A&SDS Ad Hoc Minutes 02/12/2014 February 12, 2014 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AD HOC COMMITTEE 0 q rE - Naples, Florida, February 12, 2014 fi SEP 1 l 2014 I LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Architectural and Site D B• Al� Standards Ad Hoc Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on,this date at 1:30 PM in a REGULAR SESSION at the Growth Management Division Building, Room 609/610 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL with the following persons present: James Boughton, AIA (Excused) Rocco Costa, AIA Kathy Curatolo, CBIA Dalas Disney, AIA Bradley Schiffer, AIA Dominick Amico, P.E. Ron Waldrop, P.E (Excused) ALSO PRESENT: Carolina Valera, Principal Planner Tami Scott, Lead Architect Reviewer 1 February 12, 2014 1. Call to Order Mr. Costa called the meeting to order at 1:36pm and a quorum was established. 2. Review of LDC Section 5.05.08 —Architectural Review Standards Draft Ms. Valera provided a copy of the Draft as revised based on Committee recommendations for review. She reported the purpose of the meeting was to continue review of the draft LDC Amendment. The Committee resumed their review and provided the following actions/comments. Staff reported they contacted Brad Muckle of the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency to see if they are working on any changes required to exempt areas in the City of Immokalee. Section 5.05.08.B -Applicability The Committee revisited the Section and discussed the following items: • The rationale for the original adoption of the standards noting the general concern at the time was the introduction of larger scale retail establishments such as"big box stores." • Should the standards only apply to a minimum square footage threshold(i.e. 10,000 sq. ft.)? • The current standards are generally geared toward regulating the larger structures or business franchises, not the local entrepreneur. • The standards as currently written are a deterrent to owners wishing to improve buildings that are currently non-conforming. • Should certain buildings be exempted from the standards? Staff noted, one form of relief from the standards is the "deviation process" whereby an applicant may request exemptions or alternates to a specific requirement(s). Section 5.05.08.B.2.c (added) Mr. Schiffer moved to amend the Section from "A proposed building's footprint would be located within 300 feet of the boundary of a residentially zoned district"to "A proposed building's footprint would be located within 150 feet of the boundary of a residentially zoned district." Second by Mr. Disney. Motion carried 4 "yes"—1 "no." Mr.Amico voted "no." Section 5.05.08.B -Applicability Mr.Amico moved to limit the "Applicability"of the standards to commercial activity centers. Second by Mr. Disney. Motion failed 1 "yes"—4 "no." Mr. Disney,Mr. Schiffer,Mr. Costa and Ms. Curatolo voted "no." Section 5.05.08.B.3 The Committee discussed the section and the concept of amending it from"To all renovations and redevelopment, including additions of a building or site... " to "To all renovations and redevelopment subject to, including additions of a building or site... " It was noted the County Attorney's Office should provide comment on the proposed language. Section 2 February 12, 2014 General discussion of how to format the document to separate the requirements for activity centers vs. non-activity centers, etc., and will it discourage development of activity centers if the non- activity centers are exempted or subject to reduced requirements. Section 5.05.08.C.2.b The Committee discussed ramifications of the standard, including if it should be reduced or eliminated. Committee queried how the proposed changes are being documented as an ongoing revised document has not been provided to the Committee by Staff. Staff reported, beginning with the next meeting, the document will be displayed on the overhead visualizer during the meeting with real time changes and comments added to track the comments and recommendations proposed by the Committee. Section 5.05.08.C.3—Facade/wall height transition elements Mr. Schiffer moved to eliminate Section 5.05.08.C.3. Second by Mr. Costa. Motion Carried unanimously 5—0. Section 5.05.08.C.4—Variations in Massing Mr. Schiffer moved to eliminate Section 5.05.08.C.4.a.ii—v. Second by Mr.Disney. Motion Carried unanimously 5-0 3. Adjournment Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30pm Collier County Architectural and Site Design Standards Ad Hoc Committee (aerhtjj The Minutes were approved by the Board/Committee Vice Chair on Au u( , 2014, "as submitted" DU OR "as amended" [ 1. 3