Rock Road MSTU Minutes 05/08/2014 Rock Road
MSTU Advisory Committee
C 0 py Minutes
3:O0 pm
May 8, 204
I. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Dan Wing,at 3:02 the Big Corkscrew
Island Fire Department, 13240 Immokalee Road,Naples FL.
II. Attendance Roll Call.
Present:Members Staff
Mr.Tom Brooks Harry Sells
Mr. Douglas Allemong
Mr. Daniel Wing(Chairman)
Public- 11 members of the public were present. See attached list.
A quorum of three was declared.
III. Approval of the Agenda
A Motion to accept the agenda as written was made by Doug Allemong,seconded by Tom Brooks.
Motion carried 3-0.
IV. Approval of minutes of April 2,2014
A Motion to accept the April 2,2014 minutes as written was made by Doug Allemong,Seconded
by Tom Brooks. Motion carried 3-0.
V. Budget Report- Harry Sells
A. Ownership and Paving Rock Road
Harry Sells reported on the proposed item that was removed from the April 8,2014 BCC agenda
which addressed the County claiming ownership of the northern one mile of Rock Road and the
county loaning Rock Road MSTU$130,000 to allow immediate paving of that portion of the road.
He informed the group that the Commissioners gave no indication when or if the item would be
placed back on the agenda. Without this item moving forward the County cannot advance
funding to pay for paving the road. Mr. Sells also advised the group that the County Attorney has
changed his opinion on the use of MSTU funds to pave the road. The funds still can't be used to
pay back or support a loan for improvement of private roads. The opinion change will allow the
MSTU to pave portions of Rock Road using available funds.
B. 2014 Budget and Outstanding POs
Harry Sells reviewed the current budget with the Committee and the public. He noted that the
MSTU has spent very little money for the year and the available cash is approximately$43,000
with an annual income of just over$30,000.
VI. Old Business
A. 2015 Proposed Budget
Harry Sells presented two versions of a proposed budget for FY15(see attached),one version
assumed similar spending for FY 2014 and the other version assumed a project would be
completed in FY 2014 leaving less carry forward for FY 2015 (increasing the FY 14"other
contractual"line item to$36,000). The proposed FY 15 operating expenses for both versions were
the same at$30,700. The two version of the budget was intended to demonstrate that expending
$36,000 to pave a portion of Rock Road in FY 14 or early in FY 15 would have minimal affect on the
budget. The cash available if a paving project was delayed until FY 15 is estimated at$70,800 less
$5,100 for overhead. If the MSTU decided to forgo paving there would be additional funding
available for other uses such as grading the roads.
Doug Allemong made a motion to recommend to the BCC that the FY2015 Budget be accepted.
Motion seconded by Tom Brooks. Motion passed 3-0.
VII. New Business
A. By Laws—
Harry Sells reported that the County was now requiring By Laws for each of the Advisory Boards.
A discussion as to the intent of the By-laws was held between staff and the Committee. Doug
Allemong made a motion to accept the By-Laws(see attached)with the change of the Quorum
from three to two to be consistent with Ordinance 11-22 which established the Advisory
Committee. Motion seconded by Tom Brooks. Motion Passed 3-0.
B. Election of Officers
Tom Brooks nominated Dan Wing to continue as Chairman. No additional nominations.
Dan Wing elected by a vote of 3-0.
Dan Wing nominated Tom Brooks for the position of Vice Chairman. No additional nominations.
Tom Brooks elected by a vote of 3-0.
At approximately 4:00 p.m. Michelle Arnold attended the meeting.
VIII. Public Comment
A general discussion was held concerning paving the north one mile of Rock Road. Dan Wing was
generally in favor of paving the road but opposed to making the road public. Most comments
from the public reflected a belief that the difference between public and private had no meaning
and believed that paving the road immediately using county funds was more important than
keeping the road private. Doug Allemong wanted to waive spending any money until the eventual
ownership of the road was determined.
Dan Wing made a motion to send a letter and ballot out to each property owner within the MSTU
so that there can be a better sense of what all the property owners want rather than just the ones
that show up for the meeting. He wanted the ballot to ask about paving the road now or waiting
and whether the road should remain private or became public. Everyone agreed that the facts
supporting each option should be included in the letter. The responses would have a time limit,
and each property would have one vote(those with multiple properties will have multiple votes).
Up to$1,500 was authorized to support the mailing. Motion seconded by Doug Allemong.
Motion passed 3-0.
IX Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Dan Wing at 4:52 PM.
The next meeting time&date will be determined by the advisory committee
Daniel ing,Chairman
The Minutes were approved by the Committee Chair on 7/Z ,20l 4,
"as submitted" [j OR"as amended" 1 1.
Public in Attendance
Rich Lewis Jana Boger Mark Bell
Earl Lightcap Barbara Lightcap Chuck Wilson
Betty Wilson Carol Allemong
Three additional members of the public did not sign in...