Backup Documents 02/02/1999 WSPECIAL MEETING FOR THE BCC FEBRUARY 2, 1999 Naples Daily Nays l~aples, FL 34102 Affidavit of Publication Naples Daily Nevs BOARD OF COUHTY COMHJSS~ONERS ATTN: TONYA PHILLIPS PO ~X 413016 HO~CE OF PUBLIC NAPLEs FL 34101-3016 COLLIER COU~T'~. FLOPlD~ STPATEGIC GOALS WORK ~OP REFERENCE: ~1230 ~912501 ~e~u~y ? 5781~1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEE ~otice 15 hereby given State of Florida ~d of C~mv Com. C~nty of Collier missi~ers witl Before the undersigned authority, persona([y reunify Center, 6231 j the AssiStant Cor~rate Secr-~- ' the Naptes h go~s ly News, a da~ ly newspaper publfshed at ~laP[es, tlmeondd~e. in ~ollier Count%, Florida: that the attached C~les of ~e copy of Advertising wes pubt~sh~ ~n said fm ~td meeting will news~per on dates [~st~. ~ ovoH~e ~o the Affiant further says that the safd Nap[es pre5~ grid moy be Ne~s fs a news~per published et Naples, in rally tolnedm the office County A~mini~tr grot, Collier C~nty, F[orfde, and that the said rl~oftlme. n~s~per has heretofore been continuously Any Der~n ~o ~cld. ~bltsh~ fn said Collier County, Florida, each thi~ B~d will need o re. day and has been enter~ es second class mail c~a of the Dr~eedings ~tter et the ~st off fca ~n Nap[es, in sefd pe~olnl~ thereto, grid Collier County, Florida, for a peri~ of 1 year ensure th~ o ver~lm next prec~ng the first PUblication of the raced of the proceed. ettech~ copy of advertisement/ end affiant Cord Inc~ude~ further says that she has neither paid nor le~tl~ony grid evid~nc~ promJs~ any person, firm or CO~ratfon any u~ ~ich the Oppe~l disc~nt, re~te, commission o, refund for the BOARD OF COUNT Y ~r~se of securing th~s advertisement for CO,Mf~ISSIONE~S ~b[icat~on in the sa~d newspaper. COLLIEP COU~TY PUBLISHED ~: O1/31 , PAf.'ELA DWIGHT E. CLERK AD SPACE: 54.~ FJLED ON: 01/31/~ Signature of Affiant ',' , Pers~el[y known by ~e .~~~ ' l'.\.\ll:l...\ .,,; .\I.'"',("KII: ('II.\i/<',A,(L\i.,\.N i~',' , .\ltm'rccll (~IN~ THIS NAPLES DA~LY NEWS 263-4 703 / ELLIE HOFF~N ~ 774-8406 JanuaTM 22 1999 :<s. Pam Perre!l Naples Da~- . ~' News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: Nosice of Public Hooting (S~rategic Goals %';crkshep} Dear Pam: Please "kill,, the ad '.'h{ch was scheduled to run on Sunday January 24, i999 and replace same with the attached ad to be run on Sundal.', January 31, 1999. Kindly send the Affidavit of Publicaiion, in duplicate, together with charges involved to this office. Thank '.'cu. Sincerely, El!lo Hof~- ~ .... a.,, Deputy Clerk Purchase Order No. 912501 FAX J OF PAGES ~ (ZNCLUDZNg ~s ccv~) · FRCIM: ELLIE HOFFHAN LOCATION: COr.r.rRa COUNTY COURTHOUS~ FAX NO: {941) 774-8408 PHCINE NOr (941) 774-8406 January 14, ~99 Ms. Pam Perreli Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: No,ice of Public Meeting Dear Pam: Please advertise the enclosed notice one time, on ihe Sunday prior no ~he meeting as follows: Adver~isin~ Date !.{ee~ino Da~e January 24, 1999 January 28, 1999 Thank you. Sincerely, Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk Purchase Order No. 912733 NOTI(~E OI.' PIiBI,IC ,~IEETIN(~ BOAF~I) OF COI. iNTY (~()~I~II~,%IONi-:I~. ('()I,I,IER ('()I:N'I'Y. 1.'1.()1,~11),.\ .%TI{.-Vi'I((;IC (;()..\I,S V,'()I,~KSII()I' Thursday, January 28, 1999 9:00 tX M Notice is hereby given that the Collier County l?,c>ard of Cotmtv Commissioners ',.,,'ill meet itt the Vineyards Park Communir,,' Center, 6231 ,.\thor lllvd., Nilples. Fh)lid,. to conduct it slralcgic goals workshop, at the above stated time and Copies oF the a~enda ti~r said meeting will bc made available to t}~c press and may hc ()l)taincd at the olt~ce of the County Administrator. same location, same period Any person who decides to appeal a decision of Ibis Board will need a record oFthc pertaining thereto, and thcrelbre may need to ensure that a verbatim record oF thc proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence tlpOrl x~ hich thc al,port[ is to bo based. [tOARI) ()[: ('()tiN'FY COI.[.IICR ('()[;N'['Y, FI.ORII)A PA.%II~[_.\ S .\IA("K }i, D\VI(;I IT F. I~P,()('K. ('I,I-iI(K l~v /s/Xhmrccn Kenyon l)cimly ('lcrk