A&SDS Ad Hoc Minutes 01/28/2014 January 28, 2014
Naples, Florida, January 28, 2014 SEP 1 1 L ;4
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Architectural and Sit. -:^�• -
Standards Ad Hoc Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted
business herein, met on this date at 1:30 PM in a REGULAR SESSION at the Growth
Management Division Building, Room 609/610 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL
with the following persons present:
James Boughton, AIA
Rocco Costa, AIA
Kathy Curatolo, CBIA
Dalas Disney, AIA
Bradley Schiffer, AIA
Dominick Amico, P.E.
Ron Waldrop, P.E (Excused)
ALSO PRESENT: Carolina Valera, Principal Planner
January 28, 2014
Any person in need of a verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the audio recording from
the Collier County Growth Management Division, Department of Planning and Zoning.
1. Roll Call
Mr. Costa called the meeting to order at 1:35pm and a quorum was established.
2. Old Business
Section 5.05.08.B.3.a—Nonconforming structures or vehicle uses
Mr. Schiffer introduced proposed language for the Section to address nonconforming structures
exempting them from the standards unless they are enlarged.
"Nonconforming structures or vehicle use areas are exempt from LDC section 5.05.08 unless the
nonconformity is increased or enlarged. Nonconformities shall be decreased pursuant to the
standards established in LDC section 5.05.08. "
"Should a nonconforming structure or vehicle use area incur damage of any origin, LDC section
9.03.03 B.2 shall apply. "
The Committee discussed the proposed language and the following issues:
• How to address proposed additions to non conforming structures.
• How to address remodeling of nonconforming structures as the requirement as currently
exist deters façade renovations as the proposed improvement cannot conform to the
current standards (either physically or cost prohibitive).
• Should buildings damaged by disasters be required to conform to the standards if they are
proposed to be repaired or rebuilt and what"threshold"requirements (percentage of
assessed value,percentage of market value, square foot affected, etc.) should be
established before requiring conformance to the standards.
The Committee requested Staff to research the Land Development Code requirements for these
events and contact the County Attorney's office for input on any proposed language.
3. New Business
a. Review of Building Design Standards,LDC Section
Ms.Valera provided a copy of the Draft Standards for review. She reported the purpose of the
meeting was to continue review of the draft LDC Amendment.
Section—Building Facades
The Committee discussed:
• The concept of reducing and/or eliminating the minimum requirements throughout the
section, i.e. the current standard that"Primary facades on the ground floor must have
features along a minimum of 50 percent of their horizontal length."
• How the standards affect out parcels, etc. and franchise branded trademark buildings.
• Is it beneficial to promote a standardized plan of development or"common architectural
theme" in PUD's, activity centers, etc. or should some flexibility be built into the
requirements to provide an acceptable level of diversity within the development?
January 28, 2014
Section 5.05.08.C.1.b
The Committee recommended deleting the language "such as corners towers, corner entrances, or
other features."
3. Adjournment
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30pm
Collier County Architectural and Site Design
Standards Ad Hoc Committee
The Minutes were approved by the Board/Committee Vice Chair on }L.t uS f 2 y , 2014,
"as submitted" NJ OR "as amended" [ 1.