Backup Documents 04/13/1999 WBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
APRIL 13, 1999
DATE: April 9, 1999
Board of County Commissioners
Robert F. Fernandez, County Administrator
. SUBJECT: April 13 Sales Tax Workshop
you know, at the end of your April 13"' regular meeting you have scheduled a
.workshop on the local-option infrastructure sales tax issue. It is our intent to first
answer the questions you have posed to date on the subject, then to review in detail the
project lists that have been used to develop the numbers that you have seen so far.
You will then have the opportunity to discuss which of those projects would be
ppropriately funded by such a tax.
Toward that end. attached for your review are project detail lists, with brief project
descriptions, for the three types of projects you will be considering; roads, stormwater,
and government facilities. In the case of roads, the relevant projects include adopted
CIE projects and other service level enhancements you have asked us to estimate.
Attached here is detail related only to the latter, we have not attached the adopted
transportation CIE. You will also find additional detail for government facility projects in
the space plan you have previously approved.
Also attached is a spreadsheet totaling the previously identified project deficits including
~,;':?~'road CIE projects, and identifying potential 1 cent and ¼ cent sales tax revenues.
I look forward to your input and direction at Tuesday's workshop.
Non-CIE Additions
Proposed Project Timing Changes:
lmmo 'kalee Road from CR 951 to CR 858 - Propose to move this project
from construction year 2006 in to construction year 2003. Doing so
would be consistent with latest CIP update for concurrency and
prior Board direction resulting from safety and capacity concerns.
Logat~ Boulevard.from Ph~e Ridge Road to Green Boulevard - Could be
removed from proposed program. Deficiency status moved from
2003 to 2007 per latest CIP update for concurrency.
Oki U.S. 41from U.S. 41 to Lee COttlI~. Line - Propose to move project
from construction year 2005 in to construction year 2002. Doing so
would be consistent with latest C~ update for concurrency.
S,~t~ta Barbara Boulevard from Greet~ Boulevard to Gohtet~ G~te
- Propose to move this project from construction year 2006 in to
construction year 2004. Doing so would be consistent with latest
CIP update for concurrency.
Proposed Capacity and Safety Enhancements:
Adva~:ced Right-of-lY'ay Acquisition- Enhancing this capital item would
permit the acquisition of critical right-of-way parcels for roads not
programmed for improvement immediately, but for which the need
is shown on the long-range plan.
Dttersectiot~ [mprovemet~ts - This program is for the construction of
overpasses at critical intersections. There are 21 intersections
identified by the NLPO Staffas potential candidates for overpasses.
We have provided for funding four such structures after the Board
and the MPO go through the priority-setting process.
Gordot~ River Bridge - This facility is on both the Financially Feasible Plan
and the Needs Plan. Staffestimates the cost could be from $14
million for a 2-lane facility to $35 million for a 6-lane facility. There
are no funds presently programmed for any preliminary engineering.
right-of-way or environmental studies.
(;atvacity lmprovemet~ts - This program continues the improvement of
selected intersections by the addition of turn lanes, lengthening of
exiting turn lanes and other, similar improvements to existing
intersections as they become subject to increased traffic demands.
Level of Sen'ice Enhancements:
7?a.~c Signals - The cost of providing new traffic signals and improving
the operation of existing signals has increased due to
interconnection costs and increased equipment costs as the
equipment becomes more sophisticated.
Countwvide Bike Partes - The Board has endorsed the inclusion o£
pathways along the arterial roadway system and has directed staff
to add pathways in deficient areas within neighborhoods. This
program will provide for acceleration of this program by permitting
more pathways per year to be constructed
Bridge Rehabilitation - A number of county-maintained bridges are
approaching the end of their functional life span. This program
would provide for replacing these structures as the need arises.
~. .
Project No.'3100fi Gordon River Extension Basin: This 7 sq. mi project area'is
located east of the City of Naples and west of Airport Road and consists ora main
channel with a parallel branch along the west side of Goodlette-Frank Road To address
flooding, water quality discharges into Naples Bay, and groundwater recharge for the
City's adjacent Coastal Ridge wellfield, the project's capital improvement facilities include
channel and culvert crossing improvements, water treatment~'detentien ponds, and water
level control structures.
Proiect No. 31009 llan'ev Basin: This 4 sq. mi. project area is located in the s,)uthwest
comer of Immokalee Road (CR-846) and CR-951 and consists of the establishment and
coordination of drainage outfall improvements through and along side the basin's
development activities. The majority of the improvements are incorporated into tim
Islandwalk Development with most of the project costs being in the Form of
reimbursements to the Developer for improvements they will construct for offsite benefil
Proiect No. 31010fA) ltaldeman Creek Basin: This highly urbanized basin located in
East Naples has a number of problem flooding areas attributable to tile tack of' any
properly designed and constructed storm,,vater management outthll system. To address
flooding problems, a basin stormwater master plan will be undertaken in the near future
with the anticipation that the project's capital improvement facilities will include .channel
reconstruction and culvert crossing/bridge upgrades.
Project No. 31010tB'~ Rock Creek Basin: This small basin located east of Naples Airport
also has a number oFproblem flooding areas attributable to the lack oFany properly
designed and constructed stormwater management outfall system. To address flooding
problems, a basin stormwater master plan will be undertaken in tile near future with
anticipation that the project's capital improvement Facilities will include channel
reconstruction and culvert crossing,'bridge upgrades.
Project No. 31012 Belie Meade Agricultural Area Proiect' This approximately 80 scl
mi. project area located east of CR-951 is largely undeveloped with agricultural and
residential developments concentrated in the southern portion of the basin near US--: 1
To address current and future water quality and flooding conce.,-ns, a master plan is
proposed for development in the near future followed bv re-establishment of tlowwavs to
direct discharge into sensitive wetlands that border the Rooke:'v Bay estua:v
Project No. 31 I01 LeD Area Slormwater Improvement Project: This 20 SCl. mi.
project area located in East Naples has a long history of flooding and water quality
problems attributable to varying development actMties since the early 1960's. To address
these problems, the project consists oFchanne! and calvert ~mprovements. new stormv,'atcr
management facility construction actMties, and creation of wetland flowways and lakes to
allow for water quality discharge improvements at the estuarine interface which flows
eventually into Naples Bay or RookeD' Bay.
Project No. 31107 Avalon School Ditch: This project is located adjacent to'the East
Naples Community Park and consists of the design and construction o~' a o~c-milc ct~an~cl
improvement to minimize flooding to the adjacent older low lying residential areas.
Proiect No. 31212 Wiv, gins Pass Outfall: This 3.5 sq. mi. project area located in
northwest Collier C~unty has experienced severe flooding problems caused by a grossly
inadequate stormwater outfall system that discharges into the Cocohatchec River. Tt~c
project proposes to improve a flowway as well as construct discharge facilities south of
Wiggins Pass Road.
Proiect No. 31401 US-41' Ot, tfitll Swales: This project is currently being planned as an
interim relief to a portion of the Belle Meade area north of US-41. It consists of the
construction of major swale improvements to direct stormwater discharge into and
through the Fiddler's Creek Development stormwater management svstern.
Proiect No. 31801 Lake Kelly Outfall Ditch: This project is a branch of Haldeman
Creek located north of the Avalon School, and is proposed to provide flooding relief to
many of the older developments in the adjacent area. The project cc~nsist:; ora o~e-r~ile
channel reconstruction, portions of v,'hich will be incorporated into the wet;tern
of Sutzden Park.
Protect No. 31gl)3 Gateway Triangle blaster Plan: This highl? de','c!oped commercial
and residential area has experienced frequent flooding due to the lt)w e!e,.'atior~s and lack
ora defined stormv,'ater management system and water quality' problems that directly
impact Naples Bay The project consists of three phases of improvements to address
immediate and long term redevelopment needs.
Protect No. 31804 North Livinlls~on Road Area Basin: This 9 sq mi. area of mostly
unde'¥'e!oped land is located north oflmmokalee Road and is facing rapid developmcr~t
following the construction of Livingston Road into Lee County. tx. basin stormwater
master plan is currently under development with a goal of establishing adequate t'Iowwavs
to direct stormv,'ater discharge into the Cocohatchee River.
Proiect No. 31805 hnmokalee Urban Are:l: A future stormwater master plan is
proposed to address flooding problems in the urbanized area and water quality discharge.,;
into Lake Traflbrd and the Ban'on River North Basin.
Miscellaneous Minor Proiecls; Funds are proposed on an annual basis to address the
continual occurrence of nuisance stormwater management problems identified within the
smaller neighborhoods. These are isolated situations which are not typically incorpc~rated
within the larger basin area improvements.
Major Calfital £quipment' Funds are proposed to be systematically set aside each year
to replace existing, older, stormwater management maintenance equipment and to
provide for the purchase of additional specialized equipment as the aquatic plant control
activities increase over the years.
Australian Pine Removal Proiect: As the 1992 Hurricane Andrew revealed, these tall,
shallow rooted exotic trees are likely to be blown over by high winds. Those trees located
within the County's drainage easements are likely to fall into the dra3na.~e canal/ditches
and block stormw~ter flow or fall onto adiacent private property possibly causing damage
to structures or other improvements. These problem trees are located throughout the
County but major concentrations are in Golden Gate and East Naples.
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Net Cost of Sales Tax ImplementatiOn
A. FY 99 General Fund Subsidies and Millage Equivalent
Fiscal Year 1999 General Fund Subsidie.~' .Amount
Road and Bddge $4.979,400
Capital Projects $7,933,500
Total $12,912,900
Cost per SI00.000 Taxable Value
Average Residential Taxable Value"
Average Cost per Residential Unit
*Source - Collier Counb/Property Appraiser
B. Annual Cost of 5 Cent Local Option Gas Tax
Miles Driven Annua ly'
Fuel Economy (miles per gallon)
Gallons Used Annually
5 Cent Local O~tion Gas Tax
Annual Cost of 5 Cent LOGT
Source: AAA Auto Club
C. Annual Cost of 1 Cent Local Infrastructure Sales Tax
(Sales Tax as a Percentage of Household Income)
Household Income
Under $10.000 425%
$10.000 - $24,999 3.53%
$25,000 - $49.999 344%
550,000 - 599,999 3.39%
S100.000 - Above 3.15%
· Source: Economic and Demographic Research (EDR) Study
Average Wage'* $25,457
Cost Impact of 1% Sales Tax Increase $145.95
'*Source: Florida Department of Labor and Employment Secudly, 1997
D. Net Cost of Sales Tax Implementation
Cost Impact of 1% Sales Tax Increase
Impact of Millage Reduction
Annual Cost of 5 Cent LOGT
Net Cost
¢581.; 9)