A&SDS Ad Hoc Minutes 06/05/2014 June 5, 2014 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AD HOC COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, June 5, 2014 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Architectural and Site Design Standards Ad Hoc Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:30 13‘ SESSION at the Growth Management Division Building, Room )/610(-2i300 N. Hors shoe Drive, Naples, FL with the following persons present: ey Chairman: Dominick Amico, P.E. James Boughton, AIA Rocco Costa, AIA (Excused) Kathy Curatolo, CBIA Dalas Disney, AIA Bradley Schiffer, AIA Ron Waldrop, P.E. (unexcused) Staff: Caroline Cilek, Senior Planner/LDC Coordinator Stefanie Nawrocki, Planning Technician Matt McLean, Principal Project Manager 1 June 5, 2014 1. Call to Order Mr. Amico called the meeting to order at 1:30pm and a quorum was established. Kristen Petry, Pergola, Inc. was also present. 2. Review of LDC Section 5.05.08 —Architectural Review Standards Draft Ms. Cilek provided a copy of the Draft for review. She reported the purpose of the meeting was to continue review of the draft LDC Amendment. The Committee resumed their review on page 8, Section 5.05.08.C.4.3 and provided the following actions/comments as indicated below. Section 5.05.08.C.4.3.a.ii The Committee recommended the requirement for"Projections and recesses must have a minimum depth of eight feet within 125 linear feet limitation."to "Projections and recesses must have a minimum depth of six feet within 125 linear feet limitation." Section 5.05.08.C.3.a.iii, iv, and v The Committee noted the requirements for this section should apply to larger mercantile and retail buildings, as smaller buildings tend to incorporate these features and do not have large expanses of exterior flat wall space. Mr. Disney moved to strike Sections 5.0508.C.4.3.a.iii, iv, and v from the Draft. Second by Mr. Schiffer. Carried unanimously 4—0. Mr. Boughton arrived at 1:42pm Section 5.05.08.C.4—Project Standards The Committee recommended this section be relocated to the beginning of the section. Section 5.05.08.C.4.b—Building Design Treatment 1. The Committee recommended the design treatments allow for alternatives per architect request for such features as decorative wall panels, etc. 2. Subsection xx - consider incorporating the feature into Subsection i., Canopies,porticos.... 3. Subsection xxi—reduce the required percentage from 15%to 10%. The Committee reported the proposed 15% beyond the code requirement is too great an increase. 4. Subsection xxii—reduce the required percentage from 15%to 10%. - The Committee reported the proposed 15%beyond the code requirement is too great an increase. Section 5.05.08.C.4.c Kristen Petry expressed concern the section was too limiting and the Committee should consider recommending increasing the number of options and eliminating the 5 foot width requirement in subsection ii. The Committee discussed the item and reported other landscape features such as fountains, etc. could be incorporated into the subsection. The Committee requested Staff to meet with Ms. Petry and/or other qualified individuals to develop additional options for the section. 2 June 5, 2014 Section 5.05.08.C.5 The Committee discussed the ramifications of allowing spandrel panels to be included in the minimum glazing requirements. Mr. Disney moved to amend Section 5.05.08.C.5- Window standards to read— "Windows must not be false or applied. Spandrel panels in curtain wall assembly are allowed and may be included in the minimum glazing required for primary facade." Second by Mr. Schiffer. Motion carried 3 "yes"—2 "no." Mr.Amico and Ms. Curatolo voted "no." Section 5.05.08.C.6.b The Committee recommended the introduction to the section be amended to read"Facades with doors facing one another."Previous language read, "Doors facing one another." Section 5.05.08.C.9.b The Committee discussed the section and expressed concern the standard does not provide a benefit to smaller buildings and recommended the following: 1. Section 5.05.08.C.9.b.i be amended from"For buildings larger than 5,000 square feet in gross building area..."to "For buildings larger than 10,000 square feet in gross building area..." Section 5.05.08.C.9.c.i The Committee discussed the ramifications of amending the requirement from"When parapets are used,the average height of such parapets must not exceed 15 percent of the height of the supporting wall,..." They noted consideration should be given to amending the requirement to 20 percent. The Committee requested Staff to check on the consequences of this change and report back to them. Section 5.05.08.C.11.b/c—Single-tenant/Multiple Tenant buildings and developments The Committee noted it is difficult for smaller buildings to comply with the requirements of these Sections. The committee noted that the standards are more applicable to retail and mercantile buildings and discussed removing the requirement for offices. Mr. Boughton moved to apply the standards in Section 5.05.08.C.11.b/c only to buildings greater than 10,000 square feet in gross floor area. Second by Ms. Curatolo. Carried unanimously 4—0. 3 June 5, 2014 3. Adjournment Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30pm Collier County Architectural and Site Design Standards Ad Hoc Committee DOMINICK AMICO, Vice-Chairman The Minutes were approved by the Board/Committee Vice Chair on 2("i , 2014, "as submitted" [ XJ OR "as amended" [ 1. 4