;lx .¥tundurd.¥. l';xtcrior l:acadcs shall bc designed It) employ thc follmving design treatments: (I) No horizontal length, or uninterrupted curve, of the ground Iloor of any primary hcade, for buildings between I0.000 and 19.999 square I~ct in gross building area. shall cxcccd 50 I~ct. ~ ith thc maximum being 80 l~ct for arcades:: Projections and recesses shall have a minhnum dcplh of two (2) I~'cl and a minimum total width ot'20 percent of Ibc fitcadc bra with varied lengths ar,: de:;irab!e. For buildings under 10.000 square feet. no horizontal length, or uninterrupted curve, el' any primar.v facade shall exceed 35 foci. with thc maximum being 60 fcct for arcadcs~ Proicctions and recesses shall have a minimum dcplh of one {I) tirol and a minhnum total width {,r 20 pcrcenl of the facade ~ with varied lengths: ~e d~:;kab~ ' · .: .................... ~,,,n~, . m[:fimum buildings shall provide a minimum oronc oft~ct per public slrcct or navigable walcrway. (2) For buildings between 5.000 10.000 square foci and 19.999 square feet in gross building area. exterior wall planes shall not constitute more than 50 percent of each ;,ffcctcd ground lloor facade over 30 feet. The wall plane shall be measured at one foot off'thc exterior wall surface on each side of thc ',,,'all. [3) l'rimary facades on the ground lloor for bt, tidings between 5.000 sqL,are fcct and 19.999 square feet in gross building area shall have arcades a minimum of six fcct clear in width. display xxindows, entry areas, or other such features along no less than 33 percent of thc horizontal length lbr each primary lhcadc. Awnings are exclud~ I?~u included in this calculation at 1.5 times the window width md~ ~hcn associated with windows/doors in increments less than ten [bet. lf'imflm'.¥twt~htrt&: Windows shall not be false or applied. .,lu'ning .~tm~tflli'd¥: 'l'ilese standards apply to awnings associated and attached to a buildintllstructurc}. (see Illustration 8. I) ,Mansard au.'nin~s which arc ,~p.t. llill~4s Ih:it ;ire nlorc Ih;IT1 facade or those that connect two facades shall adhere IO standards cfi' section 2.8 of this code. Other awnines v, hicb arc awnint~s that constitute less than 90% of a facade and which do not provide a connection between lhcadcs shall adhere to tile followinq standards: Awnings may be backlil provided tile illuminated portion el' thc axvninq with graphics does not exceed the size limitations and standards of this cod¢~ Words .,,a,,:~4,-llmm,$h ;ire deleted, u, ords underlined arc :,d:~,:d. 4'7 b} Auhmmbilc sales parkine lot awnint4s: .<,hadc awninus may bc erected in atmmmbilc sales parking lois subject Io thc fi~lloxvinq requirements and standards: Nil shade a~nhm structure shall bc constructed within scvcnLy-five (75) 1~'cl ol'anv public or private street. NO Oll¢ slladc ;.iwnhll2, strtlCtllro Ill:.D.' tfxctfcd [Itl ;.lrcil sul'ficicn! Ils provide cover for more Ih:m Iwcnlv (20) :.~ulonlobilcs. c) Thc minimum scp.'mttilm bcl~xccn axvninu shade structures shall bc one hundred (10(}) Ik'cl. d} Muhi-colorcd shade awning slructurcs arc prohibited and thc usc of black, t2rav. Ilorcsccnl. primary andq~r secondary colors is prohibilcd. I-:arlh-ttmc colors arc cllcotlra'dcdt Or¢'rhcud ti. or,v: ()vcrhcad doors facing one another tll~.p.' Bc Ircatcd ax inferior space provide that thc buildings met! i, ll other rcquircmcnls of section 2.8 of ibc code. (Sec Illustration 8.2) l'rq/cct stamfitrds. Both single and multi-usc buildings and projects shall also he required ltl provide a minimum ul't-l~ tbtt[ of'Ibc fi,flor, ins building design treatments (sec Illustration 26 below). (a) Canopies or porticos, integrated with thc building's massing and slylc: (bi ()vcrhzmgs. a minimum of three I'cct: (c) Arcades. a minimum of six feet clear in v.'idLh: (d) Sculptured artwork: Raised ctirnicc ?a:'::i~f-&wr:; ur huildintl bandinq x~ ith a minimum of two ,rcliel:s: Peaked roof I'omls: (g) :\relics; (h) l)isplay x& intkm's: ()rnamcnlal and strucLural archilcclural details, other than cornices: which are imcgralcd into ibc building structure and overall design: Clock o~ bcJ] lmvcrs or other Stlcb rool'lrcalmcnt (i.e. dorlr~crs, belvederes, cupolas}: (k) Prqicctcd cnlry. J'hnphasized buildint~ base, a minimum orlllrce lk'cl bigb and a minimum proicction I'mm tile wall ol'two inches. Additional rool':lrliculation above the nfinimum slarldards: or Any oilier treatment x~ bich. itl tl~c opir ion (',f thc planning services director, lllCClS thc imcnt of ti:is sect Words ~.~'k lhro¢:~h lire deleted. ~ords underlh~ed lire u: ,'. 48 £LF..YATIO Illmlr,,fion 26 and one of thc t'ollo~ving site design clcmcnts-:~. (a) l)ccoralivc kmdscapc planters or plaming areas, a minimum of five t~ct wide. and areas I2~r shaded scaring consisting ora minimum of I00 square (b) Integration ol'spcciahy pavers, or stamped concrclc along buildings walkway. Said trcalmcnt shall constilute a minimum of 60 percent of walkway area: ~ (c) Water clement(s), a minimum of 150 square Ikct in area: ~ Two accent ~n trcc~box< thc minimum m~~adsc~ ~uirements ol'~~gnt~acade with a minimum hei~hteen I~et at~.~& '~ ' , Words ~h are dele~ed, words underlined are a,, ..i 49 2. .,g,4 I)chtil /i'~ttttrc.¥. ['url~o.~c w~d it;tc~;t. 'Ibc design clements in thc fi~lloxx lng standards shall be integral parts of the building's exterior Ihcadc and shall bc integrated into the overall archilcclural slylc. These clements shall c~md~t ~lcly of applied ~raphic~. ~r painl. x'e~ical direction nor 20 IUet in th~ Imrizmmd direction ol'a,~le any primary fi~cadc. For I~tcadcs cmmcctcd tt~ a prhnarv I}tcadc this shall apply to a minimum of thirty three percent o1' Iht attached Ihcadc and measured fi~r Ibc connection (~'tmlml and expansion joints within this area shall conslilulc blank wall area unless used its a decorative pattern and spaced at intervals of six Ibct or less. Relief and reveal x~rk depth must bca minimum o font-half inch (sec Illustralion 27 bclmx ). Blank wall area may utilize landscapinu lo assisl in reducing thc bkmk wall area, bul thc landscapine shall llol in lieu ol'architcctural trealmcnt. ~Sce Illustruthm 12..I. 1 Illustration 27 RcTwrttit;g./itc~de trc~ttmc;;t.¥. Building t~cadcs shall include a repeating pattern and shall include no less than ~* three ol'thc dcsig.n clements listed bclmx. At least one ol' these dcsiun clements shall repeat horizontally. All design clements shall repeat at intervals of no flit)re than 25 I~ct. ehl~ horizontally ~ and a n~aximum of 15 t~et vertically. 1. Color chan~c; 2. 'J'cxturc change: 3. Material module change: Words ~q~4~-d~,~h, are deleted. %! ord'~ t_mderlined ar.' added. 50 F,×pression ol':mrchilcctur;'l or structural bays. through a change in plane of no less than 12 inches in width, such as a reveal, an ol'i~¢l, tlr a projecting rib (sec lllus/ratkm 28 below.): 5o Illustration 28 Architectural banding: Building setbacks or projections, a mininwm ot' three l'cct in width, on upper level(s): or. 7. Pattern change. ()Ull~W'ce[s. l'utT~ose and intent. To provide unilied architectural design and sile planning between outparccls and file main structure on site ill order m enhance ll~c visual experience for thc vehicular and pedestrian public. and to provide for sa[c and convenient vehicular and pedestrian access and movcnlcnl within thc silt.'. Ouqntrcel dc'sign. All exterior facades of an outparccl building shall bc considered primary facades and shall employ architectural, site. and landscaping design elements which arc integrated with and common to those used on the primary structure on silo. These common design elements shall include colors and materials associated with thc main structure. When the use ot' common wall. side by side development occurs, continuity o[ facades and consolidated parking lbr several businesses on one parking lot lllay be used. ()utparccls that are adjaccmll Io each other arc encouraged provide fi~r vehicular connection between parking lots and provide for pedestrian intcrconncction. Outparccls shall be designed and integrated with thc main project. Ror?f lrctltnlents. l'utTn~Xc tunl intenL Variations in roof lines shall be used lo add interest lo. and reduce the massing of buildings. Roof lbalurcs shall be in scale with fi~e building's mass and complement the character of adjoining and/or adjacent buildings and neighborhoods. Roofing material should be constructed of durable high qualit) material in order Io enhance tile appearance and attractiveness of thc COlllnltulily. Thc I~lloxving standards idcntily appropriate root' treatments and t~-aturcs. Words s~ru& :!:r::::gh are deleted, v,,ords underline4 arc. ,iddcd. _.8.4.4. X_. Roofcd.'4e wld/~w'~ljwl ll'e~ll,lel~l. At a minimum ol'l~o k~cations, thc roo~'cdge andk~r parapet shall have a vertical change from the dominant roof condition, a minimum ol'fl~ Ixx~2 l~ct. At least one such change shall be located on n primary fi~cadc adjacent to a collcclor or arterial right-ol2way {see lllusln~lion 29 below). Illustration 29 Roofs shall mcct at [..'~::;l t;'.o t~.r the follo~ lng requirements: Parapets shall bc t.scd to conceal reel' lop equipment and liar reel's: (2) '9,'here overhanging caves arc used. overhangs shall bc no less than th~ txto (2) I~ct beyond thc supporting walls: ~tI~ mh}hm,~*~~ Where ovcrhanus arc less than txvo Ibct they shall be provided with a band or cornice, a minimum ofciuht inches, under the soffit at the walh I"acia shall be a minimum ol'ei~h~ inches. .slope i-,gui, er prim::r,', l'~:cade (sec Illustration 30 below): 14) · · ',... ~.:..h .I.~ *l~ ........... i ,t... a;'erage 3lei~ht-t'c'h" suplxq, r~L:. :va!h;. :: it!wan av~ra:Ae,de-p,e g:'eater-tl-m4v,~r equal te,-~t,,eqz,;ot of; ertica! ri:;e f;:r e:'ery tht,eeq'eet og4~i~.om-al-mn foot o .........[ at~ lc:;:; th:::~mai¥-a; era="-e-skff'~"-t~lU'aMo-eme "' ..... ; .... ri:;,: !';:r eve .-p:-',meqztx;: cd' !u4fi4,~mhra.~. '['ilc or metal roof as the donlinanl roof nlateriah Words ~¢4 ~%4hfta~) are deleted. ~ords underllned are addc..t. 2 klOT THI~ 2.8.4,4.9.4.,10.1. 2.8,4.4.t0.2. llluslrallon 30 P/'ohihiled roofoT~es ami mttterktls. ]'he Ibllowing types of materials arc prohibited: ( I ) Asphalt shingles, except laminated, 320 pound. 30 year architectural grade asphalt shingles or belier; (2) Mansard roofs and canopies withoul a minimum vertical distance of six feel and at an angle not less than 25 degrees. and nol ~rcatcr than 70 degrees; (3) Roolg utilizing less than or equal to a two to 12 pitch tmlcss utilizing lklll parapet coverage: and (4) Back-lit awnings used as a mansard or cm~opy roof. [(III/]I'Wi(t[¥/CII.¥IOlH('r c'llll'tlllC{' II'ffilllllt'lllS. I'ttrl)ose omi intent, EntD'way design clements and variations arc intended to give protection from the sun and adverse x~cathcr conditions. These elements are to be i[3tegratcd into a comprehensive design style ~or thc prQccl. EHI/>'WC(VS/CII,VIo/HC'I' C'III/'cIIlC'e Xl~l/lChl/'tlV. These sl;nldards idcnlil~' appropriate entry ~caturcs. Single use b~dldi,.~.¥. Single occupancy use buildings between I0.000 square l~ct and 19.999 square feet in area shall have clearly dcfincd. highly visible customer entrances which shall include the lblfowin~: Words .~:r;:-~k ',!:,"t;u:~h are deleted, words underlined a....,' . 5~ I.I. ..8.4 .....I. {a) All otltdoor patio area adjacent It) die ct~slonlcr cntrat~cc, a minimum ol' 50 square I~ct in area and which incorporates tx~ o of thc Ibllox~ing: ( 1 ) Benches tlr other seating components: A provision I'or intermittent shaded outdoor conl[lltlility sp;.tcc at a tBi~inlt~nl ol'o]~c pcrcc~}t of thc total gross lloor area of thc building or commercial project. Said COIll;ll[Illily space shall bc located off or adjacent to thc circulation path ol'thc complex or main structure and shall incorporate benches or other seating Front entry shall bc set Back I~om thc drive a minimum oF fiftccn {15) I~ct. ,~ [i.vc'l'/lt/twt~tt.~' Mrttclttrc.v. O,t.vidc pho' structures, Otitsidc play structures shall not cxcccd 50 percent oJ'covcragc akmg thc affected I~tcadc. No porlion oi'any play structure located bct~ccn the front building line and any adjacent righl-of-~xay shall cxcccd a height of12 l~cl as mcasorcd existing ground elevation. In all other cases, no poflion of any play slructurc shall exceed a maximum height of 16 I~ct as measured cxistin~ ground elevation. Play structures shall bc limited Io carthmnc colors, xxith a maximum of three color variations. ,~ htterialx and co/or. I'mTmSe and intent. F. xlcrior building colors and materials contribulc significantly to thc visual impact of a building on thc cmnmunity. They shall bc wclI-dcsigncd and integrated into ;t comprehensive design style for the project. Exterior huildin,~ malcrials ,vltllldtu't[v. I)rcdominanl exterior building materials shall include, but arc not limilcd Il): (I) .qlucco: (2) Brick: Tinted. textured, other than smooth tlr ribbed, ctmcrctc (4) NIoBe. excluding :iii ashlar tlr rubble conslruction look. I~rcdominant cxlcrior building material thal ;irc prohibited include: Plastic siding'.-, unless associalcd with Florida cracker slx'lc and ulilizcs Irim with a minimum (il'six (6) inches for its Icnelh: 12) Corruk:atcd or rcllcctivc mclal panels: (3) Tile: (4) Smooth or rib I'accd concrete block: and (5) Applicd stone in an ashlar tlr rubble look. Words edq 'uc-4,.41m,'~ ~vOh are deleted, words underlined ap. added. 54 _.8.4 .....4.1. _.8.4 .....4._. 2.8,4.6. Au!om,tire and olhcr special tvpc service builditms may utilize prefid~ricatcd metal Imildinus under tile I'o truing conditions. tick} Mc!al buiklinus are more than two htmdrcd and Iii'tv IL'c! from an', riuht-ol'-x~ ay; Metal buildilm, s arc located dirccllv behind tile main sill ~.\'roo ll!.qales center st', ;.is no! Itl be a dolllillalll J'acadc lllollg, thc street: No more th:tn twenty percent ol'lhe building can bc beyond the lllahl a~.ltO .qalcs center alld shoxx rooul. [~rt, t[o.liiltlltl c.rlt'l'Jor Thc ttsc o 'b ack, ~/ra}': t~F lltlorescclll, pl'in~;irv ;.llld!Ol' s,,fcoBdarv colors is prohibited '.~s thc predominant gxlcrior building tlr roof color(s). J{arth-lollc colors arc ellCOtlr:H2cd: Buihli,,k' /rim c,h,'t.~'l. Building trim and accent areas may I~'amrc any color(s}, limitcd to ten percent el'ibc afl'cc!ed facade segmcnl, v, Sth a maximum trim height oi' 24 inches lot:il for its shortcsl dist;mcc. Neon or neon type tubing shall be permit!cd a._5 provided Ibr ,md .... 6 ....of this code. An approxcd liuhthm scclions ' plan consistent x~ ith thc prt)visions of section of this code shall bo provided. S'iwutge. Thc provisions of section shall also apply to commercial buildings and projects with less th;m 20.00(1 square fcc! of building area, .\'~tllll'ttJ ctllcl IilciIlnl~l~k' I~cuJius i{/'Wtllt'r (incJutlitt,g rclcnli.n ttl'c'tt.~,' t'x't't't't[i~lg Iwe[l'e (12)/'ce! ill width). Thc shape of a manmadc body of water, including ~ct ami dry retention areas, shall be designed Io appear nalural by having oJ'l~scls in Iht edge alignment that arc a minimum often I~ct and spaced 5(I IL'ct apart. Nalural and manmadc bodies ol'~alcr, including wet anc~ drx~ retention areas, exceeding 20.[)lJ0 square tgcl in area. ;lllt~ which arc located adjacent to a public right-ol~xvay, shall be hm**rl~mted incorporale into file overall design of thc pr!eec! in al lcasl {,~ lwo (2) of thc Ibllm~ ins ~ays item5 (sec Illustration 31 bcloxx ): Words sm '~4,q~h arc deleted, tstlrds ~o llI~tration 31 ~,~,4dh~,~--a ~ minimum of five-Foot wldc ~valk~vay ~iti~ trees an average of 50 l~ct on center and shaded minimum of six- l~ot long benches or picnic tables every 150 lincar IZ, cI. 3o tZro;'idi,g-a ,5 public access pier with covered structure and scaring. t2ro,,4ding a ,5 plazWcounyard. 200 square l~ct minimum, with shaded benches and/or picnic tables adjacent to iht water body. 4_.~ Per~l~a~le~lt I'Otllllaii1 slruclure. StII~.NECTI()N 3.(;: AMENI)MENTS TO .SUBi)IVISIONS DIVISION Division 3.2. Subdivisions. of Ordinance 91-102. as amended, the Collier County l.:md l)cvctopmcnt Code. is hereby amended to read as follows: I)IVISION 3.2. SUBI) IVISIONS I"ire Io'~b'antx. All hydrants shall bc connected to water systems having sufficient storage or emergency pumping I~tcilitics to provide lbr thc minimum lire llows to be maintained liar at least four hours or tl~e current recommendation of tl~e ~ional Fire U::derwirte~ Fire Suppression Rating of Ihe Insurance Services OflSce. whichever is greater. I lydrants shall be placed on common lot lines within approved right-of-way unless greater otherwise approved by the developmenl services director pursuant Io section Word'~ s.q't~4~4~.~,~gh are d¢l¢led, words underlined m. a'kk.d. .;6 .!: I lydrants shall I~c insl:dlcd and placed in a manner complying xvifl~ requirements scl I~rth in the latest edition of NFPA No. 24 entitled "Standard fi~r Ihe Inslallation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances." published by the National Fire Protection Association. I lydrants to be installed within suhdMdcd Jots Ibr lire protection purposes shall be evaluated during Ibc site development plan review process as required in division 3.3. Those installations shall be in compliance with thc standards sc[ Ibnh in tl~c lalcst edition of NI:PA 1141 cmitlcd "Nlandard Ibr Fire Pmlcclion in Planned Building G~m.~ ( Residcnliul hind devchqmtent. In one :md txvo-lhmilv :;tt~ry land dcvclopnlcnts with not mute limn ICh d~clling units per acre. fire hydrants shall bc spaced not greater than 500 t~ct apa~ and not n~orc than 250 I~ct from thc center of any lot in thc subdivisi,n and shall bc ct)nncctcd to mains no less than six inches in diameter. Thc system shall provide capaciLy fire I]oxvs of at least 500 gallons per minute or greater, as required by the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule Insurance Services Office. in addition to maximum day dmncstic requirements at residual pressures of not less than 20 pounds per square inch unless othcrxvisc required by Iht applicable lire code. ('ommc'rckd, imhtxtriu[, mtttf4[~+~:? ami mttfl~fitmi(v th'vchqmtuntx. I:irc hydrants located in these areas shall bc connected to water mains no less than eight inches in diameter. In no case shall thc spacing of hydrants be greater than 500 fcc[ apart and not more than 250 fcc[ from thc center of any lot in thc subdMsion, l lydrant spacing and size shall be capable of providing xvatcr flows adequate 1o inet[ the requirements of the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule ol' thc Insurance Services Office. ~e t~ccu~:cy clm;si~ion as defined in Ibc latest edith of d:e Na~m~e~dc. V~Mme N~ (~k~ :..~.~.~ ..............":k" .~._..,~ Nal~a! [::'~ . ~> ..,,~. ,....," ..... ,~..,.,.,~ ..,,,.,, ..:"': .... In no case shall the tlow bc less [hall 750 gallons per minute wifi~ thc residual prcssurc of 20 pounds per square inch at iht most remote point of discharge. SUIISI-X;TION 3.11: AMI';NI)MENTS TO SITE I)EVELOI'MENT I'I,ANS I)IVISION l)ixisiml 3.3.. Site I)cvclopmcnt Plans. of (.)rdinancc 91-I02. as .'.mended. thc Collier County I.and l)cx clopmcn! Code. is hereby amended to read as foilings: I)IVISI()N 3.3. SITE I)I.:VI,;I,()I'MI':NT PI,ANS Words :;:r;:d; :hm::[d~. arc dclctcd, ~,~ ords underlined arc :M lcd 57 ge,,. ~.~.~. Apptit~bili~v,. .-M ¼1eveh~pn~e~ve.seep'[ a :; ~therwiseqm~¥i~Mbi.~ml~j~4qo-il~e-pro~isi*m,'+*~ hi.'+*lh,4siom ~ccc:;::orv and a:,dl!ary ~,..:~:,:_.,.,.,.,,,,,~., r...,.., a .... ~..,,~".~.,.,, ..~ ........ t;uch :::: r~~r~a~m :;:,':;te~ ~ti!dlng pera~t fi:r the u:;e c .... ~.:,4 ..... :,l ..... :.':':-'" are a '" treer~:~wal. r~luiren~m~t~m~H~aining a t~m~a~t~rmi~n~ui~h~rmit~ ~pacts ~.~l~te dcvd'apmem ~n rcvi-cw ~::'aa.dard ~~ the ~~ acce:;:x~ry ur;e:; in the rural agr~ur~Mricl a~x! loca~ ' ' ~ r" ......... ~ttu' ' ' ' . . · ' ....... undertM S-,:-.:, 3.3.$.-N. ile-developmenl-ptan-~eview (gDtZJ-proetuture~- Wor&; ,,.[r.,~'4.-ll.,.~h are d¢l,:led, words mdcrlincd ar, Words ,.4ruckqlwm~h arc deleted. ,o,.ord~ underliTlcd, . ' k'./. 59 '. .-~. ~¢,. L 2. ,~4ite, le~el,l~,e~g-l~ltt~Vshe4evelopment-pb*w~rel~aret¼m-eu~a~'hmm~sb-e-slK~et measuring 2 ! h,,c4~eM?-).6-4t~c4~es.'-dre, v,.t~e. :;cale-arM-sep, i~qbaaMheqbtlo,M%o-4~l:om~e~4~ 1. The ~oject ti44-e-m'~l-41:~,--~mme, aJdre:;:; amlff+i,~,~..4mmbe~-l:4he finn or L Vici~h~p c!ead y identi~he 5. ,,k i~ative :;t~t~nt on tl~&ntil~,'ing prt~~~i~t~h~m~e a. '!'orate acr~e b. Total .-~ ........ ~..~ .................. ~,,.~ .... para. rem;. drive a~M¢:;, a~ .... ' ........ ~ ..... ~n ..... , agre ........tm~Mk:wn by [i.e.. office. '~'"; a. Type of c. R~uir~to~ing ra~ e. Ntmlb~r oft;pace:; ...... ;a~.~ ......... ....... dH,e ,,~ ........ ~a,~)~,,~ ret:erred f. 'l't,mM~ber o~~m~ed ::~¢u's :,,..h,, · ......... ~,,, ~ . ' ...... g, Illu:;tralive inlbrn:al~ accurately 'd-epbc~ed ct: the :;h-c 'dcvel~menl pkm :;hall be at; t~m:; ~l~er~2,' !in-e:;. eM~g :;Irect:; ar r~:;. ea:;e:~nt:;, righ[:; area:; ................. · " ' ' right '"" ....... r.u ............. ~.:..n ~ x', .....aI~m~t ..... ~ ex~:,~mg/pmpo:,ed ....... v dc'.'ckqm~~ing fait;ed ........... :-" ..... '" amp:ag' ' ' ........ right/left t~n ~ ........ :~:I:; and nearby. h~fiom;L thM,~ of aH exi:;li::g drivewa':'::.,, .............. ,,..c.,., ~,.,m,..' ........ .,,, ,,,-~ ....... -'u~-.,,-:'~ :;ides ..r.,, c ........ ~m ........ s ............ ~IMI ..... ~p ....... ingre',;:; and r x'. .....;d~m~,~d exi~ot;ed .:.a .... ~ .......c..~ ...... ~ .-t ............ i..n ...... ~rafl~c. ~don a:~~ ......... ............... ~ ...... *;~d ...... ........ ';'"~,." u waler and ~ainage relen~Vdelenlion area:; ~! at; a~M~h~nd propo:;ed ea~::, and ~ at~m! :~weMine:; imended j. l.~ion am! ge~al conligur~~lHmm~aM~ture:; a:; ~tion'con:;ervafiot~ area:;, wa~er N~c:;. a~ Words ~:::k fi:~ arc deleted, words underlined are :.tided. 60 2 Words r,~ru~.'k It~r,~%4~ ~ arc d¢lcled. '.¥ords underlined ;ire :*dd,:d. 61 · 2 3. Ail bu~ng and structure:;, kxc'advn. :;~e~ght m~F~:;ed ~ ~d :;etback:; a:¥d 'Jistanc~es b-c:v.-~-en ~~vicc:;. a:~ !an'J:;'caph~. h~k:ding a~t~g and acc~':;:; : ,~c; .. ,4,.. ~.uu ..... mt,. yeS.dar and service.,'":m"... ....,'-r ,,:~ ~.... ........... ,,,,.~ egre~ ~age :;ce di'.'i:;km 2.5. ...... r~., ~ and h::pmven:¢nts, insk:ding :raCEt 12. I)raina~c and ~r~k:n l~ev¢~:: '.vh~c~ :;h'n~vs tl~:;cd li~ed l 3. E¢!i'J ','.'a:;te 'Jh;pc:;al fa'ciHfie:;, 1 f IZ.,;..t; ......... I .r.~...-.,f .,,...,~.t.. ;,...h.,l;..t. k,,, .... t l;,..h..I ,,, ' ..... .............. ~ ..... V'"l ................................ ~'" ................... HI~r~':'b't~r¢:4; ~ ~ 'Fl~km and c~m~i~,~d's~ic .,; ........... : ...... ¢, .... ~rc ..... Jnt~m a. (;r~))~! t¢ i:~tc each accura~?' d~~e !and pk:m Words ~a~k '.hr;~h :~rc d¢l¢lcd, words tmdcrlined arc .,:! '..d. 6-~ ,2 F.~r~m4,~4~4,m 3.7. r~ret~~bm 3.2.~.4 t-~ivi~i-n~J~*uld-~-re~o'melm'devehqmtem=wl~re ~ manage:~:~ lhc~kic:;. :::; r~ired by Federal. :;::::-e and local k:~; · ,. ,.T.-~.,,i,,,,~ ...... p. Ol,~2 -.,, ,, ....... , .... .,~. ,,,. ............ 9. Site clea~h~m~ mefi~f veg-etatia:: !'~i[.v. AIM:ccc:;:;::ry ~m~t:; ~r ::~don:; re~t~g count--'oval and Words slru:L d~r~m~ are deleted. ~ ords underlined lilt' 63 ~jcct 7. I'ark4ng :;tmm~tH~6~l~n~mt~lh~ui~m~l~4ng 1~ each Can notal~ldr~{~he pr,~::; cf:;ect~t 2.2,27.7.2. ~hi:: Cmle S '-:',:. 3.3.6.-44ited r v t, hqmltmt-ph4 i~-sl, nda rd.+. ~.2. I)eve~m~unpliance ~hlva~ptm:prialc vehicuM~M perle:aria:: :;affty. :;el~ of vehicular tral'fig&mn pe~n and ~ra~w and torero!, traffic calming d~ce::, pn~ff:;crvices aml Words ~r;:ck flu~:ug[l are deleted, words tmdgrlioqtJ ar,. addt d. , : t. · reclor t;l~~ne v.l~her or :~rt m~ 3.3.&L .X t;u~m~4mnge :;hal! be !. ,~e ~d~ich :;u~nt~y I,,, , .... ;.,, I I'1%~;,,,, 1,1~ ' ' ~.~.,.,, c~mt;ervation ::r~t~d:cr :;i~e de~e::t 3.3.7. !.2..\n.~her cha~ehhe-devekT,~mm,ce;er',ice:; d ir~e4or-~w .ay-t~emfine ..;,,.,;n..,~,,,,,u,,H,~ ..... n~,; ..... l'~ genera! ,.: . In II're-evenl :he de;eh;preen', :;erviue:; dire~tt~,J~em~ine:: the clm~eJ, o ;;ub:;um6a4.~lHl~-e!h~mr:.'. i,' required~tmMhmbsi~e-deuek lm~entdqm~-~halt-F,e gee; .-~.8. S ite-de,~ehq~nen t-phm-t imelim il~ plan ,4,,,n e~lqre' t~ ........................ : .... nm~ted (hr good cau:~ ~ue,~ication :;ubn:itted t~Hl~cvc!opment ~;ervices direc1~i~,~F~.~l~he precedi~pprt~!. When W.rds ,~m¢~dm.~h ;irc dclclcd ~(,rds underlined arc whlcd 65 2 shall r~quire IIt~ .pim~vM-to-l~m~lili~J t~brin~-d~epla"-i"h~ Ne, building permit e,r 'cc,'",ificate-~!' occupancy .~!::flM3e i';s,u~d-e.~-eP4-h~-c*m~PIbp,ee with appr~;vedq'mat-sive4!e;.ekh~nem-plm~. Vi:,,lati~,~,~ILtl~e-lerm:; ide~l~-~ppmved final-si~e Sec. 3.3.1. Title and citation. This dMsion shall bc knmvn and may be cited as the "Collier County Site l)cvclopmcnt and Site Impr.vcnlcnt Plan C,dc." Sec. 3.3.2. Purpose. Thc intent of this dMsion is to ensure compliance with the appropriate land development reuulatioos prior to thc issuance oFa buildint~ permit. This dMsion is I'urlhcr intended ensure that the proposed development complies with fundamental planning and desig0 principles such as: consistency with thc county's growth management plan; tile layout, arranuemcnt of buildines, architectural desitin and open spaces; tile configuration of tile traffic circulation system, including driveways, lral'fic calming devices, parking areas and cmcmcncv access: thc availability and capacity ofdrainage and utility fi~cilitics: and, overall compatibility with adjacent development within thc jurisdiction of Collier County and consideration of natural resources and proposed impacts thereon. Sec. 3.3.3. Applicability. All development, except as otherwise provided herein, is subject to the provisions off Ibis dMsion. The provisions of this dMsion shall not apply to the following land use actMties and represents the sole cxccplions therefrom: 1 ) Sin~zlc-familv detached and two-fi~milv housing struclurc(s) on a lot(s) ol'rccord except as othcrxvise provided at section 2.6.27 (cluster development). 2) Undcrt~round construction: utilities, communications and similar underground construction ix'pc actMties. 3) Accessory and ancillary facilities filr a golfcourse such as restrooms, irrigation systems, pumphouscs wllcre a preliminary work authorization has bccn entered into with thc County. 4) Construction trailers and storage o£equipment and materials following issuance of a buildinR permit for the use to which said actMtics are a function of, except as otherwise provided by section 2.6.33. 51 Model homes and sales centers, exccpl as c, thcrwisc provided by scctiml 2.6.33. 6) Project cntrx.'xvav signs, walls, eatcs and uuardhouses. While thc abo;'c land rise activities shall be cxctr~pl from tile provisions ol'division 3.3. these land usc activities arc subject to all other provisions of the laod development code stlch ax bul not limited to iandscapine, tree removal, development standards and the submission requirements attendant 1o obtainin~ temporary usc and buildine, permits. Sec. 3.3.4. Exemptions. Duc to ils location or minimal impact on surrtmnding properlies and probable minimal impacts under tl~c site dcvclopmcnl plan review standard conlaincd in section 3.3.5, slandard applicalion requirements as described in section 3.3.6. may be waived in parl or in flfil by thc Plannin~ Services Director IBr agriculmralh' related dcvch~pmcnt as identified in ll~c permitted and accessory uses section ol'the rural aericulmral zoning district: however, a si~e improvement plan as required by Section 3.3.7. addrcssiog Iht applicalim~ requirements deemed necessary by the Planning Services Dircclor shall be subnfiucd to thc plannin~ dcpamncnl fi~r review and approval~ SECTION 3.3.5. Site l)evelopment and Site Improvement Plan .,'landards. Words :;tr::ck tlm~%-4~ are deleted, v, ord~; underlined ar. ,',tided. 66 The pl;mnin,_' scr~ ices dircclor shall rcvic~ and consider all site impro~ cmcnt and site dcvclopmcm plans in accord;race ~ ith thc l'ollo~ inu standards: Slalomed'ds re,,2,:wdh~ ov~nership and col'~tro] of the property and the dcvclolm~Cnt as \veil as sut'ticicncv of conditions rcm~rdinR ox~ncrship ;u~ use arid permalOCk11 maintellnnce o1' co111111Oll 0p¢11 space. C0111111011 fi~cititics, conscrvaliontprcscrvation arca~, or common lands ~o ensure il~c prcscrvalion of such lands and fi~cili6cs will m~t become a l~llurc liability of tht2 COIlIIlV. l)evch~pment compliance xx ith ;ill appropriate 7onine, remdations and thc uroxtlh manauemenl plan. The inuress and eeress to the proposed dcvch,pmcnt and ils proposcd impro~ cmcnls, vehicular and pedestrian said'tv. ~arati,n of vehicular lr;ll'l]C I'rolll pedestrian and olhcr Ir;ll'l]c. Irilfl]c l]ox~ and conlrOl, tral'lic calmin~ devices, provision of scrx ices and serx Seine of ulililicS alld refuse collection, lllld access ill case of 15re. calaslrophc or other glller~'ellck'. Thc location and relationship of parkine and loading filcilities to lhorotmhl~lres and internal trafl]c p0tterns within lh¢ proposed dc\ clopn~cnl. considerin~ vehicular and pedestrian sal'etv, lral'lic llow alld control, access in case of fire or calnslrophe, screenine, and Inndscaping., ,,\dctluacv tM'recreational fitcilitics and open spaces considcrin" tile site. alia development ol'tllcse areas x,.ilh rct~'ard to adcquacv, cfi'cci adiacent and nearby properties as \yell as uses within thc proposed development, and lite rclalionship to community-wide open spaces :lIl¢.l rccrcalion t'acililics. :\dcquacv el'iht prpposed I:u~dscape screens and bulTcrs considcrinu preservation el'Ibc development's internal land uses as well as compatibility with adjacent land uses. ~\'itter iI1~.1ila,.2, Cll10111 maslcr plall oi1 tbs2 properly, considcrin' ils cJ'l'ccl t~ll at. lj:~cetll alld heathS' properties a~ld Ibc COllSet]t~cnces of such Illili'~.H2OillOIlt lll[ister pie. ill 011 overall COilllt%' capacitlcs. \Valor lll;.lllill2ClllCll[ areas shall bc required to bc mainlaincd ill pcrpcluitv accordinu lo lite approved plans. \Valor lll;lilill2Cillellt areas riel maintained shall be corrected accordin~ to approved plans x~ ithin 30 days. The engineer of record, prior to Iinal acceptance, shall provide documentation I~om the slorm~taler maintenance entity: indicalinR thal said entity has I~cen provided infiwmation on how lhe slormwaler svSlelllS fimclions and indicaline responsibility liar IIMlilltCllilllCO ~I' thc s~ $1Olll. ,,\dctlUaCV el'utility scrx icc. co is t crin,4 hook-in location and axailabilitv .:lnd capacity l~r the uses prtqectcd. Sitma.uc proposed l'~r the proicct ill conformity with division 2.5. and a unit]cd stun permit shall be applied lk~r xt ith thc submittal packet liar thc Site I)cxclopmcnt or Sits hnprovcmcnt I~lan. t\rchitcctural dcsien el'thc buildins4 for all commercial developments located ill any comn~crcial zoninu district. Such olhcr standards as 111.~1%' be imposed by Ihis code. Ibc uroxxth management plan or other applicable regulations I~r thc parlicular use tw activity proposed. 3.3.6. (~onct'ptu:ll site develol~ment pi;in review :md :lpproval: Words ,4r~:;:k ;h~'ou~k arc deleted, word% underlined it'.: .~ddcd 67i. :\t thc request of thc applicant and subject to the applicablu IL'c scl Ibrth in thc schedule o1' l~.cs, planninu services department **ill complete a conceptual review and issue a ~rit~cn summary of issues of concern and conceptual approval. This conceptual approval shall uot mcan tlc;ti thc project has rccdvcd IinaJ approx al. it shall only indicate that the project is in substantial compliance ~ilh the requirements ol'the code and may b~pprm'cd sulqect to Ik~rthcr rex ic~. chan~cs and IllOdJl~catJolls. Sec. 3.3.'7. Site devel.pmen! plan re,.'ie~v (SI)I') pr.cedurt's. .,\ prc-applicatim~ mcctin,z shall be conducted hv thc pkmning services director prior to the submission of any site dcvch,pment or site improx'ement plan for review. This mcetine may hc ~aivcd I~x thc pl:mnlnu services director upon the v. rhten request ol'the ~ff~plicant. 3.3.T1. Nitc dcvc/opmcn! phm .~uhmithtl packct: Thc site dcvchqm~cnt subnlittal packet shall include tile folhwcine, if applicable: ()n'ncr.vhJp: /\ cop', of thc deed. contract for sale or a~rccmcnI lbr sale or a notarized stalcmClll of tm ncrship clearh' delllOllslraliIl~ oxvncrship alia control ol'thc subject lot or p:lrccl of land. Nifo, dcvc'lolmWnt p/an ..\ site dcvclopmcnl plan prepared cma nxtximum size sheet mcasurin~ 24 inches by 36 inches drawn to scale and scltine forth thc lbllm~in,.z inlbrmalion ~ hen applicable: Thc project title and thc name. address altd phtmc iltlllfl'~cr of thc I]rm or a~cnt prcparin~ thc plans and the name. address and telephone lltllllhcr of thc properly OWllCr. Zoninq dcsignalion and land uses on thc subject and adjacent propcrlics. North arrmx, scale ;ilia date.' Vicinilv map clearly idcntilMne lhe location of thc development alld ils rclalionship to tile surrotlndint~ COmllltlllilV. :\ narrative stalemcnl on the phm idcnliR'inu tl~o provisions of oxvncrship and mailllOllallgO o fall COllllllOll areas, opcI1 space, prixalc slrccls LIIld C[ISCIllCIIIS. ,A silo summary in chart limn xxhlch shall include ll~c I;fllox~in~: d. 'l'olal site acrca,.zc. 'l'olal square foolaUC ,f impervious area (inchMilm all parkin2 areas, drive-aisles, and internal slrccls) and its pcrccnlaec of the tolal site area. Total square Ibotaee o1' landscape arc;t/open space and its pcrcentaue of lbo total site area. For rcsidcnlial proiects. Iolal number of units, units per acre. alld a unit brcakdm~ I1 t~V square fimlaue alld lltltllbcr of bedrooms. e. For nonresidential proiccts, total building fimlauc and a square Ibolaec breakdo~n by usc {i.e.. office, rclail, stnragc, cie.} and its percent:mc of thc total buildinu. I'. All required and provided setbacks and separations bcmccn buildinus and slruclurcs in matrix fi}rm. A parking summary in matrix limn xq~ich shall include: a. Type of usc. b. Total square I~mtaqc per use. c. Required parking ratio. d. Number of spaces required per usc. c. Number of spaces provided per use. f. 'l'olal number {~f required and provided spaces inchxdinu rcmdar, handicapped and reserved ~paccs. Thc Ibllowinu inlimnation must be included in thc SI)l' packcl: a. Inf~rmatien in thc .<,tandard lluildingS'odc, construction, mlmbcr of stories, tqlal_~uare I~ola~C tmtlc~ Wordn ~h~ nrc deleled, t~orth underlined ar. added. 68 II). rooF. occufxmc','/use and fire sprinkler intentions ol'al] ?roposed structures so that a needed fire flow may be determined. NFPA 1141, b. :\ lire hydrant Ilow test report ['rani tile applkablc tire district Ibr 11~c closest h~ drat3t(s) Io thc prtqcct so that the available fire tlow may be determined. N I:PA 1141. Illustrative iulbrmation accuralch' depicted on thc site development plan shall be as lbllm~s unless ~aived al thc proapplication mcclinu: a. A beundarv StlfVCv~ prepared by a prul~ssional StlrVC~ or~ sho~ in2 thc location and dimensions of ali property lines. cxislinu streets or roads, caSClllClllS, rights-oiL'.var, alld [lfCaS dedicated to tile public. b. Name. aliunment and existine/proposcd riuhts-ol%vav of all streets xtbicb border the dcvclopmcnl {including raised islands, stri~ng, rieht/lel~ mrn lanes, median cuts and nearby inlcrscctions}, thc location of all existinR drive,rays or access points on Ibc o2posite sides ofall slrccls xdqch border thc dcvcJop/llcllI, arid lbo localion of all traffic calminu devices. location anti CollliqtlraliOll of :Il} dcv¢loplllcTll illcrcss lllld eurcss poinlS. I.ocafion and arran2cnlcnt oI'all proposed buildilms {h~cluding exislin~ buildings lhal are 1o romaine l,,,cali,n and confi~uralion ot'all parkinu and Ioadinu areas. Name. aliunmenl and existing/proposed riuhl-olLx~av imcrnal streets alld alleys. Directional nlovClllcnl of internal vd~icular tral'lic and its Il. separation from pedestrian lral'lic. I.ocation and confiuuralion ol'rccreational facilities (includin, related huiklintzs, uolf course areas, tennis ¢Otll'tS. pools, etc..), ].ocation and ueneral conllt~uralion of all water and draina,zc retention'detention areas as well as all cxisline and proposed casemcnls, and ~ater alld sewer lines intended lo ser~e tile dcveJopntenl. l,ocatitm and general conlk~uratio|l ol'such nalur.:d features as preserk ation,'conservallon areas, water bodies, alld wetlands. k. J.ocalio~l ofenlcruencv access lallcs, fire hydrants ami fire Ill. l,ocaGm of all handicapped parking spaces. l,ocadon of mtsh enclosures. l,ocmion and heighls of proposed walls or Ibnces. Accuralc dimensions which include the Iblto~inu: (1) All huildinu, setbacks. (2) I)istancc between buildings and accessory slrucmrcs. (3) \Vidth ol'all internal slrccts. (4) All parking areas and drive-aisles. (5) [.andscape areas adjacent to all vehicular drives, interior property lines and all parking areas. p. Any additional relevanl infimnali(m as may be required by Ibc planninu services director. For protects subicct to Ibc provisions ot' Division 2.8, llve sets of archilcclur;d drax~ inus, sJuncd and scaled by a licensed architect. registered in the slale of Florida. a. scaled elevation fi~r all sides of the buildinu; b. scaled xxall section I?om lop ol'ro¢l'lo uradc depicting, typical elevation with details and materials holed, and rendered to show materials and color scheme with paint chips and mol' color samples; site sections showing the relationship 1o adjacent structures: allt~ a unilled si~n plan as required division 2.~. Words ~,tr;:ck :hrem3h arc de etcd. words underlined arc added. 69 Rcpresenlafions made m~ the si~e development plan shall becmne omditim~ ~ffapprm'al. .,\rclfitecturaJ drav.'int:s suhmitled in c~m]uncti~m with an application I'~r a buiMin,.z permit shall be consistent xxilh the architccltlr:.ll dr:lv,.inff, stlbnlittcd [Ilia approved for Iht Sl)l' or .SIIL 2 A landscape plan xx hici~ shall contain the lbllm~ ine: Xltmlllt#T. A landscape summary in malrix l~rm ~hich shall include: a. Graphic symbol lo indicmc each type of pi:mt material. b. B~mmical name. C. ('O111 IllO11 Il[lille. d. Total ,mmbcr of each ~c ~ffplanl malcrial. c. I Icieht and spread of each tx'pc of phmt material. f. ~pacing ol'cach tx'pc of plant malcrial. /l/uxlr~ttivc in[;,'mutit,t. Illustrative inl}mnalion consistine ol'lhc fi4h)xving shall be accurately dcpiclcd on thc landscape plan: a. Thc Jocalion, conl~tlratitm and arranucmcnt ol'alJ proposed buildines, inlcmal strccls and parking areas as rcflcclcd silo plan. h. Thc location and dimensions of all pruposcd landscaped ;,'cas ~ ith appropriate <raphic symbols includine cxistin~ trees that arc heine credited toward the development's hmdscapitm Ecquircmcnls. c. [,ocali~m and ctmJ]~uralion {flail special {,r textured pavin~ ;lrcas. d. Provisions lbr site irr~uation. c. Any additional relevant information as may be required by l. muL~'culd,~~ pkm.. l. l. muL~'cu/x' planning services director. ..4. I 'e~4t, luti, lt im'unh,T: /\ 12cncrali/cd vc,.2clalitm inventory of thc propc~v shall be required to thc cxlcnt necessary. as determined at thc pre-application mccline, indicatin¢ the approximate Iocalim~. densities and species of thc tbllcxvine: I. ttpland, xxctland and csmarlnc vcuclation including prohihilcd cxt,tic vcuctatJcn, mapped ttsh~g I:J.[ I('CS lermhmlodx'. 2. Any type ol'x'cuctalion identified I~,r proscrx'atitm. 3. Projects containing the fifllowing shall provide a survey of idcntifx'in~ species and locations on a current aerial photograph at a scale of one inch equals 200 fccl or larger or superimposed m~ the site plan: a. Plants specified t¢ remain in place or to be Iransplanlcd to ether locations on tho properly as specified in the applicable development order. b. Specimen trees dcsiunatcd by thc b¢~mt commissi(mcrs, pt,rsuant to section c. State or Ikdcral rare. thrcalencd or cndanecrcd pkmt species surveyed accordinu Io accepted Florida mmic and I?cshxvatcr Iish cmnmission or I J.~. fish and xx ildlilg methods. d. I'Xislinu trees that may be credited toward Ibc development's landscaping rct]uircmcnls. 4. For proposed site alteration(s) xviflfin the coastal ZOllC ils depicted the fim~rc land use map, in addition Io thc fi~regoinq requirements, thc vegctalion invcnlory shall dcpicl thc catcm~rics of impact in accordance wilh scclion 3.12.5. I. ,.luriull~h,lo. A recent aerial phoh) shall be provided at Ibc same scale as plan dclincatin~ thc dcx'clopmcnt boundaries, unless xvaix'cd at ~l~c prc- applicalion meeting. 3.3.7. I.(. l)unxitl' hmut.¥. In Ibc evcnl a rcsidcmial bonus is requested, as provided fi~r in thc grmvth mammcmcnt plan. a certified s.urvev thal clearly illustrates thc Iocaticn and relationship of the dcvclopmcnl lo Ibc appmprialc acfix'ilv center and thc rclaled activity band shall be required. Words .,,Iruck lhrm:g!: arc deleted, words underlined arc .tdded. 70 3, I~uihli,~ I~hm.¥. Iq:.m~ shin.,, in~ proposed buildim2 fimlprh][s, spnlial rclati~mship Io one anoti~cr ~l~cn there arc multiple buildings and buildin~ hci~l~s. ,~JJ CI'O.~'Joll ~llld 3'('dJlllClll ColIII'O[/l/filL A soiJ crosit~ll illld scdilllC111 COlltroJ plan pursuan! Io divisiun 3.7. ln/htYtrm'ltire imlwm'cmc,r¥ pluns. Dclailed on-sile and ol'l~silc int?aslruclure improvement plans and conslruclitm doc~llll~lltS prepared in confi~rmance xxith ~he dcsiml slandards ol'division 3.2 and any current counlv tmJilmnccs. rcuulatim~s, pNicics and procedures xdfich consist ~1~ but arc nol limited Io. 1}1c fi~JJ(~x~ inq items: 1. A ctwcr sheet scitin~ fimh thc dcx'clopmcnl name. applicant tmmc. name ofc,mlnccrinu I]rm. and vicinity map. {mprOV¢lnCnlS fi~r water and sewer service :is needed ~,r ;Ps may have been ~p¢cificd during :t prdiminarv sil¢ dcveh~pnlcnl pl:m rcvicxv prepared in confimnancc wilh Collier County Ordinance No. ;ts amended. JllljlrOVClilCI11S li~r roLld~Mlv~ motor vehicle ;illd ilOll-illOh~ri/cd circulation, ingress and egress, parking and other Ir;msporlalion needs, il~clmling Iral]]c c;dmin~ devices, required or as re:iv h;~vc bccn specified durine thc preliminary silo dcx'ch)pmcnt plan rex iow. prepared in c~mfimnancc with scctitm subdivision dcsien rCt. luircmcnls (fi~r purposes cfi this requirement, all rcl'crcnccs in sccli(m 3.2.~.4 to "suhdivisi{m" slmuld hc read It~ mcan dcvch~pmcnl. x~ here applicable and nppropriatc). Ncm-molorigcd circuJttlion is dui]noel as illOVClllellJ bY pcrstms I'm~l. bicvcJ¢ or olhcr hunlan-powcrcd device. Nun-molori;,'cd circulatitm dcpiclinU sitlcwalks and bicycle facililics ccmsistcnt xxitll s¢clim~s and 3.2.8. The absence cffohslruclions itl tile public riehl ol'wav shall hc demonstrated, includinu provisions for safe :md c~mvcnienl slrcct cmssinm Sidewalks and bike paths at intersections shall amtinuc m tile cdec ol'curh as depicted hv lllustratim~s I ,'md 2. Illustration 1 Words ~ru'..'k :hrm:~;h arc dc ¢ cd. %vords [mdcrlincd are ...' ."L 71 ~r' 'l'x~o curt~ ramps shall be provided fi~r sitiewalks and hike paths at each str¢cl comer of an intersection. Curb ramps shall he a minimum of.36 inches in width and shall nol risc at a ralio, g, reatcr than as outlined Iw the Florida accessibility code for building cm~struclion. O.,u~15 ~AHF'5 llljlllllllll ~oW'r I~O -r'g/6 Illuslradon 2 C'rossv. nlks shall be required at any intersection where the distance the nearest crosswalk is creater than 1000 feel. Jnlprovcnlenls for waler nlallagenlenl ptlrposes ;.ix ~lccded or ;.is 111av have been specified during the preliminary site development plan review, prepared in confommnce with section subdMsion dcsiun requirements (fi~r purposes of this requirement, all references in section to "st,bdivision" should be read to me;m 7o 9. development, where applicable and appropriate), and pt,rst,ant to South Florida Water Manaqement District rules, chapter 40E-4.40E- 40 and 40E-41, Florida Administrative Code. All necessary standard and special details associated with sections throuuh above. Written technical spccilications lbr all infrastructure improvements lo be pcrlbrmcd. Enginccrin~ design computations and reports lbr walcr, scxvcr, roads and water manaucmcnl facilities, as required by I~dcral. stale and local laws and regulations. Topographical map of the property wi'rich shall include thc Iblloxving: a. Existing l~,alures, such as. watercourses, drainage ditches, lakes, marshes. h. Existin~ contours or representative ground clcvalions al sp(~l locations and a minimum of 50 I~ct beyond the property linc. c. Ilcnchmark locations and elevations (NGVI)). 1 I. Site clearing phm and method of vegclation disposal, Words ~a~,~hr~h are deleted. ,.,,ords underlined ar,.. :~ddcd. 72 I'crmi/x. All necessary permilS and necessary applications rcquirin~ cotmtx2 approval and other permittin~ and construction re alcd ilcms. not limited lo ll~e lb ox~ing, shall be submiltcd and approved with the she ltl Ii. I:h~rida l)cparln~enl ol'l!nvironmcnlal Protection xvaler and sex, er facilities construction l~ermit applicalion. I'~xca'.'atitm permit application. Florida l)epartmem ol"l'ransportalion utililics conslruclion application and/or riuhls-olLwav construction pcrmhs. Collier ('ounlv Riehl-of-Way Permit at the lime of building permit approval. Blasting permil prior Io commencemenl of any blasting opcratim~. Sotllh Florida Water Management [)islricl purmit, if required. development plan approval: ]nlcrim ~xasto~atcr and/or water IrOallllelll p]alll collstrtlcliOll or imerim septic system nnd/or private well permits prior to buiklinu permit a~proval. Any addilit,nal stme and lbdcral ocrmits which may be required pri~ jurisdlclional ~vcllands and hahilal involving protcdcd species. All ofl~cr pertinent data. c(m~pulalions, plans, reporls, and tl~e like necessary Ibr the proper design and conslruclion ol'lhe dcvclopmcnl lhat may bc submitlcd. All necessary pcrfimnance securities required by Collier ('ounlv ordinances in el'lbct at the time of construction. 3.3.8. 3.38.2. ),'ilo iml,'m'c,wnt I~/Wt rt'vieu'. Subnlitlal o fa silo p~n may be rcvicxxcd under tiao Site hnprovcmcnl l'hm (SIP/review process il'thc development pXoposal meets all of ibc Ibllmvin< ctmdilions: Thc proiccl invdvcs a site which is currcmlv improved ~xith principal slruclurcs, parkinu fi~cilitics, water and sewer services, and tlclSncd inurcss/c~rcss= The proposed usc will not require an expansion d'd~e cxisling impervious areas to deurcc ~hich would require endncering review or olhcrwise al'l~cl on-silo surlStce water lll[llltlgCIllCll( fitcillties [is lllaV bo docunlcnled by waiver lolLerS From thc South Florida Water Management I)islric! or ('oilier Cotmtv x~ here applicable. Written documcnlation I~otl~ approprialc aucncies ackmm Icduing that water and sc~cr services arc available at ll~e silo and arc adequate Io serve thc proposed usc. Silt' inlI,'~*VC,WIll [~[tln .¥ltllnlilltl[ tlIlt[ I't'VieW. A site improvement plan ( Sl P) shall bc prepared on a 24-inch by 3(Mnch shccl drawn to sc lc md selling 1. The proicct lille, properly owner, address and telephone number. 2. [.cu:ll description, scale, alld Ilorlh arrow. 3. Zoninu desimmlim~ of thc subicct silo and adjacent sites and Iht proposed use of thc subicct site. 4. J.ocalitm. conliuuration and dimensions of all buildinu and lot illlpro\'Clllellt 5. 5. I.ocalion and conl~m~ration o1' parking and loading areas, and thc directional movcmcnl of imcmal vehicle traffic. 6. l.ocalion and dimension el'access poim{s) 1o the site. 7. Parking summary in matrix tlmn. indicaling II~e required and provided parking Ibr each existing and proposed use. 8. I,ocation and conliguration of handicapped parkin~ fi~cilitics and building accessibility I~'alurcs, 9. l.ocation, dimension and COllJ~tlratioll ol..g[jslhlg ~valcr lllall;l~ClllCll[ fi~cilitics. J (1. l,ocalion o1' trash enclosures, Words ~{~lm~h are deleled, ~ords underlined m.: . '~cd 73 I I. [.<:,lion tfl'existin,z ami proposed : ~c scapin~ with specifications s I ~. Ail required and prm'ided setbacks and ~ep:lr;ithms behvecn structures in matrix Ibrm. 13. Any additional relevant inlbrmalitm as may be required bx thc planning soft'ices director. See. 3.3.t). 3.3.t).1. 3.3.'L3. Anlelldmenls. Any proposed chan~e or .'llll¢lldlllelll tO a prcvioush' approved sile development plan shall be subject to review and approval by thc planning services director, t lpon sulmdllal ol'a plan clearh' ilh~strating .tl3glS~poscd chanuc. Iht plannine services dircclor shall dctcnnix~c M~cthcr er not it ctmslhutcs il stxbslantial chan~e, hi lhc event Ibc plannine scrvlccs dlrcclor dclcrmincs thc chanuc is stxbstantial, Ibc applicanl shall I~c required to Iblloxv thc rcvicxv procedures scl lbrth Ibr a new site dcvclopmcnl plan. A sul~slantial chanuc shall be delined as: Any chan~c xxhich subslanli;dh' al'J~cts existing transportation circulation, parkine or buildine arranucmcnls, drainaue, landscaping, bufl~'rinu, idcntilicd prcscrvatioWctmscrvation areas and other site devch,pmcnt plat2 collsidcraliolls: or Any olhcr chan~c Ibc plannin~ services dircclor may dclcm~inc as si uniticanlh' ahcrin~ lhe uencral lavoul, configuration and arranucmcnl of thc proicct. In thc event Ibc plamdnu services dircclcr ddcrmincs tl~e chanuc Io be less thai1 substantial, thc :~pplicant shall not he required lo l'¢llow thc rcvicx~ Im~ccdurcs scl forth for a new site deve op ncnt plan. Sec. 33.10. Site development phtr~ time limits. Appr{wed rile deveh~pment pk ~s shall remab in fbrce Ibr two vcars. Il'no dc\ clopmcntqlcmal ctmstruclion has C(mlnlcnccd ~ ithhl lx~o years, thc site development plan ,;hall expire. A Olle-v,dar exleflsiOil illaV bt.' erantcd tbr ~ood cause shown OJmfl written application submillcd lo thc plamfin~ services director prior Io expiration oflhe preceding approval. When extcndin~ Ihg silo development plan approval, lhe planning services dircctcr shall rcquirq ~l~c approval m he modilicd ~o brine thc plan into compliance with any nc~x pr,x isi<ms of this code in cl'l~'cl al thc time o1' file extension request. Sec. 3.3. I I. VM:tlions. Nc huildhm permit or ccrli lc:tie of occupancy shall he issued except in c,mpliance xt ith thc approved rite t eve opnlcn! plan. Vi&ilion of the tcrms idcntilicd in iht approved Sile dcvdopmcl~t plan shall constitute a violatiot~ uf this code. St:IISI.XTI'I()N 3.1: ,\MI';NI)MI';N'I'S TO :Xl)E(,)tI,VI'E I't!BI,IC F,kCII.ITII.:S DIVISION l)Msion 3.15.. Adctluatc Pulqic Facilities. of ()rdinancc 91-102. as amended, thc C'ollicr County l.and l)cvclopn'~cnt code. is hcrd~)' alncndcd :.iv I'ollows: I)iVISION 3.1: AI)I.;QtbVI'I.; l'tllllJC FACII.ITII':S I)IVlSi()N getgl 5. I. I.:imling.~. 3.1.';. I.P. G4t4er £'¢tmt.vvqmr~tlmHo F.S. ~, q ~ Words ~t~u*~b arc deleted, ~ords tt ~dqrlined arc 4ddcd. 74 ).15-.!.7. 3.1L!.2. Mive.year-p~ri,~Mmd-4.',,;-designed-qo-eonsideH he-q~'dMb~{~ ',, ,;1;*; ..... !i:;la!qish a !evel-,~f :;~'r:'ice t,~Jevermine-ql~-i~deq*u~cY ~,t:-lmbiie t:a*z4~ie:;: aad P,a::ed t:l~m~-4kc e:;tab!i:;!~-,d-4eve! cf service, e::fimate ?l, tMic faciliVy' need:; twah tc cc~cct e:;ir, th~g deficiencie:; and acccm.q~tate-m:'eds ;,.. ,! .... b,, ...... ,,,I-.I;.-I.~.1 I.,, ,; ..... ,.,,.. I ..... I flg ag~llC~,":; ......... .st~ni::::ic:: :;!L-k.;'.:! ce, mp-~ehe:::;ive ;4an:;. a trot i:;:;uc a de~eMm~eai-er~r-p*~Fmit-wl~d~-r~sult-'+d~a-redae4hm :,. ,I.~ i ..... t c .... :..~ r, file .n:.~,..~ J 041 Janu;.Ir':' l.O. !929, Cc, Iii'er C<nmty adopted the Collier C'otm~ h~ Sei'~M;er !90.q. cerm;aMwcvi:;i,m:; .';f!he ade,ttu-ate-p~:!ic facilitie:; ,.~ ..... % the implement::lion cf cot~44ra~ency ;;'ere ...... ~,~.~ ;'mr:;L:n,qt to ..... a ............. (4n, ,c,,:eRfl,,er~_(,. !99(Ml,~,,4t~p:{r:menl t.~tLc~:m'mmnh; aP, kirM~eld--a ~hcr cr mst thc cha!leng-ed ~ion:; cf the ad~mtoblic tk:cilitie:: ~itmnce w~c 'c'¢nsi:;t-e:~t whh the rJ!E cf live grc~fl~mgement % ords s~ ............. ~.k are d¢leled, words tmderlined are added. .~.-MPS,I.17. Sec. 3.15.g/. Slmrl 3 1'~ '~1 I. (-h~l;d~ruar?O~4~q I. fl~-dq,~rtmenl-olLommmnity-ldT~i~'s-lmd-other~ ~rdinance v, itlv~,l~ C! l'~ ;',!' tlve-',3rowtlHnanagen~-nl-tqa~Hmc~tmv,-~ ILS. :, 14~ ....... X .uSt{btem,~l and .!~.'17 26. 1901. ;',hereih,~l~-divi:;ic:Hff admini.q~afive hearh~g cf'ricer hear~e:;li~mmy m~eceived eM~ ~ng lh~' issue cf lhe ........ ; ....... ' '~ O'a >.larc4~4-6. ! 993. l!'~-,-bear&~f c~mnly ce, mmi~h~f~r:; e,l:-(4~llie~ ~mnty ~ inlc a :;lipu~ed :;e~t~T~re~t ~vid~he doaa~na~ITairs and ll~er parlie:; t~ the N:blic !k:cililies ca~xmce clml~ge i~l~l v.'a:; agreed lhe ('Igflmr~m~de ()J 5.0055. F.A.C.. m~a~mend ~der nmnl'<.er---A(' 9.~ 0./6. a~mviag the ~~irccting Cc!!ier County lo ad~pt ~h-e r~nediat (4~-4uly 27. lq03. llk-,4mFd.--~d' ccunt.~-{mmfissio~,e.~4f C'01tie~ ~mly dk~akc ac~h&~l~mncr prc:;~ribc~ b:, !aw. did held ami :Phc £'~dtier ('~,mty Plamfing £'mmuisshm-m~.P,l.~q~m.! e, lbamnty' e,-uumi:;:;icner:; lhuJ-4hat-lhis divi:;k:n i:: '.:cn:;i:;tent t I--i.+q he-i ntenc-oPtheq~ md-~ ~c~mm?~mmi.,.~Cner s e.f 44+3/32(!2(21{gy=-and !".t,% qJ 5. !:,A.C; title, nulhority and applicability. Shin'! t/tle. This division shall be known and may bc oiled as the "('ollicr ('ounty Adequate I)ublic I:acilitics Ordinance." '¢.'ords ~,lruck ;l,.~,,t,~.h arc deltic'd, ,,vords underlined are 1. tided. 76 ..lulbr,'ilv. The honed nf coumy commissioners of Chiller County has thc amlmrity m ~dopt this division pursuant to ^rticlc VIII. Section I(f). Fla. (.'onst.. F.S. §125,01 cl. seq.. F.S, §163.3161 ct. Seq.. F.S. §163.3161(8), F,S, .{~1633177(I0)(h) and F,S, §1163.3202(2)(g), and P, ulc 9J-5. F.A.C. ,.Iplgicahilit.v. This divisitm slwll apply to :ill dcvclnpmcnt in thc total unincorporalcd area of Collier Cot~nl)'. a~d to all public fi~cililics m~ncd by ('ullicr County in Ibc incorporated or unincorptm~tcd areas of Collier County. and to all privately-owned public I~tcilitics ~xhcre thc level of service has been established by thc county. See. 3.15.32. Intent and purpose. 3.15.;2.1. lmem. This division is intended to implcmcn! and bc consistent v,'itb linc Collier County Growth Management l'lan. I:.S. ~163.3161 cl. seq.. and Rule 9J-5. F.A.C.. by ensuring that all development in Collier County be served by adequate public Dcililics. 3.15 l'mT,,.~c. 'lids objective is accomplished by (1) establishing a timing and provision of the necessary public fi~cililics lo service development, and (21 by cslablishing a rcgulalory program that ensures lhat each public l:acilit)' is available to serve development concurrent with xxhcn Ibc impacts of development occur on thc public l~cilitics. 3. .[Ii~fimttm requirements. Thc provisions of this division in their intcrprdation rind application are declared lo bc thc minimum requirements necessary It} accomplish Ibc sided intent, purposes, and ol~jcclivcs nV this division. Sec. Definitions. ..Dmtud tq)d~tle ami ire'elm,)' rclmrl or AUIP, means Ibc county report m scclmn ~.l ).5:6.~. public facilities described ' ' ..ll~lgictttitm.fi,' tleveltqmte~l tq;l,'oval means ail applicalion submitted tu Collier COtlllly requesting tile approval nl':l development order. ('tqfim/ tfl'ttimt.k,e ~wililiex mc:u~s thc planning off engineering tbr. acquisitinn of land fi~r. or thc construction of drainugc and water management E~cilitics necessary fi~r proposed development to mcct fl~c l.()S lbr drainage fiicilifics. {'upiml p,rk fitcilitic.~ means thc plmming o1: engineering for. acquisilion of land for. or construction of bulb. tings and park equipment necessary to meet thc I.OS for park I'acilitics. 3.15.4:~.5. {'tq~i/al /'nmi/iwilitiex or cttpi/ttl road iml,'ovemem shall include lransporlation planning lbr. right-of-way acquisition Ibr. engineering li~r. and construction of any project eligible lbr inclusion as a road project in thc road component o1' Ibc CIE of thc ('oilier Cotmty (irnx~th Management Plan or thc I:ivc-Ycztr Florida l)cpartmcnt of Transportation Plan. ('apitttllmtublc n'ulerfiwilitie.¥ mcan tile planning o1: engineering Ibr. acquisition o1' I;md for. or conslruclien of potable water facilities necessary to meet the I.OS fi~r polabl¢ walei facilities. Words t.lruck lBr;:u:~b are dch.'lcd, words underlined arc 77 3.15.4 ?_,. 8. 3.15.4.'2.9. ('tqfitu[ .~'ani/a/3' .vetrcrfiwi/ilies mcan tile phmning o1~ engineering lbr. acquisition of land Ibr. or construction of sanilary sex, ur Ibc;lit;cs necessary to mcct the I.OS l~*r sanitary sewer fi~cilities. ('ap;iai solid wa.we.Ibc;lit;cs mcan thc planning ol: engineering Ibr. acquisition of land fi~r. or construclion of solid xxaslc Ibc;lit;cs necessary lo meet the I.OS lbr solid waste Ibc;lilies. ( 'ompruhensh'c/dan means ;t plan fha! meets tile requirements of F.S. §§163.3177 and 163,3178. alld shall mcan thc Collier Coullt.v (iro~th Management Plan. xvhcrc referenced in this dMsion. 3.15.43_.I I. Deficient roud segment means thc folklwing: I.I. county or state mad scgmcn! on thc ma. jot road nctw.rk s.vslcm that either: 3.15.4~.11.I.1. l las an adopted I,()S "C" peak season, peak hour. that has operated below l.OS "C" peak season, peak hour. based on thc annual update and inventory report ("AtJIR"); or 3.15.4__3.11.1.2. I las an adoplcd I.OS "D" peak season, peak hottr, that has operated bcklw I.OS "D" peak season, peak hour, for two years tlr more based tile AIJIP,: or l las an adopted I.OS "I)" peak season, peak hour. that is operating below I.OS "Ii". peak season, peak hour. based on the At;IP,: or 3.15.43. t 1.1.4. l las an adopted I.OS 'TT' peak season, peak hour. that is operating worse than LOS "IL" peak season, peak hour. based on tile AUIP,. 3.15.43-. I 1.2, In determining file capacity o['a county road segment tlr it st:He road segment for thc purpose of determining M~cthcr it is it deficient road segment. Ibc count?' shall consider: Any capital road in~provcmcnt ct,rrcntly in place: 3.15, Any capital road improvement th:ti is trader construction: 3.15.43-. 11.2.3. Any capital road improvement guaranteed in an cnlbrccable development agreement that includes tile provisions in subsections 3.15.43-.10.2.1 and 3.15.43. I 1.2.4. Thc actual c(mstructitm ol' thc required capital improvement is included i,t~d is scheduled to commence in ur bclk~re the third year of the state's live-year work program and the county's current tire-year cap;mi improvement schedule adopted as part of thc gro~vth management plan: and The board of cot,nty comnmissioners has made an express thlding. after a public hearing, that thc current five-year capital improvement schedule is based on a realistic, tinancially l~asiblc program of funding I~om existing revenue sources. Devclolwr illCalls ally person, including a govcrlllllClllaJ agency. undertaking any dcvclopmcm as dclincd in this division. Deve[OlmWnt agreement has the nlcaning contemplated in F.S. ~ 163.3220 ct. seq. Words ~k :hraug]: are deleted. ~ ords umlerlined arc ',dJed. 78 3.15.43.t8. Devctt)l)me)l! bas ,die n'leaning given it in F.S. §380.04. ])t'~'~.'J(J/)ltlt'l)l OJ'd~.'l' |lie:IllS ail)' order, permit, dclcrminalion, or aclioll granting, denying, or granting with conditions an application tbr any Iina[ local dcvcloplllclll order, building permit, temporary tlsc pcrmil. temporary construclion and development permit, si~n pcrmil, well pcrmil, spot survey, dcclrical permit, plumbing permit, occupational license, boat dock permit. I IVAC permit, septic tank permit, right-ol: way permit, blasting pcrmil, excavation permit, construction approval lbr inl'rasm~cmrc (including water, sewer, grading, paxingL approved development of regional impact (DR[). zoning ordinance amendment. comprehensive plan amcndnlcnl. I]ood varkmcc, coaslal conslmclioll control linc variance, trcc removal permits, site dcvclopmcnl plan approval, subdivision approval (including plats, plans, variances, and amel~dinents), rezoning. Ptq) amendment, ccrtil]calion, conditional usc (provisional usc). variance, or any other official action of Collier Count> ha~ing t}}c cft~ct of pcrmitling development as del]ned in this division. /"/Jut/deve/tqmttg~! order nlealls a fhlaI local development order or ti l]n:d I)RI development order. 1'Trod ~)RI devcflqmw,t order means a development order, as :nncndcd l?om time to IJlliC. adopted by thc board el' COtiilT commissioners of Collier County and approved by thc state pursuant lo F.S. ~380.06. notice of ~xhich is recorded pursuant to F.S. ~381}.06t 15){I). 1'Tmtl It;ctd devehqmtcl~l ordcr means any valid, unexpired buikling permit or mobile home tie-dmvn permit issued bF' the county. {;rmrlb m~tmt.Cemcnt phm or GMP means thc mosl rcccmly adoplcd and cflL'ctivc comprcl~cnsivc plan of Collier County. ils aiBcl}dcd t¥olrl time to time. Lam/ develtqmwnt regttl,tionx mcan ordin:mces enacted by Collier (.'otmty pursuant Io 1:,.(4. §163/..3161 cl. set1. . for thc regulation of dcvclopmcm, and inctudcs ;my ×oning. subdivision, impact fcc. building construction, or sign regulations, or :my other rcgulalions controlling thc development of land. Level o. fxcrvice fLO.h) means an indicator of thc extent or degree of service provided by. or proposed to be provided by a public l~cilitv based on and related lo lhe operational characlcrislics of thc public lhcilil>, as adopted i,~ thc Collier Coullly groxxlh management plan. I.ON shall indicate thc capacity per mill o1' demand lbr each public lhcility. At'vel (~/' soft'ice c./ctd, tio)].v .fi: re.ds mcan calculations that are pcrlbrmcd annually I~llowing thc end nf thc calendar year by comparing average a~lBual daily lra['lic cot,~Is to the annual average daily traffic service volume look-up tables in lhc lral'lic circulation clcmenl. These fables arc calculated to express thc amml average daily tral'lk volumes based upon the 100th highest volume Imur ol'the year. or peak season, peak hour. Annual average daily lral'fic (AADT) is generally calculated as the average of a daily 24-hour two-way volume, counted in cacb ol'lhc fimr seasons of Ibc year. ()n some {ow volulBc roads, a sillgle allllUa[ conill 1112y bo taken alld Ihclorcd to the annual average daily Iraflic volume using a monthly or quarterly Words str::c~ fi:rough arc deleted. ~ords underlined are &lcd. 79 l.O.~'fi,' cttpitul ~h'uimtge./bcililic.¥ varies am(rog I) new or existing capital drainage fi~cilitics owned or operated by a local ?vcrnmcnt or other public Clliiiy. 2) existing capital drainage fi~cilifics oXVllcd or operated by private persons, and 3) new capital drainage fitcililics owned or operated by prlvalc persons. For Ihosc capital drainage fi~cililics (publicly or privately olvncd) that arc in existence on thc effective dale of this dMsion and R,r those new capital drainage fi~cilitics oxvncd or operalcd by a local government or olhcr public cnllty, thc I.()S is thc existing I,()S as identified (by design storm return I'rcqucncy event) in thc Collier County Water Management Master Plan. For new capital drainage fitcililies owned or operated by private persons. Iht I,OS is idenfilied in lhe dnfinage sub-clement and capital improvement clement policy 1.1.5.A.3 (present requirements arc a 25-year. three-day storm event) and is based on lhosc standards and requirements lbr renewal and approval of drainage and smrmwatcr management plans established in thc Collier Cotmty Walcr Managcmenl Policy Ordinnnce. No. 74-50. as amended and Ordinance No. 90-I0 ~hich are incorporated herein by rclkrcnce. LO.%'.fi,' c~q?itul park.fiwi/ities mc;ms 2.9412 acres per 1.000 persons fi~r regional park land: 1.2882 acres pcr/I.000 persons lbr community park land: and 5179.00 of capital investment per capita (at current cost) for recreational l~cilities. I.().¥.fi,' capital potable water fitcilitie.v varies between public water systems, and private water systems., For public w::l~r ..: ............. ......... lh~ cmlntv water and sewer district the I,OS is !g5 18~ gallons per capita per day, (GPCD), . ~,.,..,"~"~ _. ~' ......... v-.--,,, .,,.c"' no:~esidentkd devek~pme::t (except i~ct~ Water and Sew,er District). makh:g the I,OS ~d. 'Fh.e LOS in five X~rca Water qn'd S-ewer District is 200 (with -,' ~ ............. ~: ............ x For the Goodland ~atcr districl the I,OS is 163 (}PCD. [:or the chv of Naples unincorporaled service area the I,OS is 163 GP('I). For tile Everglades City unincorporated scr,,icc area tile I,OS is 163 Gl'CD. For private potable water systems, tile [,()S is as lbllows, except that approved private wells are exempt I'rolll these I,OS requirements: 7~7~¢ o/ Ett~hlt.~hmenl (JMI.m' I'cr Day ft;l'l)l A irport.'i (a) Per passenger 5 (b) Add per employee 20 Barber and beaul.', shops (per chair} 100 Ih~wling aflcss ~loilct ~astcs onl) per 100 lane) COUllir5 club (a) Per resident member 100 lb) Per member present 25 lc } I'cr employee 20 Dcntisl offices [a) Per ~cl chair 200 (bi Per non-xvet ch;fir 50 Doctors office (per doctor) 250 Facilities. cxclusix c of h~duslrial wastes {gallo~s per person per shift} {a) No showers provided 20 (b} Shoxxcrs pro~ idcd 35 Food scr~ icc opcr;llit~ls (al Ordinar5 restaurant (per seal} 50 {b) 24-htmr restaurant (per seal) 75 {c} Single service articles onl) (per 25 person ) (d} Bar and cocktail lounge (per 30 person) ~,ords ............ :,,.i:.. arc delelcd, words underlined are a.lded. 80 (c) Drive-in restmtran! (per car ~0 space) (f') Carry OUt OIll.V I. Per lUl)square I~.'el nf lloor 50 space 2. Add per employee 20 (~) Inslitu6ons (p~r meal) 5 I IolcN and Ulolgl~ (~) Regular (per room) 150 (b) Rcsofl lintels, camps, cottages 75 ~vpe of Establishment (;aHon.~ I'er D~O' {(;I'D) {'per person J (c) Add for c%t;,hllqm,ents ',,,'itl, sell' 400 service laundry fac)lilies fper machine} Oflicc building (per employee per g 211 hour shift) .',;ervice slalions (p~r v, alcr closet and 250 per urinal) Shopping centers x~ ithout food or O.l laundry (per square foot of floor space) Stadiums, race tracks, ball parks {'per 5 scat ) .<,lores per square ['not of lb)nc space fl. 1 '['heatrcs (a) Indoor, auditoriums (per seat) (Io) Outdoor. drive-ins (per ~p~cu) Tr~ilcr/moNIc home p~r~ (per [r~ilcr 'Fruvcl zraHcr ¥ccrc~fion~l vchiclc ~r~ widmu[ ~mcr und ~c~er hoo~-up [railer (b) 'Fr~vd [r~ilcr (ovcrni~hO. wilh ]00 ~ ~[~r ~nd s~wcr ho~-ups ~pcr [r~ilcr S~vimming and baddng facilities, I0 public {per person) Churches Ipcr seat) 3 I Iospilak {per bed) 200 Nursing. rest homes (per bed) I00 I'ark~. public picnic (a) tt'id~ tnHels onl~ {per person) (b) Wid~ bathhouse, shn~ers and I0 toilels (per p~rson) Pul>Itc iflMilutioll s oilier Ihafl schools 100 and hospitals (per person) Schools (per studcnl) (a) I)a?~) pc (b) Add 12)r sh(n~crs 5 (c) Add fi~r cal~'lcria (d) Add fi~r da3 school x~orkcrs (c) Boarding-t~ pc Work 'Conslruclion camps Scmi-pcrmarlcrlt (per ~vnrkcr) 50 Rcsidcnces (a) single or muhiplc f;tmil~ (per 150 dx~clling unit) one bedroom and 600 square fL'ct or Jess Ilcatcd or cooled area '['wo bedrooms and 601-J,000 300 square l~ct Jlcalcd or cnoJed area Three bedrooms and 1.001-2.000 450 square feet healed or cooled area Four or more bedrooms il/id more 600 than 2.000 square feet healed or cooled area (b} Olher (per occupant} 75 Words slruck :btm:g!; arc deleted. ,,,,'ord~ onderlined :,re u'hled. 3.15.4;.25. I. OS for capital road fitcililies on lite mt!fi: road network .~3'stem :'aries depending on the type of road. and is based on a delined peak season, peak hour. Thc I.OS on thc lbllowing CO!lilt)' roads is I.[)S "Ii" pc~,k season, peak hour: Scgmcn! Airpon Road Pine Ridge Road Io Golden Gale I'ark~ay Golden Gale Pk~) Airpo~ Rd. Io Santa Barbara Blvd. (hmdlcue-Frank Rd. Pine Ridge Rd. to Golden Gale Park~ay (kmdlcltc-Frank Rd. Golden Gate Parkway to U.S: 4 I Pine Ridge Road Airport Road Io 1-75 'l he (~OnlllV bas declared as "cm~strained" Ihe rollowin~ seumcnl: U.S. 41 lo Gulfsbore DrKe Vanderbilt Beach P,d. O11 all other county roads on the major road network system, thc I.().":, is "1)" peak scasork peak hour: however such a county mad segment may operate at I.OS "[:.". peak season, peak hour. for a period not to exceed two fiscal years so as to provide Collier (.'Otlllty time to make the capital road improvements needed to rcs!ore the road to 1.OS "D" peak season, peak hour. or better. The I.OS on state :!nd federal roads shall be as Ibllows based on peak season. peak hour; Rural 1'2ri.~ling l.'rbanizcd Tran.~itionin)I C?banizcd Rot. id ,.[rt'~! Rttra[ o.lr,.'~t .4re~t 1-75 GB IJC DC IJS41 C I) GD SR-84 C I) GD SR-951 I) Gl_) 5R-29 DC SR-82 DC LOS.['t; ctqfital st/!/ittt/3' xewerfacili/iex varies between pablic sanit;try sewer systems and private sanilary sewer systems. The I.OS for public sanilary sewer systems is 100 gallons per capita per day (gpcd). plus 21 percent for nonresidential development, making the LOS 121 gpcd. The I.OS for private sanitao' sewer syslems is as rcqt, ircd by the Stale of Florida in Chapter 10-I)-6, F.A.C. These standards vary according to the type of land use. They are as tbllows, except that approved private septic systems arc oxen!pt from these I.OS requirements: l)7~e ~ I"..~tal, lishment , A irporl~, (a} Per passcn.,4er (b) Add per cmpkwec 2~ Barber and beauty simp (per chair} 100 bowling alleys {mile! wastes only per 100 lane) Counlry club (al Per resident member 10O {b} I er member presenl 25 lei I'cr cmplusee 20 I)enfisl office (a} Per wel chair 200 {b) Per non-x~et cbair 50 Doclors offices {per doctor) _. 0 Faclorics. exclusive of industrial ~t aslcs (gallons per person per shift) (a} No showers provided 20 (b) Showers provided 35 Food service opcralions (a) Ordinnry resmuranl (per seat) 50 (b) 24-hour restauranl (per seat) 75 {c) Single service articles only (per person} Words slrt;rk fi:rc::g!: are deleted, words underlined are :ddcd, 82 Gallons Pt'r D~O' (Gl'D) 7~vp[' ~'E~t~tb/txhmcnt (d) Ilar and cocktail lounge (per person) 30 (c) I)rivc-in rcstauranl {per car space) 50 11) CarD out only: I. Per 100 square Feel of Ill,or space 50 2. Add per cmplo> ce 20 (al Regular (per room) 100 lb) Rcsofl hotels, camps, collages (per person) 75 lc) Add lor establishments x~ ilh scll'scrx ice laundry 40ii facilities (per machine) Office building (per x~orkcr) 20 Service stations (per ba~) 501} Shopping cemers without fired or laund~' {per 0.1 square foot of floor .space) Stadiums. race tracks, ball parks (per seal) 5 Stores {xx ilhoul food service) (a} I'rNate toilets, fi)r employees only (per cmplo) cc) 20 (b} Public toilets (per square foot of floor space) 0. I 'Ibc:dots la} indoor, auditoriums {per seat) 5 lb) Ould~mr. drivc-in~ {per Trailer mobile home park (per trailer space) 200 'l'raxcl Irailcr rccrcatkm:fl x'chiclc park ~a) 'l'rax el trailer ~o~ crnighu, x~ ithmJt water and 50 se~cr hookup (per trailer space) (b) '[ra~ el trailer {o~ cmighl}, wilh 100 x~atcr and sc~cr book-ups (per trailer space) Swi~nming and balbiug facilities. 10 public (per person) Churches tper seat) 3 I tospitals {per bed) 200 Nu rsin g. resl homes (~r person) 100 Parks. public picnic (a) With toilets onl> (per person) 5 (h) Witl~ bail,house, shm~crs and lO toilets (per person) Public ~rlStilulkms other tllarl schools 100 and hospitals (per person) Schools (per student) (a) I)a>-t5 pe (b) Add fi~r shox¥crs 5 (c) Add fi~r cafeteria 5 Id) Add fi~r da> school ~orkcrs lc} Iloarding t}pe 75 Work~conslructkm camps S~lllJ- permanent {per ~ orkcr) Residences (a} Sin~lc-fiunil3 {per hedroom) 150 {b) Apaflmcnl (per bedroom) 150 lc) Mobile home Ilt~[ in a trailer 150 park (per bedroom) (dl Od~er (per occupant) 75 (;alhm.¥ Ik'r D~O' [(;PDt LOS.FIn' capitol so/id w,.~le./iwililiex requires suflicicnt capital solid waste lhcilitics to dispose of !.39 1.10 tons of solid waste per capila per year. In addition, thc I.OS requires two years of landlill lined cell disposal capacity at present 1ill rates anti ten years of landfill raw hind capacity at present fill rates. LOS "('" pt, ttk xt,t/.¥o/i. [lctlk holtr is ill thc ran~c of sial)lc t]ow. but marks thc beginning of thc range of flow in which thc operation of individual users becomes significantly aflkctcd by interactions xx'itl~ others in the traffic stream. Thc selection of speed is afl~ctcd by Iht presence of other, and maneuvering either thc traffic stream requires substantial vigilance on thc part of the user. Thc general level of comlbn and convenience declines noticeably at this level. I.OS "C" peak season, peak hour. is based on thc l[0tb highest hourly traffic Words slr'dct~ d~rt~u~l~ are deleted, words underlined ay. added. 83 . 3.15 3,15.43.3 l. 3.I 5.43.33. volumes during a calendar year for thc various types of roads dctincd by Special Report 209. "llighway Capacity Manual." Transportation Research Board. National Research Council. Washington. I).C.. 1985. or subsequent revisions thereto. LOS "D"l?Ct& sell.wm, peak hour represents a high-density, but stable. llow. Speed and 13ccdom to maneuver arc severely restricted, and thc driver or pedestrian experiences a generally poor level ~1' comtbrt and convenience. Small increases in tral'fic Ilow will generally cause operational problems at this level. 1,OS "1)" peak season, peak hour. is based on thc 100th highest hourly traffic volumes during a calendar year I~r thc various types el' roads dclincd by Special Report 2(19. "lliglmay Capacity Manual." Transportation Research Board. National Research Council. Washington. I).C.. 1985. or subscqucnl revisions thereto. 1,0.~ "l","lwuk xeuxon, i)euk hour represents opcraling conditions at or nenr capacib'. All speeds are significnntly reduced. Freedom to maneuver is difllcult. Comfo~ and convenience is extremely poor. and motorist l~us~rafion is generally high. I,OS "1~" peak season, peak hour. is based on thc 100Ih highest hourly traffic volumes during a calendar year lbr the various types of roads dclincd by Special Report 209. "llighway Capacity Manual". 'l'ranspom~tion Research Board. National Research Council. Washington. D.C, 1985. or subsequent revisions thereto. Peak scuxon, lwetk hour is considered lo bc tile 100th highest volunlc hour of thc year. and is thc basic lime rclkrcnce used lo calculate levels of service using the dctinitions and methodologies of Iht 1985 l lighx~ay Capacity Manual (or its cu~cnt edition). For planning nnd concurrency applicatitms, peak season, peak hour conditions are converted lo annual average daily traffic (AADT) level of service maximtm~ xolumcs and are prcsenlcd in a series of look-up fables adoplcd in tho Iral'fic circulation clement of Ibc groxx'th management plan. .'~h?/or rorul network .D'.¥lem means all a~erial and collector roads within thc total unincorporated Collier Cotmty. Thc major road network system is depicted in thc traffic circulatitm clement of thc Collier County Groxqh Management Plan. /'er.w,; means an individual, corporation, govcrnmcrdal agency. business trusl, estate. Irusl. partnership, association, l',,.o or inert pcrson.s having a joint or common interest, or any other entity, and its designated agents, successors or assigns. I'otentitdly deficient ro~ul segment means tile folloxving: A county or state road scgnlcnt oil 1f10 nlaior road nclvmrk system ~hosc adopted l,OS standard is I,OS "C" or l,OS "I)". peak season. peak hour. that is presently operated al its adopted I,OS, or whoso adopted I,OS is I,OS "I)" peak season, peak hours, and has operated at I,OS "1~" peak season, peak hour. I~r Iwo years or les.,:,, based on thc AUIR. A potcntkflly deficient road segment ~dfich has an adopted I,OS "I)" peak scasoll, peak hour. may operate at I,OS "E". peak season, peak hour. Ibr tx~o years bctbrc it shall become a deficient road segment. A county or slate road segment on tile m.[!or road network systenl xvhosc adopted I,OS standard is "E". peak season, peak hour. that is Words .,~ack :brough are deleted. ~ords underlined arc . ' 5:. 84 presently operating at I.OS 'Ti" peak season, peak hour. based on tile AtlIR. In dclcrmhlhlg the capacity of a count)' road segment or a state road scgmcm Ibr the purpose of dctcrmiuing whether it is a potentially deficient mad segment, thc county shall consider: An)' capital road improvc,ncnt ct, rrcntl)' in place: Any capital road improvement that is under construction: Any capital road improvement guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes tile provisions itl subsections 3.15.43_.33.3.1 and; Thc actual construction of tile required capital road improvement is included and is scheduled to commence in or bclbrc thc tbird year of the state's fivoycar work program and thc county's current five-year capital improvement schedule adopted as part of the groxvth managcmcnl plan: mid The board of county commissioners has made an express Iinding. after a public hearing, that thc current live-year capital improvement schedule is based on a realistic, financially feasible program of funding from existing revenue sources. Puhlic/iwi/ities mcan capital drainage facilities, capital park facilities. capital potable xvatcr thcilitics, capital road l:acilitics, capital sanitary seer facilities, and capital solid waste facilities. Sec. 3.15.54. Rules of conslruction. Itl tile construction of this dMsion, the rules set out in this section shall be observed unless such construction is inconsistent with the manifest intent off the Collier County Board oF County Commissioners. Thc rules of construction and definitions set fi~rth herein shall not be applied lo any provisions Milch expressly exclude such construction, or where ll~e subject realtor, conlcnt or context of such provisions would make such construction internally inconsistcnl or inconsistent ~ilh other provisitms of this dMsion. (;enerally. All provisions, terms, phrases and expressions contained in this dMsion shall be liberally construed in order lhat thc true intent and meaning of thc Collier Cotmty Board of Count)' Commissioners may be fldly carried out. Terms used in this dMsion, unless olhcrxxisc specifically provided, shall have the meanings prescribed by thc slalulcs of this stale Ibr thc same terms. 3.15.=~-I_.3. In the imcrprclation and application of any provision of this dMsion it shall he held to be Ibc minimum requircmcnt adopted Ibr thc promotion of the public hcahb, sat~ly, coml~rl, convenience and general xvcllhrc. Where any provision of this dMsion imposes greater restrictions uptm Ibc su~jccl matter limn a general provision imposed by the gnmth management plan or another provision of this division. the provision imposing the greater restriction or rcgtdation shall be dccmcd to be controlling. Text. In case of any difl'crcnce of meaning or implication between tile text of this division and any figure, tile text shall control. ('o,qmltttitm qflitne. ']'be time within ,vhich an acl is Io be done shall be computed by excluding the first and including iht lasl day; il' thc Words :,Irt:ok :[m~ ~vb-4~ are deleted, words underlined arc added. 85 last day is Saturday. Sunday or legal holiday, that day shall be excluded. 3.15,.-54_.4. Day. The vmrd "da.','" shall m¢;m a calendar day. unless "business" da.',' is indicated. 3.15,54_.5. I)c/c.gatimt qf autht,'iO'. \Vhcncvcr a provision appears rcqtfiring a division administralor, tlic head ora dcparlmcnt or some other county of liter or employee lo do some act or pcrfimn some duty. il is lo be conslrued lo nuthorizcd the dMsion ndministrator, head of thc department or some other county officer or cmph)ycc to designate. delegate and authorize prolkssional level subordinntcs to perform rcquircd act or duty unless the terms of the provision or section spccil}' othcrxvise. 3.15.54_.6. (;emh'r. \Vords importing lite masculine gender shall be construed to include thc feminine and ilCUler. 3.15..~4_.7. .lhmt/r Thc word "month" shall mcan a calendar month. ,\'on-/edmical ami Icchnical words. \Vords and phrases shall be construed according to the common and approved usage of the kmguagc, but technical words and phrases and such others as may have acquired a peculiar and appropriate meaning in law shall be construed and tmdcrstood according to such meaning. 3.15.54_.9. .Vumbcr. :\ word importing llte singular number Olll.v. may extend and bc applied lo several persons and things as well as lo one person and thing. The use of file plural number shall be deemed to include any single person tlr thing. 3.15.54-. I ~). .S'hall. mm'. Thc word "shall" is mandatory: "may" is pcrmissixc. Ten. Ye. Words used itl the past or present tense include the I'ulurc its ~ell as Ibc past tlr prcscnl. 3.15..-i-4_. 12. Weck The ~,,rd "~vcek" shall mcan seven calendar days. 3.15._-q4_. 13. II)'it/en ~,' in n'rilin.,4. Thc term "written" or "in writing" shall be construed to include any representation of words, letters, or figures ~hcthcr by printing or olhcr form or method of writing. 3.15.54_.14. )'car. The ~xord "year" shall mcan a calendar .','ear. unless a Iiscal year is indicated or 365 days is indicated. Sec, 3.15.65. Estalflishment of management and monitoring program and regulato~' pro.gram: the annual update and inventoO' report (AUIR), CIE amendments, and annual Imdgel. In order to implemen! tile mmldalc o1' lite Collier County Growth Managcmcnl Plan to ensure that adequate potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, park and road public lhcililies are available Io accommodale development in Collier County concurrent with when the impacts of development occur Oll such public facilities, the board of county commissioners establishes, pursuant to tho terms of this division. (I) a management and monitoring program lhat evaluates the conditions of public t~cilities lo ensure they are being adeqttatcly planned lbr and flmdcd to maintain Iht I.OS Ibr each public fi~cility, and (2) a regulatory program lhat ensures thal each public fiqcility is available to serve development orders which are subject to the provisions of this dMsion. Words sm:ok fi:rough are deleted, words underlined are :... J, 86 Sec. 3.15.-~6. Management and monitorinl~ pro,ram. 3.15:76.1. (;cm'rt~L In order lo ensure Ihal adequate pot:,blc x~atcr, sanilary sewer, solid xxastc, drainage, park and road public fitcilitics are available concurrent with when thc impacts of development occur on such public Ihcilities. the county shall eslablisb thc lbllowing management and monitoring practices. Their purpose is to evaluate and coordinale Ibc timing, provision, nnd l~mding of polable water. sanilary sewer, solid waste, drainage, park and road public thcilifies ( l ) to ensure adequate planning and l~mding to maintain the I,OS I~r the public fitcilitics, and (2) to evaluate the capacity of thc public facilities tbr use in the regulatory program to ensure that no development orders subject to concurrency regulation are issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serve thc development concurrent with xvbcn the impacts of lhat development occur. ,,Dmu,l tq)&,/e trod ire'catoO' report on public./iwili/ie.~' (AUIR}. On or about ~t~ l)cccmbcr I of each year. thc Community I)cvclopmcnt and Environmental Services l)ivision Administrator shall complete an annual update and inventory report on public lhcilitics {hcrcinal~cr "AUIR"). '['he AUIR shall determine thc existing conditions oF all capital potable water, capital sanitary scxver. capitol solid waste, capital drainage, capital park. lind capital road public Ihcilitics ~ determine and summarize the available capacity of these capital improvements (public l~cililics} based on their I.OS. Ibrccast ~hc capacity of existing, and planned public l~cilifics idcntilicd in Ibc live-year capital improvement schedule I[)r cacb thc tivc succeeding >'ears. and ten succeeding years, and idcnlil~' new projects needed lo maintain adopted LOS. Thc fi>recasts shall be based on the most recently updated schedule of capital improvements (public t~cilities) for each public facility. The AUH{ shall be based on thc most recent bureau of economic and business research (IIEBR) ):igb ra~ population projections, updated public facility inventories. updated unit costs and revenue projections, and analysis of the most recent Iral'l]c county data. Thc findings of tile AUIR shall lbrm the basis for the preparation of tile next annual update and amendment Io thc CIE. m~y pr~cls ~o ~ i,~uded i~e cc~t7':; mmua! budget; the determination of any area of significant influence (ASI) and the review of and issuance of development orders subject to Ibc provisions oF this division during the next year. 3.15.;z6.2.1 ..Dmz,ti delcrmimttio, q/' a~h'qtutle "( 'ttte,k,t,3' .,I" public fiwili/ie.s' (Co~lfflt/'/'t'llQV), ()n or about August December I of each year. thc Comnnmity I)cvelopn~cnt and I(nviromncnlal Services l)Msion Administralor will present thc AUIR report 1o Ibc board of cotlnly commissioners idcntilying dclicicncics pr potential dclicicncics in "Category A" public lhcilities and remedial action opthms including but not limited to the Ibllowing: I. l'Mablishment of areas of significant inllucnce (ASI:s): 2. I'ublic facilit.v project additions to the CII';: 3. l)cfcrral of development order issuance in alTcctcd areas pending:.~ a. [.owcring of LOS via growth management plan amendment: Words sm:ok :Srct:gh arc dclcled, words underlined are ,Hdcd. 3.15.7-6.4 b. laclusion of necessary public facility projects in the next adopted :mnual budget and next annual CIE update and alllclldlllCBl; c. Approval of new or increased revenue sources for nco. lcd public facility projects by thc board of COLHIty COlllmissioflers, Ibc state icgislalttre or ti~c county voters. Rc'ctmmwndations on thc a,mtutl C'IE ~q~htle and anmtal htr;[get. Based upon the AUIR analysis, the Community Development and l~nvironmcnml Services Division Administrator shall propose to thc Collier County Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners on or about October 1 of each year. thc annual update and amendment to lhe CIE as pa~ ol'the annual grox~lh management plun amendment cS cie transmittal public hearings, h x~ill include thc public l~tcililicS nccdcd to mainlain I.OS as dircclcd by the board of county commissim~crs upon presentation of thc AUIR. 'Iht annual budget, which is IO bc udoptcd by October I of each }'car shall also include projects and fimdin$ as directed by thc board upon presentation el'the prior AUIR. I')~tahlidmwn! *¢'w'ea o./'.~ignifican! iq/hwm'e (AS/J./0r road.~: E.~tuhlidmwnt O/'areat.~ of.¥ign(ficw, iq/hwnce MSD. If thc Iinding of thc AUIR analysis identify additional road improvement projects needed to maintain adopted I,OS. they may be included in tim mad component of thc proposed annual CIE update and amendment al discretion of tile board. Based upon board direction on h~clusion additional road prqiects, the Comnmnib' I)cvclopmcnt and I~nvironmcnlal Services Division Administrator. in conjunction with thc MPO chief and transponation services dcpamncnt dircclor may propose and idcnlil~' one or more areas of significant inllucnce (ASI) around any dclicicnt or potentially deficient road segment (except xxhcrc such potentially deficient road segment is prqjcclcd not cxcccd its adopted IX)S within thc first three years of thc five-year schedule of capital improvements in thc CIE updalc and amendment proposed fi~r transmittal on or about October 1. and thc estimated annual residual capacity trips that would be alkmalcd to those applicants lbr certificates of public fi~cility adequacy within thc encompassing such potentially deficient road scgmcnl during the next year docs llot cxcccd thc remaining trip cnpacily). Thc boundaries of any ASI shall bc cslablishcd pursuanl to thc standards in subscclion 3.15.gfi.4.2. of this division along with thc annual residual capacity trips covering potentially deficient road segments fi)r each ASI by geptem~ January 1 of each year. No residual capacity Irips shall bc allotlcd fi~r dcvclopnlcnt in an ASI encompassing a dcficicnl road Stamhtr~tx' in ustahlishing area q/'.xigni/icant iq[htcnce (,.IS~). General The boundaries for an ,\SI shall be based upon an "envelope" flint surrounds major mad segments. In gencrnl, the surrounding a road segment will radiate out I?om the segment a distance of one to three miles, depending upon natural or manmadc I~aturcs. roadway fi~cility type. Additionally. there may be an overlap of Agl:s due lO the ct'l~'ct of adjacent land uses upon a read,ray Words sm:ok :hrc;:gE are deleted, words underlined are 8g : 5 ' 3.15.g~.4.2.2. 3.15.7~.4.2.3. 3.15.gfi.4.3. Stumfl,'~L¥ in dc/ermini,g ttrea of xign~ficttnt iq/htence (ASI). The Community l)cvclopmcnt and Enviromncntal Services Division Administrator in conjunction with the MPO chief and Iransportation services dcparlment director shall examine traffic movement patterns and shall then prepare a map(s) that dclails the location of the proposed ASI(s). Such map(s) shall then be prcscnlcd to the board o1' county commissioners at a regularly scheduled meeting [~r its review. Thc following standards shall guide the Commtmity l)cvclopmcnt and l!nvironmcntal Services Division Administrator, MI'O chief and transportation services department director in developing these proposed ASI:s: T)fe ,fRo, tdu'tt.v ["~wiliO' Scope of 4SI Principal Arterial Three miles on each side o£ affected segment and Ihr¢c miles from each end of affected segment. Minor Arlerial Collector Rural Minor Collector Two miles on each side or affected segment and two miles for each cad ofaflcctcd segment. One mile on each side of al'IL'cted segment and one mile from each end of affected segment. One mile on each side of afikctcd segment and one mile from each end ofaflkclcd segment. l.imited Access Facilily One mile from each side of the affected segment and three (3) miles from an.',' access point and each segment end. Dctermining umutal re,¥hhtul ctWttciO' trips. The Cornmunity l)cvclopmcnt and l'~nvironmental Services l)Msion Administrator in cor~jtmction with the MI'O chief and transportation services department director shall complete a detailed conditions analysis of thc delicicnt or potentially delicient road segment within each proposed ASI boundary prior Io proposing thc bot,ndaries of thc ASI. The analysis shall take into consideration characteristics of the road segment (such as traffic control, signal spacing, thning, and phasing) t,sing procedures documented in tile 1985 I lighway Capacity Manual (or its current edition). The annual residual cnpacity trips for tile proposed AS[ covering the potentially deficient road segment shall be based upon tlp to 100 percent of the potentially deficient road segment's remaining capacity, measured in peak hour. peak season trips. Thirty pcrccnt of thc potentially dclicicnt road segment's remaining capacity shall be reserved for only those I:md uses which generate one peak hour trip per day or less. based on the most recent I'['E Trip Generation Rate Manual, Ruviuw wul tqwrm'M hy ho~v'd qf cotmO' crmtmixsioncrs. Al~er receipt of the proposed boundaries of a potential ASI and thc proposed residual capacity trips of the ASI I?om the Comnnmity I)cvclopmcnt and l~nvironmcntal Services l)ivision Administrator thc board of county commissioners, by ()cto~ January I o1' each year. shall hold a public hearing noticed pursuant lo thc requirements o1' I:.S, ~125.66(5). and after consideration of thc proposal and public comment, approve tho boundaries (including a map of the boundaries) and the annual residual capacity Irips of thc ASI. with or ~¥ithout modifications, or dctcmfine that competent substantial evidence has been peaced on the record lo show that tim road segment is not Words gtruck thmugl: arc deleted, words underlined are aided. 89 3.15.:76.4.4. 3.15.g6.4.5. potcnlially dclicien! and determine that the cst;,blishment of an ASI is Ilt)l t~cccssar? lo c~surc that dcvclopnlcnl orders arc served by adcqualc mad punic fi~cilifies. Thc approved boundaries and annual residual capacity Irip allotments I~)r each AS1 will become cf Derive on ()clo[~ January I of each year if additional road improvements arc nol added to the capital improvement clement al that lime. .Ihq* of w'¢ax o./'xign!/k'ant influence (,.fSI). A map showing the boundaries of each ASI cslablished by the board of county commissioners shall bc kept in thc Community l)cvclopmcnt and l~nvironmcmal Service l)Msion and the office o1' thc clerk to the board of county commissioners fi~r review an inspection by thc public during ntmnal business hours. Durutitm ~¥estahlLdwd area qf sign!/k'ant infltwnce (..ISI1. Once tile boundaries or all .,'kS[ :.ire approved by the board of county commissioners, they arc valid I'or one year. unless otherwise dissolved. 3.15.:/6.4.6. Duration q/'rcxithml capaciO' trips. Once the rnad facility residual capacity trips are approved by Ihe board of coul~ty commissioners. they arc valid Ibr one )'ear. 3.15.:76.4.7. DLvsohaim~ q/'w'eu of sLk, n(/k'an! iqflnem'c 6'l,WZ. 11' thc additional needed road improvements idcntiticd in the AUIR arc added lo the CIE or funds are available liar. and commiltcd Ibr constrtlclioll ol~ thc needed road improvements Io eliminate the classilication oJ' a mad as a deficient or potentially deficient road segment. Ihen Iht area of signiticant inlluence (ASI) eslablishcd liar lhal dcticicnl or polenlially dclicicm road segment shall be dissolved in the same manner in ~qfich il was established. Sec. 3.15.87. Regulalor)' program: review of devclopmenl to ensure adcquale public facilities are available. 3.15.g7. I. General. In order It) ensure that adeqt,ale potable water, sanitary scxvcr, solid waste, drainage, park and road public R~cilitics arc available concurrent with when the impacts of development occur Oll each public fi~cility. Collier County shall establish the Ibllowing development review procedures lo ensure lhat no dcvclopnlcnt orders subject lo concurrency regulation are issued unless adequate public fi~cilitics are available to serve thc proposed development. I:'xe,q,ion.v. Thc I'ollmving development orders and developmcn! shall be exempt from tile terms of this division: All valid, t,ncxpircd final development o1' regional impact ti)RI) development orders 'which were issued prior to adoption of the Collier Courtly (}ro'o.'lJl Management Plan on January 10. 1989. except where: l)cvclopment conditions or stipulations applicable lo concurrency, or tile provision of adequate public facilities concurrent wilh lhe impacts ol'development, exist in the I)RI development order: 3.15.8Z.2.1.3. Subslantial deviations are sought tl)r a 1)I>,1 dcvclopmeut order, and then. this division shall apply only to those portions of the dcvck~pmcnl lbr which thc deviation is sought; An overriding concern for public health, safety, or welfare exists: Words .~:ruck througl: are delcled, words underlined are ..tided. 3.15,g~.2.3. 3.15.gZ.2.5. 3.15.g2.2.6. 3.15.g2. 3.15.g2. 3.15.8!. The cOUllly call dcmonstr:tlc pursuant Io F.S. ~380.06. that substantial changes in Iht conditions underlying thc approval of iht development order have occurred or Iht dcvclopnlcnl order was based on substantially inaccurate inlbrmation provided by thc developer or that thc application of tiffs division lo Iht development order is clc:~rly established to bc essential to thc i~ublic hcahh, sal~ly and xvcllhrc: or The new requirements would not so change or alter a I)RI development order that they would malcrially or substantially al'l~c! iht developer's ahilib' lo complete Iht dcvclopmcn! mtthorizcd by thc I)RI dc'.ch~pmcnl order. ('onslruclitm of public I'acililics tim! arc consistent ~ilh thc Collier County (;rmkth Man:~gcmcnt l'lan. A ny development orders determined by thc ('ommunily I)cvclopmcnt and I(nvironmcmal Services I)Msion Adminislrator not to impact puhlic Ihcilitics as cx'altmlcd ~gainsl thc slandards ctmtaincd in this division. Origin:ti temporary construction and dcvclopmcn! pcrmils and any subscqtlcnl rcnc/vals I10! It.) cxcccd ti cumulative period oJ'o]l~2 year. DcvcJopmcn! orders permitting replacement, rcconslruclion or repair of existing development ctmsislcnl with all clcmcms of thc groxxlh lllall;IgClllCllt plan. Origimil Icml~orary use permits and any suhscqucn! rcnc~vals not to cxcccd a cumulative period ol'on.2 yc.'lr. Any development order or development u. hosc cvrrcnt o~vncr is entitled to receive, and who properly OhiaillS. a dctcrminalion of vcslcd rights Ibr adequate public Ihcilifics ("AI~F'') in accordance with thc provisions of this section ..llqdictttion. ,,\n [tpplicalitm for determination of vested righls I~r AI'F shrill hc submitled in Iht limn cslablishcd by thc Community l)cvclopmcnl and I~nvironmcntal Services I)ivision Administrator. An ~pplication Fcc in an amount to be determined by thc board of county commissioners shall accompany and bc part of thc application. Thc application shall, at a minimmn, include: Nmnc. address, and telephone number of thc oxvncr and imthori×cd appli¢:mt il' o!hcr l]lilll thc owllcr: Strccl address, legM description, aqd acreage of thc property: All factual information and knoxvlcdge reasonably available owner and applican! m address the criteria established in section Del¢/'minulion q/'cmnp[t'tcnc,~;¥. After receipt of an application for dctcrnlination of vested rights tbr Al'l:. the C'omllltlllJty l)cvclopmcnl and 15wironmcnud Services DMsion Administralor shall determine xvhcthcr thc application submitted is complete. If he dmermincs thai the application is not complete, the Conmmnity I)cvch,pmcnt and I~nvironmcmal Services I)ivision Administralor shall notil3' thc applicam in writing of thc dcficicnc],~s. The Communily Development and I~nvironmental Services Division Admhfislrator shall take no Rmhcr steps to process thz application until deficiencies have been remedied. Words slrucL through are deleted, words underlined are aa. -'. 3.15.g2.2.7.3. I)evch¢Imtent ¢md Em'irmmtentul Serviccx Divixion ,.hflni~ixtrulor aml the ctJlmO' tlllfJt'l~Q', t[l~cr receipt of a completed application dclcrmination of vested rights Ibr APF. the Communily I)cvclopmcnl and lh~vironmcnlal Services DMsion Administrator m~d thc cmmly attt~rney shall review and evaluate thc application in light of all of Iht criteria in section 3.15.gZ.2.7.7. Based on thc review and cx'aJuation. thc Community I)cvclopmcnt and ILnvirunmcntal Ncrviccs I)ixision Adminislramr and thc cotllll)' attorney shall prepare a xxrillcn rcconlmcndalion 1o thc heaving ofllccr that the application should bc denied, granted or granlcd with conditions by thc hearing of liter. Such rccommcndatitm shall include findings of Ihcl lbr each oJ' criteria established in SeClion 3.15.gZ.2.7.7. lo Iht extent lhat infi)rmalion is represented or obtained or inclusion Igasible or applicable. If thc Conmlunil)' J)cvclopnlcnt and ILnvironmcntal Services l)ivision Adminislralor and the CO[lllly altorncy agree based on thc review and evaluation that thc applicalion Ik)r determination of vested righls fi)r APF so clearly should be granted or granted xvilh conditions, then they may enter inlt) a written stipulated determination t)f vcslcd rights fi)r APF with thc ()wncr. in lieu of file written recommendation to the hearing t)flker and thc provisions in sections, 3.15.gZ.2.7.5. and [h)wcvcr. ;my such stipulated determination shall bc in writing, signed by thc Communily l)cvclopmenl and I~nvironmcnlal Services I)ivisim~ Administnm)r, thc county attorney and thc o;~ncr, and shall include findings t)l' lktcl based {)n the criteria established in section conclusions t)l' law fi)r such criteria, and tile dmcrmination granting ()r ~ranling with conditions, in %%holc or in parl. thc vested rights fi)r adcqualc public lhcilitics. Ruvicn' ttnd l)clcrnlinalion q/'l'e.¥1cd Ri.uhr¥ I)clcrmi;uttim~ .fi;r ,,IFF l[;' hcttring t~ffit'cl'. Upon receipt by thc I Icaring Ol'liccr of Application lbr l)clcrmination of Vested Rights fi~r AI'F and tile written recommendation or the Community I)cvelopmcnt and l~nvironmcntal Services DMsion Administrator and the County Attorney. Ihe I lcaring Officer shall hold a public hearing on the applicati{m. Al lhc hearing. Ibc I lcaring Officer shall take evidence and sworn testimony in regard lo thc crilcria set fi~rlh in Section and shall Ik~llow the rules of procedure set Ik}rlh in Section 120.57(11(b}. 4. 6. 7. and 8. Florida Statutes, and Section 120.58(I )(a).(d) and (1). Florida Statutes. and Section 120.58{1 )(b). Florida Ntatulcs. only to the extent that Ibc I[earing Ofl]ccr is empowered to sx~car xvimcsscs and take testimony under oath. Thc I lcaring Officer shall Ibllow thc procedures established administralive hearings in Rules 60Q-2.009. 2.017. 2.020. 2.022. 2,023, 2.024.2,025.2.027. and 2.031, Florida Administrative Code except as expressly set tbrth herein. The parties bctbre thc l leafing ()fliccr shall include Ibc County. ibc owner or applicanl, and public. Testimony shall be limited to Ibc mailers directly relating to thc standards set lbrth in Section g2.2.7.7. Thc County Atlorncy shall represent thc ('otlllly. shall altcnd the public hearing, and shall such evidence as is relevant m the proceedings. The owner of property and ils aulhorizcd agenls, may oflk'r stlch evidence al public hearing as is relevant Io thc proceedings and criteria. Thc order of prcscntalion bctk~rc Ibc l leafing Ofl]ccr at the public hearing shall be as fi~llows: I) Ihe County's summary of thc application, written recommendation, wimcsscs and other evidence; 2) owner or applicant witnesses m~d evidence: 3) public witnesses and evidence: 4) Crumb' rebutlal, i f any: and 5 } applicant rcbullul, i t'rmy. Wards ~trm:k lhrau~gh are dclclcd. 'aords underlined arc ?Jded. 02 3.15.g~.2.7.5. 3.15.gZ.2.7.6 3.15.8Z.2.7.7. /.¥.¥tt~ttWt' tt/ vcxtcd righl.¥ &'tcrmimttion .fi,' ,.ll'l" kY hcari~tg q[/iccr. Within 15 working days after thc complctimt o1' thc public hearing trader Section g2.2.7.4, thc [leafing ()l'llccr shall consider thc Application liar I)ctcrmination o1' Vcslcd Rights Iht APl:. the rccmnmcndatim~ of thc Community l)cvclopmcnt and I~nvirtmmcntal Services l)ivision Administrator and thc County Atttm~cy. and thc evidence and testimony presented at thc public hearing, in li~ht of all of thc criteria set fi~rth in Section, and shall deny. grant, or grant witl~ conditions the Applicatitm I~)r I)ctcrmination of Vested Rigl~ts liar APF fi~r thc property or properties at issue. Thc dctcnninatitm shall be in writing and shall include findings or filet fi~r cacJl of thc applicable criteria established in Scclion, ctmclasi~ms of law t~r each of such criteria, and a determination denying, granting, or granting with conditions, in wlmlc or in part, thc vested rights fi)r adequate public fimilitics. ,,IplW~d lo Ihe hottrd t~[ cotmO' c~mtmi.¥.ri~,wt;¥. Within 30 days a licr issuance of thc l[caring Officer's written determination of vested rights fi~r AI'F. thc Cuunly Attorney. Iht Community l)cvclopmcnl and ]]nvironmcntal Services Division Adminislrator. ~)r Ibc owner or ils aufl~t~rixcd altorncy or agent, nlay appeal Iht dctcrmiaation of vested rights liar APF of thc l lcaring Ol'ficcr to thc Board of County Cummissioncrs. A t~c li)r thc application and processing t)[' all oxvncr-initiatcd appeal shall be established nta rate set by thc Board of COtlrlty Commissioners l?om lime lo time and shall bc charged to and paid by thc tm'ncr or its authorized agent, Thc Board ot' County Commissioners shall adopt the I lcaring Officer's dctcrminalion of vested rights I~r APl:. with or without modifications or conditions, or rQecl thc l leafing Officer's determination oF vcslcd rights Ibr APF. Thc Board of County Commissioners shall not be authorized to modit3' or rqjcct lhe I[caring Officer's' determination of vested righls fi~r APF unless thc Board o1' County Commissioners finds that thc l lcaring ()fl~ccr's determination is not supported by substantial competent evidence in Ibc record of thc floating Ol'ficcr's public hearing or that thc I leafing Oil]cot's determination of vested rights APF is conlrary to the criteria established in Sccti~m gZ.2.7.7. ('ritcri~tfi: I't'xtcd Righl.¥, This section is intended to strictly adhere Io and implement existing case law as they relate to the doctrine of vested rights and cqailable estoppel as applied to a local government exercising its authority and powers in zoning, thc provision of adequate public fi~cilitics concurrent with development (concurrency). and related matters, It is thc express intent o~' Collier County to require application of thc provisions of this division 1o as much development and property in thc uninc(~rporatcd areas of thc COtlllly as is legally possible xxithout violating thc legally vested rights xxhich thc ~xx'ncr illLly have obtained in accordance with Florida Ctlllllllt)ll law alld slatulory law. particularly F.S. ~163.3167(8). Thc criteria herein provided shall be considered in rendering a x'cstcd rights determination under Ibis scclion. It is intended that each case bc decided on a case by case fi~clual analysis. An oxvncr shall be entitled lo a positive determination of vested rights I~,r APF only il' he dcmtmstratcs by substantial competent evidence tkat hq is entitled to cmnplctc his development without regard to thc olhcrxvisc applicable pn)visi{ms of lhis division based on thc provisions of I:.5. ~t63.3167{8). or all three of t}~c Ik~lloxxing requirements ol' the three-part lest under Florida CtlllllllOll law: l) upon SOIl1¢ act or omission of thc county. 2) a property owner relying in good fitith. 3) has made such a substantial change in position or has incurred such extensive obligations and expenses that it wo ~ld be highly inequitable and unjust to destroy thc rights acquired. Words ;truck tlma~ arc deleted, words underlined arc, &lcd. 93 ?_ 3.15.~Z.3.1. 3.15.gZ.3.1.1, 3.15.gZ.3.1.2. 3.15.g~.3.1.3. 3.15.g7.3.~1.4~4. Limitu/i.n tm dctt'rmina/ion t!f vex/ed /'~qhts fi: ,.II'P~ A determination of vested rights tbr APF ~dfich grants an application determination of ~cstcd rights fi*r APF shall expire and be null void unless construction is commenced pursuant 1o a final dcvclopmcm order, final subdivision plal. or final sit,,: development plan. within two 5cars after II~e issuance of Iht determination of vested rights Ibr APF under this section or unless subslm~lial permanent buiklings have been. or arc being construclcd or installed pursuant Io a valid, unexpired, final development order of Collier County within tx~o years after issuance of thc determination of vcslcd rights tbr APF under this Section 3.15,gZ.2.7.. and such development pursuant to a final development order, final subdivision plal. final site development plan. final subdivision master plan. or planned unit dcvdopmcnt maslcr plan is continuing in good fidth. 'Iht albrcmcntioncd twn-ycar time limilation on thc determination vcslcd rights fi)r APF shall be stayed during any time periods within ~dfich commencement ofconstmclion pursuant Io a final tlevclopmcnt order. Iinal subdivisim~ plat, or final silo development plan prnhibitcd {)r dcl~rrcd by the county solely as a rcsuh of lack of adequate public lhcititics Io serve Ibc propcrb', pursuant to fids division. ( 't'rl~ficale t~! puhlic./ttciliO, ~tdequtic): C;uncral. A valid, unexpired ccrtilicatc of public Ihcility adequacy shall be obtained al the Illing lbr the earliest or next m occur of' fi;iai subdMsinn plul. final site development plan or building permit. provided htmcvcr, any development orders except a final local development order may be npprovcd or issued provklcd they arc expressly conditioned on the issuance ora ccrtilicate of public thcilily adequacy prior m building permit approval and provided thc owner and applicant proceed al lheir o~vn risk and expressly waive and release thc counl?' in ~riting Ihm~ any and nil lhlure claims of vested righls and equitable estoppel rcsuhing l}onl such conditional approval or aclions relying thereon. At the applicant's request, the county shall review :md ttpprove, or deny. an application Ibr a ccrlificale of public Ihcility adequacy prior to thc considcralion of an appllcalion Ik~r development approval Ibr any dcvclopmcnl order needed Ibr a proposed development prior to rcccipl of a Ilnal subdivision plat approval. Ihml silo development plan approval, or building permit approval. Where the proposed development has been issued Ii[nd subdivisim~ plat approval or llnal site dcvdopmcnt plan approval prior lo Iht cl'l~clivc dale of this dMsion, a certificate of public I~cilib' adcqt[acy shall bc oblaincd prior to approval of thc next development order required lbr thc proposed development. All applicable impac! fccs and system development IL'cs Ibr a development shall be paid into thc hnpact Fee Escrow Trust Fund in thc amount estimated lo be due upon isstiancc of thc building permil(s} lbr the development upon or prior lo issuance of a Ccrtificalc of Public Facility Adequacy l~r the dcvclopmcm, except in the inslance of a simuhancous application fi~r a building permit(s) and a Ccrtilicme of Public Facility Adequacy in ~dfich case(s) nil applicable impact tgcs and system development Igcs will be paid directly into thc appropriate impact I~'c fired at Ibc time Iht building Words ~rt:ck tlm~ are dclcled. ~ortls underlined nrc ,:,ldcd. 04 3.15.~Z.3 2. 3.15.~Z.3.2.1. 3.15.8Z.3.2.2. 3.15.gZ.3.2.3. 3.15.g~. pcrmills) and ('crlificalc arc picked t,p by Iht applicant. Thc payment of ll~c cstimalcd impacl and s)'slcm development I~cs into thc Impact Fcc [~scrow Trust Fund shall be applied as a credit towards thc impact and system development lbcs calculated and duc upon issuance of thc building pcrmh(s) fi~r thc development. Inlpacl mid syslcm development lk'cs paid into thc Impact Fcc I~scrow Trust Fund shall be rcl'undablc tlpOll xxrittcn request to Ibc CollllllUBity I)cvc[opmcllt and 15B'ironmcntal SuB'ices l)Msion Administrator accompanied by thc surrender of thc origi}ml Ccrtilicm¢ or Public Facility Adequacy obtained prior to issuance of building permit(s) fi~r Ibc development. I:ccs paid upon issuance el'building permit{s) in accordance with Ibc applicable impact Ik'c or system development Igc ordinances shall be rclkmdablc pursuam to lhe provisions of such ordinances upon written request lo the Finance I)irector. Clerk of Courts. kttlu~ ,/ gem'rul tq;plicuhiliO' ./i,' c'urt!fic, tu ~t/' Imhlic .fltcility tldC't/lltlC.¥. Timm,~. An application for a certificate of public I'acilily adequacy may be submitted at ~,ny time. subject to Scclion I. ('on.¥nli&aed ~q~plication. A building permit, final subdivision plat or final site development plan shall receive final approval only to thc extent m ~hich the proposed development receives a ccrtilicatc of public Ii~cility adequacy. The application tbr a certificate of public lhcility adequacy may be submitted with an application lbr development approval. ~ here appropriate trader this dMskm. ..lsxi.gm~hilil3' rm,I Irun.~i/L'rMfflio'. A ccrtificalc of public Ihcilily adequacy shall run with thc land. shall be assignable within proposed development, nnd shall not be assignable or transl~rablc other dcvclopmcnt. l£rpirution. A ccrtiticate of public facilily adequacy shall expire three years I?om the date of its approval except to Ihe cxlcnl that building permits have been issued liar the proposed development lbr Milch thc ccrtilicalc is approved, and thc proposed development is then completed pursuanl to thc terms of the Collier County Building provided: For development comprised o1' more Ihan 500 residential dxvclling units, or for a phased illcrclnc[ll o1' dc'.'e[opnl¢llt comprised of more titan 150 residential dwelling traits, or for a comrncrcial/indt,strial development of more than 100.000 square I'cct of gross leasable area. a certificate of public fi, oilily adcqttacy shall expire live )'cars from lite date el' its approval except lo tile cxlcnl Ihat bt,ildir~g pcrnlils have been issued for Ibc proposed development for v, hich tile certificate is approved, and the proposed development is then completed pt,rsuanl to the lerms of the Collier County Building Code, provided thc ccrtilicatc holder: Obtains approval el' its final subdMsion plat rind tinal site development plan. whichever is applicable, within 12 months from thc date of isst,ance of thc certificate of public facility adequacy: and Corn,nonces construction of tile infrastructure for tile final subdivision plat and final site development plan. whichever is applicable, within 24 months t?om the date or issuance of the cerlillcale o1' public fi~cility adequacy: and Words ,ara 'el.41m,*tth ;ire deleted, words underlined are ,,' ..: 3.15.g2. 3.15.g~.3.2.5. 3.15.8Z.3.2.6. {.'omplctcs thc construction t~l' thc inl'rastructurc for thc final subdivision plat and final site development plan. xvhichcvcr is applicable, and records thc linal subdivision plat in linc public records of Collier County. il' applicable, within 36 lllOllths frolll thc date of issuance oflhc certificate ol'pulqic Ihcility mlcquacy. For purposes of determining tile expiration o1' ~, ccrtilicatc of public facility adequacy for a mixed usc development. Ibc si×c of thc mixed usc development shall be determined by aggregating the percentage of thc threshold For each land usc component idcnlilicd in scclion I Ibat is proposed for tile mixed usc development. I'://i.'ct. Issuance ~fl' a ccrtific;,tc .f public facility adequacy shall demonstrate proof of adequate public [~cilitics to serve thc development approved in thc development order, subject to thc conditions in thc development order. A subsequent application development approval Ibr development approved in a development order Ibr ~dfich a ccrtil]calc of public Ihcility adequacy has been approved shall be dclcrmincd m have adcqualc public Ik~cilitics as krug as the certificate of public fimility adequacy is valid and unexpired. When a ccrtilicatc of public Ihcility adequacy expires, any subscqucnl application lhr development ~pproval shall require a new certificate of public lhcility adequacy Io be issued pursuant to thc Icrms of this scctim~ prior m approval of any subsequent dcvclopmcnl order lbr tile proposed development. Anything in Ibis Ordinance to Iht conlrary notwithstanding, all Cerlificatcs of Public Facilily Adequacy approved or issued I}om date that Ibc Community l)cvclopmcnt and 15wironmcntal Services Division Administrator presents thc proposed ASI boundary maps thc Board of County Commissioners. as provided bv Section gZ.4.2.3. through lbo dale that the boundaries and the Annual Residual Capacity Trip Allotments fi~r each AS1 are approved by thc Board shall be expressly conditioned upon any and all restrictions. limitations, provisions, boundaries and allotments adopted by thc Board of County Commissioners pursuant lo Section ~4.3. P..'ffecl ~?/'develw,nent agreement in coi!/ltncliotl with a certificate qf imhlic hwilio' adcquao'. Upon approval by Ibc board of county commissioners, any applicant may enter into a development agreement with Collier County pursuant to Ibc proviskms of F.S. ~163.3220-3242. in cra[junction wilb Ibc approval ora development order and'or a ccrlilicate ol'public I~cility adequacy. Thc cl'l~ct of thc development agrcc~lcnl shall be lo bind thc parties pursuant to lbo terms and conditions of thc development agreement iuld lbo certificate of public thcility adequacy in order to insure that adcquale public Iktcililics arc twailablc to serve the proposed development concurrent with xvbcn the impacts o1' lbo development occtlr oi1 lbo public fi~cilitics. I)cvclopmcnt agreements may address conditional devdopn~cnt oaler approvals and conditkms fi*r renewal of thc ccrtilicatc of public fi~cilily adequacy beyond live years, however, the duration ol'any cenilicmc of public fi~cility adequacy shall nol exceed lix'c years. I)cvclopmcnl agreements may also provide tk*r private provision of public I)~cililics or Ibr a joint endeavor bclx~ccn thc prix'alu sector and Collier County Io provide public fi~cilitics. Any public fi~cility in file five year schedule of capital Improvcmcnls in thc CIE on which such a certificate of adequate public Ihcilitics is made ill conjtnlctio~l wilh the approval of a development order and a development agreement shall Ilol be dekwed, dclkrrcd, or removed fro~ll thc live year schedule of impnwcmcnl~ in thc CIE. Word,, ~m~4,-qimu~h are delclcd. ,.vords [mderlined ar,: .Mded. 96 I. 3.15.g2.3.4.2. A'uhmis.¥it,u o/'~lq~licotio~t trod/et'. An Applicalitm Ibr a ('crtilicalc of Public I:acilit> ..Xdcquac> shall bc submiucd Io thc ('ommtmily l)cxclopmcnt zHld 15nvironn~cntal Services Division ,,~dministrator. ;Xn npplication shall be submiucd at Iht Iiling el'thc earliest or next to occur of Iinal subdivision plal. Iinal silo dcvclopmcnl plan. or building permit. An application Ikc in an illllOtlDI IO be determined by Ibc Iloard of County Commissioners shall ilccolllpally ;llld be part of the application. .,llq~lic~ili~,~ c~,;t¢~tt.~. Thc l'{~rm and conlcnls I'{~r tl~e ~\pplicalion I'~r I'ublic I:aciliLv Adequacy shall be established by Ibc Ctmm~unily l)cvclopmcnt and l(nvironmctmH Services Division/\dminis~rator and shall bc pt,blisl~cd nnd n'~ad¢ :tvailable to thc gcncr~,l public. [)ctt'r/~tD~tt/t~t t~/ ctmq~/ctt'~tc.~.~ tttu! /'evit'u'. Al~cr receipt of an Applicalitm I~r ('crlil~catc o1' Public Facility Adcqttacy. thc Communit5 l)exclopment ired linviromncnml Services Division Administrator shall determine whether it is complete within lhrce business dnys. I1' it is determined that thc application is not complete. x~rillcn notice shall be served on the applicant specifying the dclicicncics. Thc ('ommunity Development nnd l';nvironmcntal Services l)ixisitm :Xdministrator shall take no l~rthcr aclion on thc application unless the dclicicncics arc remedied. Within live business days al~cr Iht application is determined to be complete, thc ('ommtmily I)evclopmcnt ~md t!nvironmental Services I)ivision Administrator shall review and grant, or den5' each public Ihcilily component in thc applicnlion pursuant to thc slandards established in Section g2.3.5. ..[l~l~cttl t~ l'ttl>/ic l"ttt'ifilic.v l)elcrmi~ttttit,t,41q~cttl ('tm~,~illc¢. \Vilhin 30 dass al~cr [ssmmcc oI' Iht dctcrminatio~ o1' thc l)c~clopmcnt ;l;ld I{nvironmcntal Services Division Athninislralor Ibc Applicalion tier a Ccrtil]calc of Public l:acilily rXdcqtmcy, thc applicant may appeal thc determination el' thc l)cvclopmcnt and Enviromncnlal Services Division Administrator thc Applicalion liar a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy lo thc Public I:acililics l)ctcrmination Appeal Committee. A Ibc tier thc application and processing on an nppcal shall be cslablishcd at n rate set by Iht Board o1' County Commissioners l?om lime Io lime and shall bc charged IO and paid by the applicant. Thc Public Facilities l)ctcrmination ,Xppcal Commitlcc shall hold a hearing on Ibc nppcal and shall consider thc dclcrmination of thc Community I)cvclopmcnt and llnvironmcnlal Services Division Administrator and public tcslimony in light of all thc criteria set li~rth in Ncction g2.3.5 of lhis Ordinance. Thc Public Facilities I)clcrmination Appeal shall aclt~pt Ibc Uommtmily Dcvclopmcnl iHld I~nvironmcnliH Services Division Adminislrator's dclerminalion on thc Application li,r n Ccrtiticatc of Public Facility Adequacy with or wilhoul moditScations or conditions, or reject lhe Community Development and l!nvironmcmal Services Division Adminislrator's determination. The Public I:acilitics Determination Appeal Committee shall not be authori/.ed 1o mt~dil~' or r<}cct Ibc Community I)cvclopmcnl and linvironmcntal Services l)ivision Administrmor's determination unless the Public Facilities l)clcrminalion Appeal Commiltce 15rids lhal Ibc determination is riel supported by subslanlial compclcnt evidence or that tho Colllmtlllil}' l)cvcloF,ncnt iHld l'~nvironnlcntal Services I)ivision Administrator's dclcrminalion is contrary to the crilcria cslablishcd in Section 82.3.5 of lhis '.)rdimmcc. Thc decision Words ~,uo~gh arc dclclcd. ~¥ords underlined nrc ,,,' :1 07 3.15.8Z.3.5.1. 3.15.8Z. 3.15.8~. 3.15.8Z. 3.15.8~. 3.15, 3.15.8Z. of thc I'ublic Facilities I)clcrmirmtion Appeal Committee shall include findings of I'act for each of the criteria. ('omln,.~itio, q/'lmhlic.fiwilities delermituttion aplwul commitlee. Thc public Ihcilitics dctcmfination appeal committee shall bc comprised of x~orks division director, or his designee: metropolitan plamfing organization (MPO) coordinator, or his designee: and thc ~ r~ cnuinccrinu review services manager, or his ¢lcsigncc. ('tmcclhttio, q£certifictaes. Upon notilication by thc Community I)cvdopmcnt and I~nvironmcnlal Services l)Msion Administrator or his designee, lhat an application fi~r a Cc~ificate of Public Facility Adequacy has been approved and a Certificate issued, fl~c applicant shall bare 30 calendar days to pick up the Certificate and pay all applicable impact and system development I~cs. If Iht applicanl Ihils to pick up thc Certificate and pay thc appropriate t~cs within 20 calendar days of notification of approval, a second notil]calion of pending cancellation of Ibc Certificate will be sent to linc applicant by certified mail. If thc applicant docs not pick up Iht Certificate and pay all applicable fees within ten calendar days of notification by certified mail. the Certificate will be voided. In such a case. applicant shall then be required to apply for issuance of a new Certificate. Certificates issued simultaneously x~ith building pcrmits shall be voided it'lhe applicant fails to pick up Ibc building permit and lhils to pay ail applicable fccs within thc lime period during which such building permit(si remain(s) valid. ,gwulw'dx.fi: review q/'~qqdicution. Thc Iblh)wing standards shall be used in thc dclcrmination of ~d~cthcr to grant or deny a ccrtiticatc of public ffacilily adequacy. Bclbrc issuance of a certificate of public I~cility adequacy, thc application shall l~lfill thc standards for each public facility component (potable water, sanitaD' scwcr..solid waste. drainage, parks and roads}, I~olahh' n'uler fiwililiex. Thc potable v, alcr component shall bc grained il'vny of tile follov.'ing conditions arc nlct: 'l'be required public facilities are ill place lit tile time a building pcrmi! is issued. Thc required public facilities arc t,ndcr constrt,cliorl at the time a building permit is issued. Thc required public facilities arc guaranlecd in an cnfi*rce:ible development agrccmenl that includes tile provisions of subseclions 8.3.5.!.!.! and S.3.5.!.!.2 ,h'unituo' .~cn'cr fiwilitic.¥. The sanitary sewer component shall bc granted if any of tile Ibllo,Mrig conditions ;irc met: Thc required public facilities are in place lit tile time a building permit is issued. Thc required public facilities ;irc under t.,mstruction at the time a building permit is issued. Words ~,m~4,..4h..~h arc deleted, 'words underlined ;.irc :~,!.~cd. 98 3.13.g2. Thc required public facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement lb:l! includes tile proviskms of Subscctitms ~.1- and ~ 3.15.g2.3.5.3. Xolid wa.¥tc./iwilitics. 31qg73.5.3.1. The solid waste componc,lt shall be granted it' any of thc Iblloxving conditions are mol: Thc required public Ihcilitics arc in place itt ibc time a building permit is issued. 3. I :,.g7.';.'L';. 1.2. The required public facilities are under construction at the time a building permit is issued. 'lhe required public facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable dcx'clopmcnt aurccmcnt that includes Ibc provisions of Subsections ~ .xl >.7.3.>?.1.1 and ~ a.I..7.3.5..,.I .2. I)r, imigc [ucililicx. 'l'b¢ drainage component shall be gr:mlcd if thc proposed development has a drainage and water management plan that has been approved by thc environmental sc~'iccs division IJlal mcc~s fl~c l.OS lbr Capital Drainage l:ucilitics defined in Subscclion 3.15.g7.3.5.5. /'ark aml rccrcatio, fiwilitie.¥. 3.15.1; I. The parks and rccrcalion component shall be granted if any of the following conditions arc met: 3.15.1; Thc required public facilities are in place at tile time a building permit is issued. Thc required public facilities arc under construction al the time a building permit is issued. 3 lq873'~ 5 1.3. The required public facilities are tile subject of a binding contract executed for Ibc construction of those public fi~cilitics which provides Ibr commencement tffaclual conslruclion within one year of issuance ol'a building permit. 3.I3. Thc required public lhcilitics arc guaranteed in ;tn cnRlrccablc development agrccrrlcnt that inchldcs lhc pmviskms off gst,bscctions '.~' .'..'_ ' .?..'..'..?.',,. I .2 and 3.15.87.'I.'~.6. Roud./iwililiex. The road compcm,2nt shall be considered based upon xq~ctbcr thc proposed development is outside a designated ASI or x~itbin a designated ASI. I. l)cvulolmWnt ma¥idc dc.vigmm'd urca q/'.¥igni/h'ant iq/hwnce where Ju~ ..I.W exLstx. For development outside a designated ASI. or xdlcr¢ no ASI cxisls, the road ct mponcnt shall be granlcd. 3.15.1; Derclo/)ment withi, de.¥kt:mtled ttrett of M,ffa~ficunl iq/hie,cc (..lSD. For development within a designated ASI covering a potentially delicicnt road segment, lite road componcpt shall be ;tpprovcd. stlbjcct to available capacity, if it is demonstrated ti:,2 proposed development will not make the potentially deficient road ::egm,mt xvitbin the ASIa d¢ficicn! rol,d segment. Iii the instap.:c where the proposed development will create a deficient road ... ,n.:t. a certificate of V,,'ord,; ~n ',,~h41~,mgh ale deleted, v, ords underlined arc a,. !...c 99 public facility adequacy for the road component shall be approved only for that portion of thc dcxclopmcnl that docs not create the deficient road segment. For development wiflfin a designated covering a deficient road segment. Iht road component shall be approved only li~r that portion of the development that docs not increase thc net trips on Ihe dcliclcnl road scgmcnl and docs not further degrade tl~e I.OS of the delicient road ~'gment. 3.15.~48.1. The provisions of tiffs division shall be liberally construed effectively carry out its purpose in the interest of the public hcahh. salary, xvclfi~rc and convenience. If any section, phrase, sentence or portion of this dixision is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not cflbct thc validity of thc remaining portion. 3.15.~_8.3. A ~ h~lation of this division shall be misdemeanor punishvblc according to law: hmvcxer, in addition to or in lieu of any criminal prosecution. Collier Counly shall have thc power lo sue in civil courl to cnlbrcc Iht proxisions of tiffs division. SUBSECTION 3..h A,MENI)Y, IENTS TO I'I.ANNING COMMISSION DIVISIf)N l)ivision 5.2.. Planning Commission. of Ordin:lnce 91-102. as amended, the Collier county l.and l)cvclt,pmcnt Code. is hereby amended lo read as lbllows: I)iVISION 5.2 PLANNING COMMISSION Sec. 5.2.11. Appeals. As ltl any land development petition or application upon vdfich tile pla,ming commission t.qkes final action, an aggrieved petitioner, o~ applican£ tlr an a~,erieved ~ may appeal such final actkm lo the board of county commissioners. An am2rieved or adversely affeclcd parlv is defined as an,,' ~xstm or ,rou of crsons which will suffer an adverse affect to an interest protected or furthered by tile Collier Cot, nlv Growlh Manattcmcnt Plan.~ l.and l)cvelopmcn! Code. or buiklin~ed adverse interest may be shared in common with oilier members of the ccmmmnitv al lame. but shall exceed in ~cncral inlcrcsl in community g.ood shared by ~ersons. Thc board of county commissioners may al'fim~, afl]rm conditions, rc~crsc or reverse with conditions thc action of thc planning c,,,nn~issi,,n. Such appeal shall be filed wilh the development services director x~iflfin 30 days of thc date of thc final action by the planning commission and shall be noticed lbr hearing with Ihe board of counly commissioners, as applicable, in thc same manner as the petition or application was noticed lbr hearing wilh thc planning comnfisskm. Thc cost of notice shall be borne by thc pclitioneq ~ applicant or aeericved SLIIISECTION3.K: AMENi)MENTS TO ENVIiIONMENTAI, AI)VISORY iIOARI) I)IVISION l)ivision 5.13..l:.nvironmcntal Advisory Board. of Ordinance 91-102. as amo~ded, the Collier (.'ount.v l.:md l)cvclopnlcnt Code. is hereby amended to read as fl,flows: l)IVISION 5.13 ENVIRON,MENTAL ADVISORY BOARD Words ~~ are deleled. ~ ords underlined are a, I 0D I~t ~ bEsli men I~)~ he-envi r~m men I ,l-,d ~,.~ .r~4m, rd~,-~lml L~h men t Aulhorilyrfunclhmss posers nmi dulius, '1 'l'~%m.,wers-m M-alu t4e~ ~¢4 h~t4A4 ~,-are-a~, 4 k~ws~ 3.5, 5.! gec. ~.! 3.3.. ~lembershil~ Wt~rds ,,tr~ac4,,-fl.~,~h ;irt' deleted. ~gords undcrlined ;irc IOl ..................................... ~ ~r~:::', r~ and :vmuml re:~mrce:; ma:x:~eme:m air ~~riale !~l~tM: a:;. T:'.:H~4ber.+,o.-i41~erve ucth;! .C. eptem, ber-30. 199.~.' 5.13.).5. ~. T::;: members :: [!I serve ut'4il-~el~temi~F-:M). 1005. 5. I ). ?'-:6. (,M'fiee rs-a n d-su p lu ) r I-s.' hi ff, V', ords .~r ............. e,, are deleted, words underlined aru Idded. 102 5.t3.1.1. aHl~-ne~ bre~ u[ar-n~ti n~%t~h~l~4h m~hall4~[~ ~r-t he-tme~ pir~l ), leering:;, q uor~a ntl~-u les-~f-p~t, edu re: 'l'h~ EAt~. :;ha!!. b.,y-majoril? vote .".~'-er~irem~eml;ert;hip-~pt p.:k't; ~tLpr, '~--,tlu,-%~-4 he tra:',:;;:cti~>n iff' bu:;in~:;:; ;:nd :;]~ll kee~ rcc;~rd ;fi' :::c~-:in~:;. r~:;oh:tion:;, l~::g:; and dclcrnfi~m:;. ']-l~ !(A!~ay et;mt~:~cmmitt~:; cc:~ri:;ed :;c!e!y cf it:: ~m~n to lhe :;amc publk ::cli:e re~:ent:; a:; that c~ 5.!3.5.!. ,'\! th.,: re,¢~ ilar :'.:e~ing:; of the liAP., five ?,4~,,,,4.g-sha!! be '.he cr,,le~ 5.!3.5.!.!. 5.13.5..L.'-.. ()Id 5.13.5:!.!. 5.!.-..5.!.5. Public 5. ! 3.5. !.6. Words ,,i-r-m.'L :!:r;::.:i:h are dclclcd, v, ords underlined art.' ,dded. 103 Heimbursemen tq~Pe,~ pen.~e~ Revie~-prt~,ess~ .Nec. 5.13.1. I:.st'.d:.lishment of the envir, nmentnl atlvisorv council. 5.13. I.I. There is herclw established "The I~nvironmcntal Advis. rv Council" Milch shall herein be relk'rred to as Iht EA('. The l{nviromncnlal Advisory Iloard is hereby abolished as ol' 12d days after the el'l~clive Words ,,4~4~hr~*~h arc dclcled, v. ords underlined arc :'ddcd. I o.I 2 date of this ;uncndmcnl or th,,: first mcctin~ o1' thc I'b\('. x~ hichc', ur occurs c;trlicr. Al tl~c dale mid lime ol'lh¢ lirst mccliuu, ol'the I".,\(' tis provkled all mailers still p,:ndim! hcfor¢ tile I!AP, ipso I'acto shall trunsferr,:d Io the Ii,,\(' and shall be thc fin.;t realtors ot'conskh:rali,m bv thc I:A('. Any rel;erences ~ ithin the land dcvcJopmen! c~dc Io thc l'5~vironmcntal Advisory Board shall now rel'ur lo thc cn~ ironmenlat adx isorv council. .";cc. 5.13.2. Auth.rilv, funcli.ns~ pos~ ers nmi dulics. 'Iht I:...\(' ohmin~ its jurisdiclion, poxvcrs, and limii~ ofaufl~,~rilv from ll~e board ol'cotnlty commissl.ncrs, hereinafter rclL'rrcd Io as ~l~c board, and pursuanl to Ibis code. shall act in an advisory capacity 1o thc board in mailers dealin~ with the rcgulalion, control, manaucmcnl. usc or cxploilalion ol'illlV or all naltlra] resources ol'or xx ithin thc county and thc review and evaluation ol'spccilSc zonin.K and devclopmgnt pclithms and their impact on lhose rcsourcc<. Thc 1'3\(' xx ill I'uncficm :\dx is¢ on Ihe preservation, conscrvalhm, protection. manaeClllCnt mid beneficial use of thc physical and biolouical natural resources (almosphgric, Icrrcslrial. aqtlalic alld hvdrolo~,ic) orlJle courtly in re~ard Io Ihe safblv, healtJ~ and ucncral well-being ol~.!he punic; {2) :\dvise and assist lhe county stafl'and hoard toward developing t.he purpose, intent :md criteria ol'all comm.' ordinances, policies~ programs and other iniliativcs dcalinu ~x ith naltlral resources. Ih',x ldo xx rittcn and oral rcpt~rls dir¢clh to thc board I'c,.2'ardin,.2' rt..'ciuIllllCDdilliOll5 till Ill;lllcrS (4) ]~u,.ic,,. and recnnlm,end slipulalitms addressinR tile prcscrvalion, conservation, protection, IllaDill2Olll,Jlll and bcncllcial use olhhe COtltllV's physical and biological natural resources tatmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic ;md hydrologic) I'or petitions and/or plans lbr selected development orders. includinu but not limited lo rczoncs, dcvclopmcnls o1' regional impact, provisional uses. subdivision master plans and pkumcd trait dcvelopmenl amendments lhal are dirccled lo Iht I'~AC by cotmlx st;tiT, tile hoard, or file provisions ol'this code. 'Ibc pm~crs and duties of the I'LA(' arc as f~llows: (1) hlcnti f'.., study, evaluate, ;md provide technical rgcOllllll,JlldHlioll.'4 to th,2 board otl prourams llOCess:.trv lbr tile CO~lscrvlttitm. nlanilt~t?lllt2111 illld prolectiotl oJ' air. JamJ. ;.llld x~alcr resources and cnvironmcmal qualilv in Ih,: county. Advise thc hoard irt establishing goals and ohicclives for tile COlllltV'.'q ,2nvirol'Hlletllal conservation illld lllilll.51g,2i'llolll programs. (3) Advise tile Nmrd in developing anti revising, as appropriate, local rules, ordinances, regulations, programs nnd olhcr Words ~n::k :l~vgh arc deleted. ~s ords underlined are >dded. 105 thc cO!.lllJV'~4 IHlltlrHJ r~sourccs. AdHs¢ thc hoard in Iht.implementation and dcv,.'l,pmcnt o1' Ibc urm:.lh Illall.[l~CIll¢Ill plan rc[zardi~l~ ¢llVironmc~lial and ..\dvis¢ thc hoard in idundl\'in~ and rcco:nmcndinu, s::lufions Io c×isting and fulurc Cl1','irOlllllClli:II iS.qtlC.q. .'Serve as the technical advisory commiu¢c to advise and assisl thc cra:aw in dm activities involved in Ibc developmcnl and ill_jlp]CIllCllIH1i~Ill oi'thc COtll:t¥ cnvir:mmcntal rcsmlrccs mar~aucment prouram as staled in policy 1.1. I of thc c~mscr:.'alion and coastal marml~cmCl~l clcmcnl of ibc 12rov. lh Ill:lIl[ll2ellll~ Fit It:is code. (8} ['rm idc till opporlunitv fi*r public Cl;llllllClll Oil cnvirtmmcnlal issues. (:rdillallccs :Illd pro~ralllS. hnplcmcnt thc pro: isi:ms .f thc conscrvathm ;md c:mslal llllIIl:l[/ClllCllt ClClllCnl of'the CmlnlV'S c(m~prchc,sivc plan durine d:c review process I'or dcvclopmcnl pclitions and'or plans. (10) I'articipatc ii: tile review ;,nd rccommcndaliem process for excavations over 500JK/O (.'.Y.. as pnwided for in divisiem 3.5. (II) Assist in IhclimpJcmentalion ofanv new proj2lr:llllS, ordinances and/or policies adopted by tile hoard which deal with Iht conservation, ill.;.lll.~lgCillelll [llld prol¢clion of air. land, v,'atcr and natural resources and cnvironmcnlal quality in ('oilier ('Otllllv. l'rox idc an ::ppcllate tim:n: and process to hear dispmcs I~ctx~ccn C~Ul~llv stuff and applicants conccrnin~ I:md development projects and recmnmcnd proposed stipulations lbr pr{qcct approval or grounds lbr project denial IBr board considcrlllion. (I 3) Function :is all environlllCnlal impacl slatcmcnt (It. IS) review Nxird ptlrStl.:tllt to division 3.8. 1ll4} Iht I{.,\(' slxill pre~,cnt :m :inllllal report Io thc I,ourd :ti a rcuulur I,,,::rtl mcclint it: X1::, of each xem'. 'l ho repor! sh.:111 Ib, l tl~c I'...\( "~. :ll..'hiC\lk'l]]clli% fi:r iht pr~i.r _,.'[';il'. prcscnl ils ?bjcclix cs I':,r tile co:hi,,_, ,'ct.' nmi hi:zhli~2hl cnvil'onmClm, I iSS:lCS Ihal nccd further sludv. Sec. 5.13.3. .Mcml:crship. 5.13.3.t. Nine members of thc EAC shall hc appointed by and serve :it tl:c pleasure of the board. Appointment to thc EAC shall bc by resolution ol'the hoard and shall scl IBrth thc date of appointment and the term Words ~-~.h-41w,~, .~.4~ ;irc deleted. 's~ords ,ndcrlilwd ;irc :ti .~':d. 106 ; 2 circulation x~ilhin the cotmtv nnd v~qcancx notices shall I',0.~osl0d in Ibc county libraries and count,,' courthouse., .',Icmbcrs shall bt..N~ermanunl residents arid ch:clots ol'('ollicr ('nunl~ illld sJlt~tlld J*,c rt_gj)ulaJ'~lc al~d acli~e in COllltllUIlil't.' service. The primary consideralion in ~ Ii.,\(' members shall provide d~e board ',~ lib technical expertise and other vie,.~ poims art: necessary Io ¢l'feclivt'Iv accom£1ish ll~e l:.A("s.pjtr_posc, lit ~rs rite board should consider a mcmbershiE uuldclin¢ tH'six lechnical members and three non-l¢chnical members. 'l'cchnical members shall dcmonstralc evidence ofcxpcrlise in one or nlore o1' thc I'olhm.'hlg areas rdatcd to crwironnl¢~llal .protection and natural resources tllllllil~CtlIOlll: air.tlualitv, biolo,,~anv of the subdiscipliI~os such :ts bolall processes. CSluarinelm~cesses. }lazardotls ~t. asl¢. hvdro,e.¢olot~v. h', drolo~v~,,'e kmninu, ollution con lrol. solitl ~ asl¢. slornl~valcr lllallaL, OlllOlll. ',talcr resnurces, x~ i ldlife management, or other rc. prcscnlalive arc:ts deemed ~ the board. 'lh¢ inilial lerms of rtl'lice ol'fl~¢ members oflhe I!A(' shall be as IMo mcml~crs k~ill serve for a term hi'one ~car. 'I'~o members ~ ill scrx c Ibr a term O~It~O years. 'I'~,~ members ~ ill serve I~r a term nl'fl~rce years. Ihruc recruiters ~ill serve Ibr a lerm of lbur years. :\flor Ih¢ inidal Icrm ol'a.p~oinlm,enl, each a_p_t~ointmcnl or reappnintmcnt shall bt: for a term of four years. Terms shall he staL'~0rcd so lh;.i[ 11o 111or¢ Ihall 1! minoriw o1' SUCh mOlllbcr5' a_kL~.poinlmcnls ~ill ex_:5..pir¢ in any one Year. ..\n~ member ol'thc i(.,\(' may be rcnlovcd I'rom of'floc by :l See. 5.13.4. vole ol'lhc board I~l'COtllllX CO[llllliSSiOllgrs. l!xccp_.L ~ here olhem is¢ set forlh herein, iht pro~ isinns oF f)rdinanc¢ g6-41 ~ tl. shalla Iv. Officers :md su~pnrl stall'. 'l he hi'liters of the IL.X(' shall bca chairman al~d a vicu-chairlmm. ()fliccrs' terms shall bc Ibr nnc year. wilh cliuibililv Ibr rcclcclion. 'Ibc chairman and vice-chairman shall be elected by a majority vole at and lhcrcal'tcr al Ihe first re.L~ular mecling of tire I'~A(' in ()ctohcr of each year. The chairman shall pr,zside al all m¢¢lint~s ol'11~e 1L, XC. 'l'h~ x'~ce- ch;drman shall pcrfimn II~ dul~cs of Ihe chairman h~ lhe absence or hlcllpacilv 01' Ih6 chairman. In case ol'rcmoval, rcsi¢nation or death of Iht chairman, ll~c vice-chairman shall perl~rm such dulics as arc imposed on thc chairman unlil fitlCJl lime as II~c FAC shall eject a new ch;drman. Should Ibc offices of chairman andqw vice-clmirman hccomc vacanl, I1~¢ IL,NC stroll elect a successor fr ~ n its membership itt thc next rcmdar.mccling..quch election shall be for d~¢ unexpired term of said I'rofessitmal support staff' for the I:.A(, shall b¢ proGdcd by thc communil~ dc~ch~pmcnt and environmental services division and SUCh olJlcr county slafr I~onl clscM~erc within thc CtlIIBIV ~twcrnnlel!t as may, l~om lime lo time, be requested by thc IL,NC trod dccmcd nccc~sarx hx IbC cotml~' adnlhlislralor. .qec. 5.13.5. .Mccling.% quorum and rules or procedure. Rceular mcclines ol'lhc I:.,,\C shall bc held on linc firs! NVcdncsdav of ClICI1 moIllh ill t):()(I :t. H1. or olhcrwisc its dmcrmincd by IIlc £'ommunitv l)cvclopmcnl and linvironmcnlal ,'C. erviccs Adminismm~r. in thc commissioner's mcctine rotan. 'l'lfird Floor. Buiktine "F.- Collier ('ountv (hwcrnmcnt Complex. Naples, ('oilier ('ounlV. Florida. fipccial mcctinus of thc EAC may be called by Iht clmirman or hv a maioritv of thc membership., ,\ simple majorilv of thc appoinled members ol'thc I~,.~(' shall CollsliltllC a quorunl fi~r thc purpose oJ'COllduclill~ Business. An afl]rmativc vole ol' linc or lllOrc IllL'IllhCFS shall bc llCCCsgilrv in twtJcr Io take ol'liciaJ action, regardless ol'~hcther I'ive or more illClllbcrs of thc I:.A(' arc present al a -nectilm. Thc I'iAC shall, by majority vole of 111¢ entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for the transaction of business and shall kccp q record of meetings, resolutions, Iindines and dctcrminalions. Thc Iblhminu standine suhcommiltccs comprised solely of its membership shall exist m advance thc duties and responsibilities thc IL.X(': Thc FA(' may establish ofl~cr subcommiuccs comprised solely 01' its membership to Ihcililatc its fimctions. Nicotines of ibc subcommil~ccs shall otto form to thc same public notice rcquircn}cnls its that ol'lhc At thc regular meetings of thc IL&C, ti~c fi~llo~ ing shall be linc order oJ' btlSillcSs: Roll call. .,\pprox al of thc nlinulcs of previous mcctimz. ()Id business. Ney, business. Public co mncntT, Adjournment.. Words ,,trl~.hk-4Jt~'*mgh ;ire dclcled, xxortls tmderlincd a ,: .~ddrd. 108 Itcm.~ shall come befnre lilt: I':,,\(' as scheduled on the supporl staff prepared a~cnda unless a specific request arises x~hich jusdlies de~ ia;ion by tile I".AC. Set'. $.13.(,. Scope of I:md devehH)menl prniecl reviexYs. Thc I'b\(' shall revie~v :dl land development pcddons ~hich rctltmirq Iht Iblh~wing.: an environmental impact fitlllClllelll {IHS) per secdon 3.g nfthc l.l)('; all developmenls ofre~ional impacl (L~.!~l): kinds ~ ith Npccial 'l'rcalmenl {S'l')or Area of ('rifical Slate ('onccrn' Npccial 'l'rcam~ent (ACNE'/NT} zoninu overlays: or any petition Ibr ~ hich environlnenla] issues cilllllOl bO resolved bulxVCen Ihe applicanl and staff and ~hich is requested by either p:lrtv to be heard bY tile I!A('. The EA(' shall also review any pmition xdfich requires approval ol'lhe ('oilier ('ountv Planninu ('onlnfission (('('1~(') or ;il0 J½oard oI' ('ounlv Ctmlmissitmers (BCC) ~ here slalT receives it rtqucs! from file Chairman oflJle Ii,,\('. ('('PC or file Il('(' fl~r that petition be rtvic~xcd by tile I".A('. Any pctilioner nlav requesl a waiver to lite I:.A(' hearin,2 rcquircmenL, xkJlcll lilt lblh,x~in~ consideralions are mci: I ) no prolccled species ~clland impacts are idenlilSed nn tile site. 2) an ElS waiver has been administrafivch' granted. 3) ST znnin~ is prcscnl and an administrative appro~al has been uranled or 4)anEIS prcviouslx completed and rcxicx~cd by slal'l'and heard by predecessor cn~ ironmcntal board, and Ihal IHS is less limn Ii~c ~cars old (hr i folder lhan fi~¢ ~¢ars. has been updalcd ~ithin six nlonlhs submittal) and file master plan i'nr the site dncs ~1ol sho~.~. 2rtater impacls lO tile pre~ iouslv desitmated preservation areas. Tile surlk~ce x~altr mana~¢nltnt aspects ol'anv pet{thru. ;hal is or ~ill be rcvic\~cd and pcrnlillcd by gOtllJl Florida \\';der Dislrict INF\VMI)}. nrc cxcnlpt from review by thc I'.',,\('. Sec. 5.13.'7...Xpl)c:)l~ Any person a2gricxed by lllu decision of tile Co;lillY adminislralor, or his dcsiencc rcuardin~ any suction ordivision 5.13 may file a X%lritlcn requcsl Ibr appeal, not later Ihan ICh days after said dccisinn. ~'itl~ ll~e l'b\('. 'lhc I'bXC ~ill mnil'v lilt auuricvcd person and thc comm,' adminislralor. ,,r his designee of thc dale, time and plnce that such appeal shall be heard: stmch nolillcafion trill be given 21 days prior Io fl~e hcnrinu unless all panics ~aive this requircmncnl. 'l'l~e appeal will he heard by iht I{A(' ~%id~in (,0 days nf tl~c submission of Ibc appeal: Ten days prior to tile Ilcarinu. tile ;muricvcd person shall subnlit to tile I~:\(.' and to tile counlv administrator, or his dcsi~nc0, copies of tile data and infi~rmalion he inlends Io use in his appeal. I 'pon ctmclusiun ol'lhc hcarin~ the I!A(' ~%ill subnlil to the board ()f counlv conlmissi(mcrs ils l';.t¢ls, lh'~dinus and reconlmcndations. Thc board counw commissinners, itl regular session. ~'.ill make tile final decision to afllrm, overrule or rnodil\' tile decision nfthe county administrator. or ]lis desiunce, taking into account ol'lhe recommendations hi'thc Ncc. 5.13.~. I,~einti)ur~cmcnt of expenses. Menlbcrs ofllle F.A(' shall serve ~vithoul conlpcnsalion, bm shall be untilled lo receive rcimbursen~enl Ibr expenses reasonably incurred thc pcrlbrmance o['lhcir duties upon prit,r approval of tl~c board of COtllltv COllllllissiollgrs~ Words ~*)d. '.hr*,~ are deleted. ~ or& undtrl, jn.etl arc ,ddcd. 109 .",;cc. fi.i 3.9. I&,view process. This E,\C shall bc reviewed for major accomplishmenls and M~cthcr it is scrx ing ~l~c purpose lbr which i~ wa~ crcalcd once every x cars commencing ~'itl~ 2003 in accordance with the procedures conlained in Collier ('ountv Ordinance No. g6-41, as amcdcd. [('ode ch. 2. art. VIII. div. 21: SUI.~SEC'i'I¢)N 3.1.: AMENI)MENTS TO I)EFINITIONS SECTION Division 6.3.. l)elinitions, oF Ordinance 91-I02. as amended thc ('oilier (.'ounty I.and l)cvch)pn~cnt Code. i:; hereby amended to read :ts follows: DIVISION 6.3 I)EFINITIONS F)np!ex: ,c;:c !?;:'e!!i::x. two :fitt,~'.d3-~lW:!ex: }'urd..~font: Thc required open space extending across tile entire width ol'thc lot between tile front building line and street right-ol:xxay line. \Vhcre double-frontage kits exisl, tile required frt)nl yard shall bc provided on both streets except as otherwise provided fi)r herein. \Vhcre corner lots or record existed prior lc) the ti:ftc of adoption Collier County Ordinance No. 82-2 [January 5.19821. which lots do not meet minimum lot width or area requirements established in this code. (1) only one ]hll depth t?ont yard shall be required. (2) all other l?onl yards shall be not less lhan 50 percent of thc othcrxvisc required [?ont yard depth ......... ~t~ ..... : ................ k~ ~ ...... ~ ..... ~< ~ exclusive of any righl-olLway, or righl-olLway casement in thc ~ate:; dM~ except that in the E estates dislrict tiffs depth may not be less than 15 lkct exclusive of any rigN-oiZwav or right-otUwav casement and the full depth Front yard shall be located along thc shorter lot linc along Ibc street. In the case of shoulder lots which confi)rm Itl tile minimum lot x~,idth and area requirements of thc zoning district. IbC required front yard adjacent to the longest street may be reduced by five feet providing that itl no case may this yard be less lh:m 25 feet. In tile case of through lots. unless the prevailing front yard pattern on thc adjoining lots indicates otherwise, a Ikdl depth front yard shall be provided on all IYontages. Where one of thc Front yards thal would normally be required on a fl~rough lot is not in keeping with II~c prevailing yard pattern, d~e development services director may waive lhe requirement fi~r thc normal front yard and substitute Ihcrcfi~rc a special yard requirement which shall not exceed thc average of thc yards provided on adjacent Iols. Zt'r, lot line lumsing: A singlofamily att~d--t~ detached dwelling structure on individually platted lots Milch pnwidcs a side yard or patio on one side of thc dxvclling and no yard on the olhcr. {Sec section 2.6.270 SECTIONFOUI{: CONFIACTANI) SEVERAIIILITY In the event this Ordinance conllicts with any other Ordinance of Collier County and other applicable law. thc more restrictive shall apply, If any phrase or portion of the Ordinance is held invalid Words r.:r:::;!; 't ........ ~' .are deleted, words underlined arc added. II0 : or unconsthutimml by any court of competent jurisdktim~, sud~ portion shall be deemed a separate. distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not :tfl'ccl tile validity ol'lhc remaining portion. SECTION FIVE: INCI,tiSIf)N IN Till'; COI,I,IER C()UN'I'Y I,ANI) IH.;VEi,(II'MENT C¢)I)E Thc pr.vlsi{ms rd' this Ordinance shall become and bc made a part of thc l,and l)cvctt,pmcnt Code of Collier County. Florida. 'Ibc sections of tl~¢ Ordinance may be rcnumbercd or r¢lcl!.crcd to accomplish such. and Ibc word "ordinance" may bc changed m "section". "arliclc", or any oilier appropriate word. SI'~C'I'If)N SIX: EFFECTIVE DATE This ()rdim,ncc shall become cffcclivc upon filing vdth II~e Dcpamncnt of Sit,lc. P,,\SSI'~I) ANI) I)UI,Y AI)()PTI'~I) by thc Board iff County Commissitmcrs of Collier County, Florida. this ~'~_Z.__. day o1'.~~'__. 1999. BOARI) OF ~()IJN'I'Y C()MMISSI()NERS COI.[.IEI JN'I Y. 1,( ' ATTIiST: ,. sfOnat,.,re ~.nlb APPROVI~I) AS I'()I, ORM ANI) [.IKiAI, StJI:I:ICII~NCY NIARJORII~ M. STUI)I!NT ASSISTANT COUNTY A'Iq'ORNI~Y PAMEI,A S. MAC'Klli. CI IAIRWOMAN Wnr& ~,~g,~l~,,~h art' dd~'~cd, mn'd~ ,ndcrlino~ arc ,~lcd III STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ORDINANCE NO, 99-6 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 27th day of January, 1999, during Special Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 29th day of January, 1999. DWIGHT E. BROCK Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of County Commissiope~s ~ :.. Maureen Kenyon Deputy Clerk Clerk to the Boardl Collier County, Florida R~Q~EST FO~ LE~L~L ADV~TISi~Q OF PUBLIC Please place the following as at [XX] Normal Legal Advertisement [ } Other! (Display Adv., Location, etc.) Petition No. No Number. Ordinance repealing Ordin&nce No. 91-26 Petl~ioner, (name & address) , Collier Coanty Natural Resources Departrm~nt 3~01 E. T~ni~ni Tra~l Naples, Florida 34112 Hearing bafore~ [XX] BCC [ ] BZA [ ] Other ~equeeted hearing date, 12/16/98 Bated on advertteemen~ appearin aye before hearing. Newspaper(e} to be used, (complete only if important [ ], IX] Naples Daily News or legally required [ ] [ ~ Other Proposed Tex~ (Include legal de,crip~lon & co=on loca~iom REPE~ING, IN ITS ENTIRE~, COLLIER CO~TY O~NCE NO. 91-26, AS ~MENDED, W~CII ESTABLISHED T}~' COLLIER CO~ EN~RON~IENT~ POLICY TECt~IC~ AD~SORY BOA~; PROVIDING FOR ~CLUSION IN CODE OF LAWS ~D OI~NCES; PROVID~G FOR CONFLICT ~ SE~~ITY; ~ND PRO~G FOR AN EF~CTI~ DATE. Comp~ton peCttton(~), if any, a propoJed heartn~ da~e~ NO~ Doea ~e~i~iom ~ae include adve~i~ing co~? Te~ [~ ~o [ ] co.~.. ~ I- ] 78~80 Approved by, Division Head Date Li,~ Attachmaent,(1) O~DI~ARCE . (2) (3) DISTRIBUTION IN~TKUCTIONS A. ~m Initiating permon to complete one copy and obtain Division Head approval he,ore submitting to County Manager. ~OTE, ~~ v w ~~. T~e Manager's O~ice will dis=r~u~e copies~ [ ] County Manager agenda flle~ [ ] Re~el~in~ Divt~ion~ [ ] Original to Clerk'l Office B. ~, Znitia~ing ~ ~o approv~ and ~mi~ original ~o Clerk's Office, re~aining a copy for file. PAM PERRELL NAP LE S_0~L~~ 263-4703 . ~: LISA STEELE ~{IN: COI~I]RR CO~R~C~ COIIR~OUS~ FAX NO: (9~1) 7%4-8408 PHONE NO: (941) 774-8406 NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1999, in the Boardroom, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, Collier County Government Center, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners will consider the enactment of a County Ordinance. The meeting will commence at 5:05 P.M. The title of the proposed Ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING IN ITS ENTIRETY, COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 91-26,. AS AMENDED, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE COLLIER COUNTY ENVIRO~4ENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN CODE OF LAWS ~{D ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVEP~BILITY; ~D PROVIDING FOR ~ EFFECTIVE DATE. Copies of the proposed Ordinance are on file with the Clerk to the Board and are available for inspection. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. NOTE: Ail persons wishing to speak on any agenda item must register with the County administrator prior to presentation of the agenda item to be addressed. Individual speakers will be limited to 5 minutes on any item. The selection of an individual to speak on behalf of an organization or group is encouraged. If recognized by the Chairman, a spokesperson for a group or organization may be allotted 10 minutes to speak on an item. Persons wishing to have written or graphic materials included in the Board agenda packets must submit said material a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the respective public hearing. In any case, written materials intended to be considered by the Board shall be submitted to the appropriate County staff a minimum of seven days prior to the public hearing. All material used in presentations before the Board will become a permanent part of the record. Any person who decides to appeal a decision of the Board will need a record of the proceedings pertaining thereto and therefore, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. BOARD OF COUNTY CO[,~ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BARBARA. B. BERRY, CHAI~ DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: /s/Lisa Steele, Deputy Clerk (SEAL) December 3, 1998 Ms. Pam Perre!l Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: Notice of Public Hearing to Consider an Ordinance Repealing Ordinance 91-26, which Established the Collier County Environmental Policy Technical Advisory Board Dear Pam: Please advertise the above referenced notice one time on Saturday, January 16, 1999, and kindly send the Affidavit of Publication, in duplicate, together with charges involved to this office. Thank you. Sincerely, Lisa Steele, Deputy Clerk Purchase No. G01-178980-649100 ^~ ORDINANC£ R£P£^LING, IN IT~ ~NTIRET~. ~OLIA~R Eff~ABLISIIED TIIE ~OI.LIER COUNTY ~VIRO~ME~T~L POI.ICY TECIlNIC'AI. ADVISOR~' BOAI~D; PI~OVII)IN(; FOR INCIAJSION IN CODE OF LA~VS AND OI{I)INANC~:S; I'ROVII)ING FOR CONFLI~ AND SEVEI~BILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFE(YYIVE I)ATE. WI IE~AS, on March 12, 1991, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 91-26, as amended, which created the Collier County Environmental Policy Technical Adviso~ Board; and WIIEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners desires to terminate thc Collier County Environmen~l Policy Tec~ical Adviso~ Board. NOW, TtIEI~FORE, BE IT O~AINED BY ~IE BO~D OF COUN~ COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COU~IW, FLORIDA that: ~: REPEAL OF COLLIER COUN~ O~INANCE NO. 91-26, AS ~E~ED. Collier County Ordinance No. 91-26, as studded, is hereby repealed in its entire~. ~: INCLUSION IN ~IE CODE OF LAWS ~D O~INANCE ~e provisions of this Ordinance s~ll become and be made a pa~ of the Code of ~ws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. ~e sections of the Ordinance may be renumbcrcd or re-lettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be c~nged to ~$ection', "a~icle", or any other appropriate word. ~: CONFLI~ ~D SEVE~ILI~ In the event this Ordinance conflicts wi~ any other Ordinance of Collier CounW or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any p~ase or poflion of the Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any coufl of competent jurisdiction, such potion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining potion. ~: EFFECI'IVE DATE 'I~is Ordinance shall ~ effective u~n filing with the Florida Depaflment of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier Count)', Florida, this .day of , 1998. A~EST: BOA~ OF CO~ COMMISSIONERS DWIGIIT E. BROCK. Clerk COLLIER COU~W, FLO~DA BY: BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Assistant County Attorney h'a~ennirJhfa/ordinanceJRepeaI42C Environmental Policy Tcch Advisory Bd DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJ: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTME/qT PLANNING SERVICES SECTION MEMORANDUM DecemBer 2, 1998 Maureen Kenyon, Clerk to BCC Cecilia Martin, Current Planning Tech II LDC BCC Meeting The second LDC BCC meeting will be held on January 13, 1999 instead of December 16, 1998. Please advertise for the January 13tn Meeting. Thanks. Thanks ........... ELLIE HOFFMAN PHONE NO: (941} 77~-8~06 :! December 1, 1998 Ids. Pam Perrell Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: Cancellation of Public Hearings Scheduled for December 16, 1998 Dear Pam: Please "kill' two ads that have been scheduled for public hearings on December 16, 1998. The first ad is scheduled to run on December 5, 1998, titled "An Ordinance Repealing in its Entirety, Collier County Ordinance No. 91-26." The second ad is scheduled to run on December 10, 1998, titled "Notice of Consideration/Adoption." If you should have any questions, please call me at: 774-8406. Thank you. Sincerely, E!lie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk FAX NAPLES DALLY NEWS ELLIE HOFFMAN PHONENO:~77~-8406 ORDINANCE NO. 99' 7 AN ORDINANCE REI'EAIANG, IN ITS ENTIRETY, COLIAER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 91-26, AS AMENDED, WIIICII ESTABLISIIED TIIE COLLIER COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAl, i'Oi.ICY TECIINICAi. ADVISORY BOARD; PROVIDING FOR INCI.USION IN CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; i'R{IViiIIN('; FOR CONFI.ICT AND SEVERABII,ITY; AND I'ROVIDING FOIl AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WIIEf,',I-~AS, on March 12, 1991, thc Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 91- 26. as amended, which created thc Collier County Environmental Policy Technical AdvisoD' Board; and \VIIF. RF. AS, thc Board of County Commissioners desires to tcm~inale fl~e Collier County F. nvironmcnlal Policy Technical Advisory Board. NO\V. TIIEREFORE. BE rr ORDAINED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER ('OUNTY. FLORIDA that: SECTION ONE: RFA~I-;AI. OF CO[AAER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO, 91-26, AS AMENDED. Collier ('ounty Ordinance No. 91-26, as amended, is hereby repealed in its entirety. 5ECFION TWO: INCLUSION IN 'Fl IE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCE Thc provisions of this Ordinance shall hccomc and be made a part of tile Code of l.aws and Ordinances of Collier Counly, Florida. Thc sections of the Ordinance may bc rcnumbercd or re-lettered to accomplish such, and tile word "ordinance" may be changed to "scclion", "article", or any other appropriate word. ~;EC'I'ION TI IREE: CONI:LICq' AND SF. VERAIIlLITY In thc event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinancc of Collier County or other applicable law. the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of thc Ordinancc is held invalid or unconslimfional by any court oF competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be dccmcd a scparale, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affcct thc validity of thc remaining portion. SE£q'ION FOUR: EFFF. CTIVE [)ATE This Ordinance shall bc effective upon filing with the Florida l)cpartmcnt of State. PASSF. D AND I)UI.Y ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. this c). e7 ...day of ,.?,,~,~o_f_ .... 1999. A'Iq'EST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS D\VIGIIT E. BROCK. Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Ileidi F. Ashmn Assistant County Attorney h~hc~micfhfa/mdmancc/991Rcpcal'CC Imvmmn~znlal Iqdscy loch Advtso~ lid COLLIER. COUNTY, FLORIDA , .,~/~' BY' t'~/ '1 ff'AMELA S. MAC'KIE, Cha~rv,'oman STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ORDINANCE NO. 99-7 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 27th day of January, 1999, during Special Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 29th day of January, 1999. DWIGHT E. BROCK Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of · County Commissioners ~y: Maureen Kenyon -... ~' . ~-' .". ~ Deputy Clerk ORDINANCES AND PETmONS 91-26/REPEAL NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY, jANLIARY 27, 1999, in the Boardroom :]rd Floor, Admlnistr Gl on Building, Collier County Government Center 3301 Eost Tomloml Yroil, Nople~, Florldo, lh~ B~rd of Cou~ Com- ml~loner~ will C~tder .~ 5 P.~. Th~ title of ~u PEAt.lNG IN ITS flN[~TY, COLLIER COUlll Y OHDINANCE NO. 91-26, A~ AMEND* ED WitICH ESTAI~- LI~D Ti E COLLI[tR COUN~ ENVIRON- EIT A[ POI. iCY ~CttNICAL A~VI- 5ORY BOARD; PRO- VI[~ING FOR I~'t tl~h~l itl I IAN~E~; pR uVIDIIJG F~ CONFLICT AND $~VERAItlt IT Y' At,ill PROVIDING t ~1~ AN I:~El~t DATE. NOTE: All per~on$ ~k~ Item ~ ~ ~k~e~sed. -Uuh¢ h~g. In ony .,h,.~''' '~" '~,.'t ! .~,,-""-'%, .. ~1~.~,~'%',', ,y , ', '*.~,..a, -.%, '~,~-,~ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIR/'.AAN DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: /$/LIso Steele )5~PAUtY Clerk L) flonuo~'v 16 NO, 1319'932