A&SDS Ad Hoc Minutes 01/09/2014 January 9, 2014
Naples, Florida, January 9, 2014 S ' 1 1 �'
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Architectural and Site I y
Standards Ad Hoc Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted
business herein, met on this date at 1:30 PM in a REGULAR SESSION at the Growth
Management Division Building, Room 609/610 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL
with the following persons present:
James Boughton, AIA
Rocco Costa, AIA
Kathy Curatolo, CBIA (Excused)
Dalas Disney, AIA
Bradley Schiffer, AIA
Dominick Amico, P.E.
Ron Waldrop, P.E (Excused)
ALSO PRESENT: Carolina Valera, Principal Planner
January 9, 2014
Any person in need of a verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the audio
recording from the Collier County Growth Management Division, Department of Planning
and Zoning.
1. Roll Call
The meeting to order at 1:37pm and a quorum was established.
2. New Business
a. Applicability of Land Development Code (LDC) Section 5.05.08
Ms. Valera provided a copy of the Draft for review.
Mr. Costa reported the Committee has been tasked with reviewing the Standards and providing
recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on any proposed amendments.
Section 5.05.08.B.2—Applicability
The Committee discussed the Section including the following items:
• Which districts or uses the standards should be applied to?
• Applying the standards to buildings in industrial districts but exempting those within the
districts on collector streets given they are not visible to the general public.
• Applying the standards to districts adjacent to residential districts as opposed to a
"distance"requirement(Section 5.05.08.B.2.b).
• Applying the standards to churches that are adjacent to residential districts.
• Applying the standards to a minimum square footage building(i.e. buildings over 10,000
square feet) as opposed to the "use" of a building.
The Committee discussed the concept of reviewing the standards with three options for
consideration as identified below:
1. Recommending eliminating the standards entirely.
2. Amend the standards to scale back some of the requirements.
3. Amend the standards to create greater requirements than currently exist.
A Straw Poll was taken and the members present wutitimMErtinWarbn Option #1;however they
determined the review should continue as that is the task assi ned by the Board of County
Commissioners. j;en U9ct.S p epOS• ✓�01-;0 r) —J
The Committee noted eliminating the standards could be inequitable to those that have already been
required to conform to the requirements.
The Committee discussed if the City of Immokalee or certain portions of the jurisdiction should be
exempted from the standards.
It was noted it would be prudent to gamer input from the Community Redevelopment Agency.
Staff reported they will contact Brad Muckle,Executive Director of the CRA to discuss the
Section 5.05.08.B.2.b
Mr. Schiffer moved that structures located on collector roads in industrial zoned areas be
exempted from the standards. Second by Mr. Disney. Motion Carried unanimously 5—0.
January 9, 2014
Section 5.05.08.B.1.c
Mr. Schiffer moved to exempt structures in Business Park Districts located on collector roads.
Second by Mr. Disney. Motion Carried unanimously 5—0.
Section 5.05.08.B.2.c (added)
Mr. Schiffer moved to amend the Section from "A proposed building's footprint would be located
within 300 feet of the boundary of a residentially zoned district"to "A proposed building's
footprint would be located within 150 feet of the boundary of a residentially zoned district."
Second by Mr. Disney. Motion Carried unanimously 5—0.
Section 5.05.08.B.2.3
Mr. Schiffer moved to amend 3.a.iii. to become 3.b Second by Mr.Amico. Motion Carried
unanimously 5—0.
Section 5.05.08.B.3
Mr. Schiffer moved to amend the Section to read "To all renovations and redevelopment,
determined to be applicable to 5.05.08 B.1-2,"or similar language. Second Mr. Costa. Motion
Carried unanimously 5— 0.
Section 5.05.08.B.3.a
The Committee discussed the options on dealing with non-conforming structures including if they
should be exempted, establishing a higher threshold before the standards are triggered, leaving the
section"as is," etc.
Mr. Schiffer reported he would develop language to amend the Section and present it to the
Committee at a future meeting.
Section 5.05.08.B.4
Mr. Schiffer moved to remove Section 5.05.08.B.4. Second by Mr.Amico. Motion carried
unanimously 5—0.
b. Composition of the Architectural Arbitration Board, LDC Section 5.05.08.F.5.
Staff provided a proposed change to the composition of the Architectural Arbitration Board—To
remove County Staff as Members as there participation may be viewed as a conflict of interest.
The Committee unanimously endorsed Staff's recommendation to alter the membership of the
Architectural Arbitration Board to 4 architects and 1 landscape architect.
3. Public Comment
4. Adjournment
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30pm
January 9, 2014
Collier County Architectural and Site Design
Standards Ad Hoc Committee
The Minutes were approved by the Board/Committee Vice Chair on 2 % , 2014,
"as submitted" F 1 OR "as amended" Xj.