Minutes 08/05/2009 ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE/RESCUE ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 5, 2009 ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE STATION ATTENDEE& Emilio Rodriguez,Fire Chief Kirk Colvin, Chairman Jim Gault, Advisory Board Member Joe Langkawel,Advisory Board Member Barbara Shea,Minutes Preparer I. CALL TO ORDER Kirk Colvin opened the meeting at 3:10 p.m. IL OLD BUSINESS A. Chief's Report. B. July 2009 Advisory Board Meeting Minutes. 1. Copy of Minutes distributed. 2. Motion to approve July 2009 Minutes by Kirk Colvin. a Motion seconded by Jim Gault. b. Motion carried unanimously. c. Minutes signed off by Chairman Colvin. C. FY10 ICFD Budget Status. 1. No further changes have been made to our budget since last meeting. 2. Chief Rodriguez will attend the September public hearings. III. NEW BUSINESS A. Proposal for administrative consolidation with East Naples Fire District. 1. Chief Rodriguez received a merger proposal letter from Chief Dyer. 2. Conditions to be experienced under an administrative merger. a. ENFD would manage all ICFD affairs. b. ENFD Commissioners would be in full control of ICFD. c. ICFD Advisory Board would lose all powers. d. ICFD would have no representation on the ENFD Board. 3. In the long run,bd.members feel ICFD would be fully absorbed into ENFD. 4. The Advisory Board Chairman to draft a response letter to Chief Dyer. 5. Draft to be approved by all members via email. 6. Draft to include the following points. a. ICFD board members have reviewed the proposal letter. b. ICFD is not interested in an administrative merger at this time. c. The timing of such a merger is not good. B. Senate Bill 1000 passed by the State of Florida. 1. Additional 1%sales tax to be used for emergency fire rescue services. 2. Sales tax revenue collected would replace a portion of citizens' fire taxes. 3. Calculations of taxpayer fire tax liability will remain the same. 4. 60%approval by the fire districts is required for BCC to move forward. 5. Interlocal agreement will be drafted by the Fire Chiefs Association. a. Only districts who sign the agreement will receive sales taxes. b. Interlocal agreement will describe how the 1%tax will be divided. c. 5 year avg. of fire district's expenditures determines revenue percent. 6. A majority of the fire districts voiced interest in approving this issue. 7. Once 6 out of 10 districts approve, a voter referendum will follow. 8. Steering Committee requires a letter of approval regarding ICFD. 9. Advisory Board Chairman to draft a letter to Collier County BCC. a. ICFD is in full support of Senate Bill 1000. b. ICFD is requesting the BCC approval of Senate Bill 1000. c. Copy of letter to be sent to the Steering Committee. 10.Advisory Board Chairman to draft a letter to the Steering Committee. a. ICFD Advisory Board can only make recommendations to the BCC. b. The BCC has final authority over the Isles of Capri Fire District. C. Steering Committee Update 1. N. Naples has drafted the shell amendment for fire dept. consolidation. a. Designed for the 5 independent districts to merge. b. Once the State gives approval,the 5 districts can join anytime. c. Majority vote of each district's commissioners is needed to join. d. Cities of Marco&Naples,ICFD,Ochopee&EMS not included. e.New fire district is designed to be governed by 7 commissioners. f. If ICFD joined, ICFD would not have a commissioner. g. Joe Langkawel to email copies of the draft to the board members. 2. The next Steering Committee will be on Sept. 24. D. The next ICFD Advisory Board meeting will be held on Sept. 3,2009. IV. ADJOURNMENT A. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Jim Gault at 4:00 p.m. 1. Motion seconded by Kirk Colvin. 2. Motion carried unanimously. Approved: Date: / W3/0/